Chancery Court Index

Frederick County, Maryland


What you should know about these records.

Names Additional Names/Land Tracts Date Source Type
ADAMS vs THOMAS, DYER George ADAMS vs Wm. THOMAS, Margaret DYER 2 May 1789 MSA S512- 96; 1/35/5/20-86 Injunction
ADAMS, George Insolvency - (SLAVES listed) 28 Dec 1792 MSA S512- 57; 1/35/5/16-61 Insolvency
ADAMS, STEINER, MANTZ, STONER and HAUER by Daniel HAUER (lot in Frederick) 24 Jun 1800 MSA S512- 2373; 1/36/3/13-2283 Foreclosure
ANDERSON, Alexander - HOWARD, BOYER, BEATTY, CUMMING (lot in Liberty Town) 15 Dec 1798 MSA S512- 2531; 1/36/3/36-2443 Estate
ANNAN vs KEPHARTs (Carrollsburgh) 20 Dec 1808 MSA S512- 125; 1/35/5/23-114 Contract/Purchase
APPLER vs WINTER Jacob APPLER vs George WINTER (Abrahams and Jacobs Lot) 10 Sep 1803 MSA S512- 3; 1/35/5/9-3; 3 folders Injunction
ARTHUR, Peter - SHERFY, JONES 21 Jun 1847 MSA S512- 6170; 1/37/3/39-6086 Trust
ASHBURNER, John - STEVENSON, LANGTON 9 Feb 1791 MSA S512- 4818; 1/37/1/68-4649; 2 folders Estate
BAER, George Sr. - THOMAS, SCHNERTZELL (Dixon's Struggle) 25 Feb 1808 MSA S512- 362; 1/35/5/45-316 Estate
BAKER, Christian - MILLER (lots in Frederick) 12 Feb 1796 MSA S512- 3616; 1/36/4/62-3507; 3 folders Estate
BAKER, Frederick - WATERS, SHOVER, BAKER, GESEY, EPPERT (lot in Frederick Town) 3 Jun 1815 MSA S512- 5571; 1/37/2/61-5450; 3 folders Estate
BAKERs, SPURIER, RIDGELY, ISRAELs, GASSAWAY vs Edward Hill DORSEY (Caleb's Delight Enlarged) 25 Jan 1799 MSA S512- 2829; 1/36/3/71-2759C Contract/Purchase
BALDWIN, Elijah - WILSON, PADON, GORDON, SMITH, MILLER 30 Dec 1813 MSA S512- 456; 1/35/5/55-403; 2 folders Estate
BALDWIN, THOMPSON Moses THOMPSON and Elizabeth BALDWIN (SLAVES) 3 Jan 1812 Deeds P-420 Montgomery County Marriage Contract
BALLENGER, McDOUGLAS vs DUVALLs - Title (None Such) 10 Oct 1808 MSA S512- 526; 1/35/5/61-474 Title
BALSER vs MICHAEL, SLIFER John BALSER vs Wm., Catharine MICHAEL; Henry, Saml. SLIFER (Frederick) 4 Jun 1798 MSA S512- 653; 1/35/5/76-623 Contract/Purchase
BALTZER, John Sr. by Alexander KINNEY (lot in Frederick, Tasker's Chance) 4 Aug 1797 MSA S512- 3006; 1/36/3/89-2922 Defraud/Creditors
BANKER, Jacob - BAKER, NAILE, KISSLER, LOOK, FLICK, BEAN 15 May 1791 MSA S512- 328; 1/35/5/42-284 Estate
BARNDOLER vs FISHER Michael BARNDOLER vs George FISHER (Resurvey on Brother's Agreement) 25 Jun 1807 MSA S512- 762; 1/36/1/9-741 Title
BAYARD, Mary Jane Trust 18 Nov 1801 MSA S512- 284; 1/35/5/39-245 Trust
BAYLEY vs BOWIE, BROOKES Injunction 25 Feb 1794 MSA S512- 396; 1/35/5/48-346D Injunction
BAYLEY vs HAWKINS Mountjoy BAYLEY vs John HAWKINS (Venus, Badger Hole) 16 Nov 1791 MSA S512- 569; 1/35/5/68-522 Contract/Purchase
BEALL, Theodore Insolvency 12 May 1800 MSA S512- 233; 1/35/5/34-201H Insolvency
BEAN, James - THOMAS, BUTLER, TAYLOR 1 Aug 1803 MSA S512- 5297; 1/37/2/25-5163; 4 folders Estate
BEATTY vs BEATTY (Wm. BEATTY vs James BEATTY) (Dulaney's Lot, Monocacy Bottom Lands) 23 Dec 1793 MSA S512- 511; 1/35/5/60-459 Title
BEATTY vs BOSSESS, BRASHEARS Thomas BEATTY vs Samuel BOSSESS, Belt BRASHEARS 20 Jan 1804 MSA S512- 721; 1/36/1/3-697 Title
BEATTY, POOLE vs CRAWFORDs Thom. BEATTY, Thom. Saml. POOLE vs CRAWFORDs 14 Mar 1796 MSA S512- 608; 1/35/5/73-566 Injunction
BEATTYs vs DULANY - title (Nothing Venture Nothing Have) 13 Jan 1791 MSA S512- 458; 1/35/5/55-405 Title
BECKENBAUGH, George - ZIMMERMAN, KEEFAVER, HAAS (lots in Creagers Town) 29 Mar 1802 MSA S512- 5993; 1/37/3/13-5903; 2 folders Estate
BECKENBAUGHs and KOONTZ, Mary, Jacob by SWEARINGTON (Resurvey on Chevy Chace, lot in Middletown) 4 Aug 1803 MSA S512- 4768; 1/37/1/62-4598; 2 folders Foreclosure
BECKWITH, William Insolvency 11 May 1796 MSA S512- 281; 1/35/5/38-242 Insolvency
BEGEL vs FULWILER, LUTZ, SELLERS, STONEBREAKER, MILLER, COONTZ 17 Aug 1796 MSA S512- 568; 1/35/5/68-521 Title
BELT vs KOGENDERFER, SPRIGG Higgison BELT vs Michael KOGENDERFER, Thomas SPRIGG 5 Mar 1792 MSA S512- 587; 1/35/5/70-545 Injunction
BENNETT, HODGES vs COOLEY, RICKETTS' (land also in Montgomery county) 22 Jul 1841 MSA S512- 6218; 1/37/2(3?)/44-6136; 4 folders Petition to Divide
BIER, Philip Jr. Insolvency 20 Jan 1804 MSA S512- 211; 1/35/5/33-188 Insolvency
BIGGS, FURNEY, OTT, DUDDEROW, NEED, SINGER vs DIGGES, NEALE, CLAGGETT, O'NEALE (Rich Level) 5 Nov 1807 MSA S512- 705; 1/36/1/2-678; 2 folders Title
BIRELEY vs HARBAUGH Lodwick BIRELEY vs Jacob HARBAUGH 1803 MSA S512- 269; 1/35/5/37-231 Contract to Settle
BISHOP, John Elizabeth COUGH vs Rachel BISHOP, George HAIFLEIGH & w/ Catharine 27 Jun 1833 MSA S512- Box 150, 1/41/12/30 Estate
BLACK, Andrew & Joseph KUHN, BLACK, GROFF vs BLACK (Valentine's Good Will) 12 Mar 1804 MSA S512- 3030; 1/36/3/92-2946; 3 folders Petition to Sell
BLACKBURN vs WORLEY, HARVEY, WOSLEY, CESNA, WRIGHT, BOW (Resurvey on Boxes Search) 4 May 1799 MSA S512- 314; 1/35/5/41-270 Title
BLACKFORD, COOKERLY, HASE, PENN, HOLTZMAN, EICHELBERGER, STEPHENS (Mesner's Content) 1 Apr 1806 MSA S512- 696; 1/36/1/1-669 Petition to Sell
BOCKINS vs SHNERTZEL, HOBBS, CARBURY, STICKLE (lot in Frederick) 2 Jun 1812 MSA S512- 471; 1/35/5/56-418 Contract/Purchase
BOND vs CRAWFORD Thomas BOND vs Evan L. CRAWFORD 17 Jun 1817 MSA S512- 634; 1/35/5/75-602 Injunction
BOND vs ELDER Thomas BOND vs John ELDER 1822 MSA S512- 6514; 1/37/3/84-6454 Not Given
BONDs, PRICE, WILSON, CONN, HAINES, McLAUGHLIN, SHOLE, GOTT vs BONDs (also in Baltimore county) 7 Jan 1828 MSA S512- 6429; 1/37/3/74-6366; 3 folders Petition to Sell
BONER, George Insolvency 28 Mar 1800 MSA S512- 203; 1/35/5/33-181 Insolvency
BORDLEY vs WORTHINGTONs (Resurvey on Daniel's Small Tract) 11 Feb 1791 MSA S512- 5903; 1/37/3/2-5800; 6 folders Contract to Convey
BOYER vs RUTTER Abraham BOYER vs George RUTTER (Catie's Memorandum) 4 Sep 1807 MSA S512- 755; 1/36/1/7-733 Title
BOYER vs TANEY, SHRIVER, WAMPLER, STEVENSON 3 Jun 1805 MSA S512- 326; 1/35/5/42-282; 3 folders Title
BOYER, DUDDERAR vs MILLER Philip BOYER, Conrad DUDDERAR vs Sarah MILLER 20 Apr 1805 MSA S512- 713; 1/36/1/3-687 Injunction
BRANDT vs ADAMS Roseana BRANDT vs Valentine ADAMS (house and lot in Frederick) 29 Jan 1813 MSA S512- 594; 1/35/5/72-552 Contract/Purchase
BRENGLE vs CREAGER Lawrence BRENGLE vs George CREAGER Sr and Jr 10 Feb 1812 MSA S512- 760; 1/36/1/8-739 Injunction
BRENGLE vs SCHNERTZEL Defraud/Creditors 23 Mar 1807 MSA S512- 366; 1/35/5/45-320 Defraud/Creditors
BRENGLE vs WOODWARD, BASFORD, WATERS, SMITH, BURGERs - SLAVES (lot in New Market) 11 May 1816 MSA S512- 6712; 1/37/4/26-6660; 2 folders Petition to Sell
BRIEN, John - TIERNAN, SOMERVILLE (Catoctin Furnace; also in Washington county) 6 Nov 1835 MSA S512- 6703; 1/37/4/24-6650 Estate
BRISCOE vs BRISCOE, HOOK, HUGHES (Trammell's Conoy Islands, Broken Islands, Sweed's Folly) 14 Apr 1800 MSA S512- 382; 1/35/5/47-337 Injunction
BRISCOE vs HOOK Ralph BRISCOE vs James HOOK 29 Jul 1799 MSA S512- 747; 1/36/1/6-725 Injunction
BRISCOE, HIGDON by DELASHMUT, CUNNINGHAM (Trammell's Conay Island, etc) 10 Jul 1812 MSA S512- 1670; 1/36/1/71-1603; 2 folders Foreclosure
BRISCOE, Ralph Insolvency 28 Feb 1801 MSA S512- 247; 1/35/5/35-210 Insolvency
BROOKE vs CARMACKs, NORFIELD - Title (Venture) 2 Apr 1814 MSA S512- 432; 1/35/5/52-377 Title
BROOKE, CHANDLER, STABLER, THOMAS vs DORSEY (Pembrook, Resurvey on Mount Radnor) 17 May 1790 MSA S512- 1520; 1/36/1/58-1454 Petition to Sell
BROTZMAN vs GROSNICKLE, FRY, HOLTZAPPLE, LINSBAUGH, MOSER, RODWICK 12 May 1804 MSA S512- 550; 1/35/5/65-498 Contract/Purchase
BROWN, SHIRTZ, MILLER vs BEARs - Petition to Sell (Frankendall, Oppa) 5 Sep 1812 MSA S512- 167; 1/35/5/29-146 Petition to Sell
BROWNs, GILPIN vs GRAFT, LACEY (Hill and Dale Farm, Rockland Farm, Adams Bones Res., Righ and Good Reason) 2 Nov 1850 MSA S512- 6318; 1/37/3/57-6246 Petition to Sell
BRUCE vs KEY Norman BRUCE vs John Ross KEY (Terra Rubra, Epping Forrest) 19 Dec 1795 MSA S512- 446; 1/35/5/54-391 Contract to Exchange
BRUCE, LUCKETT vs ORDENDORFF, ADAMS and HENOP ( Rattle Snake Springs) 27 Feb 1784 MSA S512- 686; 1/35/5/80-659 Title
BRUCE, Normand by Daniel DULANY (Good Intent, and many more) 6 Sep 1790 MSA S512- 1443; 1/36/1/51-1373 Foreclosure
BRUCE, WESTs vs Atty General - Title (Merryland) 13 Feb 1809 MSA S512- 641; 1/35/5/76-609 Title
BUCHANAN vs LEITCH Geo. & And. BUCHANAN vs Andrew LEITCH Estate (& PG Co land) 17 Jul 1787 MSA S512- 675; 1/35/5/79-646 Foreclosure
BUCHANAN vs MASTER - Contract to Purchase (Content) 23 Jun 1775 MSA S512- 252; 1/35/5/35-215B Contract/Purchase
BURGEE vs BURGESS, CONTEE Injunction 29 Aug 1797 MSA S512- 460; 1/35/5/55-407 Injunction
BURGESS, HOOK vs BUTLER Edward BURGESS, Daniel HOOK vs Richard BUTLER 10 May 1802 MSA S512- 711; 1/36/1/3-685 Injunction
BURGESS', SHECKLES, HOOK, GRIFFITH vs DAVIS', MILTON (Gaither's Chance; also Montgomery county land) 15 Feb 1797 MSA S512- 5924; 1/37/3/4-5827; 2 folders Petition to Divide
