Equity Court Abstracts

Book WIP-6 - 1884-1891

Frederick County, Maryland

These are abstracts from Equity Court Records of Frederick County, Maryland, many times providing family data on the defendant and sometimes on persons not mentioned on the docket. Some of the listings are quite informative while others, being dismissed, may only have the date and name of plantiff and defendant. However, the cases brought before the judge consisted of sworn testimony and each one holds a story. Perhaps you will find a story connected to your search.
[Records Located at Maryland State Archives]

Thomas OGLE & w/ Lucretia vs William MEALY, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5617 - Nov 1889 Thomas M. MEALEY d/ 28 Oct 1889, intestate, never married bro/ William MEALEY and w/ Laura - Cockeysville, Baltimore Co, MD sis/ Marian w/o Malakiah ETZLER sis/ Lydia w/o Charles BROWN sis/ Catherine w/o William POOLE sis/ Mary L. w/o Franklin A. DIXON - 640 Conway St, Baltimore City, MD sis/ Susan BURRALL, dec'd - her son, ........William BURRALL & w/ Emma - Baltimore Co, MD sis/ Jemima BAKER, dec'd - her 5 children, ........Harry BAKER and w/ Addie ........Thomas BAKER and w/ Clara ........Frank BAKER, a minor ........Hattie BAKER, a minor ........Ida BAKER, a minor sis/ Lucretia w/o Thomas OGLE LAND - 1-acre Lot, 1 mile west of New London in New Market District, on road from Central Church to the New Market Road; adjoining lands of Thomas A. OGLE and William RICHARDSON. Improved with a 2-story log house, stable, carriage house and some fruit trees. To Thomas MEALEY from Franklin A. DIXON & w/ Mary L. for $320.90 in Mar 1882 [AF-4, 731]. Previously to Frank DIXON from Heirs of Nathan NELSON in Jan 1878 [TG-8, 704]. - Lot on West side of Klinehart's Alley in Frederick City, at SW corner of Alley and Seventh St, between 6th & 7th Sts. Improved with a 1 1/2-story weather boarded house with back building. To Thomas MEALEY from Augustus & Rebecca JACKSON at $225 in Dec 1880 for $225 [AF-2, 572]. - 1-acre Lot in the village of Clarysville, Liberty District; on north side of Old Annapolis Road. Improved with a two-story log dwelling, a blacksmith shop, stable and fruit trees. To Thomas MEALEY from William H. & Sarah C. POOLE at $475 in Jul 1877 [TG-8, 72]. Previously from Anthony & Sidney Ann KIMMEL. Guardian appointed 10 Feb 1890 was Adolphus FEARHAKE. Testimony was heard on 28 Jan 1890 from: - Thomas OGLE, 52 years old and lived near New London in New Market District; stated Thomas MEALEY died on 28 Oct 1889 and had no will; Mealey owned three lots with a combined value of about $1,000; Mealey was never married. - Archie W. OGLE, age 25, who lived near Pearl, also testified. Trustee was John C. MOTTER. Public sale was held 18 Mar 1890 at the Carlin House in Frederick City; high bidders were: - Thomas DARNER for the Frederick City property at $175 - Thomas A. OGLE for the New Market property at $155 - Edward CRUMRINE for the Liberty property at $400; however, he failed to make payment. Resale on 30 Aug 1890; high bidder was: - Charles E. ETZLER at $350 Submitted to Auditor on 18 Nov 1890.

James B. DIXON and John C. MOTTER vs Catharine FUNK, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5622 - Nov 1889 William FUNK d/ Sep 1889, intestate widow - Catharine s/ Benjamin FUNK & w/ Georgiana s/ Silas C. FuNK & w/ Ella s/ Hamilton E. FUNK & w/ Maggie H. s/ William FUNK & w/ Annie E. d/ Cecelia w/o William WHITMORE d/ Mattie w/o Jeferson MOBERLY LAND - "Resurvey on Hope" and "Hope", 231 acres, in Urbana District, 1 1/2 miles east of Park Mills along Bennett's Creek, adjoins PETER's Mill. Improved with a frame house, new tenant house and another house with a stable attached, barn, smoke house, corn house and blacksmith shop. Some timber of Oak, Hickory and Chestnut. To William FUNK from Elizabeth A. SIMMONS and Albert H. SIMMONS of Baltimore City and Nicholas J. WORTHINGTON & w/ Alice (widow & children of Abraham H. SIMMONS) at $6,954 in Jan 1868 [CM-1, 158]. Previously to Jacob ORME from Thomas J. DAVIS and Peter H. BROWN for 180 acres in Oct 1836. Mortgaged to John GOLDSBORO at $3,000 in Jun 1884. Mortgaged to Catharine S. GOLDSBORO at $1,000 in Jun 1884. Upon John GOLDSBORO's death, the mortgage was transferred to Edward Y. GOLDSBORO, John S.GOLDSBORO and Julianna W. GOLDSBORO in Mar 1886 with Edward being the administrator. Testimony was heard 1 Jan 1890 from: - Charles KOHLHOSS - Granville LINDSAY, Deputy Register of Wills - Daniel T. LAKIN, cashier of Citizens National Bank - Ira TYLER, teller of First National Bank Trustees were John C. MOTTER and Edward Y. GOLDSBOROUGH. SALE was held 26 Apr 1890 at MOBERLY's Store at Park Mills; high bidder was: - Catharine S. FUNK at $4,082.50 Sent to Auditor 27 May 1890.

Mary SNYDER, et al vs David M. SNYDER & w/ Annie - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5610 - Oct 1889 John SNYDER d/ 6 Sep 1888, intestate widow - Mary A. (age 69) s/ John T. SNYDER & w/ Mattie s/ David M. SNYDER & w/ Annie d/ Hattie B. w/o Samuel A. NUSBAUM s/ Sarah w/o Henry NUSBAUM d/ Laura V. w/o William BOHN LAND - "More Plague Than Profit" and "Resurvey on This or None", 101 acres, in Woodsboro District, on road from there to Double Pipe Creek (3 miles from Woodsboro and 1 mile from Double Pipe Creek). Improved with a 2-story stone house, barn, spring house, wash house, apple and peach orchards, with spring near the house and well in the barn yard. (The Woodsboro-Double Pipe Creek Turnpike will pass through the property.) To John SNYDER from Levi F. MILLER, trustee (Equity #5093, Cyrus D. GROSSNICKLE, et al vs Ellen E. GROSSICKLE, et al in Jul 1885) at $4,710 in Jan 1886 [WIP-1, 472]. - "Resurvey on Spring Garden", 38 acres, in Johnsville District, on Liberty-Pipe Creek Turnpike, 1/4 mile north of Johnsville. Improved with a 2-story rough-cast house and barn. To John SNIDER from John D. MAIN & w/ Temazeane at $2,900 in Mar 1877 [TG-7, 526]. - "Legh Castle", "Jones' Inheritance", "Moore's Contentment" and "Mountain Stage", 9 acres, near Jewsburg in Carroll County; adjoining land of Jesse FRANKLIN. Land is timbered in Chestnut. To John SNIDER from Peter ENGLE & w/ Mary of Carroll County at $398 in Jul 1859 [Carroll Co - GEW-26, 108]. Trustee was Henry NUSBAUM and Frank L. STONER. SALE was held 1 Feb 1890 at Haugh & Garner's Store in Johnsville; high bidders were: - W. M. BOHN for the 38 acres at $64/acre, $2,432 - William H. BAILE for the 9 acres at $26.50/acre, $238.50 (signed by Nathan H. BAILE) The farm lacked bidders. Sale held on 30 Aug 1890 at Weant's Store at Double Pike Creek; high bidder was: - Samuel A. NUSBAUM for the farm at $45/acre, $4,545 Total Sales - $7,215.50. Sent to Auditor on 7 Oct 1890.

WIP-6, 47-60 - ANDERS, GROFF
Mutual Insurance Company vs Joseph GROFF & w/ Susan & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5215 - Jul 1886 Charles C. ANDERS d/ 1883 (Will JPP-1, 449, written 9 Jun 1883) widow - Lillie R. Estate to his wife and after her death to his children who were not named in the Will. Exec/ George H. ZIMMERMAN Witnesses: C. E. SAYLOR, D. F. KOLB, F. M. LEASE --- LAND - "Hammonds Request", "Benvenue" and "Charles and Elizabeth", 182 acres, known as the Linganore Farm which included Linganore Mills; 4 miles east of Frederick. Improved with a fine house built at a cost of $8,000. The mills have recently been repaired and were capable of grinding 125 barrels of flour per day. The water power is unsurpassed. A cooper shop was also included. - Included a 3-acre lot with a 2-story house, fronting the Baltimore Pike; was sold by Joseph GROFF to Mrs HOBBS. - "Charles and Elizabeth", 25 acres. (Heirs of Aaron ANDERS) also from John REIFSNIDER & wife [TG-9, 606] and David FRAZIER & wife [TG-11, 202]. Charles C. ANDERS & w/ Lillie R. were indebted to Franklin Building Assoc of Frederick for $12,400 by mortgage in July 1879; later mortgage was assigned to the Insurance Company. SALE was made to Joseph GROFF, subject to the mortgage; however, he has failed to make payment for the mortgage [AF-7, 468]. Testimony was heard 1 Feb 1887 from: - George William CRAMER, Sec of Mutual Insurance Company Trustee was George MARKELL, but he declined; Charles E. TRAIL was then made trustee. SALE was held 25 Feb 1890 at the City Hotel in Frederick; high bidders were: - Mutual Insurance Company for Linganore Mills & Farm at $35/acre, $6,370. Submitted for audit on 2 Apr 1890.

George O. HAMMOND, et al vs John P. HAMMOND & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5149 - Jan 1886 George W. HAMMOND d/ 26 May 1866 (Will TMLC-1, 287, written 4 Apr 1866) widow - Eliza A. (administrator) s/ John Peter HAMMOND - Baltimore City d/ Ida Elizabeth w/o Charles J. SMITH d/ Fannie Isabella w/o Samuel G. MYERS - Hagerstown, Washington Co s/ George Oliver HAMMOND & w/ Emma A. - Missouri d/ Julia Virginia HAMMOND - Baltimore City d/ Augusta Ann HAMMOND, a minor s/ Charles Clayton HAMMOND, a minor (born after his father's death on 20 Dec 1866 in Johnsville District) Property to remain with the family until the youngest child becomes of age; then to be sold with widow to receive $3,000 and the remainder divided among the children. Brother John HAMMOND to act as adviser in control and management of the farm. Witnesses: Henry SWOPE, Thomas J. REISLER, John HAMMOND --- LAND - "Richard's Hunting Ground", "Dukes' Woods" and "Widow's Lot", 123-acre Farm in Liberty District, 1 mile north of Libertytown, on turnpike from Libertytown to Johnsville; adjoining lands of James SAPPINGtON and Capt Warner WELSH. Improved with a large 3-story rough-cast house with basement, a large barn, wagon shed, corn house, hay barrick, carriage house, tenant house and orchard with spring near the house; also has copper ore on the property. To George W. HAMMOND from Christian HOSSLER & w/ Barbara at $6,147 in Mar 1859 [BGF-3, 680]. None of the children reside on the farm and it is no longer in the hands of the family, the widow now being deceased. The youngest child is now of age. The widow mortgaged her interest in the farm to Harriet H. SCHLEY in payment of $400 in Apr 1873; and further mortgaged her interest to R. Nelson NORWOOD for $500 in Apr 1875. Several judgments were placed against Eliza A. HAMMOND and John P. HAMMOND as well. Claims that Eliza A. HAMMOND sold personal property to Randolf G. BARRICK; however, it was claimed it was not hers to sell. After the death of the widow, BARRICK took possession of the personal property. Trustee was Milton G. URNER. SALE was held 4 Feb 1888 on the premises; high bidder was: - Warner G. WELSH at $52.75/acre, $6,488.25 Distribution after costs of $6,225.31 - Eliza A. HAMMOND, per Will, $3,000, but went to creditors. - Each child's 1/7 share, $460.75; however, ...John P. HAMMOND rec'd $359.43 as $101.32 went to creditor. Resubmitted to audit on 11 Oct 1889.

John N. CLARY, assignee of Nathan NELSON, mortgagee of Sarah NUSBAUM - Report of Sales - Equity #5650 - Jan 1890 LAND - "Culloden Wall", 17 acres; adjoined land of George RINER and John W. ENGLAND. Improved with a 2-story log house, log stable and fruit trees with a spring near the house. SALE was held 18 Jan 1890 at the store of C. THOMAS in Mount Pleasant; high bidder was: - G. H. BINEBRINK at $300 By 6 Mar 1890, it was reported that Sarah NUSBAUM had died; and file was closed.

WIP-6, 101-109 - KEEFER, BUCKEY
George P. BUCKEY, mortgagee of George W. KEEFER & w/ Sarah - Report of Sales - Equity #5762 - Dec 1890 LAND - "Resurvey on Small Beginning" and "Hosplehorn's Addition", 66 acres, in Johnsville District, on road from Haugh's Church to McKinstry's Mills and 1.5 miles from Union Bridge; adjoined lands of William GARBER, Clayton R. DEVILBISS and Lewis B. ECKER. Improved with a large 2-story stone house, frame bank barn with stabling underneath, fruit trees and a well near the house. Frank KEEFER was then residing there. Mortgaged at $2,200 to George P. BUCKEY of Union Bridge, Carroll County. [AF-6, 482; Apr 1883] SALE was held 25 Nov 1890 on the premises; high bidder was: - William F. KEEFER at $3,894 (surety was Augustus STONER) Other judgments and mortgages were filed and the case was sent to the auditor on 30 Jan 1891.

