Equity Court Abstracts

Book TG-7 - 1875-1879

Frederick County, Maryland

These are abstracts from Equity Court Records of Frederick County, Maryland, many times providing family data on the defendant and sometimes on persons not mentioned on the docket. Some of the listings are quite informative while others, being dismissed, may only have the date and name of plantiff and defendant. However, the cases brought before the judge consisted of sworn testimony and each one holds a story. Perhaps you will find a story connected to your search.
[Records Located at Maryland State Archives]

Samuel B. ECKER & Others vs William LEAKINS & Others - Jun 1876 Dennis LEAKINS d/ 19 May 1876, intestate w/ Sarah bro/ Thomas LEAKINS, dec'd .....William LEAKINS & w/ Catharine BOWERS .....Lewis A. LEAKINS .....Martha C. LEAKINS w/o Samuel B. ECKER .....Elizabeth LEAKINS w/o Daniel BOHN .....Anna S. LEAKINS w/o Josiah SOWERS .....Daniel E. LEAKINS bro/ John LEAKINS, dec'd .....James LEAKINS & w/ Catharine - Howard County .....Elizabeth LEAKINS w/o Eli MOLESWORTH - Howard County .....Marth LEAKINS w/o Charles PHOEBUS - Montgomery County .....Jacob LEAKINS - Montgomery County bro/ Amos LEAKINS - left the state 30 years ago, whereabouts unknown LAND - "Woods Chance", 15 acres (but now 9 acres); on south side of road from Woodsboro to Johnsville near the Coppermine School House; adjoined land of John SMITH (s/o Middleton) and the school house lot. Improvements were a small frame house and stable; half of land in timber and has two springs and well set in fruit. To Dennis LEAKINS from Jacob FOX & w/ Emily Jane in Apr 1877. (Previously to Joseph WOOD in Apr 1774) Dennis LEAKINS previously conveyed parts to Basil W. STITELY (2 acres), Jacob W. STITELY (2 acres), Samuel STITELY (1 acre) and Daniel P. ZIMMERMAN (1/2 acre). Trustee was John RITCHIE, Esquire. Sale was held 11 Nov 1876 on the premises; high bidder was: - Thomas HOLLAWAY (colored) at $505, but later claimed he couldn't comply with the terms. After several months, the trustee was able to sell the property for the same amount to John DURBIN, with terms to pay $205 now and $300 in one year; however, Durbin was able to secure the cash from George W. ETZLER. The deed was to be made to George W. ETZLER. J. Thomas SIM, George W. ETZLER and Joshua ALBAUGH were trustees of the heirs of Thomas LEAKINS, dec'd Distribution of $513.15; court costs, $193.71 - Balance to multiple creditors. Filed 26 Feb 1879.
Bernard C. ROTHENHAEFER & Others vs Elizabeth McBRIDE - Nov 1876 William McBRIDE - Washington County w/ Elizabeth s/ Abraham McBRIDE s/ Martin McBRIDE d/ Mary Ellen McBRIDE, w/o Bernard Charles ROTHENHAEFER d/ Elizabeth McBRIDE, w/o Jacob F. BOYER - Washington County LAND - "Cottage", 4 acres, in Burkittsville; adjoined the lands of Emanuel SLIFER and Abraham McBRIDE. Improved with a 1 1/2 story log house (22x18') with basement, stable, smoke house and spring house and has a spring near the house 4 and an apple orchard. To Mary Ellen McBRIDE (daughter, now ROTHENHAEFER), Elizabeth McBRIDE (daughter, now BOYER) and Elizabeth McBRIDE (mother of Martin) from Martin McBRIDE & w/ Elizabeth of Washington County; then occupied by Martin's father, William McBRIDE; payment of $300, each paying $100. [References Deed to Abraham McBRIDE from his parents, William and Elizabeth McBRIDE in Apr 1859, BGF-4, 131] Mary Ellen ROTHENHAEFER and Elizabeth BAYER want the property sold and divided as they don't feel it can be divied equally; however, Elizabeth refuses to have it sold, but Elizabeth claimed she was not against a reasonable sale. Elizabeth BAYER claimed she had not signed the petition, but thought it was an agreement to sell the property. Francis BRENGLE and C. S. LEVY were trustees. SALE was held 1 Dec 1877 at the store of John HIGHTMAN & Son in Burkittsville; high bidder was: - Mary Ellen ROTHENHOEFER at $285 However, she and her husband were unable to pay the money and asked the purchaser be transferred to her mother, Elizabeth McBRIDE. 1st Distribution of $142.50; court costs, $95.47 - Mary Ellen ROTHERHOEFFER, 1/3, $15.67 - Elizabeth BOYER, use of John HIGHTMAN, 1/3, $15.67 - Elizabeth McBRIDE, 1/3, $15.67 Filed 26 May 1879.
Cpt. Joseph GROFF vs Maria DEVILBISS & Others - Nov 1877 LAND - "Resolution", 82 acres; adjoined land of David WHITMORE and Hezekiah PEPPINGER; then in possession of I. Thomas DEVILBISS. To Maria DEVILBISS from John E. R. WOOD and John C. MOTTER, trustees, in Equity Case# 4037 of Maria DEVILBISS vs George L. DEVILBISS, Ezra SMITH of J. and Ann C. C. DEVILBISS in Jun 1876 [TG-5, 545]. Previously to George L. DEVILBISS from Maria DEVILBISS in Apr 1868; and surveyed for John DEVILBISS of Casper in Jan 1818 for 249 acres; [CM-1, 659]. Mortgage to Ezra SMITH of J. and another to Laura C. DEVILBISS. In Sep 1876, Maria DEVILBISS issued a deed to Isaac Thomas DEVILBISS, Martha S. KEMP w/o Daniel KEMP, and Ann Catharine DEVILBISS in return for them to support her during her natural life. [TG-6, 139]. Laura C. DEVILBISS and her husband, Daniel J. DEVILBISS, assigned the 2nd Mortgage over to Joseph GROFF in Feb 1877. Testimony was heard 27 May 1878 from: - Joseph GROFF - Laura C. DEVILBISS - Maria DEVILBISS, age 75; parts of mortgages were for Daniel DEVILBISS. - Isaac Thomas DEVILBISS, age 43, Creagerstown; his mother was then living with him; seems to indicate that Daniel DEVILBISS was his brother. - Ephraim KLINE - John J. VANFOSSEN - Daniel J. DEVILBISS - Laura C. DEVILBISS; claimed Maria DEVILBISS, Daniel's mother, lived with them from Mar 1875 to Apr 1877 Trustee was James McSHERRY, Esquire. Sale was held at the City Hotel in Frederick on 25 Nov 1878; high bidders were: - John C. MOTTER and Francis BRENGLE, Esquires, at $305; subject to the two mortgages. Distribution: court costs, $139.20 - Joseph GROFF, mortgage claim, $165.80 Filed 5 Apr 1879.
Leander W. GERNAND & Zepheniah SMITH vs Harriet A. GERNAND & Others - Feb 1879 Eugene J. GERNAND d/ Oct 1877, intestate widow - Harriet A. (age 35-40) s/ Milton E. GERNAND, a minor s/ Edward H. GERNAND, a minor d/ Alice May GERNAND, a minor s/ Charles S. GERNAND, a minor d/ Cora E. GERNAND, a minor s/ Frank W. GERNAND, a minor Admin/ Bernard COLLIFLOWER LAND - House & Lot# 16 in Graceham, on south side of street adjoining lot of Jacob GERNAND on the east and Jeremiah MARTIN on the west. To Eugene J. GERNAND from Jacob GERNAND, exec/of Elias WELLER, for $385 in Oct 1863. Guardian was John S. REPP, Esquire. Testimony was heard on 29 Jan 1878 from: - Bernard COLLIFLOWER; stated the decedent was killed by the 'cars' (train). - Calvin L. FIROR Trustee was Bernard COLLIFLOWER. Sale was held on the premises on 5 Oct 1878; high bidder was: - Joseph A. SEISS at $525; then adjoining John R. BOLLER and Owen DORSEY's land. Distribution: court costs, $146.34 - Harriet A. GERNAND, widow, in lieu of dower, 1/7, $54.09 - Balance to various creditors at 62% of claims. Filed 7 May 1879.