BURKHART vs RUSSELL, ROBERTS (lots in New Market) 12 Mar 1811 MSA S512- 467; 1/35/5/56-414 Contract/Purchase
BURKHARTs, MANTZ, SLONAKER, PELTZ, DILL by BURKHART, BAER (Peace and Plenty and others) 13 Sep 1809 MSA S512- 507; 1/35/5/60-455 Foreclosure
BUTMAN, SMITH, CROMER vs BUTMANs - Petition to Sell 20 Feb 1815 MSA S512- 316; 1/35/5/41-272 Petition to Sell
BUZZARD, Daniel - BEVARD, FLUART (multiple counties) 10 Jun 1815 MSA S512- 405; 1/35/5/50-351 Estate
CAMPBELL vs BARRACK William CAMPBELL vs Christian BARRACK (on Monocacy Manor) 13 Jul 1797 MSA S512- 862; 1/36/1/19-829 Injunction
CAMPBELL vs STONEs (lots in Frederick Town) 26 Feb 1806 MSA S512- 1230; 1/36/1/32-1163 Contract/Purchase
CAMPBELL, William - CRAMER 13 Jan 1800 MSA S512- 1022; 1/36/1/17-979 Insolvency
CARBERRY, SCHNERTZELL vs TANNEHILL, DAVIS (Buckingham House, Jones Bottom, etc) 5 Jul 1794 MSA S512- 888; 1/36/1/3-854; 6 folders Contract/Purchase
CAREY, John - THOMPSON, McDONALD 28 Nov 1791 MSA S512- 5359; 1/37/2/34-5230; 5 folders Estate
CAREY, John D. - Insolvency (Palantine, Zaro, Pannsure) 9 Oct 1792 MSA S512- 1066; 1/36/1/22-1022; 2 folders Insolvency
CARROLL vs STEVENSON, CHAMBERLAINE, RISTON, ROBERTS ( Cornwell, Ridgeway's Farm, Stevenson's Garden) 2 Aug 1802 MSA S512- 1354; 1/36/1/43-1298; 2 folders Contract/Purchase
CARTER, John - BROWNING, LILLY 22 Aug 1810 MSA S512- 524; 1/35/5/61-472 Estate
CARTER, John - BROWNING, LILLY 29 Jan 1813 MSA S512- 756; 1/36/1/7-734; 2 folders Estate
CARTERs, LILLY vs BROWNINGs (Resurvey on Papaw Bottom) 6 Mar 1802 MSA S512- 1061; 1/36/1/21-1016; 9 folders Title
CASTLE, John - FLEMING (Resurvey on Stoney Level) 31 Dec 1787 MSA S512- 1835; 1/36/2/39-1757 Estate
CHAMPER vs CHAMPERs (Least Said is Soonest Mended, Colloden Walls) 2 Mar 1813 MSA S512- 846; 1/36/1/17-816 Contract/Purchase
CHANEY, DUNHAM, SMITH, WATTS, vs CHANEY, PORTER (Just As You Like) 20 Nov 1815 MSA S512- 886; 1/36/1/2-852 Petition to Sell
CHAPLINE vs CHAPLINE, SMITH - Title (Exchange) 7 Dec 1792 MSA S512- 993; 1/36/1/15-955 Title
CHAPLINE, William Williams - HESS, ORENDORFF - SLAVES 23 Oct 1790 MSA S512- 877; 1/36/1/2-843; 7 folders Trust
CHENEY vs CHENEY, MacELEFISH/MacELFRESH (Cheney's Lot; also PG county land) 4 Apr 1770 MSA S512- 1321; 1/36/1/39-1255; 2 folders Contract/Purchase
CHENOWETH, Thomas - COULTER, GRIFFITH, WALL (Grove's Purchase, Joseph's Friendship, etc) 14 Jan 1804 MSA S512- 1233; 1/36/1/32-1166 Estate
CHENOWETH, Thomas - RIDGELY, WALL 1 Nov 1822 MSA S512- 10444; 1/39/03/13-10592 Estate
CHESTON, GOODWIN, PUE, DORSEY, GAITHER vs DORSEY (Caleb's Delight Enlarged; also AA county) 8 May 1787 MSA S512- 864; 1/36/1/19-831 Petition to Sell
CLARY vs WOLF, CLARY - Contract to Purchase (Moah/Moab) 29 Jun 1813 MSA S512- 898; 1/36/1/3-864 Contract/Purchase
CLARY, Nathaniel - Estate (Long Trusted) 26 Dec 1803 MSA S512- 991; 1/36/1/15-953 Estate
CLARY, SPURRIER vs BUSSARDs, BEVARD, FLUHART (Resurvey on Long Trusted) 12 Aug 1816 MSA S512- 936; 1/36/1/8-900 Contract to Sell
CLELAND, Samuel (Carolina, Carrollsburgh) Feb 1793 MSA S512- 1069; 1/36/1/22-1025 Insolvency
CLEMENTS, Jacob Insolvency 12 Feb 1799 MSA S512- 1112; 1/36/1/23-1041A Insolvency
CLEMENTS, Josias & Thomas B. Insolvency 25 Jan 1800 MSA S512- 1111; 1/36/1/23-1041 Insolvency
CLOPPER, Andrew J. - McKIM, DONALDSON (also Baltimore and Montgomery counties) 20 Apr 1825 MSA S512- 10321; 1/39/02/91-10461; 6 folders Estate
COALE, William by Thomas STEWARDSON (William and Elizabeth; also AA county) 24 Mar 1794 MSA S512- 5125; 1/37/2/7-4979 Defraud/Creditors
COCHRON, DUNBAR, COLEGATE, SCHLEY vs McCANNONs (also for Baltimore county) 5 Jul 1815 MSA S512- 793; 1/36/1/12-764; 4 folders Petition to Sell
COCKEY, Elizabeth vs Sebastian Graff COCKEY Divorce 7 Apr 1845 MSA S512- 6835; 1/37/4/39-6790 Misc - Divorce
COLE, William by Thomas STEWARDSON (also Anne Arundel county) 10 Dec 1796 MSA S512- 4756; 1/37/1/60-4587; 12 folders Defraud/Creditors
COLEGATE, John - TAYLOR, CANBY 25 Mar 1803 MSA S512- 5207; 1/37/2/15-5063; 3 folders Estate
COOKERLY vs MATTHIAS, HUFFORDs (Resurvey on Welch Cabbin, Philips Care) 13 Sep 1809 MSA S512- 1276; 1/36/1/34-1207 Petition to Sell
COONS vs MARTIN, HEINER (Head's Industry) 25 Sep 1802 MSA S512- 1226; 1/36/1/31-1158 Injunction
COPPER, James - WITHROW (Carrollsburgh, Black Walnut Bottom) 13 Feb 1809 MSA S512- 923; 1/36/1/6-887; 3 folders Estate
COPPERSMITH, George by Stephen COLLINS (Resurvey on Timber Plenty) 13 Jun 1791 MSA S512- 893; 1/36/1/3-859 Foreclosure
CORNELL, Benjamin & RICHARDSON, John - HAWK (Resurvey on Brothers Agreement) 13 Jan 1813 MSA S512- 2540; 1/36/3/37-2453 Estate
COST, Daniel Insolvency 15 Feb 1800 MSA S512- 1079; 1/36/1/22-1030E Insolvency
COURTS vs RENNER Richard Henley COURTS vs William RENNER 16 Jun 1789 MSA S512- 804; 1/36/1/13-775 Injunction
CRAMER, CRUMBAUGH, DEVILBISS, UNGLEBERGER vs DEVILBISS 17 Mar 1815 MSA S512- 1143; 1/36/1/25-1069 Petition to Sell
CRAWFORD vs GREENWOOD, HULL Robert CRAWFORD vs Philip GREENWOOD, Andrew HULL (Poplar Spring) 26 Sep 1785 MSA S512- 1159; 1/36/1/27-1085 Title
CRAWFORDs vs CROXALL (Park Hall) 5 Dec 1791 MSA S512- 1231; 1/36/1/32-1164 Injunction
CREAGER vs CREAGER (George Sr vs George Jr) 21 Jun 1810 MSA S512- 1341; 1/36/1/42-1283 Petition/Accounts
CREAMER, William - HARTZOCK, FLEMMER (FLENNER?) (Fogler's Conclusion) 20 May 1809 MSA S512- 1315; 1/36/1/39-1248; 2 folders Estate
CROMWELL vs James JOHNSON & Co. (also in Cecil county) 29 Dec 1791 MSA S512- 1245; 1/36/1/32-1175D Injunction
CRONISE, Jacob, Catharine C. by John Jacob FRISBY (Monrovia Depot) 4 Dec 1847 MSA S512- 7885; 1/38/3/49-7887; 2 folders Foreclosure
CRONISE, Jacob, Wm. H.V. by John Jacob FRISBY (Monrovia Depot) 21 Sep 1847 MSA S512- 7844; 1/38/3/41-7845 Foreclosure
CROW vs HILLEARY Edward CROW vs John HILLEARY 3 Apr 1797 MSA S512- 842; 1/36/1/16-812 Contract for Tobacco
CROWELL, COOK, TAYLOR, McCLUNG, ROOT vs ROOT (Ivey Church, Richard's Lott) 30 Sep 1813 MSA S512- 1044; 1/36/1/19-1002; 2 folders Petition to Sell
CROWL, Henry - YOUNG, ROOT, SADLER (Ivey Church) 9 Apr 1811 MSA S512- 5964; 1/37/3/8-5877 Estate
CURFMAN, Daniel - BRUNER (Lambeth, Castle Henry, Fielderea) 10 Jun 1811 MSA S512- 519; 1/35/5/61-467 Estate
DAMUTH vs WITHEROWs (Brooke's Reserve, Rocks and Stones) 9 Mar 1814 MSA S512- 1553; 1/36/1/60-1489 Contract/Purchase
DARNALL vs MARSHALL John DARNALL vs James MARSHALL (Resurvey of Wet Work) 30 Aug 1791 MSA S512- 1373; 1/36/1/47-1317 Contract/Purchase
DARNALL vs MARSHALL, AMELUNG John DARNALL vs James MARSHALL, John F. AMELUNG (Gantt's Garden) 23 Apr 1792 MSA S512- 1501; 1/36/1/57-1431 Contract/Purchase
DARST, GAVER, RICHTERs vs RICHTER (lot in Frederick Town) 1 Jul 1822 MSA S512- 7477; 1/37/5/45-7455 Petition to Sell
DAVIDSON, John - Estate (multiple counties) 29 Jan 1796 MSA S512- 1472; 1/36/1/54-1403; 6 folders Estate
DEALE vs CHASE, RIDGELY, COLE, BARNEY (Come By Chance) 15 Dec 1812 MSA S512- 1604; 1/36/1/65-1530 Contract/Purchase
DEANER, PHILPOTT vs JAMISONs, SMITHs (Merryland) 14 May 1808 MSA S512- 1541; 1/36/1/59-1477 Contract/Purchase
DELAPLANE vs WINCHESTERs (Resurvey on Terra Rubra, Six Brothers, Stoney Ridge, etc) 2 Jul 1808 MSA S512- 1652; 1/36/1/70-1585 Contract/Purchase
DELASHMUTT, Lindsey - BRISCOE, THOMAS, SCHNERTZEL 7 Sep 1802 MSA S512- 5214; 1/37/2/16-5070; 2 folders Estate
DELEPLANE vs NOLAND Joshua DELEPLANE vs Aneas NOLAND 3 Dec 1802 MSA S512- 1468; 1/36/1/52-1400 Injunction
DICKSON, James - HAFFNER (Haffner's Choice) 9 Jul 1792 MSA S512- 1566; 1/36/1/62-1502; 5 folders Estate
DIEHL, Frederick (brewery) - BAER, BRISH, CROMWELL, MIXELL, RAMSBERGH, STORM, etc 27 Apr 1814 MSA S512- 723; 1/36/1/3-699 Insolvency
DODS vs MOYER Robert DODS vs Henry MOYER (lot in Union Town, Orchard) 3 Feb 1821 MSA S512- 7407; 1/37/5/35-7384; 2 folders Contract/Purchase
DODS vs WOOLET John DODS vs Ludwick WOOLET (Good Hope, Bedford) 5 Dec 1815 MSA S512- 1630; 1/36/1/66-1560 Title
DONALDSON, GIBSON vs CAMPBELL, WERNWAY 20 May 1831 MSA S512- 7534; 1/37/5/56-7516 Injunction
DORSEY vs CARMACK, DORSEY (Resurvey on Duke's Woods, Resurvey on Spring Garden, etc) 24 May 1814 MSA S512- 1551; 1/36/1/60-1487 Contract/Purchase
DORSEY vs DORSEY (Mount Pleasant, William's Beginning) 9 Mar 1802 MSA S512- 1548; 1/36/1/59-1484; 3 folders Contract/Purchase
DORSEY vs HARRISON, QUEENS, MOBERLY, HARISON, AKE, BEVINS, TODD, WATTS (Hazard, Never Fear) 8 Apr 1826 MSA S512- 7587; 1/38/3/6-7577 Petition to Sell
DORSEY, John Insolvency 6 Feb 1793 MSA S512- 1571; 1/36/1/62-1505C Insolvency
DORSEY, John L. Insolvency 1803 MSA S512- 1570; 1/36/1/62-1505B Insolvency
DORSEY, John Lawrence Insolvency 28 May 1803 MSA S512- 3207; 1/36/4/20-3120 Insolvency
DORSEY, WOODS vs HAMMONDs, DURBOROUGHs (Goodwill, etc; also land in AA county) 24 Jul 1816 MSA S512- 1395; 1/36/1/48-1339; 2 folders Petition to Sell