John B. THOMAS, assignee of Francis Z. S. KNIGHT, mortgagee of C. J. HUGHES & w/ Emma C. - Report of Sales - Equity #5768 - Dec 1890 LAND - 102 acres, 1 mile north of Jefferson, on public road; adjoining lands of John CULLER and Willliam RICE. Improved with a first-class house and barn, etc. Then in occupancy of Thomas CECIL. To C. T. HUGHES & w/ Emma C. from T. T. HERSPERGER in Sep 1887 [WIP-5]. Mortgaged at $2,000. SALE was held 23 Dec 1890 at the City Hotel in Frederick City; high bidder was: - Philip H. CLINE at $3,610 Sent to audit on 19 Jan 1891.

Annie E. HESSER, et al vs William H. STAUFFER & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5742 - Oct 1890 Eleanor F. STAUFFER d/ 12 Feb 1890 at her home, intestate w/o William H. STAUFFER (age 60) d/ Eleanora S. w/o Joseph V. LITTLE - Lonaconing, Allegany County d/ Virginia C. w/o Robert A. FRUSHOUR d/ Annie E. w/o Allen J. HESSER (He lives in PA) d/ Fannie R. STAUFFER s/ Charles H. STAUFFER d/ Marietta A. w/o Michael T. PEDDICORD - Baltimore County d/ May M. F. STAUFFER, a minor (age 15) LAND - "Addition to Father's Lecture", 3.5 acres in Buckeystown District; adjoined land of Aaron DAVIS and Horace ZIMMERMAN. Improved with a house and stable. To Eleanor F. STAUFFER from Joshua T. MURRAY & w/ Annie M. at $500 in May 1886 [WIP-1, 542]. Guardian was William P. MAULSBY Jr. Testimony was heard 28 Nov 1890 from: - Edward D. ZIMMERMAN, age 68 - John WILSON, age 62, Frederick City - Mrs. Annie E. HESSER, daughter Trustee was Jacob ROHRBACK. SALE was held 3 Jan 1891 at the Court House in Frederick; high bidder was: - Charles C. CECIL at $470 Submitted to auditor on 29 Jan 1891.

John B. THOMAS, assignee of Jesse BAILE, mortgagee of John DILLER, et al - Report of Sales - Equity #5782 - Feb 1891 LAND - 134.75 acres, in New Market District, on the B & O Railroad between Monrovia and Ijamsville; 1.5 miles from Ijamsville and 2 miles from Monrovia. Improved with a house and other buildings. Then occupied by Thomas LIGHTNER. To George Emory DILLER from A. J. DELASHMUTT in Mar 1884. Mortgaged at $3,000 by George Emory DILLER & w/ Anna and John DILLER to Jesse BAILE in Mar 1884 [AF-8, 320]. SALE was held 3 Feb 1891 at the City Hotel in Frederick; high bidder was: - Jesse BAILE at $15/acre, $2,021.25 Sent to Auditor on 26 Feb 1891.

Col. John B. THOMAS, assignee of Lydia A. WOOD, mortgagee of Franklin P. LEDWIDGE & w/ Mary J. - Report of Sales - Equity #5775 - Dec 1890 LAND - 1.5 acres in New Midway, Woodsboro District, on right side of road from Woodsboro to Double Pike Creek, near the PA Railroad line; divided into two lots; adjoined land of John STOVER. Each improved with a new 2-story frame house. To Frank P. LEDWIDGE from John STOVER in Aug 1858 [WIP-6, 454]. SALE held 23 Dec 1890 at the City Hotel in Frederick; high bidder was: - Lydia A. WOOD of Baltimore City at $820 Sent to Auditor on 10 Feb 1891.

John A. GEASEY, mortgagee of Daniel J. DEVILBISS & w/ Laura C. - Report of Sales - Equity #5769 - Dec 1890 LAND - "Monocacy Manor", 1 acre, in Woodsboro District, within 1/4 mile of Walkersville, on road from Israel's Creek Church to the Glade Church; adjoined lands of H. Clay FULTON and Reverdy WINEBRENER. In the heart of Glade Valley. Improved with a 9-room house, stable, carriage house, ice house, fruit trees and a well near the door. To Daniel J. DEVILBISS from Susan CROMWELL in Mar 1880 [AF-1, 418]. SALE was held 27 Dec 1890 at the Court House; high bidder was: - John A. GEASEY at $800 Submitted to Auditor on 26 Jan 1891.

John R. ROUZER, William SIX and George W. STOCKSDALE, mortgagees of George D. KEYSER & w/ Rachel D. - Report of Sales - Equity #5767 - Dec 1890 LAND - Lot (103.5 x 170') on north side of Main St in Mechanicstown; adjoining lots of Sarah KRISE on the east, stream 'The Branch', Joseph WEDDELL, John ROUZER, and an alley. Improved with a 2-story weatherboarded house and another one used as a cabinet shop, garden and supplied with mountain water. To George D. KEYSER from Ezra SMITH [WIP-1, 244]. SALE was held 20 Dec 1890 on the premises; high bidders were: - John R. ROUZER, William SIX and George W. STOCKSDALE at $1,501 Trutee to convey deed was John C. MOTTER. Submitted to auditor on 27 Jan 1891.

Andrew J. FRESHOUR, guardian of Daniel W. I. STOTTLEMYER - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5737 - Oct 1890 Joshua STOTTLEMYER d/ summer of 1888 widow - Malinda d/ Aug 1890, intestate s/ Daniel Webster Irving STOTTLEMYER, a minor (age 9) LAND - "Sweet Apple", "Six Daughters", "Duble's Luck", "Leatherman's Chance", 82 acres, two miles from Wolfsville, on Creek Road leading from Wolfsville to Ellerton, near Middlepoint. Improved with a 1 1/2-story log house, log barn, fruit trees and well; adjoining lands of Elias GROSSNICKEL and Daniel HARSHMAN. To Malinda STOTTLEMYER & h/ Joshua STOTTLEMYER from John W. SENSENBAUGH & w/ Amanda C. at $1,210 in Mar 1881 [AF-7, 429]. Previously to SENSENBAUGH from: ...Jonathan STOTTLEMYER & wife in Apr 1871 [CM-7, 97]. ...Elias GROSSNICKLE & wife in Apr 1871 [CM-7, 97]. ...Henry A. FRESHOUR & wife in Mar 1874 [TG-2, 671]. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 13 Oct 1890 from: - Isaiah HARSHMAN, age 33, Wolfsville - gave full name of Daniel. - Jacob H. LEATHERMAN, age 36, near Wolfsville Trustee was Andrew J. FRESHOUR. SALE was held 22 Nov 1890 in front of Reno BUHRMAN's store at Middlepoint; high bidder was: - John R. STOTTLEMYER at $510 Submitted to auditor on 4 Mar 1891. NOTE - Frederick County Marriage Licenses - STOTTLEMYER, Joshua, 45, laborer to SUMMERS, Malinda, 35 dated 10 Oct 1872 by F. A. Rupley in FC

William G. BAKER, next friend of Raymond E. KELLY vs Rosa KELLY, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5666 - Jul 1890 Ettie A. KELLY d/ Dec 1888, intestate d/ Rosa KELLY, a minor - Illinois s/ Daniel KELLY, a minor - Illinois s/ Cornelius KELLY, a minor - Illinois d/ Grace KELLY, a minor - Illinois d/ Ida KELLY, a minor - Somerset County (was then at Samuel BRATT's, Oxford, Talbot County) d/ Fannie KELLY, a minor s/ Raymond Edward KELLY, a minor LAND - Lot on west side of Main St at south end of Buckeystown; adjoined lots of M. J. GROVE and the Methodist Protestant Church. Improved with a 2-story weatherboarded house with 1-story back building, a garden and well. To Ettie KELLY from William MORNINGSTAR & w/ Sarah A. of Montgomery County at $650 in Mar 1885 [AF-9, 724]. Previously to MORNINGSTAR from Charles S. SIMMONS & wife in Jan 1876 [TG-5, 262]. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 13 Sep 1890 from: - William G. BAKER, age 48, Buckeystown - said Ettie died Dec 1888, but petition stated Dec 1889; Ida was now back in Frederick County. - Alex. J. McKENNA, age 45, Buckeystown Trustee was William G. BAKER. SALE was held 15 Dec 1890 on the premises; high bidder was: - Mrs. Susannah A. ZIMMERMAN at $461 Submitted to auditor 27 Jan 1891.

Samuel M. BIRELY, assignee of Samuel EICHOLTZ, mortgagee of John A. STULL & w/ Ann Sophia - Report of Sales - Equity #5750 - Oct 1890 LAND - 65 acres, two miles SE of Mechanicstown, on road from there to Creagerstown; adjoined land of Henry C. SMITH. Improved with a 2-story log and frame house and barn; good mountain soil and well supplied with water. To John A. STULL [CM-6, 126]. SALE was held 27 Dec 1890 on the premises; high bidder was: - Samuel EICHOLTZ at $1,700 Submitted to auditor 7 Feb 1891.

Ignatius BROWN, mortgagee of Daniel BERKLITE - Report of Sales - Equity #5570 - Feb 1891 LAND - 89.5 acres, containing: - "Lemmon's Vineyard", "Biggs Lot", "Worth Something", "Round Meadow", 68 acres, 1/2 mile east of Mout Moriah Church, between roads from Wolf's Old Tavern stand to Deerfield in Hauvers District; adjoined lands of Joseph FOX, Lewis FOX and Martin L. BROWN. Improved with a 2-story log, weatherboarded house, barn, corn crib and hog pen combined, chicken house, dairy, apple and peach orchards and spring of excellent water. - "Resurvey on Round Meadow and Stone Enough", 14.75 acres. - "Biggs Lot", 6+ acres. To Daniel BERKLITE from Ignatius BROWN in Mar 1879. - undivided half of "Snyder's Garden" (where Daniel lived). Inherited from Daniel's aunt, Catharine FLAUTT (Will 19 Dec 1867). - "Fox Range", 17 acres, (adjoinning previous tract). To Daniel BERKLITE from Samuel PRIOR & w/ Dorothy. - "Fox Range", 14 acres of timber land, 1.25 miles west of Deerfield, near the road from there to Foxville; adjoined lands of Joseph FOX, Joseph BROWN and Ignatius BROWN. To Daniel BERKLITE from Daniel BROWN & w/ Sarah Ann in Dec 1876. Mortgaged at $2,100. SALE was held 11 May 1889 on the premises; high bidder was: - Ignatius BROWN for 59.5 acres at $1,550 - Ignatius BROWN for 14 acres at $60 Total Sales, $1,610. Submitted to auditor 2 May 1891.

George W. WACHTEL, assignee of Mosheim M. METZGER, mortgagee of Joseph BOWLUS - Report of Sales - Equity #5792 - Mar 1891 Joseph BOWLUS is now deceased. LAND - "Resurvey on Panmure", 116 acres, 1/2 mile west of Myersville; adjoining lands of George SHANK and Rev. A. M. SMITH. Improved with a large 2-story brick house, old barn, wagon shed, corn crib, orchard and spring near the house. Then occupied by some of the family of Joseph BOWLUS and of Charles E. SMITH. To Joseph BOWLUS from John BOWLUS in Oct 1841 [BGF-2, 320]. Mortgaged at $2,500. SALE was held 28 Feb 1891 on the premises; high bidder was: - Benton M. MORGAN at $3,485.80 less $67.50 due to finding of partial previous sale of part of the tract. Excluded was 2.25 acres sold to Jacob SMITH by Joseph BOWLUS and wife in Dec 1841 [HS-16, 53]. Submitted to auditor 15 Apr 1891.

WIP-6, 194-199 - TRESSLER, HAYS
James T. HAYS, adm/of Andrew T. HAYS, mortgagee of Isaac TRESSLER & w/ - Report of Sales - Equity #5797 - Mar 1891 Anddrew T. HAYS died intestate, James T. HAYS then became the administrator of his estate. LAND - "Mary's Delight", 87 acres, five miles west of Emmittsburg, on road from BELL's Mill to Sabillasville; adjoining lands of heirs of Peter STEM and Joseph TRESSLER. Improved with a house and barn, fruit trees and good water; good mountain soil, part in timber. To Isaac TRESSLER from James MUSGROVE & w/ Susan M. [AF-7, 198]. Mortgaged at $300. SALE was held 6 Dec 1890 on the premises, but failed to get a sufficient bid. Later, it was sold to: - Adam TRESSLER at $415 Submitted to auditor 11 Apr 1891.

Robert BIGGS, assignee of Charles W. ROSS, mortgagee of William H. DORSEY of F. & w/ Margaret C. - Report of Sales - Equity #5796 - Mar 1891 LAND - "Resurvey on Buck Forrest", Lot #7, 152 acres; on road from Rocky Ridge to Emmitsburg and 3/4 mile from Motter's Station. Improved with a house and barn. - "Rocks and Stones" and "Seiss' Trouble", 17-acre mountain lot; adjoining land of Caroline SEISS on the east and William LITTLE on the west. Mortgaged to Charles W. ROSS for $2,500 in Feb 1880 [AF-1, 263]. SALE was held 11 Mar 1891 at the court house; high bidder was: - J.C. ROSENSTEEL for 152 acres at $3,648 - A.S. ZENTZ for mountain lot at $24.77 Submitted to auditor 4 Apr 1891.

