Equity Court Abstracts

Book WIP-5 - 1877-1890

Frederick County, Maryland

These are abstracts from Equity Court Records of Frederick County, Maryland, many times providing family data on the defendant and sometimes on persons not mentioned on the docket. Some of the listings are quite informative while others, being dismissed, may only have the date and name of plantiff and defendant. However, the cases brought before the judge consisted of sworn testimony and each one holds a story. Perhaps you will find a story connected to your search.
[Records Located at Maryland State Archives]

William ADAMS & w/ Mary vs John W. LAMBRIGHT, el al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5432 - May 1888 Andrew ADAMS d/ 1861 widow - Catharine E. d/ May 1888 s/ William ADAMS & w/ Mary (BRENNER) d/ Anna R. E. w/o John W. LAMBRIGHT s/ Edward E. ADAMS & w/ Vinnie K. s/ Henry ADAMS (died after father & before mother) .......John ADAMS, a minor .......William ADAMS, a minor .......Annie ADAMS, a minor Estate to wife, with authority to sell parts, and upon her death, to divide equally among the children. Exec/ wife Witnesses: M. B. LUCKETT, Daniel MAGN, Nick LOCKNER (Will APK-1, 60 written 13 Dec 1855; filed 9 Apr 1861) --- LAND - - Lot #5 in Fredericktown To Andrew ADAMS from Sheriff Adam CUSTARD (by Judgment of Jacob KELLER vs Valentin J. BRUNER and D. C. STEINER, t/a Steiner & Bruner) at $111 in Feb 1848 [WBT-8, 58]. Previously to STEINER & BRUNER in Equity #1761 in Feb 1843 [Deed HS-20, 458]. SOLD by the widow to - Alexander NOLAN at $1,050 in Jul 1871 [CM-7, 157]. - Lot #230 on Sixth Street in Frederick City. To Andrew ADAMS from Josiah DAYHOFF at $300 in Apr 1853 [ES-3, 112]. Previously to William GITTING and Josiah DAYHOFF from George DOFLER & w/ Mary in Jan 1841. SOLD by the widow to - Henry William AUBEL & w/ Barbara Elizabeth at $450 in Apr 1863 [BGF-8, 587]. - 1/4 part of Lot #229 and parts of Lot #229 & 230 on Sixth St in Frederick City. To Andrew ADAMS from Henry CARLIN & w/ Sarah at $600 in Jan 1854 [ES-4, 381]. Previously to CARLIN from William GITTINGER & wife in Jul 1843 [HS-20, 231]. SOLD by the widow to - Mary J. HOOD, w/o George A. HOOD, at $350 in Jun 1877 [TG-8, 445]. - north end of Lot #212, fronting on west side of Court Alley in Fredericktown. To Andrew ADAMS from John SCHER & w/ Catharine at $265 in Feb 1855 [ES-6, 428]. Previously to SCHER from George DOFLER and Jacob DOFLER, execs/of George DOFLER in Feb 1847 [WBT-11,111]. SOLD by the widow to - Veronica WITZLER, w/o John WITZLER, at $550 in Jul 1867 [DJB-1, 547]. - Lot #255 on west side of North Market St in Fredericktown. To Andrew ADAMS at $650 in Mar 1855 from heirs of: Mathias E. BARTGIS d/ 5 Aug 1849, intestate widow - Margaret BARTGIS d/ Margaret w/o Dennis SCHOLL s/ James BARTGIS & w/ Mary C. s/ William BARTGIS s/ George W. L. BARTGIS & w/ Sophia E. s/ Hiram BARTGIS & w/ Matilda E. s/ Dewitt C. BARTGIS & w/ Mary E. d/ Mary E. w/o William B. ROGERS - Baltimore City s/ John M. BARTGIS & w/ Mary C. of Baltimore City [ES-6. 429]. --- Previously to BARTGIS from: ...Adam STRICKSTROKE & w/ Mary in May 1818 [JS-6. 455]. ...Sheriff Thomas W. MORGAN in Sep 1822 [JS-16, 820]. ...Gideon BANTZ, trustee, in Mar 1835 [JS-48. 262]. SOLD by Andrew & Catharine ADAMS to Jacob SHAWBAKER at $75 in Mar 1855 [ES-6, 397]. - 1/8 of Lot #255 on Market St in Frederick Town. To Andrew ADAMS from Isaac TITLOW & w/ Elizabeth at $1,050 in Apr 1851 [WBT-13, 230]. To TITLOW from George WACHTER, trustee in Jun 1850 [WBT-11, 389]. Previously to Michael WACHTER from Joseph PAYNE in Apr 1844. - Half of Lot #4 in Fredericktown. To Andrew ADAMS from Francis BOWEN at $250 in Jul 1855 [ES-6, 646]. Previously to Francis BOWEN from heirs of Jacob DOLL in Apr 1822 [JS-15, 492]. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 15 Jul 1888 from: - William ADAMS (s/o Andrew) - Annie LAMBRIGHT (d/o Andrew) Trustee was William ADAMS. SALE was held 22 Sep 1888 at house on NW corner of Market and Sixth Sts in Frederick City; high bidders were: - Edward E. ADAMS for Lot #1 at $2,250 Lot (61x104') on NW corner Of Market & Sixth St; Improved with a large 2-story brick house, two stables, corn house and smoke house. - Samuel T. BRENGLE for Lot #2 at $385; for his wife Madeora BRENGLE. Lot (20x104') adjoining the previous lot on Market St; Improved with a blacksmith shop and carriage shop. - Edward E. ADAMS for Lot #3 at $185 Lot (18x104') adjoining previous lot on Market St. - Edward E. ADAMS for Lot #4 at $185 Lot (18x133') adjoining last lot on Market St. - Anna LAMBRIGHT for Lot #5 at $135 Lot (18x133') adjoining last lot on Market St. - Edward E. ADAMS for Lot #6 at $190 Lot (21'7"x133') adjoining last lot on Market St. - Edward E. ADAMS for Lot #7 at $805 Lot (20x133') adjoining last lot on Market St; Improved with a 2-story brick house. - Anna LAMBRIGHT for Lot #8 at $830 Lot (20x133') adjoining last lot on Market St; Improved with a 2-story brick house. - Anna LAMBRIGHT for Lot #9 at $510 Lot (20x196.5') on south side of East Sixth St, adjoining Mrs. Mary J. HOOD; Improved with a 2-story brick house. - Anna LAMBRIGHT for Lot #10 at $460 Lot (20x196.5') on south side of East Sixth St; Improved with a 2-story brick house. - Anna LAMBRIGHT for Lot #11 at $310 Lot (20x196.5') on south side of East Sixth St; Improved with a 2-story brick house. Total Sales, $6,245. Closed 4 May 1889. NOTES - Frederick County Marriage Licenses - ADAMS, William, 23, laborer to BRENNER, Mary T., 18 on 12/21/1876 by C.H. Stonestreet, priest, in FC - ADAMS, Edward E., 25, plumber to ETCHISON, Vinnie K., 22 on 04/27/1882 by H. Bielfeld in Frederick - ADAMS, Henry, 23, laborer to FISHBACK, Margaret, 20 on 09/15/1872 by D. Zacharias in Frederick

Clinton A. RIDDLEMOSER vs Ann E. STAMBAUGH, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5456 - Aug 1888 James L. RIDDLEMOSER d/ 25 May 1888 in Mount Pleasant, intestate sis/ Ann E. STAMBAUGH sis/ Margaret S. w/o Daniel W. BOWERS* sis/ Amelia R. RIDDLEMOSER bro/ Clinton A. RIDDLEMOSER sis/ Martha J. RIDDLEMOSER sis/ Mary B. w/o Nathaniel ROUTZAHN* - Winchester, VA bro/ Joseph A. RIDDLEMOSER & w/ Miriam B. - Mount Airy, Carroll County sis/ Ann L., dec'd w/o ___ COOKERLY* .......Joanna V. (Cookerly) w/o Lewis F. KEFAUVER .......Sarah E. (Cookerly) w/o Charles W. KELLER .......Amelia F. (Cookerly) w/o Thaddeas T. ORENDORF - Ohio .......Emma L. (Cookerly) w/o Harry T. HENNEBERGER - Hagerstown, Washington County .......Annie R. COOKERLY - Baltimore City .......Harriet F. COOKERLY - Hagerstown, Washington County .......John C. COOKERLY - Hagerstown, Washington County .......Charles L. COOKERLY - Hagerstown, Washington County .......Jessie E. COOKERLY - Hagerstown, Washington County .......William E. COOKERLY, a minor - Hagerstown, Washington County bro/ William A. RIDDLEMOSER, dec'd * .......Georgeanna V. w/o John L. BICKLE - Hagerstown, Washington County .......Antoinette w/o Dallas M. BRENNER - Hagerstown, Washington County .......Ida L. w/o Alfred M. McCLEARY (his residence unknown) - Washington County .......Emma J. w/o Francis M. UHLER - Washington County .......Effie w/o Carrington HITESHEW - Washington County .......Franklin RIDDLEMOSER - Washington County .......William T. RIDDLEMOSER, M.D. - Washington County LAND - 62 acres, 1 mile east of Mount Pleasant and 1/4 mile from the Frederick-Liberty Turnpike on road from DRONEBERGER's Mill. Improved with a new 2-story frame house, stable, corn house with a spring near the door and a young orchard. (from Equity #3177 in Feb 1865 of Abraham Brickwalter and John W. WRIGHT and Rebecca B. WALKER & Others) To James L. RIDDLEMOSER from Grayson EICHELBERGER, trustee, at $468 in May 1865 [JWLC-2, 595]. - Wood land, 14 acres of Chestnut and Oak, in Mount Pleasant District. To James L. RIDDLEMOSER from Charles P. WITHERS & w/ Rebecca at $200 in Dec 1887 [WIP-4, 639]. Previously to WITHERS from Addison L. WITHERS in Dec 1885 [WIP-1, 19]. - "Middle Plantation", 37 sq perches, in Mount Pleasant, lying near the forks of the Old Annapolis Road and the road from Frederick Town to Liberty Town. To James L. RIDDLEMOSER from John W. BURTON & w/ Catharine at $104 in Apr 1852 [ES-1, 207]. Previously to BURTON from Jacob RIDDLEMOSER. - 1 rood and 26 perches, (from Equity #4013 in Oct 1875 of Nathaniel ROUTZAHN & Others vs Ann E. STAMBAUGH). To James L. RIDDLEMOSER from Joseph A. RIDDLEMOSER, trustee, at $65 in Mar 1876 [TG-5, 201] (signed in Washington County). Previously to Jacob RIDDLEMOSER from Philip DIETRICK & wife in Nov 1843 [HS-21, 147]. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 27 Nov 1888 from: - Clinton A. RIDDLEMOSER, age 50, Mount Pleasant; stated his brother's land contained a farm of 76 acres and a 3/4 acre lot with a store house and dwelling combined. Estimated value at $3,500. Stated his brother was a bachelor, never married. - Amelia R. RIDDLEMOSER, age 52, Mount Pleasant Trustee was Clinton A. RIDDLEMOSER. SALE was held 9 Feb 1889 at the store of the late James L. RIDDLEMOSER; high bidders were: - Hiram Z. STALEY for the farm at $1,938; however, he failed to make payment. - Martha J. RIDDLEMOSER for 3/4 acre Lot in Mount Pleasant at $2,402; Improved with a 2-story house, store room and stable with well in the yard. Total Sales, $4,340. Resale of the farm on 17 Aug 1889 at same location; high bidder was: - George W. BEST at $1,520 Sent to Auditor and closed 14 Sep 1889. NOTES - Frederick County Marriages - Ann L. RIDDLEMOSER to Lewis C. COOKERLY - 20 Nov 1849 - Margaret RIDDLEMOSER to Washington BOWLUS - 24 Mar 1845 - Mary B. RIDDLEMOSER to Nathaniel ROUTZAHN - 1 May 1849 - Sarah E. COOKERLY, 22 to Charles W. KELLER, 33, farmer on 2 Jan 1878 by John B. Gaffney, priest, in Middletown Washington County Marriages - William A. RIDDLEMOSER to E.A.M. GEORGE - 5 Jan 1847

Laten H. BOYER & Others vs Matilda AMBROSE & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5496 - Nov 1888 George H. AMBROSE d/ Sep 1880 in Hauvers District, intestate widow - Matilda (age 59) d/ Mary M. w/o Laten H. BOYER d/ Sarah E. w/o Cyrus M. DAVIS d/ Amanda C. w/o Washington RIDENOUR s/ John C. AMBROSE & w/ Amanda (SMITH) d/ Laura J. w/o John A. W. MATTHEWS s/ Charles D. AMBROSE - Philadelphia d/ Rene O. AMBROSE d/ Julia A.R. AMBROSE, a minor s/ George H. AMBROSE, a minor - Pennsylvania d/ Emma M. AMBROSE, a minor LAND - 160 acres in Hauver's District, 1/4 mile from Deerfield Station W.R. Rail Road. To George H. AMBROSE from John A. WILLIAR & w/ Rebecca of Frederick County and Cornelius F. WILLIAR & w/ Theodosia M.A.R. WILLIAR of Miami Co, Kansas at $7,200 in May 1869 [CM-5, 413]. Previously to John A. WILLIAR and Cornelius F. WILLIAR from Daniel P. SAYLER and Augustus H. WILLIAR, execs/of Charles WiLLIAR, in Sep 1856 [ES-7, 523]. Guardian was John J. BISER, Esquire. Testimony was heard 12 Jul 1889 from: - Laten H. BOYER, age 43, Mechanicstown District - J.A.W. MATHEWS, age 33, Hauvers District Testimony claimed estate was 126 acres. Trustees were Harry H. ROUZER and John C. MOTTER. (Report of Sales missing). Total Sales, $2,646. Sent to Auditor on 23 Nov 1889.