DULANY, Daniel - SHOLL, MYERS, SMITH, COONTZ - (lot in Frederick Town) 26 Dec 1797 MSA S512- 1484; 1/36/1/55-1413 Estate
EBBERT vs EBBERT (lot in Frederick Town) 10 Jul 1799 MSA S512- 1761; 1/36/2/31-1690 Title
ECARD, John - WEVER, GARROTT - COST, BELT, WILLYARD, COBLENTZs, RENNER, McCREA 14 Jul 1824 MSA S512- 12015; 1/39/05/17-12201 Estate
ECARD, John (under his will) - BUFFINGTON, RENNOR, McCREA, COPLING 28 Nov 1818 MSA S512- 7689; 1/38/3/19-7686; 5 folders Trust
EDWARDS, Francis - THOMAS, NEWTON vs EDWARDS (Beall's Manor) 14 Dec 1773 MSA S512- 5326; 1/37/2/29-5196 Estate
ELDER, vs GREATHOUSE, WAMPLER - SLAVES John ELDER vs Harmon GREATHOUSE, Lodwick WAMPLER 3 Apr 1789 MSA S512- 1756; 1/36/2/31-1685; 2 folders Contract/Purchase
ELY vs CONRAD David ELY vs Catharine, Henry CONRAD (lot in Frederick) 26 Jan 1808 MSA S512- 1794; 1/36/2/36-1723 Title
ENGLAND vs SWOOPE Jacob ENGLAND vs Adam SWOOPE (Brother's Inheritance) 6 Jun 1801 MSA S512- 1793; 1/36/2/36-1722 Contract/Purchase
ENSEY, Dennis - GANDY, HUMPHREY, HADEN (Coomes Inheritance) 2 Mar 1807 MSA S512- 1783; 1/36/2/35-1711 Estate
ERB, ENGEL vs McGUIRE (Resurvey on Rational Care, Ohio, Resurvey on Locust Neck) 1799 MSA S512- 1765; 1/36/2/32-1694 Title
ETZLER vs HOBBS, RINGLAND (lot in Liberty Town) 20 Jun 1809 MSA S512- 1728; 1/36/2/28-1659 Contract/Purchase
EVANS, JOHNSON, McPHERSON vs JOHNSON (Hog Range) 30 Jun 1849 MSA S512- 7763; 1/38/3/30-7763 Petition to Sell
EVANS, Robert by Jacob BRENGLE (in New Market) 25 Aug 1810 MSA S512- 312; 1/35/5/41-268 Foreclosure
EVERSOLE, Jacob vs Attorney General (Fair Dealing) 26 Jan 1809 MSA S512- 1759; 1/36/2/31-1688 Contract/Purchase
EVY, Christian - BISHOP, GARMAN, BRUBEAR, STONER, RORER 27 Nov 1805 MSA S512- 451; 1/35/5/54-396 Trust
FAW vs FREDERICK, AMELUNG, GABLER, SCHNERTZEL, MOALE, LABES (New Bremen, etc) 11 Jan 1800 MSA S512- 1845; 1/36/2/41-1767 Contract/Purchase
FAW vs YOST, WATTS (land also in Montgomery County) 5 Feb 1794 MSA S512- 1865; 1/36/2/43-1788 Contract/Purchase
FENDALL vs SIMs, SMITH Title - (SLAVES listed) 15 Jun 1790 MSA S512- 1848; 1/36/2/41-1770 Slaves/Title
FERGUSON vs CLELAND, GWINN - SLAVES - Foreclosure 15 Jan 1794 MSA S512- 1841; 1/36/2/40-1763 Slaves/Foreclosure
FISHBURN, Philip - COLHNBERGER, LANDIS, MARSH, MUMMY (lots in Liberty Town) 2 Jul 1798 MSA S512- 1945; 1/36/2/53-1880; 2 folders Estate
FISHER, John - LARNARD, CECIL, HAMPTON 3 Feb 1816 MSA S512- 3228; 1/36/4/22-3141 Estate
FITZHUGH, Peregrine, Benjamin, et al by William S. PETERKIN (on Catoctin Furnace) 17 Jan 1850 MSA S512- 10047; 1/39/02/52-10168 Foreclosure
FLEGLE vs FLEGLE (Brown's Plague, Spring Garden, Resurvey on Molly's Industry) 11 Jan 1799 MSA S512- 1837; 1/36/2/40-1759; 3 folders Title
FOOLWYDEE, Jacob - KOONTZ, MILLER, STARLIPER, COOPER, RYKER, ENFIELD, GALEY 12 Mar 1818 MSA S512- 1887; 1/36/2/47-1818; 3 folders Estate
FOUT, Jacob - EBBERT 3 Dec 1811 MSA S512- 1870; 1/36/2/44-1794 Estate
FRENCH vs State and CLARKE (land also in Charles and Anne Arundel counties) 23 Jul 1805 MSA S512- 1842; 1/36/2/41-1764; 4 folders Title
FREY, Isaac Estate 25 May 1803 MSA S512- 1844; 1/36/2/41-1766 Estate
FRIDINGER, Nicholas - SCHELL - Estate 29 Apr 1811 MSA S512- 4978; 1/37/1/83-4815 Estate
FULTON, Robert Estate 31 Dec 1812 MSA S512- 1846; 1/36/2/41-1768 Estate
FUNK vs OULEBAUGHs, RODINPEELER (Over Reason, Phlip Rodinpeeler's Ramble by Quakers Trails) 21 Dec 1791 MSA S512- 1930; 1/36/2/52-1864; 2 folders Contract/Purchase
FUNK, WHITMAN, WELLS, DODDRIDGE, and MUSSER by Michael SPENSELER (Resurvey on Bear's Den, Good Hill) 13 Jan 1804 MSA S512- 4848; 1/37/1/71-4679 Foreclosure
FURREY, vs PELTZ Jacob FURREY vs George, John PELTZ (Brook Grove) 14 Apr 1792 MSA S512- 1920; 1/36/2/51-1854 Contract/Purchase
GAITHER vs POOLE, GAITHER (Hobson's Choice) 20 Apr 1805 MSA S512- 2141; 1/36/2/82-2073 Contract/Purchase
GAITHER, Ephraim - WARFIELD, PRICE, GRIFFITH (Resurvey on Spring Garden) 30 Jan 1826 MSA S512- 11837; 1/39/04/90-12015; 4 folders Estate
GARROTT vs BITTEMAN, BEATTY Joseph GARROTT vs John BITTEMAN, John M. BEATTY 16 Aug 1813 MSA S512- 2176; 1/36/2/87-2106 Injunction
GARROTT, BUTLER vs GARROTT - Petition to Sell (Fielderea) 26 Mar 1811 MSA S512- 2184; 1/36/2/88-2114 Petition to Sell
GARTRELL, Charles - THOMAS, CARROLL 13 Aug 1796 MSA S512- 5273; 1/37/2/20-5134 Defraud/Creditors
GASSAWAY vs CARMACK Thomas GASSAWAY vs John CARMACK (Walnut Ridge, Res. Of Dukewood) 1792 MSA S512- 2139; 1/36/2/82-2071; 3 folders Contract/Purchase
GATES vs State of Maryland (Alexandria, Forrest of Needwood from William SABETIER) 24 May 1791 MSA S512- 2074; 1/36/2/67-2007 Title
GAUNT, Fielder by Thomas CONTEE (Fielder's Manor) 22 Oct 1800 MSA S512- 1208; 1/36/1/31-1137 Foreclosure
GAVER, Daniel - MICHAEL, MEDTART, TOMMAS, MARKER (Land of Promise, Hazel Thickett) 10 May 1808 MSA S512- 3837; 1/36/5/2-3714; 2 folders Estate
GEBHART, George - FOGLE, CROMWELL 29 May 1813 MSA S512- 2080; 1/36/2/68-2013 Estate
GILBERT, Barnhart - ENGLE, MOORE (Grove's Purchase, Choice, Spring Plain) 22 Jun 1811 MSA S512- 1774; 1/36/2/34-1703; 6 folders Estate
GILBERT, Jeremiah (Job's Hole, Gilbert's Inheritance) 14 Feb 1804 MSA S512- 2013; 1/36/2/61-1951 Insolvency
GILBERT, John by Anthony MILLER (tract Spring Plain) 15 Mar 1813 MSA S512- 3593; 1/36/4/59-3486 Foreclosure
GILBERT, Thomas - NIXON, WRIGHT, ROADS - SLAVES (Gilberts Inheritance)fied) 29 Jul 1795 MSA S512- 3895; 1/36/5/11-3773; 2 folders Trust
GILL, DUNCAN, HANDY vs SCHLEYs, HORSEY. GOLDSBOROUGH and Frederick County Bank 6 Jul 1848 MSA S512- 8248; 1/38/4/6-8269 Injunction
GILMOR, SWANN vs DONALDSON, CUNNINGHAMs, WASHINGTON (Addison's Choice) 12 Nov 1840 MSA S512- 8155; 1/38/3/89-8171; 2 folders Petition to Sell
GIST, John - (Lime Pits Resurveyed; military lots in Allegany County) 21 Oct 1801 MSA S512- 2034; 1/36/2/62-1972 Estate
GIST, John Estate 9 May 1806 MSA S512- 2113; 1/36/2/78-2045 Estate
GLENN vs BUSSARDs, TODD, LAFFERTYs (Parrs Range) 6 Jan 1832 MSA S512- 8252; 1/38/4/6-8273 Title
GLISSON, BENNETT, SEDWICK, MURPHY, WHITE vs WHITE (Elysian Fields, Italy) 15 Jun 1812 MSA S512- 2150; 1/36/2/83-2080 Petition to Sell
GORSUCH, David - STANSBURY, PENNINGTON, JESSOP, BARRY, BUCK (also Balt. County) 14 Jun 1805 MSA S512- 5046; 1/37/1/92-4894; 3 folders Estate
GRABILL, Mary Trustee Appointment 22 Feb 1802 MSA S512- 2118; 1/36/2/79-2050 Trustee Appointment
GRAMMER, ADAMS, SPANGLER, ALLBAUGH (Black Walnut Bottom, lots in Frederick) 1 Mar 1793 MSA S512- 1962; 1/36/2/55-1897; 3 folders Petition to Sell
GRAMMER, CHRISMAN, REESE vs RIDGELY (Bonds Meadow Enlarged) 16 Aug 1796 MSA S512- 2240; 1/36/2/93-2171 Contract/Purchase
GREENAMYER, William - EVERSOLE, TROXALL 1 Jan 1811 MSA S512- 1719; 1/36/2/28-1650 Estate
GRIFFITH, David - BRUCE (Resurvey on Owing's Chance) 3 Jan 1795 MSA S512- 516; 1/35/5/61-464 Estate
GROFF, John Estate 25 Jan 1799 MSA S512- 1960; 1/36/2/55-1895 Estate
HAINES, Jacob, George, et al by Joseph PERRIGOY (Caleb's Delight Enlarged) 19 Oct 1809 MSA S512- 10102; 1/39/02/58-10228; 2 folders Foreclosure
HALL, William by Thomas BURGEE (Resurvey on Seth's Folly, Hard to Find) 7 Nov 1805 MSA S512- 574; 1/35/5/69-530 Foreclosure
HAMMER, Francis - HOUCK, KESSELRING, WICHERT, SHANER, SLICK (Brothers Agreement) 18 Dec 1806 MSA S512- 2288; 1/36/3/2-2216 Estate
HAMMOND vs HAMMOND George HAMMOND vs Charles HAMMOND (Condon's Search) 1 Sep 1817 MSA S512- 2590; 1/36/3/43-2503 Contract/Purchase
HAMMOND, Charles - STIER (Hammond's Request, Addison's Choice, Hawkin's Range, etc) 24 Feb 1824 MSA S512- 10777; 1/39/03/49-10934; 2 folders Estate
HAMMOND, John - DORSEY 26 Jun 1812 MSA S512- 1659; 1/36/1/70-1592 Estate
HAMMOND, WALKER vs HAMMONDs (Spark's Delight, Chance, Pleasant Hil, etc; also AA and Balt. counties) 20 Sep 1824 MSA S512- 8736; 1/38/4/73-8791; 4 folders Petition to Divide
HAMMONDs, POLE (Hammond's Chance in Liberty Town) 7 Mar 1812 MSA S512- 2591; 1/36/3/43-2503A Petition to Sell
HANEY vs TANEY John HANEY vs Joseph TANEY Sr (Res. On Mackey's Choice, etc) 3 Aug 1842 MSA S512- 8482; 1/38/4/33-8515 Title
HAP, Hendrick BEAVER vs KENDRICK for HAP 13 Feb 1793 MSA S512- 551; 1/35/5/65-499 Title
HARBAUGH vs SNIVELY Leonard HARBAUGH vs Henry SNIVELY 11 Sep 1809 MSA S512- 2761; 1/36/3/64-2691A Injunction
HARDINGs - EICHELBERGER, BUCHANAN, BEALL, McELFRESH (also Washington co) 23 Jan 1848 MSA S512- 7680; 1/38/3/18-7677; 5 folders Trust
HARP, JOHNSON, YOUNG, JONES, vs MacKENZIE (on Molly's Fancy) 5 Jan 1790 MSA S512- 2719; 1/36/3/59-2645 Title
HARRIS vs HARRIS', BIGGOTTs (Back Forrest) 11 Jun 1832 MSA S512- 8775; 1/38/4/76-8832 Petition to Sell
HARRISONs vs ALLISON, DUVALL (Bush Creek Hills, Hobb's Purchase, Hazzard, Never Fear) 17 Mar 1808 MSA S512- 2385; 1/36/3/17-2295 Contract/Purchase
HART, Valentine - MYERHEIFER, SMITH (lot in Frederick) 25 Feb 1814 MSA S512- 2356; 1/36/3/11-2266 Estate