Samuel WILLIAR & Others vs Lavinia WILLIAR & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4061 - May 1879 Israel WILLIAR d/ Dec 1873, intestate widow - Lavinia s/ Samuel WILLIAR & w/ Savilla - Illinois s/ Josiah WILLIAR & w/ Sarah A. - Idaho s/ George W. WILLIAR & Malinda E. - Illinois s/ John F. WILLIAR - Illinois s/ David F. WILLIAR & w/ Catharine s/ Cornelius A. WILLIAR & w/ Harriet d/ Ann Margaret WILLIAR d/ Mary Ann WILLIAR w/o Samuel A. MOREHEAD s/ James Calvin WILLIAR Adm/ Lewis CRAWFORD; sureties, David CRAWFORD and Hiram E. MILLER LAND - 35 acres; adjoined lands of J. Lee CHAPMAN, Peter McCLAIN and Reuben SHOVER. - 55 acres; adjoined lands of J. Lee CHAPMAN, John REED, Henry HARBAUGH of E. and William GLADHILL. Improved with a log weatherboarded house, two log stables with a well near the door and divided into five fields; adjacent to the Western Maryland Railroad, 1 1/2 miles north of Sabillasville to Monterey. - (A) "Fox Range", 43 acres, in South Mountain; adjoined lands of Jacob HARBAUGH, David TILSON and Elias HARBAUGH. To Israel WILLIAR from David M. GOOD & w/ Mary M. of Washington County in 1847. Previously to GOOD from Abraham STONER & w/ Susannah in Feb 1841 [HS-13, 155-158]. - (B) "Resurvey on Addition to Summer Hill" and "Fox Range", 17 acres; adjoining land of Garrison WOLF and John C. HARBAUGH and running to road from Sabillasville to the state line. To Israel WILLIAR from Abraham STONER & w/ Susannah in Aug 1856. - (C) parts of "Summer Hill", "Addition to Summer Hill" and "Harbaugh's Last Chance", 146 acres; at NE corner of Samuel C. HAMMER's meadow; adjoined lands of Elias HARBAUGH, Abraham STONER, Garrison WOLF, David BENCHOOF, George BYERLY and Jacob MILLER. To Israel WILLIAR from John W. COON, exec/of Jacob HARBAUGH of L. in Jan 1857. - (D) "Prosperity", 11 acres, in the South Mountain; adjoined land of John EYSTER. To Israel WILLIAR from Elias HARBAUGH & w/ Catharine in Mar 1848. - (E) 116 perches (adjoined part C). To Israel WILLIAR from William H. GLADHILL & w/ Ann Matilda for $20 in Mar 1872. Previously to William H. GLADHILL from James GLADHILL & w/ Catharine in Apr 1859. - (F) "Prosperity", 9 acres; adjoined tract "Summer Hill". To Israel WILLIAR for $25 in Apr 1872, from heirs of Abraham STONER: - John STONER - Mary Ann (STONER) w/o Henry BAER - Susan A. (STONER) w/o A. D. GORDEN - Elizabeth "Lizzie" (STONER) w/o Lewis H. BANEBREAK all of Washington Twp, Franklin Co, PA. - (G) "March Weather", 1 acre, on South Mountain - To locate a road from Chapman's premises to the road from Monterey (Blue Ridge Summit, Franklin Co, PA, on MD/PA border) to Sabillisville and to Western Maryland Railroad. To Israel WILLIAR from John Lee CHAPMAN of Baltimore City for $98.15 in Jan 1871. - (H) 13 acres; adjoined land of Joseph McLAIN and to the north side of the Railroad and land of R. O. STUMP. To Israel WILLIAR from John GLADHILL of Washington County, exec/of James GLADHILL, in Aug 1870. Previously from Jacob HARBAUGH, George HARBAUGH and Hiram HARBAUGH, execs/of Elias HARBAUGH [BGF-2, 365]. - (I) 'Elias & Catharine HARBAUGH's home', 2 1/2 acres. To Israel WILLIAR from Susan McCLAIN & husband, Joseph McCLAIN for $500 in Mar 1870 [JWLC-3, 483]. Trustee was Lewis CRAWFORD. Sale was held on 12 Jun 1875 at the store of CRAWFORD & Bros. in Sabillasville; high bidders were: - Lavinia WILLIAR for 35 acres at $25/acre; she in turn sold it to Williar A. ARNSPARGER. - David CRAWFORD for 55 acres at $8.55/acre - Lavinia WILLIAR for 14 acres at $1/acre Total sales, $1,372.82. On 26 May 1879, Samuel MOREHEAD stated the widow was age 67 and her general health was good. Distribution of $1,455.18; court costs, $292.78 - Lavinia WILLIAR, widow, in lieu of dower, 1/10, $116.24 - multiple creditors, $834.05 - each child's 1/9 share, $23.56 Filed 28 Jun 1879.
Henry A. FRESHOUR vs Susan E. WACHTER & Others - May 1879 John WACHTER d/ May 1878, intestate widow - Susan E. (age about 56 in Feb 1879) s/ Noah WACHTER - Pennsylvania d/ Loretta WACHTER d/ Sophia WACHTER s/ Charles WACHTER d/ Amelia Ann WACHTER w/o George W. KRISE LAND - "Resurvey on Miller's Chance", 75 acres; 1/2 mile south of Lewistown and 8 miles north of Frederick, on west side of Frederick-Emmitsburg Turnpike; adjoining lands of John T. GEESEY. Improvements of a log house, log barn and wagon shed, black smith shop, young orchard and a well near the door. To Henry A. FRESHOUR from the Estate of George SCHLOSSER by his exec/ Peter G. SCHLOSSER for 29 acres at $588. - also 46 acres from Estate of his father, George FRESHOUR. - 26-acre mountian lot; in two sections: - wood lot of 13 acres on west side of road to WEDDLE's saw mill; is 2 1/2 miles west of Lewistown; set in Chestnut, Hickory and Oak. - mountain lot of 13 acres at corner on south bank of Fishing Creek, is 3 miles west of Lewistown; Both adjoining lands of George W. MILLER and William KOLB. Contract to sell the land from Henry Alexander FRESHOUR to John WACHTER for $4,050; now has balance due of $2,236.68 plus interest. None of the parties answered the summons, so a hearing was held 11 Feb 1879; testimony from: - Oliver T. ZIMMERMAN; claimed he understood the mountain lands were left to George Washington FRESHOUR and Henry Alexander FRESHOUR by their father, George FRESHOUR's Will (taken from extract of Will filed 9 Aug 1837) and the sons had divided it among themselves. Stated Henry A. FRESHOUR is a widower. - D. H. STALEY - George W. MILLER Trustee was George W. MILLER. SALE was held 10 Apr 1879 on the premises; high bidders were: - Lewis A. HEDGES for the 75 acre farm at $2,849.76 - Lewis P. RAMSBURG for wood lot at $254.62 - Susan E. WACHTER for mountain lot at $44.53 Distribution of $1,728.03; court costs, $172.97 - Henry A. FRUSHOUR, partial claim, $1,555.06 Filed 21 Jun 1879.
TG-7, 131-145 - ENGLAND, ROOT, HOKE
Mary E. ENGLAND (pro ami) vs Walter A. ENGLAND & Others - Sep 1878 John W. ENGLAND d/ abt 1873 in Mount Pleasant, intestate widow - Mary Ellen ENGLAND (age abt 40 in Oct 1878) s/ Walter A. ENGLAND, a minor s/ Nathan J. ENGLAND, a minor d/ Hattie E. ENGLAND, a minor s/ Charles E. ENGLAND, a minor d/ Imogene ENGLAND, a minor s/ John W. ENGLAND, a minor LAND - 166 acres, 4 miles from Mount Pleasant; adjoining lands of C. W. BUCKEY and C. C. CRAMER. Improved with a log house, tenant house, barn, peach and apple orchard; 60 acres are well set in timber. To John W. ENGLAND from Charles E. ENGLAND for $6,000 in Aug 1867 [DSB-1, 599] and JWLC-4, 345]. Previously to John W. ENGLAND from Daniel ROOT of R., Ann E. ROOT, Mary E. ENGLAND, Charles E. ENGLAND, Joseph R. ENGLAND, James W. ENGLAND and Frank F. ENGLAND in Apr 1862 [BGF-7, 450]. Prior to that, to Nathan ENGLAND from William RODERICK and Michael LEASE, execs/of John RODERICK in Jan 1849 [WBT-7, 638]. - House & Lot on "Middle Plantation", 3/4 acre, in Mount Pleasant. To John W. ENGLAND from Hiram BARTGIS, Sheriff, in Circuit Court Case of James LONG vs Catharine LECHLIDER, for $637 in Feb 1870 [CM-5, 32]. - "Middle Plantation", 20 sq perches (addition to the lot above) in Mount Pleasant. To John W. ENGLAND from Greenberry STAUTON & w/ Mary W. for $50 in Apr 1873 [CM-9, 755]. Previously to William BEATTY from Thomas BEATTY in May 1774. Guardian was H. Clay NAILL, Esquire. Testimony was heard 9 Oct 1878 from: - John D. ADDISON, age 48 - Robert LEASE Trustee was John D. ADDISON. SALE was held on 22 Feb 1879 in Mount Pleasant, but failed to get a sufficient bid. Later sales were made to: - Samuel HOKE for the farm at $2,200 Distribution: court costs, $225.45 - Mary E. ENGLAND, widow, in lieu of dower, 2/5, $263.26 - Mary E. ENGLAND, amount overpaid on estate, $374.28 - each child's 1/6 share, $222.83 Filed 20 May 1879.