Ellen A. WHALEN & Others vs Mary WHALEN & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5511 - Mar 1889 Beall H. WHALEN d/ 24 Jan 1889, intestate sis/ Ellen A. WHALEN sis/ Sallie WHALEN sis/ Rachel V. WHALEN sis/ Mary E. WHALEN sis/ Elizabeth C. WHALEN sis/ Hannah N. WHALEN bro/ Thomas WHALEN bro/ John W. WHALEN, dec'd .......Lona WHALEN, a minor .......Mary WHALEN, a minor LAND - in Frederick City; included: - Lot & House on NE corner of East Patrick & East Sts in Frederick City, fronting on East Patrick for 94 feet, fronting Patrick St, with right of way to 10' alley from East St at north side of property. Improved with a large 3-story brick house of 11 rooms. - Lot #61 & 61 & House on east side of Market St in Frederick City; then Beal H. WHALEN & Bro Boot & Shoe store. - Two Lots of 25 acres in New Market District. To Beall H. WHALEN from Frederick J. NELSON, trustee (Equity #5216) in Sep 1887 [WIP-4, 499]. Previously to Beall H. WHALEN & Isaac C. WHALEN, t/a B. H. Whalen & Bro, in Aug 1885 [AF-11, 280]. - "Resurvey on Hawkins Merry Peep O'Day", "Fielderea" and "Fielderea Manor", 250 acres, on Hawkins Mill Road in Petersville. Improved with a house. - and adjoining 57 acres. To Beall H. WHALEN from Lewis MARKELL, Pres/of Fredericktown Savings, (by mortgage of Tilghman HILLEARY of $7,300 in Feb 1883; Ref Equity #5258) in Feb 1887 [WIP-4, 18]. Guardian was Thomas TURNER. Testimony was heard 6 Mar 1889 from: - John B. THOMAS, age 68, Frederick City, real estate agent. - John DIFFENDAL, age 63, Frederick City, machine agent. Trustees were Frederick J. NELSON and John B. THOMAS. SALE was held 27 Apr 1889 at the City Hotel in Frederick City; high bidders were: - C. A. CASTLE for lots on east side of Market St at $2,300 over the mortgage of $6,000. - Mary E. WHALEN for House on corner of East Patrick & East St at $510; subject to mortgage of $1,200. Deed to be in name of her and her sisters as joint purchasers. - H. M. CLAGGETT for farm of 250 acres at $32/acre, subject to the mortgage of $6,000. - Frederick KRANTZ for wood lots in New Market at $3.05/acre. Total Sales, $5,623.01. Charles A. CASTLE filed petition stating he has discovered the property on the east side of Market St has a defective title. He references a deed from Charles E. TRAIL as trustee to E. E. DELASHMUTT dated 30 Mar 1880 [AF-1, 458]; whereby TRAIL as trustee in execution of trusts declared in Deed of Trust from Lydia C. TRAIL and Others to him dated 16 Dec 1879 [AF-1, 77]. TRAIL was to sell the property and distribute the proceeds among the heirs of Edward TRAIL, dec'd, the former owner. MD law then required TRAIL to file a bond before any title passed to him but never did, nor did he report any sale to the court for ratification; therefore Beall H. WHALEN had no legal title and clear title cannot be obtained by petitioner. However, in Equity #5569, the title was ratified and clear title can now be provided. Objection was withdrawn. Audits on pages 467-468. Distribution of $5,622.88, after costs, went to 60 creditors at 93% of their claims. Closed 28 Jan 1890.

Thomas O. LINDSAY vs Willilam A. LINDSAY, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5521 - Feb 1889 John LINDSAY d/ 13 Nov 1887 in Unionville, intestate s/ Thomas O. LINDSAY s/ William A. LINDSAY & w/ Sarah E. s/ John D. LINDSAY & w/ Ruth s/ Charles E. LINDSAY & w/ Mollie E. d/ Emeline LINDSAY s/ Joshua T. LINDSAY & w/ Margaret E. (her residence, Pittsburgh, PA) d/ Eliza E. CRABB, dec'd .......Minnie CRABB, a minor .......Edward CRABB, a minor - Staunton, VA LAND - 2 acres in Unionville (Linganore District). Divided into two lots for the sale, each with a weatherboarded frame house and stable, well in yard and fruit trees. To John LINDSAY from Hamilton LINDSAY & w/ S. Amelia in Dec 1872 [CM-9, 334]. Previously to Hamilton from Jacob FOGLE & w/ Louisa in Oct 1870 [CM-6, 97]. Mortgaged to Joseph H. HARTSOCK at $300 in Sep 1876 Testimony was heard 24 May 1889 from: - Hamilton LINDSAY, age 54, Frederick City - Granville LINDSAY, age 43, Frederick City Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Trustee was Thomas O. LINDSAY. SALE was held 10 Aug 1889 at Lindsay & Danner's Store in Unionville; high bidder was: - Clinton J. LINDSAY for Lot #1 at $337 - Emeline LINDSAY for Lot #2 at $350 Total Sales, $687. Sent to auditor on 2 Dec 1889. NOTES - Frederick County Marriage Licenses - LINDSEY, John to WRIGHT, Ann - 4 Apr 1832 - LINDSEY, Thomas O. to CASHOUR, Mary J. - 13 Oct 1859 - LINDSEY, Thomas O. to CASHOUR, Susan L. - 1 Jan 1863 - LINDSEY, John D., 24, farmer to RUNKLES, Ruth, 20 - 11 Sep 1868 by D. Zacharias in Frederick - 296 - LINDSEY, Joshua T., 24.11, laborer to GILBERT, Margaret E., 18 on 19 Feb 1867 by Daniel R. Stitely at Joseph Gilbert's -296 - LINDSEY, William A., 31, farmer to MILLER, Sarah E., 25 - 19 Jan 1870 by William A. McDonald in FC Carroll County Marriage Licenses - LINDSEY, Eliza E. to CRABBS, Nathan A. - 16 Mar 1869

Rachel E. BOYER & husband Adam BOYER vs Francis M. HALL, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5529 - Mar 1889 Lucinda HALL d/ May 1882 in New Market, intestate w/o Joel HALL d/ fall or winter of 1888 in New Market d/ Rachel E. w/o Adam BOYER s/ Francis M. HALL & w/ Mary (HOY)* - Finksburg, Carroll Co, MD d/ Mary C. wid/o Eugene C. KEFAUVER* (he died about March 1889) s/ Benjamin Franklin HALL*, d/ several years before his mother .......Lucinda E. "Lucy" w/o Jacob Wesley SPONSELLER .......Harriet V. HALL .......Elsie May HALL, a minor .......William R. HALL, a minor .......Ida Catharine HALL, a minor LAND - Two Lots, front of Lot #2 and back of Lot #23 in New Market on PLUMMER's part of New Market District. Lot had depth of 300 feet which ran back to an alley and lay opposite the residence of Adam BOYER, Esquire. Improved with a 2-story frame house with back building, smoke house, and has well in the yard. To Lucinda HALL from Sarah FALCONER at $775 in Apr 1871 [CM-7, 141]. Previously to Sarah FALCONER (then Sarah SWOMLEY) by Mahlon FALCONER & w/ Jane in Nov 1847 [WBT-11, 144]. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 24 May 1889 from: - Henry NELSON, age 49, Mount Pleasant District - Rachel E. BOYER, age 49, Frederick County Trustee was Benjamin F. REICH, Esquire. SALE was held 1 Feb 1890 at GRIFFITH's Hotel in New Market; high bidder was: - Mary A. L. BURGESS at $521 (also signing was George W. BURGESS) Distribution (on pages 470-471) after costs, $371.55: - each child's 1/4 share, $92.88 - each grandchild's 1/5 of 1/4 share, $18.37 Closed 2 Apr 1890. NOTES - Frederick County Marriage Licenses - HALL, Joel to CLARY, Lucinda – 12/12/1838 - HALL, Benjamin F., 21, farmer to SHEETENHELM, Sydney Ann, 15.4 dated 12/28/1865 by Henry Nice at M. P. Church in FC; Ref 202 - HALL, Sidney Ann, 31 (wid) to NELSON, Henry, 41 (wid), farmer dated 09/14/1881 by S. V. Leech in FC; Ref 358 - HALL, Francis Marion, 24.1, farmer to HOY, Mary Catharine, 23.3 dated 01/17/1866 by David Wilson at Achsah Hoy's; Ref 212 - HALL, Mary C., 25 to KEAFAUVER, Eugene C., 25, farmer dated 01/25/1877 by C. T. Cochel in FC; Ref 270

Laura ELLIOTT, et al vs Edna HYMES - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5538 - Mar 1889 John HYMES d/ 1852 in Brunswick (Will TS-1, 165, written 23 Jul 1851) widow - d/ c1872 s/ Edward P. HYMES d/ 1875 intestate .......John F. HIMES & w/ Mary - Ohio .......Catharine w/o James W. MILLER - Iowa .......Ella E. HIMES Iowa .......William C. HIMES - Ohio .......Edna HIMES, a minor - Washington Co, MD s/ Alexander H. HYMES s/ Samuel L. HYMES d/ Susannah ELLIOTT .......Laura ELLIOTT - Brunswick .......Mary Ellen ELLIOTT - Brunswick Estate to wife and upon her death to his two sons, Edward P. HYMES and Alexander H. HYMES. (only first four children were listed in the Will) Exec/ Samuel L. HYMES Witnesses: Thomas CRAMPTON, Benjamin PHILPOT, W. A. HAMILTON LAND - House & Lot in Berlin (now Brunswick) in Petersville District; opposite the lot of William ELLIOTT and next to W. L. GROSS'(?) store, then occupied by Luther WIGINTON. Improved with a 2-story log house, near the B&O Railroad. Alexander H. HYMES of Baltimore City conveyed his 1/2 share to his niece, Laura ELLIOTT, in Mar 1889 WIP-9, ?). Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 29 May 1889 from: - Miss Mary Ellen ELLIOTT, resides in Berlin, sister of Laura and granddaughter of John HYMES. - George S. WENNER, age 48 Trustee was John C. MOTTER. SALE was held 25 Jul 1889 at the store of William L. GROSS in Berlin; high bidders were: - John L. JORDAN, Benjamin P. COMPTON and George T. DUNLOP, partners. t/a Jordan, Crampton & Co, at $370. House & Lot adjoined the lot of Miss Laura ELLIOTT and her sister. (Audit on page 471-472) Distribution after costs, $257.69 - Laura ELLIOTT, 1/2, $128.84 - Each of Edward HYMES' children's 1/5 of 1/2 share, $25.76 Closed 11 Mar 1890. NOTES - Frederick County Marriage Licenses - HIMES, John to Sarah HOLTER - 4 Jan 1812 - HYMES, Susan to William ELLIOTT - 18 May 1842 - HYMES, Edward to Mary STREAMS - 10 Jan 1853

Elias ZIMMERMAN, trustee of Joseph E. ZIMMERMAN - Report of Sales - Equity #5546 - Apr 1889 Deed of Trust for Creditors LAND - 90 acre Farm on road from Fairview to Mount Zion. Improved with a house and necessary outbuildings; land divided into six fields and under good fencing and well watered. To Joseph E. ZIMMERMAN from Sarah A. FINK and her husband Charles R. FINK for 87 acres in Oct 1879 [TG-12, 93]. also from Solomon J. ZIMMERMAN & wife for 3 acres in Jan 1872 [CM-8, 323]. SALE was held 6 Apr 1889 in front of the City Hotel; high bidder was: - Margaret SCHAEFFER/SHAFER at $31.75/acre, $2,857.50 Objection made to sale as claim of only 46 acres and not 90; also it was found at least four other mortgages existed on the property as well as unpaid taxes. The acreage of 90 acres was determined to be correct and the trustee was to pay all of the emcumbrances. Distribution not shown. Closed 14 May 1889.

WIP-5, 139-152 - EYLER, WHITE, ROUZER - #FC
Mechanicstown Building Association of Frederick County, Frederick WHITE, John Henry ROUZER, exec/of Henry ROUZER, Frederick WHITE, adm/of George F. EYLER vs Frederick W. EYLER and Emma K. EYLER - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5571 - May 1889 George F. EYLER d/ Oct 1888 in WV, intestate (no surviving widow) s/ Frederick W. EYLER, a minor d/ Emma K. EYLER, a minor LAND - "Gist's Forrest" and "Take All", 100 acres of mountain land, on the Piney Mountain Road and on banks of Owens Creek; south of the Western Maryland Railroad and SE of Slabtown, nearly opposite the stone quarry of Frederick N. WILLHIDE, now used by the WM Railroad; adjoining lands of John ROUZER and John H. ROUZER. To George F. EYLER from Henry ROUZER (deed not recorded because of balance due of $80 at this death). (Lands of John ROUZER and Henry ROUZER were devised to them by Daniel ROUZER.) - House & 7/8 acre Lot in Slabtown, 3 miles NW of Mechanicstown, on road from Mechanicstown to Sabillasville, at NE corner of the Moravian Church and along line of Western Maryland Rail Road. Improved with a new 1-story frame house and attic with summer kitchen, stable, corn crib, a young orchard and a well near the door. To George F. EYLER from Frederick N. WILHIDE & w/ Mary E. at $40 in Mar 1884 [AF-9, 141]. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 22 Jun 1889 from: - Frederick WHITE, age 66 Trustee was Frederick WHITE. SALE was held 5 Aug 1889 in front of the Osler Building in Mechanicstown; high bidders were: - John H. ROUZER for House & Lot at $300 - Ephraim L. BOBLITZ for 100 acres of mountain land at $55 (Auditor's Report on page 473) Distribution after costs of $250.40: - Mechanicstown Building Assoc, $183 - Frederick WHITE, partial judgment, $28.64 - John H. ROUZER, exec/of Henry ROUZER, $38.76 Closed 5 Sep 1889.

James F. HICKEY, et al vs Catharine J. HICKEY, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5589 - Aug 1889 James D. HICKEY d/ 1888 (Will written 31 Jan 1888; filed 30 Apr 1888) widow - Catharine J. s/ James F. HICKEY s/ Henry HICKEY s/ John HICKEY Estate to his wife and upon her death to his children. Exec/ son James F. HICKEY (other children not named in Will) Witnesses: Charles C. KRETZER, Jacob L. HOKE --- LAND - 47-acre farm, 2.5 miles SW of Emmitsburg on turnpike to Frederick, 1/2 mile south of Mt St Mary's College; adjoining lands of Charles H. JOURDAN, John T. CRETIN and Mount Saint Mary's College. Improved with a 3-story brick house, a large warm stable, carriage house, corn house, smoke house, blacksmith shop, a well and a strong flowing spring of mountain water and spring house near the dwellling and fruit trees. Also had a 1/2 mile rack track, somewhat out of repair. To James D. HICKEY from William ANDRE & wife in Aug 1743 [ES-2, 314]. - "Enlargement", 12.25 acres of mountain timber land, 1 mile north of Frederick to Emmitsburg Turnpike; adjoins lands of Mt St Mary's College and Willliam DORSEY. Well timbered with chestnut and oak. To James D. HICKEY from Benedict KNOTT at $100 in Apr 1864 [JWLC-1, 614]. Previously to KNOTT from Joshua SHORB in Nov 1860. Mortgage to James A. ELDER & w/ Mary F. in Jul 1881; who assigned said mortgage to Jacob ROHRBACK. Mortgage is also held by Mount St Mary's College Benevalent Assoc. Trustees were Vincent SEBOLD and Jacob ROHRBACK. SALE was held 9 Nov 1889 on the premises, but due to lack of bids, rescheduled the sale on 7 Dec 1889; high bidders were: - Samuel SEBOLD for the farm at $41.50/acre, $1,950.50 - Augustus KREITZ / KRISE for mountain land at $3.50/acre, $42.88 Total Sales, $1,993.88. (Audit Report on page 476-477, but included here) 1st Distribution of $664.46; after costs, leaves balance of $379.52 to Jacob ROHRBACK, assignee of mortgage. Closed 3 Feb 1890.