HARWOODs vs CAMPBELLs, McHENRY, CUNNINGHAMs, DONALDSON (Richlands; also land in Baltimore county) 14 Feb 1829 MSA S512- 8597; 1/38/4/49-8644; 10 folders Petition to Sell
HAUBERT vs JONES Elizabeth HAUBERT vs Benjamin JONES (lot in Taneytown) 4 Aug 1818 MSA S512- 2776; 1/36/3/66-2708 Petition to Sell
HAUER vs SIMs, NELSONs, GANTT - Title (lot in Frederick) 9 May 1804 MSA S512- 2673; 1/36/3/53-2594 Title
HAUER, Nicholas Insolvency - (SLAVE family listed) 2 Aug 1799 MSA S512- 2808; 1/36/3/69-2742; 2 folders Insolvency
HAWKINS, Thomas (Merryland) 7 Jan 1805 MSA S512- 2311; 1/36/3/5-2238A Contract/Purchase
HAYNES vs STEVENSON Nathan HAYNES vs Joshua STEVENSON (Cornwell) 18 Jan 1802 MSA S512- 2662; 1/36/3/52-2583 Injunction
HEAD, BUCKEY vs LEATHERMAN Richard HEAD, David BUCKEY vs Henry LEATHERMAN (Turnstile, etc) 7 Jun 1813 MSA S512- 2641; 1/36/3/49-2562 Contract/Purchase
HEFFNER vs CLEM, LEYDAY, SHAHAWN Fred. HEFFNER vs Geo. CLEM, Henry LEYDAY, David SHAHAWN 30 May 1789 MSA S512- 2817; 1/36/3/70-2751A Injunction
HENDERSON, John LINGAN, RANDOLPH (Montgomery County) 1817 MSA 512- MdHR: 17-898-3151; Loc: 1-33-3-24 Estate
HENRY, Daniel - MAGRATH (Resurvey on Discovery; also Montgomery county land) 14 Dec 1798 MSA S512- 3585; 1/36/4/58-3478; 3 folders Estate
HERRING, TITLOW vs HERRING (Enough to Spare, Fieldera, lot in New Town; Nottingham in Wash. County) 29 Dec 1815 MSA S512- 2304; 1/36/3/4-2231 Petition to Sell
HICKS, HAGERs vs LAWRENCE, many others many others (land in Frederick and Washington counties) 22 Jun 1827 MSA S512- 8435; 1/38/4/28-8461; 6 folders Petition to Sell
HILL vs HOWARD, LYLES' Petition to Sell 22 May 1806 MSA S512- 2781; 1/36/3/67-2713; 2 folders Petition to Sell
HILL vs MILLER Christopher HILL vs Jacob, Rosanna MILLER (Resurvey on Miller's Chance) 21 Jun 1802 MSA S512- 2459; 1/36/3/28-2365; 3 folders Title
HILL vs RAILE Abraham HILL vs Doyle, Elizabeth RAILE (Frenchman's Purchase) 28 Jun 1811 MSA S512- 2469; 1/36/3/29-2376 Contract/Purchase
HILLEARY vs SKINNER (Barren Hill, Sprained Ancle) 15 Mar 1814 MSA S512- 2620; 1/36/3/47-2543 Petition to Sell
HILTEBRICK vs HILTEBRICK (Something, Log Cabin) 24 Sep 1812 MSA S512- 2272; 1/36/2/96-2200 Petition to Sell
HOBBS vs DORSEY, GAITHER, WELSH, BENTLY (Pork Plenty If No Thieves, Terra Excultabilis) 1819 MSA S512- 2483; 1/36/3/31-2391 Title
HOBBS vs HAWKINS, CLAGETT Wm. C. , Samuel R. HOBBS vs James L. HAWKINS, Levi CLAGETT 10 Sep 1808 MSA S512- 2504; 1/36/3/33-2416 Injunction
HOBBS vs HUGHES Wm. C. , Samuel R. HOBBS vs John, James HUGHES 10 Sep 1808 MSA S512- 2513; 1/36/3/34-2425 Injunction
HOBBS, John - BALLINGER, WRIGHT, SMITH, DAVIS, PLUMMER (Ridgely's Good Will) 15 Mar 1804 MSA S512- 2320; 1/36/3/6-2242 Estate
HOBBS, MAYNARD vs LAWRENCE, HICKSON Thom. HOBBS, Thom. MAYNARD vs Rich. LAWRENCE, Thom. HICKSON 5 Oct 1801 MSA S512- 2755; 1/36/3/64-2685 Injunction
HOBBS, Nicholas - CAMPBELL, COATES (Dear Bought, Culloden, Vences) 9 Jun 1802 MSA S512- 1205; 1/36/1/30-1132 Estate
HOBBS, Thomas by Joseph JAMES on mill and land 28 Dec 1808 MSA S512- 2941; 1/36/3/82-2860 Foreclosure
HOFFMAN, David, John & WHITEFORD, David by Michael GARRY, and John HANAN - lot in New Town (Jefferson) 15 Dec 1832 MSA S512- 8112; 1/38/3/83-8127 Foreclosure
HOFFMAN, SCHNERTZELL, HOBBS vs JOHNSON, STRODE, VASS (Res. On Beauty, Fouts Delight, Reunion, etc) 23 Jul 1804 MSA S512- 2529; 1/36/3/36-2441; 8 folders Title
HOLE, Jacob Insolvency 1 Apr 1794 MSA S512- 2251; 1/36/2/94-2182 Insolvency
HOLTZ, SCHLOSSER vs GOLDSBOROUGH, LAYMANs (Baltzell's Content, Resurvey on Puzzle) 22 Nov 1824 MSA S512- 8646; 1/38/4/56-8694; 2 folders Contract/Purchase
HOPE vs OURSLERs, MITTEN (Buck's Range) 13 Jun 1826 MSA S512- 8801; 1/38/4/78-8860 Petition to Sell
HOUCK vs STECKLE John HOUCK vs Mary STECKLE (lot in Frederick) 2 Mar 1811 MSA S512- 2418; 1/36/3/23-2325 Contract/Purchase
HOWARD, AYRES vs HOWARD (Jedburgh Forrest Resurveyed, Cumberland, New Breman) 29 Jan 1813 MSA S512- 2281; 1/36/3/1-2209 Petition to Sell
HOWARD, Joseph Estate 5 Feb 1801 MSA S512- 2815; 1/36/3/70-2750 Estate
HOWSER, CAREY vs FRITCHIE (lot in Frederick) 15 Aug 1796 MSA S512- 2290; 1/36/3/3-2218 Petition to Sell
HUFFORD, MATHIAS vs HUFFORD (Philip's Wish) 10 Apr 1812 MSA S512- 2303; 1/36/3/4-2230 Petition to Sell
HUGHES vs REIDs (land also in Allegany County) 28 Nov 1812 MSA S512- 2484; 1/36/3/31-2392 Petition to Divide
HUGHES, EMMIT vs KEITH James HUGHES, Wm. EMMIT vs Daniel KEITH (Silvers Fancy) 15 Jan 1800 MSA S512- 2487; 1/36/3/32-2395 Title
HULL, Jacob & Anna Mary by John Hampden WILLIAMS (Resurvey on Baker's Conclusion) 7 Oct 1850 MSA S512- 11595; 1/39/04/60-11771 Foreclosure
HUNTER, PURVIENCE vs GAUNT - SLAVES (Fielderea, Spit, Cut Knee, Fout's Delight, Unsel's Delight, etc) 23 Feb 1790 MSA S512- 2534; 1/36/3/36-2446; 2 folders Contract to Lease
HYDE vs CRAWFORD Jonathan HYDE vs David CRAWFORD 3 Nov 1793 MSA S512- 2244; 1/36/2/93-2175 Not Given
IIAMS, John by John WORTHINGTON (Resurvey on Seth's Folly) 30 Dec 1809 MSA S512- 5866; 1/37/2/93-5761 Foreclosure
JAMES vs KEMMELL Joseph JAMES vs Peter KEMMELL 1 Jul 1799 MSA S512- 2942; 1/36/3/82-2861 Injunction
JAMES vs LAURENCE Joseph JAMES vs Richard LAURENCE (Dissolve Partnership) 18 Apr 1799 MSA S512- 2907; 1/36/3/78-2827 Misc - Dissolution
JAMESONs, SMITHs vs State (Merryland) 19 Mar 1808 MSA S512- 2905; 1/36/3/78-2825; 2 folders Title
JOHNSON vs JOHNSON, ROSS, EVANS, HAMMOND, HOFFMAN, McPHERSON (Glass House Land) 27 Oct 1848 MSA S512- 8860; 1/38/4/84-8919; 2 folders Petition to Sell
JOHNSON vs MAYER Baker JOHNSON vs Christopher MAYER (Shefferstadt) 21 Jun 1782 MSA S512- 2915; 1/36/3/79-2835 Contract/Purchase
JOHNSON vs RINGER, GOSHEN James JOHNSON vs John RINGER, Elias A. GOSHEN 19 Oct 1827 MSA S512- 8980; 1/38/5/8-9046 Injunction
JOHNSON, Roger (Hope for an iron forge) 9 Apr 1788 MSA S512- 2933; 1/36/3/81-2855 Misc - Condemnation
JOHNSON, Thomas - GOODMAN, LEMASTER (Johnson's Thickett, Resurvey on Stoney Level) 10 Oct 1808 MSA S512- 2926; 1/36/3/80-2847; 3 folders Estate
JOHNSONs vs SHANK (Vine Garding, Longatebough, High Rum) 23 Feb 1798 MSA S512- 552; 1/35/5/65-500 Title
JONES' vs TRUNDLEs, and many others (Greenleaf) 13 Mar 1847 MSA S512- 8903; 1/38/4/89-8963 Title
JONES, Philip and Mary by Sophia CAMPBELL (lot in Westminster) 29 Dec 1835 MSA S512- 7016; 1/37/4/61-6975 Foreclosure
JUSTICE, John - DODSON, BECKWITH, WHITE, BRASLET, BURCHFIELD, ISEBURGH 2 May 1796 MSA S512- 2958; 1/36/3/84-2877 Estate
JUSTICE, John - SIMPSON, CLEMSON 11 Jan 1807 MSA S512- 4728; 1/37/1/56-4559 Estate
KAUFFMAN, John - BRUNNER, FILKER, FRELDER, LISHER, WISSINGER, BRANUM 15 Mar 1813 MSA S512- 279; 1/35/5/38-240 Estate
KEEFER, Charity - KOONTZ, STARLIPPER, MILLER 22 Nov 1813 MSA S512- 3045; 1/36/3/93-2961 Estate
KELLER vs BURKHART Casper KELLER vs George BURKHART 3 May 1785 MSA S512- 3071; 1/36/4/1-2988 Injunction
KELLER vs HARRISON Juliana KELLER vs John HARRISON (Addison's Choice) 26 Jan 1783 MSA S512- 3023; 1/36/3/91-2939 Contract/Purchase
KEMP vs SHRIVER, LEATHERMAN Gilbert KEMP vs Isaac, Mary, David Jr SHRIVER, Henry LEATHERMAN 24 Oct 1820 MSA S512- 9004; 1/38/5/12-9071 Injunction
KEMP, Daniel by Frederick GRAMMER 5 Apr 1802 MSA S512- 2213; 1/36/2/91-2143 Foreclosure
KEMPs, MAYNE vs WHITMOREs (Resurvey on Rocky Hills, Puzzlesome Corrected) 27 Nov 1809 MSA S512- 3073; 1/36/4/2-2991 Contract/Purchase
KENEGA, John (Kenega's Mill) 17 Feb 1816 MSA S512- 3052; 1/36/3/94-2968; 2 folders Trust
KENNEDY vs MITCHELL Eleanor KENNEDY vs Alexander MITCHELL (land in multiple counties) 5 Oct 1819 MSA S512- 3062; 1/36/3/95-2979; 2 folders Petition to Divide
KETTLEMAN vs DIGGES Christopher KETTLEMAN vs Henry, Edward, William DIGGES 31 Oct 1765 MSA S512- 3022; 1/36/3/91-2938 Injunction
KEY, John Ross - OGLE, RIDOUT (Terra Rubra, Now or Never, Addition to Heads Industry) 10 Jul 1807 MSA S512- 3953; 1/36/5/19-3838 Trust
KIMMEL vs JAMES Peter KIMMEL vs Joseph JAMES 9 Oct 1795 MSA S512- 3067; 1/36/3/96-2984; 4 folders Contract/Purchase
KNOTTs vs KNOTTs (Resolution, Henry and Elizabeth Enlarged; also in Montgomery county) 21 Jun 1822 MSA S512- 9072; 1/38/5/20-9144; 2 folders Petition to Sell
KRAVER vs BURGESSER John KRAVER vs Jacob BURGESSER (lot in Middletown) 25 Mar 1811 MSA S512- 3074; 1/36/4/2-2992 Title
KUHN, BROWNING, CREAGER vs BUTLER, SCHNERTZEL, CREAGER 1 Aug 1807 MSA S512- 3065; 1/36/3/96-2982; 4 folders Injunction
LABES, James Insolvency 1796 MSA S512- 3346; 1/36/4/33-3252 Insolvency
LAMBKY, William - GRUNDY, SEWES, BUSSARD, EBERMAN (John's Fancy, etc) 31 Oct 1804 MSA S512- 2183; 1/36/2/87-2113; 11 folders Estate
LARDIN vs SMITH, HALL, HARRIS, STIER (lots in Plummer's Addition to New Market) 22 Jul 1812 MSA S512- 3187; 1/36/4/18-3102 Title
LARKIN (John) vs SMITH, HARRIS, STIER, HALL (lot in William PLUMMER's Addition to New Market) 5 Sep 1812 MSA S512- 3328; 1/36/4/32-3239 Title
