Equity Court Abstracts

Book WIP-1 - 1882-1886

Frederick County, Maryland

These are abstracts from Equity Court Records of Frederick County, Maryland, many times providing family data on the defendant and sometimes on persons not mentioned on the docket. Some of the listings are quite informative while others, being dismissed, may only have the date and name of plantiff and defendant. However, the cases brought before the judge consisted of sworn testimony and each one holds a story. Perhaps you will find a story connected to your search.
[Records Located at Maryland State Archives]

WIP-1, 1-17 - MARTIN, WALTER - #FC
Mary Ellen MARTIN, et al vs Cora Virginia MARTIN, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5023 - Jan 1884 George T. M. MARTIN d/ 14 Oct 1884, intestate widow - Mary Ellen (age 42-45) d/ Cora Virginia MARTIN, a minor d/ Adda Bruce MARTIN, a minor s/ Howard K. MARTIN, a minor d/ Grace R. MARTIN, a minor s/ David N. MARTIN, a minor s/ Murray K. MARTIN, a minor LAND - "Diggs Lot", 112 acre, 1 mile east of Motter's Station in Emmitsburg District, on road from Maxell's Mill to Motter's Station on the Emmittsburg Railroad; adjoins land of Samuel SEABOLD. Improved with a 2-story brick house of 8 rooms and a kitchen, a well at the door, a log barn and frame stable, wagon shed and a well for the stock near the barn. Previously to Abiah MARTIN from Samuel MAXELL & w/ Jane M. in Feb 1862 [BGF-7, 652]. - "Enlargement", 22 acres of mountain land within a mile of Mount St Mary's College; adjoining lands of Benjamin CAIN and Mr SHOEMAKER. Previously to Abiah MARTIN from George T. M. MARTIN in Jun 1862 [BGF-7, 652 Both tracts to George T. M. MARTIN from James P. MARTIN and George T. M. MARTIN, execs/of Abiah MARTIN, at $4,360.25 in Jan 1884 [AF-8, 276]. Mortgage to Frederick Town Savings. Guardian was Alfred RITTER. Testimony was heard 2 Nov 1884 from: - N. E. STANSBURY - Jacob S. SHEELY Trustee was Mary Ellen MARTIN; also showing the farm was Harvey MARTIN of near Emmitsburg. Sale was held 20 Jan 1885 on the premises, but after not receiving a sufficient bid, private sales were later made to: - John W. MARTIN for the farm at $34/acre, $3,808 - Felix WALTER and Albert WALTER, t/a F. WALTER & Bro, for the wooded land at $275. Distribution of $4,108.50 - court costs, $302.70 = $3,805.79 - Frederick Town Savings, mortgage claim, $2,468.78 - Mary E. MARTIN, widow, in lieu of dower, 2/5, $178.27 - Each child's 1/6 share, $827.30 Closed 17 Dec 1885.

Sumpter HEARD vs Lucretia S. STREET & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5043 - Jan 1885 Mary Ann SCHLEIGH d/ 7 Jan 1885 in Frederick City, testate s/ Lawrence BECK & wife - Georgia d/ Mary C. HEARD, dec'd .....Antonette (HEARD) w/o Charles H. BAUGHMAN .....Florence HEARD .....William HEARD & w/ Ella M. "Annie" .....Sumpter HEARD .....Bradley T. J. "Chapman" HEARD .....Clara HEARD (age 19) s/ Frederick W. SCHLEIGH & w/ Mary d/ Lucretia S. STREET, widow d/ Ellen A. w/o Samuel N. CHIPLEY - Ohio There was no power of sale listed in the Will. (grandchildren's names from court records) Exec/ Thomas E. POPE (also as guardian to grandchildren) Witnesses: W. R. JOHNSON, Noah BOWLUS, James M. EBBERTS [Will written 22 Feb 1879] LAND - Lot #67 on east side of Court Street in Frederick City, on NW corner of 8-foot alley, opposite the Citizen Office and adjoining lots of George MARKELL and John W. BLUBAKER. Improved with a 2-story brick house w/ attic & restaurant combined To Mary A. SCHLEIGH from Thomas SPRINGER & w/Mary at $1,300 in Apr 1844 [HS-21, 492]. Previously to Springer from George HAUER in Dec 1838 [HS-8, 143]. (from estate of Daniel HAUER Sr.) - Lot on east side of Brewer's Alley (now Ice St) in Frederick Town, between South St and All Saints St, known as the 'Ice House Lot'. Then occupied by John MURDOCK and opposite his residence. Improved with a stone ice house and a brick stable. To Mary Ann SCHLEIGH from Edward SHRIVER & w/ Elizabeth S. at $490 in Mar 1858 [BGF-1, 331]. Previously to Shriver from Grayson EICHELBERGER, trustee of George J. FISHER in Oct 1855 [ES-8, 46]. - Edward SHRIVER of Baltimore City and John H. WILLIAMS, adm/of Charles SHRIVER, obtained a judgment against Mary A. SCHLEIGH in 1848. - A mortgage was owed to Thomas E. POPE and John ROELKY for $500 in Sep 1876. - A mortgage to Lucretia S. STREET & Antoneth BAUGHMAN for $300 in Feb 1879. - Bill submitted by Henry N. ETCHISON of H.N. Etchison & Son, Furniture Dealers & Undertakers, #14 South Market St, for funeral expenses; included was hearse and team rental for Clifford HEARD. Guardian was Alfred RITTER. Testimony was heard 21 Feb 1885 from: - F. Marion FAUBEL, age 39, Frederick City - John T. SINN Trustee was Thomas E. POPE. Sale was held 2 Apr 1885 at the City Hotel in Frederick City; high bidders were: - Charles F. MARKELL for the house & restaurant at $6,000 - John T. SINN for the ice house property at $442; less the part conveyed to John DIGGS Distribution after expenses: - Each child's 1/5 share, $900.46 Closed 9 Mar 1886. NOTES - Frederick Co, MD Marriage Licenses - SCHLEIGH, Frederick W. to Mary MILLER - 6 Jan 1858 - SCHLEIGH, Mary C. to John W. HEARD - 24 Apr 1851 - SCHLEIGH, Mittie to Martin Luther STREET - 22 Oct 1862

William MANTZ & Others vs Col. Charles E. TRAIL & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5079 - Jan 1885 Casper MANTZ d/ 1791 in Frederick City, testate w/ Christina (they lived on Lot #36 in Frederick Town) - 9 children:
  • s/ Francis MANTZ, dec'd ...gd/ Theresa (MANTZ) McELFRESH, dec'd . . . . .1/ Ariana (McELFRESH) w/o Col. Charles E. TRAIL . . . . .2/ Annie (McELFRESH) KUNKEL, dec'd . . . . . a/ John J. KUNKEL ...gd/ Caroline (MANTZ) HARDING, dec'd . . . . .1/ William HARDING . . . . .2/ Marshall HARDING
  • s/ Peter MANTZ, dec'd ...gs/ Peter MANTZ, dec'd . . . . .1/ William MANTZ . . . . .2/ Emanuel MANTZ . . . . .3/ Francis MANTZ . . . . .4/ Lewis MANTZ . . . . .5/ Peter MANTZ - Hagerstown, Washington County . . . . .6/ Mary E. (MANTZ) RICE . . . . .7/ Margaret (MANTZ) SHAFER / SCHAEFFER ...gs/ Gideon MANTZ, dec'd . . . . .1/ Ezra MANTZ . . . . .2/ Mary (MANTZ) w/o Z. James GITTINGER . . . . .3/ E. Jane (MANTZ) w/o Francis T. RHODES . . . . .4/ Kate (MANTZ) w/o _____ DARLEY / DARBEY . . . . .5/ Louisa (MANTZ) w/o _____ ROGERS - Baltimore City . . . . .6/ Ann Sabina (MANTZ) RICE, dec'd . . . . . a/ Thomas P. RICE . . . . . b/ Daniel S. RICE . . . . . c/ Lewis A. RICE . . . . . d/ Eliza J. RICE ...gd/ Catharine (MANTZ) MARKELL, dec'd . . . . .1/ George MARKELL . . . . .2/ Louis MARKELL . . . . .3/ Charles MARKELL - Baltimore City . . . . .4/ Mary (MARKELL) JOHNSON . . . . .5/ Francis MARKELL, dec'd . . . . . a/ Francis MARKELL . . . . . b/ John U. MARKELL . . . . . c/ Edward MARKELL . . . . . d/ William MARKELL, a minor ...gd/ Margaret (MANTZ) WRIGHT, dec'd . . . . .1/ M. Jane (WRIGHT) w/o William DOWNEY ...gd/ Mary (MANTZ) BRENGLE, dec'd . . . . .1/ Catharine (BRENGLE) EADER . . . . .2/ Ezra BRENGLE . . . . .3/ Louiza BRENGLE . . . . .4/ Rachel (BRENGLE) w/o Leonidas JOHNSON . . . . .5/ Mary (BRENGLE) ROOT, dec'd . . . . . a/ Mary Louisa (ROOT) w/o Jonas KREGLO
  • s/ David MANTZ, dec'd ...gs/ Cyrus MANTZ, dec'd . . . . .1/ Caroline (MANTZ) BOYD . . . . .2/ Alexander K. MANTZ - Baltimore City . . . . .3/ A. Elizabeth (MANTZ) w/o William B. BAKER . . . . .4/ Milton MANTZ, dec'd . . . . . a/ Cyrus MANTZ . . . . .5/ Ellen (MANTZ) MILLER, dec'd . . . . . a/ Florence A. (MILLER) w/o J. Hayes SHIELDS . . . . .6/ Henry MANTZ, dec'd . . . . . a/ Sophia (MANTZ) w/o John W. RICE - Baltimore City . . . . . b/ Rebecca (MANTZ) DUKEHART - Baltimore City . . . . . c/ William MANTZ, dec'd (children unknown) ...gd/ Margaret (MANTZ) HAUER, dec'd . . . . .1/ Nicholas D. HAUER . . . . .2/ Matilda (HAUER) FLEMING . . . . .3/ Harriet (HAUER) QUYNN . . . . .4/ Catharine (HAUER) BYERLY, dec'd . . . . . a/ Hallie BYERLY . . . . . b/ Grace BYERLY ...gd/ Mary (MANTZ) JACKSON, dec'd . . . . .1/ James ROBERTSON, dec'd . . . . . a/ Charles ROBERTSON . . . . . b/ Alexander ROBERTSON . . . . . c/ Alice (ROBERTSON) w/o George TYLER . . . . . d/ Grace (ROBERTSON) w/o Bradley STOKES . . . . .2/ Mary MYERS, afterwards SIMMONS, dec'd . . . . . a/ Frank MYERS - Baltimore City . . . . . b/ Gussie w/o George M. GITTINGER of J. . . . . . c/ Blanche W. SIMMONS ...gd/ Catharine (MANTZ) BRENGLE, dec'd . . . . .1/ Francis BRENGLE, dec'd . . . . . a/ William BRENGLE . . . . . b/ Francis BRENGLE . . . . . c/ Annie BRENGLE . . . . .2/ Lewis BRENGLE, dec'd . . . . . a/ Alexander BRENGLE . . . . . b/ David W. BRENGLE . . . . .3/ Mary (BRENGLE) HOUCK, dec'd . . . . . a/ Henry J. HOUCK - Baltimore City . . . . .4/ Annie (BRENGLE) GITTINGER - Baltimore City ...gd/ Mary (MANTZ) BAER, dec'd . . . . .1/ Charlotte E. BAER . . . . .2/ Harriet M. BAER . . . . .3/ Mary M. BAER . . . . .4/ Willie W. BAER (daughter)
  • s/ Isaac MANTZ, dec'd ...gs/ Casper MANTZ, dec'd . . . . .1/ Casper MANTZ . . . . .2/ Harry MANTZ . . . . .3/ Edward MANTZ . . . . .4/ Charles MANTZ . . . . .5/ Irene June (MANTZ) w/o Dr. A. A. SAPPINGTON . . . . .6/ Mary MANTZ ...gs/ Perry G. MANTZ (unknown if living or dead) ...gd/ Anna (MANTZ) DEVITT, dec'd . . . . .1/ David DEVITT . . . . .2/ Philip DEVITT ...gd/ Amy (MANTZ) w/o _____ SHIMERHORN ...gd/ Christina (MANTZ) COOK, dec'd . . . . . . (her children unknown)
  • s/ John MANTZ, dec'd ...gs/ John MANTZ, dec'd (his heirs unknown) ...gs/ Charles MANTZ, dec'd . . . . .1/ McPherson MANTZ . . . . .2/ John MANTZ . . . . .3/ Charles MANTZ . . . . .4/ Mamie (MANTZ) w/o ____ BEAM . . . . .5/ Sudie (MANTZ) w/o John D. JOHNSON . . . . .6/ Laura (MANTZ) w/o _____ CAMPBELL . . . . .7/ Emma (MANTZ) w/o _____ HOTTEL
  • d/ Elizabeth (MANTZ) w/o Peter SMITH
  • d/ Catharine MANTZ
  • d/ Esther (MANTZ) w/o John GUMBIER
  • d/ Mary MANTZ
(heirs listed from court records) Execs/ sons Francis & Peter Witnesses: Thonas HILL, Frederick SCHOLL, George BENTZ [Will GM-2, 374 written 23 Nov 1790] LAND - "Chestnut Ridge", 50 acres; - Lots #207-211 in Frederick Town, fronting 80' on Market St and extending west along north side of Fourth St for 300 feet. To Casper MANTZ, merchant, from Michael FYE (w/ Eve) at 30 pounds current money in July 1766 [K-666]. - also "Long Acre" (was part of "Tasker's Chance"), Lots #14 & 15, adjoining "Addition to Frederick Town". The sons agreed [WR-12, 21-224 in 1794] to a partition of lots except for Lot #211 and part of #210, fronting Fourth St 110' and westward for 80' - to be set off as a grave yard and known for many years as 'Mantz Grave Yard'. Mantz Plat Agreement for division of other lots: - Francis - "Chestnut Ridge", 50 acres - Peter - southern halves of Lots #207-209 and part of 210 - David - northern havles of Lots #207-209 and part of 210 - Isaac - part of Lot #14 - John - parts of Lot #14 & 15 Petition claims Lot #211 and part of #210 have not been used as a burial ground for many years and most of those buried there, that could be identified, have been removed to other cemeteries. Part of lot has been cultivated and is partly planted in fruit trees and is no longer being used as a burying ground except it still has a few bodies buried there from many years ago. The suit requests the lot be sold and the proceeds used to purchase grave lots and rebury the few bodies still remaining to the Mount Olivet Cemetery with the balance divided among the sons. The German Baptists or "Dunkers" have interest in obtaining the lot for a church. Guardian was Alfred RITTER, Esquire. Testimony was heard 25 Aug 1885 from: - Charles W. HALLER, a descendant of a daughter of Casper MANTZ Sr., the decedant. Claimed the burying ground was used up to 1854; at that time, the marked graves were moved to Mount Olivet Cemetery. The lot has been used as a garden by Mrs. KUSSMAUL in exchange for her caring for the place. - William MANTZ, a grandson of Peter MANTZ, one of the sons of Caspar MANTZ Sr. He didn't believe there were any gravestones remaining. He claimed there were five graves, two of them being his brothers, but he can't tell where because the tombstones have long since disappeared. - George MARKELL, age 68, a grandson of Peter MANTZ, one of the sons of Caspar MANTZ Sr. Trustees were Francis BRENGLE and Milton G. URNER Sr. SALE was made to: - German Baptist Brethren of Frederick at $600 The remaining burials were to be transferred to Mount Olivet Cemetery. Distribution after expenses: $250.40 - Each son's 1/5 share, $50.08. Full Distribution Closed 24 Feb 1886. NOTES - Frederick County Marriage Licenses MANTZ marriages - Alexander K. to BIER, Sophia B. - 03/07/1843 - Ann P. to DEWITT, David B. - 10/23/1821 - Ann Sabina to RICE, Albert T. - 06/26/1851 - Caspar of J. to ELDER, Elizabeth H. - 05/28/1838 - Catharine to DARBY, Darius - 02/22/1854 - Catherine to MARKELL, John - 11/04/1815 - Christina E. to COOK, John - 12/24/1829 - Cyrus to KUHN, Eliza - 05/26/1818 - Elenor to HARDING, John L. - 05/30/1820 - Emma, 30 to HOTTELL, B. F., 30 - Wyoming Territory - 11/17/1875 - Gideon to SIDES, Eliza - 05/23/1818 - Harriet to BAER, William - 09/01/1812 - Irene E. to SAPPINGTON, Augustus A. - 11/29/1860 - Isabella to JOHNSON, John D. - 11/20/1860 - Margaret to HAUER, Daniel Jr - 12/29/1812 - Mary E., 21 to BEAM, Samuel, 28 - merchant, Douglas Co, NE - 02/04/1869 - Mary to GITTINGER, Z. J. - 11/29/1849 - Mary to ROBERTSON, Alexander - 09/01/1818 - Milton to MARKEY, Ann C. - 03/25/1846 - Peter Jr to MOBBLY, Elizabeth - 01/07/1823 - Theresa to McELFRESH, John H. - 03/27/1820 - MYERS, Mary M. to SIMMONS, Simon C., - 04/26/1854
John C. MOTTER and Clayton O. KEEDY, trustees of Cyrus S. GROSSNICKLE - Auditors Report - Equity #5111 - 1885 LAND - a country store in Walkersville. Collected $962.91 from accounts. Not to be recorded. Not dated, but probably Oct 1885. (Mixed in with previous record)
David R. SPESARD, et al vs Rebecca SPESARD, et al - Report of Sales - Equity #5139 - Nov 1885 (Washington County Equity #3647) Daniel D. SPESARD d/ 7 Feb 1885 in Washington County widow - Rebecca (dower request in Equity #3624) s/ David R. SPESARD & w/ Barbara E. s/ Melvin T. SPESARD & w/ Annie d/ Arbelin (SPESARD) w/o Samuel H. SNELL d/ Annie E. (SPESARD) w/o William B. SHANK d/ Clara L. (SPESARD) w/o Daniel V. SHANK d/ Ida (SPESARD), a minor, w/o Elma OSTER s/ Edward SPESARD, a minor LAND - Washington County - farm, 103 acres in Leitersburg District To Daniel D. SPESARD from Joseph M. BELL & others in Mar 1881 [WC 80-485]. - farm, 227 acres near Funkstown To Daniel D. SPESARD from John E. ROWLAND and Alex ARMSTRONG, trustees, in Jul 1877 [WC 75-706]. - farm, 239 acres in Chewsville To Daniel D. SPESARD from John SPESARD & wife in Jan 1860 [WC JN-430]. - 1/4 acre To Daniel D. SPESARD from trustees of Congregation of the United Brethren in Christ [LBN-2, 189]. LAND - Frederick County - mountain land, 73 acres To Daniel D. SPESARD from William A. RIDDLEMOSER & wife in Nov 1868 [CM-2, 548]. - mountain land, 27 acres (three 9-acre lots) To Daniel D. SPESARD from John SWEDDNER, Sheriff, in Dec 1877 [TG-8, 557]. Trustees were David R. SPESARD and Melvin T. SPESARD. SALE was held 10 Nov 1885 in front of the Court House in Hagerstown; high bidders were: - Samuel H. SNELL & w/ Arbeline (1/2 part) and Elmer E. OSTER (other undivided 1/2 part) for the Funkstown farm at $53/acre - John SHILLING for the home farm at $75/acre - Daniel V. SHANK & w/ Clara L. for the Leitersburg farm at $56.50/acre - Samuel PRYOR for Lot #1 of mountain land at $25/acre - John D. DUBLE for Lot #2 of mountain land at $27.25/acre - Charles C. WOLF for Lot #3 of mountain land at $26/acre - Allen HAYS for the 73 acre tract of mountain land at $6.50/acre Total Sales, #28,129.31. Sales ratified; no distribution listed. Closed 12 Dec 1885.