Jonas A. RAMSBURG & wife vs Alice BARRICK, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5572 - Jun 1889 David J. RAMSBURG d/ Mar 1889, intestate d/ Sarah Elizabeth w/o Emmodeus/Amadeus ILER - Rocky Ridge (she was non compos mentis and confined to Montevue Hospital) s/ Jonas Augustus RAMSBURG & w/ America BOLLER d/ Alice w/o Nathan C. BARRICK - Buckeystown s/ Howard E. RAMSBURG & w/ Mary Alice RICE - Lewistown LAND - "Case of Necessity", 26 acres, 1.5 miles SW of Lewistown; adjoined lands of Frank PALMER and Charles EWART. Improved with a 1 1/2-story weatherboarded house, barn, corn crib, meat house, fruit orchard and water in the yard by the house. Included: - "Case of Necessity", 5 acres. To David J. RAMSBURG from Jacob RAMSBURG & w/ Elizabeth and Edward RAMSBURG & w/ Sarah Catharine at $222 in Nov 1856 [WIP-9, 312]. Previously to Jacob RAMSBURG and Edward RAMSBURG in Apr 1854 - Lot #5 of "Case of Necessity", 11 acres. To David J. RAMSBURG from Thomas PICKING, trustee (Equity #2634 in Apr 1856, Charles GOLDSBOROUGH vs Mary DEVILBISS & Others), in Jul 1858 [WIP-9, _]. - Lot #6 of "Case of Necessity", 10 acres. To David J. RAMSBURG from Dennis RAMSBURG & w/ Lydia at $100 in Jun 1861 [WIP-9, _]. - Also - Lot #4 of "Case of Necessity", 11 acre mountain lot in the Catoctin Mountains, 4 miles west of Lewistown; adjoined land of Michael HOUCK. Timbered with Locust, Chestnut and Oak. To David J. RAMSBURG from Jacob M. BUCKEY & w/ Harriett C. at $151 in Jun 1866. (Being part of tract inherited by Jacob M. BUCKEY from his father Jacob BUCKEY.) Previously to Dennis RAMSBURG from Thomas PICKING in Jul 1858 [WIP-9, _]. Howard & Alice RAMSBURG conveyed their share to Jonas A. RAMSBURG at $50 in May 1889 [WIP-9, _]. Guardian for Sarah Elizabeth ILER was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 14 Aug 1889 from: - Nelson D. RAMSBURG, age 53 - stated after the decedent's wife died, he sold all his personal property and moved in with his son Jonas. - Thomas MARSHALL, age 40, resided near Lewistown, adjoining residence of decedent. Stated the decedent's wife died abouth three years ago. - Thomas C. RAMSBURG, age 57 Trustee was Benjamin F. REICH. SALE was held 25 Oct 1889 at WALTMAN's Store in Lewistown, but adjourned due to lack of bids. Sale was latter made to: - Howard E. RAMSBURG (& wife) for the 26 acres at $600; however, they substituted Thomas F. PALMER as the purchaser. - Jonas A. RAMSBURG for the mountain lot at $40 (Audit on page 474-475) Distribution of $640 after costs: 97.8% of claims - Jonas A. RAMSBURG, note & account, $329.86 - Dr. T. E. R. MILLER, account, $65.96 - James CREAGER, account, $24.29 - P. N. HAMMAKER, $23.81 - Drs. M. E. & D. J. LEATHERMAN, $8.02 - D. R. SNOOK. $3.41 - Thomas GEESEY, $.80 Closed 2 Apr 1890.

Clayton NICHOLS & wife vs Achseh A. L. STIER, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5594 - Sep 1889 Hamilton STIER d/ 1 Feb 1878 in New Market (Will written 28 Jan 1878) widow - Achsah A. L. (age about 56; 2nd Wife) Children from 1st wife: s/ Frederick A. STIER & w/ Annie E. - Washington, DC s/ H. Clay STIER & w/ Jennie - Washington, DC s/ John Reese STIER - Washington, DC d/ Charlotte "Lottie" E. w/o Francis J. DULANY - Baltimore City, MD d/ Mary P. dec'd w/o _______ DULANEY .......Henry H. DULANEY - El Paso, Texas* Children from the 2nd wife: d/ Catharine E. w/o Clayton NICHOLS - Carroll Co, MD d/ Ida P. STIER s/ Pliny O. H. STIER, died intestate, unmarried d/ Nannie F. STIER d/ Marseline A. STIER s/ Jay McA. (or J.H.) STIER - Harford Co, MD d/ Alma DeV. STIER, no longer a minor, now over age 21 d/ Mary D. STIER, a minor Estate to wife for ten years after his death with power to sell in concert with her agent, son P.O.H. STIER. (Children not named in Will) Witnesses: E. W. MOBBERLY, John MURDOCK, Edward HOUCK [Will JRR-1, 255, filed 28 Feb 1878] --- LAND - Lots in New Market; adjoined land of William DOWNEY. Included: 1 - "New Market Plains", 1.5 acres; adjoined land of William GIBSON. To Hamilton STIER from William P. HOOPES, trustee, of Baltimore City (for widow & heirs of Dr. George HUGHES in Feb 1889) in May 1865 [JWLC-2, 599, 648]. SOLD - To John THORNE, colored, from Hamilton STIER & w/ Achsah A. L. for .5 acre at $250 in Mar 1866 [JWLC-3, 561]. (Previously to George HUGHES from Eliza MASON, colored [BGF-1, 461] and also to HUGHES from Harriet SLATER and William Nandy SLATER and Ann Maria SLATER, colored [BGF-1, 468]) 2 - "New Market Plains", 1.75 acres, opposite the north end of Federal St; adjoined land of Caleb PANCOAST. To Hamilton STIER from Henry SMITH at $300 in Apr 1855 [ES-5, 583]. 3 - Front of Lot #25 and back of Lot #92 on north side of New Market. To Hamilton STIER from Jesse WRIGHT & w/ Margaret at $950 in Apr 1853 [ES-3, 134]. 4 - Lots #81 & 82 (John TALBOTT Estate) & 83 (Samuel TALBOTT Estate) in HALL's part of New Market. To Hamilton STIER from Joshua WOOD & Eliza WOOD of Alexandria, VA (& other devisees of Samuel TALBOTT: John TALBOTT, George Edward TALBOTT, Mary TALBOTT and Anna D. TALBOTT) at $60 in Feb 1871 [CM-6, 452]. One of the lots was near the school house and another was near the cemetery. The first four children listed above had already conveyed their interests to the widow at $290.62 before the suit was filed in Apr 1889. *Answer of the widow claimed a deceased daughter (not named) left a child, Henry H. DULANEY who was an adult and lived in Texas and had also conveyed his share to her at $96.87 in May 1889. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 2 Nov 1889 from: - William DOWNEY, age 63, New Market; listed surviving children from each marriage. - Grafton HAMMOND, age 61, New Market Trustees were John C. MOTTER and Clayton O. KEEDY. SALE was 21 Dec 1889 in front of the post office in New Market; high bidders were: - Achsah A. L. STIER for Lot #2 at $100; contained 2.5 acres; adjoined land of William OGBORN and Miss SIMPSON. - Achsah A. L. STIER for Lot #3 at $50; contained 1 acre; adjoined land of William OGBORN and Samuel RAGEN. - Achsah A. L. STIER for Lot #1 $1,000 (later at private sale); was STIER home on Main St; improved with a 2-story brick house and store, stable; adjoined land of William DOWNEY and Dr. HOPKINS. Total Sales, $1,150. Lot #4 was advertised as being on the road leading to the Quaker Church and improved with a 2-story frame house with back building; also had another 1-story frame house; adjoined lands of G. B. HAMOND. This lot was property of Pliny O. H. STIER, now dec'd. (Audit on page 477-478) Distribution after costs, $923.18 - Achsah A. L. STIER, 5/12, $384.65 - Mrs Catharine E. NICHOLS, 1/12, $76.93 - Ida P. STIER, 1/12, $76.93 - Nannie F. STIER, 1/12, $76.93 - Marsaline STIER, 1/12, $76.93 - Alma DeV. STIER, 1/12, $76.93 - Mary D. STIER, 1/12, $76.93 - J. H. STIER, 1/12, $76.93 Closed 26 Mar 1890.

David H. MOBERLY, et al vs William L. MOBERLY, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5600 - Sep 1889 Levi MOBERLY d/ May 1852 widow - Ann R. d/ Jun 1888 d/ Mary A. NUSZ s/ Lewis H. MOBERLY & w/ Catharine V. s/ William L. MOBERLY & w/ Ellen s/ Levi MOBERLY, dec'd - leaving daughter, .....Sallie MITCHELL - Baltimore City d/ Ann R. w/o Philip H. WELTY s/ Charles E. MOBERLY & w/ Fannie E. s/ David H. MOBERLY & w/ Mary J. - Baltimore City s/ Hiram MOBERLY & w/ Margaret - Tiffin, Seneca Co, Ohio s/ Edmund F. MOBERLY & w/ Adda A. LAND - Lots on west side of North Market St in Frederick City - Lots #225 & 226 in "Addition to Frederick Town"; adjoins lot of Thomas DANNER on the north and William ESTERLY on the south. Lot (29x130') is improved with a 2-story weatherboarded house with attic and eight rooms and a 1-story back building. To Levi MOBERLY from Michael LAMBRECHT & w/ Anna Maria at $400 in Jun 1835 [JS-40, 361]. Previously to Michael LAMBRECHT from Richard H. MARSHALL as trustee of Estate of Philip LAMBRECHT in Aug 1829 [JS-32, 354]. - also Lot #224 on south side of West Sixth St in Frederick City. Lot (38x100') is improved with a frame slaughter house and frame stable and other buildings for butchering business. To Levi MOBERLY from Henry BRISH in Sep 1803 [WR-25, 24]. - also right to alley by Henry BRISH [WR-49, 644]. Judgments filed againt William L. MOBERLY by: - Thomas M. WOLFE and Philip B. KUNKLE - Philip B. KUNKLE - Thomas M. WOLFE and Hiram BARTGIS (latter half transferred to John C. MOTTER) Trustees were John C. MOTTER and F. Marion FAUBEL. SALE was held 22 Nov 1889 at the Carlin House in Frederick City; high bidders were: - J. Nicholas ZIMMERMAN for House & Lot on Market St at $701. - J. Nicholas ZIMMERMAN Lot on south side of West Sixth St at $221 Total Sales, $922. (Audit on page 480-481, but included here) Distribution after costs: $697.24 - Each child's 1/9 share, $77.47 Closed 25 Mar 1890. NOTES - Frederick County Marriage Licenses - MOBERLY, Levy to LAMBRIGHT, Ann Rebecca - 27 Apr 1826 - MOBLEY, Mary to NUSZ, Hiram M. - 4 Oct 1849 - MOBLEY, Levi M. to McMELLEN, Margaret - 3 Sep 1853 MOBBERLY - Lewis H. to SCHRINER, Catharine V. - 17 Aug 1853 - Ann R. to WELTY, Philip H. - 5 Nov 1856 - Charles E. to REYNOLDS, Fannie E. - 1 Apr 1863 - William L., 37, painter to ALBAUGH, Mary E., 27 dated 01/12/1869 by R. Scott Norris of MC, in FC; Ref 348 - David H., 25, painter to DERTZBAUGH, Mary J., 21 dated 02/09/1869 by D. Zacharias in FC; Ref 314 - Hiram, 21, butcher to BOOKFELTER, Maggie, 21 dated 12/28/1870 by George Diehl in FC; Ref 322 - Edward F., 24 to STALEY, Addie A., 18 dated 01/12/1875 by George Diehl in Frederick; Ref 316

Michael LINGG & w/ Margary A. V. vs Richard J. O'TOOLE, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5601 - Sep 1889 Ann Catharine O'TOOLE d/ 8-9 years prior near Emmittsburg, intestate w/o Thomas O'TOOLE d/ 17 Sep 1889 near Emmittsburg, intestate d/ Margary A. V. w/o Michael LINGG s/ Richard J. O'TOOLE & w/ Anna V. d/ Louisa P. w/o Thomas E. WARTHEN d/ Mary H. w/o George LIVERS d/ Emma L. O'TOOLE, a minor - New York LAND - "St Mary's Increase", 4 acres, 3 miles SW of Emmittsburg and 1/4 mile south of Mount St Mary's College, on road to Frederick and on north bank of Beaver Dam Creek and north side of road to Mechanicstown; adjoined the land of the college, Mrs. Joseph ROSENSTEEL, Thomas TOOL and Mathew MORAN. Improved with a 2-story log house, hog pen and young orchard. To Ann C. O'TOOLE from Matthew MORAN & w/ Mary at $185 in Jun 1874 [TG-1, 725]. - 5 acres, south of Mount St Mary's College; adjoined land of Johnn T. CRETIN and Mary C. ROSENSTEEL. Improved with a log house, frame storeroom, small stable, out kitchen, fruit trees and well. Then occupied by George LIVERS. To Thomas O'TOOLE from William H. DORSEY & w/ Margaret C. at $1,200 in Apr 1866 [JWLC-4, 282]. Previously to DORSEY from Abraham LEE & wife in Nov 1858 [BGF-2, 642]. - 1 acre, on mountain road from Emmitsburg to Mechanicstown; adjoined land of William MOONEY. To Thomas O'TOOLE from JOhn T. PEDDICORD & w/ Sarah A. at $10 in Apr 1866 [JWLC-4, 282]. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 8 Jan 1890 from: - Joseph HOPP, age 55, Emmittsburg - John A. PEDDICORD, age 37, Emmittsburg Trustee was Eugene L. ROWE, esquire. SALE was held 15 Feb 1890 on the premises; high bidders were: - Mary H. LIVERS for 6 acres at $625 - Louisa P. WARTHEN for 4 acres at $375 At that time, neighbors were Prof. Ernest LAGARDE and William A. ALTHOFF. Then occupied by William H. DORSEY of F. Total sales, $1,000. Closed 15 Mar 1890.

Edward A. SHRINER, assignee of Mary C. SHRINER, mortgagee of Charles TASKER & w/ Sarah E. - Report of Sales - Equity #5703 - Jun 1890 LAND - on south side of West All Saints St in Frederick City; adjoined lots of Charles E. MEALEY and Eliza POWELL. Improved with a 2-story brick double house with basement. To Charles TASKER from Conrad GUNDLAUGH in Apr 1883 [AF-7, 157]. SALE was held 14 Jun 1870 at the City Hotel in Frederick City; high bidder was: - W. Irving PARSONS at $600 Closed 12 Jul 1890.

Peter LUGENBEEL, assignee of Joseph H. HARTSOCK, mortgagee of David ECKER & w/ Elizabeth - Report of Sales - Equity #5686 - Apr 1890 LAND - "The Resurvey on Stripe's Purchase", 54.25 acres, in Linganore District, on the east side of the Worman Road from Unionville to Mount Airy and 2 miles SE of Unionville; adjoined land of Isaac BOSTAIN and Elizabeth BONHAM. Improved with a 2-story log house, log barn, orchard and spring near the house. To David ECKER from Jacob FOX, acting exec/of Abraham ENGLE in Feb 1867 [TG-10, 611]. SALE was held 12 Apr 1890; high bidder was: - David W. ECKER at $400 At that time, neighbors were Maria HARTSOCK, James M. BOSTAIN and F. W. HAINES. Closed 21 May 1890.