LAWRENCE vs DORSEY Richard LAWRENCE vs Elizabeth DORSEY (Resurvey on Cold Fryday) 14 Nov 1795 MSA S512- 3211; 1/36/4/20-3124; 2 folders Contract/Purchase
LAWRENCE, Richard - TARLTON (Lawrence's Purchase) 25 Mar 1807 MSA S512- 5199; 1/37/2/14-5055; 8 folders Estate
LAWSON, James vs Attorney General (Keep Trieste Furnace; also Occoquan Forge in Wash. Co.) - SLAVES 21 Feb 1800 MSA S512- 3121; 1/36/4/9-3037; 9 folders Foreclosure
LAWSON, LIDDART vs LAWSONs (Range, Partnership, Resurvey on Solomon's Flower) 21 Sep 1850 MSA S512- 9147; 1/38/5/29-9222 Petition to Sell
LAYMANs, GOLDSBOROUGH by HOLTZ and SCHLOSSER (Furlough) 29 Sep 1823 MSA S512- 8562; 1/38/4/44-8609; 2 folders Foreclosure
LEASE vs MILLER, SERER, MOTTER, FOUT, EBBERT, DUVALL (Duvall's Forrest, Rocky Spring) 22 Jun 1820 MSA S512- 9329; 1/38/05/48-9413 Petition to Sell
LEATHERMAN vs LEATHERMAN (Godfrey vs Henry) (Friendship Dropted, Maple Bottom, Long Black Oak) 4 Aug 1804 MSA S512- 3140; 1/36/4/12-3054B Title
LEATHERMAN, MILLER vs BURNETT (Joseph, Joseph vs John) (Catey's Memorandums) 8 May 1809 MSA S512- 3193; 1/36/4/19-3108 Petition/Mortgage
LEE, Thomas S. - HORSEY, RINGGOLD (also DC, PG and Harford counties) 12 Apr 1820 MSA S512- 9297; 1/38/05/46-9380 Estate
LEE, Thomas Sim by William, Eleanor MURDOCK ( Fielderia Manor, Pen and Ink, etc) 10 Jan 1812 MSA S512- 3573; 1/36/4/57-3465 Foreclosure
LEESER, Joseph, Peter, Zacharias, Daniel et al (Molly's Delight, Turkey Plains, Quakers Mistake) 10 Jul 1812 MSA S512- 3280; 1/36/4/26-3193 Petition to Sell
LEISTER, YOUNG vs MYERS' (Rosses Range) 9 May 1799 MSA S512- 3101; 1/36/4/6-3017; 2 folders Petition to Sell
LILLY vs SCHLEYs, STEINER, SCHLEY, TOFFLE, OGLE, MYERS, BEIR (Strife, Hauer's Addition) 30 Nov 1791 MSA S512- 3153; 1/36/4/14-3066; 2 folders Contract/Purchase
LILLY, ZIMMERMAN vs TANEY, CARTERs Injunction 16 Jan 1818 MSA S512- 3125; 1/36/4/10-3041; 2 folders Injunction
LINGAN, James N. HENDERSON, RANDOLPH (Montgomery County) 1817 MSA 512- MdHR: 17-898-3151; Loc: 1-33-3-24 Estate
LINGEN vs DARNALL James MacKubbin LINGAN vs John & Raphael DARNALL (also Mont. Co.) 25 Apr 1811 MSA S512- 3179; 1/36/4/17-3093 Injunction
LINGENFELTERs, George and Daniel (Phillipsburgh) 18 Apr 1812 MSA S512- 3202; 1/36/4/19-3117 Petition/Correct Deed
LINGINFELDER, CANNON vs LATE (John, Elizabeth vs Michael) (lot in Frederick) 4 Mar 1814 MSA S512- 3305; 1/36/4/30-3218 Petition to Sell
LIVERS vs BIGGS Nathaniel LIVERS vs John BIGGS (Resurvey on Content) 21 Sep 1803 MSA S512- 3303; 1/36/4/29-3216; 3 folders Contract/Purchase
LIVERS, Arnold and others by John DUBOIS (First Choice of Arnold's Delight, etc) 12 Oct 1768 MSA S512- 1533; 1/36/1/58-1468 Foreclosure
LOGSDONs, ELLIS vs BLUBAUGH, LOGUE, PAYNEs, PORTERs, ARNOLD, DURBIN, SAPP, CARTER (Fanny's Meadow) 12 Jul 1825 MSA S512- 9232; 1/38/5/39-9313; 4 folders Title
LONGs, ARNOLD, YOUNG, BUSS, ZEILEs (tract Ohio) 16 Jun 1813 MSA S512- 3094; 1/36/4/5-3012 Petition to Sell
LUCKETT, Clarissa H. and Serena by Baltimore Life Insurance Co and John NELSON (Luckett's Merry Midnight) 19 Jun 1835 MSA S512- 6682; 1/37/4/12-6628 Foreclosure
LUN, William - MOLLESON, BOWLEY (also Baltimore & Prince George's counties) 28 Jun 1800 MSA S512- 3759; 1/36/4/80-3643; 4 folders Estate
LUTHER vs CHANDLER, SHRINER / SHRIVER George LUTHER vs George CHANDLER & Peter SHRINER (Land of Promise) 8 Apr 1789 MSA S512- 3226; 1/36/4/22-3139 Title
LUTZ vs GILBERTs, MOORE (lot in Woodsberry) 5 Sep 1812 MSA S512- 3197; 1/36/4/19-3112 Contract/Purchase
LYNCH, William F. vs Virginia LYNCH Divorce 30 Jan 1846 MSA S512- 9159; 1/38/5/31-9234 Misc - Divorce
LYON, SHAFER vs SCHAFER, DILL (land in North Carolina) 15 Mar 1816 MSA S512- 3173; 1/36/4/16-3087; 2 folders Contract/Purchase
MALSBY, David by Lydia COALE (Seth's Folly; land also in Cecil and Harford counties) 27 Feb 1833 MSA S512- 7020; 1/37/4/62-6979; 2 folders Foreclosure
MANTZ vs SIMs, NELSONs, GANTT (lot in Frederick) 9 May 1804 MSA S512- 3460; 1/36/4/43-3352 Contract/Purchase
MANTZ, BALTZER, GRAY, TUCKER, BAILEY, KENNY by HAUSER (lots in Bentz Town and Frederick) 24 Oct 1812 MSA S512- 2361; 1/36/3/11-2271; 2 folders Foreclosure
MARCKEL vs LANDES Adam MARCKEL vs Henry LANDES 18 Dec 1806 MSA S512- 3578; 1/36/4/58-3471 Injunction
MARKELL, Nicholas - BIDDLE (Carroll's Range, Bottom, Resurvey on Company) 25 Apr 1814 MSA S512- 676; 1/35/5/79-647; 2 folders Estate
MASTER vs BUCHANAN - SLAVES (multiple tracts) 1784 MSA S512- 253; 1/35/5/35-215A; 4 folders Contract/Purchase
MASTER vs BUCHANAN, BEATTY, SHRIVER, WELLS (Legh Castle, Dyers Mill Forrest, Lookabout, Cool Evening) 11 Jun 1795 MSA S512- 3724; 1/36/4/76-3607; 2 folders Title
MAYNADIER vs SCOTT Henry MAYNADIER and Elizabeth MAYNADIER vs Upton SCOTT 12 Apr 1815 MSA S512- 3768; 1/36/4/82-3652 Petition to Divide
McCLEARY, David Insolvency 16 Apr 1804 MSA S512- 3410; 1/36/4/38-3306 Insolvency
McCORMICKs, GILLIAN Petition to Sell 26 Jun 1810 MSA S512- 3834; 1/36/5/2-3711 Petition to Sell
McCOY, Benjamin Insolvency 20 May 1801 MSA S512- 3430; 1/36/4/40-3323 Insolvency
McCREA, William Insolvency 15 May 1797 MSA S512- 3657; 1/36/4/67-3542; 2 folders Insolvency
McELFRESH, Joseph - GASSAWAY - Estate 26 Jun 1809 MSA S512- 2140; 1/36/2/82-2072 Estate
McKAIN vs CALDWELL Benjamin McKAIN vs Samuel CALDWELL 7 Nov 1806 MSA S512- 3743; 1/36/4/78-3626 Title
McKINLEY, William (lot in Emmitsburg) 5 Nov 1807 MSA S512- 3078; 1/36/4/2-2996 Title
McKINSEY, HUGHES vs KEPHARTs (lot in Shield's Addition to Emmittsburg) 8 Jul 1810 MSA S512- 3789; 1/36/4/85-3671D Title
McMUNN, John Insolvency 9 Feb 1801 MSA S512- 3411; 1/36/4/39-3307 Insolvency
McNEELYs vs Richard HILL (Addition to Brook's Discovery on the Rich Lands) 6 Dec 1809 MSA S512- 3475; 1/36/4/45-3367 Title
McPHERSON, John - POTTS, TYLER, DALL, TAYLOR (Antietam Iron Works, Linganore Mills, etc) 13 Dec 1838 MSA S512- 10067; 1/39/02/54-10190; 9 folders Estate
McPHERSON, Robert, William and John (Resurvey on Caroline, Resurvey on Hammitt's Fancy, Nigh Nicking) 17 Apr 1801 MSA S512- 7307; 1/37/5/19-7281 Petition to Sell
McPHERSONs - DALL (land also in Washington county) 1 Aug 1838 MSA S512- 7518; 1/37/5/51-7497 Trust
McPHERSONs, HOFFMAN, GILLINGHAM, JANNY, WHITAKER by McPHERSON, RITTER (Res. on Jedburgh Forrest) 14 Mar 1831 MSA S512- 9642; 1/38/05/88-9741; 4 folders Foreclosure
MENSER, SPITTER, SHAFER, CHARLTON, TRAIL vs SHAFER (Trail's Gaunt) 25 Jun 1816 MSA S512- 3543; 1/36/4/55-3435 Petition to Sell
MENTZER, Samuel - SHAFFER, GROVE, ENGLE, MENTZER, SMITH, ROUTZONG 17 Jan 1832 MSA S512- 10807; 1/39/03/54-10964 Estate
MEREDITH vs NORRIS', RAITT, DELAPLANE, CLABAUGH, SMELSER (Resurvey on Stephen's Purchase) 1 Apr 1814 MSA S512- 3678; 1/36/4/70-3562 Title
MEYERs, BRENSINGER vs OX, KERN (tract Ox's Chance) 7 Mar 1804 MSA S512- 3652; 1/36/4/67-3539 Title
MICHAEL vs MICHAEL (Wm., Adam vs Andrew) (on Cooley's Spring) 15 Mar 1803 MSA S512- 3803; 1/36/4/87-3680 Injunction
MICHAEL, THOMAS, CUNNINGHAM, DUVAL, KING, RANNEBERGER, SNOUFFER, et al vs C&O Canal, Alfred CRUGER 15 Aug 1832 MSA S512- 9828; 1/39/02/24-9936 Injunction
MILLER vs MILLER, SHOEMAKER, LECHLIDERs (Brook's Discovery on the Rich Lands) 12 Jun 1805 MSA S512- 3663; 1/36/4/68-3548; 2 folders Contract/Purchase
MILLER vs MITCHELL, CALDWELL, HAWMAN (lot in Frederick) 1 Jun 1808 MSA S512- 3734; 1/36/4/77-3617 Contract/Purchase
MILLER vs TROUTMAN Jacob MILLER Jr vs Michael TROUTMAN (Miller's Chance, Trifle) 26 Dec 1795 MSA S512- 3725; 1/36/4/76-3608 Contract/Purchase
MILLER vs WILLIARD Nicholas MILLER vs Devault WILLIARD (Madams Defeat, etc) 31 Aug 1795 MSA S512- 3754; 1/36/4/80-3638; 2 folders Title
MILLER vs WOOD, BEARD (Resurvey on Good Neighborhood, Pleasant View) 5 Nov 1787 MSA S512- 3685; 1/36/4/72-3569 Title
MILLER, Jacob Jr & Rozina by Laurence BRENGLE (Resurvey on Miller's Chance) 14 Jul 1805 MSA S512- 315; 1/35/5/41-271 Foreclosure
MILLER, John Estate 16 Nov 1800 MSA S512- 3620; 1/36/4/63-3511 Estate
MOORE vs UNKLES, FARQUHAR Tobias MOORE vs Wm. UNKLES and Samuel FARQUHAR (Stage, etc) 25 Apr 1794 MSA S512- 3780; 1/36/4/84-3664; 2 folders Contract/Purchase
MOORE, John - SHEREDINE, BROWN 11 Jul 1791 MSA S512- 4879; 1/37/1/74-4710; 2 folders Estate
MORSELL, BRASHEAR vs CONTEE (William, William vs Thomas) (tract Partnership) 8 Apr 1801 MSA S512- 3462; 1/36/4/43-3354; 2 folders Contract/Purchase
MOSER vs MOSER (Resurvey on Pallentine, and Shady Grove) 30 Dec 1811 MSA S512- 3822; 1/36/5/1-3699 Petition to Sell
MOYER, John Contract/Purchase 19 Mar 1816 MSA S512- 3729; 1/36/4/76-3612 Contract/Purchase
MURDOCK, CHARLTON, KEY, GROSH, SHAAFFs vs HART, GROSH, CLELAND, WAMBASEE, CHARLTONs 28 Jul 1797 MSA S512- 3636; 1/36/4/64-3527 Petition to Sell
MURRAY, Joseph - MIERS, MURDOCK, NOEL, LANDES, GLADMAN, CRUMPARMER, et al 10 Feb 1790 MSA S512- 3558; 1/36/4/56-3450; 2 folders Estate
MURSER vs CRAWFORD Peter MURSER vs Robert CRAWFORD 12 Oct 1781 MSA S512- 3833; 1/36/5/2-3710 Contract/Purchase