William H. WILLIARD, el al vs John H. WILLIARD, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5102 - Jun 1885 Harriet WILLIARD d/ Feb 1885, intestate widow of Abraham WILLIARD s/ William H. WILLIARD - Broad Run s/ Tilghman A. WILLIARD - Broad Run d/ Frances V. WILLIARD - Broad Run d/ Julia Alice WILLIARD - Broad Run d/ H. Jeannette (WILLIARD) w/o John D. AHALT - Burkittsville d/ Narcissa (WILLIARD) w/o C. T. HARLEY - Broad Run s/ John H. WILLIARD - Columbus, Colorado Co, Texas d/ Mary E. (WILLIARD) w/o J. E. BOYLE - Dallas, Texas d/ Callie (WILLIARD) (d/ c1875) w/o Robert DELAUDER .......Edgar Stanley DELAUDER LAND - "Madam's Defeat", "The Irregular Figure" and part "Resurvey on Dunkards Not Mistaken", 203.25 acres; 1/2 mile from Broad Run on road to Middletown where road forks leading to Burkittsville. Adjoined lands of William GROVE heirs and Jacob M. HUFFER. Improved with a 2-story brick house, Switzer barn, dairy with an orchard; farm is well watered. To Harriet WILLIARD from William S. HERSPERGER, surviving exec/of Abraham WILLARD, at $17,071 in Apr 1878 [AF-2, 472]. SOLD to: - Tilghman A. WILLIARD, 101 acres in Nov 1880. Remaining is 102 acres. Guardian was Alfred RITTER. Testimony was heard 25 Jul 1885 from: - Joseph HIGHTMAN, age 55, farmer, near Burkittsville - Tilghman T. HERSPERGER, age 60, retired farmer, Frederick City Trustee was Tilghnan T. HERSPERGER. Sale was held 29 Oct 1885 on the premises; high bidder was: - Francis V. WILLIARD and William H. WILLARD at $6,605.62 Distribution after court costs, $6,202.57 - Each 1/9 child's share, $689.17 Closed 23 Jan 1886. (Also see JWLC-2, 47)
Lydia A. FEESER Sr. vs Amos FEESER, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5087 - Jun 1885 Jacob FEESER d/ 11 Oct 1851 in Emmitsburg District widow - Lydia A. Sr. (age 65) and 9 children s/ Amos FEESER (age 43) d/ Lydia A. FEESER Jr. (age 41) d/ Hetty FEESER (age 39) d/ Julia Ann (FEESER) (d/ 9 Jun 1873), intestate w/o Charles WOLFORD (age 50) - Jefferson Co, WV ............Jonas Ezra WOLFORD (age 22) - Berkeley Co, WV ............Charles Amos WOLFORD, (age 18) a minor - Jefferson Co, WV ............William Andrew WOLFORD, (age 16) a minor - Jefferson Co, WV ............Lydia Emeline WOLFORD, (13) a minor - Frederick County, MD d/ Martha (FEESER), dec'd w/o Charles A. FLENNER ............Francis J. FLENNER* ............Martha H. (FLENNER) w/o James DAVIS* d/ Naomi (FEESER), 2nd w/o Charles A. FLENNER (now dec'd) * d/ Amanda (FEESER) w/o Charles F. WANTZ * d/ Sarah A. (FEESER) w/o Francis P. HAMBURG * d/ Mary E. (FEESER) w/o Isaac T. SHRIVER * * Conveyed their shares to Lydia A. FEESER Sr. Julia A. & Charles WOLFORD sold their shares to Lydia Sr for $600 in Jun 1872 but Charles has refused the deed. Julia died a year later. LAND - "Frenchman's Purchase", 70 acres by Emmitsburg to Littlestown Road in Emmitsburg District; adjoining lands of George W. SINN and James NEELY. To Jacob FEASER from Nathaniel PATTERSON & w/ Mary at $350 in Apr 1837 [HS-5. 264]. - Lot #8 of "Frenchman's Purchase", 73 acres; 3 miles east of Emmitsburg; adjoins land of Samuel G. OHLER and George W. LINN. To Jacob FEASER from William W. PATTERSON & w/ Eleanor, William PATTERSON, M.D. & w/ Mary at $230 in Apr 1837 [HS-5, 265]. - "Frenchman's Purchase", 6 acres, by Emmitsburg to Littlestown Road; adjoining lands of William W. PATTERSON on the east, Adam BOWERS on the north and Jacob FEAZER on the west and southwest. To Jacob FEASER from Robert ALLISON & w/Matilda at $105 in Jun 1842 [HS-17, 343]. - Lot #4 of "Resurvey on Frenchman's Purchase", 5 acres. To Jacob FEASER from Adam BOWERS & w/ Mary Ann at $80 in Apr 1847 [WBT-6, 281]. Previously to Adam BOWER from William W. PATTERSON & wife and Dr. William PATTERSON & wife in Oct 1836 [HS-3, 414]. - "Resurvey on Frenchman's Purchase", 24 acres, along the Emmitsburg to Littlestown Road. To Jacob FEASER from Daniel FROCK & w/ Elizabeth at $260 in Aug 1848 [WBT-9, 36]. - Lot #2 of "Frenchman's Purchase", 2.75 acres To Jacob FEASER from Hannah ROWE, wid/of William, Rebecca ROW and Emeline M. ROW, heirs of William ROW $20 in Nov 1848 [WBT-9, 35]. Previously to William ROW from William W. PATTERSON & wife and Dr. William PATTERSON & wife in Feb 1836 [HS-4]. Less 59 acres sold after Jacob FEESER's death by the widow and his children, Amos, Lydia Ann, Hetty and July Ann WOLFORD to: - BALTZER SHEELEY in May 1875 [TG-3, 629]. Land lying on north side of Emmitsburg to Littlestown Road; adjoining lands of Jacob OHLER and Isaac LYNN. Guardian was Alfred RITTER. Testimony was heard 30 Sep 1885 from; - George W. LINN, age 41, farmer - Samuel G. OHLER, age 65, farmer, Emmitsburg District - Lydia Ann FEESER Jr, age 41, housekeeper, Emmitsburg; provided ages - Amos FEESER, age 43, farmer, Emmitsburg District Trustee was Eugene L. ROWE. Estate of 76 acres then adjoined lands of SHEELEY's, James NEALY, HOLLEBERRY's and Samuel G. OHLER. It was near the junction of the Emmitsburg to Baltimore Road. Improved with two 2-story weather boarded log houses, barn, stable, wagon shed and fruit trees; has good fencing and is well watered. Jacob Feeser Plat SALE was held 23 Nov 1885 on the premises; high bidder was: - Lydia A. FEESER Sr at $31/acre, $2,374.79 Distribution after court costs of $2,118.45 - Lydia A. FEESER Sr, widow, in lieu of dower, 1/10, $2,118.45 - Lydia A. FEESER Sr, 6/9, $1,271.07 - Amos FEESER, 1/9, $211.84 - Lydia A. FEESER Jr, 1/9, $211.84 - Hetty FEESER, 1/9, $211.84 Closed 30 Jan 1886.

William H. MICHAEL & Others vs Grafton B. CHRIST & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4988 - Jun 1884 Andrew MICHAEL, dec'd (Will TS-1, 160) - Extract To oldest son, Henry S. MICHAEL, the following estate: LAND - tract "Cooley's Spring", 110 acres. To Andrew MICHAEL from Israel REMSBURG & w/ Deborah at $3,000 in Jun 1833 [JS-43, 54]. Previously to Israel from Thomas CARLTON, Sheriff in Sep 1826 [JS-26, 394]. (farm from Ezra RAMSBURG, an heir of Adam MICHAEL) - Farm, 113 acres, southern half of middle farm, running parallel to north line of first mentioned farm. (from heirs of William MICHAEL) - "Mad Wife", southern half of 17 acres at corner of Carrolton Manor. To Andrew MICHAEL from Otho THOMAS & w/ Harriet at $680 in Sep 1840 [HS-11, 495]. Previously to Otho THOMAS from Notly THOMAS & w/ Catharine in Sep 1835 [JS-50, 291]. --- Henry S. MICHAEL d/ 1 Jan 1875 near Adamstown, intestate, leaving 12 children widow - Mary A. (age 72) s/ William H. MICHAEL & w/ Jane E. d/ Emily J. (MICHAEL) w/o Grafton B. CHRIST d/ Mary E. (MICHAEL) w/o Lewis SPECHT s/ John L. MICHAEL & w/ Mary s/ Joshua C. MICHAEL & w/ Margaret d/ Sarah A. (MICHAEL) w/o Cornelius RAMSBURG d/ Eliza (MICHAEL) w/o William CHRIST s/ Jerome MICHAEL & w/ Eugena d/ Minerva MICHAEL s/ Samuel C. MICHAEL & w/ Mary s/ Frederick Albertus MICHAEL & w/ Alice d/ Laura (MICHAEL) w/o James DEVILBISS LAND - 260 acres - "Resurvey on Hobson's Choice" and "Bunker's Hill", 81 acres; adjoined tract "Hill in the Middle". To Henry S. MICHAEL from Noah ECKERD & w/ Mary at $3,287 in Jan 1868 [CM-1, 298]. Previously to Noah ECKERD from Madison NELSON & w/ Josephine in Dec 1867. - "Mad Wife", 80 acres. To Henry S. MICHAEL from George W. SNOUFFER at $259 in Apr 1861 [BGF-6, 677]. SOLD by Henry S. MICHAEL & w/ Mary at $250 in Apr 1861 to: - George W. SNOUFFER for "Resurvey on Coaly Spring", 8 acres; adjoins land of Captain Otho THOMAS [BGF-6, 636]. On 27 Oct 1884, testimony was heard from: - John B. THOMAS, age 63, Frederick City - David O. THOMAS, age 35, Frederick City - William H. MICHAEL, age 52, son Trustee appointed was William H. MICHAEL on 22 Dec 1884. Sale was held 10 Oct 1885 at HAYDEN's store in Adamstown; high bidders were: - Marion S. MICHAEL for the home farm, 176 acres at $33/acre or $5,808 Located 1 1/2 miles south of Doub's Switch on the B&O Rair Road; adjoined lands of Ezra MICHAEL and George SNOUFFER. Improved with a brick house, barn young apple and peach orchard, with a convenient spring and a well in the yard; soil is limestone and red land. Acreage was corrected to be 125 acres. - John L. MICHAEL for 13 acres of woodland at $6/acre or $78 Located in the Cotoctin Mountain about 2 miiles from the home farm; adjoining land of Ezra MICHAEL. Timber was chestnut and oak. The 84 acre tract didn't receive a sufficient bid. Total sales, $5,886. 1st Distribution of $1,963.82 less court costs, $439.46 = $1,524.36 - Mary A. MICHAEL, widow, in lieu of dower, 1/10, $152.43 - each child's 1/12 share, $114.32 2nd & Final Distribution of $4,139.48 less court costs, $129.68 = $3,909.80 - Mary A. MICHAEL, widow, in lieu of dower, 1/10, $390.80 - each child's 1/12 share, $293.25 Closed 13 May 1886.