Henry SWOPE, mortgagee of Samuel ECKER - Report of Sales - May 1879 (also see AF-6, 42) Samuel ECKER & w/ Elizabeth conveyed deed on mortgaged property to their son Levi ECKER for $4,000 in Feb 1871; property had been mortgaged to Henry SWOPE for $2,700 in Apr 1863. LAND - parts "Mount Felicity" and "Whiskey Ridge", 81 acres, 2 miles from Liberty on New Market to Liberty road; adjoining lands of Henry BOYLE and Mathew JONES. Improvements of a 2-story weatherboarded house, new barn, corn crib and wagon shed. To Samuel ECKER from Henry SWOPE & w/ Matilda in Apr 1863 [BGF-8, 519]. Levi ECKER d/ Oct 1877, intestate widow - Mary E. and 8 children d/ Ellen Eugenia ECKER, a minor d/ Cordelia E. ECKER, a minor d/ Ida Mary ECKER, a minor s/ George Levi ECKER, a minor s/ Albert W. ECKER, a minor s/ Thomas Clinton ECKER, a minor d/ Carrie Bell ECKER, a minor s/ Clarence J. ECKER, a minor SALE was held 8 Mar 1879 on the premises; high bidder was: - Samuel ECKER at $36.50/acre, $2,957.41 On 10 Jun 1879, George W. GITTINGS stated the widow was 41 and in general good health. Distribution of $2,957.41; court costs, $181.48 - Henry SWOPE, mortgage claim, $1,144.80 - Mary E. ECKER, widow, in lieu of dower, 2/15, $217.48 - each child's 1/8 share, $176.70 Filed 7 Jul 1879.
David S. K. MILLER & Others vs Lewis H. MILLER & Others - May 1879 Christian ILGNER, dec'd (Will written 13 Jul 1778) d/ Catharine (ILGNER) STEIGER s/ John Jacob ILGNER (d/ before 1786, intestate) s/ Christian ILGNER (Jr) Children to receive 2/3 of estate. LAND - Lot# 5 in "Addition to Frederick Town", on Market St, in Frederick City, between 4th and 5th Sts and runs to Middle Alley; adjoins lots of Mrs. SHRINER and Mr. LAMPE. Improved with a 2-story brick house with back buildings. To John McDONALD of Frederick Town from Jacob STEIGER & w/ Catharine (ILGNER) of Baltimore City in May 1805 (to her was 1/3 undivided part of 2/3 of her father's estate). To John McDONALD of Frederick Town from Christian ILGNER of Frederick Town for his share of his father's estate and his part of the share that was his deceased brother's for $200 in May 1804. John McDONALD died testate, of Frederick City (wife was _____ (ILGNER) - wife's sister, Catharine (ILGNER) STIGERS' three children ($100 each) .....Susan STIGERS .....John STIGERS .....Mary STIGERS Nephews & Nieces ($200 each) .....Mary Ann BIGGS, w/o John A. BIGGS .....William BIGGS .....James BIGGS .....Catharine w/o John LAMBRECHT .....Rebecca w/o Jacob KEEFER .....Elizabeth w/o Eli POOLE Nephew/ John W. MILLER (residue of his estate) Also to have a tombstone over his grave. Exec/ John W. MILLER Witnesses: Cyrus MANTZ, Christian STEINER, Joseph G. MILLER [Will written 23 Feb 1847] LAND - Lot# 102 (1/4 part) on East Third St in Frederick Town; adjoined lot of Joseph DOLL. To John McDONALD from Margaret GRIFFITH, wid/of Richard GRIFFITH of Frederick Town, for $100 in Dec 1814. Previously from Henry GARNHART to Richard GRIFFITH in Aug 1792; then devised by Richard GRIFFITH to his wife, Margaret, thru his Will written 11 Sep 1805. It was then discovered that GRIFFITH was not naturalized agreeable to the laws of this state and thus it was not vested in him or to his wife. His wife petitioned the General Assembly in 1813 and was able to be granted the title. LAND - Lot# 102 (1/4 part) fronting East Third St on Middle Alley in Frederick Town; adjoined lot of Joseph DOLL and ran to the alley. (formerly residence of John W. MILLER) Improved with a 1-story rough Cast house with a 2-story back building. To John McDONALD of Frederick Town from Henry WINEMILLER (w/ Mary) of Frederick Town for 100 pounds cm (current money) in Aug 1803. Previously to Henry WINEMILLER from Peter GEBHART in Apr 1796. ---------- John W. MILLER died testate widow - Ann Catharine (KOLB) (whole estate) [Will written 28 Sep 1860] LAND - SE quarter of Lot# 137 (36 x 200') on East Third St in Frederick City; adjoined land of Francis MANTZ. Improved with a log house. To John W. MILLER from James TITLOW of Berkeley Co, Virginia for $500 in May 1868. Previously to James TITLOW from Henry KAUFMAN and Warner KAUFMAN, trustees (in Chancery Case in Jun 1843) [HS-19, 419]. LAND - Lots# 311 thru 315, fronting East 4th St, running to East 5th St, in Frederick Town (equals ten lots, five on 4th St and five on 5th St). Unimproved except for a small log house at the east end of 4th St and adjoins lot of John LOATS. To John W. MILLER from William SCHLEY & w/ Ann C. for $536 in Sep 1837. Previously to Schley from George HOUCK in Sep 1828 [JS-30, 249]. LAND - Lot# 103 on East Third St in Middle Alley in Frederick Town; adjoins lot of Jacob SAHM's heirs on the east. Improved with a 1-story weatherboarded house with back building. To John W. MILLER from Henry KELLER/KEHLER, trustee (Chancery Case in Estate of Jacob DERR) for $580 in Jul 1833. Previously to Jacob DERR from Philip ROHR and George LITTLE JOHN. LAND - Lot# 309 on north side of East Third St in Frederick Town; adjoins lot of William KOLB. Improved with a log house. To John W. MILLER from Elizabeth DIEHL for $250 in Mar 1858. Bequeathed to Elilzabeth DIEHL by her father, Andrew DIEHL. --- William KOLB Sr. d/ 1835, intestate d/ Ann Catharine (KOLB) w/o John W. MILLER * (1/3 of 2/3) s/ William KOLB Jr. & w/ Catharine (1/3 of 2/3) s/ John Michael KOLB (1/3 of 2/3) LAND - Lot# 92 (30 x 139') on south side of East Second St in Frederick Town; adjoins lot of Dr. Charles SMITH on the east. - also part of Lot# 2, adjoining and runs to alley; improved with 1-story weatherboarded house with back building and a 1-story house on the west side of lot; adjoins lot of William REICH. To Samuel SMITH from Michael KOLB for $700 in Feb 1820. Samuel SMITH was indebted to William KOLB Sr for $400 and thus executed a mortgage in Jun 1821. Smith never redeemed the land but delivered it back to William KOLB Sr. Previously to Michael KOLB from George KOLB in Jul 1819 [JS-10, 80]. Previously to George KOLB from Andrew BOYD . Transferred Share: To John Michael KOLB from William KOLB & w/ Catharine for William's undivided share at $1 in Oct 1877. Ann Catharine MILLER owned 1/3 undivided part which descended to her from her father William KOLB Sr. see AF-6, 319) Ann Catharine MILLER d/ 27 Jul 1877, intestate * wid/of John W. MILLER d/ Ann Catharine MILLER, dec'd w/o James TITLOW .....1/ Caroline V. TITLOW, dec'd w/o George A. ANDERSON . . . . .Charles ANDERSON, a minor - West Virginia . . . . .Lillie ANDERSON, a minor - Washington Co, MD . . . . .Mary ANDERSON, a minor - West Virginia .....2/ (daughter) TITLOW (also died before her grandmother, but w/o issue) s/ David