WIP-5, 247-253 - WATTS, VIRTS, DEAN - #FC
Cornelius VIRTS, mortgagee vs Ann Elizabeth WATTS - Report of Sales - Equity #5684 - Apr 1890 LAND - Lot #45 (1/4 acre) in Berlin (now Brunswick), on the SW corner of High and Second Streets, fronting Second St (66x165'). Improved with a 2-story log house; adjoining lots of Charles A. BARGER and S. V. BLESSING. Then occupied by John W. DEAN. To Elizabeth WATTS from Emeline HERD at $140 in Jan 1881 [AF-4, 671]. At the time of the mortgage of $150 in Jan 1884, Thomas A. WATTS & his wife, Ann Elizabeth, were living in Jefferson Co, WV and Cornelius VIRTS resided in Washington Co, MD. Ann Elizabeth WATTS was the w/o Thomas A. WATTS, now deceased. Trustees were H. Dorsey ETCHISON and C. O. KEEDY. SALE was held 31 May 1890 in front of the Post Office in Berlin; high bidder was: - Cornelius VIRTS at $500 Closed 25 Jun 1890.

WIP-5, 254-259 - BENNETT, HOPKINS - #FC
Howard H. HOPKINS, mortgagee of James P. BENNETT & w/ Anna M. - Report of Sales - Equity #5688 - Apr 1890 LAND - 130 acres To James P. BENNETT from Perry BENNETT for 49.75 acres in May 1883 [AF-7, 511]. To James P. BENNETT from Edwin SHIPLEY, exec/of Perry BENNETT, for 80 acres in Mar 1888. Mortgage of $4,000. SALE held 23 Apr 1890 at the Court House door; high bidder was: - Howard H. HOPKINS at $4,100 Trustee for conveyance was Benjamin F. REICH. Closed 17 May 1890.

Thomas N. HARWOOD, trustee, assignee of Execs/of Thomas CLAGETT, mortgagee of Andrew HAINES & w/ Mary O. E. - Report of Sales - Equity #5697 - May 1890 When Thomas CLAGETT died, the executors named in his Will were Samuel M. CLAGETT, Thomas N. HARWOOD, Charles T. RAMSBURG, H. O. TALBOTT, Edward BOWLUS and S. T. STAUFFER. LAND - 107 acres in Lewistown District, 1 mile SE of Utica Mills on road from there to the BROWN farm; adjoining lands of Michael WACHTER and Andrew J. WACHTER. Improved with a 5-room house, kitchen, large shed, stabling for 20 head of cattle/horses, a garden, fruit trees and spring near the house; also has running water in all five fields and has 12 acres in timber. To Andrew HAINES from Andrew J. WACHTER & w/ Cornelia A. in Sep 1884 [AF-9, 526]. Mortgaged at $2,000. SALE was held 10 May 1890 at the City Hotel in Frederick City; high bidder was: - Thomas N. HARWOOD, trustee of Jane HARWOOD, for 107 acres at $2,140 Closed 13 Jun 1890.

John B. THOMAS, assignee of Lydia A. WOOD, Mortgagee of Henry T. DEAVER & w/ K. H. - Report of Sales - Equity #5701 - May 1890 LAND - 153 acres, 1 mile from Berlin (Brunswick). Improved with a 2-story weatherboarded house and barn; adjoined land of W. W. WENNER. Then occupied by John THOMAS. To Henry T. DEAVER from Thomas A. CRAMPTON & w/ and William E. O. BYRNS & w/ in Feb 1871 [CM-6, 351]. Mortgaged at $6,000. SALE was held 31 May 1890 at the City Hotel in Frederick City; high bidder was: - A. M. LANDAUER at $33.50/acre, $5,130.52 Closed 25 Jun 1890.

Clayton NICHOLS & w/ Catharine E. vs Ida P. STIER - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5595 - Oct 1889 Pliny O. H. STIER d/ 1883, intestate, single (same data as in WIP-5, 184-209) LAND - Front Lot #4, 1/4 acre, in New Market, on road to Quaker Church; adjoined lot of G. B. HAMMOND. Improved with a 1-story frame house. To Pliny O. H. STIER from Hamilton STIER & w/ Achsah A. L. at $1,000 in Dec 1877 [TG-8, 536]. SALE was held 28 Dec 1889; high bidder was: - John A. SCHEEL at $780.50 (Audit on page 479) 1st Distribution of $390.25; after costs, $130.54 - Mrs. C. E. NICHOLS, 1/7, $37.10 - Miss Ida P. STIER, 1/7, $37.10 - Miss Nannie F. STIER, 1/7, $37.10 - MIss Marceline STIER, 1/7, $37.10 - Miss Alma DeV. STIER, 1/7, $37.10 - Miss Mary STIER, 1/7, $37.10 - J. H. STIER, 1/7, $37.10 Closed 18 Feb 1890.

John WOLF, assignee of Samuel EICHOLTZ, mortgagee of Henry J. HENDRIX - Report of Sales - Equity #5689 - Apr 1890 Henry J. HENDRIX (a/k/a John Henry HENDRIX), now dec'd his heirs listed as: - Jane HENDRICKS (colored) - Lucy BUTLER (colored) - Sarah CRAIG (colored) - Martha A. KING - Pennsylvania LAND - in Mechanicstown District - Lot #1, 4 acres, on road from the Frederick & Emmitsburg Turnpike to WILLHIDE's Lime Kiln; adjoined lands of C. J. CREEGER and Calvin WELLER. Improved with a 2-story weatherboarded house, barn, fruit trees and well in the yard. To Henry J. HENDRIX from Henry STAUFFER & wife in Apr 1861 [BGF-7, 169]. - Lot #2, 3/4 acre, on same road as above, lying on west side of Lot #1. - Lot #3, 1 acre, on same road as above. To Henry J. HENDRIX from John A. MARTIN & wife in Dec 1867 [CM-4, 369]. SALE was held 19 Apr 1890 on the premises; high bidders were: - Chambers J. CREAGER for Lot #1 at $470 - Chambers J. CREAGER for Lot #2 at $160 - Chambers J. CREAGER for Lot #3 at $100 Total Sales, $730. Notice to Creditors on 31 Jul 1890. See claim docket and audit in this case (no page or book reference).

WIP-5, 292-297 - SKINNER, MILLER - #FC
Charles W. MILLER and Joseph G. MILLER, mortgagees of John W. SKINNER & w/ Charlotte M. - Report of Sales - Equity #5656 - Dec 1889 LAND - 4 acres in Bartonsville; adjoined lands of Jacob SMITH, heirs of O'HARA and Mr DORSEY. Improved with a large log and weatherboarded house with use of 10' road leading along BEALL's Lot. To John W. SKINNER from William R. WALKER & w/ in Aug 1867 [CM-1, 210]. SALE was held 21 Dec 1889 at the Dill House (now known as the Carlin House) in Frederick City; but no sufficient bids were received. SALE again held at same location on 23 Jan 1890; high bidder was: - Joseph G. MILLER at $205 Trustee to convey deed was Willliam H. PURNELL Jr. Closed 22 Mar 1890.

WIP-5, 297-302 - WILES, RICE - #FC
Levin RICE, mortgagee of Henry G. WILES & w/ Mary E. - Report of Sales - Equity #5718 - Aug 1890 LAND - House & Lot in Jefferson (the western division of Elizabeth WILES' estate) located on corner of alley. Improved with a 2-story stone and partial weatherboarded house with small back building, stable, corn house, hog pen and carriage shed. To Henry G. WILES from Peter BOYER & w/Catharine Ann and William T. WILES [CM-1, 42]. Elizabeth WILES' Will devised land to Catharine Ann BOYER, w/o Peter BOYER and William Thomas WILES; whereby they conveyed it to Henry G. WILES. Mortgage was signed by Henry G. & Mary E. WILES in Washington Co, MD for $600 in Feb 1885. SALE was held 2 Aug 1890 on the premises; high bidder was: - Hiram F. RICE at $696.50 Closed 30 Aug 1890.

Margaret S. BRISH, mortgagee of Lewis M. ZIMMERMAN & w/ Mary C. and Sophia E. LINK - Report of Sales - Equity #5707 - May 1890 LAND - House & Lot #212 (22x145') on north side of West Fourth St in Frederick City. Improved with a 2-story brick house with brick back building. To Lewis M. ZIMMERMAN and Sophia E. LINK from Margaret S. BRISH (admin/of Catharine A. WACHTER in May 1884) [AF-9, 232]. Mortgage of $900 in May 1884. SALE held 17 May 1890; high bidders were: - Mary C. ZIMMERMAN and Sophia E. LINK at $1,185 Closed 25 Jul 1890.

WIP-5, 308-313 - WORTZ, RINEHART - #FC
Jeremiah RINEHART, mortgagee of George W. WORTZ & w/ Martha J. - Report of Sales - Equity #5679 - Apr 1890 LAND - 160 acres, in Emmittsburg District To George W. WORTZ from Charles GROTHEY & w/ Ann in Dec 1884 [WIP-1, 10]. Mortgage made to Jeremiah RINEHART of Carroll Co, MD by George W. WORTZ & w/ Martha J. of Adams Co, PA at $1,200 in Sep 1886. (RINEHART's attorney was Charles T. REIFSNIDER) SALE was held 26 Apr 1890 at the Western Maryland Hotel in Emmittsburg; high bidder was: - Jeremiah RINEHART at $1,280 Closed 31 May 1890.

Frederick County National Bank vs Mary M. QUYNN, exec/of and sole devisee of John T. QUYNN; Philip REICH; Blanche W. SIMMONS; and the Fredericktown Savings Institution - Report of Sales - Equity #5609 - Oct 1889 John T. QUYNN d/ Sep 1889 (Will HL-1, 177, written 30 Mar 1875) widow - Mary M. LAND A - 165 acres Farm, 3 miles east of Frederick in New Market District. Improved with a 1 1/2-story stone house, large Switzer barn (40x70'), double corn house, wagon shed, blacksmith shop, carriage house, meat house, hog pen, spring house and spring near the house. Consisted of the tracts below and also "C": - "Altogether", 150 acres. Previously to John HANE from John GRAHAM in Jun 1825 [JS-22, 579). - "Brunswick", 7.5 acres. Previously to John HANE from John MARKELL & wife in Oct 1845 [WBT-2, 499). - "Resurvey on Duvall's Forrest" and "George's Delight", 5 acres. Previously to John HANE from John MARKELL & wife in May 1840 [HS-11, 170). - "Altogether", 8 acres, in New Market District. Previously to John HANE from Richard T. HAMMOND, trustee, in May 1847 [WBT-6, 8). Devised to Willliam C. HANE and John V. HANE by John HANE (WILL GH-1, 99 dated 12 Dec 1851). Deeded to Israel C. O'NEAL from William C. HANE & w/ Rachel and John V. HANE in Aug 1856 [ES-7, 595]. To John T. QUYNN from Israel C. O'NEAL & w/ Maria Catharine at $4,620 in Oct 1859 [BGF-4, 652]. Mortgage to Blanche W. SIMMONS at $2,000 in Oct 1884. B - "John's Contrivance", "Lapland", "Sickly Season" and "New Market Plaines", 144 acres; 1 mile west of New Market near the Baltimore and Frederick turnpike; adjoined land of Hamilton STIER. Then occupied by Marmasseh EADER. Improved with a 2-story frame house, large new Switzer Barn (65x40', built in 1888), double corn house, wagon shed, meat house, hog pen and spring and spring house within 50 yards of the house. To John T. QUYNN from Ann CLAY (wid/of Cornelius CLAY) at $7,232.81 in Jul 1868 [CM-2, 171]. (Ref to Will of John CLAY) Mortgage to Frederick Town Savings, at $2,000 in Oct 1888. C - "Altogether", 54 acres: - Lot #7, 23 acres; #8, 31+ acres (now Lot #4, 54 acres); in New Market District. Previously Joshua DILL from Richard T. HAMMOND, trustee in Sep 1849 [WBT-9, 360] and divided by Geoge T. DILL, exec/of Joshua DILL [TG-3, 259]. To John T. QUYNN from Theordore SHULTZ at $1,100 in Feb 1878 [TG-9, 11]. D - Lot #3 (29.5x197') on north side of East South St in Frederick City (middle lot but known as #3 on plat). Improved with a 3-story brick house with a hall and ten rooms with gas fixtures throughout; has an alley on the east side, 4.5' wide. Previously to George A. GILBERT from William REICH & w/ Lucinda R. J. in Aug 1868 [??-2, 247]. - Lots #1 & 2 (46x64') on plat, on north side of East South St in Frederick City; adjoined Lot #3 on the east, Mr HAHN on the west. (Earlier, adjoined on the east by lot formerly owned by Philip REICH and occupied by Urith LOWE and on the west by George W. DERR.) Lot #4 (32.5x197') on plat; adjoined lot of William ASHBAUGH on the east and Lot #3 on the west. Improved with a 1-story frame house and shedding. Previously to George A. GILBERT from Calvin PAGE in Apr 1868 [CM-1, 556]. To John T. QUYNN from George A. GILBERT & w/ Nancy J. at $3,500 in Aug 1881 [AF-3, 670]. Mortgage to Philip REICH, $1,000 in Aug 1881. E - Farm #1 & 2, 208 acres, in New Market District. Improved with a new 2-story frame house with back building and 8 rooms, a large bank barn, double corn house, wagon shed, meat house and hog pen; divided into fields and under good fencing. Then occupied by Charles QUYNN. To John T. QUYNN from Willliam P. MAULSBY Jr, trustee (Deed of Trust from George R. DENNIS & wife; Equity #4424) at $6,020 in May 1881 [AF-4, 31]. Trustee was Benjamin F. REICH. SALE was held 28 Dec 1889 at the City Hotel in Frederick City; high bidder was: - Ann Maria WEINER, Annie E. WEINER, Lilly M. WEINER and Maggie G. WEINER for D (Lots #1-3) at $2,250 - Mary HOUCK for D (Lot #4) at $530 - Francis H. ENGLE for B at $35.25/acre - Charles W. QUYNN and John T. WILLIAMS for E at $32/acre No sufficient bid for A & C. Total Sales, $14,540.45. Later, a private sale was made to: - Mary M. QUYNN for A & C at $4,000 Plat on page 334. Submitted to auditor on 7 Jun 1890.

Charles Edward SINN, trustee of John Thomas SINN, non compos mentis vs John Thomas SINN, non compos mentis - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5698 - May 1890 (see Equity #5606 for incompentency; Charles W. TABLER & Others in Oct 1889) LAND - "Kemp's Discovery", Lot #3, 31 acres of mountain land, near the "Old Receiver" in Tuscarora District. Adjoined lands of Lewis MISS, Frank LAKIN, William HOPWOOD and George H. RAZER. Timber is oak and chestnut. To John T. SINN from Cornelius P. BARRICK, George W. BARRICK & w/ Susan, Solomon BARRICK & w/ Sarah, Ann Eliza BARRICK and Mary Ann BARRICK (heirs of William BARRICK) at $1,380 in Mar 1865 [JWLC-2, 523]. John Thomas SINN & wife conveyed 10 acres to Catharine A. C. HOPWOOD, w/o Francis T. HOPWOOD at $260 in Apr 1878 [TG-9, 250]. Guardian appointed was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 3 Jun 1890 from: - Edward SINN, age 70, Frederick City - William C. BIRELY, age 40, Frederick City Trustee was Benjamin F. REICH. SALE was held 12 Jul 1890 at the Court House door in Frederick City; high bidder was: - Francis T. LAKIN for the 20 acres at $459.12 Closed 5 Aug 1890.