Note - Page 172 is blank

WIP-1, 173-186 - Burkittsville Female Seminary
Burkittsville Female Seminary vs Stockholders & Creditors of Burkittsville Female Seminary - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5070 - May 1885 The stockholders voted to dissolve the corporation. The institution had been closed for some time. Signatures on the request were: John HIGHTMAN, Ezra S. HORINE, Peter M. HORINE, Jacob YOUNG, Luther A. T. HORINE, Lewis H. KARN, Benjamin S. AHALT and Joshua AHALT, Carlton P. AHALT. Other stockholders were: Rev. W. C. WIRE of Mechanicstown; Mary M. KARN; Sarah S. EASTERDAY of Jefferson, Jhn A. HORINE; and St Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Burkittsville. All were of Burkittsville except those noted otherwise. LAND - Lot ( 74 x 300'). 3/4 acre in Burkittsville, situated in the famous Middletown Valley near the foot of South Mountain, within 2 miles of the B & O Railroad and in immediate vicinity of the contemplated summer residence of George Alfred TOWNSEND. Improved with a 3-story brick structure with basement, covered with slate, and contained 24 rooms with kitchen. The main building is 30 x 94' with back building 18 x 34' and was built as a school boarding house. There were two cisterns and a well with claimed medicinal qualities. There was a variety of fruit, shade and ornamental trees. To Council of St Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church of Burkittsville from Peter SHAFER [CM-8, 105?]; they in turn conveyed deed to officers of Burkittsville Female Seminary [CM-9, 435] in Apr 1872. Trustees were C. V. S. LEVY and Milton G. URNER. Sale was held 1 Aug 1885 on the premises; high bidders were: - Ezra S. HORINE and Luther A. T. HORINE at $3,100. Personal property sales, $540.06. Rent received from Miss Margaret ANTISELL, $40. Distribution of $3,680.06, less court costs, $319 = $3,361.06 - L. A. T. HORINE, claims, $143.22 - John HIGHTMAN & Sons, claims, $256.11 - Josephine KARN, claim, $25.51 Stockholders paid 34.7% on stock - Carlton P., AHALT on $500 stock, $173.52 - John HIGHTMAN on $300 stock, $104.11 - Jacob YOUNG, on $50 stock, $17.35 - Rev. W. C. WIRE, on $500 stock, $173.52 - Ezra S. HORINE, on $850 stock, $294.98 - M. C. HORINE, on $50 stock, $17.35 - John A. HORINE, on $50 stock, $17.35 - Mary M. KARN, on $50 stock, $17.35 - Sarah S. EASTERDAY, on $50 stock, $17.35 - Luither A. T. HORINE, on $50 stock, $17.30 - St Paul's Church, on $5,010.59 stock, $1,738.95 - Joshua AHALT, on $200 stock, $32.06 - Joshua AHALT, Voucher #6, $37.35 Closed 8 Feb 1886.

Cyrus L. GROSSNICKEL, et al vs Ellen E. GROSSNICKLE, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5093 - 1885 Daniel GROSSNICKLE d/ 15 Oct 1884 at home, intestate widow - Ellen Elizabeth (age abt 59) and 9 children, d/ Penelope A. w/o Addison G. HAUGH - Franklin Co, PA d/ Clara E. w/o Henry S. HAUGH - Seneca Co, Ohio s/ Parker C. GROSSNICKLE & w/ Mary E. s/ Cyrus L. GROSSNICKLE & w/ Laura A. s/ Benton E. GROSSNICKLE & w/ Clara F. s/ Tilghman L. GROSSNICKLE d/ Sarah E. GROSSNICKLE d/ Lauretta A. w/o Marshall BAUMGARDNER d/ Media B. GROSSNICKLE, a minor (age 14) LAND - "More Plague Than Profit", "Resurvey on This or None" and "Sixth Dividend", 128 acres, but now 114 acres, 1 mile from Double Pipe Creek in Wooodsborough District. Adjoined school house lot and corner of John MILLER's land, on road to WEACHER's Mill, now AMMON's Mill, and on road to Middleburg and Frederick BIRELY's land. Improved with a 2-story house with back building, bank barn, wagon shed, carriage house, smoke house, spring house with a spring. To Daniel GROSSNICKLE from Amon T. NORRIS & w/ Mary A. at $4,800 in Apr 1856 [ES-8, 366]. Exceptions - Sold to: - Philip WARNER for 1 acre in Jun 1884 [HS-23, 147] - Joshua MURPHY for 2 acres in Jun 1850 [WBT-12, 481]. - John ALBAUGH in Oct 1858; on road from Haugh Church to Mechanicstown [BGF-2, 490]. - Daniel R. SAYLOR for 6.75 acres in Jan 1883 [AF-7, 198]. - Benton E. GROSSNICKLE. 4.5 acres in 1885 (from Ellen E. GROSSNICKLE as admin) [Orphans Ct JPP-5, 423]. - Adam BIRELY, 1/4 acre, a small corner, unknown if deed. Guardian was Alfred RITTER, Esquire. Testimony was heard 15 Jun 1885 from: - Cyrus L. GROSSNICKLE - Benton E. GROSSNICKLE Trustee was Levi F. MILLER; tract was resurveyed to be 1 01 acres; on road from Woodsboro to Double Pipe Creek; adjoined lands of Adam D. BIRELY, Levi F. MILLER and Calvin WARNER. Grossnickle Farm Plat Sale was held 15 Aug 1885 on the premises; high bidder was: - John SNIDER at $4,710.47; sureties for note were Samuel NUSBAUM and William M. BOHN Distribution of $4,794.21 - court costs $414.66 = $4,379.55 - Ellen E. GROSSNICKLE, widow, in lieu of dower, 1/10, $437.96 - Multiple creditors, 45% of claims, $3,941.59 Closed 6 Mar 1886.

WIP-1, 216-221 - ADDISON, STONER
John R. STONER, assignee of mortgage of Frederick W. H. ADDISON & w/ Catharine of Carroll County - Report of Sales - Equity #5151 - Jan 1886 LAND - 114 acres in Frederick County, 4 miles NW of Mechanicstown, near Western Maryland Railroad and 1 mile from Slabtown Station and 2 miles from Lantz Station; adjoining lands of Frederick WILHIDE. Improved with a house and two barns, fruit trees and a spring; 25 acres in timber. To Frederick W. H. ADDISON from George M. ZIMMERMAN, trustee (Equity #4820). Previously to Adren CAUFMAN from Thomas GURLEY & wife in Mar 1871 [CM-7, 631]. - in Carroll County ...from Hugh HAUN in Apr 1873 [JBB-42, 333]. ...from Annie M. NORRIS & husband in Jul 1877 [FTS-48, 269] Mortgaged to Milton G. URNER at $1,250. Sale was held 15 Jan 1886 at GILBERT's Hotel in Mechanicstown; high bidder was: - Johnn R. STONER at $1,328.20 Distribution after court costs: - John R. STONER, partial mortgage claim, $1,142.56. Closed 19 Feb 1886.

Jacob BENDER & w/ Charlotte vs Frederick KEHLER & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5047 - 1885 Jacob KEHLER d/ 10-15 years ago, intestate widow - ______ - recently died bro/ Frederick KEHLER - Frederick City sis/ Sally KEHLER - Frederick City bro/ John KEHLER, dec'd .....unknown children - Out of State sis/ _______, dec'd w/o John BENDER .....Jacob BENDER & w/ Charlotte .....Edwin BENDER - Connellsville, PA .....Frank BENDER & w/ _____ - Grafton, WV .....Catharine (BENDER) w/o Frank BURGER - Grafton, WV .....Emma (BENDER) w/o Thomas ROBERTSON - Grafton, WV .....Elizabeth (BENDER) w/o Benjamin ATHERTON - Grafton, WV .....Henry BENDER, dec'd . . . . . wid/ Barbara - Maryland . . . . . . . .Elizabeth (BENDER) SELBY . . . . . . . .John H. L. BENDER . . . . . . . .George S. BENDER . . . . . . . .Fanny Lee BENDER . . . . . . . .Sally E. (BENDER) REID LAND - part of Lot #224 on "Addition to Frederick Town", on West Fifth St; adjoined lots of Wolfgang KOPP and Clayton SINN. Improved with a 1-story double weatherboarded house and attic. Other part of lot owned by Leonard OFFENDORFFER and occupied by John BENDER. To Jacob KEHLER from Ezra HOUCK, trustee (in 1851 Equity of John BENDER & w/ Elizabeth vs Frederick _____, in Dec 1851) [ES-2, 10]. Trustee was James McSHERRY. Sale was held 28 Sep 1885 at the court house; high bidder was: - Alexander WOODWARD at $910 Distribution after court costs of $595.02 - Frederick KEHLER, 1/4, $148.75 - Sally KEHLER, 1/4, $148.75 - John KEHLER's heirs, 1/4, $148.75 - John BENDER, curtesy share as spouse, 1/8 of 1/4, $18.59 -----Jacob BENDER, $18.59 -----Edwin BENDER, $18.59 -----Frank BENDER, $18.59 -----Catharine BURGER, $18.59 -----Emma ROBERTSON, $18.59 -----Elizabeth ATHERTON, $18.59 -----Henry BENDER's heirs ($18.59) ..........d/ Elizabeth SELBY, $3.71 ..........s/ John H. L. BENDER, $3.71 ..........s/ George S. BENDER, $3.71 ..........d/ Fanny Lee BENDER, $3.71 ..........d/ Sally E. REID, $3.71 Closed 10 Mar 1886.

Levi A. HUMM, et al vs Emma J. HUMM - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5028 - Nov 1884 Jane R. HUMM d/ 18 Nov 1884 in Mount Pleasant, intestate s/ Levi A. HUMM s/ John W. HUMM & w/ Clara V. s/ Samuel M. HUMM & w/ Annie K. s/ Benjamin F. HUMM & w/ Mary G. d/ Susan A. HUMM d/ Annie C. HUMM d/ Emma J. HUMM, a minor d/ Mamie E. HUMM, a minor s/ Harry E. HUMM, a minor A few days before the death of Jane R. HUMM, she agreed to purchase real estate from W. Irving PARSONS & w/ Laura J. at $4,000 and provided a deposit of $200. LAND - "Taskers Chance", 35 acres (M&B, plat), 3 miles north of Frederick on road from Frederick to Bethel; adjoined land of Joseph CRONISE and C. SAUERWEIN. Improved with a 2-story stone house, nearly new, with six rooms and a kitchen attached; also a bank barn, wagon shed, corn house and hog pen; a well near the house and an apple and peach orchard; has limestone and is a mile from Harmonoy Grove Station. Stipulation that small frame building erected on the premises by Casper RAMSBURG will be removed by him. Previously to W. Irving PARSONS from Adam RAILING & w/ Louisa V. at $4,000 in Apr 1884 [AF-9, 79]. To Adam RAILING from Henry RAILING & wife in Apr 1868 [CM-1, 575]. Guardian was Alfred RITTER. Testimony was heard 22 Dec 1884 from: - John W. HUMM - Samuel H. BROWN Trustee was John W. HUMM. Sale was held 13 Jan 1885 at the City Hotel in Frederick; high bidder was: - Levi Albert HUMM at $3,570 Distribution: court costs, $112.30 - W. Irving PARSONS, mortgage, $3,457.70 Closed 30 Mar 1886. NOTES - Frederick Co, MD Marriage Licenses - Edward HUM to Jane Rebecca RENNER - 30 Jan 1855 - Benjamin F. HUMM, 24, farmer to Mary G. RHOADS, 22 - 04/10/1884 by N. H. Skyles near Frederick, Ref 204 - John W. HUMM, 25, farmer to Clara V. MAINHART, 23 - 03/29/1882 by George Diehl in Frederick, Ref 230 - Samuel M. HUMM, 24, farmer to Annie K. SMITH, 20 - 12/28/1882 by J. D. Freed in Frederick, Ref 240

Randolf G. STULL - Petition - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5095 - May 1885 Lovis STULL, dec'd (Will GH-1, 203 filed 26 May 1857) s/ Lewis STULL (section w/ old house) d/ Susanna (STULL) w/o Noah HOY (section w/ stone house & carriage house) LAND - "Locust Thicket" and "What You Please", 107 acres in Woodsboro District. To Lovie STULL from William DUDDERER in Jul 1831. - "The Fifth Dividend" and "The Third Chance", 5 acres To Lovie STULL from Samuel KRISE & wife in Nov 1832. Division of Farm Agreement between Lewis STULL and Susanna HOY gave Lewis the western half and Susanna the eastern half of the farm and Lewis to have the NE portion and Susanna to have the SW portion of the five acres. Surveyed by David ROOP and signed 24 Aug 1857 [Deed BGF-1, 93]. Lewis STULL d/ abt 4 years ago (Will JPP-1, 168, written 15 Oct 1881) w/ Minerva A. (recently died) s/ Randolf G. STULL (only son) d/ Ida/Ada B. (STULL) LEGORE d/ Catharine L. (STULL), dec'd w/o ____ HARP .......Allice A. HARP .......John D. HARP .......David J. HARP Exec/ wife Witnesses: Emanuel RENNER, Henry KRISE, George W. SHANK Note - No trustee was appointed in the Will to sell the real estate after the death of the widow. ----- LAND - Estate from mother, in Woodsboro District, 53 acres & 2.5 acres. - "Gist's Forest", Lot #3, 12.25 acres of wood land To Lewis STULL from Nathaniel EYLER & w/ Sophia T. at $125 in Jun 1868 [CM-2, 193]. Trustee was Randolf G. STULL. Sale was held 15 Oct 1885 on the premises; high bidders were: - Simon P. SAYLOR for the 55 acres at $4,035.61 - Henry A. HINEA for the 12.25 acres at $32.50 Total sales, $4,068.11 Distribution after court costs of $4,180.61 - Legacies .....Ida B. LEGORE, $2,000 .....Alice A. HARP, $500 .....John D. HARP, $500 .....David J. HARP, $500 - Balance to heirs .....Randolph G. STULL, 1/3, $130.43 .....Ida B. LEGORE, 1/3, $130.43 .....Alice A. HARP, 1/3 of 1/3, $43.47 .....John D. HARP, 1/3 of 1/3, $43.47 .....David J. HARP, 1/3 of 1/3, $43.47 Closed 29 Mar 1886. NOTES - Frederick C0, MD Marriage Licenses - Lewis STULL to Minerva Ann BARRICK - 27 Nov 1837 - Susan STULL to Noah HOY - 4 Jan 1838 - Catharine Louisa STULL to Jacob HARP - 24 Oct 1859 - Randolph G. STULL to Kate E. HULL - 5 Feb 1864 - Ada B. STULL, 19 to James W. LEGORE, 24 - 03/17/1881 by Wm. Palmer of Carroll County, near Creagerstown - Ref #298