S. K. MILLER & w/ Rosanna (WISE) - Baltimore City d/ H. Elizabeth MILLER d/ Mary Ann MILLER w/o William H. HALLER - Allegany Co, MD d/ Barbara Ann MILLER w/o Francis MANTZ s/ Jacob M. MILLER & w/ Jane (LEASE) s/ Lewis H. MILLER & w/ Lydia A. R. (STORM) d/ Ann Rebecca (MILLER) ZACHARIAS, widow s/ Milton MILLER & w/ Susan (CLINE) LAND - Lot of 5 1/2 acres on south side of East South St in Frederick Town; adjoining lot of John REICH. To Ann Catharine MILLER from Jacob M. MILLER in Sep 1876. (Lewis H. MILLER and w/ Lydia A. R. issued mortgage in Oct 1866 to Peter L. STORM (later died) and John W. MILLER, who paid mortgage to the bank and then assigned the mortgage to Jacob M. MILLER. Then Jacob had sale and high bidder was John W. MILLER for $610, but John died before the property was conveyed.) Previously to Lewis H. MILLER from George H. FOUT & w/ Lucretia in Oct 1866 [JWLC-4, 418]. Previously to William CLEMENTS from William COOK and Benjamin DULANY [WR-2, 534]. --- David C. WINEBRENNER was admin/of George WINEBRENNER, dec'd, who obtained a judgment against Lewis H. MILLER for $510.62 plus interest and costs, but is subject to the dower of Lydia A. R. MILLER and is also exempt of $100 by law. There were also judgments against Lewis H. MILLER by William T. PRESTON and Samuel ZIMMERMAN. Guardian was Edward YOUNG, Esquire. Testimony was heard 15 Dec 1877 from: - John Michael KOLB - Jacob M. MILLER; provided death date of his mother. - Christian T. ALBAUGH On 27 Feb 1878, Jacob M. MILLER assigned to Ann M. E. MILLER $600 of his interest in his mother's estate. Trustees were David S. K. MILLER of Baltimore City and Jacob M. MILLER. SALE was held 27 Feb 1878 at the City Hotel in Frederick; high bidders were: - Dr. Charles SMITH for Lot# 92 & 2 at $1,001 (by agent, James ELLIOTT) - Milton MILLER for Lot on South St at $810 - Mrs. A. R. ZACHARIAS for Lot# 103 at $680; adjoins lot of Jacob SAHM. - Mrs. A. R. ZACHARIAS for Lot# 137 at $600; adjoins lot of Francis MANTZ. - Ann M. E. MILLER for part of Lot# 102 at $1,000 (by agent, William KOLB) Other properties didn't sell. Total Sales thus far, $4,091. Another Sale was held 15 Feb 1879 at the City Hotel; high bidders were: - William KOLB for Lot# 309 at $703 The other properties once again failed to sell. Distribution of $3,793; court costs, $643.14 Children of Ann Catharine MILLER: - David S. K. Miller, 1/9, $350.48 - H. Elizabeth MILLER, 1/9, $350.48 - Mary A. HALLER, 1/9, $350.48 - Barbara A. MANTZ, 1/9, $350.48 - Ann R. ZACHARIAS, 1/9, $350.48 - Milton MILLER, 1/9, $350.48 - A. E. MILLER, assignee of Jacob M. MILLER, 1/9, $350.48 - Charles ANDERSON, 1/3 of 1/9, $116.82 - Mary ANDERSON, 1/3 of 1/9, $116.82 - Lillie ANDERSON, 1/3 of 1/9, $116.82 - L. H. MILLER's trustee, 1/9, $350.48 (accrued, subject to the court) Distribution of $1,001; court costs, $99.84 - John M. KOLB, 1/3, $300.38 - John M. KOLB (assignee of William KOLB), 1/3, $300.38 - Children of Ann Catharine MILLER: - David S. K. Miller, 1/9 of 1/3, $33.37 - H. Elizabeth MILLER, 1/9 of 1/3, $33.37 - Mary A. HALLER, 1/9 of 1/3, $33.37 - Barbara A. MANTZ, 1/9 of 1/3, $33.37 - Ann R. ZACHARIAS, 1/9 of 1/3, $33.37 - Milton MILLER, 1/9 of 1/3, $33.37 - A. E. MILLER, assignee of Jacob M. MILLER, 1/9 of 1/3, $33.37 - Charles ANDERSON, 1/3 of 1/9 of 1/3, $11.12 - Mary ANDERSON, 1/3 of 1/9 of 1/3, $11.12 - Lillie ANDERSON, 1/3 of 1/9 of 1/3, $11.12 - L. H. MILLER's trustee, 1/9 of 1/3, $33.37 (accrued, subject to the court) Filed 12 Jul 1879.
William PEARL, et al vs David Levi STALEY & Others - Jan 1877 Peter S. STALEY d/ 1863, intestate widow - Margaret L. d/ 1873 s/ David Levi STALEY & w/ Sarah (she died Jan 1878) d/ Margaret L. (STALEY) w/o William PEARL d/ Sarah STALEY (non compus mentis; trustee is William PEARL) d/ Ann S. STALEY w/o Urias RAMSBURG s/ Jonathan A. STALEY & w/ Jane LAND - parts of "Hedge's Delight" and "Charles and Mary", 138 acres; 4 1/2 miles NW of Frederick City, north of and near Hamburg Pike; adjoined land formerly of Samuel HEDGES and Lewis H. STULL, but now of Charles BURKHART, and John McDEVITT. Improved with a 2-story stone house with back building attached, a bank barn, wagon shed, corn crib and smoke house. Then occupied by David Levi STALEY. To Peter S. STALEY from Ms Darcus HEDGES for $3,180.90 in Apr 1834. - "Chestnut Ridge", 8 acres. To Peter S. STALEY from Charles H. BURKHART & w/ Elizabeth R. at $402 in Dec 1840. - "Resurvey on Tuscarora", Lot# 3 of 29 acres, mountain land; lies on Catoctin Mountain, south of Hamburg Pike, 6 1/2 miles from Frederick City and 2 miles from the farm; adjoined land of Nathan O. NEIGHBORS and Abram ADAMS. To Peter S. STALEY from John T. NEIGHBOURS for $10 in Apr 1834. In Feb 1821, conveyed from Bradley S. A. LOWE to Victorie VINCENDIESE and by her to John T. NEIGHBOURS in Apr 1834. Jonathan A. STALEY was indebted by mortgage to Lewis F. DETRICK of Baltimore City. Court appointed H. Clay NAILL, Esquire, as trustee for Sarah STALEY. Testimony was heard 24 May 1878 from: - William M. FEAGA - Albert F. RAMSBURG Trustees for the sale were Charles V. S. LEVY and Milton G. URNER. SALE was held 28 Dec 1878 at the City Hotel in Frederick; high bidders were: - David Levi STALEY for the farm at $5,128.25 - David Levi STALEY for the 29 acre mountain lot at $268.25 Total Sales, $5,396.50. Distribution of $5,436.68; court costs, $456.93 - David Levi STALEY, 1/5, $995.95 - Margaret L. PEARL, 1/5, $995.95 - William PEARL, trustee of Sarah STALEY, 1/5, $995.95 - Ann S. RAMSBURG, 1/5, $995.95 - Jane STALEY, in lieu of dower, 1/4 of 1/5, $71.14 - Louis F. DEITRICK, partial mortgage, $874.62 - Louis F. DEITRICK, partial judgment, $50.17 Filed 22 Jul 1879.
Fredericktown Savings vs Nathaniel ROWE & w/ Elizabeth, Helen J. ROWE and Daniel G. ADELSBERGER - Report of Sales - Oct 1877 LAND - Lots# 68 & 69 in Emmitsburg, known as 'Foundry Lot', nearly opposite the depot of the Emmittsburg Rail Road, a foundry and machine shop. Improvements of a brick building (95' long x 40' deep), one section of 35 x 42' is two stories high with a tin roof; the other two sections are one story, each divided by brick partitions. Trustees were Charles V. S. LEVY and Charles W. ROSS. SALE was held 9 Feb 1879 at the Western Maryland Hotel in Emmittsburg, but failed to receive a sufficient bid. SALE was again held on 17 May 1879 at the City Hotel in Frederick City; high bidders were: - James Taylor MOTTER, Francis A. MAXWELL and Ezra R. ZIMMERMAN, partners t/a Motter, Maxwell & Co, for Foundary Lot at $1,510 Distribution: court costs, $319.43 - Fredericktown Savings, partial mortgage claim, $1,190.57 Filed 22 Jul 1879.