MUSGROVE, Benjamin (lots in Liberty Town) 3 Jan 1793 MSA S512- 3792; 1/36/4/85-3671G Insolvency
MYERS, Henry - ENGLAND, LEISTER (England's Chance, Brothers Inheritance) 26 Dec 1797 MSA S512- 1688; 1/36/1/73-1619 Estate
NELSON vs GANTT, ODEN, MAYNARD Roger NELSON vs Thom. GANTT, Benj. ODEN, Samuel MAYNARD 19 Jan 1801 MSA S512- 3878; 1/36/5/9-3756 Misc - Pymt of Bonds
NELSON vs SCHNERTZELL, BEATTY, LYNN, CREAGER (Monocacy Manor, Carmack's Advice) 15 Aug 1800 MSA S512- 3927; 1/36/5/15-3808 Injunction
NELSONs vs NELSONs (Puzzles, Hawkins Merry Peep-a-Day, Bunker's Hill, Hobson's Choice, etc) 18 Jul 1815 MSA S512- 9889; 1/39/02/31-9997 Petition to Sell
NESMITH, Isaac Insolvency 28 Mar 1800 MSA S512- 3891; 1/36/5/11-3769 Insolvency
NICHOLSON vs HARWOOD, BELL (John vs Thomas Jr, Wm.) (land in Georgia) 26 Dec 1799 MSA S512- 3845; 1/36/5/4-3722; 2 folders Contract/Purchase
OGG, William H. - SCOTT, BUCKINGHAM 6 Dec 1832 MSA S512- 10926; 1/39/03/70-11083; 2 folders Insolvency
OGLE, Thomas - THOMAS, DYER (Peace and Plenty) 13 Jan 1793 MSA S512- 5364; 1/37/2/36-5236; 11 folders Estate
OWINGS vs DORSEY, HARRIS Samuel OWINGS of Thomas vs Philimon DORSEY, Nathan HARRIS, etc 16 Dec 1799 MSA S512- 4024; 1/36/5/27-3909 Not Given
OWINGS, Thomas B. - STEVENSON, POOL 13 Dec 1836 MSA S512- 10962; 1/39/03/74-11119 Estate
OYSTER, WELTY vs KEPHARTs (Carrollsburgh) 29 Dec 1808 MSA S512- 3997; 1/36/5/24-3883 Contract/Purchase
PARVIN, Isaac, William, Thomas, John, Mark Insolvency 1804 MSA S512- 4134; 1/36/5/37-4016 Insolvency
PARVIN, Thomas and Mark by Henry NELSON (Long Bottom Enlarged) 13 Jan 1804 MSA S512- 3875; 1/36/5/9-3753 Foreclosure
PATTERSON vs FERGUSON William PATTERSON vs Hugh FERGUSON (Retirement Corrected) 11 Nov 1780 MSA S512- 4244; 1/36/5/51-4120 Contract/Purchase
PATTERSON, Robert - (on Carrollton Manor) 27 Sep 1824 MSA S512- 10241; 1/39/02/79-10375; 4 folders Estate
PAXTON vs McNEELY Nathaniel & Mary PAXTON vs James G., Martha, Letitia McNEELY) 26 Feb 1812 MSA S512- 4159; 1/36/5/40-4041 Petition to Sell
PAXTONs, MANSON, CORNELL (Brookes Discovery on the Rich Lands) 25 Nov 1811 MSA S512- 4174; 1/36/5/41-4056 Title
PELTZ, John - LATE, BRUNNER, CORNICE, SMITH, MANTZ (Duvall Forrest, etc) 27 Oct 1791 MSA S512- 3116; 1/36/4/8-3032; 2 folders Estate
PEREGOY, Charles - PRICE (Safe Bind Safe Find, Pleasant Mount, Spring Garden, Addition, etc) 8 Jul 1805 MSA S512- 5257; 1/37/2/19-5116 Estate
PFOUTZ vs STEINs Jacob FOUTZ vs Eliz., Jacob STEIN (Resurvey on Small Beginning) 29 Sep 1810 MSA S512- 4251; 1/36/5/52-4127 Contract/Purchase
PHILIPS, Levi Insolvency 24 May 1802 MSA S512- 4086; 1/36/5/33-3968 Insolvency
PITESELL, Henry - PRUTSMAN (Resurvey on Smith's Hap) 10 Feb 1791 MSA S512- 4239; 1/36/5/49-4115; 2 folders Estate
PITSELL, Henry - LEFEFER (Resurvey on Paradise) 8 Jun 1795 MSA S512- 3120; 1/36/4/9-3036 Estate
PITTS, John Petition to Sell 4 Sep 1815 MSA S512- 4166; 1/36/5/40-4048; 2 folders Petition to Sell
POLE vs McGUIRE - (Legh MASTERS) Thomas Samuel POLE vs Ross McGUIRE (SLAVES listed) 22 Dec 1797 MSA S512- 3596; 1/36/4/60-3489 Injunction
POLLOCK vs LEVY, MORRIS, HARVIE (lot in Monocacy Manor) 31 Oct 1797 MSA S512- 4252; 1/36/5/52-4128 Contract/Purchase
POOLE, Peregrine Trustee Appointment 15 Dec 1815 MSA S512- 4301; 1/37/1/3-4178; 2 folders Trustee Appointment
POTTS, Elizabeth Christian - BUTLER 24 Jul 1830 MSA S512- 6698; 1/37/4/20-6644 Estate
POTTS, GANTT, BEALL vs POTTS (Resurvey on Tuscarora) 4 Sep 1810 MSA S512- 4158; 1/36/5/40-4040; 2 folders Petition to Divide
PUE, WEST, DORSEY vs PUE (also in Baltimore & Anne Arundel counties) 31 Aug 1801 MSA S512- 4170; 1/36/5/41-4052; 2 folders Petition to Sell
PUMPHREY, BABBS vs RIDGELY, SAPINGTON, PUMPHREY - (lot in Frederick Town) 14 Sep 1832 MSA S512- 10195; 1/39/02/74-10326 Petition to Sell
QUYNNs by George BURKHART (lot in Frederick) 22 Oct 1803 MSA S512- 553; 1/35/5/65-501 Foreclosure
RADCLIFFE, Joseph - DAVIS, GEBHART, DEAN, CANNON, HARVEY (Rights of Man) 24 Jul 1819 MSA S512- 1406; 1/36/1/49-1350 Estate
RAMSBERGH vs KEPLINGER John RAMSBERGH of George vs Adam KEPLINGER Heirs 3 Feb 1817 MSA S512- 4333; 1/37/1/8-4211 Title
RANDALL vs KILLEN John, Caroline RANDALL vs John, Maria KILLEN 8 Jan 1805 MSA S512- 4448; 1/37/1/24-4321 Petition to Sell
RAWLINGS, Francis Jr. - BALDWIN, DuVALL - SLAVES 14 Jul 1791 MSA S512- 325; 1/35/5/42-281 Estate
REID vs HUGHES James REID vs Levy HUGHES (Partnership, Zedburgh Forrest) 26 Sep 1811 MSA S512- 4478; 1/37/1/27-4339 Contract/Purchase
REINICHER, George - CROUS, KEEFER, WELKY, BURKE, LANDIS 13 Feb 1806 MSA S512- 1130; 1/36/1/24-1055 Estate
RENNER vs HUFFORD William RENNER vs Philip HUFFORD 17 Feb 1793 MSA S512- 4418; 1/37/1/20-4295A Injunction
RENNER, John Peter ENGLE vs Daniel RENNER and Nathan BAKER 27 Jan 1811 MSA S512- 1744; 1/36/2/29-1673 Estate
RENTCH, Peter John RAMSBERGH, et al vs John Vandel STURRUM Heirs 13 Mar 1817 MSA S512- 4322; 1/37/1/6-4200 Petition/Correct Deed
RICE, Willliam - DERN (lots in Monocacy Manor) 27 Oct 1804 MSA S512- 1539; 1/36/1/59-1475 Estate
RICHARDS, Daniel - MAYNARD, CARMACK, COOPER (Richard's Delight, Richard's Lot, etc) 14 Mar 1803 MSA S512- 4598; 1/37/1/40-4447; 2 folders Estate
RICHARDSON (Isaac) - REED (James) by Henry McCLEARY and Wm. CAMPBELL (Middle Plantation, Culloden Wall) 2 Aug 1804 MSA S512- 3705; 1/36/4/74-3587; 3 folders Foreclosure
RICHARDSON vs HOLTZ, WHITMOREs (lot near Frederick) 2 Nov 1803 MSA S512- 4361; 1/37/1/11-4239 Title
RICHARDSON, John & CORNELL, Benjamin - HAWK (Resurvey on Brothers Agreement) 13 Jan 1813 MSA S512- 2540; 1/36/3/37-2453 Estate
RICHARDSON, Richard - MATTHEWS, THOMAS (Ballenger's Endeavor, Small Gains, etc) 2 Nov 1761 MSA S512- 3784; 1/36/4/84-3670 Trust
RICHARDSONs VS CORNELL Title 15 Jan 1796 MSA S512- 4310; 1/37/1/3-4188 Title
RIDGELY vs CHENOWITH, COULTER, WALL, GRIFFITH, KELLENBERGER (Grove's Purchase) 20 Nov 1810 MSA S512- 4368; 1/37/1/12-4246; 6 folders Title
RIDGELY vs RIDGELY, ROP, BEALL (Ridgely's Rest Resurveyed The Second Time) 15 May 1802 MSA S512- 4343; 1/37/1/9-4221 Title
RIDGELY, Richard vs Atty General (lots in Monocacy Manor) 1 Aug 1791 MSA S512- 94; 1/35/5/20-85P Title
RIDOUT, John and ROSS, David (Dr.) - STEUART (multiple counties) 19 Aug 1805 MSA S512- 4394; 1/37/1/15-4272 Estate
RIFFLE, Jacob by Daniel LEISTER, MEYERS family (Resurevey on Brown's Delight) 5 Jun 1798 MSA S512- 3233; 1/36/4/22-3146 Foreclosure
RILEY, John Insolvency 26 Apr 1799 MSA S512- 4470; 1/37/1/25-4331M Insolvency
RINGLAND vs HEAD - (HARRIS / HARRISON) John RINGLAND vs Bigger HEAD (Boxes Search, Mary's Fancy) 30 Dec 1790 MSA S512- 4414; 1/37/1/18-4292 Title
RIPLEY vs STEELE Jacob RIPLEY vs Philip STEELE (Forrest Purchase) 2 Aug 1804 MSA S512- 4345; 1/37/1/9-4223 Title
ROBERTS, John Insolvency 26 Dec 1787 MSA S512- 4369; 1/37/1/12-4247 Insolvency
ROBERTS, RUSSELL vs ROBERTS (John's Contrivance, Meadows, Res. On Wild Cat Hill, Sickly, Res./Hall's Prch) 1 Jun 1811 MSA S512- 4435; 1/37/1/22-4309; 2 folders Petition to Sell
ROBINSON vs EMMITT Charles ROBINSON vs William EMMITT (Carrollsburg) 31 May 1800 MSA S512- 4390; 1/37/1/14-4268 Injunction
ROSS, David (Dr.) and RIDOUT, John - STEUART (multiple counties) 19 Aug 1805 MSA S512- 4394; 1/37/1/15-4272 Estate
ROUTSONG vs SOWERS Christian ROUTSONG vs Peter SOWERS 27 Apr 1813 MSA S512- 4474; 1/37/1/27-4335; 7 folders Contract/Purchase
RUSHER, John - CULLER, COLE, HANDLEY 1 Mar 1810 MSA S512- 4585; 1/37/1/39-4434; 2 folders Estate
RUSHER, LICHLIDER vs CRIST, BUTLER, PRYSE (Fountain Low) 23 Jun 1801 MSA S512- 4588; 1/37/1/39-4437 Contract/Purchase
RUSSELL, James - BLACKBURN, OBER (Resurvey on Boxes Search) 11 Aug 1808 MSA S512- 4518; 1/37/1/31-4379 Estate
RUSSELL, Josiah George Jacob SCHLEY vs Estate of Josiah RUSSELL (lot in Frederick) 20 Aug 1798 MSA S512- 5063; 1/37/1/95-4912; 3 folders Estate
RUSSELL, Josias and Mary by Zachariah KEENE (Beall's Addition, Mill Security) 6 May 1800 MSA S512- 3056; 1/36/3/94-2972; 4 folders Trust
SANDS, WILLIAMS, DAVIDSON (multiple counties and DC) 20 Jul 1805 MSA S512- 4755; 1/37/1/60-4586; 3 folders Title
SAUMs vs CRONICEs, WORMAN Petition to Sell 26 Oct 1839 MSA S512- 11029; 1/39/03/82-11193; 3 folders Petition to Sell
SCHMERTZEL vs TAYLOR George SCHMERTZEL vs Wm. & John TAYLOR (to purchase goods) 24 Aug 1798 MSA S512- 4916; 1/37/1/77-4747 Contract/Purchase
SCHMERTZELL vs LEATHERMAN, SHRIVERs (Dickson's Struggle, Resurvey on Choice) 24 Sep 1805 MSA S512- 4722; 1/37/1/55-4553; 5 folders Title
SCHMERTZELL, George by John HOFFMAN (lot in Frederick) 22 Jun 1797 MSA S512- 2577; 1/36/3/42-2489 Foreclosure
SCHNERTZELL vs CREAGER, SHRIVER, LEVY (Dickenson's Struggle, Liberty, Resurvey on Choice) 19 Jul 1805 MSA S512- 5029; 1/37/1/89-4874; 3 folders Injunction
SCOTT vs HARRIS' (Resurvey on Boxes Search, Boston) 11 Jun 1832 MSA S512- 10989; 1/39/03/77-11152 Petition to Sell