Adam Wesley PALMER & w/ Rebecca vs Anna PALMER, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5004 - Aug 1884 Daniel PALMER d/ Feb 1884, intestate widow - Anna "Annie" (age 78) and 9 children: d/ Caroline (PALMER) w/o Peter GAVER d/ Mary (PALMER) w/o Hezekiah SKEGGS - Ohio d/ Lydia (PALMER) w/o William PALMER - Illlinois d/ Amanda (PALMER) w/o William Henry STOTTLEMYER - Ohio s/ Adam Wesley PALMER & w/ Rebecca s/ Howard PALMER & w/ Josephine d/ Louisa Ellen (PALMER) w/o Thomas SMITH - Montgomery Co, Ohio d/ Elizabeth (PALMER) SHUFF, dec'd .......Alice V. (SHUFF) w/o Theodore SMITH .......Cyrus C. SHUFF .......Florence E. SHUFF, a minor .......William H. H. SHUFF, a minor d/ Loretta (PALMER) WACHTEL, dec'd - Ohio .......Mary Lizzie WACHTEL - Ohio .......Willie Elmer WACHTEL, a minor - Ohio .......Flora Belle WACHTEL, a minor - Ohio .......Joseph Stanley WACHTEL, a minor - Ohio LAND - "The Land of Promise", 17.75 acres, along the Catoctin Creek; 1/4 mile east of Ellerton on right side of Myersville to Wolfsville road in Jackson District; adjoins lands of Frisby CARTEE (or CARTER), Peter GAVER and Martin GROSSNICKLE. Improved with a 2-story frame and brick-cased house (6 rooms and a kitchen) with a log and brick-cased back building, a cellar under the entire building and had a new roof and spring near the door with a spring house and bank barn, bake oven, hog pens and fruit trees. To Daniel PALMER from Madison NELSON, trustee (in Chancery Court #1725 of Daniel PALMER vs Adam ROUTZONG reps in Feb 1841) at in Aug 1849 [WIP-9, 367]. ...Exception - Sale to Peter GAVER from Daniel PALMER & w/ Anna for 77 perches at $38.50 [ES-1, 366]. ...Exception - Sale to Caroline GAVER from Daniel PALMER & w/ Anna for 2 acres at $270.93 [AF-5, 466]. Leaving 15.25 acres. - "Murdock Mountain Resurvey", 110.5 acres, by road from Hamburg to BUZZARD's Saw Mill and land of Benjamin ROUTZAHN and Peter LEATHERMAN's "Resurvey on A Mile Long". To Daniel PALMER from William F. JOHNSON & w/ Elizabeth at $331.50 in Jul 1843 [HS-20, 397]. ...Exception - Sale to Adam Wesley PALMER & w/ Rebecca from Daniel PALMER & w/ Annie for 17 acres at $30 in Apr 1882 [AF-7, 324]. ...Exception - Sale to Peter GROSSNICKEL from Daniel PALMER & w/ Annie for 14 acres, on south side of road from Wolfsville to Frederick City via Hamburgh, at $96 in May 1876 [TG-5, 418]. ...Exception - Sale to Mary Ann HILTABIDLE (w/o George) from Daniel PALMER & w/ Anna for 7.75 acres at $4/acre in Nov 1856 [ES-10, 79]. - "Murdock Mountain Resurvey", 25.34 acres of mountain land in Catoctin District, 1.5 miles NE of Ellerton and NE of the farm; adjoined lands of Mahlon GROSSNICKLE and Washington GAVER. Timbered with Chestnut and Oak. To Daniel PALMER from Joseph GROFF & w/ Susan at $373.15 in Jan 1866 [JWLC-3, 414]. - 7 acres of mountain land, 3 miles NE of Ellerton on Highland to New Cut road in Catoctin District; adjoined lands of A. W. PALMER and Wesley KING. Timbered with Chestnut and Oak. Guardian was Alfred RITTER. Testimony was heard 1 Jun 1885 from: - Adam Wesley PALMER, age 50 - Ezra ROUTZAHN, age 49 Trustee was Adam Wesley PALMER. SALE was held 1 Jan 1886 at BITTLE's Store in Ellerton; high bidders were: - George Silas HARP for the 15.25 acre farm at $1,901 - Charles C. GROSSNICKLE for 25 acres of mountain land at $42 - Willliam H. GROSSNICKLE for 7 acres of mountain land at $79.10 Total sales, $2,022.31. Distribution after court costs - Annie PALMER, widow, in lieu of dower, 1/10, $176.61 - Multiple creditors, $888 - Each child's 1/9 share, $77.87 (Each SHUFF & WACHTEL grandchild rec'd 1/4 of 1/9, $19.46) Closed 27 Apr 1886. NOTES - Frederick Co, MD Marriage Licenses - Daniel PALMER to Ann DELAWTER - 8 Nov 1825 - Mary Ann PALMER to Hezekiah SKEGGS - 5 Sep 1846 - Caroline PALMER to Peter GAVER - 18 Sep 1847 - Lydia PALMER to William R. PALMER - 20 Dec 1851 - Elizabeth PALMER to William SHUFF - 22 May 1857 - Adam Wesley PALMER to Rebecca WEDDLE - 8 Jan 1859 - Loretta PALMER to Jacob Solomon WACHTER (should be WACHTEL) - 29 Oct 1861 - Louisa E. PALMER, 18 to Thomas M. SMITH, 24, farmer - 23 Sep 1869 by George Diehl in FC Ref #480

WIP-1, 298-308 - NIXDORFF, SMITH
Lewis M. NIXDORFF and Franklin B. SMITH, mortgagees of Henry M. NIXDORFF - Report of Sales - Equity #5168 - Feb 1886 LAND - Lot (64 x 473') on north side of West Patrick St in Frederick; lies west from intersection of Bentz St; adjoining lot of Laurence BENTZ. Improved with a 2-story brick building used as a store room; has side inlet under second Story that could be converted into a hallway (side by Bentz St). Other side has double brick house with 1-story brick back building with attic. To Henry M. NIXDORFF by Lewis M. NIXDORFF, trustee (Equity #3604 in Jan 1874; TG-1, 412). Inherited by Henry M. NIXDORFF and conveyed to Susan NIXDORFF by Lewis M. NIXDORFF, trustee (Equity #2952, BGFF-8, 179). Previously to Samuel NIXDORFF from Charles SHELL in Mar 1786 [WR-6, 348]. Sale was held 13 Feb 1886 at the Court House; high bidders were: - Lewis M. HILDEBRAND for 43 x 473' lot on corner of West Patrick & Bentz St at $2,430 - Lewis M. HILDEBRAND for 43 x 473' lot $2,801 Total sales, $5,231 Distribution after court costs: - Fredericktown Savings, partial mortgage, $4,506.81 Closed 1 May 1886.

WIP-1, 308-321- POTTS, JOHNSON
Dr. George JOHNSON, trustee - Sale of Stocks & Bonds - Equity #4830 - Oct 1882 Eleanor POTTS d/ testate Nephews: - 1/ Worthington R. JOHNSON 2/ Richard P. JOHNSON 3/ Ross JOHNSON d/ 19 Jan 1883 ...w/ Maria L. ......Mary P. JOHNSON ......Worthington JOHNSON ......John Ross JOHNSON ......Eleanor M. JOHNSON ......Nathan H. JOHNSON ......Richard P. JOHNSON ......Maria H. JOHNSON ......Harriette M. JOHNSON, a minor ......Ross JOHNSON, a minor ......Jane Beall JOHNSON, a minor Interest on rents to provide for wives and children of nephews; after nephew's death, his share to be distributed among his children. Dr. George JOHNSON to be trustee for children of Ross JOHNSON. Execs/ brother-in-law, Richard H. MARSHALL and brother, George M. POTTS [Will JPP-1, 264 written 9 Oct 1880; filed 6 Jun 1882] LAND - Six ground rents in Baltimore City on Harlem Ave, between Schroeder St and Arlington Ave. (investment for wife and children of Ross JOHNSON) Stocks and Bonds were to be sold for Ross' family. Distribution from sale of Stocks and Bonds, $20,118.48 - Ross JOHNSON's children, each 1/10 share, $2,011.84 Closed 3 May 1883. Note - Pages 318 & 319 are blank

Peter FOGLE vs Matthias D. FOGLE & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5083 - Apr 1885 David FOGLE d/ 3 Apr 1885, intestate s/ Mathias D. FOGLE & w/ Catharine - Ohio s/ Peter FOGLE Admin/ Daniel E. BUCKEY LAND - "Fatt Mutton Enlarged", 30.25 acres, in the Johnsville, the 17th District. To David FOGLE from Baltzer FOX & w/ Nancy at $400 in Jan 1836 [HS-2, 320]. (Devised from Will of Henry FOGLE to his daughter, Nancy FOX) "Fatt Mutton Enlarged", 1 acre. To David FOGLE from John ILER of Peter & w/ Catharine at $300 in Jul 1867 [DSB-2, 6]. Previously to John ILER from Peter ILER & w/ Susanna in Aug 1852 [ES-1, 444]. - "The Worst of All", 4 acres. To David FOGLE from Emanuel RENNER at $276 in Apr 1872 [CM-9, 49]. Previously to RENNER from Jacob ROOT, trustee to Emanuel RENNER. - 4.5 acres; no deed but in his occupancy for 20 years. Trustee was Daniel E. BUCKEY. After a failed public sale, on 14 Sep 1885, sale was made to: - George Henry HILDEBRAND for the 40+ acres at $1,300 Distribution: court costs, $180.05 = $1,119.95 - Peter FOGLE, 85% of claim, $42.49 - Matilda E. FOGLE, 85% of claim, $63.71 - Moses WOOD, guardian of E. J. FOGLE, 85% of claim, $196.07 - Moses WOOD, guardian of C. H. FOGLE, 85% of claim, $196.07 - Moses WOOD, guardian of Annie B. FOGLE, 85% of claim, $196.07 - Frederick CRUM, 85% of claim, $189.96 - James M. SMITH, 85% of claim, $27.71 - George P. BUCKEY, 85% of claim, $92.62 - William L. DIEHL, 85% of claim, $115.25 Closed 6 May 1886.

Sophia CLEM, assignee of William H. HARMAN, mortgagee of Martin L. CLEM & w/ Sophia - Report of Sales - Equity #5173 - Mar 1886 Martin L. CLEM d/ 12 Apr 1879, intestate wid/ Sophia and three minor children s/ Harry F. CLEM s/ Elmer J. CLEM d/ Mary B. CLEM Sophia CLEM claimed she had spent $400 of her own money for improvements on the property. Land - Lot #136 & part of #142 in Lewistown. Improved with a 1 1/2 story weatherboarded house; then in occupancy of D. M. WACHTER. To Martin L. CLEM from William H. HARMAN in Mar 1877. Sale was held 6 Mar 1886 on the premises; high bidder was: - Sophia CLEM at $350 Distribution after court costs: - Sophia CLEM, mortgage claim, $77.18 - Sophia CLEM, partial payment for improvements, $214.67 Closed 14 May 1886.