Lalla CLAGETT, et al vs Richard S. DOUGLASS & Others - Oct 1877 Dr. Thomas H. CLAGETT of Loudoun Co, VA, d/ 1 Nov 1870, testate widow - Lalla - Loudoun Co, VA s/ Henry O. CLAGETT & w/ Jennie - Loudoun Co, VA s/ William B. CLAGETT - Loudoun Co, VA d/ Julia H. CLAGETT w/o Alexander H. ROGERS - Loudoun Co, VA s/ Thomas H. CLAGETT (Jr) & w/ Harriet W. - Loudoun Co, VA (Will written 9 Jul 1868) LAND - 489 acres - "The New Ground", 169 acres, 5 miles west of Point of Rocks, bordering and west of Catoctin Creek, along and north of the Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road. Then leased to Abraham RICHARDS. Mortgaged to Henry RENCH by H. O. CLAGETT, A. H. ROGERS & w/ Julia H., Lalla CLAGETT, W. B. CLAGETT and Thomas H. CLAGETT Jr., all of Loudoun Co, VA, in Jan 1874. SALES to: To Grafton DUVALL & w/ Elizabeth WHITAKER from Henry CLAGETT & w/ Julia of Leesburg, Loudoun Co, VA for real estate of Thomas HAWKINS, Esquire, dec'd, in Jun 1821. - parts of "Resurvey on Hawkin's Merry Peep of Day", "Fielderia Manor", "Fielderia", "Resurvey on John and Sarah", "Andrew's Folly" and "Discontent", 1,400 acres; along Little Catoctin Creek, Potomick River and Big Catoctin Creek. (parcels of 483 acres and 706 acres; "John Priscilla", 128 acres; adjoining lands of heirs of Roger NELSON on the south, Tobias BELT on the west, Otho THOMAS on the north and Henry FRAZIER on the east; and 200 acres) - also "Hawkin's Island", 4 3/4 acres, lying in the Potomack River near Catoctin Creek; surveyed by Thomas HAWKINS, Esquire, in Nov 1813 and patented to him on 5 Jan 1815. To Daniel LAKIN from Henry CLAGETT & w/ Julia for "Fielderia", 42 acres, in March 1824. To Mortimer McILHANY from Henry CLAGETT, Thomas H. CLAGETT, Elizabeth A. CLAGETT and Olivia CLAGETT of Loudoun Co, VA for parts "Resurvey on Hawkin's Merry Peep of Day", "Fielderia Manor", "Fielderia", 250 acres, at $10,026 in Jun 1843. Runs to road from CARTZENDAFNER's Mill to Berlin and to Hawkin's Mill Road. To Joseph CARTZENDAFNER from Henry CLAGETT, Thomas H. CLAGETT, Elizabeth A. CLAGETT and Olivia CLAGETT of Loudoun Co, VA for parts, "Fielderia", 41 acres, at $2,466.54 in Dec 1841. Also borders Hawkin's Mill Road and road from CARTZENDAFNER's Mill to Berlin . To Adam RIDENBAUGH from Thomas H. CLAGETT & w/ Lalla and Elizabeth A. CLAGETT, all of Loudoun Co, VA for 30 acres at $950 in Sep 1865. Lies east of Berlin, on south margin of Chesapeake & Ohio Canal, west margin of Catoctin Creek to bank of Potomac River. To Lewis A. EASTERDAY from Thomas H. CLAGETT & w/ Lalla and Elizabeth A. CLAGETT of Loudoun Co, VA for parts "Fielderia Manor", "Fielderia", 227 acres, at $11,381.87 in Dec 1865. Borders on south side of road from Parker's Mill to Berlin, Tilghman HILLIARY's farm, William BAILEY's land, road to HAMMOND's Mill and Little Catoctin Creek. To William BAILEY from Thomas H. CLAGETT & w/ Lalla and Elizabeth A. CLAGETT of Loudoun Co, VA for part "Fielderia", 2 acres, at $188.43 in Dec 1865. Borders Tilghman HILLIARY's farm, road to HAMMOND's Mill. To Lingan BOTELER, William H. BOTELER, Eliza A. BOTELER and Sarah E. BOTELER from Thomas H. CLAGETT & w/ Lalla of Loudoun Co, VA for 281 acres in Oct 1866. Bordered land of Daniel LAKIN, Edward PARKER, James TORRANCE, Catoctin Creek, Charles GROSS, road to HAMMOND's Mill and Lewis A. EASTERDAY. To Samuel CLAGETT from Thomas H. CLAGETT & w/ Lalla for part "Fielderia", 30 acres, at $2,400 in Jan 1868. Letters of Admin - 21 Dec 1877 on Estate of John H. RENCH of Allegany Co, MD to D. Monroe BROWNING with sureties, John H. YOUNG, C. W. BRENGLE, James REID and Eleanora C. RENCH. Trustee was C. V. S. LEVY. SALE was held 17 Aug 1878 at the City Hotel in Frederick, but failed to receive any sufficient bids. Trustee later sold at private sale to: - David ARNOLD for the 310-acre farm at $25/acre, $7,763.91 Farm is on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad between Catoctin Switch Station and near the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal; adjoins lands of Samuel CLAGETT and Josephus EASTERDAY. Improved with a 2-story frame house, ice house, new log stable and a double corn house. Then in occupancy of John MAGAHA. The farm that didn't sell was a 179-acre farm, adjoining the other farm, between that farm and the Catoctin Switch Station on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad; adjoined the lands of Mr. SUMMERS and William H. BOTELER. Improved with a log house. Then in occupancy of John MAGAHA; The family petitioned to reject the sale, claiming they are not in a hurry to settle and feel they would rather wait until the market improved. The court overruled their objections. Distribution of $1,265.91; court costs, $45.42 - Lalla CLAGETT, widow, in lieu of dower, 1/10, $121.85 - W. J. ROSS & Co, SHAFER, attys for DOUGLASS & SELLMAN, judgment, vs Thomas H. CLAGETT, 1/4, $274.16 - W. J. ROSS, atty for Joseph L. NORRIS vs Henry O. CLAGETT, 1/4. $274.16 - Carlton SHAFER, atty for Joseph L. NORRIS, judgment vs W. B. CLAGETT, 1/4, $274.16 - Julia A. ROGERS, 1/4, $274.16 2nd Distribution of $6,500; court costs, $763.82 - Lalla CLAGETT, widow, in lieu of dower, 1/10, $573.62 - W. J. ROSS & Co, SHAFER, attys for DOUGLASS & SELLMAN, judgment, vs Thomas H. CLAGETT, 1/4, $1,290.64 - W. J. ROSS, atty for Joseph L. NORRIS vs Henry O. CLAGETT, 1/4, $1,290.64 - Carlton SHAFER, atty for Joseph L. NORRIS, judgment vs W. B. CLAGETT, 1/4, $1,094.76 - Carlton SHAFER, atty for Joseph L. NORRIS, judgment vs W. B. CLAGETT, 1/4, $195.78 - Julia A. ROGERS, use of Harrison & Powell, attys, for Mary I. ELGIN, $368.03 - Julia A. ROGERS, use of Harrison & Powell, attys, for Thomas I. ELGIN, $128.05 - Julia A. ROGERS, use of Harrison & Powell, attys, $443.16 - Julia A. ROGERS, balance of her 1/4, $351.40 Filed 11 Apr 1879.
Mary Ann HARP, George KLINE & w/ Nancy vs Jacob ZENTMYER, et al - May 1878 Jacob ZENTMYER Sr d/ widow - Mary d/ Aug 1876 s/ Jacob ZENTMYER (Jr) & w/ Mary - Lafayette Co, Missouri & Ohio d/ Sarah ZENTMYER w/o Abraham C. CREAGER - Johnson Co, Missouri & Ohio d/ Mary Ann ZENTMYER wid/o Daniel HARP d/ Nancy ZENTMYER w/o George KLINE d/ Elizabeth ZENTMYER w/o James H. P. BAKER d/ Barbara Ellen ZENTMYER w/o John W. SNYDER - Washington County To wife, 'Harshy Farm', except the saw mill; upon her 2nd marriage or her death, then to be sold and divided among his six children. Exec/ son, Jacob ZENTMYER (Jr) Witnesses: John K. JOHNSON, Martin PERRYm Perry MICHAEL [Will written 27 Apr 1853; filed 22 Aug 1854; TS-1, 351] LAND - "Stambaugh", 61 acres, "Long Race", 48 acres; "Stony Level", 37 acres; "Caty's Memorandums", 72 acres; totals 157 acres. Located 2 miles SW of Wolfsville, adjoining lands of Lawrence EASTERDAY, Lewis SHROYER and Isaac DUSING. Improved with a house and stable and is well timbered. To Jacob ZENTMYER from Samuel M. HITE (w/ Barbara) of Washington Co, MD at $1,200 in Apr 1831 [JS-36, 356, 156 acres]. - "Caty's Memorandums", 4 acres, correction of deed. To Jacob ZENTMYER from George ZENTMYER of Washington Co, MD in Mar 1837 [HS-4, 341]. - 2 1/2 acres To Jacob ZENTMYER from Joseph SCHILL, late tax collector, on property of John ZENTMYER, for $7.25 in Apr 1842 [HS-16, 395]. Transfers of Interests: - Jacob ZENTMYER Jr & w/ Mary of Lafayette, Missouri, conveyed his share to his sister, Elizabeth BAKER for $450 in Jan 1877. (It also included "Spike Between" from Christian STROUP.) - John W. SNIDER & w/ Barbara Ellen of Washington Co, MD conveyed her share to Elizabeth BAKER w/o James H. P. BAKER at $400. (It also inclued "The Slipe".) - Abraham CREAGER & w/ Sarah of Johnson Co, Missouri conveyed her share to James H. P. BAKER at $285. (It also included "The Slip Between".) Trustee was John C. MOTTER. Sale was held 1 Feb 1879 at Upton BUHRMAN's store in Myersville, but failed to obtain a sufficient bid. He later sold it at private sale to: - James H. P. BAKER at $2,250 Distribution of $1,275; court costs, $270.47 - James H. P. BAKER, assignee of A. C. CREAGER, 1/6, $167.42 - Elizabeth BAKER, 1/6, $167.42 - Elizabeth BAKER, assignee of John W. SNYDER, 1/6, $167.42 - Elizabeth BAKER, assignee of J. ZENTMYER, 1/6, $167.42 - Mary Ann HARP, 1/6, $167.42 - Nancy CLINE, 1/6, $167.42 Filed 24 May 1879.