William H. NICODEMUS, sec/ Franklin Savings Bank, mortgagee of John P. COX - Report of Sales - Equity #5795 - Mar 1891 LAND - 2-acre Lot in Petersville on north side of Ridge Road; between land of Henry HOFFMAN and James COLLIFLOWER. Then in occupancy of Louise FLETCHER. To John P. COX from Henry HOFFMAN in May 1880 AF-2, 32]. Mortgaged by John P. COX of Dorchester County at $300 in May 1880 [AF-2, 33]. SALE was held 7 Mar 1891 on the premises; high bidder was: - Francis J. PECK Jr at $450 Submitted to auditor 1 Apr 1891.

WIP-6, 212-215 - WEYANT, HAYS
James T. HAYS, mortgagee of Elias WEYANT - Report of Sales - Equity #5785 - Feb 1891 LAND - Lot #11 of "Shield's Addition", in Emmitsburg. Improved with a 2-story weatherboarded house. To Elias WEYANT from James T. HAYS & w/ Sarah A. Previously to James T. HAYS from William PEOPLES [WIP-6, 135]. Mortgaged at $440. SALE was held 7 Feb 1891 on the premises; high bidder was: - Elizabeth WEYANT at $550 Submitted to auditor 17 Mar 1891.

Robert BIGGS and John C. MOTTER, mortgagees of Lewis BRUNER - Report of Sales - Equity #5794 - Feb 1891 LAND - in Frederick City on Bentz Street, adjoining lots: - Mill property known as 'Frederick City Mill', on west side of Bentz St, near West Church St; includes water rights. From William C. HOFFMAN & wife in Sep 1848 [WBT-10, 44]. - Lot (75 x 200') fronting on east side of Bentz St, opposite the mill with wagon way on south side. Improved with a 2-story brick house & 1-story attched brick office and stable. Then occupied by Lewis BRUNER, esquire. From Gideon BANTZ in Nov 1856 [ES-9, 63]. - Vacant Lot (120 x 200') north of house, fronting east side of Bentz St. Used as a garden. From William C. HOFFMAN & wife in Sep 1848 [WBT-1, 44]. - 1/4 acre vacant Lot on west side of Bentz St, just north of the mill. Improved with a large corn house and small wagon shed. From William S. BANTZ & w/ Caroline in May 1864 [JWLC-1, 589]. - Lot (100 x 75') on NE corner of Bentz & West Church Sts, fronting Bentz St and running back along West Church St. Improved with two brick houses. From Gideon BANTZ, trustee, in Nov 1856 [ES-9, 53]. (This property wasn't sold because other sales covered the mortgage.) Mortgaged at $4,000. SALE held 21 Feb 1891 on the premises; high bidder was: - Charles E. MEALEY for mill property at $2,200 - F. Marion FAUBEL for House & Office at $1,625 - Charles W. ROSS for vacant lot at $1,065 - Henry WILLIAMS and Charles W. ROSS for 1/4-acre lot at $325 Total Sales, $5,215. (Plat on page 223) Submitted to auditor 7 Apr 1891.

Theodore GEESEY, mortgagee of John T. DRONENBERG & w/ Susan C. - Report of Sales - Equity #5783 & #5784 - Feb 1891 LAND - "Braden's Lot", 17 acres, with mill, in Mount Pleasant, 2 miles SE of Walkersville; on road from Woodsboro-Frederick turnpike to the New Cut Road, adjoining the Great Creek Mills. To Susan C. DRONEBURG from Samuel MAUGINS & wife in Nov 1879. Also included: - 7 acres To Susan C. DRONENBERG from George CRAMER & wife in Feb 1880. - 13 acres; improved with a 6-room house, stable and smoke house. To Susan C. DRONENBERG from Josephus LONG, exec/of James LONG in Feb 1880. Mortgaged at $1,370 in Jul 1882 [AF-6, 37]. SALE was held 7 Feb 1891; high bidder was: - Theodore GEESEY at $1,000 Submitted to auditor 28 Mar 1891.

Charles M. RHODES and Shafer L. RHODES vs Jacob GLADHILL, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5730 - Sep 1890 George J. RHODES d/ 18 Aug 1890 Washington Co, intestate no widow d/ Fannie E. w/o Jacob S. GLADHILL - Carroll County d/ Della w/o Charles STRAUSNER - Pennsylvania s/ Charles M. RHODES s/ Shafer L. RHODES d/ Mary G. w/o Benjamin F. HUMM d/ Ada w/o Samuel FORNEY s/ George O. RHODES, a minor s/ Vernon M. RHODES, a minor LAND - in Frederick District on the Frederick to Jefferson Turnpike (Harpers Road), 2 miles SW of Frederick City. Improved with a house, stabling, fruit trees and a spring near the house. There is a pottery connected to it. - "Lambeth", 13 acres. To Joshua RHODES from Laura E. CLAGGETT at $348 in Apr 1850 [WBT-11, 473]. - "Lambeth", 36 acres. To George J. RHODES from Mahlon RHODERICK & w/ Mary Ann at $922 in Apr 1869 [CM-3, 360]. Mortgaged at $1,050 to John A. SIMMONS in Jul 1874. (Except 4.5 acres of the 13 acres sold to Edward HOWARD) (Except 20 acres of the 36 acres sold to William HOLTER) Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 17 Nov 1890 from: - Douglas H. HARGETT, age 44, near Frederick City; stated the decedent died at the hospital in Washington where he went for treatment. - Charles M. RHODES Trustees were John C. MOTTER and Douglas H. HARGETT. SALE was held 7 Feb 1891 at the City Hotel in Frederick City; land about 28 acres; high bidder was: - Benjamin F. ZIMMERMAN at $1,596 Submitted to auditor 4 Mar 1891.

Isaac M. FISHER, mortgagee of Joseph A. BAKER & w/ Lydia F. - Report of Sales - Equity #5748 - Oct 1890 LAND - Lot #127 on south side of Main St on the east end in Emmitsburg. Improved with a 2-story frame house, butcher shop and stable with well. To Joseph A. BAKER from John T. LONG & wife [WIP-1, 449]. Mortgaged at $666 in Jul 1889. SALE held 13 Sep 1890 on the premises; high bidder was: - Vincent SEBOLD at $1,580 Submitted to auditor 22 Nov 1890.

Amos W. DEMPSEY & w/ Eliza J. vs Sarah E. LINDSAY, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5715 - Jul 1890 Warner DEMPSEY d/ 16-17 yrs ago, intestate widow - Margaret A. d/ Apr 1890, intestate s/ Amos W. DEMPSEY & w/ Eliza J. - Howard County d/ Sarah E. w/o C. Irving LINDSAY - Unionville, Frederick Co s/ Franklin W. DEMPSEY (d/ aft his father) ...w/ Martha L. (age abt 50) - Howard County .......Mary DEMPSEY, now w/o Thomas ETZLER - Liberty, Frederick Co .......Ambrose B. DEMPSEY & w/ Mary - Howard County .......Annie V. DEMPSEY - Howard County .......Samuel E. DEMPSEY - Howard County .......Morgan H. DEMPSEY, a minor - Howard County .......Rosa M. DEMPSEY, a minor - Howard County .......Elsie E. DEMPSEY, a minor - Howard County .......Effie D. DEMPSEY, a minor - Howard County .......Mattie R. DEMPSEY, a minor - Howard County Land - "Long String", 3/4 acre; from Basil SHELTON & w/ Rachel in 1858. Adjoins land of Hanson CLARY. - "Long String", 8+ acres; from Elihu H. ROCKWELL, trustee for Thomas SAPPINGTON's creditors, in 1862. - "Long String", 2 acres; from Franklin W. DEMPSEY & wife to Margaret A. DEMPSEY. Located 1/2 mile from Woodville, near road from Mt Airy to Unionville. Improved with 1 1/2 story log house, double shop, tobacco house, etc, with a young orchard and spring near the house. Previously occupied by Conrad KING. Amos & his wife had cared for his mother, who was of unsound mind, for the past several years and also paid the funeral expenses; he asked to be reimbursed from the sale. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard from: - Weedon CLARY, age 61 of Woodville District - William CLARY of P., age 57 of Woodville District - Annie B. BLOOM of Poplar Spring, Howard County, a neighbor of Amos W. DEMPSEY for four years. Trustee was Clayton O. KEEDY; sale was held 25 Oct 1890 in front of Oliver CLARY's store in Woodville; but after receiving an insufficient bid, sold the property at private sale to: - Robert SELLMAN at $300 Submitted to Audit on 28 Nov 1890.

Alice FRESHOUR, Charles FEIGLEY & w/ Lydia A. vs Charles RAYNOR, et al - Petition for Mortgage - Equity #5751 - Oct 1890 Adam FRESHOUR d/ 1881 widow - Lydia Ann, died about four years after her husband s/ John FRESHOUR .....Anna Mary w/o Charles H. RAYNOR - Baltimore City .....Alice FRESHOUR .....Lydia A. w/o Charles FEIGLEY .....Barbara S. w/o John NEWBURG/AMBURG/AMBERY - Baltimore City .....David FRESHOUR, a minor (age 17) .....Susie FRESHOUR, minor (age 15) - Baltimore City - Barbara BRAMMETT, now w/o Daniel BURRAS Estate to wife and upon her death to John C. MOTTER in trust to support all the children of his son John until they arrive at the age of 21; and also Barbara BRAMMETT until she arrives at the age of 21. Then to be conveyed to children of John and also to Barbara, unless she marries. Exec/ John C. MOTTER Witnesses: William MAHONY, J.S. PAYNE, C.H. ECKSTEIN (Will JPP-1, 185; 17 Oct 1870; 30 Nov 1881) --- LAND - Lot #235 (west part) on East Fifth St in Frederick City. To Adam FRESHOUR from William H. ALBAUGH & w/ Susanna at $600 in Mar 1849 [WBT-10, 204]. - Lot #235 (middle part) on north side of East Fifth St in Frederick City; adjoined on the east by John KIMMEL, also Lot #235 and on west by other part of same lot. To Adam FRESHOUR from William H. ALBAUGH & w/ Susanna at $350 in Apr 1851 [WBT-14, 343]. John paid his father's funeral expenses and had been paying the taxes, but is has slender means and is now sick and in poverty and the house is in need of repairs. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 27 Dec 1890 from: - Jacob BRENGLE, age 50, Frederick City - Lydia A. FEIGLEY, age 49, 49 East Fifth St, Frederick City. - James CONRAD, age 45, Frederick City, carpenter - stated the roof is leaking, causing damage in the plaster and flooring. Estimated to cost at least $125 or more for repairs. The court ruled for John C. MOTTER to obtain a mortgage of $275 for repairs to the house, taxes and court costs. Closed 13 Jan 1891.

WIP-6, 289-308 - WOLFE, PERCY
Central National Bank vs Sidney R. WOLFE, exec/devisee of Thomas M. WOLFE, et al - Report of Sales - Equity #5758 - Nov 1890 Thomas M. WOLFE d/ Aug 1890 widow - Sidney R. Estate to wife (no children mentioned in Will) Witnesses: William P. MAULSBY Jr, W. MAHONY, E. SHRIVER (Will HS-1, 283; 5 Nov 1875; 30 Aug 1890) --- LAND - - Lot on west side of Record St Extended in Frederick City; adjoined lots of Charles W. ROSS at NE corner and on east by lot occupied by Rebecca Ellen BLAKE. Improved with a 2-story brick house, brick stable. - Lot on east side of Bentz St in Frederick City; adjoined on the east by Henry SHOOK; on the west by Charles W. ROSS and on SE by William MAIN. To Thomas M. WOLFE from J. Gideon BANTZ, exec/of Ann M. BANTZ, at $5,500 in Mar 1876 [TG-5, 22] - 1/2 of Lot on east side of Bentz St in Frederick Town, on SE corner of West Second & Bentz St. Improved with an ice house. To Thomas M. WOLFE from Henry SHOOK & w/ Susan R. and Theodore SHULTZ (mortgagee) in Jun 1876 [TG-5, 540]. Mortgaged: for $2,500 to Edward SHRIVER and John H. WILLIAMS in Mar 1876; transferred to Louisa G. MacGILL in Jun 1889. - for $2,500 to William R. PERCY of Allegany County in Oct 1882. Trustees were Charles W. ROSS and Benjamin F. REICH. SALE was held 7 Feb 1891 at the Court House; high bidders were: - William R. PERCY, trustee, for west side Record St lot at $5,000 - William R. PERCY, trustee, for wast side of Bentz St lot at $150 Total Sales, $5,150. Submitted to auditor 7 Mar 1891.

WIP-6, 308-319 - LAKIN
Lizzie R LAKIN vs John F. LAKIN, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5759 - Nov 1890 Daniel T. LAKIN d/ 7 Aug 1890, intestate widow - Lizzie R. (age under 40) (admin) - no children sis/ Elizabeth A. C. LAKIN bro/ John F. LAKIN bro/ Abraham Will. LAKIN & w/ Josephine E. - Washington County bro/ Alexander H. LAKIN & w/ Alice - Sangamon Co, IL bro/ Charles H. LAKIN - Webster Co, MO LAND - "Potomac Hills", 204 acres in Jefferson District; lies along the Potomac River and to west side of waste way of the Canal above Lock #28 and on the line of the B & O Rail Road between Point of Rocks and Catoctin, 1 mile from Point of Rocks; adjoining farm of heirs of Patrick McGILL. Improved with a house and new barn; has quarry of building stone and timber; 20 acres have Potomac Bottom Land; 40 acres in wheat. To Daniel T. LAKIN from Calvin W. DOWNEY & w/ Laura J. of Loudoun Co, VA at $3,150 in Aug 1883 [AF-7, 377]. Original parts sold were to Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Company and the Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road Company; another part was "Fish Pot Island" which lies 100 yards from this tract. Trustee was Jacob ROHRBACK. SALE was held 27 Dec 1890 at the Court House; high bidder was: - Elizabeth A.C. LAKIN at $2,759.20 Submitted to auditor 28 Feb 1891.