Margaret C. SCHINDLER & Others - Petition - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5041 - Jan 1885 Jacob REESE d/ Mar 1872 (Will written 13 Dec 1865) wid/ Catharine d/ Nov 1884 leaving his siblings: sis/ Elizabeth SCHINDLER, dec'd - 1/ Susan EASTERDAY - 2/ ______ HERRING, dec'd ..........Edward C. HERRING (only child) - 3/ ______ DERR, dec'd ..........Joanna RAMSBURG ..........Amanda WISE ..........John DERR ..........Carlton DERR - 4/ _______ SCHLINDER, dec'd ..........Hamilton F. SCHINDLER ..........Jonathan J. SCHINDLER ..........Theodore C. SCHINDLER ..........Mary C. TOMS ..........Margaret SCHINDLER sis/ Catharine MARTZ, dec'd - 1/ Mary Margaret Ann ZIMMERMAN - 2/ Margaret Rebecca MEASEL - 3/ Elizabeth HAINES - 4/ Catharine Sophia GALL - 5/ George Jacob MARTZ - 6/ Daniel MARTZ, dec'd ..........Sarah Catharine FAVORITE ..........Daniel Solomon MARTZ ..........Lavina Ellen BUHRMAN ..........George Jacob MARTZ ..........Louisa F. PLANK - 7/ David MARTZ, dec'd ..........Lewis J. MARTZ ..........Wilson N. MARTZ ..........Martha E. WACHTER ..........Caroline C. HOUCK ..........Ann V. WHITMORE ..........Julia C. STULL ..........Daniel/David H. MARTZ ..........Theodore A. MARTZ ..........George S. MARTZ ..........Charles C. MARTZ bro/ John REESE, dec'd - 1/ Cornelius C. REESE - 2/ David F. REESE - 3/ Lewis H. REESE - 4/ Susanna WACHTER - 5/ Rebecca WACHTER - 6/ Catharine NUSBAUIM - 7/ Elizabeth DERR - 8/ John W. REESE, dec'd (his children) - two colored persons (formerly his servants but freed by manumissions - to be paid $50 each 1 year after his death) .....Sarah RUSSELL .....Mary WILSON (Names and relationships from court records) Exec/ John DERR Witnesses: G. J. RICE, Thomas OTT, James E. RICE Codicil - After John DERR died, John D. GETZENDANNER was named as executor; but the codicil was never signed or dated. LAND - Lot #198 which included Lots #199-206 on east side North Market St in Frederick City. Improved with a 2-story 9-room brick house and 2-story brick back building attached, a stable and carriage house. To Jacob REESE from Godfrey KOONTZ & w/ Ann Maria at $2,000 in Sep 1843 [HS-20, 449]. Previously to KOONTZ from Samuel CRONISE, trustee in May 1835 [JS-49, 134]. - Vacant lot (55 x 230') in rear of house, fronting Middle Alley. To Jacob REESE from Robert SMITH at $60 in Mar 1839 [HS-8, 274]. Previously to SMITH from Thomas BEALL in Mar 1838 [HS-6, 315]. - 1/2 undivided share of "Dulaney's Lot", 1 acre with old house, on east side of the Monocacy River, 4 miles NE of Frederick and 1/4 mile from the Frederick to Woodsboro pike; adjoined farm of George HOKE on the east and an old graveyard on the west. To Jacob REESE from William BEALL at $50 in Feb 1838 [HS-6, 337]. Both named executors have since died and the widow of Jacob REESE has also died. Per Jacob's Will, the property is to be sold and divided among the heirs. Admin/ Andrew J. WILCOXON. Trustee was Lewis H. REESE but there was question whether the administrator or trustee would make the sale; pending appeal. SALE was held 16 Jan 1886 at the City Hotel in Frederick; high bidders were: - D. Sidney T. SMITH for Lot #198 with house and rear lot at $3,550 - S. Theodore STAUFFER for the 1 acre at $52.50 Total sales, $3,602.50 Also sold at the same time was a small frame house on Kleinhart's Alley between Sixth & ___ Sts in Frederick City belonging to Sarah RUSSELL. Distribution of $3,752.50; less court costs, $663.20 = $3,089.30 - Each 1/3 share to the three siblings, $1,029.76 (siblings' shares divided equally to their heirs) Closed 12 May 1886. NOTES - Frederick County Marriage Licenses - John REESE to Mary ZACHARIAH - 23 Nov 1799 - Elizabeth REESE to Daniel SCHINDLER - 9 May 1808 - Catharine REESE to George MARTZ - 21 Aug 1809 - Jacob REESE to Catharine DERR - 6 Jun 1822 - John REESE to Susanna STALEY - 7 Oct 1811 - Susannah REESE to Philip WACHTER - 11 Jun 1834 - Ann R. REESE to Michael WACHTER - 20 Mar 1848 - Susanna SCHINDLER to Daniel EASTERDAY - 15 Mar 1841 - Harriet SHINDLER to John DERR of Jacob - 22 Feb 1842 - Ann M. SCHINDLER to Edward L. HERRING - 19 Mar 1847 - Mary C SCHINDLER to Isaiah I. TOMS - 29 Jul 1857 - Jonathan I. SCHINDLER to Cordelia E. SMITH - 23 Apr 1859 - Amanda V. DERR, 21 to Charles E. WISE, 24, carpenter - 20 Dec 1866 in Middletown - Catharine S. MARTZ to Henry GALL - 27 Oct 1847 - Caroline C. MARTZ to Isaac J. HOUCK - 21 Jul 1863 - Annie V. MARTZ, 21 to Randolph A. WHITMORE, 28, farmer - 14 Dec 1867 - Sarah MARTZ, 22 to Joseph FAVORITE, 25, farmer - 25 Feb 1869 - David H. MARTZ, 21, farmer to Laura F. HOUCK, 21 - 13 Feb 1873 - Julia C. MANTZ/MARTZ, 25 to Daniel L. STULL, 25, farmer - 9 Oct 1873

WIP-1, 366-373 - CLABAUGH, ANNAN
Isaac S. ANNAN and James C. ANNAN, t/a I. S. ANNAN & Bro, mortgagees of Thomas CLABAUGH & w/Catharine - Report of Sales - Equity #5164 - Feb 1886 LAND - parts of "John's Child", "The Resurvey on John's Child" and "Carolina", 56.5 acres west of Emmitsburg; adjoining tract "Himmits Fancy". Improved with a 2-story brick house, 1-story log house, small bank barn, hog pen, apple and cherry trees. Exception: 2 acres to Emmittsburg Watter Company in Dec 1883. To Thomas CLABAUGH from Henry HARBAUGH & w/ Martha in Jun 1868 [CM-6, 186]. - "Carolina", 9-acre mountain lot west of Emmitsburg; adjoined other tract and land of John M. BELL. To Thomas CLABAUGH from John HUMERICK & wife in Apr 1866 [JWLC-4, 259]. Mortaged at $952.79. Sale was held 15 Feb 1886 at the Emmit House in Emmitsburg; high bidders were: - I. S. ANNAN & Bro for 56.5 acres at $18/acre - I. S. ANNAN & Bro for 9 acres at $17.50/acre Total sales, $1,131.08 Distribution: after court costs, - I. S. ANNAN & Bro, partial mortgage claim, $913.36 Closed 13 Apr 1886.

Levin HURLEY & w/ Mary Ann vs John W. BLICKENSTAFF, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5112 - Sep 1885 George U. W. HURLEY d/ 25 Sep 1884, intestate, unmarried, no issue sis/ _____ (HURLEY) BLICKENSTAFF * .....1/ John W. BLICKENSTAFF & w/ Mary Jane - Indiana .....2/ Amanda E. (BLICKENSTAFF) w/o Jonathan M. WOLF * .....3/ George W. BLICKENSTAFF & w/ Mary E. * .....4/ Lydia A. (BLICKENSTAFF) w/o Albert W. BARTGIS * .....5/ Mary J. (BLICKENSTAFF) * (now dec'd) w/o Lewis H. KELBAUGH - Carroll County . . . . . .a/ Walter KELBAUGH, a minor - Frederick County . . . . . .b/ John KELBAUGH, a minor - Frederick County sis/ - Catharine (HURLEY) w/o David SELSAM * bro/ Josiah H. HURLEY & w/ Mary L. - Ackley, Iowa * bro/ John E. HURLEY & w/ Mary Ann - Kansas * bro/ Levin HURLEY & w/ Mary Ann * LAND - "The Range About the Three Miserable Knobs", now 70 acres, two miles north of Wolfsville, on east side of Wolfsville to Foxville road. Adjoined lands of Daniel FORREST and Mathias STOTTLEMYER in 1886. Then occupied by Joseph BECKER. Improved with a 2-story log and weather-boarded house, bank barn, spring near the house, fruit orchards, good fencing, part in timber. Included: - 37.5 acres To George U. W. HURLEY from Daniel W. FORREST, trustee of Solomon FORREST, dec'd, at $896 in Jan 1873 [AF-11, 319]. - 8.75 acres To George U. W. HURLEY from Hezekiah PALMER & w/ Susan, Pointon STOTELMYER & w/ Margaret Jane, John M. STOTELMYER & w/ Mary, and B. Franklin STOTELMYER & w/ Maria at $39 in May 1872 [AF-11, 311]. Previously from John P. STOTELMYER in Apr 1870 [CM-5, 545]. - 7 acres; adjoined land of John STOTTLEMIERE. To George U. W. HURLEY from John HAYNES & w/ Sarah at $60 in Apr 1853 [BGF-3, 105]. Previously to Moses HURLEY from Thomas BEATTY for 104.5 acres in Mar 1813. - 9 acres, in Catoctin District; adjoined corner of the school house lot (FORREST's School House). To George U. W. HURLEY from Jacob P. SWOPE & w/ Margaret at $70 in Jan 1854 [BGF-3, 103]. - 44 acres; adjoined land of Peter PRYOR. To John E. HURLEY and George U. W. HURLEY from Elias BLICKENSTAFF & w/ Elizabeth. (Deed of Trust by heirs of Levin HURLEY Sr, dec'd) at $400 in Apr 1876 [AF-11, 318]. EXCEPTION - Sale to Susan HAYS of 32 Acres. EXTRACT from #98 & 99 Proceedings - Sep 1885 Decatur, IL - Jun 15, 1864 - $422.87 - John E. HURLEY (Cowley Co, Kansas) has attachment on estate of Josiah H. HURLEY pending. Attachment #39 issued 14 Apr 1885 in Frederick Co, MD on interest of his share in George U. W. HURLEY estate containing 70 acres and lying near FORREST's School House in Catoctin District; land purchased from D. FORREST, J. SWOPE, H. PALMER, John HANES and H. C. HAYS; adjoins lands of Daniel H. FORREST on NE, Samuel PRIOR on the west, John BAKER on the NW, Henry C. HAYS on the east and E. MOSER on the south. - George W. GROVE, Sheriff Summons served by Luther C. DERR, Sheriff of Frederick County. Mrs. Catharine SELSAM wrote a letter to Mr MOTTER for the court for not being able to appear as she was 73 years old and weighed 220 pounds and has to walk with a cane and is too weak to make a trip; consents to the sale. Send letters to Burkittsville. - Jan 4, 1886 Guardian was Alfred RITTER. Testimony was heard 22 Jan 1886 from: - Levin HURLEY, age 57, Wolfsville - George W. BLICKENSTAFF, age 43, near Wolfsville Trustee was Levin HURLEY. SALE was held 27 Mar 1886 on the premises; high bidder was: - Luther M. WISE at $1,101 Distribution of $1,003.84 less court costs, $282.44 = $821.40 - Levin HURLEY, 1/5, $164.28 - John E. HURLEY, 1/5, $164.28 - Catharine SELSAM, 1/5, $164.28 - John E. HURLEY for assignment of Josiah HURLEY, 1/5, $164.28 - John W. BLICKENSTAFF, 1/5 of 1/5, $32.85 - Amanda E. WOLF, 1/5 of 1/5, $32.85 - George W. BLICKENSTAFF, 1/5 of 1/5, $32.85 - Lydia A. BARTGIS, 1/5 of 1/5, $32.85 - Walter KELBAUGH, 1/2 of 1/5 of 1/5, $16.42 - John KELBAUGH, 1/2 of 1/5 of 1/5, $16.42 Closed 29 May 1886. *NOTES - Frederick Co, MD Marriage Licenses - Elizabeth HURLEY to Elias BLICKENSTAFF - 13 May 1839 - Catharine HURLEY yo David SELSAM - 20 Sep 1843 - Levin HURLEY to Mary MORRISON - 3 Jun 1851 - John E. HURLEY to Mary Ann TOMS - 27 Jul 1864 - Josiah HURLEY, 23, farmer to Mary Elizabeth SWOPE, 22 - 13 Jan 1876 by George E. Maydwell in FC - Amanda E. BLICKENSTAFF to Jonathan WOLF - 10 Sep 1862 - Mary Jane BLICKENSTAFF, 18 to Lewis H. KELBAUGH, 21, collier - 23 Dec 1870 by Jonathan H. Baker in FC - Lydia A. BLICKENSTAFF, 21 to Albert W. BARTGIS, 26, shoemaker - 8 Dec 1880 in Wolfsville by Edw. Smith of WC - George W. BLICKENSTAFF, 39, farmer to Mary E SHAW, 26 - 8 Nov 1881 by D. Gibbon in Ellerton

Margaret E. S.HOOD, thru James M. HOOD, mortgagee of Benjamin F. STEWART & w/ Annie M. - Report of Sales - Equity #5179 - Mar 1886 LAND - Central Hotel on south side of West Patrick Street, running south along west side Brewers Alley for 365 feet. Improved with a 4-story brick hotel, stables, shedding To Benjamin F. STEWART from John Thomas SINN in Feb 1882 [AF-4, 659]. - Mortgaged to Margaret E. S. HOOD at $4,000. - 2nd Mortgage to William STEWART of Washington County at $3,000; assigned to Hagertown Steam Engine & Machine Company who assigned it to John L. NICODEMUS. William STEWART petitioned the court: - Mortgage to Henry E. SMITH in Feb 1885; Deed of Trust. Henry then sold the hotel to Annie M. STEWART at $2,350 (Equity #5052); Annie & Benjamin issued a mortgage to William STEWART in May 1885. Sale was held 26 Mar 1886 at the Central Hotel (then known as the Stewart House) - Peter L. HARGETT and Douglass H. HARGETT, t/a P. L. HARGETT & Co, at $10,000 Distribution of $10,000; court costs, $441.40 = $9,558.60 - Margaret E. S. HOOD, 1st mortgage, $4,275.33 - John L. NICODEMUS, 2nd mortgage, $3,357 - William STEWART, partial mortgage, $1,906.27 Closed 29 May 1886.

William PLUMMER, et al vs Jesse J. PLUMMER, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5104 - Jul 1885 LAND - two adjoining Lots (66 x 335') on north side of Main St in New Market by alley; adjoining lot of Mrs. REAM. - front of Lot #4 - back of Lot #21 Improved with a 2-story weatherboarded double house with a 1-story back building; has fruit trees. - 99 acre farm on east side of road from New Market to Liberty; adjoining town of New Market on the south and land of Jesse WRIGHT on the north. Devised to William PLUMMER by his father Thomas PLUMMER in his Will dated 20 Jun 1777. William PLUMMER issued a deed to Jessee PLUMMER in Oct 1853; providing William with a life estate [ES-4, 304]. Jesse PLUMMER d/ without issue, testate widow - Mary G. sis/ Rachel PLUMMER (last surviving sister) d/ 1883 sis/ Elizabeth PLUMMER sis/ Ellen PLUMMER sis/ Rebecca P. TAYLOR sis/ Mary P? JOHNS bro/ William PLUMMER, dec'd ..........William PLUMMER ..........Mary PLUMMER ..........Caroline PLUMMER ..........Francis W. PLUMMER & w/ Florinda A. ..........Jesse H. PLUMMER & w/ Mary L. ..........Edward H. PLUMMER & w/ Georgia M. ..........Harriet E. (PLUMMER) w/o Basil SOLLERS bro/ Thomas PLUMMER, dec'd ..........Jesse J. PLUMMER - New York ..........Charles PLUMMER - Kansas ..........Annie W. (PLUMMER) w/o ____ HUGHES ..........Samuel W. PLUMMER & w/ Mary E. His Will devised his estate to his single and married sisters (who are all now deceased); then to his heirs. (brothers and their children's names from court records) Exec/ Rachel PLUMMER Witnesses: John FARQUHAR, William W. OGBORN, Pemberton WOOD [Will APK-1, 7; written 18 Aug 1835] LAND in addition to that from his father: - House & Lot in New Market - 32 acres on west side of road from New Market to Friends Meeting House - 16 acres of Woodland on Rock Hill Trustees were William H. HINKS and Charles V. S. LEVY. Sale was held 7 Nov 1885 on the premises; high bidders were: - John W. WOOD for the two adjoining lots at $1,025 1st Distribution of $572.50 less court costs, $130.60 = $381.90 - William PLUMMER's children, each 1/7 of 1/2, $47.73 - Thomas PLUMMER's children, each 1/4 of 1/2, $27.27 Closed 31 May 1886.