SCOTT vs KING Samuel SCOTT vs Wm. R., Eleanor KING (Trammelsburgh, Woodlan, etc) 4 Sep 1813 MSA S512- 4980; 1/37/1/83-4817 Injunction
SCOTT, George by BEATTY, BAYER, MUSGROVE 14 Feb 1792 MSA S512- 502; 1/35/5/60-451 Injunction
SCOTT, Joseph by Robert L. ANNAN (Carrollsburgh) 28 Sep 1805 MSA S512- 99; 1/35/5/20-89 Foreclosure
SCOTT, WILSON vs BROOKE, BARNHART, CLABAUGH, STEWART, in Bruceville, Middleburg 29 Jun 1829 MSA S512- 10939; 1/39/03/72-11096; 4 folders Petition to Sell
SELLMAN, William Insolvency 20 Mar 1802 MSA S512- 4670; 1/37/1/46-4503 Insolvency
SENSIWICKs, CRUMPACER vs HARTMAN (tract Range) 7 Jul 1804 MSA S512- 4844; 1/37/1/71-4675; 3 folders Contract/Purchase
SEYLEs, EDMONDSON, MANTZ, STEINER, HOWER, STOVER, ADAMS (lots in Georgetown and Frederick) 28 Jul 1800 MSA S512- 3624; 1/36/4/63-3515; 3 folders Foreclosure
SHAAFF, John T. (Dr.) - TANEY, MARBURY (Arcadia) 1 May 1826 MSA S512- 11008; 1/39/03/79-11172 Estate
SHANE vs CUSTARD, FIRESTONE, WATERS, NICHOLSON, EBERT, MARIARTEE, SHANE (Forrest) 24 Aug 1814 MSA S512- 5112; 1/37/2/5-4965; 2 folders Petition to Sell
SHANKS vs PLATER, TOOTEL, DAWSON (lots in Monacacy Manor) 30 Jan 1802 MSA S512- 4775; 1/37/1/63-4605 Title
SHAWHAN, CLEM vs HEFFNER David SHAWHAN, George CLEM vs Frederick HEFFNER (Rocky Hill) 14 Sep 1790 MSA S512- 5071; 1/37/1/95-4920 Injunction
SHEETZ, Jacob - KOONTZ, STEITLE (Rich Bottom) 19 Oct 1829 MSA S512- 10837; 1/39/03/58-10994 Estate
SHELBY vs BLAIR Evan SHELBY vs Andrew BLAIR 4 Oct 1773 MSA S512- 4690; 1/37/1/47-4521 Contract for Payment
SHELLHOUSE vs MYERS (on Brooke's Discovery on the Rich Lands) 26 Jun 1809 MSA S512- 10985; 1/39/03/77-11148 Injunction
SHEWEN vs KEEFAVER, FLUKE (Resurvey on Whiskey Alley) 10 Nov 1810 MSA S512- 5162; 1/37/2/10-5017; 4 folders Title
SHOUP, Martin SHOUP vs SHOUP, SHUCK (Martin's Good Luck, Shoup's Conclusion) 26 Jan 1811 MSA S512- 4727; 1/37/1/56-4558 Title
SHOUP, Henry - HESSON, CRUMRIME (tracts Ohio, Unity) 17 Aug 1796 MSA S512- 4699; 1/37/1/48-4530; 2 folders Estate
SHREW, Benjamin - BENTLEY, BROWN, CLINE, GRAY, TRUNDLE and others (also Mont. Co.) 5 Mar 1844 MSA S512- 6351; 1/37/3/63-6283; 7 folders Defraud/Creditors
SHROYER, SEAS vs SHROYERs, SMITHs (Resurvey on Middle Choice) 4 Mar 1814 MSA S512- 4924; 1/37/1/78-4755 Petition to Sell
SHRUPP vs McDONALD, KEIFER, STEVENS (lots in Creager's Town) 14 May 1808 MSA S512- 5174; 1/37/2/11-5029 Title
SHUH, Jacob, Solomon (KAHRN) by John KOONTZ on flaxseed oil mill 4 Sep 1815 MSA S512- 3025; 1/36/3/91-2941; 2 folders Foreclosure
SHULTZ, BOYER, COX, SHRIVER, WAMPLER, STEVENSON, PAULIN by Conrad SHERMAN 17 Aug 1815 MSA S512- 5074; 1/37/1/96-4923; 5 folders Foreclosure
SIM, Anthony - NELSON, SHIPLEY 30 Dec 1813 MSA S512- 3936; 1/36/5/16-3819 Estate
SIM, William - NELSON 20 Jan 1803 MSA S512- 5022; 1/37/1/88-4863 Estate
SLAVE SAM vs McGLAUGHLIN, James (Injuction against inslavement) 7 Jul 1837 MSA S512- 11087; 1/39/03/88-11254 Injunction
SLUSSER, PIGMAN, STALEY, CRAFT vs DELAUTER, KUHN, MENSER, GLADHILL, McNEIL 12 Mar 1821 MSA S512- 11073; 1/39/03/87-11238; 4 folders Petition to Sell
SMITH vs HARRIS Jacob SMITH vs Thomas HARRIS (Smith's Mount) 17 Oct 1797 MSA S512- 4891; 1/37/1/75-4722 Title
SMITH, Casper - WINCHESTER, BRUCE, ONEIL, DIGGES (tract Carolina) 12 Dec 1798 MSA S512- 4762; 1/37/1/61-4593 Estate
SMITH, Christian - CURRENS (Enlargement Timber Plenty, Carolina, lot in Emmitsburg) 1 Sep 1806 MSA S512- 1246; 1/36/1/32-1176; 4 folders Estate
SMITH, Middleton by RIDGELY, CHENOWETH, WALL, MOALE 30 Mar 1822 MSA S512- 10496; 1/39/03/19-10647 Foreclosure
SMITH, PRICE vs PRICE, BEALL, COLMER (Dirty Work, lots in Frederick and DC; also PG and Wash. counties) 16 Jun 1806 MSA S512- 4881; 1/37/1/74-4712 Petition to Sell
SNOOK, KARN vs SNOOK (tract Rip Skin) 9 Dec 1815 MSA S512- 4740; 1/37/1/57-4571 Petition to Sell
SNOWDEN, Richard - THOMAS, NEWTON vs EDWARDS (Beall's Manor) 14 Dec 1773 MSA S512- 5326; 1/37/2/29-5196 Estate
SOWERS, John - NEIMAN, EPPERLY, COPPEL (Come By Chance) 8 Dec 1795 MSA S512- 4672; 1/37/1/46-4505 Estate
SPRIGG, Thomas - HURSTON, LYLE, BENTLEY 13 Feb 1817 MSA S512- 2680; 1/36/3/53-2604 Estate
SPRIGGS vs SPRIGGS, BELT, HERSTON, JOHNSON (I Am Looser Still, Fat Oxen; also AA and Wash. counties) 12 Dec 1810 MSA S512- 4896; 1/37/1/76-4727; 3 folders Petition to Divide
SPRIGGS, Thomas - GRAFF, LYLES, BENTLEY (land also in Anne Arundel County) 13 Sep 1819 MSA S512- 2078; 1/36/2/67-2011 Estate
SPURRIER, Greenbury - BURKHART 20 Jan 1803 MSA S512- 766; 1/36/1/9-745 Estate
STALEY, Joseph - BRUNER, KEMP (Foxes Spy) 21 May 1814 MSA S512- 538; 1/35/5/62-486; 2 folders Estate
STAYLEY, Jacob, John, Joseph by Christopher MICHAEL, Peter SCHLOSSER (Hedge's Range, etc) 19 Dec 1821 MSA S512- 9695; 1/38/05/95-9797; 2 folders Foreclosure
STEENE, SHIPLEY, HALL, BRASHEARS, WADE, HOSLETON vs DAVIS, Attorney General (Parr's Range) 8 Jun 1807 MSA S512- 4875; 1/37/1/74-4706; 3 folders Petition to Sell
STEPHENS vs WERTS James STEPHENS vs Heirs of Peter WERTS (Delashmit/Lashmit's Folly) 11 Jan 1812 MSA S512- 4890; 1/37/1/75; 4721 Title
STEPHENSON, Josiah by Peter MYERS 10 Mar 1800 MSA S512- 3786; 1/36/4/85-3671A Defraud/Creditors
STEVENS, Jacob by John WELKER (lot in Creagers Town) 17 Jun 1807 MSA S512- 5696; 1/37/2/73-5584 Foreclosure
STEVENSON vs SIX, GARRY, SMITH, HONET, HOCKINSMITH, CRABBS, ROWE, CRISE, McCLAIRE (Res. On Cattail Branch) 10 Jul 1799 MSA S512- 4812; 1/37/1/68-4643 Petition/Correct Deed
STEVENSON, CHAMBERLAIN, RYSTON (Res. of Stevenson's Garden, Res. On Dear Bought; also Baltimore Co.) 2 Aug 1794 MSA S512- 4841; 1/37/1/71-4672 Title
STEVENSON, Edward - ROBERTS, CHAMBERLAIN, RISTER, CARROLL, SMITH, CATON 2 Jan 1800 MSA S512- 5065; 1/37/1/95-4914; 6 folders Estate
STEVENSON, Edward of Edward Insolvency 30 Dec 1800 MSA S512- 4621; 1/37/1/43-4465A Insolvency
STEVENSON, Joshua Insolvency 12 Feb 1801 MSA S512- 4632; 1/37/1/43-4468 Insolvency
STEVENSON, MILLER vs CREAGER Petition/Tax Payments 6 Apr 1807 MSA S512- 5176; 1/37/2/11-5032 Petition/Tax Payments
STEVENSONs, LITTLE vs LITTLE Edw. Henry, Wm. STEVENSON vs Ludwick, Frederick LITTLE) 20 Feb 1792 MSA S512- 5009; 1/37/1/87-4850 Contract to Lend
STEWART, WILSON, DUNLOP, ANDERSON, RITCHIE, MONTGOMERY, WODDROP vs GITTINGS (Merryland) 20 Jan 1803 MSA S512- 4712; 1/37/1/51-4543; 3 folders Contract/Purchase
STEWART, WILSON, DUNLOP, RITCHIE, ANDERSON, MONTGOMERY, RYBURN vs WEST, HILLEARY (Merryland) 20 Jan 1803 MSA S512- 5054; 1/37/1/93-4903; 3 folders Contract/Purchase
STEWART, WILSON, DUNLOP, RITCHIE, ANDERSON, WODDROP vs BRUICE, WEST (Merryland) 20 Jan 1803 MSA S512- 4751; 1/37/1/59-4582; 4 folders Title
STEWART, WILSON, DUNLOP, WADDROP, RYBURN vs GAUNTT, BELT (Merryland) 20 Jan 1803 MSA S512- 5133; 1/37/2/7-4987; 3 folders Contract/Purchase
STICHER vs REICH Jacob STICHER vs Christian REICH (lots in Woodsborough) 9 Feb 1808 MSA S512- 4997; 1/37/1/85-4835; 2 folders Contract/Purchase
STIMMELL, HITECHEW, SUNBRUN, SAWYER, STEWART vs LOGSDON, LONE, ELLIS (Retirement, Bedford, etc) 1 Dec 1809 MSA S512- 4850; 1/37/1/72-4681 Title
STONER vs PRICE Ephraim STONER vs Joseph D. PRICE 21 Aug 1850 MSA S512- 10811; 1/39/03/54-10968 Injunction
STONERs, CREAGER by Nehemiah PRICE (Braden's Lot, Mackey's Luck) 12 Dec 1804 MSA S512- 4113; 1/36/5/35-3995; 3 folders Foreclosure
STORM, John Peter STORM, John ADAMS vs John WHITMORE 11 Mar 1806 MSA S512- 5069; 1/37/1/95-4918 Estate
STOVER, Philip - MANTZ (Stover's Good Luck, Partnership, Carrollton) 14 Mar 1817 MSA S512- 4795; 1/37/1/65-4625; 4 folders Estate
STRIPE, Jacob - BISH, EURY 1 Jul 1799 MSA S512- 485; 1/35/5/57-432 Estate
STRONG, Ludwick - SMITH (Middle Plantation) 9 Jun 1807 MSA S512- 4709; 1/37/1/49-4540; 2 folders Estate
STUDY, MIDDOWER vs STANSIFER Martin STUDY, Jacob MIDDOWER vs Daniel STANSIFER (High Germany) 15 Aug 1792 MSA S512- 4926; 1/37/1/78-4757 Injunction
STULL, John & Isaac Abijah SWEARINGHAM vs Otho WILLIAMS, et al (Resurvey on Whiskey) 27 Oct 1791 MSA S512- 4715; 1/37/1/52-4546; 5 folders Estate
STURM, Johan Vandel John RAMSBERGH, et al vs John Vandel STURRUM Heirs 13 Mar 1817 MSA S512- 4322; 1/37/1/6-4200 Petition/Correct Deed
SWEIER, REIFSNIDER vs EICHELBERGER Nicholas SWEIER, David REIFSNIDER vs Leonard EICHELBERGER (Pines) 10 Jul 1812 MSA S512- 5124; 1/37/2/7-4978 Petition/Release
TAYLOR, Joseph - McNULTY 13 Jan 1813 MSA S512- 3369; 1/36/4/35-3274 Estate
THOMAS vs THOMAS Samuel Skinner THOMAS vs Edward THOMAS (Resurvey on Hazzard) 7 Apr 1801 MSA S512- 5353; 1/37/2/33-5223 Injunction
THOMAS, BUTLER vs HEATHCOTE, DALL Samuel S. THOMAS, Richard BUTLER vs John HEATHCOTE, James DALL 1 Aug 1803 MSA S512- 5311; 1/37/2/27-5178; 7 folders Injunction
THOMAS, John - BALTZELL 8 Apr 1835 MSA S512- 11322; 1/39/04/26-11494 Estate
THOMPSON vs NELSON, WEST Injunction 21 May 1799 MSA S512- 5344; 1/37/2/32-5214; 2 folders Injunction