WIP-6, 320-324 - JONES, WORMAN
William J. WORMAN, mortgagee of Hilleary JONES - Report of Sales - Equity #5808 - Mar 1891 LAND - Lot (13 x 184') on west side of Ice St in Frederick City. Improved with a 2 1/2-story brick house with basement, suitable for a store room. Mortgaged at $450 in Jul 1877. SALE was held 31 Mar 1891 at the City Hotel in Frederick City; high bidder was: - William J. WORMAN at $570 Submitted to auditor on 25 Apr 1891.

George T. MOTTER, assignee of Elizabeth HAYS, exec/of Joseph HAYS, mortgagee of John SLUSS - Report of Sales - Equity #5820 - Apr 1890 Joseph HAYS d/ Dec 1888, testate; exec/ Mrs Elizabeth HAYS; sureties, James T. HAYS and E.R. ZIMMERMAN. LAND - Farm of 96.25 acres, in Emmitsburg District, 3/4 mile west of Bridgeport, on road from Bridgeport to Emmitsburg (north side of old Plank Road); adjoining land of John J. HOCKENSMITH on the west, Adam BOWER on the NE, and Niles WILHIDE. Improved with a house, new barn, carriage house and fruit trees. Consists of: - 93 acres John SLUSS inherited the land from his father, Michael SLUSS (Will dated 14 Jun 1856). To Michael SLUSS from Richard H. MARSHALL, trustee, in Aug 1836 [HS-3, 252]. - mountain land on north side of mountain called Carrick's Nobb; adjoining land of heirs of Joshua MOTTER and William HOCKENSMITH. To Michael SLUSS from James MUMMA & wife in Mary 1847 [WBT-5, 317]. - "Last/Lost Resurvey" or "Cattail Branch", 8 acres; adjoining the 93 acres. To John SLUSS from Adam BOWER, exec/of Laurence BOWER in Feb 1856 [ES-8, 275]. Mortgaged at $825 in Mar 1885. SALE was held 25 Apr 1891 on the premises; high bidder was: - Hezekiah D. HAWK at $2,021.25 Submitted to auditor 26 May 1891.

Elizabeth BERGER, et al vs Mary L. BERGER, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5814 - Apr 1891 Christian SEAMAN d/ (Will APK-1, 97; 19 Sep 1861) w/ died before her husband d/ Elizabeth w/o John BERGER - Baltimore City ...1/ John C. BERGER & w/ Barbara - Baltimore City . . . . .Mary L. BERGER (age 4) . . . . .George C. BERGER (age 1) ...2/ Mary C. w/o Frederick FISHER/FISCHER - Baltimore City (no children) ...3/ George BERGER d/ Apr 1890 - Baltimore City . . . .wid/ Lena . . . . .John M. BERGER (age 4) . . . . .Annie BERGER (15 months) s/ Christian SEAMAN d/ Mary SEAMAN LAND - Lot #283 on north side of East Church St in Frederick City. Deed to go to Warner SWOPE for house and lot where he resides upon payment of $180. Lot #283 to daughter Elizabeth provided she care for her mother. Christian and Mary to have balance, but Mary's to be in trust for her to have interest and upon her death to her heirs. Execs/ Joseph W. L. CARTY and John ATTIG. Witnesses: Joseph W. L. CARTY, August FROMKE, John M. BERGER (Will not dated) CARTY refused duties on 19 Sep 1861. --- Request for private sale to Charles WERTHEIMER at $900, as all the heirs reside in Baltimore City. Trustee was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard from: - Frederick W. OBENDERFER, age 39, Frederick City - Augustus J. FROMKE, age 42, Frederick City; was a neighbor; house is very old and in need of repairs. - Charles WERTHEIMER - willing to purchase the house at $900. Trustee for conveyance was Charles V.S. LEVY. Closed 2 Jul 1891.

Mrs. Ellen B. FLEMING, Edward A. SPRENKLE, Peter STOTTLEMYER vs Citizens National Bank and Olivetta J. HORNER, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5740 - Oct 1890 Peter STOTTLEMYER resides in PA. During 1887 to 1 Feb 1889, Winfield G. HORNER was residing and doing banking business in Emmitsburg under the name W.G. HORNER & Co. Winfield G. HORNER d/ 1 Feb 1889, intestate widow - Olivetta J. d/ Ivy K. HORNER s/ David W. HORNER s/ Winfield G. HORNER Jr In Jan 1885, he conveyed deed to his wife [WIP-6, 706]. Adms/ Olivetta J. HORNER and John C. MOTTER. LAND - Lot #8 (west part) on NE corner of the Public Square in Emmitsburg, fronting Main St (34' and running back to alley). Improved with a large brick house with Mansard roof, built in modern style; heated by steam and lighted by gas; one room on the first floor fronting Main St is suited for a business; also has a stable. To Winfield G. HORNER from Mary E. ADELSBERGER, exec/of James F. ADELSBERGER at $650 in May 1881 [AF-7, 708]. HORNER was indebted to the plantiffs: - Ellen FLEMING for $700. - Peter STOTTLEMYER for $174 and also owed Citizens National Bank $3,000-$4,000. The creditors asked the deed to HORNER's wife be voided. His widow approved for sale of real estate. Trustees were John C. MOTTER and William P. MAULSBY Jr. SALE was held 21 Feb 1891 at the Western Maryland Hotel in Emmitsburg; high bidder was: - Joseph D. BAKER at $3,000 Submitted to auditor 10 Apr 1891.

Sarah A. ALEXANDER, et al vs John H. ALEXANDER, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5770 - Jan 1891 Joseph ALEXANDER d/ 1865, intestate widow - Sarah Ann (age 69) - Washington County d/ Lida Catharine w/o Frederick SCHAFER d/ Mary E. w/o Charles MARTIN - Washington County s/ George Franklin ALEXANDER & w/ May/Mary A. - Washington County s/ John H. ALEXANDER & w/ Annie E. - Langdon, Washington Co, Minnesota d/ Ann Eliza w/o John SHOBER - Ogle Co, Illinois s/ Joseph Oliver ALEXANDER - Carroll Co, Illinois s/ William Carlton ALEXANDER d/ c1882, intestate ...w/ Fanny - Florida ......William Carlton ALEXANDER (age 14) - Florida ......May Florence ALEXANDER (age 13) - Florida ......Samuel Watson ALEXANDER (age 12) - Florida LAND - House and 22 acres, in Petersville District, 1 mile west of Knoxville: - "Fielderea Manor", 18 acres; adjoining land of Samuel B. PRESTON. To Joseph ALEXANDER from Benedict BOONE & w/ Sarah at $554 in Oct 1858 [BGF-3, 738]. - "Fielderea Manor", 2.2 acres and 1.75 acres; adjoined land of Benedict BOONE and William GARROTT and Samuel B. PRESTON. To Joseph ALEXANDER of Washington County from Daniel SHAMBURG & w/ Dorotha Regina at $600 in Jan 1856 [ES-9, 24]. The widow and adult heirs had agreed to sell the real estate to: - Thomas H. SMALLWOOD at $800 Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 12 Mar 1891 from: - Charles MARTIN, age 39, Weverton, Washington Co, MD. - George F. ALEXANDER, age 30, Weverton, Washington Co, MD. - Thomas H. SMALLWOOD, age 52, presently resides on property to be sold to him. Court approved the sale and named Clayton O. KEEDY as trustee for the conveyance. All of the adult children assigned their shares to the widow, their mother. Submitted to auditor 12 Jun 1891.

Henrietta F. WORTHINGTON, et al vs Charles WOOD, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5534 - Mar 1889 Thomas WORTHINGTON d/ Dec 1871 widow - Jane Henrietta d/ 4 Mar 1889 d/ Henrietta Fanny WORTHINGTON d/ Louisa J. w/o John A. PALMER - Virginia d/ Virginia A. w/o Robert Vinton WOOD - Montgomery County d/ Catharine E. "Kate" w/o Charles WOOD - New Market s/ Thomas G. WORTHINGTON & w/ Mary E. BEELER - Washington County (he left Maryland 10 or more years ago, whereabouts unknown) .....Harry L. WORTHINGTON - 315 N. Charles St, Baltimore City Exec/ Jane H. WORTHINGTON Witnesses: O.P. SNYDER, William R. DORSEY, William DOWNEY. (Will SGC-1, 215 - 16 Aug 1871; 11 Dec 1871) ----- LAND - "Plummer's part of New Market", Front of Lot #8 and adjoining back of #17, on north side of Main St in New Market; with house. Then occupied by Miss H. Fanny WORTHINGTON. To Thomas WORTHINGTON from Dr. S. Leroy SWORMSTEDT & w/ Catherine M., of Baltimore City at $2,800 in Mar 1868 [CM-1, 374]. There was also land in Montgomery County, but uncertain if the widow sold it or not. After the widow died, administrators were Henrietta F. WORTHINGTON and John S. JAMISON. Testimony was heard 21 Sep 1889 from: - William DOWNEY - Charles WOOD - John I. JAMISON Trustees were Frederick J. NELSON and John E.R. WOOD, esquires. SALE was held 14 Dec 1889 at the hotel of P.H. GRIFFITH in New Market; high bidder was: - Henrietta F. WORTHINGTON at $1,000 Submitted to auditor 30 Jan 1890.

WIP-6, 392-399 - KEMP, RENNER
Emanuel RENNER, trustee of Millard F. KEMP - Report of Sales - Equity #5471 - Aug 1888 Millard F. KEMP & w/ Sarah A. issued Deed of Trust to Emanuel RENNER in Jul 1888 for benefit of creditors. LAND - "Nothing Ventured, Nothing Got", "First Chance", "Fifth Dividend", small farm of 26 acres in Woodsboro District, on road from Woodsboro to Emmittsburg, 2.5 miles from Woodsboro. Improved with a new 2-story weatherboarded house, new stable, a young peach and apple orchard and well near the door. To Millard F. KEMP from Franklin P. LEDWIDGE & wife in Mar 1882 [AF-4, 682]. SALE was held 28 Aug 1888 on the premises; high bidder was: - Sarah A. KEMP at $1,490 Also sold personal property at $13.79. Distribution to mortgages and creditors; by law, KEMP is allowed $100. Closed 15 May 1889.

Basil BRUCHEY vs Rosanna BLUME, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5500 - Jan 1889 John BLUME d/ 22 Oct 1888, intestate, never married sis/ Rosanna BLUME sis/ Sarah w/o Joseph BRUCHEY, both dec'd .......Basil BRUCHEY & w/ Elizabeth McDEVITT .......Peter BRUCHEY & w/ Laura EARLY - Ohio .......Joseph E. BRUCHEY & w/ Catharine MINNICK .......John H. BRUCHEY, widower .......Mary Ann (BRUCHEY) wid/o Samuel LOVEJOY - Bellaire, Ohio bro/ Michael BLUME, dec'd (d/ c1883, intestate) - Allegany Co, MD .......Augustus BLUME & w/ Josephine BRIGHTWELL .......Joseph S. BLUME & w/ Luretta - Pennsylvania .......Martha Jane w/o Francis Edward RODGERS - Pennsylvania .......Fannie H. w/o Enoch L. WENRICK - Allegany Co, MD .......Emma A. w/o George S. FALKNER - Allegany Co, MD .......George E. BLUME & wife - Allegany Co, MD .......Elmer E. BLUME - Allegany Co, MD .......Florence M. BLUME, a minor - Allegany Co, MD bro/ Peter BLUME (died many years ago; unknown heirs) - Ohio .......daughter (some years ago, only a daughter was said to survive, name unknown) sis/ Susanna w/o Jacob RUNKLES, both dec'd .......John W. RUNKLES & w/ Susan STULL - Martinsburg, WV .......Susan (RUNKLES) w/o Francis WILGER - Martinsburg, WV .......Martha J. (RUNKLES) w/o John W. POISAL - Martinsburg, WV .......Thomas J. RUNKLES and w/ Caroline - Cumberland, Allegany Co, MD sis/ Catharine (BLUME), dec'd w/o Michael HOUCK - Seneca Co, Ohio .......Catharine (HOUCK) w/o Levi OHLER - Seneca Co, Ohio sis/ Mary (BLUME) w/o John SNYDER, both dec'd .......Charles SNYDER & w/ Ellen NUSBAUM .......Sarah (SNYDER), dec'd w/o Washington NUSBAUM .......Martha J. (SNYDER) w/o Tobias SCHANEFELTER LAND - "Culloden Wall", 20 acres, located 2.5 miles east of Mount Pleasant, on Linganore Creek, with liberty for passage of the water from the grist mill to Linganore Creek without obstruction to the grist mill. Adjoined lands of William WILCOXON, Martin JONES, Susan NELSON and Henry NELSON. Improved with a 2-story log house, barn, carriage shed and cooper shop; also has orchard and two springs. Now occupied by John BRUCHEY. To John BLUME and Michael BLUME from John BLUME Sr at $700 in May 1853 [ES-4, 82]. Previously to John BLOOM Sr from Henry M CLEERY and James ROBERTSON in Feb 1812 [WR-42, 268]. Michael (w/ Eliza A.) conveyed his half to John by their mortgage to John for $350 in May 1853. John borrowed the $350 for Michael's share from his sister Rosanna. Michael never paid the mortgage and died about seven years before in Allegany Co, MD. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 18 Sep 1890 from: - Basil BRUCHEY, age 64 - Augustus E. BLUME, age 30, near Liberty; related to family. - John H. BRUCHEY, age 54, Mount Pleasant Trustees were Clayton O. KEEDY and William H. HINKS. SALE was held 14 Mar 1891 in front of C.S. RIDDLEMOSER's store in Mount Pleasant; high bidder was: - Thomas Emory BAKER at $340 However, petition by Theodore H. BAKER and George Francis BAKER asked they be substituted as the purchasers; so granted. Submitted to Auditor 14 Apr 1891.