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George P. BUCKEY and Emanuel FOGLE, creditors vs George A. HOFF, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5078 - Mar 1885 Magdalena BIDDINGER d/ 12 Dec 1884, testate s/ George Abraham HOFF - Out of State .....w/ Anna Mary E. - Frederick County ............William T. HOFF, a minor (age 6) No mine to be opened on said property. Exec/ Henry SAYLOR (renounced) Witnesses: Moses SHAW, Frederick GREEN, Thomas JONES [Will JPP-2, 46 - written 12 Jul 1883; filed 22 Dec 1884] LAND - Small farm, 29 acres, in 17th District of Frederick County, a mile SW of Good Intent School House on road leading to Woodsboro and on road from Ladiesburg to Johnsville and 1 mile from Ladiesburg and 2.5 miles from Johnsville; within half a mile of the Frederick & P. Railroad; adjoined the lands of Joseph HILDEBRAND, John BAKER and Mrs. William H. BOWMAN. Improved with a 2-story log house, stable and shedding with a spring near the house and a large apple orchard and other fruit trees. To Magdalena BIDDINGER of Carroll County from Samuel PUTMAN & w/ Elizabeth A. at $1,140 in Jun 1877 [TG-9, 611]. Previously to Sarah A. V. PUTMAN from Jacob STITELY of J. and Joseph GROFF, attys/for David FITES & wife [TG-2, 229]; and conveyed in a mortgage from Sarah A. V. PUTMAN and Hezediah PUTMAN to Samuel PUTMAN [TG-1, 527]; (Equity #4095). Guardian was Alfred RITTER. Testimony was heard 28 Nov 1885 from: - Anna M. E. HOFF Trustee was Charles V. S. LEVY. SALE was held 6 Feb 1886 at the Rail Road Station in Ladiesburg; high bidder was: - Rufus FLICKINGER at $1,007 Distribution after court costs and claims by the creditors: - George A. HOFF for life & upon his death to Annie M. E. HOFF, the balance, $1.63 Closed 11 May 1886.

Levin HURLEY & Others vs John W. BLICKENSTAFF & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5116 - Mar 1885 (see #5112 at WIP-1, 374-398) George U. W. HURLEY, dec'd LAND - parts of "Philips Delight", "What You Please" and "The Three Mill Seats", 27.5 acres (Lot #3, Plat D and Lot #8, Plat F). To George U. W. HURLEY from Peter H. BUSSARD and Martin T. BUSSARD, trustees (Equity #4723) at $259.50 in Sep 1885 [AF-11, 320]. - Lot #7 of "The Three Mill Seats" and "Stony Spring", 10 acres. To George U. W. HURLEY from Jacob HAUVER & w/ Elizabeth at $184 in Oct 1860 [BFG-6, 299]. - "The Range Abouth the Three Miserable Knots", 8 & 3/16 acres To George U. W. HURLEY from Nancy WOLF at $140 in Feb 1875 [AF-11, 322]. Previously to Nancy WOLF from Daniel W. FORREST. Sales made before the death of Mary J. KELBAUGH (d/ Jul 1885), leaving her heirs as minors: - Henry SHAW for Lot #8 of 27.5 acres at $3.75/acre - Abraham TOMS for 10 acres at $3.30/acre - Robert PRIOR for Lot #3 of 8 & 3/16 acres at $10.55/acre - James DELAWTER for Lot #3 of 14 acres at $11/acre (see #5112 at WIP-1, 374-398 as stated above for testimony and Will details; appears this is out of order and should have been entered prior to the previous abstract.) Closed at this point on 20 Jan 1886.

Francis BRENGLE, trustee under mortgage of John J. HORTON to Franklin Savings Bank of Frederick - Report of Sales - Equity #5182 - Apr 1886 LAND - Lot (35 x 38.5') on west side of South Bentz St (Schwalm's Row) in Frederick City; adjoined the lots of Lewis M. NIXDORFF and Jacob BENTZ. Improved with a 3-story brick house and 2-story weather-boarded house. To John J. HORTON from Lloyd H. HERRING, tax collector, in May 1876 [TG-5, 543]. Previously to Barbara TILGHMAN, by name of Margaret TILGHMAN, from Thomas RAMSEY & wife in Nov 1850 [WBT-13, 38]. Sale was held 8 Apr 1886; high bidder was: - Julius HAFNER, as agent for his daughter Clara HAFNER, at $685 Julius HAFNER opposed the same stating he has discovered the sale was for the life estate of mortgagor and not the fee simple title as advertised and the sale was unlawful because there was no power to issue a title. He asked the sale be vacated. After the Franklin Savings Bank filed a petition to be substitued as the purchaser, Julius HAFNER then withdrew the objections. Distribution of $685 - court costs, $121.53 - Franklin Savings Bank, $537.17 - William WILCOXON, partial 2nd mortgage, $12.50 Closed 28 Jun 1886.

WIP-1, 466-479 - DOLL, STAHLE, LINN / LYNN
George J. DOLL, et al vs Charles E. STAHLE - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5177 - Mar 1886 Harriet DOLL d/ 25 Feb 1886, intestate - Frederick City wid/of Ezra DOLL s/ George J. DOLL & w/ Ann E. B. - Frederick City s/ Lewis H. DOLL & w/ Annie F. - Frederick City s/ Melville E. DOLL & w/ Hannah M. - Frederick City s/ Samuel V. DOLL & w/ M. Lucretia - Frederick City s/ Leander Z. DOLL & w/ Annie Dean - Baltimore City d/ Louisa DOLL, dec'd w/o Henry J. STAHLE - Gettysburg, PA .......Thomas J. STAHLE & w/ Emma M. C. - Gettysburg, PA .......Mary L. STAHLE - Gettysburg, PA .......Annie D. STAHLE w/o Thomas C. LINN/LYNN - Salisbury, NC .......Harry M. STAHLE - Gettysburg, PA .......Catharine H. STAHLE - Gettysburg, PA .......Charles E. STAHLE, a minor - Gettysburg, PA LAND - Lot (26x 83') on south side of East Second St in Frederick City; at NW corner of John RAMBSBURG's lot. Improved with a 2-story brick house with a 2-story brick back building (7 rooms and hall), including a Qusen fireplace heater. To Harriet DOLL from John RAMSBURG & w/ Margaret J. at $1,350 in Apr 1846 [WPT-8, 152]. Guardian was Henry J. STAHL, Esquire, of Gettysburg, Adams Co, PA. Testimony was heard 29 Mar 1886 from: - William V. ALBAUGH - knew Harriet since childhood - Martin N. ROHRBACK - knew Harriet at least 24 years Trustee was Melville E. DOLL. Sale was held 4 May 1886 on the premises at 14 East Second St in Frederick City; high bidder was: - Samuel V. DOLL at $2,300 Distribution after court costs: - Each child's 1/6 share, $347.61 Closed 30 Jun 1886.

Harman L. ROUTZAHN & w/ Martha E. vs Clara KEPLER, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5157 - Jan 1886 John ROUTZAHN of B. d/ 1884, intestate widow - Sarah d/ 1 Jan 1886 s/ Harman/Herman L. ROUTZAHN & w/ Martha E. d/ Mary E. (ROUTZAHN), dec'd w/o Josiah DOUB ..........Clara (DOUB) w/o J. Luther KEPLER ..........George DOUB ..........Cyrus DOUB ..........Sarah (DOUB) w/o Martin RAMSBURG, both minors ..........Effie DOUB, a minor ..........Amy DOUB, a minor ..........Charles DOUB, a minor LAND - "Murdocks Mountain Resurveyed", 20 acres; on the National Turnpike, 2.5 miles east of Middletown; adjoining lands of D. Edward KEFAUVER, George B. HOLTER and heirs of William KELLER. To John ROUTZAHN from John DERR & w/ Elizabeth B.at $125 in Mar 1866 [JWLC-3, 739]. (John DERR had previously sold 15.25 acres to Frederick MAIN in Jun 1857 [ES-10, 632].) ...EXCEPTION - Sold to Michael CULLER by John ROUTZAHN of B. & w/ Sarah for 23 perches on the National Pike at $400 in Mar 1878 [TG-9, 171]. - Lot #2 of "Fielderea Manor" and "Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained", 10 acres, 5 miles east of Middletown, just back of the "High Knob" at top of Catoctin Mountain and on road from Frederick City to Hagerstown. To John ROUTZAHN of B. from Elias COBLENTZ at $300 in Mar 1855 [ES-5, 573]. Previously to Peter COBLENTZ from Samuel TEMPLING for 14 acres. - Lot #3 of "Groves Addition to Middletown" in Middletown Valley (part of "Resurvey on Turkey Range"), 1 acre; adjoined SE corner of lot of Henry COCHRAN and north edge of turnpike. Improved with a 2-story brick house of 10 rooms on double lot with stabling and shedding, a well near the door and fruit trees. To John ROUTZAHN from George M. BRANDENBURG & w/ Minerva at $1,400 in Apr 1867 [DSB-1, 591]. Previously to BRANDENBURG from Levi K. HOCK & wife in Mar 1864 [JWLC-1, 231]. ...EXCEPTION - Sold to Amy WILHIDE, w/o Jacob WILHIDE, by John ROUTZAHN & w/ Sarah at $925 in Apr 1871 [CM-6, 733]. Lot is between brick house and lot on the east, then in occupancy of David BRANDENBURG; also the vacant lot between Titus V. BARTGIS's lot and David BRANDENBURG's fence. Included rights of access to water from lot on the west with the brick house for as long as owned by Amy WILHIDE, but ceases upon the sale of the property. Trustee was Herman L. ROUTZAHN. Sale was held 27 Feb 1886 in front of the Valley Register office in Middletown; high bidders were: - Rev. L. A. MANN for the brick house and lot (home of John ROUTZAHN of B.) at $1,200 - D. E. KEFAUVER for the 20-acre tract at $60 - Oliver H. KEFAUVER for the timber lot at $11.72 Total sales, $1,271.72. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 24 Apr 1886 from: - Luther A. MANN - stated Mary DOUB died 4-5 months after her father. Distribution of $1,271.72 - Court costs, $86.35 - Herman L. ROUTZAHN, 1/2, $592.68 - Josiah DOUB, tenant by curtesy, 2/16 of 1/2, $74.38 - Mary E. DOUB's children, each 1/7 of 14/16 of 1/2, $74.08 Closed 11 Jul 1886.

Margaret E. LANTZ, et al vs Carrie G. LANTZ, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5156 - Jan 1886 Albert LANTZ d/ 4 Jan 1886 at his home in Deerfield, intestate widow - Margaret E. (age 31) d/ Carrie G. LANTZ, a minor (age 12) d/ Margie C. LANTZ, a minor (age 2) d/ Lizzie H. LANTZ (b/ Feb 1886, after her father's death) Admins/ the widow and Robert BIGGS. LAND - "Mount Parnassus", 100 acres, in Harbaugh's Valley, in Deerfield on the Western Maryland Rail Road and 5 miles west of Mechanicstown; on road from Frederick Town across the mountain and by a foot bridge over Owings Creek. Improved with a new house, a tenant house (under construction), a warehouse and a new barn; also a spring near the house and a peach orchard. To Albert LANTZ from Lewis CRAWFORD, atty, and Barbara E. SMITH and other heirs of Charles SMITH, at $1,700 in Apr 1879 [TG-11, 485]. Previously to Charles SMITH from Christian LANTZ & w/ Catharine at $1,500 in Dec 1853 [ES-5, 619]. (was part of estate of Captain Daniel SMITH) - "Lemmons Vineyard", 15-acre mountain lot in Harbaughs Valley, 1 mile SW of Deerfield. To Albert LANTZ from Jacob BUHRMAN & w/ Nancy of Adams Co, PA and Charles H. BUHRMAN & w/ Ann M. of Franklin Co, PA, at $100 in Nov 1872 [CM-9, 710]. Previously to Jacob BUHRMAN and Samuel BUHRMAN from Commencies F. WILLIAR and John A. WILLIAR & w/ Rebecca in Apr 1857. - Warehouse at Deerfield on main line of the Western Maryland Rail Road. Guardian was Jacob ROHRBACK, esquire. Testimony was heard 11 Feb 1886 from: - Joseph B. BROWN, Hauvers District, farming and dealing in lumber - Simon W. HARBAUGH, Deerfield, farmer - suggested to separate the warehouse from the farm and sell separately. Trustee was Robert BRIGGS. Sale was held 13 Apr 1886 on the premises; high bidders were: - Daniel MANAHAN for the mountain lot at $81.25 - Joseph B. BROWN for the farm at $6,602 Distribution of $6,683.25 - Court costs, $442.55 - Margaret E. LANTZ, widow, in lieu of dower, 1/7, $891.52 - Each daughter's 1/3 share, $1,783.05 Closed 8 Jul 1886.

Margaret A. GARBER for minor children vs James Irving RIPPEON, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5110 - Aug 1885 Winfield Scott RIPPEON d/ Aug 1880 widow - Margaret A. (married in 1871) s/ James Irving RIPPEON, a minor (age 11) d/ Estelle V. RIPPEON, a minor (age 9) s/ William H. RIPPEON, a minor (age 7) LAND - 87.5 sq perches; 1/4 mile SW of Libertytown on road from Liberty to New Market; adjoining lands of George STEELE, Dorsey JONES and Dr. Sidney SAPPINGTON To Winfield Scott RIPPEON from J. Dorsey JONES & w/ Cordelia at $27.37 in May 1878 [TG-12, 234]. Mortgaged to Harriet H. SCHLEY at $125, but assigned by Harriet & husband Alfred to William GARBER in Sep 1883. (upon the widow's marriage to William GARBER) Guardian was Alfred RITTER. Testimony was heard 2 Sep 1885 from: - Dr. Thomas W. SIMPSON, age 53, Liberty - claimed there were five children but only three are now living. Also stated the descedant's property is now being rented. - Alfred SCHLEY, age 64, Libertytown - Samuel B. ECKER, age 43, Libertytown - provided the children's estimated ages. Trustee was Frank C. NORWOOD. Private sale was made to: - Daniel S. RADCLIFF at $350 Distribution after court costs and expenses: - Margaret A. GARBER, in lieu of widow's dower, 1/7, $20.69 - Margaret A. GARBER, as guardian for the three children, $124.16 Closed 14 Apr 1886. NOTES - Frederick Co, MD Marriage Licenses - Winfield S. RIPPON, 23, farmer to Margaret A. BOHN, 19 on 14 Nov 1871 by J. W. Cullum in FC - William GARVER, 21 (div), laborer to Margaret RIPPON, 31 (wid) on 12 Sep 1883 by George Diehl in Frederick

Annie M. WACHTER for minor child - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4870 - Dec 1882 Jacob H. WACHTER d/ Aug 1882, intestate widow - Annie M. (age 24-25 in Feb 1883) s/ Luther H. M. WACHTER, a minor (age 11 months in Feb 1883) LAND - 3/4 acre Lot & House in Lewistown on east side of the Frederick road at Utica Mills; adjoining land of Augustus CLEM and Mrs. CRAMER. Improved with a 2-story frame house with a well and stable. To Jacob H. WACHTER from Philiip H. CLEM at $1,000 in Mar 1882 [AF-4, 701]. Previously to Philip H. CLEM from MIchael ROBERTS in Mar 1870 [CM-5, 722]. Mortaged for $800 to Benjamin GREEN. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER, Esquire. Testimony was heard 9 Feb 1883 from: - Annie M. WACHTER - Doctor R. WACHTER Trustee was Michael ROBERTS. SALE was held 8 Mar 1884 on the premises in Utica but no sufficient bid was obtained. Later private sale was made 2 Jan 1885 to: - Benjamin GREEN at $924.30 Distribution after court costs: - Benjamin GREEN, mortgage claim, $886 Closed 11 Jun 1886.

