Coroners Inquisitions

Washington Co, Maryland

Book 6 - 1875-1879

Coroners Inquisitions are investigations into the deaths of individuals who died by a sudden, violent, unnatural, or suspicious manner, or who died without medical attendance. The coroner would summon a jury of twelve white men, usually prominent citizens of that locality, to assist him in determining cause of death.

Additional information may be found in Judgment records [Book 21].

  • UNKNOWN, man, colored - Indian Spring District, at the pool near Cherry Run - 6 Jul 1875 - by H. F. PERRY, J.P., acting coroner - Death by accidental drowning, having fallen overboard from a canal boat on the 3rd of July 1875. Dr. F. C. DOYLE [Book 6, 1-3] (Filed 13 Jul 1875, Judgment Liber 21, 590)
  • UNKNOWN, man, colored - at the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal - 19 May 1879 - by Robert W. GROVE, J.P., acting coroner - Death from accidental drowning on the canal waterway above the warehouse of REEDY & SNYDER on 16 May 1879. Deceased was a hand upon the canal boat named 'Dr Wiley', Captain was John ROSE. Dr. Charles F. RUSSELL [Book 6, 69-70] (Filed 20 May 1879, Judgment Liber 22, 116-117)
  • UNKNOWN, man - at Dam #4 on the Canal - 22 Oct 1878 - by R. W. GROVE, J.P., acting coroner - Death ruled accidental; from falling into and across a pile of old lumber, thereby breaking his neck. Dr. R. C. GROVE [Book 6, 51-52] (Filed 21 Nov 1878, Judgment Liber 21, 622-623)
  • UNKNOWN, Charlie, a colored man - at Two Locks near Clearspring - 17 Apr 1877 - by H. F. PERRY, J.P., acting coroner - Death from accidentally falling from a canal boat named 'A. Lincoln' into the canal and thereby drowning. Dr. F. C. DOYLE [Book 6, 25-27] (Filed 18 Apr 1877, Judgment Liber 21, 609)
  • ADAMS, Rev John Alexander - at Sharpsburg - 26 Aug 1875 - by Jacob H. GROVE, J.P., acting coroner - Death from heart disease; found on the public road. Dr. A. A. BIGGS [Book 6, 7-8] (Filed 31 Aug 1875, Judgment Liber 21, 591)
  • BAGENT, James - at Keedysville - 5 Nov 1879 - by Josiah BUCK, J.P., acting coroner - Death from stabbing with a knife in the right subclavical artery by Nickolas JONES, causing a mortal wound and instant death. Claimed to be in self-defense. Dr. George HOFFMAN Witnesses: Israel CHURCHY, Otho CHURCHY, Thomas BAGENT, Lewis KENDLE. [Book 6, 77-79] (Filed 11 Nov 1879, Judgment Liber 22, 133-134)
  • BARNES, Joseph, colored - at Dam #6, 10 miles west of Hancock - 23 Jul 1876 - by William H. LOWE, J.P., acting coroner - Death from a violent blow on posterior portion of head, producing unconsciousness (if not death) and having fallen or been thrown into the canal and drowned, if not already dead. Found floating in the water in the canal on the 22nd of July 1876. Dr. William H. PERKINS Witness: on evidence of George JOHNSON of Williamsport [Book 6, 11-12] (Filed 25 Jul 1876, Judgment Liber 21, 595)
  • BENNER, Thomas H. - at Sharpsburg - 27 Jul 1879 - by Robert W. GROVE, J.P., acting coroner - Death from gunshot wound at the hands of Ida BENNER, his wife; at 8 am on the morning of the 27th of July at Antietam National Cemetery. Dr. A. A. BIGGS and Dr. C. F. RUSSELL Witnesses: Henry GARLUCH, John GEERLING [Book 6, 73-74] (Filed 18 Sep 1879, Judgment Liber 22, 132)
  • BEST, John M. - near HANES Ferry, on the C & O Canal - 14 Oct 1878 - by T. Belt JOHNSON, J.P., acting coroner - Death from accidental drowning on the 12th of Oct 1878. Dr. F. C. DOYLE Witnesses: Thomas DOYLE, Edward DONELY, Elex MOSER, William NEMYER, Joseph MORRISON. [Book 6, 64-66] (Filed 28 Oct 1878, Judgment Liber 21, 622)