Frederick Town Savings, mortgagee of George L. FOX & w/ Martha Ann - Report of Sales - Equity #5824 - May 1891 LAND - "Three Mill Seats", 3 acres, mountain lot. - "Three Mill Seats", 31.25 acres, unimproved mountain lot on public road in Hauvers District. - Lot #11, 8 acres, timber lot on road from Foxville to Deerfield in Hauvers District. - Lot #4, 9+ acres, in Hauver's District. - "Three Mill Seats", 10 acres and parts of , "Resurvey on Round Meadow", "Stone Enough", "Separation" and "Fox Range", 208 acres (subject to mortgage of $2,073), in Hauvers District, 3 miles from Deerfield Station on Western Maryland Railroad. Improved with a 2 1/2-story weatherboarded log house, two tenant houses, a barn, a young orchard with 1800 peach trees, a well in the yard and a spring near the house. To George L. FOX from George H. FOX & wife in Apr 1879 [AF1, 201]. Mortgaged at $2,000. In Mar 1889, George L. FOX & w/ Martha Ann were living in Baltimore City. Joseph CRONISE was trustee. SALE was held 2 May 1891 at the Court House Door; high bidder was: - Joseph L. BUHRMAN for the 3 acres at $17 - John BUHRMAN for the 31.25 acres at $21 - A.L. HAUVER for Lot #11 at $21.50 - Albert M. BROWN for Lot #4 at $16 - Fredericktown Savings for 10 + 208 acres at $121.50 Submitted to auditor 4 Jun 1891.

Charlotte A.M. DELAUTER vs Caleb Upton DELAUTER, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5724 - Aug 1890 George W. DELAUTER d/ 22 Jul 1890, intestate widow - Charlotte A.M. (age 26) s/ Caleb Upton DELAUTER (age 4), a minor s/ Orestes Levi DELAUTER (age 2), a minor d/ Mary Maud DELAUTER (age 1), a minor LAND - Lot #2 of "Two Sons", 15 acres; adjoins SE corner of the Tunker Meeting House, on Hamburg Road and Ellerton to Middletown Road, 1 3/4 miles from Ellerton; adjoined lands of Jacob BISER, Dan HOOVER and D.H. DELAUDER. Improved with a log house, fruit trees and a spring and well. Exception is the Primary School House Lot, 1/2 acre. Previously to Henry DELAUTER & w/ Elizabeth from John M. BUZZARD & w/ Ellen in Apr 1878. - "Two Sons", 85 perches, adjoins other parcel. Previously to John M. BUZZARD & wife from William H. BOWLUS & wife in Apr 1872. To George W. DELAUDER & w/ Charlotte A.M. from Henry DELAUDER & w/ Elizabeth at $600 in Jan 1888 [WIP-6, 8]. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 8 Sep 1890 from: - Gideon HOOVER, age 50, Catoctin District - Leonard A. GROSSNICKEL, age 25, Catoctin District Trustee was Charles V.S. LEVY. SALE was held 8 Nov 1890 at T.F. BITTLE's Store in Ellerton; high bidder was: - Charlotte A.M. DELAUTER at $385 However, Charlotte resold it to Lucretia H. HOOPER at $375. Submitted to auditor 27 May 1891.

First National Bank vs Mary C. DELAPLANE, adm/of Hezekiah DELAPLANE, et al - Report of Sales - Equity #5567 - May 1889 Hezekiah DELAPLANE d/ Apr 1889, instate widow - Mary C. s/ Henry Clay DELAPLANE & w/ Elizabeth (he resides in Virginia) s/ John William DELAPLANE & w/ Mary - Virginia d/ Eliza J. w/o Adam ROSER d/ Belle V. DELAPLANE d/ Laura K. DELAPLANE LAND - "Millers Choice", "Resurvey on Welsh Cabbin" and "White Oak Bottom", 238 acres, in Woodsboro District, on east bank of the Monocacy River, 1 mile north of New Midway on road from York Road to Miller's Bridge on the Monocacy; adjoined lands of Col. L.N. PHILLIPS, James M. DELAPLANE and David HINEA. Improved with a large stone house, Switzer barn, hog pen, wagon shed, corn crib, large orchard and water convenient to the house and barn; 70 acres in Oak and Hickory. Also has a large stone tenant house and can be divided into two farms. Then in occupancy of George W. JACOBS, as tenant. To Hezekiah DELAPLANE from heirs of Joseph DELAPLANE (Joshua DELAPLANE & w/ Charlotte, Ephraim DELAPLANE & w/ Margaret A., James M. DELAPLANE & w/ Alice A., William H. DELAPLANE & w/ Emaline) at $6,000 in Jun 1875 [TG-3, 596]. Mortgage to J. William PAYNE for $2,500 in Sep 1888. Mortgage to E.M. GILBERT for $1,500 in Apr 1889. Note to James M. DELAPLANE for $350. Trustee was Adam ROSER. SALE was held 9 Nov 1889 the premises, but no sufficient bid. Private sale was made on 8 Feb 1890 to: - David F. DORCUS at $7,500 Submitted to auditor 8 Feb 1890.

Henry W. HANKEY & w/ Mary J. vs Mary Ann Elizabeth DOTTERER, exec/of Josiah DOTTERER and Fredericktown Savings - Report of Sales - Equity #5611 - Oct 1889 Josiah DOTTERER d/ Feb 1889 widow - Mary Ann Elizabeth "Lizzie" DOTTERER no children Exec/ widow Witnesses: S.D.R. THOMAS, H.D. FUSS, J.H. FUSS (Will HL-1, 97; written Feb 1878; filed 25 Feb 1889 ) The widow gave bond with sureties John T. OTT and A. Scott SEISS. --- LAND - 1/2 share in 154 acres, 5 miles south of Emmittsburg and 3.5 miles east of Rocky Ridge; adjoined lands of George C. DEVILBISS and Albert B. CLOSE. Improved with a 2-story frame house, bank barn, smoke house, wagon shed, hog pen, fruit trees and well. Then occupied by Wallace MOSER. To Joshua DOTTERER of Carroll Co, MD and Josiah DOTTERER of Frederick Co, MD from William H. DOTTERER & w/ Catharine J. of Adams Co, PA for $5,320 in Sep 1886 [WIP-1, 550]. - "Swan's Harber Resurveyed", 121.5 acres, 1/2 mile east of Rocky Ridge, on north edge of road from Miller's Bridge to Mechanicstown; adjoined lot of German Baptist Meeting House; adjoined lands of Michael LIPPY, Lewis VALENTINE and Charles J. BARRICK. Improved with a frame house, barn, corn crib, smoke house, wagon shed, hog pen, buggy shed, a young orchard and well near the house; 15 acres in timber. Then occupied by Scott SEISS. To Josiah DOTTERER from William H. RENNER & w/ Elizabeth P. of Carroll Co, MD at $5,100 in Dec 1871 [CM-7, 599]. (Previously land of Abraham KRISE) - "Swan's Harber", 1+ acre, in Rocky Ridge/Creagerstown District, at east side of the bridge road near the blacksmith shop and on SW corner of the German Baptist Meeting House graveyard. Improved with a frame house and blacksmith shop. Then occupied by Edward HARMAN. To Josiah DOTTERER from William E. SNOOK & w/ Ida E. of Washington Co, MD at $1,100 in Oct 1886 [WIP-1, 572]. Mortgage to Fredericktown Savings for $3,500 in Sep 1887. Trustees were Eugene L. ROWE and John C. MOTTER. SALE was held 1 Mar 1890 on the premises in Rocky Ridge; high bidder was: - Joshua DOTTERER for the half share at $60, subject to the mortgage to George P. BECKLEY and others. Private sale was made 1 Jul 1890 for the 1 acre to: - Henry STAMBAUGH at $550 A sale was again held in Sep 1890 for the 121 acres, but failed to get an adequate bid. Finally, on 31 Jan 1891, public sale was held at the warehouse of William H. BIGGS & Bro at Rocky Ridge; high bidder was: - Effie B. MOTTER at $1,975 Submitted to auditor 19 Mar 1891.

Arthur POTTS and Cornelia R. ROSS, assignees of execs/of Ann P. MARSHALL, mortgagee of Henry C. BROWN & w/ Elizabeth J. - Report of Sales - Equity #5838 - Jun 1891 LAND - parts of "Belleview", "Spring Garden" and "Stover's Luck", 229 acres, on Hughes Ford Road, 2.5 miles east of Frederick; adjoining farms of George M. POTTS, William A. KOLB and C.M. HARGETT. Improved with a large 2-story brick house, a nearly new large bank barn, an apple orchard and a peach orchard of 3,000 trees recently planted. Mortgage of $18,000. SALE was held 25 Jun 1891 at the court house door in Frederick City; high bidder was: - Arthur POTTS and Cornelia R. ROSS at $80/acre; $18,395 Trustee to convey deed was Benjamin F. REICH. Filed 25 Jul 1891.

George W. WACHTEL, assignee of Silas BOWLUS, mortgagee of Joseph BOWLUS - Report of Sales - Equity #5846 - Jul 1891 LAND - 1 acre; on road from Bolivar to road leading from Myersville to Boonsboro, 1.5 miles west of Myersville; adjoins the home farm and land of Rev. A.M. SMITH. To Joseph BOWLUS from Jacob SMITH & w/ Rebecca in Dec 1841 [BGF-2, 319]. - 9.75 acres of mountain land, on road from Pleasant Walk to Boonsboro; adjoining lands of Daniel V. HARP and Ezra TOMS. To Joseph BOWLUS from Samuel DOUB & Others in Mar 1856 [BGF-2, 317]. - (Property sold under a prior mortgage) To Joseph BOWLUS from John BOWLUS in Oct 1841 [BGF-2, 320]. Mortgage of $377. SALE was held 7 Jun 1891 on the premises; high bidder was: - Benton M. MORGAN for the 1 acre at $51.28 - Mosheim M. METZGER for moutain tract at $121.87 Total Sales, $173.15. Filed 3 Sep 1891.

Eugene L. ROWE, trustee of Dietrick ZECK vs James F. HICKEY and George T. GELWICKS - Report of Sales - Equity #5555 (Ref #5274) - Jul 1889 LAND - Lot #18 of 2 acres, on north side of Main St in Emmitsburg, west of the square; adjoining the Reformed Church lot on the east. Improved with a 2-story birck house and store room and stable. Then occupied by James F. HICKEY. To Dietrick ZECK from Joshua SHORB & w/ Ann S. at $2,000 in Apr 1860 {BGF-5, 504]. In March 1887, James F. HICKEY agreed to purchase a portion of real estate consisting of a house and lot in Emmittsburg at $2,250, but has failed to pay the final 1/3 payment of $750. He has also made mortgages to George T. GELWICKS. Trustees were Eugene L. ROWE and John C. MOTTER. SALE was held 19 Oct 1889 on the premises; high bidder was: - George T. GELWICKS at $2,490 Submitted to auditor 16 Nov 1889.