WIP-1, 543-552 - CRUM, WALTER
George W. CRUM, creditor vs Emma J. CRUM, admin/of John H. CRUM and Julian C. CRUM - Report of Sales - Equity #5154 - Feb 1886 John Henry CRUM d/ 12 Nov 1885, intestate widow - Emma J. (age 35) s/ Julian C. CRUM, a minor (age 4) Admin/ the widow LAND - Lot #50 (84.5 x 272.5') in Jefferson To Johnn Henry CRUM from George EASTERDAY & w/ Sophia at $450 in Feb 1882 [Plat of Town JS-39, 257] [Deed AF-4, 621]. Previously to EASTERDAY from Henry CULLER & wife in May 1871 [CM-7, 89]. Mortgage to George W. CRUM at $1,200. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 2 Feb 1886 from: - Lewis O. PHIPP, age 42, Jefferson Trustee was George W. CRUM. SALE was held 27 Feb 1886 on the premises; high bidder was: - Isaac WALTER at $1,300 Distribution of $1,300 - Court costs, $145.45 - Emma J. CRUM, in lieu of widow's dower, 1/7, $164.93 - George W. CRUM, partial mortgage, $989.61 Closed 29 Jul 1886.

Isaac S. ANNAN and James C. ANNAN t/a I. S. Annan & Bro vs Eli FERGUSON - Report of Sales - Equity #5120 - Oct 1885 LAND - 7 acres in 5th District, 3 miles NW of Emmitsburg on the South Mountain; adjoining lands of Hugh SWEANEY and David GAMBLE. Improved with a log house, stable and fruit trees. To Eli FERGUSON from Samuel DUPHORN & w/ Maria at $106 in Sep 1865 [JWLC-3, 120]. In May 1868, Eli FERGUSON became indebted by mortgage to William C. LANDERS. In Apr 1871, LANDERS issued a Deed of Trust to Joshua BIGGS [CM-6, 497]. In Jan 1872, BIGGS assigned the mortgage to the ANNANS which then was $48. Testimony was heard 4 Mar 1886 from: - Henry STOKES, age 61, Emmitsburg - James C. ANNAN, age 49, Emmitsburg Trustee was Eugene L. ROWE. SALE was held 7 Jun 1886 at the Emmit House in Emmitsburg; high bidder was: - I. S. ANNAN & Bro at $50, sold subject to widow's dower; then adjoining lands of Mary FERGUSON, John KIMMELL, Joseph TRESLER and David GAMBLE's heirs. Closed 1886. Note - No Distribution listed, most likely court costs may have exceeded the sales amount.

Van B. OSLER, trustee of Charles E. CASSELL & w/ Julia C. - Report of Sales on Deed of Trust - Equity #4804 - Jun 1882 LAND - Lot (30 x 71.5') on east side of North St in Mechanicstown; adjoined lots of John ROUZER (NE corner) and Thomas ANDERS. To Charles E. CASSELL from Margaret A. SHULTZ & w/o Dr. Horatio N. SHULTZ of Mechanicstown at $1,400 in Apr 1882 [TG-2, 514]. Previously to Margaret A. SHULTZ from Charles E. CASSELL in May 1871. - Land leased from the Western Maryland Rail Road Company for their fertilizer factory, 'Crescite Fertilizer Works' and all machinery. - Lot in rear of Lot #6 (of Charles CASSELL) on East Church St in Mechanicstown; adjoining that on north side of East St and running back to Factory Avenue. To Charles E. CASSELL from Peter N. HAMMAKER at $31 [AF-5, 367]. Previously to HAMMAKER from Stephen B. STOCKSDALE in Feb 1879. Also to Charles E. CASSELL from L. R. WAESCHE & wife. SALE was held 27 May 1882 in front of the Clarion office in Mechanicstown, advertised as: 6-room frame house with basement and cellar under entire house; lot on east side of Church St, adjoined lots of Warner T. GRIMES and Mrs. H. C. ANDERS. Property is being rented until April 1, 1883. After they failed to get a proper bid, a private sale was made to: - Richard J. BAKER & Richard J. HOLLINGSWORTH t/a R. J. Baker & Co. at $750 SALE held 1 Jul 1883 on the premises on Church St in Mechanicstown for all personal property and lot in rear and running back to Factory Avenue; high bidder was: - Peter N. HAMMAKER at $40.25 Total sales for lot and personal property, $244.16. Distribution of $1,124.63 (includes rents) - Court costs, $392.05 - R. J. BAKER & Co, claims, $732.58 Closed 2 Sep 1886.

WIP-1, 575-581 - SIGLER, YOUNG
Silas YOUNG, mortgagee of Samuel C. SIGLER & w/ Martha C. - Report of Sales - Equity #5194 - May 1886 LAND - "Neff's Ill Will" and "Trails Grant" and "Maititancy", 32 acres; near Frost Town; adjoined tract "Friendship". Improved with a 5-room, 1 1/2-story log house and basement, new bank barn, smoke house, wash house and spring house with fruit trees and a spring of pure mountain water. To Samuel C. SIGLER from Silas YOUNG & w/ Mary C. at $1,775 in Apr 1885 [AF-11, 111?]. Previously to YOUNG from Daniel RENT & wife in Feb 1877 [TG-9, 182]. SALE was held 1 May 1886 on the premises; high bidder was: - Silas YOUNG at $850 Samuel C. SIGLER petitioned the sale as being unfair and sold well below market price. Agreement was made to release Sigler from all indebtedness and then petition was dropped. Closed 15 Jul 1886.

Thomas HILL, Atty & trustee of mortgage from Vachel B. COCHRAN to Eurith COCHRAN, widow - Report of Sales - Equity #5211 - Jul 1886 On 28 Aug 1879, Eurith COCHRAN assigned the $800 mortgage to Frank C. COSBY of Washington, DC who obtained Thomas HILL of Baltinore City to be trustee. LAND - "Ridgeville Heights", 110 sq perches, in Ridgeville on the Frederick Turnpike at intersection of Buffalo Road. Improved with a store and 2-story frame house and back building, and a 1 1/2-story frame house. To Vachel B. COCHRAN from George W. HILTON & wife in Oct 1878 [TG-10, 488]. SALE was held 24 July 1886 on the premises at Ridgeville; high bidder was: - Philemon J. SMITH at $1,600 Judgments were filed: - against Vachel B. COCHRAN by Joseph FINK, Henry S. FINK and Rufus WOODS, partners t/a Fink, Brother & Company of Baltimore City for $300 in Sep 1883. - against Urith COCHRAN and Vachel B. COCHRAN by Newark Machine Co of Ohio for $363 in Jan 1886. Distribution of $1,600 - Court costs, $204.05 - Frank C. COSBY, assignee of Eurith COCHRAN, mortgage claim, $873.74 - James McSHERRY, Esq/Atty for FINK Bros & Co, judgment, $257.67 - Milton G. URNER, Atty for Newark Machine Co, partial judgment, $294.54 Closed 17 Sep 1886.

Andrew M. GUISEBERT & w/ Susan vs Samuel GUISEBERT, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5184 - Apr 1886 Sarah A. D. GUISEBERT d/ 9 Apr 1886, intestate bro/ Samuel GUISEBERT sis/ Mary A. (GUISEBERT) w/o John STULL bro/ Andrew M. GUISEBERT & w/ Susan bro/ John GUISEBERT, decd ..........Charles E. GUISEBERT & w/ Sarah Ellen - Allegany Co, MD* ..........William H. GUISEBERT ..........Jonathan GUISEBERT & w/ Wilhelmina "Minnie" - Allegany Co, MD* ..........Leathe A. (GUISEBERT) w/o Joseph S. MILLER - Allegany Co, MD* ..........Amanda E. (GUISEBERT) RIMBEY sis/ Catharine (GUISEBERT) SHRYOC, dec'd ..........Rebecca C. SHROYOC ..........Sarah A. SHROYOC ..........George Washington SHROYOC & w/ Mary E. ..........Henry Valentine SHRYOCK & w/ Julia Ann ..........Mary E. (SHROYOC) w/o John J. VALENTINE - Baltimore Co, MD ..........John J. SHROYOC & w/ Catharine A. LAND - Lot #6 in Lewistown, west of Federal St and running South to an alley, in rear of the Methodist Protestant Church and north of lot occupied by O. T. ZIMMERMAN. Improved with a weatherboarded house and some fruit trees. To Sarah A. D. GEISBERT from William H. STAUFFER & w/ Eleanor at $400 in Aug 1878 [TG-10, 191]. Previously to Eleanor F. STAUFFER from O. T. ZIMMERMAN in Apr 1875 [TG-4, 46]. Jonathan GEISBERT assigned John C. MOTTER as agent for his share. Supeonas were not able to be served for those in Allegany County, nor in Garrett County, as they could not be found.* Trustee was Andrew W. GEISBERT. SALE was held 10 Jul 1886 on the premises; high bidder was: - John T. HOLT at $405 Distribution: court costs, $249.08 - Samuel GUISEBERT, 1/5, $51.18 - Mary STULL, 1/5, $51.18 - Andrew M. GEISBERT, 1/5, $51.18 - John GUISEBERT's children, each 1/5 of 1/5, $10.23 - Catharine SHRYOC's children, each 1/6 of 1/5, $8.53 Closed 15 Sep 1886. Note - Frederick County Marriage Licenses - Mary A. E. SHRYOCK to John I. VALENTINE - 29 Jan 1852 - John STULL, 66 (wid), carpenter to Mary A. GISEBERD, 46 - 17 Oct 1867 by J. A. Unruh in Mechanicstown - George W. SHYROCK, 31, farmer to Mary E. BEALL, 21 - 3 Dec 1867 by J. N. Unruh in Mechanicstown - Andrew M. GEISBERT, 24, teacher to Susan C. HANN, 26 - 2 Feb 1874 by G. N. Gist in FC

Eliza Catharine BELL vs John Henry BELL, admin/of Mary BELL, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4951 - Dec 1883 Mary (DERR) BELL d/ 1883, intestate d/ Eliza Catharine BELL, later married a GAVER d/ Susan (BELL) w/o Lewis WORTZ s/ John Henry BELL & w/ Annie d/ Mary E. (BELL) w/o George Washington SHRYOCK d/ Georgianna Rebecca (BELL) w/o James A. BOWERSOX - Viriginia d/ Sarah J. (BELL) w/o Eugene D. STAUB s/ Benjamin F. BELL & w/ Emma d/ Margaret E. (BELL) w/o James Bernly BUXTON s/ George A. BELL & w/ Ida d/ Florence M. (BELL) w/o Jacob O. ISANOGLE - Virginia Admin/ John Henry BELL. LAND - Lots #19 & 20 in Lewistown. Improved with a 2-story brick house with back building attached, stable, hog pen, well with garden and fruit trees. Then in occupancy of George W. GAVER & wife. To Mary BELL from Christopher BAKER & w/ Susan M. at $900 in Feb 1880 [AF-1, 759]. Previously to BAKER from Charles A. WELLER & w/ Mary E. in Mar 1878 [TG-9, 252]. Eliza Catharine BELL had claimed $779 from her mother's estate for the care she provided during the last three years before and until her death. The other heirs disputed the claim; however, John C. DERR, brother of the deceased, claimed during the last year of his sister's life, she frequently said "she wanted Eliza to be paid for her trouble with her". The court then ruled she should be paid and figured 3 years by $1.50/week to be $234. Trustees were Charles V. S. LEVY and John C. MOTTER. SALE was held 25 Jul 1885 on the premises; high bidder was: - Florence M. ISANOGLE at $860 Distibution: court costs, $448.25 - Eliza C. GAVER, formerly Eliza C. BELL, agreement, $243.36 - Florence M. ISANOGLE, agreement, $60 - Each child's 1/10 share, $10.83 (John H. BELL and Benjaimin BELL's shares for use of Florence M. ISANOGLE) Closed 27 Feb 1886. Notes - Frederick County Marriage Licenses - BELL, Georgianna R., 19 to James A. BOWERSOX, 23, farmer dated 13 Dec 1869 by James Thomas in FC - BELL, Sallie J., 19 to Eugene D. STAUB, 24, farmer dated 22 Dec 1870 by George Diehl in FC - BELL, Florence May, 20 to Jacob O. ISANOGLE, 23, carpenter dated 17 Nov 1881 by S. A. Hedges in Lewistown - BELL, George A., 24, huckster to Ida V. C. HARBAUGH, 22 dated 1 Feb 1883 by Henry Wissler at Mechanicstown - BELL, Eliza C., 40 to George W. GAVER, 60, farmer dated 15 Jul 1884 by George Diehl in Frederick

Albert M. PATTERSON, mortgagee vs Walter W. WHITE and John G. HESS - Report of Sale - Equity #5220 - Sep 1886 LAND - 1/2 of Lot #53 in "Shield's Addition to Emmitsburg" in Emmitsburg; adjoining lots of Peter BROWN on the west and John ROWE (at time of sale, it was Joshua and James H. ROWE) on the south. Improved with a log house and fruit trees. To John A. HORNER and Walter W. WHITE from Mrs. HARRIS. Walter W. WHITE & w/ Fanny were indebted for $125 to Albert M. PATTERSON, but Fanny didn't sign the mortgage and was entitled to a widow's dower. Trustee was Eugene L. ROWE. Sale was held 15 Nov 1886 on the premises; high bidder was: - Albert M. PATTERSON at $75 (No Distribution shown; court costs probably exceeded sale monies.) Closed 13 Dec 1886.

John B. THOMAS, assignee of Thomas A. SMITH of T., assignee of William F. SECHRIST, mortgagee of Laura E. STEVENS - Report of Sale - Equity #5234 - Oct 1886 LAND - 87.5 acres in Mount Pleasant on the north side of the turnpike from Liberty to the Monocacy Bridge; adjoining lands of Dr. D. E. STONE and Jacob CRUM. Improved with a 2-story frame house, stable, three orchards and a well at the door and a running stream on the farm. To Laura E. STEVENS from John C. MOTTER and Frank C. NORWOOD, trustees for estate of Reuben G. STEVENS [AF-7, 286]. SALE was held 29 Oct 1886 at the City Hotel in Frederick; high bidder was: - George A. STEVENS and John B. STEVENS at $2,505 Sent to Auditor. Closed 27 Dec 1886.