Mary BELL & Others vs John BELL, et al - May 1878 William BELL d/ Jun 1873, intestate widow - Mary (age 62) d/ Susan D. (BELL) w/o Lewis S. WORTZ - Adams Co, PA d/ Eliza C. BELL s/ John H. BELL & w/ Annie M. d/ Mary E. (BELL) w/o George W. SHRYOCK d/ Georgiana R. (BELL) w/o James A. BOWERSOX d/ Sarah Jane (BELL) w/o Eugene D. STAUB s/ Benjamin F. BELL d/ Margaret "Maggie" E. BELL s/ George A. BELL, a minor d/ Florence M. BELL, a minor LAND - parts of "Lisbon", "Bone Him Secure Him", "Hampton Plains", "Stoney Cabbin", "Long Looked For Come at Last", 164 acres. Farm located 1/2 mile north of Utica, on road from Utica to Creagerstown; adjoined lands of John PUTMAN and Jacob EICHELBERGER. Improved with a double stone house with back building, a tenant house, bank barn, blacksmith shop and orchard of different fruits and also has a well in the barnyard. To William BELL from George LAYMAN & w/ Mary at $5,497.50 in Apr 1960 [BGF-7, 77]. Previously to LAYMAN from Benjamin A. CUNNINGHAM, trustee to George LAYMAN, in Jun 1851 [WBT-13, 532]; and to LAYMAN from Mary MYERS in May 1851 [WBT-13, 533]; and to LAYMAN from Jacob H. STONESIFER, constable, for 2 tracts, 19 acres, in Nov 1858 [BGT-3, 672]. - "The World's Wonder", 26 acres of mountain land (Lot# 3 of 18 acres and Lot# 4 of 8 acres). To William BELL from Christian H. JACKSON at $140 in Feb 1862. Previously to JACKSON from Abraham DERR & Mary DERR in Mar 1855. - Lot# 4 of "The Mountain Tract", 19 acres. To William BELL from Richard HARPER, trustee of George McCANN(?), dec'd, for $282 in Feb 1864 - Lot# 5 of "The Mountain Tract", 11 acres; adjoined land of George SCHLOSSER. To William BELL from Jacob M. BUCKEY & W. Harriet C. at $173.25 in Jun 1864. - Lot# 39 of "Monocacy Manor", 10 acres, in Woodsboro District, along the Monocacy River. To William BELL from David WITMORE & w/ Mary Martha at $634.84 in Oct 1872. Previously to WITMORE from John SIFFORD of Frederick County and John J. BOYD & w/ Frances A. of Baltimore City for 25 acres in Apr 1861 [BGF-6, 562]. On 1 Oct 1878, testimony was heard from: - Hezakiah PITTINGER, age 60, resides near Creagerstown - Benjamin F. BELL, age 25 - Ephraim MYERS, age 50 Guardian was H. Clay NAILL. The heirs requested that Lewis S. WORTZ of Adams Co, PA be trustee. SALE was held 12 Dec 1878 on the premises, but was withdrawn due to low bids. Later that evening, he was offered $38/acre and, upon consultation with the heirs, accepted the offer from: - George W. GAVER for 183 acre farm at $6,963 Distribution of $2,321.16; court costs, $288.28 = $2,032.88 - Mary BELL & John C. DERR, adm/of William BELL, $860 - Mary BELL, widow, in lieu of dower, 1/10, $203.28 - each child's 1/10 share, $96.96 Filed 29 Apr 1879.
Daniel CASTLE of T. & w/ Susan vs Lewis CASTLE, et al - Jan 1879 Barbara CASTLE d/ 1 Jan 1879, intestate widow of T. CASTLE s/ Daniel CASTLE of T. & w/ Susan s/ Lewis CASTLE & w/ Lydia - West Virginia s/ Martin CASTLE & w/ Julia Ann - Springfield, Ohio d/ Lydia A. (CASTLE) w/o John ALEXANDER d/ Ann Catharine (CASTLE) w/o Singleton ALBAUGH d/ Eliza Ann (CASTLE) wid/o Samuel SHANNABARGER - Miami Co, Indiana d/ Mary Ann (CASTLE) FLOOK, dec'd .....Amanda A. (FLOOK) w/o William MOCK - Virginia s/ John CASTLE, dec'd .....Vandelia L. (CASTLE) w/o George H. TRITAPOLE .....Kenderson Taylor CASTLE & w/ Elizabeth .....Malinda Catharine (CASTLE) w/o Christian HORINE .....George Carlton CASTLE, a minor .....John Edward CASTLE, a minor .....Hiram Josephus CASTLE, a minor .....Charles Jacob CASTLE, a minor LAND - House & Lot (61 x173') in Burkittsville, adjoins her other two lots and that of Mrs. Mary MAUGHT. Improved with a 2-story brick house (28 x 25') with a 2-story brick back building, also another small brick building suitable for an office or a shop. Also has stabling. corn house, smoke house and well. Then in occupancy of Singleton ALBAUGH; lease expires April 1st. To Barbara CASTLE from Emanuel SLIFER, atty for Henry AUSHERMAN at $800 in Apr 1848. Previously bequeathed to Sarah CRAMER by Henry BURKETT in his Will and by her to Henry AUSHERMAN in Jan 1840 [HS-_, 286]. - "Addition to Friends Good Will", in Burkittsville, by the side of an alley by Dr. G. A. CLAGETT's office. To Barbara CASTLE of Burkittsville from Grafton A. CLAGETT & w/ Caroline M. of Burkittsville at $25 in Apr 1850. - "Addition to Friends Good Will", in Burkittsville; adjoined other lots. To Barbara CASTLE of Burkittsville from Grafton A. CLAGETT & w/ Caroline M. of Montgomery Co, Ohio at $125 in Feb 1867. Previously to G. A. CLAGETT from W. T. GITTINGS & w/ Mary in Dec 1849. Guardian was Edward A. GITTINGER, Esquire. Testimony was heard on 26 Feb 1879 from: - Ezra SLIFER, age 57 - Daniel CASTLE of T., age 61, resides in Frederick City Trustee was Daniel CASTLE of T. Sale was held 26 Apr 1879 on the premises; high bidder was: - Ann Catharine ALBAUGH at $1,002 Distribution of $501; court costs, $126.01 = $374.99 - each child's 1/8 share, $46.87 (children of dec'd son John each received 1/7 of 1/8, $6.69) Filed 11 Jul 1879. NOTES - from Marriage Licenses of Frederick County - Thomas CASTLE & Barbara LONG - 30 Apr 1808 - Daniel CASTLE & Susanna ROUTZAHN - 19 Oct 1840 - Liddy Ann CASTLE & John ALEXANDER - 1 Dec 1835 - Elizabeth Ann CASSELL & Samuel SHENEBERGER - 8 Sep 1837 - Mary Ann CASTLE & Jacob FLOOK - 18 Mar 1831 - Lewis CASTLE & Lydia MILLER - 31 May 1848 - Ann Catharine CASTLE & Singleton ALBAUGH - 18 Sep 1847 - John CASTLE & Malinda C. SMITH - 28 Feb 1846
William MAHONY, trustee of Edward SHRIVER - Report of Sales - Mar 1879 Edward SHRIVER issued Deed of Trust, for benefit of his creditors, to William MAHONY. There was also a mortgage owed to Charles W. ROSS, as guardian of William MURDOCK, for $1,000. LAND - 3 Law offices and Lot in rear and on east side of Public Street in Frederick City (46x156'), bounded on the west by Public Street, on the south by lot of George POTTS and the German Reformed Church, on the east by lot of Col. William P. MAULSBY and on the north by the fence and alleyway. Offices were then occupied by John RITCHIE, William MAHONY and John C. MOTTER. - "Resurvey on the Meadow", 6 acres, just outside of Frederick City limits on eastern end of Patrick Street; on north side of Baltimore & Frederick Turnpike, bounded on the NW by lot of William H. BURGEE, on the south by the Baltimore & Frederick Town Turnpike, on the east by lane from Turnpike to SCHLEY's Lime Kiln. Previously to Abraham SHRIVER. Sale was held at the Dill House in Frederick city on 1 Mar 1879; high bidders were: - John H. WILLIAMS for at $2,300 - John H. WILLIAMS for at $1,425 Total sales, $3,725. Distribution: court costs, $385.10 - Charles W. ROSS, 1st mortgage, $1,060 - William P. MAULSBY Jr., 2nd mortgage, $1,806.94 - D. H. KOLB, adm/of Mary SALTER, $206.10 - Balance to other creditors at 7%, $263.86 Filed 6 May 1879.