Samuel KESSELRING & w/ Mary vs Christiana KESSELRING, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5482 - Oct 1888 Samuel KESSELRING Sr. d/ 15 Sep 1888, intestate widow - Christiana (age 80) - and 8 children d/ Mary HARP, dec'd .......Elizabeth (Harp) w/o John POFFINBERGER .......George S. HARP & w/ Clara .......Amanda (Harp) w/o Theodore M. BRANDENBURG .......Clara (Harp) w/o Jacob SHANK .......Genetta (Harp) w/o Emanuel HARSHMAN .......Mollie (Harp) w/o Clayton C. BUHRMAN - West Virginia .......Charles HARP s/ Peter KESSELRING & w/ Elizabeth - Washington County d/ Susan w/o Lawson CLINE d/ Amanda w/o Elias CLINE d/ Ellen (d/ end of 1888, no children) w/o Mahlon GROSSNICKLE s/ Samuel KESSELRING & w/ Mary s/ Daniel L. KESSELRING & w/ Alice - Washington County d/ Martha HAYS, dec'd .......Viola S. HAYS - Baltimore City .......Minnie HAYS, a minor - Kansas LAND - "Forrest's Purchase", 120 acre farm in Catoctin District, 1.5 miles north of Wolfsville, between Foxville and Smithburg roads; adjoining lands of Samuel BRANDENBURG and Howard PALMER. Improved with a frame/log house, bank barn, wagon shed, corn crib and fruit trees; two springs near the house and running water in fields; a good wheat producing farm. To Samuel KESSELRING from Samuel MAUGANS & wife in Mar 1867 [DSB-1, 85]. Sold to Samuel BRANDENBURG, 19 acres, in Apr 1869 [CM-4, 462]. - "Murdock's Mountain Reserved", 40 acres of mountain land, 1.5 miles north of Hamburg in Jackson District, west of road from Hamburg to Foxville; adjoining land of Thomas F. BITTLE. To Samuel KESSELRING from Peter GROSSNICKLE & w/ Hannah at $138 in May 1839 [HS-9, 389]. Mortgage to Joshua E. HOOVER for $1,920 in Mar 1883. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 31 Dec 1888 from: - Samuel W. KESSELRING, age 45 - Dr. Lewis LAMAR, age 50 Trustee was Samuel KESSELRING. SALE was held 23 Feb 1889 at Maugan's Store in Wolfsville; high bidders were: - J.O. HARNE for the mountain land at $80.50 - J.E. PHLEEGER for the 120 acres at $3,150 Submitted to auditor 8 Apr 1889. NOTES - Frederick Co, MD Marriage Licenses KESSELRING - Mary A.R. to Josiah HARP - 2 Feb 1852 - Susanna Elizabeth to Lawson Henry KLINE - 21 Mar 1853 - Peter C. to Elizabeth MARKER - 5 Apr 1855 - Hannah Amanda to Elias CLINE - 23 Aug 1856 - Sarah E. to Mahlon GROSSNICKLE - 10 Dec 1857 - Samuel W. to Mary Elizabeth POFFENBERGER - 3 Dec 1864 - David (Daniel) L., 21, farmer to Alice V. HOOPER, 19 - 26 Oct 1867 by H. Knodle in Myersville; Ref 268 - Martha A., 19 to Allen HAYS, 30, cooper - 5 Jan 1868 by G. W. Zantee of WC in Frederick; Ref 200

John B. THOMAS and Charles G. THOMAS, partners t/a John B. THOMAS & Son, mortgagees of Joshua STUP & w/ L.V. - Report of Sales - Equity #5866 - Sep 1891 LAND - 60.75 acre farm, 2.5 miles SW of Frederick. Improved with a house and barn. To Joshua STUP from Samuel STUP & wife in Jul 1875 [TG-3, 554]. Mortgaged at $2,750 in Nov 1890. SALE was held 9 Sep 1891 at the City Hotel in Frederick; high bidder was: - Samuel ZIMMER(MAN?) at $2,800 Submitted to auditor 5 Oct 1891.

WIP-6, 531-542 - ROUZER, OSLER
John R. ROUZER and Van B. OSLER, mortgagees of John ROUZER & w/ Emma K. - Report of Sales - Equity #5848 - Jul 1891 [Ref to Equity ES-4, 189 from 1853] LAND - in Mechanicstown Plat A - Lot, 2 acres, on north site of East Main (or Baltimore St); adjoins lots of Warner T. GRIMES and John B. GILBERT on the west and Irving LOY on the east. Improved with a large stone house and frame stable; also a frame and weatherboarded store, used as a confectionery. To John ROUZER from Frederick WHITE, exec/of Peter BUSSARD, in May 1874 [TG-2, 400]. (Plat on page 537) Divided into: - Lot #1, fronts East Main St, with house - Lot #2, fronts an alley 47 feet - Lot #3, fronts an alley 47 feet Plat B - Lot on east side of North St (now Church St); adjoins lots of Mrs. Warner T. GRIMES on the north and Mrs. Elizabeth MANTZ on the south. Improved with a 3-story double brick house, two stables, etc. To John ROUZER from John NEED & w/ Mary in Feb 1858 [BGF-1, 263]. (Plat on page 538) Divided into: - Northern portion/Lot #1, on Church St in Mechanicstown. - Southern portion/Lot #2, on Church St in Mechanicstown Plat C - "Stony Corner", on east side of Frederick-Emmitsburg Turnpike at south end of Mechanicstown, formerly known as the 'Tan Yard'. Improved with a 2-story weatherboarded house. To John ROUZER from Samuel KEEFER & wife in Mar 1860 [BGF-6, 100]. (Plat on page 539) Divided as: - Tan Yard (half #1), 4 acres, with water rights. - Tan Yard (half #2) (60 x 100') with House. Other Lots were previously sold by John ROUZER to: - Andrew E. WEBB in Apr 1884 - William WEBB in Apr 1884 - James A. McGUIGAN - Jacob H. COVER - Michael DORSEY - Henry WILLIAMS - John A. FLEAGLE - Nelson DORSEY - Emanuel WHITMORE Mortgaged at $8,500 in Dec 1888. SALE was held 17 July 1891 at the public square in Mechanicstown; high bidders were: Plat A - John R. ROUZER and Van B. OSLER for Lot #1/house at $4,200 - John R. ROUZER and Van B. OSLER for Lot #2 at $75 - John R. ROUZER and Van B. OSLER for Lot #3 at $50 Plat B - John R. ROUZER and Van B. OSLER for north/ Lot #1 at $1,700 - John R. ROUZER and Van B. OSLER for south/ Lot #2 at $1,100 Plat C - John R. ROUZER and Van B. OSLER for #1 at $100 - John R. ROUZER and Van B. OSLER for #1 at $200 Submitted to auditor 25 Aug 1891. (Plats on pages 537-539)

Wilbur H. DUVALL et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5588 - Aug 1889 Benjamin W. DUVALL d/ Sep 1881 in Urbana, intestate w/ Anna W., dec'd s/ Wilbur H. DUVALL & w/ Lola M. d/ Nannie B. DUVALL s/ Grafton A. DUVALL & w/ Mollie d/ Emma J. w/o Alexander DOLL s/ Benjamin D. DUVALL & w/ Laura d/ Ruth E. DUVALL s/ Oliver N. DUVALL d/ Margaret E. DUVALL, a minor d/ Cordelia DUVALL, a minor d/ Sarah R. DUVALL, a minor LAND - "Resurvey on the Hope", 205 acres, in Urbana District; 1 mile south of Urbana on road from there to Barnesville; adjoined land of Singleton KING, William P.N. LAWSON and Dr. WORTHINGTON. Improved with a brick mansion house, barn, wagon shed, corn crib, two carriage houses, blacksmith shop, large wheat granary, dairy, a new tobacco house, a large orchard and spring; 150 acres are cleared and the balance in timber. To Benjamin W. DUVALL from Johnn F. SIMMONS, H. Lizzie S. TARR, Thomas W. FISHER & w/ Anna W. for 304 acres at $12,000 in Mar 1874 [TG-1, 425]. Previously to Mrs. Haretta SIMMONS (now dec'd w/o John F. SIMMONS) by Will of Benjamin MURDOCK [GME-1, 574]. SOLD by Benjamin & wife to John H. LAWSON and William P.N. LAWSON for 99.75 acres at $3,099 in Mar 1879 [TG-11, 623]. (Leaving 205 acres) Mortgaged at $2,000 to John F. SIMMONS, H. Lizzie S. TARR and Annie W. FISHER in Nov 1878. John F. SIMMONS has since died and Annie W. FISHER has assigned her share to Thomas W. FISHER, the trustee of Harretta Lizzie S. TARR who is non compos mentis (lattter both of Howard County). Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 24 Oct 1889 from: - Wilbur H. DUVALL, age 37 - Oliver N. DUVALL, age 21, Urbana Trustee was Wilbur H. DUVALL. SALE was held 11 Jan 1890 at E.J. WINEBRENNER's Store in Urbana; but there was no sufficient bid. Private sale was made 10 Jun 1891 to: - William E. MERCER at $5,200 Submitted to auditor 11 Jul 1891.

Joseph H. WATSON, et al vs Charles HUBBARD, et al - Report of Sales - Equity #5477 - Oct 1888 Samuel NEALE d/ 1872 in Frederick City widow - Eleanor d/ 11 Jan 1879 in Frederick City s/ Joseph NEALE, now dec'd .......Josephine T. w/o Hector BELL - Virginia .......Annie C. w/o Willis SMITH - Washington, DC .......Rose w/o John J. JACKSON - Washington, DC .......Eleanor S. w/o Nelson WATERS - Pittsburgh, PA .......Bernard NEAL (last known to be in WV) s/ Samuel A. NEALE, now dec'd .....w/ Amanda D. - Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co, PA .......Addie K. NEALE - Pennsylvania .......Harvey T. NEALE & wife - Pennsylvania .......Samuel A. NEALE Jr - Pennsylvania .......Eleanor J. w/o Charles HUBBARD - Toronto, Canada .......Gertrude NEALE - Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co, PA .......Sarah NEALE, a minor - Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co, PA .......Agnes NEALE, a minor - Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co, PA .......George NEALE, a minor - Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co, PA d/ Sarah A. (Neale) (now dec'd) w/o Hamilton WATSON .......Joseph H. WATSON & w/ Mary E. - Washington, DC .......Hampton A. WATSON & wife - Nebraska d/ Sophia T. (Neale) wid/o Herbert BEALL/BELL - Washington, DC d/ Rebecca wid/o Henry ZEDRICKS - Washington, DC Western portion of house & lot (Brooks) to rent for 15 years for support of wife; then to be sold and divided between children. Eastern portion of house & lot to daughter Rebecca and h/ Henry ZEDRICKS, provided Henry pay a lien; and upon their deaths, to his children: Joseph, Samuel Jr, Sarah A. WATSON and Sophia Neale BEALL. Execs/ Joseph NEALE and Henry ZEDRICKS (both now dec'd) Witnesses: Charles H. KEEFER, John SIMMONS, Thomas M. HOLBRUNER (Will SGC-1, 286; written 10 Mar 1871; 10 Jul 1872) LAND - Lot #136 on north side of East Third St in Frederick City; adjoins the lots of Henry F. RUPRECHT on the east and John WALTER on the west. Improved with a double house. To Samuel NEALE from Stephen BROOKS & w/ Dorcas for west portion at $390 in Jun 1854 [ES-4, 633]. To Samuel NEALE from Philip B. KINKEL & w/ Ann C., and George SMITH for the east portion at $300 in Mar 1863 [BGF-8, 419]. Mortgage to Frederick Town Savings of $150 in Mar 1863. Henry ZEDRICKS died without paying the mortgage lien and never occupied the property. Rebecca ZEDRICKS paid for shingling the roof and other expenses for benefit of the estate. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 16 Jan 1889 from: - Henry Nelson THOMAS, age 58, Frederick City - Mary J. JONES, age 51, Frederick City Trustee was Milton G. URNER. SALE was held 23 Feb 1889 at the Carlin House in Frederick City; high bidder was: - Henry F. RUPRECHT at $880 Distribution after costs, $694.42: Western half - Rebecca ZEDRICKS, claim, $157.60 Eastern half - Frederick Town Savings, mortgage, $152.88 leaving balance $383.94 Western half - Hampton A. WATSON, 1/2 of 1/4, $23.70 - Bernard NEAL, 1/5 of 1/4, $9.48 - Gertrude NEAL, 1/8 of 9/10 of 1/4, $5.33 - Sarah NEAL, 1/8 of 9/10 of 1/4, $5.33 - Agnes NEAL, 1/8 of 9/10 of 1/4, $5.33 - George NEAL, 1/8 of 9/10 of 1/4, $5.33 - Rebecca ZEDRICKS, life interest, $55.86 from $383.94 - Sophia Neal BELL, 1/5, $76.78 - Josephine BELL, 1/5 of 1/5, $15.35 - Annie C. SMITH, 1/5 of 1/5, $15.35 - Rose JACKSON, 1/5 of 1/5, $15.35 - Eleanor WATERS, 1/5 of 1/5, $15.35 - Amanda D. NEAL, 1/10 of 1/5, $7.68 - Addie K. NEAL, 1/8 of 9/10 of 1/5, $8.63 - Harvey T. NEAL, 1/8 of 9/10 of 1/5, $8.63 - Samuel A. NEAL, 1/8 of 9/10 of 1/5, $8.63 - Eleanor HUBBARD, 1/8 of 9/10 of 1/5, $8.63 - Joseph H. WATSON, 1/2 of 1/5, $38.39 (for use of Rebecca ZEDRICKS) - Rebecca ZEDRICKS, balance, $54.71 Closed 14 Dec 1889.

Outerbridge HORSEY, mortgagee of Thomas P. KARN & w/ Rebecca - Report of Sales - Equity #5862 - Aug 1891 LAND - Lot & House in Burkittsville. Mortgage of $650 in Dec 1875. SALE was held 22 Aug 1891 in Burkittsville in front of store of Thomas HIGHTMAN & Sons; high bidder was: - Martha J. HIGHBARGER at $710 Submitted to auditor 22 Oct 1891.

Warner T. GRIMES, mortgagee of Isaac D. HARBAUGH & w/ Ann E.J. - Report of Sales - Equity #5874 - Oct 1891 LAND - 13 acres in Mechanicstown, on road from Sabillasville to Buena Vista, 1/4 mile from Sabillasville. Improved with a 1 1/2-story log house, stable, corn crib, garden, orchard and well with pump. To Isaac D. HARBAUGH from Philip BROWN & wife in Apr 1880 [AF-1, 693]. Mortgaged at $100 in Sep 1884. SALE was held 3 Oct 1891 at the public square in Mechanicstown; high bidder was: - Clara A. WORKING (w/o John O. WORKING) at $550 Submitted to auditor 21 Nov 1891.

Dr. Daniel E. STONE, assignee of Henry STAUFFER, mortgagee of Reuben KEY & w/ Margaret A. - Report of Sales - Equity #5809 - Feb 1891 LAND - part of #3 of "Resurvey on Mackey's Luck", 2 acres, 1 mile east of Mount Pleasant, 1/2 mile north of Frederick-Liberty Turnpike, on road from there to Woodsborough pike, known as Water Street Road. Improved with a log house of five rooms including kitchen, smoke house and fruit trees. To Reuben KEY from John STAUFFER in Oct 1851 [ES-2, 106]. Mortgaged at $100 in Dec 1881; assigned in Jul 1890. SALE was held 26 Mar 1891 on the premises; high bidder was: - Jacob L. CRUM at $402 Submitted to auditor 5 May 1891.