John William HARGATE, assignee of F. M. FRAILEY, use of Margaret A. FRAILY vs Joshua J. ZIMMERMAN, trustee & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4454 - Feb 1889 (also see AF-2, 436-461 - Mar 1877) Nicholas HOLTZ, dec'd (Will TS-1, 27 filed 6 Aug 1849) nephews: - John ZIMMERMAN of John d/ Jul 1863 (his executor was Joshua J. ZIMMERMAN) - George ZIMMERMAN of John; his daughter: .....Mary Ann (as Charlotte in Will) FRAILEY d/ Aug 1878, leaving 3 children . . . .1/ Francis M. FRAILEY . . . .2/ Ellen N. w/o George C. STONE . . . .3/ John FRAILEY, died before his mother, leaving only child, - - - - - - - -Anna Mary FRAILEY, now married to ____ COMPTON Mary Ann FRAILEY's share to be controlled by John ZIMMERMAN of John; upon her death, to her children. Francis M. FRAILEY assigned his share to J. William HARGATE for $1,250 in Sep 1878 [TG-10, 274]. Joshua J. ZIMMERMAN, who became the trustee of Mary A. FRAILEY's trust fund after the death of his father, stated an investment was made for a farm with the $3,000 on which she and her family lived and was at her request. (Ref Equity #4262 & #3112) From previous decrees, trustees are now John RITCHIE and William P. MAULSBY Jr. Joshua J. ZIMMERMAN d/ 1886 intestate (from Equity #4454 - Sep 1888) widow - died soon after s/ George W. ZIMMERMAN & w/ Mary Ellen s/ John M. ZIMMERMAN & w/ Annie A. s/ Joseph E. ZIMMERMAN d/ Susan R. w/o Frank BROWN d/ Julia C. w/o George W. HAWKINS d/ Charlotte A. HOFFMAN d/ Margaret w/o Philip SUMMERS d/ Eleanor w/o George KEMP d/ Palmetto ZIMMERMAN LAND - "Pleasant VIEW", 98.25 acres (previously part of "Fielderea"); adjoined lands of Westall RIDGELY, Jacob RIDGELY, John DUTRO and Dr. J. J. CULLER and on south side of Hersperger Road. To Joshua J. ZIMMERMAN, as trustee for Mary Ann FRAILEY, from Daniel CULLER & w/ Ann Maria at $4,912 in Jan 1878. (from Equity #3112, John ZIMMERMAN of John Estate) Amount due estate of Mary Ann FRALEY was $3,952.37. Surviving trustee then was William P. MAULSBY Jr. Trustee appointed was J. E. R. WOOD, Esquire. SALE was held 8 Jun 1889 at the City Hotel in Frederick City; high bidder was: - Elias ZIMMERMAN at $1,050 Closed 11 Jul 1889.

William ANDERSON and Thomas Turner ANDERSON by Rebecca TURNER vs George William SMITH, et al - Partial Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4277 - Jul 1877 Thomas W. ANDERSON w/ Jane R. s/ William ANDERSON, age 16 s/ Thomas Turner ANDERSON, age 11 LAND - "Taskers Chance", 60 acres. To Jane R. ANDERSON (life estate) from Samuel B. ANDERSON in 1869 [CM-6, 151]. To William ANDERSON and Thomas Turner ANDERSON from Thomas W. ANDERSON & w/ Jane R. [TG-7, 734]. Mortgaged to: - George William SMITH at $1,000 - Sarah DUVALL at $1,000 in Aug 1876 - Caleb C. MAGRUDER at $650 in Nov 1876 SALES to: - Lewis BRUNNER [TG-7, 440] - Catharine HOPWOOD [TG-5, 44] - John Jacob NOSTNAGLE [TG-5, 733] Guardian was Edward A. GITTINGER. Trustee was William P. MAULSBY Jr. SALE was held 3 Nov 1877 at the City Hotel in Frederick City, but no sufficient bid was received; later private sale was made to: - Daniel SHEARER for 8 acres at $125/acre, $1,000; at NOSTNAGLE's Lot to Hagerstown Turnpike to Carroll Creek. SALE was held 18 Dec 1877 but no sufficient bid; later private sale was made 11 May 1878 to: - Laura V. MEALEY for 11 acres at $900 by land of Laura V. MEALEY and westward to RAMSBURG's Mill on north side of Carroll Creek. Closed 22 Jul 1878.

Aubrey PEARRE, James M. FISHER and Edward V. SHORB, partners, t/a Pearre Brothers & Co vs John KUNKEL, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5229 - Sep 1886 John KUNKEL d/ Jul 1861 on East Patrick St, Frederick City s/ Philip B. KUNKEL s/ Col. John Baker KUNKEL d/ 5 Apr 1885, intestate ....w/ Deborah B. .......John KUNKEL & w/ Mary C. - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania .......Charles E. KUNKEL .......William P. KUNKEL .......Elizabeth McCRERY, widow .......Harriet P. w/o William H. RAMSBURG .......Lillian F. w/o Steiner SCHLEY - Baltimore City .......Mary B. w/o John K. WILSON - Baltimore City s/ Jacob M. KUNKLE & Anna Mary d/ Barbara Ann w/o Samuel R. HOGG - Baltimore City (word she may have possibly died upon filing of petition) d/ Elizabeth w/o John ROBINSON d/ Mary Catharine KUNKEL - Baltimore City d/ Amelia Frances KUNKEL - Baltimore City SLAVES - RACHEL and daughter MARY ELLEN (gave to daughters Mary C. & Amelia F.) Estate to sons John B. and Jacob M. KUNKEL. Execs/ sons John B. KUNKEL & Jacob M. KUNKEL. Witnesses: Daniel TITLOW, P. L. HARRISON, J. M. HARDING [Will APK-1, 85, written 20 May 1861] (John B.'s children from court records, not the Will) --- LAND - Catoctin Iron Works, 7,000 acres. ..To John B. KUNKEL from William J. ROSS, trustee for $51,000 in Aug 1866 [JWLC-4, 278]. (Equity Case #2805, Charles E. TRAIL vs Peregrine FITZHUGH & Others; trustees, William J. ROSS and John B. KUNKEL; Dec 1858; to sell land except the lot owned by the Protestant Episcopal Church and the Windy Hill farm owned and occupied by William STOKES) (Persons associated: Mrs. Sophia FITZHUGH and Mrs. S. Margaret FITZHUGH) LAND to John B. KUNKEL and Jacob M. KUNKEL as tenants in common; Previously traded as John B. KUNKEL & Bro: - "Poplar Grove", 246 acres;* from Magdeline DRAPER & h/ Isaac at $900 in Dec 1865 [JWLC-3, 336]. Previously to Magdeline DRAPER from Abraham TOMS & wife in May 1865 [JWLC-3, 27]. - "The Mountain Tract", 20 acres; from Frederick R. WILSON & w/ Sarah Cornelia of Chicago, IL in Mar 1865 [JWLC-2, 522]. - "The Mountain Tract", 39.25 acres and tract known as 'Frailey's Old Farm', 1.75 acres; along the Frederick-Emmittsburg Turnpike; from Freeman TRAVERS & w/ Sarah in Apr 1864 [JWLC-1, 449]. - "Fox Range", "Jacob's Last Chance", 54 acres; from John HIMES & wife in Jan 1865 [JWLC-2, 318]. ..all 361 acres to John B. KUNKEL from Jacob M. KUNKEL & w/ Anna Mary at $60,000 in Jun 1866 [JWLC-4, 159]. Mortgage by John B. KUNKEL & w/ Deborah B. to Jacob M. KUNKEL in Jun 1866. Mortgage to Richard C. MARTIN at $25,000 in Apr 1877. Admins/of Richard C. MARTIN were Ann CLAGGETT, Samuel CLAGGETT and Charles W. ROSS, who assigned the balance of the mortgage to Ann CLAGGETT; for 598 9/16 acres of mountain land known as the 'Eckard tract' and recently sold to Peter H. BUSSARD, David F. BUSSARD, Joseph STOTTLEMYER, Hezekiah PALMER, Henry SHOW, F. A. STOTTLEMYER, Ludwick ROUTZAHN, George LEATHERMAN and Joshua SUMMERS - Oct 1885 [Mortgage TG-7, 387]. The admins/of John B. KUNKLE's estate were his three sons. All of the heirs of John B. KUNKEL conveyed their shares to The Catoctin Iron Company for $350,000 in May 1885 [AF-11, 158]. The petitioners asked the deed to Catoctin Iron Company be delared void due to creditors' claims and that the property be sold to pay creditors. Trustees were William P. MAULSBY Jr and Charles W. ROSS. --- SALE was held 24 May 1888 at the City Hotel in Frederick City for Catoctin Iron Works, on Frederick-Emmittsburg Turnpike. A Plat of the Catoctin Furnace property was made by Rufus A. RAGER; land contained by survey, 10,600 acres. Located 12 miles north of Frederick City and 4 miles south of Mechanicstown and the terminus of the Monocacy Valley Rail Road, leading from Mechanicstown to the furnace. Improved with a large coke furnace with hot blast engines, stationary scales, elevator and all appliances complete; capacity from 25-30 tons per day. Also a charcoal furnace, engine and applicances; large frame grist mill and saw mill with ample water power; large brick house, carriage house, stable, etc; large frame store house, warehouse, office and large frame stable, housing 60-70 mules or horses; 70-80 tenement houses, occupied by the workmen at the furnaces and ore banks. - The ore bank is 1 mile north of the furnace, connected therewith by a railroad laid with a T rail containing an inexhaustible supply of black hematite ore; furnished with engines and appliances for raising and washing ores; with magnetic ore and also a large body of ochre exists on the furnace tract in large quantities. Embraced within the furnace tract ia a 200-acre farm in the valley, east by north of the furnaces; improved with a commodious brick house, an elegant barn built by Col. KUNKEL [Deed CM-7, 496; Nov 1871]. Also included - 5 acres, being the limestone quarries, 1 mile south of the Furnace on east side of the turnpike; adjoining land of Mr ISENOGLE. (no title found, but was purchased by Peregrine FITZHUGH from William JOHNSON and passed to John B. KUNKEL who possessed it for more than 30 years). - Lots fronting Patrick and Carroll Streets in Frederick City Improved with a large double 2 1/2-story brick house (the former residence of John KUNKEL), a large frame warehouse, corn house, etc; lately in occupancy of D. TITLOW & Son; also a frame & weatherboarded warehouse on Carroll St (lot runs from Patrick St to Carroll Creek and was formerly used as a tan yard). Also Lot on Patrick St (62x400') with a large frame building, formerly used as a skating rink and currently under lease to John E. PRICE & Co; adjoining lot of Mrs. John W. WHALEN. High bidder was: - Thomas GORSUCH, Esquire, for Catoctin Iron Works at $75,001 - Lots #10 & 11 in Mechanicstown; at the Y on the Western MD Rail Road, past the Emmittsburg-Frederick Turnpike and 12 feet west of Rail Road Bridge over said Turnpike. To John Baker KUNKEL from William KEYSER & w/ Mary B. of Baltimore City in Sep 1871 [CM-8, 356]. High bidder was: - David LOWENSTEIN for two Lots in Mechanicstown at $110 - Two tracts in Hauvers District, 29.5 acres & "Fox Range", 79.25 acres; 1 mile from Deerfield Station on the Western MD Rail Road; 25 acres are cleared with the rest timbered in Chestnut and Locust; from William BROWN Jr and w/ Elizabeth at $1,200 in Aug 1866 [JWLC-4, 281]. High bidder was: - Clayton SHUFF for 109 acre farm at $981; about 1 mile from Deerfield Station on the Western MD Rail Road. - "The Mountain Tract", Lot #2, 10.5 acres, in back of the Depot in Mechanicstown; from Nathaniel FISHER in Oct 1866 [JWLC-4, 554]. High bidder was: - David LOWENSTEIN for a Lot of 10.5 acres at $240 - "Poplar Grove", 246 acres of mountain land in Hauvers District between Deerfield Station and Foxville. (from Magdalena & Isaac DRAPER) * High bidder was: - William WILCOXON, Esquire at $406 Total Sales, $76,737.90. --- Other Sales by the Catoctin Iron Company consisting of 682 acres were to: - Henry SHOW for "Hide and Seek" (Lot #37), 14.5 acres, with right-of-ways to old roads at $21.75 in Oct 1885 [WIP-1, 348]. - Henry SHOW for "Murdock's Mountain Resurvey" & "Hide and Seek" (Lots #24, 25, 45), 33 acres, with right-of-ways to old roads at $168.10 in Oct 1885 [WIP-1, 347]. - Ludwick ROUTZAHN for "Murdock's Mountain Resurvey" (Lot #27), 21.5 acres, with right-of-ways to old roads at $56.97 in Oct 1885 [AF-4, 386]. - Hezekian PALMER for "Murdock's Mountain Resurvey" & "Hide and Seek" (Lots #5, 31), 28 acres, on east side of Hamburg Road, with right-of-ways to old roads at $41.10 in Oct 1885 [WIP-1, 222]. - Peter H. BUSSARD for "Hide and Seek" (Lots #32, 33), 50 acres, with right-of-ways to old roads at $87.50 in Oct 1885 [AF-11, 385]. - Frederick A. STOTTLEMYER for "Hide and Seek" (Lot #34), 19.5 acres, with right-of-ways to old roads at $21.45 in Oct 1885 [WIP-1, 157]. - Joseph STOTTLEMYER of Joseph for "Hide and Seek" (Lot #35), 25.25 acres, with right-of-ways to old roads at $31.56 in Oct 1885 [WIP-4, 116] - George LEATHERMAN and Joshua SUMMERS for "Hide and Seek" (Lots #29, 30), 43 acres, with right-of-ways to old roads at $86 in Oct 1885 [AF-11, 383]. - George LEATHERMAN and Joshua SUMMERS for "Murdock's Mountain Resurvey" and "Hide and Seek" (Lot #28), 31 acres, with right-of-ways to old roads at $124.50 in Oct 1885 [AF-11, 383-384]. - Peter H. BUSSARD for "Murdock's Mountain Resurvey" and "Hide and Seek" (Lots #26, 23, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44), 232 acres, with right- of-ways to old roads at $302.93 in Oct 1885 [AF-11, 384]. - David F. BUSSARD for "Hide and Seek" (Lots #15, 16, 17,18, 21, 22), 124.25 acres, with right-of-ways to old roads at $164.41 in Oct 1885 [AF-11, 387]. DEEDS to John KUNKEL: - "Pleasant Valley", 97 acres; from John W. BUSSARD & w/ Catharine in Dec 1868 CM-2, 91?]. - "Falling Timber" "Worth the Taking" and "The Salt Trough Long Enough", 326 acres; from Joseph WILLHIDE & w/ Sarah in Apr 1870 [CM-5, 84]. - "Pleasant Valley", 232 acres; from John W. BUSSARD & w/ Catharine in Feb 1871 [CM-6, 459]. - "Bone Him Secure Him", 154 acres; from Gideon BUSSARD & w/ Ann Sophia in Jan 1867 [DSB-1, 418]. - 200 acres; from Charles W. ROSS, trustee (Equity #3446 in Sep 1869, Charles McGill LUCKETT vs Edwin P. HATCHER & wife) in Nov 1871 [CM-7, 496]. - 4 acres; from James D. SMITH & w/ Susan, William H. SMITH & w/ Sophia, Jacob SWEENEY & w/ Ann M., M. P. SMITH & w/ Mary C. in May 1871 [CM-7, 13]. Previously Lot of Catharine SMITH, wife of Daniel SMITH in 1853 [ES-4, 382]. - "The Mountain Tract", 40.5 acres; from Joseph WILHIDE, exec/of Conrad WILHIDE in May 1869 [CM-3, 665]. - "Hide and Seek", "Green Briar", "Maple Spring United", "A Mile Long", "Murdock's Mountain Resurvey" and "Far in Swamp", 1,098.5 acres; from Noah ECCARD & w/ Mary in Jan 1870 [CM-4, 615]. - "Murdock's Mountain Resurveyed", 162 acres; ran to main road from Hamburg to BUSSARD's Saw Mill; from Daniel PALMER & w/ Ann in Aug 1871 [CM-7, 240]. - "Hide and Seek", 38 acres; from Lorentz ROTHENHOEFER, constable (Equity case Noah ECCARD vs George W. STOTTLEMYER, Jacob BUHRMAN and Benjamin SHUFF in Dec 1870 [CM-6, 458]. - "The Mountain Tract" and part of Lot #9 in 1st Division and Lots #1, 2, 3 in last division, 60 acres; from Joseph WILHIDE & w/ Sarah in Aug 1871 [CM-7, 417]. Plats on pages 456 and 457. Thomas GORSUCH, Esquire, was acting as purchaser for several clients and wishes to transfer the buyer as Catoctin Mountain Iron Company of Frederick County, signed 21 Jan 1889. 1st Distribution of $26,737.23; less costs = - Mrs. Ann CLAGGETT, partial mortgage, $21,725.74 Closed 26 Dec 1888.

