
Will Abstracts

Book HS-3 - 1823-1828

Frederick Co, Maryland

This is only a partial listing of abstracts from Will Book HS-3 of Frederick Co, Maryland, being those contributed thus far.

These are listed in chronological order.

HS-3, 180 - George SMITH of George - 1823
w/ Margaret s/ Daniel SMITH d/ Susannah w/o Jacob ROWE s/ Lewis SMITH s/ Joseph SMITH d/ Elizabeth w/o Henry WORTZ s/ George SMITH, dec'd Exec/ Jacob ROWE, Henry WORTZ Witnesses: Patrick OWINGS, Robert FLEMING, Daniel ROWE, Jacob NIKUM [Will HS-3, 180; written 5 Dec 1820; filed 25 Aug 1823]
HS-3, 201 - John SMITH - 1823
w/ Sarah d/ Elizabeth NICKAM d/ Mary SMITH d/ Sarah SMITH s/ James SMITH s/ John SMITH s/ Samuel SMITH Execs/ James & John SMITH Witnesses: William EMMIT, Robert L. ANNAN, Michael HARPST [Will HS-3, 201; written 3 Mar 1817; filed 29 Sept 1823]
HS-3, 236 - George SMITH - 1823
w/ Catherine s/ Henry SMITH s/ John SMITH d/ Eve w/o Robert EVANS d/ Elizabeth DORSEY d/ Mary w/o Jonathon DAVIS d/ Margaret w/o John COOKERLY grandson - William S. WAY Exec/ Henry & John SMITH Witnesses: Jacob HOUCK, John SIAMS Jr., John PANCOAST [Will HS-3, 236; written 5 Jun 1819; filed 16 Dec 1823]
HS-3, 256 - Catherine SMITH - 1824
bro/ Baltzer SMITH niece/ Catherine w/o George RAMSBURGER Exec/ George RAMSBERGER Witnesses: Christopher WHITEKIND, Jacob THOMAS, Peter THOMAS, Leonard REMSBERG [Will HS-3, 256; written 15 Oct 1823; filed 11 Mar 1824]
HS-3, 290 - Christian SMITH - 1824
Wife and heirs (not named) Exec/ Joseph PENN Witnesses: Daniel SWEADNER, Frederick BYERS, Henry CURTIS [Will HS-3, 290; written 11 Jun 1824; filed 16 Aug 1824]
HS-3, 292 - Adam SMITH - 1824
w/ Rachel s/ John SMITH s/ Philip SMITH d/ Mary CREAGER d/ Catherine CREAGER d/ Eve SMITH d/ Magdalene SMITH d/ Elizabeth SMITH d/ Sarah SMITH Execs/ son John SMITH & son-in-law Solomon CREAGER Witnesses: Wm. GRIMES Jr., Noah PHILIPS, Charles CLANTZ [Will HS-3, 292; written 26 Mar 1823; filed 13 Dec 1824]
HS-3, 333 - Susannah SMITH - 1824
bro/ Clement SMITH .......Margaret YOUNG bro/ Joseph Sim SMITH .......Clement SMITH .......John A. SMITH .......Benjamin P. SMITH .......Rebecca P. SMITH .......Matilda S. SMITH .......Mary SMITH bro/ Richard SMITH .......Barbara SATZER niece - Elizabeth HAUBERT ..........with d/ Susannah Rachael Smith HAUBERT Exec/ Joseph Sim SMITH Witnesses: Andrew WALKER, Samuel THOMPSON, William WALKER [Will HS-3, 333; written 7 Aug 1818; filed 30 Dec 1824]
HS-3, 420 - Eliza SMITH - 1825
d/ Mary SMITH d/ Matilda SMITH s/ Clement SMITH s/ Benjamin P. SMITH s/ John A. SMITH s/ Samuel P. SMITH & w/ Margaret Exes/ Dr. Samuel P. SMITH of Cumberland, John DARBY of Taney Town Witnesses: John DARBY, John SWOPE, James MALONEY [Will HS-3, 420; no written date; filed 13 Sep 1825]
HS-3, 423 - Christian SMITH - 1825
s/ Solomon SMITH, his children (not named) s/ Jacob SMITH with reputed d/ Cinthia WEAVER s/ William SMITH, dec'd, his children s/ Philip SMITH s/ Samuel SMITH d/ Susanna REPP d/ Mary REPP Execs/ Samuel SMITH and Henry REPP Jr. Witnesses: John COSKERY, William ZOLLICKOFFER, John RHEAM [Will HS-3, 423; written 8 Sept 1825; filed 26 Sept 1825]
HS-3, 439-441 - Charity RUNNER - 1825
s/ John RUNNER s/ Daniel RUNNER d/ Catharine ROHR s/ Henry RUNNER d/ Sharlotte WOLF d/ Elizabeth SHOW d/ Ann Mary KENNEDY (protect her share from husband) SLAVES - negro woman ANN (to sons John & Daniel) and her two children, STEPHEN (age 4) and TOM (age 2) (to free ANN seven years from date of Will; others to free at age 33) - ABRAM (age 16) and JO (age 14) (to free at age 33) (to sons John & Daniel) - negro girl SUSAN (age 3) (to free at age 33) (to d/ Catharine) - old negro woman SUCK (to be kept by children/ John, Daniel & Catharine) Exec/ sons John and Daniel RUNNER Witnesses: Henry KEMP, John BOST, John BREADY [Will HS-3, 439-441; written 23 Mar 1821; filed 13 Dec 1825] Codicil - to change SUSAN's time to serve until age 25; males to age 31 and females to age 25. Also to protect daughters Charlotte and Elizabeth's shares from their husbands. - 30 Oct 1825 Witnesses: Henry KEMP, John BOST, Lewis KEMP
HS-3, 468 - Elizabeth SMITH - 1826
d/ Elizabeth SMITH s/ Leonard SMITH d/ Mary BROOKE .....John BROOKE .....Roger BROOKE d/ Helena JENKINS .....Teresa JENKINS .....Ignatius JENKINS .....Charles JENKINS nephew - Joseph L. SMITH Exec/ Joseph L. SMITH Witnesses: Joseph
SMITH, Milton LAMB [Will HS-3, 468; written 21 Oct 1825; filed 5 Apr 1826]
HS-3, 594 - Joseph SMITH - 1828
niece - Henrietta s/ Joseph L. SMITH d/ Henrietta E. w/o George W. YOUNG d/ Mary Susanna SMITH Exec/ Joseph L. SMITH, Henrietta YOUNG Witnesses: John McPHERSON, John. BRIEN, Dan HUGHES [Will HS-3, 594; written 12 Sept 1827; filed 5 Apr 1828]

The End of this Partial Listing of Will Book HS-3

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Last revised on January 1, 2025