TG-7, 376-379 - REMSBURG, ROUTZAHN, DILLER - Mar 1879
Joseph L. ROUTZAHN & Others - Report of Sales Albert J. REMSBURG & w/ issued Deed of Mortgage to Joseph L. ROUTZAHN, D. Henry ROUTZAHN, Gideon J. REMSBURG and Jacob DILLER to secure $700 on 9 Jan 1877. LAND - in Mount Pleasant Sale was held 15 Mar 1879 to themselves for $650. Balance on Mortgage is $700 plus interest from 9 Jun 1878. Petition asks to appoint a person to convey the deed. Distribution of $650; court costs, $84.80 - to mortgagees for partial claim, $565.20 Filed 7 May 1879.
TG-7, 379-400 - NUSBAUM, HARTSOCK - Dec 1878
Joseph H. HARTSOCK, mortgagee of Jacob NUSBAUM & w/ Mary LAND - Farm of 105 acres, in Johnsville; begins at hill near grave yard; adjoined lands of Elias APPLER and Daniel E. BUCKEY. Located 1/2 mile from the Western Maryland Railroad. Improved with a 2-story ston house, Switzer barn, orchard and water near the door. Sale was held 14 Dec 1878 on the premises; high bidder was: - Joseph H. HARTSOCK at $2,934.22 Petition against sale because it was sold for cash rather than the usual 1/3 down and the balance in the next two years; the latter bringing a higher bid. On 12 Feb 1879 testimony was heard from: - James MYERLY, age 32, resided in Johnsville - Cornelius BOND, age 53, farmer, resided in Johnsville - Solomon SAYLOR, age 53, day laborer, resided in Johnsville - John W. ALBAUGH, age 48, farmer, resided in Johnsville - George W. STITELY, age 45, farmer, resided in Johnsville - Jacob NUSBAUM, age 68, resided in Johnsville - Charles H. BAUGHMAN, age 26, Frederick City, one of the publishers of the Frederick Citizen; claimed 9/10 of sale had terms, not cash. - William MAHONEY, age 67, Frederick City, Justice of the Peace - Walter SAUNDERS, age 49, Frederick City, auctioneer and deputy sheriff; claimed very few cash sales in real estate. - Peter LUGENBEEL, age 44, Unionville, a merchant and auctioneer The judge overruled the objections and appointed Edward S. EICHELBERGER, Esquire, to convey the deed to Joseph H. HARTSOCK. Distribution of $2,934.22; court costs, $152.31 - Joseph H. HARTSOCK, mortgage, $2,575.20 - Jacob NUSBAUM, balance, $206.71 Filed 31 May 1879.
TG-7, 401-402 - MOLES, BRENGLE, WOOD - Jul 1879
Francis BRENGLE, trustee of Frederick German Building Assoc #2 - Report of Sales Joshua MOLES & w/ Juliann issued a Mortgage to Frederick German Building Assoc #2 on 2 Oct 1877. Sale was held 26 Jul 1879 at the City Hotel in Frederick city; high bidder was: - Joseph WOOD for Lot at $380 (To Joshua MOLES from Henry HOOD & wife in Jan 1871 [CM-6, 352].) Filed 30 Aug 1879. (page 403 is blank)
TG-7, 404-417 - BRUNER, CRAMER - May 1879
Joshua BRUNER and Mary E. BRUNER vs Charles A. BRUNER & w/ Catharine C. Charles A. BRUNER & w/ Catharine Cornelia issued Mortgage to Joshua BRUNER and John H. BRUNER (d/ 1871) on 1 Jul 1864. LAND - Farm & Mill, 73 acres, 1 1/4 miles west of Frederick City on the New Cut Road. Improved with a 2-story brick house with back building attached, bank barn, stable, spring house, carriage house, corn crib, a well near the houe and an orchard. The Mill is stone with three pairs of burrs and a good supply of water; also has a 2-story brick mill house with back building, a well, stable, carriage house and smoke house. - Mountain land, 40 acres, 3 1/2 miles west of Frederick near Shookstown; adjoins land of Edward TRAIL and Henry KLIPP. To Charles A. BRUNER from Lewis BRUNNER & w/ Anne Rebecca, John H. BRUNNER & w/ Mary Elizabeth and Joshua BRUNNER in Jul 1864. Devised to Catharine BRUNNER (mother of Lewis, John H. & Joshua) by Will of 'her' father, John BRUNNER, dated 18 Feb 1819. John H. BRUNNER, dec'd (Will written 2 Dec 1864; everything to his w/ Mary E.) Sale was held 14 Jun 1879 at the City Hotel in Frederick city; high bidder was: - Ezra L. CRAMER at $13,700 Distribution: court costs, $562.50 - Joshua BRUNER & Mary E. BRUNER, partial mortgage, $13,137.50 Filed 17 Oct 1879.
Zachariah J. GITTINGER, exec/of Simon C. SIMMONS vs Edward BURKETT Edward BURKETT was indebted to Simon C. SIMMONS for $300 and issued a mortgage. Simon C. SIMMONS died; his execs/ Zachariah James GITTINGER and Cyrus SIMMONS (the latter renounced). LAND - "Resurvey on Mackey's Luck", 20 acres, 2 miles from Mount Pleasant, near road from Liberty Turnpike, past UNCKER's Mill and 1 mile north of Liberty Turnpike; adjoining lands of John BURNER, Augustus HILL, Washington NUSBAUM and Henry STOUFFER. Improved with a small log house, spring near the house, an orchard and has a small stream running through the land. To Edward BURKETT from Jacob WALKER & w/ Mary in Aug 1849. - "Resurvey on Mackey's Luck" (Lot# 5), 4 acres, adjoins other tract. To Edward BURKETT from Isaac WALKER, trustee of Jacob WALKER, in Aug 1850 [CM-1, 54]. Trustee was Zachariah J. GITTINGER. Sale was held 19 Apr 1879 at the Dill House in Frederick city; high bidder was: - John BURNER at $300 Distribution: court costs, $97.11 - Zachariah J. GITTINGER, as exec, partial mortgage claim, $202.89. Filed 6 Jun 1879.
TG-7, 426-440 - DUTROW, THOMAS, HOUCK, BAKER - Dec 1878
John B. THOMAS , pro ami for William L. DUTROW and Jacob S. DUTROW John William DUTROW & w/ Mary C. issued a mortgage to Ezra HOUCK for $2,500 in Jan 1875. John William DUTROW & w/ Mary C. issued a Deed of Trust to their son, John B. Thomas, to hold until William L. DUTROW and Jacob S. DUTROW reach age 21. LAND - 75 acres, in Buckeystown District. To John William DUTROW from Edward BUCKEY, trustee. Previously to William C. BAKER from Adam SCHAEFFER in Aug 1871 [CM-7, 275]. John William DUTROW d/ Spring 1878 w/ Mary C. sons by his former wife, then dec'd: - William L. DUTROW (age 17 in 1878) - Jacob S. DUTROW (age 11 in 1878) Guardian was Edward A. GITTINGER, esquire. Testimony was heard on 14 Dec 1878 from: - A. T. SNOUFFER Trustee was John B. THOMAS. Private sale was made to: - William G. BAKER at $100/acre, $7,550 Ezra HOUCK, now dec'd; executors were Ezra HOUCK, James HOUCK and George HOUCK. Distribution of $7,550; court costs, $515.72 - Ezra HOUCK's execs, mortgage, $2,608.75 - John B. THOMAS, trustee in Deed of Trust, $4,425.53 subject to further order of the court. Filed 5 May 1879.
TG-7, 440-447 - BAKER, PHILIPS - Feb 1879
Lycurgus N. PHILIPS, mortgagee of John B. BAKER - Report of Sales John B. BAKER & w/ Esther issued mortgage to Lycurgus N. PHILIPS for $3,000 in May 1871. LAND - parts of "Roundabout", "Mason's Choice", "Chestnut Level" and "Gerhart's Forest", 132 acres, in Liberty District; on road from Woodsboro to Liberty; adjoining lands of John F. ILER and Joel WRIGHT. Improved with a 2-story weatherboarded house and basement, a frame bank barn, a 10-12 horse stable separate from the barn, wagon shed, corn crib, spring house, wash house, fruit orchard and spring near the door; also has a lime kiln and 30 acres in timber. Sale was held 8 Mar 1879; high bidder was: - Lycurgus N. PHILIPS at $22/acre, $2,910.72 Distribution: court costs, $193.74 - Lycurgus N. PHILIPS, partial mortgage claim, $2,716.98 Filed 6 May 1879.