(467-481 - Audit reports included in previous records)

WIP-5, 482-485 - SHANK, CRAMER, LOUGH - #FC
George W. SHANK vs Sarah SHANK - Report of Sales - Equity #5696 - May 1890 LAND - House & Lots #16 & 17 on Front St in Woodsboro To Sarah SHANK from John BARRICK of C. & w/ Sophia in May 1859. - and House & Lot #18 (Sarah's interest) in Woodsboro To Catharine CRAMER (sister of Sarah SHANK). Mortgage of $613 in Jul 1888. SALE held 3 May 1890 on the premises; high bidder was: - John Q. LOUGH at $670 - Joseph L. SHANK at $70 Total Sales, $740. Closed 10 Jun 1890.

Mary E. ECKER & Others vs Ellen Lugenia KEMP & Others - Report of Sales - Equity #5699 - Jun 1890 Levi ECKER d/ c1878 intestate, leaving widow - Mary E. (GITTINGS) and 8 children d/ Ellen Lugenia (Ecker) w/o Alexander KEMP, Montgomery Co, MD d/ Ida May (Ecker) w/o Anderson ETZLER* d/ Cordelia E. (Ecker) w/o Augustus ETZLER* s/ George Levi ECKER, single - Ohio s/ Albert Washington ECKER and w/ Jennie I. s/ Thomas Clinton ECKER, b/ c1871, a minor (lived w/sister, Ellen) - Montgomery Co, MD d/ Carrie Bell ECKER, b/ c1874, a minor (lived w/mother) (court records misspelled her name as Clara) s/ Clarence Josephus ECKER, b/ c1876, a minor (lived w/mother) *(Augustus and Anderson ETZLER were half-brothers.) Levi had purchased property from William P. MANDSLEY Jr, Milton G. URNER, and Milton CARTER, trustees, for 31+ acres (Lot# 8, wooded). Before his death, he sold to Mary X. ABEL, a portion of this dtd 15 Apr 1878 (TG-11, 685); and 13 acres were sold to her by the heirs and trustees (TG-10, 105). He died before the property could be conveyed. On 4 Jun 1890, John J. BISER was named as guardian. Testimony was heard on 12 Jun 1890 from: - Mary E. ECKER, age 49, (the widow), lives near Libertytown. She testified she had an offer of purchase from Edward HOBBS to sell for $16/acre the 13-16 acre wooded lot which was a good price, since much of the wood had already been cut. She had this in addition to her "home place". - George W. GITTINGS, age 80, lived in Liberty, testified he was the father of Mary E. ECKER and restated the same data. - George H. WHITMORE, age 46, of Liberty, testified his wife was Mrs. ECKER's sister, and claimed the same details as the others. On 26 Jun 1890, Frank C. NORWOOD was named Trustee, advertisement done in "Banner of Liberty"; sale was approved and auditor's report was ordered on 31 Aug 1890.

Herman L. ROUTZAHN, trustee of Cyrus H. DOUB - Report of Sales - Equity #5704 - Jun 1890 John ROUTZAHN of B. d/ intestate widow - Sarah s/ Herman L. ROUTZAHN d/ Mary E. (d/ intestate) w/o Josiah DOUB, leaving 7 children .......Cyrus H. DOUB & w/ Emma - Middletown (1/7 share) LAND - "Delight", "Resurvey on Hunters Delight", "Little Bottle", "Stoney Land" and "Farmers Delight", 161.25 acres; with water rights as conveyed by Henry BOWLUS to the late Benjamin ROUTZAHN of Adam in Mar 1823. To John ROUTZAHN from Henry COBLENTZ, trustee (Equity #2266) in Feb 1852 [ES-2, 119]. Upon the death of John ROUTZAHN of B., 1/2 share went to his daughter, Mary E. DOUB (Farm, 117 acres & Mountain lot, 39 acres) in Oct 1882 [AF-5, 693]. - 65 acres To Josiah DOUB from Herman L. ROUTZAHN & w/ Martha and Sarah ROUTZAHN in Feb 1885 [AF-11, 333]. (from death of John ROUTZAHN of B. who died intestate; widow and son sold their shares to Josiah at $2,700) SOLD Cyrus H. DOUB's undivided 1/7 share at private sale to: - Daniel E. KEFAUVER at $250; subject to life estate of Josiah DOUB. Cyrus H. DOUB & w/ Emma mortgaged their stock of goods at their Middletown store to L. M. KEPLER for $2,200 in Apr 1889. Goods were sold at $875 and bank stock, dividends and collections totaled $1,036.96 plus real estate equals $1,286.96. Submitted to Audit on 21 Jul 1890.

Charles V. S. LEVY and Andrew J. DELASHMUTT, assignees of G. Joseph DOLL, mortgagee of Ada R. KELLER and John D. KELLER - Report of Sales - Equity #5624 - Nov 1889 Jacob KELLER s/ Daniel KELLER, d/ intestate, leaving two children: .......Ada R. KELLER .......John D. KELLER LAND - "Pleasant Retreat", 231 acres, on Middle Creek in Middletown Valley, on road from the National Turnpike to Myersville, about 3 miles from Middletown and 1.5 miles south of Myersville; adjoined lands of John E. KELLER, Enos DOUB, Samuel DERR and John A. BOWLUS. Improved with a 2-story house with back building attached, a large barn, wagon shed, and corn crib; included right-of-way from the Myersville public road. To Dr. Daniel KELLER from his father Jacob KELLER (Will GME-2, 633 and dated 18 Jan 1841). When Dr. Daniel KELLER died intestate, land was inherited by his children, Ada R. KELLER and John D. KELLER. Mortgaged at $6,500 to G. Joseph DOll who assigned it to John B. THOMAS who assigned it to petitioners. SALE was held 23 Nov 1889 in front of the Valley Register Office in Middletown; high bidder was: - Charles V. S. LEVY and Andrew J. DELASHMUTT at $7,168.36 Submitted to audit on 28 Dec 1889.

WIP-5, 521-525 - FOX, PAYNE, LEVY - #FC
Charles V. S. LEVY, assignee of Ellen V. PAYNE, mortgagee of George S. FOX & w/ Mary E. - Report of Sales - Equity #5710 - Jun 1890 LAND - "Middle Plantation", 35 acres, in New Market District, on road from KRANTZ's Mill to the Baltimore Turnpike at Mt Carmel Church, about 1.25 miles from the pike; adjoining land of Mrs. Mary CRUMMETT. Improved with a 1 1/2-story log house, log stable, shed and fruit trees with a large spring; land nearly all in clover. To Mary E. FOX (w/o George S. FOX) from James J. MULLICAN & w/ Victoria V. in Mar 1881 [AF-3, 29]. Mortgaged to Ellen V. PAYNE at $500 in May 1886. SALE was held 1 Jun 1890 at the City Hotel in Frederick City; high bidder was: - Ellen V. PAYNE at $400 (per Joseph F. PAYNE) Submitted to Audit on 9 Aug 1890.

William WILCOXON, mortgagee of Absalom FORREST (now dec'd) - Report of Sales - Equity #5487 - Nov 1888 LAND - "Foxes Chase", "Pumpkin Hall" and "The Three Mill Seats", 95 acres; on road from Wolfsville to Foxville near Garfield; adjoined lands of Isaac LOVELL and J. D. BRANDENBURG. Improved with a house and barn, fruit trees and several springs; divided into fenced fields with 36 acres in timber. To Absalom FORREST from Jeremiah C. FORREST, trustee (Equity #3102) in Sep 1866 [JWLC-4, 583]. Exception of 3 acres to Scott KUHN in Apr 1883. Mortgaged at $800 to William WILCOXON in Jan 1887. SALE held 10 Nov 1888 on the premises; contact was Denton KUHN, Esquire, who resided near Garfield. High bidder was: - John KELBAUGH at $1,770 Submitted to audit on 22 Dec 1888.

Charles V. S. LEVY, assignee of William Raymond SANDERSON, mortgagee of Hiram BARTGIS & w/ Matilda E. - Report of Sales - Equity #5640 - Jan 1890 LAND -Lot (30.5x187') at 30 West South St, on north side, in Frederick City. Improved with a 1 1/2-story brick house with attached back building and smoke house. Then in occupacy of James R. WARFIELD. To Hiram BARTGIS from George D. MILLER and Warner KAUFMAN, execs/of Jacob LITTLE in Jan 1855 [ES-6, 248]. Mortgaged at $500 to William Raymond SANDERSON in May 1879; his executors, Francis SANDERSON of Baltimore County and Edward C. EICHELBERGER assigned said mortgage to Charles V. S. LEVY in Dec 1889. SALE was held 4 Jan 1890 at the City Hotel in Frederick City; high bidder was: - Anna F. DULL at $840 Submitted to audit on 4 Feb 1890.

Charles V. S. LEVY, mortgagee of Mary E. HARRISON & h/ Robert D. HARRISON - Report of Sales - Equity #5643 - Jan 1890 LAND - House & Lot, 1 acre, on north side of Harpers Valley Road in Petersville. Improved with a 2-story weatherboarded house, store room, stable and well. Store room was then occupied by George L. HILDEBRAND. To Mary E. HARRISON from Deborah SLIFEY & others in Jan 1886 [WIP-1, 213]; and from Thomas J. FRAZIER & w/ Mary C. & Others in Feb 1886 [WIP-1, 214]. Mortgaged at $200 in Dec 1886. SALE was held 4 Jan 1890 at the Court House; high bidder was: - Henry HOFFMAN Jr at $600 Sent to audit on 1 Feb 1890.

Henry KELLER and William R. YOUNG, mortgagees of Isaac KELLER & w/ Catharine - Report of Sales - Equity #5630 - Nov 1889 LAND - 24 acres; adjoined land of Ezra TOMS. He had held land in Frederick and Washington Counties. (Public Sale Notice) To Isaac KELLER from Thomas C. KELLER & wife for 35 acres in Apr 1873 [CM-10, 44]. Exception - 12 acres conveyed to Elias HOFFMAN in Nov 1886 [WIP-1, 633]. Isaac KELLER (trustee to execute trusts regarding Will of Michael HOFFMAN; Equity #3523) Mortgaged said property at $4,000 in 1884. SALE was held 8 Nov 1889 at Joseph BROWN's Store in Myersville; high bidder was: - William R. YOUNG at $1,033.31 Trustee to convey deed was Henry KELLER. Submitted to audit on 1 Feb 1890. Note - The 152 acre farm was sold to John LEATHERMAN of G. at $6,000 in Nov 1889. [Cumberland Daily Times - Nov 16, 1889]

Harvey H. ROUZER, assignee of F. Granville THOMAS, mortgagee of Joseph D. HANDLEY & w/ Mary Jane - Report of Sales - Equity #5662 - Jan 1890 LAND - "Stander's Lookout", 3/4 acre, two miles from Woodsboro. Improved with a small house. To Joseph D. HANLEY and Eliza Elizabeth HANLEY from Catharine CROUSE in May 1860 [BGF-6, 250]. Mortgage of $100 to F. Granville THOMAS who assigned it to Rufus A. RAGER who then assigned it to Harvey H. ROUZER. SALE was held 18 Jan 1890 on the premises; high bidder was: - Harvey H. ROUZER at $50 Submitted to audit on 3 Mar 1890.

J. Nelson BAIRD, adm/of Brice W. W. BURGESS, mortgagee of Susan KEENEY & h/ William H. KEENEY - Report of Sales - Equity #5702 - Jun 1890 LAND - 3/4 acre Lot, 2 1/2 miles from Liberty, on road to Woodsboro; adjoining land of Eli KEENEY. Improved with a new 2-story house and fruit trees. SALE held 14 Jun 1890 on the premises; high bidder was: - J. Nelson BAIRD at $5; subject to mortgage held by James M. SMITH as asignee for $234.77 dated Feb 1884. Trustee to convey deed was Frederick J. NELSON. Closed 12 Jul 1890.