Margaret B. GRIER, mortgagee of William H. H. HARDMAN & w/ Elvira J. - Report of Sale - Equity #5236 - Nov 1886 LAND - Eastern half of Lot #95 on the south side of Main St in Emmitsburg, lies west of the public Square; adjoined lots of George T. EYSTER on the east and Samuel R. GRINDER on the west. Improved with a 2-story house, small store room and stable. To William H. H. HARDMAN from Eugene L. ROWE, trustee in Apr 1884 [AF-9, 185]. SALE was held 8 Nov 1886 on the premises; high bidder was: - I. S. ANNAN & Bro at $700 Distribution: - court costs, $131.23 - Margaret B. GRIER, mortgage, $527.25 - I. S. ANNAN & Bro, partial 2nd mortgage, $41.52 Closed 1 Jan 1887.

Samuel HARGETT, mortgagee of William McDEVITT & w/ Christianna L. - Report of Sale - Equity #5235 - Oct 1886 LAND - parts of "Resurvey on Frankfort", "Castle Henry", "Lambeth", "Resurvey on Choice" and "Resurvey on Adam's Content", 150 acres; located 2.5 miles SW of Frederick. Improved with a 2-story brick house with a 2-story brick back building attached, a bank barn, a mineral spring and a young orchard. Mortgage of William McDEVITT to Samuel HARGATE at $7,500. Previously to Samuel HARGATE from Henry M. NIXDORFF in Feb 1877 [TG-6, 668]. Sale was held 29 Oct 1886 on the premises; high bidder was: - Frederick OLAND at $8,550 Distribution: - Court costs, $582.78 - Samuel HARGETT, mortgage claim, $7,967.22 (amount due was $8,468.75) Closed 29 Dec 1886.

Daniel F. STRASBURG & w/ Chritiann vs Charles W. STRASBURG, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5062 - Mar 1885 Nancy STRASBURG d/ 11 Mar 1885, intestate s/ Daniel F. STRASBURG & w/ Christiana s/ Charles H. STRASBURG & w/ Tacy d/ Keziah C. (STRASBURG) w/o Isaac W. HAUGH* d/ Jemima J. (STRASBURG) w/o John F. RILEY d/ Sophia E. (STRASBURG) w/o Willliam FOGLE - Ohio d/ Elizabeth STRASBURG d/ Nancy Matilda (STRASBURG) KEENEY*, dec'd .......Charles E. KEENEY, a minor .......Edward S. KEENEY, a minor d/ Margaret M. (STRASBURG) SMITH, dec'd .......Charles W. SMITH & w/ Elizabeth S. A. "Lizzie" - Washington County .......John E. SMITH - Illinois .......Sarah C. SMITH, a minor - Washington County .......David H. SMITH, a minor - Washington County .......Daniel A. SMITH, a minor - Washington County LAND - Lot. 6 acres, on west side of Main St in Johnsville; adjoining lands of Samuel PFOUTZ on the north and John W. McCLELLEN on the south. Improved with a 6-room, 2-story brick house with stable and apple orchard. To Nancy STRASBURG from Basil P. DEVILBISS, Atty for heirs of Adam DEVILBISS [Mar 1884 Deed AF-9, 155]: - Rufus W. DEVILBISS & w/ Rachel P. DEVILBISS - Kansas - George W. DEVILBISS & w/ Laura A. - Ann Matilda w/o James YATES - H. Clay DEVILBISS & w/ Flora - PA - Ruth A. w/o John A. BRAUNER - MO - Basil P. DEVILBISS in Sep 1884. Previously to Adam DEVILBISS from John HARTSOCK in Apr 1864 [JWLC-1, 507]. Guardian was Alfred RITTER. Testimony was heard 15 Sep 1885 from: - Daniel F. STRASBURG, age 52, Johnsville - Frederick J. MILLER, age 37, Johnsville Trustees were Daniel F. STRASBURG and Frank C.NORWOOD Sale was held 12 Dec 1885 on the premises; high bidder was: - Henry ENGLAR at $1,060 Distribution of $1,093.41 - Court costs, $304.01 - Misc claims, $171.32 Balance for distribution = $618.08 - Daniel F. STRASBURG,1/8, $77.26 - Atty fees for defendants, $150 - Each of the remaining 7 children's share, $55.83 The other children disputed a couple of the claims against the estate, one being to Daniel F. STRASBURG and another to R. R. BUCKEY. The high bidder petitioned to pay the full amount of the purchase rather than wait until the next year; but was rejected by Daniel F. STRASBURG. Case continued as of 8 Apr 1886. *NOTES - Frederick County Marriage Licenses - Keziah Strasburg, 25 to Isaac W. HAUGH, 30, laborer dated 15 Oct 1866 by Daniel R. Stitely at Mrs. Strasburg's - Malinda STRASBURG, 19 to Alfred E. KEENEY, 23, miner dated 31 Dec 1868 by S. W. Owen in FC

WIP-1, 668-675 - ADAMS, MOODY
Theodore B. MOODY & w/ Ada C. vs Octavia L. ADAMS - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5253 - Dec 1886 LAND - Lot on west side of village of Jefferson on the south side of the turnpike, nearly opposite the Methodist Protestant Church; adjoining lot of Daniel SHAFF. Improved with a weatherboarded house. To Octavia L. ADAMS from Marine Tyler RICE & w/ Altazera at $650 in Mar 1870 [CM-6, 403]. Previously to RICE from Gideon BANTZ & w/ Julia A. [CM-3, 230]. Maurice T. RICE conveyed to Ada C. MOODY (formerly Ada C. ADAMS) (of Washington, DC) and Octavia L. ADAMS, as tenants in common, for a house and lot in Jefferson in Mar 1870. Trustee was John C. MOTTER. Sale was held 24 Feb 1887 on the premises; high bidder was: - Theodore B. MOODY at $500; deed to be in wife's name. Distribution after court costs: - Ada C. MOODY, 1/2, $171.07 - Octavia L. ADAMS, 1/2, $171.07 Octavia objected to the disbursement because MOODY had paid the taxes on the property (without knowledge of Octavia) and now claimed all of the monies as an expense. Tax bills were in the name of the women's mother, Jane E. ADAMS, who had lived on the property. The court overruled the objection because the party paying the taxes saved the property from a forced sale for the taxes and thus is entitled to be compensated. Audit stands. Closed 19 Mar 1887.

Louis MARKELL, Pres/Frederick Town Savings vs Tilghman HILLEARY - Report of Sales - Equity #5258 - May 1886 LAND - parts of "Resurvey on Hawkins Merry Peep O'Day", "Fielderea" and "Fielderea Manor", 250 acres, (excluding Hawkins Mill Road) in Petersville District; on road from Harpers Ferry Ridge Road to Catoctin Switch of B & O Rail Road, about two miles from Petersville. Improved with a 10-12 room house, stable, corn cribs and has post and rail fencing. To Tilghman HILLEARY from Thomas CLAGETT, trustee, in Jun 1865 [JWLC-2, 628]. EXCEPTION - sold to William H. LLOYD, 34 acres [TG-7, 295]. - also 57 acres, adjoining other tract. To Tilghman HILLEARY from Frederick J. NELSON, trustee, [CM-7, 60]. Mortgaged at $7,300. Sale for the second time was held 6 Jan 1887 on the premises; high bidder was: - Beall H. WHALEN for 273 acres at $34/acre, $9,282.64 Personal property, including livestock and blacksmith tools, sold at $597. Total sales, $9,879.64. Distribution of $9,879.64 - Court costs, $949.25 - Frederick Town Savings, 1st mortgage, $7,427.75 - Frederick Town Savings, 2nd mortgage, partial, $1,502.64 Closed 5 Mar 1887.

Bernard COLLIFLOWER, Joseph A. GERNAND, Theodore L. NAILL and Isaac M. FISHER, t/a Nail & Fisher vs John A. RODDY & Others - Report of Sales - Equity #5189 - Apr 1886 List of Defendants: John A. RODDY, Abraham F. RODDY, Hugh F. RODDY, Addie McNULTY, Mary J. RODDY, Margaret A. RODDY, Martha Ann RODDY, William J. RODDY, Nicholas BAKER, Simon G. RODDY, John JONES, Hannah JOHNSON & Joseph H. JOHNSON as adms/of George H. JOHNSON, and Frederick WHITE. LAND - "Arnold's Delight", 212 acres, in Mechanicstown District; adjoined land of Thomas LIVERS (100 acres), Christian HOOVER (195.5 acres), Nathaniel ELDER (39 acres), Joseph LIVERS (40 acres) and William BRAUMER (43 acres). (Division of the tract had been made by agreement of Arnold LIVERS, Joseph LIVERS, William LIVERS, Thomas LIVERS, Nathaniel ELDER and William BRAWNER.) To John A. RODDY from Arnold LIVERS, John F. ELDER and George SPAULDING, trustees (in Equity #2267 in Feb 1850 of Arnold LIVERS vs George SPAULDING & Others) [Deed WBT-14, 708 in Feb 1851]. EXCEPTIONS - sold to: - Jerome F. KELLY, 15.5 acres (McNULTY land) at $387, in Aug 1874 [TG-2, 167]. - Cyrus O. FAVORITE, 49.25 acres, in Mar 1876. To John A. RODDY from Joseph MARTIN & w/ Sarah A. and Joseph F. LIVERS & w/ Ann Maria (heirs of Joseph LYVES/LIVERS & widow Margaret) for 2 shares of 40 acres at $560 in Feb 1862 [BGF-7, 406]. Adjoined lands of Abraham RODY, John RODY, Michael CROUSE and John STONER. Mortgaged at $1,600. Trustee was Bernard COLLIFLOWER. SALE was held 16 Oct 1886 on the premises; high bidders were: - Simon G. RODDY for 4/5 undivided interest of 40 acres at $1,240; including life estate of John A. RODDY in an undivided 1/5 share; adjoining the home farm and lands of J. R. STONER and A. F. RODDY. Improved with a 1 1/2-story weatherboarded house, a log barn and apple orchard; land is fine bottom land. - D. C. HAMMETT for the home farm at $6,120 180 acres; 2 miles NE of Mechanicstown on east side of and 1/2 mile from Emmitsburg turnpike. Improved with a 2-story weatherboarded house with water by a water ram, a barn, shedding, corn crib, smoke house with an orchard; divided into fields and well watered; adjoined land of J. R. STONER, Cyrus FAVORITE and John W. PAYNE. - D. C. HAMMETT for 30 acres of mountain land at $92; timbered with chestnut and locust; adjoined land of William MOTTER, A. ZENTZ and Henry LINK. Personal property sold for $283.70. Total sales, $7,735.70 Distribution of $3,736.77 - Court costs, $500.35 - Frederick Town Savings, mortgage claim, $1,669.33 - B. COLLIFLOWER & F. WHITE, 2nd mortgage, partial, $2,702.27 - B. COLLIFLOWER & F. WHITE, 2nd mortgage, partial, $80 - A. F. RODDY, partial mortgage claim, $360.85 - A. F. RODDY, partial mortgage claim, $33.03 - H. F. RODDY, $7.91 - Ada McNULTY, $4.17 - Mary RODDY, $8.34 - Martha RODDY, $8.34 - William J. RODDY, $2.21 - Margaret RODDY, $8.34 - Nicholas BAKER, $4.37 - NAILL & FISHER, $10.41 - B. COLLIFLOWER, $.83 - J. A. GERNAND, $1.18 - Simon G. RODDY, $4.17 Closed 19 Feb 1887.

Michael KLINE and Daniel W. FORREST & w/ Amanda C. vs Susan FORREST, widow, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5100 - May 1885 Samuel W. FORREST d/ 1871-1872, intestate widow - Susan (age 60) s/ Adam A. FORREST & w/ Ida R. - Washington County d/ Catharine FORREST d/ Apr 1884, intestate .......Esta FORREST, a minor (age 4, lived with her grandmother) d/ Susan Malinda FORREST w/o David M. MAUGANS d/ Elmira FORREST s/ William FORREST, a minor LAND - 62.25 acres in Catoctin District - "Pumpkin Hall" (home place), 27 acres, about 2.75 miles from Wolfsville to Foxville, on road from Wolfsville, near the Garfield Post Office; adjoined tract "The Range About the Three Miserable Knobs" and lands of Daniel W. FORREST, J. C. FORREST, Abraham FORREST, Isaac LOVELL and Josiah RECHER. Improved with a 1 1/2-story log house, stable, spring house, and hog pen. To Samuel FORREST from Wilson HAYS & w/ Mary at $381 in Apr 1859 [WBT-10, 351]. - "Foxes Chase", 35 acres To Samuel FORREST from Peter BUZZARD & w/ Sarah at $300 in Sep 1852 [BGF-3, 180]. - "Murdock's Inheritance", 15 acres of mountain land in Hauver's District, near the home place; adjoined lands of William MISNER and John C. KUHN. To Samuel FORREST from Daniel W. FORREST, trustee in Equity #3520 as Lot #11, but Samuel died before deed was conveyed. Daniel sold 16 acres of Lot #12 (adjoining) to Jacob P. SWOPE [CM-3, 346]; however, it was agreed Samuel FORREST would purchase this section from SWOPE. Susan M. MAUGANS deeded her share to sister Catharine at $125 in Apr 1882 (husband did not join in deed) [AF-5, 645]. Catharine FORREST was indebted to Michael KLINE; her sureties were Susan FORREST and Daniel W. FORREST. Adam FORREST conveyed his share to Daniel W. FORREST at $125 in Mar 1883 [AF-11, _]. Guardian was Alfred RITTER. Testimony was heard 7 Sep 1885 from: - Daniel W. FORREST - claimed the decedent died at his home 6-8 years ago. - David M. MAUGANS - Susan FORREST - added that her daughter Catharine also owed a bill to Dr. Harvey BUHRMAN. Trustees were Clayton O. KEEDY and Frank NORWOOD. Sale was held 14 Nov 1885 in front of Maugan's Store in Wolfsville; high bidders were: - Susan FORREST for the home place at $750 - Isaac LOVELL for the mountain land at $40 Total sales, $790. Susan FORREST released her dower upon the sale. Susan FORREST was unable to pay all of the monies and court then ordered a resale. Sale was then held 6 Nov 1886 at the same place, but no sufficient bid was obtained. Private sale was later made to: - Daniel W. FORREST at $400 Distribution of $464 (includes Susan FORREST's $23 deposit) - Court costs, $191.27 - Daniel W. FORREST, 1/5, $54.54 - Elmira FORREST, 1/5, $54.54 - William FORREST, 1/5, $54.54 - Michael KLINE, creditor of Catharine FORREST, dec'd, for partial note & interest, 2/5, $109.09 Closed 29 Apr 1887.

The End of WIP-1

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