  • BROWN, Emanuel - at Hagerstown - 5 Nov 1879 - by R. E. COOK, J.P., acting coroner - Death from a weakened condition by disease and exposure. Dr. J. M. SCOTT Witnesses: Jacob CHRISSINGER, Clarence CHRISSINGER, Sophia CHRISSINGER. [Book 6, 82-83] (Filed 12 Dec 1879, Judgment Liber 22, 162)
  • BUCK, John George - at Hagerstown - 9 May 1878 - by Jacob H. GROVE, J.P., acting coroner - Death from accidental fall from the porch in the rear of the house of Caroline DOUNHOFFER and dislocating his neck. Dr. M. W. ALLISON Witnesses: Caroline DOUNHOFFER, Amos WEIDLER [Book 6, 47-48] (Filed 9 May 1878, Judgment Liber 21, 618)
  • DONAHUE, Samuel - at Hagerstown - 31 Jul 1878 - by Thomas TAGGART, J.P., acting coroner - Death from accidental discharge of a shotgun by the hands of William COKENOUR. Dr. Charles B. BOYLE Witnesses: Albertus LUTZ, John RAUTH, John ALEXANDER, A. H. MUMMA, Aaron GARLINGER, William McCALL, Dr. COZENS. [Book 6, 55-57] (Filed 1 Aug 1878, Judgment Liber 21, 620)
  • DONNIGAN, John - at Bridgeport - 11 Jul 1878 - by R. W. GROVE, J.P., acting coroner - Death from accidental drowning in the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal. Dr. A. A. BIGGS [Book 6, 49-50] (Filed 23 Jul 1878, Judgment Liber 21, 619)
  • FRIDAY, Rev. John M. - on the tow path of the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal, about 100 yards above Lock #33. - 1 Jun 1877 - by Thomas WATKINS, J.P., acting coroner - Death from accidental drowning on 31 May 1877. Dr. W. H. GANNON [Book 6, 32-35] (Filed 19 Jun 1877, Judgment Liber 21, 611)
  • GRAY, John - at Samuel PIPER's on the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal - 22 Jul 1877 - by Morgan MILLER, J.P., acting coroner - Death from accidental drowning in the canal. Dr. Charles F. RUSSELL Witness: Benjamin PIPER [Book 6, 36-37] (Filed 10 Oct 1877, Judgment Liber 21, 612)
  • GROVE, John A. - residence of Abraham GROVE - 18 Apr 1877 - by W. H. LOWE, J.P., acting coroner - Death from suicide by pistol shot in left temple. Dr. W. H. PERKINS [Book 6, 30-31] (Filed 19 Apr 1877, Judgment Liber 21, 610)
  • HAWTHORN, William - in Hagerstown - 29 Oct 1876 - by E. COOK, J.P., acting coroner - Death from a blow on the left side of his head, immediately back of the ear with a blunt object, by hands of Thomas STEVENS. Drs. WISE, MASON & McKEE Witnesses: W. S. WILHIDE, George M. CARTY & wife, Wolf COHU/COHN, Charles BECK, Martin SPECK, George FOX, Richard WARNER. [Book 6, 21-24] (Filed 2 Mar 1877, Judgment Liber 21, 608-609)
  • INGRUM, John - alias John NULL - at Harystown (Hagerstown?) - 15 May 1876 - by Joseph A. SKINNER, J.P., acting coroner - Death from a stroke of lightning. Dr. J. B. McKEE Witness: David SPIELMAN [Book 6, 13-16] (Filed 25 Jul 1876, Judgment Liber 21, 608)
  • LAW, infant child of Rebecca LAW - in Ringgold at house of Benjamin NEWCOMER - 17 Oct 1876 - by Horatio A. HARNE, J.P., acting coroner - Death was unknown and unknown if stillborn; signed 15 Oct 1876. [Book 6, 17-20] (Filed 22 Nov 1876, Judgment Liber 21, 608)
  • LEESE, Charles - at Hagerstown - 11 Nov 1879 - by C. G. BREZLOR, J.P., acting coroner - Death from a blow on the head by a stone thrown by John WEISE. Dr. C. BOYLE [Book 6, 80-81] (Filed 12 Nov 1879, Judgment Liber 22, 134)
  • LEGGETT, Shelby - in Hagerstown - 18 Jun 1879 - by C. G. BOYLES, J.P., acting coroner - Death from suicide by hanging himself. Dr. J. B. McKEE Witnesses: Henry GARLUCH, John GEERLING [Book 6, 71-72] (Filed 18 Jun 1879, Judgment Liber 22, 131-132)