John C. MOTTER and Christian H. ECKSTEIN, trustees of Geoge WINKLEMAN & w/ Wilhelmina - Report of Sales - Deed of Trust - Equity #5825 - May 1891 LAND - Lot on West Jail St in Frederick City Improved with a 2-story brick house, smoke house and chicken house. To George WINKLEMAN from John ROELKEY [CM-7, 645]. SALE was held 9 May 1891 on the premises; high bidder was: - Harry E. WILCOXON at $1,415 Personal property sold for $168.15. Submitted to auditor 8 Jun 1891.

Rosanna C. SIMMONS and Ann E. FESSLER vs Caroline R. HALLER & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5815 - Apr 1891 Henry BAER d/ Feb 1848 d/ Susanna (Baer), dec'd w/o John FESSLER ...Ann E. FESSLER ...Rosanna L. (Fessler) wid/o John A. SIMMONS ...Caroline R. (Fessler) wid/o Thomas HALLER ...Henry B. FESSLER (died after his mother) . . . . .Susan R. (Fessler) w/o James S. BAER - Carroll County . . . . .Nannie FESSLER - Carroll County . . . . .Laura A. (Fessler) w/o George W. WALTZ - Washington, DC . . . . .Florence FESSLER - Washington, DC . . . . .Henrietta E. FESSLER d/ Elizabeth S. (Baer), dec'd w/o Isaac WISONG ...William A. WISONG (died after his mother), no issue ...George R. WISONG - Martinsburg, WV ...Ellen Sophia (Wisong) w/o Edward H. WELSH - Cumberland, MD ...Virginia (Wisong) wid/o John WHELAN / WIELAND - Cumberland, MD ...Anna (Wisong) w/o George Joseph DOLL ...Mary (Wisong) w/o John T. MOORE ...Margaret (Wisong), dec'd w/o Joseph CROMWELL - Fort Wayne, Indiana . . . . .Charles CROMWELL & w/ Margaret C. HARDT - Fort Wayne, Indiana . . . . .Irene CROMWELL - Cumberland, Allegany Co, MD ...Jacob WISONG (died after his mother) . . . . .William G. WISONG - Baltimore City, MD . . . . .Frank A. WISONG - Baltimore City, MD . . . . .Albert/Allen WISONG - Baltimore City, MD d/ Mary K. BAER d/ Dec 1890, unmarried (Grandchildren from Equity records) Witnesses: Robert BOONE, Jacob KELLER, William HAUER (Will GME-3, 296; written Dec 1843; filed 23 Feb 1848) LAND - Lots #52 & 53 (82 x 160') on north side of East Patrick St in Frederick City, extends back to Church St, 104' east of Middle Alley; known as 'the old Fessler property, one of the landmarks of the town'; adjoined the property of S.H. O'NEAL on the west, then occupied by Maj. Ira TYLER, and by Mrs. SCHLEY on the east and by Col. Charles E. TRAIL on the north. Improved with a very old stone house with back building, then occupied by Miss Ann E. FESSLER. Convenient to B & O Rail Road freight depots. The heirs sold part (28x84) of the property to Charles E. TRAIL at $550 in Jun 1861 BGF-7, 29]. In July 1862, the heirs made a Deed of Partition [BFG-7, 587]: - Elizabeth - 25 x 160' adjoining lot of Charles E. TRAIL. Improved with a 3-story brick house. - Susanna and Mary - the balance of the lot. Trustee was Charles W. ROSS. SALE was held 6 Aug 1891 at the Court House door; high bidder was: - John C. ENGLEBRECHT (lot 58.5 x 187') at $1,885 Submitted to auditor 5 Sep 1891. (Plat on page 617)

Daniel W. KLINE & w/ Savilla vs Hezekiah YOUNG, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5655 - Mar 1890 Daniel YOUNG d/ Feb 1887, intestate widow - Savilla (KING), now w/o Daniel W. KLINE s/ Hezekiah YOUNG & w/ Manzella LEAKINS s/ Zachariah YOUNG & w/ Rosa d/ Lizzie w/o ______ CASTLE s/ John J. YOUNG - West Virginia d/ Sarah w/o William PATTERSON d/ Cora w/o William McCOMBER - West Virginia d/ Eleaner YOUNG, a minor s/ Elmer YOUNG, a minor and other unknown children. [census records indicate they were: Columbus/Cornelius, Mahala/Malinda, Caroline (b/ c1853), Indiana (b/ c 1855) and Edward (b/ c1866)] LAND - 9 acres, at High Knob, known as 'Boot Jack'; adjoined lands of Henry BISER, Daniel STULL and Henry LORENTZ. Land good for growing peaches and grapes. To Daniel YOUNG from John A. SCHAEFFER & w/Ann R. in Aug 1871 [CM-7, 374]. Previously owned by Nicholas WHITMORE. Daniel YOUNG was indebted to Savilla KLINE (then Savilla KING) for $50 and issued a mortgage in Oct 1871. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 20 Mar 1890 from: - Daniel W. KLINE, age 39, resided in Brook Hill - Savilla KLINE, the widow, but now w/o Daniel W. KLINE. Trustee was Charles F. MARKELL. SALE was held 31 May 1890 at Paul CLIPP's store; high bidder was: - F. Marion FAUBLE at $42.50 Submitted to auditor 30 Jun 1891. Notes - Frederick Co, MD Marriage Licenses - YOUNG, Lizzie E., 18 to CASTLE, Kenderson T., 22, laborer dated 22 May 1870 by L.A. Mann in FC - YOUNG, Zachariah, 31 (wid), laborer to ATKINS, Rosanna E., 19 dated 27 Jul 1875 by George Diehl in Frederick - YOUNG, Daniel, 55 (wid), farmer to KING, Sevilla, 45 dated 8 Oct 1877 by W. H. Todd at Utica Mills - YOUNG, Sarah E., 19 to PATTERSON, William E., 22, laborer dated 18 Nov 1885 by W. L. Martin in Mechanicstown

Dr. Daniel/David E. STONE vs David E. KEY, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5731 - Sep 1890 (also see WIP-6, 592) Reuben KEY d/ Aug 1889, testate widow - Margaret A. (age 44), now in Baltimore City s/ David E. KEY & w/ Emma L. s/ William J. KEY & w/ Ida - Pennsylvania s/ Columbus B. KEY & w/ Mary - Pennsylvania Left real estate to son David E. KEY, subject to dower of widow and to pay his brothers $2.50 each and to support his mother during her natural life. Exec/ Henry STAUFFER Witnesses: Grafton COSTLY, Charles MARTIN, John A. LAUD [Will HE-1, 165; written 4 Aug 1889; filed 15 Aug 1889] --- LAND - "Resurvey on Mackey's Luck, 4 acres, in Mount Pleasant District, on Frederick to Liberty Turnpike to Woodsborough Turnpike, called Water Street, 1/2 mile north of Frederick-Liberty Turnpike. Improved with a log stable, hog pen, corn house and apple orchard; with fine slate soil. - Lot #12 of "Resurvey on Mackey's Luck", 1 acre. To Reuben KEY from Daniel M. KEMP, constable (from judgments filed by Isaac WALKER and Samuel D. WALKER against Isaac BURGEE) at $108 in May 1850 [WBT-13, 179]. Previously to Isaac BURGEE from Shadrick BURGEE in Aug 1842 [HS-15, 585]. - part of Lot #3 of "Resurvey on Mackey's Luck", 1 acre. To Reuben KEY from Terance O'BRIEN & w/ Mary at $12 in Sep 1856 [ES-7, 611]. - part of Lot #3 of "Resurvey on Mackey's Luck", 1 acre. To Reuben KEY from Henry NICODEMUS & w/ Margaret in Mar 1868 [WIP-11, 677]. Testimony was heard 18 Nov 1890 from: - Jacob H. DUTROW, age 33, Mount Pleasant - David E. KEY, age 33, Mount Pleasant Trustee was John C. MOTTER. SALE was held 26 Mar 1891 on the premises; high bidder was: - Jacob L. CRUM at $150 Submitted to auditor 5 May 1891. NOTES - Frederick Co, MD Marriage Licenses - KEY, David E., 24 (colored), laborer to DUNSEN, Emma C., 19 (colored) dated 29 Dec 1881 by Solomon Stoner of CC at his house - KEY, Reuben, 43 (black)(wid), laborer to BURIER, Margaret A., 27 (black)(wid) dated 18 Apr 1872 by William C. Cooper in FC

Harry M. CLABAUGH, assignee of Samuel E. REINDOLLAR, mortgagee of Isaac STAMBAUGH & w/ Naomi - Report of Sales - Equity #5723 - Sep 1890 LAND - 1 acre, on road from Double Pipe Creek to Rocky Ridge, 1/2 mile from Rocky Ridge; adjoins lands of Michael LIPPY and John OTT. Improved with a 2 1/2-story frame house, stable and fruit orchard with water near the house. To Isaac STAMBAUGH from Samuel E. REINDOLLAR in Jul 1885 [mortgage AF-10, 627]. Deed of Trust to Edward E. REINDOLLAR from Samuel E. REINDOLLAR and w/ Margaret J. of Carroll County in Mar 1886 [CC GAM-63, 527]. SALE was held 27 Sep 1890 near Rocky Ridge Station on Western Maryland Rail Road; high bidder was: - George H. BIRNIE, Edward E. REINDOLLAR, Samuel SWOPE and Henry SWOPE, partners, at $500 Submitted to auditor 24 Nov 1890.

Elizabeth G. SIMMONS vs Elizabeth G. SIMMONS, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4960 - 7 Feb 1884 Charles S. SIMMONS d/ 6 Dec 1883, intestate widow - Elizabeth G. (age 56 when her husband died) d/ Fannie S. SIMMONS s/ T. Frank SIMMONS s/ Lee Howard SIMMONS s/ Charles P. SIMMONS - Baltimore City d/ Anna Mary w/o J. Vincent JAMISON - Virginia LAND - Lot #5 of "Carrollton", 175.25 acres, on road from Buckeytown to Jefferson and to road from Frederick to Noland's Ferry. To Charles S. SIMMONS from John MacTAVISH & w/ Emily of Baltimore City at $9,638.75 in Mar 1852 [ES-1, 457]. - 'Monocacy Mills', 8.25 acres.on north side of Monocacy River; plus 3/4 acre on "Resurvey on Buckingham House" and "Wet Work"; located six miles from Frederick City and 1.5 miles from the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. The Mill is a brick and stone 5 1/2-story building; machinery is iron and less than five years old for manufacturing high grade flour. It had six runs of new French Burrs and three turbine water-wheels. Improved with a 2 1/2-story stone house, four substantial tenant houses and two orchards. To Charles S. SIMMONS from George W. DELAPLANE and William G. BAKER, trustees (for benefit of creditors of Theodore C. DELAPLANE), at $15,000 in Jan 1876 [TG-4, 468]. - Lots #1, 2 & 3, woodland, 60/88 acres. To Charles S. SIMMONS from Calvin PAGE at $350 in Apr 1852 [ES-2, 237]. (Ref Equity #1970 in Jan 1847; Deed WBT-3, 587) (Exhibit 4 missing) Debts owed: - Elizabeth G. SIMMONS for note at $5,600 from Jun 1883. - William REICH, trustee of Mrs. Sarah ADAMS, for mortgage at $5,000 - Franklin Savings Bank for mortgage at $3,500 - James Lee SIMMONS, exec/of James S. SIMMONS, for judgment at $1,062 - John T. WORTHINGTON and R. Emory SIMMONS, sureties in guardian bond of $20,000 with: ... Charles S. SIMMONS as guardian of: ........Clara Ann SIMMONS ........John Kinzer SIMMONS ($1,953.19) ........Richard Gordon SIMMONS ($2,741.60) ........Laura May SIMMONS ($2,946.96) R. Emory SIMMONS d/ since the petition was filed ...s/ James S. SIMMONS - Out of State ...d/ Susan E. SIMMMONS - Out of State ...d/ Mary Virginia w/o William NEILL - Out of State James Lee SIMMONS was exec/of James SIMMONS. Trustee was William P. MAULSBY Jr and Charles P. SIMMONS. SALE was held 19 Jul 1884 at the City Hotel in Frederick for Monocacy Mills, but no sufficient bid was received; later private sale was made to: - Benjamin H. MEITZLER at $4,625; however, substituted as purchaser was Martin C. BLESSING and Fulton B. RICE. The widow was awarded $462.50 in lieu of her dower for the mill property. She announced she had purchased the interest of all of the children in the Home Farm; the monies due to the wards for guardianship have been paid; and other debts have been settled; leaving those to William REICH and the Franklin Savings Institution. She now holds ownership of the Home Farm and wood lot and states it needs to be sold to settle the debts and requests a private sale. Private sale for the Home Farm was made to: - Elizabeth G. SIMMONS at $1,250 Submitted to auditor 24 Apr 1885.