THOMPSON, John - CLAPHAM, CARY, McDONALD - SLAVES 22 Sep 1787 MSA S512- 867; 1/36/1/1-834; 5 folders Estate
TIERNAN, SOMERVILLE vs BRIEN (Catoctin Furnace) 31 Aug 1835 MSA S512- 11358; 1/39/04/30-11530 Petition to Sell
TODD vs ENSEY Joshua TODD vs William ENSEY (Parrs Range; also Baltimore county) 21 Aug 1821 MSA S512- 11380; 1/39/04/32-11552 Contract/Purchase
TRAMMEL, John - BRISCOE, YOUNG, HOWARD, HART, BRIGHTWELL - SLAVES 20 Jan 1797 MSA S512- 447; 1/35/5/54-392 Estate
TROUTMAN, CARRICOE, FRESHOUR, BRENGLE, DEVILBISS vs Peter ZELLER (Resurvey on Miller's Chance) 30 Mar 1812 MSA S512- 5340; 1/37/2/30-5210 Contract/Purchase
TROXALL, BONER vs SHIELDS', BLAIR (lot in Emmitsburg) 18 Apr 1798 MSA S512- 1813; 1/36/2/37-1733 Petition/Release
TROXELL, Frederick Estate 21 Dec 1801 MSA S512- 5224; 1/37/2/16-5083; 2 folders Estate
TRUCKS vs TRUCKS John TRUCKS vs William TRUCKS (William's Hill) 12 Apr 1798 MSA S512- 5289; 1/37/2/25-5155 Title
TRUX vs TRUX John TRUX vs William TRUX (William's Hill) 23 Apr 1799 MSA S512- 11445; 1/39/04/46-11622 Contract/Purchase
TURNER vs WORTHINGTON, BEATTY (Solomon's Flower, Daniel's Small Tract) 13 Mar 1790 MSA S512- 5341; 1/37/2/31-5211; 15 folders Contract to Convey
TURNER vs WORTHINGTONs (Solomon's Flower, Resurvey on Daniel's Small Tract) 28 Dec 1803 MSA S512- 5193; 1/37/2/13-5049 Injunction
TURNER, William Insolvency 21 May 1799 MSA S512- 5267; 1/37/2/20-5127 Insolvency
TYSON, Isaac - WESCOTT, YOUNG, WADDINGTON, HURST, HOCKLEY, BEBSEY 15 Nov 1848 MSA S512- 11265; 1/39/04/19-11437; 2 folders Estate
UHL, Michael - RIDDLEMOSER, LESHIE (Brothers Good Will) 14 Aug 1797 MSA S512- 4457; 1/37/1/25-4330 Estate
ULLRYs, SELLERS, SNIDER vs RIDGELY (Bond's Meadow Enlarged) 23 Apr 1796 MSA S512- 5370; 1/37/2/37-5242 Title
UMSTEAD, Nicholas - (Umstead's Inheritance) 10 Oct 1797 MSA S512- 5389; 1/37/2/40-5261 Estate
UMSTED vs McGREGOR, CREAGER, MOALE (Good Luck, Addition, Widow's Chance, Spring Garden, Mackey's Luck, etc) 7 Jun 1813 MSA S512- 5380; 1/37/2/39-5252; 2 folders Title
VALENTINE, WOLLET vs ADAMS, SPANGER, ALBAUGH, STALY (Ogleton, Younger Parather) 10 Oct 1811 MSA S512- 5424; 1/37/2/43-5295 Contract/Purchase
VAN SWEARINGEN, Thomas - STEMBELL 21 Dec 1809 MSA S512- 5076; 1/37/1/96-4925 Estate
VANHORN, Benjamin - McPHERSON (lot in Frederick Town) 4 Oct 1804 MSA S512- 4609; 1/37/1/41-4457; 2 folders Estate
VOLKMAN, Peter A. - HARRIS, WOOD, MOALE, AMELUNG (New Bremen) 25 Mar 1803 MSA S512- 2445; 1/36/3/26-2351 Insolvency
WAGGONER, Sophia vs Michael Alimony 20 Mar 1809 MSA S512- 5716; 1/37/2/74-5604 Misc - Alimony
WALTER, Michael (Resurvey on Mount Pleasant) 7 Nov 1807 MSA S512- 5752; 1/37/2/78-5640 Title
WAMPLER vs WAMPLER, WARTS, GRAYBILL, KINSEY, ENGLER, HARTMAN, SNIDER (Resurvey on Hunting Lot) 11 Sep 1802 MSA S512- 5791; 1/37/2/84-5679 Petition to Sell
WAMPLER vs WINCHESTER Ludwig, John WAMPLER vs Wm. & Geo. WINCHESTER (William's Adventure) 3 Jun 1820 MSA S512- 12165; 1/39/5/30-12360 Contract/Purchase
WARFIELD, Charles H. - (lot in New Town [Jefferson]) 17 Jul 1826 MSA S512- 11854; 1/39/04/92-12033 Estate
WARFIELD, Henry R. by Richard SNOWDEN (Hobson's Choice) 22 May 1823 MSA S512- 11007; 1/39/03/79-11171 Foreclosure
WARFIELD vs WARFIELD (lands also in Washington county) 8 Oct 1790 MSA S512- 5768; 1/37/2/80-5656 Petition to Divide
WATERS, Azel - SMITH, HEDGES (lot in Monocacy Manor) 3 Jan 1802 MSA S512- 4963; 1/37/1/82-4799 Estate
WATERS, Joab - SCHRODER, SCHLEY, MANRO, BALTZELL, PHILLIPS 30 Sep 1813 MSA S512- 4796; 1/37/1/65-4626 Trust
WEAVER vs GASSAWAY George vs Eliz., Louis) (Turkey Foot Bottom, Valentine's Gift) 26 Dec 1797 MSA S512- 5558; 1/37/2/60-5436 Contract/Purchase
WEAVER, Casper W. vs Chesapeake & Ohio Canal 23 Aug 1832 MSA S512- 11880; 1/39/04/95-12059 Injunction
WELLER, John - BORN, WILHIDE, WEDDLE (Sande Elizabeth, Turckireaush) 24 Sep 1816 MSA S512- 578; 1/35/5/70-534 Estate
WELSH vs RATCLIFFE, LATIMER (Resurvey on Peters Run) 8 Feb 1834 MSA S512- 11825; 1/39/04/88-12002 Title
WELSH, Betsy - DAVIS (Gaither's Meadow, Saplin Range) 30 Apr 1801 MSA S512- 1401; 1/36/1/49-1345 Estate
WELSH, Betty Davis (under her will) (land also in Montgomery County) 2 Mar 1796 MSA S512- 1366; 1/36/1/46-1310; 7 folders Trust
WHIFFING vs ADAMS (James WHIFFING vs James ADAMS) (Groves Tavern) 7 Feb 1822 MSA S512- 11920; 1/39/05/04-12102 Contract/Purchase
WHITE vs DEVENDALL Michael, Abraham WHITE vs John DEVENDALL (Seventh Dividend, etc) 11 Jul 1799 MSA S512- 5747; 1/37/2/77-5635; 8 folders Title
WHITEFORD, David & HOFFMAN, David, John by Michael GARRY, and John HANAN - lot in New Town (Jefferson) 15 Dec 1832 MSA S512- 8112; 1/38/3/83-8127 Foreclosure
WILLIAMS vs THOMAS Otho H. WILLIAMS vs William THOMAS (Dulany's Lott) 15 Apr 1790 MSA S512- 5893; 1/37/3/1-5790 Injunction
WILLIAMS vs WILLIAMS (Woods Mill Lands) 1 Jul 1826 MSA S512- 11768; 1/39/04/81-11944 Petition to Sell
WILLIAMS, Otho Holland - SMITH, THOMAS (Ceresville Farm, etc; also Alleg, Balt., Wash. counties) 16 Oct 1810 MSA S512- 5090; 1/37/2/2-4940 Estate
WILLIAMS, William and Otho, etc Petitin to Sell (Ceresville) 18 Apr 1827 MSA S512- 11941; 1/39/05/07-12125 Petition to Sell
WILLIS, Rev. Henry (from his will) - WARFIELD, ZOLLICKOFFER, STEVENSON 16 Apr 1816 MSA S512- 5878; 1/37/2/95-5776 Trust
WILLSON, Edward J. by Thomas L. EMORY (Resurvey on Brother's Agreement) 22 Jun 1821 MSA S512- 7707; 1/38/3/22-7705 Foreclosure
WILLSON, Edward J., Henrietta by Bolton JACKSON (Brother's Agreement) 1 Sep 1823 MSA S512- 8886; 1/38/4/87-8946 Foreclosure
WINCHESTER vs LEMMONs, JAMES (Lemmon's Vineyard) 11 Sep 1797 MSA S512- 5912; 1/37/3/3-5810 Title
WINCHESTER, William - (White's Levell, Westminster, Leigh Castle) 22 Jun 1835 MSA S512- 10293; 1/39/02/88-10433; 3 folders Estate
WINCHESTERs by Union Bank of Maryland, Solomon ETTING (White's Level) 22 Jun 1835 MSA S512- 11479; 1/39/04/49-11656 Foreclosure
WINEMILLER, BRINGLE, CORNICE, STONER, WISE, et al vs HOFFMAN (German High Dutch Ref Church) 18 Jun 1798 MSA S512- 5704; 1/37/2/73-5592 Title
WINTER, William - DAVIS - Trustee Appointment 17 Mar 1817 MSA S512- 1519; 1/36/1/58-1453 Trustee Appointment
WINTZ, George - CRONICE, MILLER, MON, DERR, WALTER 19 May 1796 MSA S512- 1002; 1/36/1/15-964 Estate
WOLFE vs HAYS', WILSON (Good Luck, Addition) 12 Feb 1796 MSA S512- 5918; 1/37/3/4-5818 Contract/Purchase
WOLFE, MILLER, WESTFALL vs COBLENTZ, HESSON (Black Oak Level, Ohio, Addition to Shuors Bottom) 14 May 1814 MSA S512- 5801; 1/37/2/85-5689; 2 folders Petition to Sell
WOOD vs LYNN Joseph WOOD vs David LYNN (lots in Monocacy Manor) 16 Jun 1791 MSA S512- 5761; 1/37/2/79-5649; 3 folders Contract to Convey
WOOD vs TAYLOR Robert WOOD vs John TAYLOR (Wood's Design, Den of Wolves) 30 Mar 1782 MSA S512- 5762; 1/37/2/79-5650 Contract/Purchase
WOOD, Charles by Basil WOOD (Grove, Three Brothers Lot) 13 Sep 1809 MSA S512- 5550; 1/37/2/59-5428 Foreclosure
WOOD, Joseph (Worst of All, lots in Monocacy Manor) 28 Dec 1792 MSA S512- 5620; 1/37/2/64-5501 Insolvency
WOOLSEY, George - STEWART, WINCHESTER (Res. On Lamb's Choice, Res. On Locust Neck) 13 Sep 1785 MSA S512- 5890; 1/37/2/96-5787 Estate
WORMANs, LUKENPEEL, DUDDERRER, MYERS vs LUKENPEEL (Good Neighborhood, Grove, Three Brothers Lot, etc) 15 Mar 1812 MSA S512- 5941; 1/37/3/6-5852; 3 folders Petition to Divide
WORTHINGTON vs BURGESS Thom. Contee WORTHINGTON vs Edw. & Thom. BURGESS) (also Mont. Co) 3 Jun 1826 MSA S512- 12162; 1/39/5/30-12357 Injunction
WORTHINGTON vs TURNER (Resurvey on Daniels Small Tract) 27 Feb 1802 MSA S512- 11831; 1/39/04/89-12009 Injunction
WORTHINGTON, Charles by Samuel WORTHINGTON (lots in Mechanics Town) 17 Sep 1849 MSA S512- 11551; 1/39/04/56-11726 Foreclosure
WORTHINGTON, John - HAMMOND, OWINGS, GEETHING/SNEETHING (Whiskey Ridge) 24 Apr 1818 MSA S512- 2440; 1/36/3/25-2346 Estate
WORTHINGTONs vs WORTHINGTONs (Resurvey on Daniel's Small Luck; also AA and Balt. counties) 26 Feb 1805 MSA S512- 5953; 1/37/3/7-5866 Petition to Sell
WYANT, POORMAN vs WYANT (John, Jacob WYANT; Henry, Catharine POORMAN vs Henry WYANT) 23 Sep 1809 MSA S512- 5627; 1/37/2/64-5508 Injunction
YEAST, WILES vs FULLWILER, NAGLE and EKENBERGER (Tan Bark) 26 Dec 1786 MSA S512- 5978; 1/37/3/9-5892 Contract/Purchase
YOUNG vs COALE John YOUNG vs Richard COALE - lease SLAVES (names not in index) 21 Oct 1790 MSA S512- 5966; 1/37/3/8-5880 Slaves/Lease
YOUNG vs SWANN Jacob YOUNG vs John SWANN (land in Virginia) 10 Mar 1800 MSA S512- 5963; 1/37/3/8-5876 Title
YOUNG, GESEY vs BALTZELLs Mathias YOUNG; John & Catharine GESEY vs John BALTZELL, et al 12 May 1815 MSA S512- 5958; 1/37/3/8-5871; 2 folders Petition to Sell
YOUNG, John Engle Estate 28 Oct 1809 MSA S512- 5985; 1/37/3/12-5896 Estate
ZIMMERMANs vs FOXes Title (Chestnut Level) 21 Dec 1808 MSA S512- 5990; 1/37/3/12-5900 Title

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