  • LEWIS, Alex - at Weverton - 2 Nov 1877 - by Thomas WATKINS, J.P., acting coroner - Death deemed accidental; B & O Railroad car ran over him; he was found lying dead on the track. [Book 6, 38-39] (Filed 20 Nov 1877, Judgment Liber 21, 612)
  • LITTLE, Charles A. - near Dam #4 on the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal - 1 Dec 1877 - by Jacob H. GROVE, J.P., acting coroner - Death from accidental drowning in the canal while attempting to save his stock from the flood on 24 Nov 1877. Witnesses: Charles BIGGS [Book 6, 45-46] (Filed 23 Feb 1878, Judgment Liber 21, 613-614)
  • LONG, Benjamin - at Hagerstown - 10 Oct 1878 - by C. G. BOYLES, J.P., acting coroner - Death from suicide by hanging himself in the county jail. Dr. J. B. McKEE Witnesses: Barnes WOLF, James GARDNER, Sheriff B. F. REICHER. [Book 6, 67-68] (Filed 10 Dec 1878, Judgment Liber 21, 623)
  • NORRIS, Charles - at Rohrersville - 3 Jun 1879 - by Josiah BUCK, J.P., acting coroner - Death from discharge of gun in the hands of Lewis MILLER. Dr. A. A. BIGGS and Dr. C. F. RUSSELL Witnesses: Henry GARLUCH, John GEERLING [Book 6, 75-76] (Filed 1 Nov 1879, Judgment Liber 22, 133)
  • PAYNE, William - near Chaney's Lock on the C & O Canal - 8 Sep 1877 - by William H. HAWKINS, J.P., acting coroner - Death from accidental drowning. Dr. S. K. SNIVELY Witnesses: James CHANEY, John CHANEY, Thomas CHANEY, George ADAMS. [Book 6, 40-44] (Filed 26 Jan 1878, Judgment Liber 21, 613)
  • SHANKS, Anna - at William SHANKS, HANES Ferry, near the canal - 9 Nov 1878 - by T. Belt JOHNSON, J.P., acting coroner Further testimony was needed and adjourned to coroner's office in Clearspring on 11 Nov 1878. - Death from unknown causes; sometime between 6-8th of Nov 1878. Dr. F. C. DOYLE Witnesses: Isaac DURBOROW, Isabella ?FANGWELL, Amanda ?FANGWELL, Susan GROOMS, William SHANKS, James WENDELING, Joe DAVIS, William HASSELT, John MILES, James MILES, Sol MILLER, Henry SHANK, Ida MERRYENS, John HASSELT. [Book 6, 60-63] (Filed 18 Nov 1878, Judgment Liber 21, 621)
  • STEWART, Jackson - at Burgans Shant on the feeder level - 18 Nov 1878 - by R. W. GROVE, J.P., acting coroner - Death from accidental drowning after falling out of a boat named 'Charles H. Knott' and into the canal. Dr. R. C. RUSSELL [Book 6, 53-54] (Filed 21 Nov 1878, Judgment Liber 21, 623-624)
  • THOMAS, L. W. H., colored, of New Orleans, Louisiana - at Lock #43 on C & O Canal - 5 Jul 1878 - by John LONG, J.P., acting coroner - Death from drowning, believed to be accidental. Dr. S. K SNIVELY [Book 6, 58-59] (Filed 2 Aug 1878, Judgment Liber 21, 620)
  • WILEY, Joseph - at Two Locks near Clearspring at the pool near Cherry Run - 22 Jul 1875 - by H. F. PERY, J.P., acting coroner - Death by accidental drowning. Dr. F. C. DOYLE Witness: Edward EDELEN [Book 6, 4-6] (Filed 30 Jul 1875, Judgment Liber 21, 590-591)
  • WILLIAMS, John, colored - at the canal near MILLER's saw mill - 2 Dec 1875 - by Morgan MILLER, J.P., acting coroner - Death from accidental drowning by falling off the canal boat in an appoplectic fit. Dr. Charles F. RUSSELL [Book 6, 9-10] (Filed 23 May 1876, Judgment Liber 21, 594-595)
  • ZELLER, Joseph R. - at Hagerstown - 24 May 1877 - by F. A. WRIGHT, J.P., acting coroner - Death from suicide by hanging; found hanging by the neck. Dr. A. S. MASON Witnesses: Wesley MOSES, Louisa MARTIN [Book 6, 28-29] (Filed 28 May 1877, Judgment Liber 21, 610-611)

The End of Book 6 of Washington Co, Maryland Inquisitions - 1875-1879

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