WIP-6, 682-686 - EYLER, KROM, LEVY
Charles V. S. LEVY, assignee of John J. KROM, mortgagee of H. M. EYLER & w/ Sarah Catharine - Report of Sales - Equity #5867 - Sep 1891 LAND - "Fountain Low", 30.25 acres in Creagerstown District, on south side of Creagerstown-Mechanicstown road, 1.25 miles west of Creagerstown; adjoining lands of Henry KROM, Mrs. DUBLE and heirs of Henry THERNBERG(?). To Charles H.M. EYLER from Mary HUMRICK in Mar 1875 [TG-2, 686]. and To Charles H.M. EYLER from John J. KROM in Mar 1890. To John J. KROM from Abraham A. BLACK & w/ Mary A. in Apr 1877 [TG-11, 300]. Mortgaged at 1,058.75. SALE was held 11 Sep 1891 in front of William J. CRAMER's store in Creagerstown; high bidder was: - Charles V. L. LEVY at $605 Trustee for conveyance of deed was Adolphus FEARHAKE. Submitted to auditor 13 Oct 1891.

WIP-6, 686-690 - BEALL, DAY, DAVIS
Rufus K. DAY, mortgagee of James H. BEALL & w/ Elizabeth E. - Report of Sales - Equity #5827 - May 1891 LAND - "Partnership" and "Deceit", 30 acres, on road from Bethesda Church to Hyattstown Road where it intersects Monrovia-Hyattstown Road; adjoined land of William WOLFE and corner of graveyard and SE corner of School House. Improved with a log and frame 6-room house, a barn two tobacco houses (one being new), fruit trees, water near the door and good fencing. To James H. BEALL from Rufus K. DAY & wife [WIP-4, 674]. Mortgaged at $700. SALE was held 9 May 1891 on the premises; high bidder was: - Richard P. DAVIS at $850 At time of sale, land listed as being on Monrovia-Hyattstown, halfway between Fountain Mills and (Price's??) Distillery and adjoined land of Milton DAVIS and Rufus K. DAY. Submitted to auditor 16 Jun 1891. NOTE - Graveyard has been identified as the Old Methodist Cemetery but now known as Davis-Williams Cemetery.

Charles DEVILBISS, assignee of Francis J. DEVILBISS, mortgagee of Margaret L. GREENHOLTZ & Others vs William R. CURRY, adm/of Margaret L. GREENHOLTZ, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5823 - May 1891 Margaret Landes GREENHOLTZ d/ Sep 1890, intestate h/ William H. GREENHOLTZ (age 60) - Canton, Stark Co, Ohio s/ Charles W. GREENHOLTZ s/ Harvey P. GREENHOLTZ s/ Harry E. GREENHOLTZ, a minor d/ Grace M. GREENHOLTZ, a minor William H. GREENHOLTZ left his wife and children in May 1882 and has never contributed to their support. LAND - "Margaret's Fancy", 20 acres in Linganore District, on New Windsor Turnpike, near Old Springs Creamery, 3.5 miles SW from New Windsor; adjoined land of Susannah WARNER (from Jacob LANDES), Solomon P. ENGLAR and George W. DEVILBISS. Improved with a 2 1/2-story log house, barn, wagon shed, fruit trees and a spring near the door. Devised to Margaret Landes GREENHOLTZ by Will of Jacob LANDES of Carroll County [Carr Co JMP-3, 51). Mortgage to Francis J. DEVILBISS of New Windsor (Carroll Co) at $125, plus other creditors for coal, lumber and food supplies. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER Testimony was heard 28 Jul 1891 from: - William R. CURRY, age 66, resided at Oak Orchard, Fred Co. - Charles W. GREENHOLTZ, age 26 - remembered his father sold everything he had and put most of the money in his jacket and said "I'm going, I leave you to take care of your mother" and was out the door; this in May 1881. He has been there since and has never returned and only once sent $6-8 dollars to his mother. His mother has been the one to support them since. - Luke C. ENSOR, age 66, near Oak Orchard, within a mile of the Greenholtz property. William the husband had been abusive to his family and was paying attention to another woman; haven't seen him since he left Maryland in May 1881. Trustee was Clayton O. KEEDY SALE was held 5 Sep 1891 on the premises: high bidder was: - Lewis CANTWELL at $700 Submitted to auditor 3 Oct 1891.

John H. STITELY vs Joel A. STITELY, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5810 - Apr 1891 Samuel STITELY d/ Jun 1890, intestate no surviving widow s/ John H. STITELY s/ Joel A. STITELY & w/ Ellen s/ Jacob E. STITELY & w/ Frances s/ George W. STITELY & w/ Hester d/ Catharine L. w/o Daniel P. ZIMMERMAN s/ Samuel A. STITELY & w/ Missouri - Carroll County s/ David R. STITELY (died before his father) .......Laura V. w/o James W. PALMER .......Isaac STITELY & w/ Harriet .......Nettie w/o Oliver SAYLOR d/ Caroline WALTZ (died before her father) .......Clagett H. WALTZ & w/ Sarah E. .......Marshall E. WALTZ & w/ Laura .......John P. WALTZ & w/ Mary J. - Carroll County .......Samuel R. WALTZ & w/ Arabella .......Elizabeth (Waltz) w/o Solomon EARNST . . . . . . .John EARNST . . . . . . .Edward EARNST, a minor . . . . . . .Charles EARNST, a minor .......Emily (Waltz) HAHN . . . . . . .Elmer HAHN, a minor LAND - parts of "Andrew's Venture", "Resurvey on Seven Originals", "Resurvey on Carmack's Advice", "Resurvey on Seven Originals", "Whiskey Spring", 90 + 12 + 6 + 6 acres) (listed as 103.25 acres), in Johnsville District, 2.5 miles east of Woodsboro; adjoined land of David FOGLE. Improved with house, barn, apple and peach orchard. To Samuel STITELY from Jacob EBERLY, trustee (Equity #2248 John EBERLY & w/ Susanna) at $650 in Sep 1850 [CS-10, 117]. - "Wood's Chance", 1 acre in Centerville; adjoined land of John Henry STITELY. Improved with two houses with stalls on each. To Samuel STITELY from Daniel LEAKINS & w/ Sarah at $40 in Mar 1869 [CM-3, 468]. (Divided into two lots) - "Whiskey Spring", 36 perches in Johnsville District. To Samuel STITELY from John SMITH of M. & w/ Ellizabeth at $181 in Mar 1868 [CM-2, 157]. (sold with the farm) Articles of Agreement between Samuel STITELY Jr and son, John H. STITELY in Aug 1888 - shall have control of the farm, then in tenancy of Samuel of Samuel A. STITELY Jr at value of $1,400, during the life of Samuel STITELY & wife Elizabeth. Upon their death, then farm to be sold and John H. STITELY shall have the advantage of all the proceeds above $1,400. John H. STITELY will improve the farm and pay the taxes. Guardian was Joseph GAVER. Testimony was heard 28 May 1891 from: - John H. STITELY, age 64 - George W. SHANK, age 70, Frederick City Trustee was John C. MOTTER. SALE was held 11 Jul 1891 at Smith's Hotel in Woodsboro; high bidders were: - John H. STITELY for the farm at $1,200 - Samuel A. STITELY for northern half of lot at $125; on road and extends to lands of John H. STITELY and Edward HAHN. - Catharine ZIMMERMAN for southern half of lot at $125; on road and extends to the Reformed Church; with use of well on northern portion and right-of-way. Submitted to auditor 8 Aug 1891. NOTES - Frederick County Marriage Licenses - STITELY, David to PFOUTZ, Rachel - 28 Dec 1850 - STITELY, Catharine L. to ZIMMERMAN, Daniel P. - 27 Dec 1862 - STITELY, Jacob Ephraim to DANNER, Frances - 6 Jun 1863 - STITELY, George W. to PFOUTZ, Esther C. - 26 Dec 1863 - STITELY, Joel A. to REPP, Ellen L.B. - 4 May 1864 - STITELY, Samuel A., 22, farmer to HAHN, Missouri V., 19 - 16 Dec 1869 by Isaac Pfoutz in FC - WALTZ, Clagett A., 23, farmer to ERNST, Sarah E., 19 - 16 Dec 1869 by Isaac Pfoutz in FC - WALTZ, Marshall E., 23, stone cutter to HARMAS, Laura A. E., 21 dated 24 Jan 1882 by A. Hanson Senseney of CC, at Mr Smith's - WALTZ, Mary E., 19 to ERNST, Solomon P., 22, farmer - 18 Feb 1869 by Isaac Pfoutz in FC - WALTZ, Emma Jane, 23 to HAHN, Elisha H., 21, laborer - 30 Jan 1873 by Isaac Pfoutz in FC Carroll County Marriage Licenses - WALTZ, Samuel R. to PARRISH, Arabella - 4 Dec 1884

WIP-6, 726-743 - GAUGH, HINEA
Frederick Town Savings vs Lydia Ann GAUGH, widow, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5807 - Apr 1891 Elizabeth GAUGH d/ intestate d/ Eve M. (Gaugh) w/o Jacob H. HINEA s/ Daniel GAUGH --- Daniel GAUGH d/ 20 Oct 1890, testate, at his home near Lewistown widow - Lydia Ann s/ Jesse W. GAUGH & w/ Laura J. s/ John M. GAUGH & w/ Alice s/ Charles D. GAUGH s/ William F. GAUGH s/ Jacob H. GAUGH, a minor (but now age 24) d/ Daisy M. GAUGH, a minor Execs/ sons, Jesse W. and John M. GAUGH Witnesses: Christopher BAKER, Andrew N. CRAMER, Americus J.P. WILES (Will HS-1, 302; written 9 Jul 1888; filed 28 Oct 1890) --- LAND - 319 acres on the Creagerstown Road, 2 miles NE of Lewistown and 3 miles from Catoctin Furnace; adjoined lands of George W. MILLER, William ZIMMERMAN and James NULL. Improved with a 9-room, 2-story brick house (nearly new) with slate roof, a 5-room tenant house, bank barn, wagon shed, carriage house, apple and peach orchard and spring; 19 acres in timber. Included: - 132 acres - To Elizabeth GAUGH from Samuel KEEFER & wife in May 1862 [BGF-7, 515]. - 187 acres - To Eve M. (Gaugh) HINEA and Daniel GAUGH by Will of John GAUGH (Will TS-1, 311). To Daniel GAUGH from Jacob H. HINEA & w/ Eve M. in Sep 1865 [JWLC-3, 306]. (Daniel to pay mortgage) Mortgage of $7,500 in Mar 1887. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 13 May 1891 from: - John Marshall MILLER - had known the family for 15 years. - Andrew N. CRAMER - had known the family for 18 years. - Jesse W. GAUGH - provided Daniel's death date. Trustees were Charles W. ROSS and Clayton O. KEEDY. SALE was held 6 Jul 1891 in front of the Court House; high bidder was: - Frederick Town Savings at $17.75/acre, $5,663.77 (Joseph CRONISE, Pres) Submitted to auditor 5 Aug 1891.

Margaret A. ZENTZ & h/ Aaron D. ZENTZ vs Sarah ZUMBRUM, et al - Report of Sales - Equity #5818 (Carr Co #2879) - Oct 1890 Jacob ZUMBRUM d/ 1868 in Carroll County, testate widow - Sarah (life estate) - Carroll County d/ Margaret M. (Zumbrum), now dec'd w/o William KISER - Carroll County .....Margaret A. (Kiser) w/o Aaron D. ZENTZ - Carroll County .....Jacob KISER, dec'd . . . . .Vira? V. KISER, a minor (age 11) - Carroll County . . . . .Fannie M. KISER, a minor (age 9) - Carroll County .....John W. KISER & w/ Ellen M. - Carroll County .....James F. KISER - Colorado .....Edwin Z. KISER & w/ Sabina - Nebraska .....Samuel B. KISER - Colorado .....Elmer G. KISER & w/ Minda - Nebraska Jacob & Sarah's residence was 8 acres; to wife, then daughter. The 167-acre Farm and 4-acre mountain lot to daughter (where she then resided), if she provides for her mother, pays taxes and makes yearly payments to her mother. Execs/ son-in-law William KISER and friend Stephen SMITH Witnesses: John BISHOP, Henry BISHOP, Benjamin SHUNK (Carr Co Will; written 4 Jun 1866; filed 28 Sep 1868) --- LAND - 8 acres - 167-acre Farm in Carroll County, 2 miles from Taneytown, on road to Emmitsburg. Improved with a large 2-story log/weatherboarded house with 2-story back building and summer house attached, barn, carriage house, etc. - 4-acre Mountain Lot, 2.5 miles from Emmittsburg; adjoining land of Joshua RENTZ and Henry HELTERBRICK. Since the death of Margaret M. KISER, her husband (having a life estate) made an assignment of his interest to Tobias H. ECKENRODE, of Carroll County, for benefit of his creditors, dated 9 Oct 1890. John W. KISER also petitioned for Insolvency and Tobias H. ECKENRODE is also trustee for his interest, dated 12 Aug 1890. William KISER and Henry KISER (of Carroll County) are creditors of James F. KISER and Samuel B. KISER and have applied for judgments in Carroll County. Trustee was Tobias H. ECKENRODE. SALE was held 16 Feb 1891 on the premises; - John P. CRAPSTER for the mountain lot at $30.25 Other land didn't receive a sufficient bid. Private Sale later made to: - James D. HAINES for 86 acres of the farm at $3,847.25 Submitted to auditor 26 Jun 1891. NOTES - Carroll Co, MD Marriage Licenses - ZUMBRUM, Jacob to CLABAUGH, Sarah - 14 Nov 1852 - KISER, John W. to HECK, Ellen M. - 2 May 1878 - KISER, Edwin Z. to HILL, Mary S. - 8 Jan 1883 - KISER, Jacob to SMITH, Lizzie - 9 Sep 1876 - KEISER, Anna M. to ZENTZ, Aaron D. - 4 Jan 1875 (Attached are the Sale notices Feb 1891 and Aug 1891)

The End of WIP-6

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