Jeremiah W. ETZLER, et al vs Alice May ETZLER - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5580 - Jul 1889 George W. ETZLER d/ 25 Mar 1886, intestate widow - Margaret C. (age 55) s/ Jeremiah W. ETZLER & w/ Fannie E. s/ Anderson H. ETZLER & w/ Ida M. d/ Harriet V. ETZLER d/ Ida B. w/o David M. DEVILBISS d/ Alice May ETZLER, a minor LAND - "Resurvey on Seven Originals", 85.5 acres; "Noah's Lot", 5 acres. To George W. ETZLER from John SMITH of M. (trustee of Hiram E. SMITH & wife), at $3,775 in Jul 1859 [BGF-4, 367]. Previously to Hiram E. SMITH from Abraham ENGLE & w/ Tacy in Aug 1857 [ES-9, 565]. - "Long Streak", "Resurvey on Albaugh's Choice", 11 acres (Lot #5 on plat by surveyor, Edward ALBAUGH), in Liberty District; adjoined land of John BOSTIAN of A. To George W. ETZLER from heirs of William A. ALBAUGH: - Jeremiah W. ALBAUGH & w/ Henrietta E. - Elias V. ALBAUGH & w/ Mary E. - John H. LOCKE & w/ Angeline - Henry O. ZIMMERMAN & w/ Martha E. at $141.32 in Oct 1878 [TG-10, 583]. - "Woods Chance", 9 acres, in Woodsboro District, on south side of road from Woodsborough to Johnsville Pike, close to Coppermine School House. Improved with a small house and stable. To George W. ETZLER from John RITCHIE, trustee in Aug 1877 (Re: Equity #4168 in Sep 1876; Samuel B. ECKER, et al vs William LEAKINS, et al in estate of Dennis LEAKINS) [TG-8, 234]. ...SOLD 4 acres to: Jerome PETCHER at $250 in Jan 1883 [AF-9, 324]. - "Warfield's Lot", 115.75 acres To George W. ETZLER from William G. NORRIS & w/ Anna M. and Elizabeth A. NORRIS (mortgagee) at $4,633 in Apr 1876 [TG-6, 63]. Previously to NORRIS from Nicholas H. METCALF & wife in Aug 1867 [DSB-2, 26]. SOLD: - "Resurvey on Seven Originals", 77.75 acres. To Amos ILER/EYLER from George W. ETZLER & w/ Margaret C. at $58 in Nov 1870 [CM-6, 599]. - "Resurvey on Seven Originals" and "Noah's Lot", 1 acre. To Eliza A. WARFIELD from George W. ETZLER & w/ Margaret C. at $31 in Apr 1869 [CM-4, 15]. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 21 Aug 1889 from: - Jeremiah W. ETZLER, age 29, Johnsville District; stated his father died owning two farms of 91 acres and 116 acres, with a mill on one of them; also two wood lots of 11 and 4 acres. Both farms in Johnsville District and wood lots in Woodsboro and Liberty Districts. - Anderson H. ETZLER, age 28, Woodsborough District; responded with same data as Jeremiah. Trustees were Jeremiah W. ETZLER and Anderson H. ETZLER. SALE was held 16 Nov 1889 at Haugh & Garber's Store in Johnsville; high bidders were: - N. Addison ENGLAR for the 91-acre farm at $42.25/acre; (Home Farm & Mill, 2 miles west of Johnsvile on road from Johnsville to Woodsboro; adjoining lands of Lloyd WARFIELD and George FOGLE. Then in possession of Jeremiah W. ETZLER. Improved with a 2-story weatherboarded log house, Switzer barn, wagon shed, corn crib, fruit orchard, stone dairy and spring near the house. Also has a 3 1/2-story brick grist mill and saw mill with good water power and modern machinery. - Upton H. RICHMOND for 11-acre wood lot at $10.75/acre; about 2.5 miles west of Liberty on road from there to Israel's Creek; adjoining land of Elias V. ALBAUGH; timbered in Oak and Chestnut. - Edward O. HAHN for 4-acre wood lot at $27.25/acre; on the Coppermine Road; adjoined land of Jacob DORCUS; timbered in young Chestnut. The 115-acre Farm didn't receive an adequate bid; about 1 mile SW of Johnsville on on road from Johnsville to Coppermine School House; adjoining lands of D. O. SAYLOR and George FOGLE. Improved with a 2-story weatherboarded log house, Switzer barn, wagon shed, hog pen and watered. Then in possession of George FOGLE & Bro. as tenants. Total Sales, $4,118.12. Submitted to audit on 23 Dec 1889.

Sarah RUSSELL vs Henry RUSSELL, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4998 - Jul 1884 Anthony RUSSELL d/ Jul 1871, intestate widow - Matilda (d/ before 26 Mar 1886) d/ Sarah E. RUSSELL s/ Henry RUSSELL (d/ before 26 Mar 1886) ....w/ Elizabeth - Baltimore City and two children: .......Daniel Ellsworth RUSSELL .......William Henry Grant RUSSELL, a minor - Baltimore City d/ Eliza Ann (d/ before 26 Mar 1886) ....w/o Dennis SCHLEY (no children) d/ Catharine E. RUSSELL - Washington, DC s/ John J. RUSSELL & w/ Isabella s/ Lewis R. RUSSELL d/ Mary Amelia w/o Eugene NORRIS LAND - Log House & Lot, 80 perches, about 1.5 miles from Lewistown on the Frederick-Emmittsburg Turnpike, 1/4 mile south of the toll gate, south of Lewistown; adjoined lands of Thomas GEASY, the widow SNOOK and Coleman FRESHOUR. To Anthony RUSSELL from Isaac CRONISE [CM-3, 2]. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 12 May 1886 from: - Sarah E. RUSSELL, age 50, Frederick City - Marshall F. HARDING, age 34, Frederick City; s/o James M. HARDING, Justice of the Peace, now deceased. Trustee was John C. MOTTER. SALE was held 15 Jul 1886 on the premises; high bidder was: - Thomas E. R. MILLER at $92 Closed 12 Aug 1886.

Deborah E. HOBBS vs Samuel MATHIAS, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5592 - Sep 1889 Philip W. HOBBS d/ Feb 1889 in Woodville, intestate and never married bro/ Thomas W. HOBBS (wife dec'd) .......Deborah E. HOBBS sis/ Isabella N. CRAWFORD, widow - Carroll County sis/ Sarah (Hobbs), dec'd w/o Washington MATHIAS, dec'd .......Samuel MATHIAS & w/ Catharine - Carroll County .......John W. MATHIAS & w/ Delia E. - Montgomery County .......Warner H. MATHIAS & w/ Mary .......Jesse MATHIAS - Montgomery County .......Eliza A. (Mathias) HAINES, dec'd . . . . . . .John HAINES, a minor - Carroll County . . . . . . .William HAINES, a minor - Carroll County sis/ Jennette (Hobbs), dec'd w/o Lorenzo BARBER, dec'd .......Thomas W. BARBER & w/ Cecilia - Baltimore City .......Henrietta E. (Barber) w/o Mortimer S. WENNER - Washington County LAND - House & 31 acres in Woodville District, on Old Annapolis Road leading to Mount Airy Depot #2; adjoined the Prospect Meeting House. Then occupied by Thomas HOBBS. To Philip W. HOBBS from Lewis CRAWFORD & w/ Isabella t $350 in Oct 1865 [JWLC-3, 272]. Shares of all the adult heirs were conveyed to Deborah E. HOBBS in Jun 1889 [WIP-9, 447]. Subpeona indicates John HAINES' guardian then was Mrs. William JONES in Frederick County but also Sam Mathias for both John and William HAINES in Carroll County. Guardian appointed was John J. BISER, esquire. Testimony was heard 8 Feb 1890 from: - Lorenzo B. NORWOOD, age 40, Woodville District - James W. CONDON, age 41, Woodville District Trustee was Frank C. NORWOOD. Sale was held 5 Apr 1890 on the premises; high bidder was: - Deborah E. HOBBS at $5/acre, $159.25 Sent to Audit on 13 May 1890.

Frederick D. ORDEMAN, et al vs Daniel T. ORDEMAN, exec/of Catharine ORDEMAN - Ownership of Real Estate - Equity #5593 - Sep 1889 Catharine ORDEMAN d/ Feb 1889 (Will written 30 Sep 1882) wid/of Capt. Herman D. ORDEMAN s/ John H. ORDEMAN d/ Georgianna ORDEMAN* s/ Daniel T. ORDEMAN s/ Frederick A. ORDEMAN* (his wife to have no part) d/ Mary Catharine w/o John E. PRICE d/ Emma Cornelia w/o Eugene HUGHES *Daniel to hold their shares in trust. Exec/ husband if surviving, else son Daniel Witnesses: Milton G. URNER, Carlton SHAFER, Ira TYLER [ Will JPP-2, 22, written 30 Sep 1882] --- LAND - Store on SW corner of Market & Patrick St in Frederick City. To Herman D. ORDEMAN from John E. PRICE & w/ Mollie E. for 1/2 interest at $6,000 in Jan 1882 [AF-4, 569]. Previously to Benjamin F. STEWART and John E. PRICE from Ephraim ALBAUGH in Oct 1876 [TG-6, 162]. Deed stated STEWART conveyed his half to John E. PRICE in Jan 1882 [AF-4, 262]. Daniel T. ORDEMAN claimed the store was not part of Catharines' estate and claimed it as his because the Will of his father gave him the property and for him to pay $6,000 within five years, which he did pay to his mother. The court ruled since the father died first, then everything went to his wife and the wife made no provision for Daniel to have the store; therefore he is only entitled to 1/6 share. Closed 7 May 1890.

Lewis H. DILL, mortgagee of Ann C. CARLIN - Report of Sales - Equity #5616 - Sep 1889 LAND - The 'Carlin House', Lot #67 (60x134') fronting Church St, at corner of Church and Court (Public) Sts, in Frederick City. Improved with a large 4-story brick front building and a 3-story brick back building, brick stable, etc. To Ann C. CARLIN from Lewis H. DILL & wife in Jan 1886 [WIP-1, 61]. Mortgaged at $12,000. SALE was held 19 Oct 1889 at the Carlin House in Frederick City; high bidders were: - Jane M. McMURREY and William A. FISHER, admin/of Louise McMURREY, at $9,975 Closed 17 Jan 1890.

John R. PETERS & w/ Anna M. vs Susan GEISLER & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5714 - Jul 1890 Mary E. MULLICAN d/ Aug 1886, intestate w/o Thomas MULLICAN (over 70 and in declining mental capacity) d/ Susan A. w/o William T. GEISLER s/ George T. MULLICAN d/ Fanny w/o David YINGLING d/ Anna M. w/o John R. PETERS LAND - "Strife Ended", 29 acres, near Thurston Post Office on road to Urbana (on road from Simmon's Mill to Barnesville); Adjoined lands of Isaac DAVIS and Samuel SUMMERS. Improved with a house, stable, orchard and spring. To Mary E. MULLICAN from Isaac DAVIS & w/ Catharine S. at $400 in Dec 1855 [ES-8, 238]. (Part of 1.75 acres had previously been sold to George T. MULLICAN in May 1886) Guardian ad litem was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 1 sep 1890 from: - Isaac DAVIS, age 72 - stated Thomas MULLICAN was taken to Montevue Hospital. - Samuel T. SIMMONS, age 55, Urbana District - stated he took Thomas MULLICAN to Montevue a couple of months ago, but he isn't any better and does not recognize anyone. Trustee was Clayton O. KEEDY. SALE was held 1 Nov 1890 in front of the post office at Thurston; high bidder was: - John R. PETERS at $630 Sent to audit on 28 Nov 1890.

Joshua COVELL & Others vs William H. COVELL & wife - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4865 - Feb 1883 Frederick COVELL d/ 30 Nov 1882 at 5:45 am near Ridgeville (Will written 10 May 1866) w/ Catharine d/ 30 Nov 1882 at 3:15 pm near Ridgeville (Will written 21 Feb 1881) bro/ Edemiah COVELL, dec'd, unmarried, no issue bro/ Nehimiah COVELL, dec'd - Ohio .......Joshua COVELL - Ohio bro/ Jeremiah COVELL, dec'd .......William COVELL - West Virginia .......John COVELL - Port Tobacco, Charles County .......Joel COVELL - West Virginia .......George COVELL, dec'd, unmarried, no issue .......Mary COVELL, dec'd, unmarried, no issue bro/ Joshua COVELL, dec'd & w/ Mary .......John COVELL & w/ Mary BARNES .......Joshua Smallwood COVELL & w/ Margaret BURDETTE .......Catharine Jane (Covell) w/o George H. WOOD - Carroll County bro/ Jonathan F. COVELL, dec'd .......Jonathan F. COVELL & w/ Emma DOFLER .......Catharine S. COVELL .......Mary Margaret (Covell) w/o John M. BAKER bro/ Joel COVELL, dec'd .......William H. COVELL & w/ Geneva TRACY - Baltimore City .......John T. COVELL & a/ Anna BUCKEY - Queen Annes County .......Joel E. COVELL & w/ Emma UPPERMAN - Baltimore City .......Ann E. (Covell) w/o John Z. BAZZELL - Montgomery County .......Mary F. (Covell) w/o Thomas STEVENS - Baltimore City .......Susan M. (Covell) w/o James W. TIPTON - Baltimore City .......Kate O. (Covell) w/o William PHOEBUS - Baltimore City LAND - House & Lot #1 on north side of Main St in Plummer's part of New Market. Then in occupancy of John T. SMITH. To Frederick COVELL & w/ Catharine from Wellington HAMMOND & w/ Mary E. at $450 in Mar 1879 [TG-11, 200]. William H. COVELL was said to be of unsound mind. Guardian ad litem was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 25 Mar 1883 from: - Jonathan F. COVELL - John C. DUVALL - claimed Willliam H. COVELL was his nephew. - John M. BAKER Trustee was John C. DUVALL, esquire. SALE was held 1 May 1884 on the premises; high bidder was: - Grafton B. HAMMOND at $490 Submitted to Audit on 28 Jun 1884. NOTE - Scott CAWOOD's sculpture "Ann Shovell" is a caricature of Ann Dixon COVELL, who married Jeremiah COVELL in 1822. Little is known about the couple who lived in New Market until the 1850's. Mr CAWOOD transformed an old metal shovel into the likeness of her face. He was attracted to her because of her facial features. [Frederick News-Post - Oct 11, 2002; pg B-11]

WIP-5, 652-658 - NAILL, NUSBAUM - #FC
Isaiah NUSBAUM, mortgagee vs Jacob L. NAILL & w/ Elizabeth A. - Report of Sales - Equity #5144 - Feb 1886 LAND - "Warfield's Inheritance", "Stringer's Chance" and "Legh Castle", 185 acres. To Jacob L. NAILL & w/ Elizabeth A. from Isaiah NUSBAUM in Feb 1882. Mortgaged at $11,002 in Feb 1882 (certified in Carroll County). SALE was held 28 Jan 1886 - Isaiah NUSBAUM at $66/acre, $12,210 Closed 12 Jun 1886.

WIP-5, 659-666- - UTTERMEHLE, SCHLEY - #FC #DC
Naomi UTTERMEHLE, guardian of Charles H. UTTERMEHLE vs Charles H. UTTERMEHLE - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5159 - Feb 1886 LAND - "Resurvey on Locust Level", Lots #10 & 20, 25 acres, with four lime kiln and quarries, and known as the BRENGLE Lime Kiln, on the Frederick Branch of the Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road and 3/4 of a mile east of Frederick. To Charles UTTERMEHLE from Naomi UTTERMEHLE of Washington, DC (as exec/of Daniel KOLB) at $4,200 in Apr 1885 [AF-11, 35]. Previously to Daniel KOLB from George R. DENNIS, trustee, in Mar 1876 [TG-4, 615] Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 12 Feb 1886 from: - Naomi UTTERMEHLE - stated Charles will be 21 in July. - Charles H. UTTERMEHLE - agreed with his mother's petition to sell the property because the mortgage & expenses exceed the rent they receive. - John B. THOMAS As guardian, Naomi sold the property at private sale through Col. John B. THOMAS to: - Thomas SCHLEY at $3,350, subject to the mortgage of $2,000 Closed 1 Mar 1886.

George S. YOUNG, trustee of Eliza YOUNG - Report of Sales - Equity #5197 - May 1886 Eliza YOUNG, widow (1850 Census lists her as w/o John of P.) s/ William H. YOUNG d/ Eliza S. SIEDEL s/ Crawford F. YOUNG d/ Caroline V. ATWELL s/ George S. YOUNG - Johnson Co, Missouri s/ Henry K. YOUNG, dec'd d/ Henrietta ALEXANDER, dec'd LAND - Lot near the center of Main St in Middletown. Improved with a 2-story stone house with 1 1/2-story frame back building. Then in occupancy of Alfred ROUTZAHN. To Eliza YOUNG from Peter YOUNG in Mar 1867 [DSB-1, 323]. Deed of Trust to her son George S. YOUNG in Aug 1882 [AF-5, 452]. SALE held 27 Mar 1886 in front of the Valley Register office in Middletown; high bidder was: - Van B. SWEARINGER at $445 Closed 22 Jun 1886.

Andrew J. WACHTER and Doctor R. WACHTER, trustees of Philip WACHTER & w/ Susanna - Report of Sales - Equity #5150 - Jan 1886 Philip WACHTER w/ Susanna (to pay $1,500 she rec'd from her father's estate) s/ Lewis F. WACHTER s/ Ezra C. WACHTER s/ Andrew J. WACHTER s/ Wesley A. WACHTER s/ Caleb L. WACHTER s/ John P. WACHTER s/ Doctor R. WACHTER d/ Susanna R. w/o Thomas Franklin PALMER d/ Catharine Elizabeth w/o Jacob D. RICE s/ Daniel H. WACHTER, dec'd .......Ada WACHTER .......Ida WACHTER s/ Jacob H. WACHTER, dec'd .......Luther H. M. WACHTER Deed of Trust for management and sale of the real estate upon the death of Philip WACHTER. LAND - Home Farm - 114 acres To Philip WACHTER from Jacob STALEY, trustee in 1856 [ES-8, 546 & 547]. - "Sandy Spring", 75 acres, 1/4 mile NW of Bethel Church. Improved with a large double house, a new bank barn, new wagon shed, corn crib, hog pen, a 6-acre orchard and spring. Then in occupancy of Clinton J. DUTROW. To Philip WACHTER Jr. from Daniel H. WACHTER & w/ Eliza Ann C. at $2,405 in Mar 1878 [TG-10, 508]. Previously to Daniel WACHTER from Philip WACHTER Jr and Henry WACHTER, exec/of Philip WACHTER Sr in Feb 1878. - 46+-acre Farm, 4 miles NW of Frederick on the bethel Road. Improved with a house, barn, corn crib, wagon shed, orchard and well near the house. Then in occupancy of Wesley A. WACHTER. To Philip WACHTER from Peter CRAMER, exec/of Solomon KLEIS in Sep 1848 [CM-2, 389]. SOLD at private sale to - Wesley A. WACHTER for farm at $2,800 - Mountain Land and wood land (has plat on page 677): "Baltzell's Content", 52 acres, 1 1/4 mile NW of Bethel Church. Timbered mostly in Chestnut. [from Wm. C. HOFFMAN BGF-8, 167]. This land was divided into lots and sold at public sale. Public Sale was held 19 Dec 1885 at Zachariah ZIMMERMAN's Store in Charlesville; high bidders were: - Thomas F. PALMER for Lot #1, 3 acres, at $68.28 - Thomas F. PALMER for Lot #2, 4 acres, at $114.60 - D. J. SNOOK for Lot #3, 6 acres, at $244.45 - Victoria E. WACHTER for Lot #4, 5 acres, at $223.93 - Cornelia A. WACHTER for Lot #5, 5 acres, at $157.45 - Jacob RICE for Lot #6, 5 acres, at $118.37 - Jacob RICE for Lot #7, 4 acres, at $157.61 - J. William MILLER for Lot #8, 6 acres, at $133.82 - Zachariah T. GREEN and William E. GREEN for Lot #9, 7 acres, at $108.04 - George W. MORT for Lot #10, 2 acres, at $55.36 Total Sales, $4,180.91. There was also the 75-acre farm that failed to receive a satisfactory bid; however since then, private sale was made to: - Joshua A. RICE at $3,250 After two failed public sales, private sale was also made for the home farm to: - Josephus EASTERDAY at $4,800 Total sale for all properties: $8,050. 1st Distribution of $4,180.91 after costs: - Susanna WACHTER, $300 - Each child's 1/11 share, $329.47 2nd Distribution of $3,250 after costs: - Each child's 1/11 share, $283.41 3rd Distribution sent to Audit on 5 Sep 1886.

John C. MOTTER, mortgagee of Horatio G. SCHISSLER - Report of Sales - Equity #5231 - Oct 1886 LAND -Lot on north side of West Second St in Frederick City; adjoining Mrs. Eliza NICHOLS on the east side and Harvey MITCHELL on the west side; however, the east side was later occupied by the Columbia Lodge of Masons. Improved with a large 2-story brick house. Then in occupancy of Dr. Edward NELSON. To Margaret R. SCHISSLER from Hiram SCHISSLER, her husband [TG-11, 595]. SALE was held 7 Oct 1886 at the Carlin House in Frederick City; high bidder was: - Catharine C. NELSON at $125 Sent to Auditor on 11 Dec 1886.

Theodore F. CRAMER, mortgagee of Christian H. JACKSON - Report of Sales - Equity #5551 - Apr 1889 LAND - 21 acres in Woodsboro District, on the cold spring road, 1 mile west of Woodsborough; adjoined land of John SMITH of M. Improved with a log house, stable, hog pen, fruit and a spring near the house. To Christian H. JACKSON from Grayson EICHELBERGER. Mortgage of $500. SALE was held 4 Apr 1889 at James M. SMITH's Hotel in Woodsboro; high bidder was: - O. A. HAINES at $880 Neighbors then were Mrs. Ezra SMITH and Hanson T. JACKSON. Submitted to auditor on 4 Sep 1889.

John A. BARRICK, trustee of George H. CLARK & w/ Nettie - Report of Sales on Deed of Trust - Equity #5400 - Feb 1888 LAND - Lot, 3 acres, 1/8 mile from the Oak Hill School and church. Improved with a log house, plastered inside and out, with 6 rooms with cellar, a large 2-story frame blacksmith shop (20x30'), wheelwright shop (22x32'), a frame stable for two horses and three cows, wash house, hog pen, chicken house, all built within the last five years. Also has all types of fruit trees and grapes and a well near the door. John A. BARRICK then lived in New Midway. SALE was held 24 Sep 1887 on the premises; high bidder was: - John W. BRANDENBURG at $850 Total sales, including personal property, $1,020.02. John W. BRANDENBURG was unable to pay the purchase money; and another public sale was held on 8 Sep 1888; high bidder was: - Theodore C. ZIMMERMAN at $605 Neighbors then were William KRISE, Henry KRISE and James DELAPLAINE. Submitted to auditor on 26 Oct 1888.

WIP-5, 704-713 - ADAMS, BRAWNER - #FC
Annie M. ADAMS and Edward J. ADAMS vs Francis L. ADAMS, et al - Report of Sales on Deed of Trust - Equity #5544 - Apr 1889 John F. ADAMS d/ 12 Nov 1888, intestate widow - Annie M. s/ Edward J. ADAMS s/ Francis L. ADAMS, a minor s/ Joseph H. ADAMS, a minor d/ Stella J. ADAMS, a minor s/ John M. ADAMS, a minor s/ Charles F. ADAMS, a minor d/ Flora E. ADAMS, a minor LAND - Mountain Lot #15, 6 acres, 4 miles west of Emmittsburg, on south side of road leading to Hampden Valley; adjoining lands of David SHIELDS and John FUSS. Timbered in Chestnut and Oak. To John F. ADAMS from John Thomas ARNOLD & w/ Margaret A. at $210 in Mar 1874 [TG-2, 400]. Previously to Margaret A. ARNOLD (w/o John Thomas ARNOLD) from Nathan PEDDICORD & w/ Mary in Aug 1864. Guardian was Joseph GAVER. Testimony was heard 26 Jun 1889 from: - William J. WIVELL, near Emmittsburg - James A. ELDER, Emmittsburg Trustee was John C. MOTTER. SALE was held 14 Sep 1889 at the Emmitt House in Emmittsburg; high bidder was: - Dr. John B. BRAWNER at $101 Submitted to Auditor on 18 Nov 1889.

Lewis P. SHRIVER and Joseph BYERS, assignee of Calvin P. KRISE, mortgagees of Charles C. SHRIVER - Report of Sales - Equity #5608 - Oct 1889 Charles C. SHRIVER as exec/of Lewis P. SHRIVER, was to pay $800 to the First National Bank of Gettysburg for use of Rowe K. SHRIVER to be paid to him when he arrives of age. Rowe has become of age and the petitioners paid him the monies, but monies are now owed by Charles C. SHRIVER to the petitioners. There is also a mortgage of $400 due to Calvin KRISE of Adams Co, PA. LAND - "Frenchman's Purchase", 30 acres; "Frenchman's Purchase" and "Good Luck", 91 acres; "Frenchman's Purchase", 11 acres. Combined for 132-acre Farm, 5 miles east of Emmittsburg, west of Monocacy Creek; adjoined lands of William A. SNIDER and Robert G. SHUMAKER. Improved with a weatherboarded house, log barn, wagon shed and well near the house. To Lewis P. SHRIVER from David FISHER and John M. FISHER, exec/of Isaac FISHER in Apr 1874 [TG-1, 755]. (Devised to Charles from the Will of Lewis P. SHRIVER; provided he pay Rowe K. SHRIVER four annual payments when he becomes of age, totalling $1,700.) - "Resurvey on Poplar Spring", 17-acre mountain Lot, 3 miles west of Emmittsburg, near the Hampton Valley Road; adjoined land of Martha EYLER. To Lewis P. SHRIVER from Robert FLEMMING in Mar 1860 {BGF-5, 443]. SALE held 19 Oct 1889 at the Emmitt House in Emmittsburg; high bidder was: - William A. SNIDER for the farm at $3,100 - Lewis M. MOTTER for the mountain lot at $17 - Personal property sold at $233.86; which included grain on the home farm occupied by Mrs. Rebecca SHRIVER Disbribution of $3,350.86 after costs: - William A. SNIDER, use of Rowe K. SHRIVER, $1,700 - Lewis P. SHRIVER & Joseph BYERS, mortgage claim, $470 - Lewis P. SHRIVER & Joseph BYERS, mortgage claim, $812.65 - Charles C. SHRIVER, use of Rowe K. SHRIVER, $29.95 Closed 21 Dec 1889.

WIP-5, 727-731 - LANTZ, SEBOLD - #FC
Vicent SEBOLD, trustee of Harvey H. LANTZ & w/ Mary C. - Report of Sales - Equity #5685 - Mar 1890 LAND - 36.75 acre Farm, 4 miles west of Emmittsburg on the Hampton Valley Road. Improved with a 1 1/2-story log house, log barn, hog pen, chicken house and orchard with spring of mountain water and a well near the house. Twenty acres were cleared. To Harvey H. LANTZ from Levi BORING in May 1884 [AF-9, 465]. 2nd SALE held 12 Apr 1890 on the premises; high bidder was: - Christian LANTZ at $630 Submitted to auditor on 13 May 1890.

WIP-5, 731-736 - SANFORD, CRETIN - #FC
Joseph A. CRETIN, mortgagee of Mary W. A. SANFORD and h/ Charles E. SANFORD - Report of Sales - Equity #5744 - Oct 1890 LAND - 10 acres, 1 mile SW of Mount St Mary's College near Emmitsburg; adjoined lands of Anastacia ELDER and heirs of John HOBBS on the south; Felix B. TANEY on the east; heirs of John WALTER on the north; and James A. ORNDORFF on the west. Improved with a frame & log house and stable with a spring near the house. To Mary W. A. SANFORD from Anastacia ELDER in Mar 1875 [TG-2, 686]. To James M. CRETIN from Mary W. A. SANFORD & husband in May 1881 [AF-4, 87]. SALE held 11 Oct 1890 on the premises; high bidder was: - Joseph A. CRETIN at $405 Then occupied by James CRETIN. Neighbors then were Adele ELDER, George LIVERS and Mount St Mary's College. Trustee to convey the deed was Eugene L. ROWE. Closed 19 Nov 1890.

Barbara A. BIRELY vs Samuel M. BIRELY, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5712 - Jul 1890 Samuel BIRELY d/ 1877 (Will 18 Mar 1875; 5 Feb 1877) widow - Barbara Ann (KEMP) (age 58) s/ Samuel M. BIRELY & Belva A. E. d/ Lilly J. w/o William S. DUDDERAR - Pennsylvania d/ Mary Rebecca BIRELY d/ Elizabeth w/o Robert L. KOONS - Carroll County s/ Morris A. BIRELY, a minor s/ Joseph BIRELY, dec'd .......Joseph Samuel BIRELY ($2,000) To wife - House & 4 acres, with rights to the fountain pump near the house then occupied by Jacob BIRELY, where they then lived in Ladiesburg. To wife for life; except if she should marry, then to be sold and equally divided between his then living heirs. Exception to some of the furniture claimed by Joseph S. BIRELY which was his mother's. Also $1,000 at the time Samuel M. BIRELY becomes of age; this in lieu of her dower. To Samuel M. BIRELY and Levi F. MILLER, as execs in Trust for schooling and maintenance of his family: - Ladiesburg Farm, peach orchard and wood lot, on NW side of the PA & Fredericktown Rail Road, on road to the Woodsboro and Johnsville Road; adjoins land of Mrs. STULL and William COLEMAN and along the York Road. Execs/ Samuel M. BIRELY and Levi F. MILLER. Witnesses: William H. MARTZ, Levi BAKER, Joseph S. STULL --- A marriage contract was signed by Samuel & Barbara 18 Oct 1858 [Will Book JRR-1, 130]. The widow wanted to sell the property because she felt it was too expensive to maintain it. LAND - 4 acres, in Ladiesburg on west side of Woodsboro to York Road Station; adjoins land of David F. SCHAEFFER and Mrs. William MARTZ. Improved with a large 2-story brick house, 2-story brick summer house, brick spring and smoke house. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 1 Sep 1890 from: - Samuel M. BIRELY, age 31, Mechanicstown; stated his brother Morris was nearly age 18. - Levi F. MILLER, age 59, Double Pipe Creek Trustee was Samuel M. BIRELY, Esquire. SALE was held 10 Oct 1890 on the premises; high bidder was: - Robert L. KOONS at $2,000 Submitted to Auditor 21 Nov 1890. NOTES: Frederick Co, MD Marriage Licenses - BIRELY, Samuel M., 23 merchant to COLLIFLOWER, Belva E., 24 dated 16 Nov 1881 by E. W. Shields in Graceham

The End of WIP-5

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