TG-7, 447-455 - WETZEL, MOTTER, SPRINGER - Feb 1879
J. Taylor MOTTER, adm/of Joshua MOTTER, dec'd, mortgagee of Josiah WETZELL & wife Josiah WETZELL & w/ Ann Eliza issued mortgage for $1,288.95 in Sep 1875 (included livestock as well). LAND - farm, 68 acres, 3 miles west of Emmittsburg; adjoined lands of S. WAGERMAN and David GAMBLE. Improved with a 1 1/2 story log house with back building attached, a log barn, a well and orchard. To Josiah WETZEL from Grayson EICHELBERGER, exec/of George M. EICHELBERGER, for 50 acres [RD-6, 92]. To Josiah WETZEL from Samuel E. ANNAN for 18 acres [BGF-3, 732]. - 42 1/2 acres of mountain land, adjoins the farm, on north side of South Mountain. To Josiah WETZEL from Robert ANNAN - mountain land, 24 acres, NW of other tracts; adjoined lands of Peter KIMMELL and Dr. A. ANNAN. To Josiah WETZEL from Nathan PEDDICORD & wife [CM-3, 163]. Sale was held at the Emmitt House in Emmittsburgh on 29 Mar 1879; high bidders were: - Edwin SPRINGER at $6.50/acre, $442 for 68 acres and $276.25 for the 42 1/2 acres. - J. Taylor MOTTER for the 24 acres at $48 Total sales, $766.25. Distribution: court costs, $120.56 - J. Taylor MOTTER, adm, for partial mortgage, $645.69 Filed 21 Jun 1879.
TG-7, 455-458 - REMSBERG, ROUTZAHN, DILLER - Mar 1879
Joseph L. ROUTZAHN & Others Albert J. REMSBERG issued Mortgage to Joseph L. ROUTZAHN, Henry ROUTZAHN, Gideon J. REMSBERG and Jacob DILLER for $700 in Jan 1877. LAND - in Mount Pleasant Sale was held 15 Mar 1879 and sold for cash to petitioners at $650. After court costs, the balance, $565.20 to the petitioners in partial payment of mortgage claim. Filed 7 May 1879.
Moses SHAW and William WILSON, t/a Shaw and Wilson, William GARBER and Dennis SOCKS vs Robert WILSON & Others James COOK d/ 31 Mar 1877, intestate (wife was dec'd), leaving 8 children: d/ Eliza COOK w/o Robert WILSON - Pennsylvania d/ ____ COOK w/o ____ SMITH .....Mary SMITH, a minor - Ohio .....Martha SMITH, a minor - Ohio d/ Catharine COOK w/o ______ MATHEWS - whereabouts unknown d/ Louisa A. COOK w/o ______ BROWN - whereabouts unknown s/ William H. COOK - Pennsylvania s/ John W. COOK - Pennsylvania d/ Annie M. COOK w/o Dennis SOCKS d/ Susie COOK, a minor - Carroll County LAND - "Resurvey on Small Beginning", 3 acres & house in Union Bridge, Johnsville District. To James COOK from John FETTERLING & w/ Elizabeth in Jan 1842. Guardian was H. Clay NAILL. Testimony was heard 3 Jan 1878 from: - William GARBER, age 61, resides near Beaver Dam, Frederick County - Dennis SOCKS, age 31, Frederick County; provided death date of decedent. - Moses SHAW, age 69, resides in Union Bridge, Carroll County Trustee was Moses SHAW. Sale was held 17 Aug 1878 on the premises; high bidder was: - Susan JONES at $400 Distribution: court costs, $141.45 After numerous creditors were paid, each child's 1/8 share was $4.57. Filed 1 Dec 1879.
TG-7, 477-487 - LORENTZ, CROUSE, WRIGHT - May 1878
Henry LORENTZ, mortgagee of John LORENTZ of J. John LORENTZ of Jacob issued a mortgage to Henry LORENTZ for $200 in Apr 1817. John LORENTZ, dec'd sis/ Mary E. LORENTZ sis/ Maria LORENTZ bro/ Joseph LORENTZ sis/ Eliza BRADY sis/ Malinda E. w/o George V. CROUSE bro/ Adam LORENTZ bro/ George LORENTZ, dec'd ..........Martha w/o William WRIGHT - Washington County* ..........Caroline LORENTZ ..........Robert LORENTZ * Martha & William WRIGHT had moved to Waynesboro, Franklin Co, PA. LAND - "Grove's Addition to Middletown", 3 1/2 acres; adjoined land of Eli HYATT on the north and west and the turnpike on the south. To John LORENTZ from Henry LORENTZ, trustee (in Equity# 2737, JWLC-2, 135) in Sep 1864. Sale was held at the Dill House in Frederick on 11 May 1878; high bidder was: - Mary E. LORENTZ at $483.50 Distribution of $483.50: court costs, $47.30 - Henry LORENTZ, mortgage claim, $214 Balance to various creditors. Filed 2 Oct 1879.
TG-7, 488-504 - GONDER, HAHN, PUTMAN, WEBSTER - Aug 1875
Samuel PUTMAN, assignee of Jacob HAHN, mortgagee of Catharine GONDER & her husband, John GONDER for $195 in Apr 1872. (Previously Jacob HAHN had assigned the mortgage to John H. ENSOR.) LAND - 14 acres in Lewistown area; adjoined tract of widow HUMRICK. Then occupied by Stephen J. WEBSTER. Improvements of a log house with kitchen attached, a log stable, apple orchard and well near the house. To Catharine GONDER from Jacob RAMSBURG & wife for 9 acres in Sep 1865. Also from William HEFFNER & wife for 5 acres in Apr 1864. Sale was held at ZIMMERMAND's Store in Lewistown on 7 Aug 1875, high bidder was: - Samuel PUTMAN at $325 Catharine GONDER & her husband, John GONDER objected to the sale. Testimony was heard on 19 Nov 1875 from: - Samuel PUTMAN, age 53, farmer in Woodsboro; stated that Daniel SHURFEY (s/o Catharine GONDER) had bid on the property at a higher bid. - O. T. ZIMMERMAN, age 49, Lewistown, merchant and auctioneer for said property. Court overruled the objections. Distribution of $325; court costs, $179.25 - Samuel PUTMAN, partial mortgage claim, $145.75 Filed 27 May 1879.
TG-7, 504-511 - STONER, ENGLAR - May 1879
Henry ENGLAR, mortgagee of Dallas A. STONER & wife - Report of Sales Dallas A. STONER & w/ Mary E. issued Mortgage to Henry ENGLAR for $325 on Apr 1879. LAND - part of Lot# 28 in Libertytown; adjoining lot of Basil SWEADNER and opposite the M.P. Church. Improved with a 2-story weatherboarded house, stable and smoke house. To Dallas A. STONER from Henry ENGLAR for $400 in Apr 1877 with rights to water and pump on Lot# 29. Previously to Henry ENGLAR from Mary E. PETERS in Apr 1875 [TG-3, 423]. Sale was held 16 May 1879 on the premises; high bidder was: - Henry ENGLAR at $300 Distribution: after court costs, Henry ENGLAR received the balance, $215.25 as partial mortgage payment. Filed 16 Sep 1879.
Trust Estate of George R. DENNIS - Report of Sale George R. DENNIS & w/ Fannie McPHERSON DENNIS issued Deed of Trust for $6,200 to William P. MAULSBY Jr. in Sep 1878. Fannie deeded her dower to Littleton Upsher DENNIS & Others in Sep 1878. LAND - Life Estate of 800 acres - parts of "Forest Range", "Resurvey on Wild Cat Hill", "Falconer's Adventure", "Ijams Resolution" and "Altogether", 246 acres: - Division #1 - 96 acres; east of road from Baltimore Turnpike to Ijamsville; then in occupancy of Jane/James GALLAGHER as tenant. Improved with a weatherboarded house and barn. - Division #2 - 112 acres; west of road from Baltimore Turnpike to Ijamsville; then in occupancy of Lewis E. SMITH as tenant. Improved with a comfortable house and good barn. - Division #3 - 37 acres; west of road from Baltimore Turnpike to Ijamsville; To George R. DENNIS from Shepherd WOOD & wife [JWLC-1, 191]. - 276 acre farm; 1/2 mile south of Urbana; adjoined lands of Singleton KING and Henry DRONEBBERG. Then in occupancy of Garton WARFIELD as tenant. Improved with a house and barn. To George R. DENNIS from Abraham SIMMONS & wife [JWLC-1, 529]. Subject to mortgage to Charles W. ROSS, trustee, for $5,175 - 160 acres, 4 miles east of Frederick on road to HARTMAN's water station. Then in possession of George W. ZIMMERMAN as tenant. Improved with house and barn. To George R. DENNIS from Dr. Thomas J. MacGILL [CM-1, 225]. - "Glass Works Farm", 240 acres. Then in possession of John B. HARGATE as tenant. Improved with a house and barn. - Life Interest in part of "Glass Works Farm", 500 acres. Then in occupancy of John H. HAUGH as tenant. Improved with a house and good barn. To George R. DENNIS from William C. HOFFMAN & w/ Sarah C. [CM-9, 594]. Sale was held at the City Hotel in Frederick; high bidder was: - John T. SIM for the 276-acre farm at $9,687.60 (less mortgage & interest = $4,512.60 net) - John T. SIM, Louis F. DETRICK, John S. RAMSBURG, J. D. KOOGLE, Daniel CASTLE of T., John P. HEFFNER and L. R. COCHRAN for farms where John B. HARGATE and John H. HAUGH then resided at $6,615 - William F. KELLER & Sarah A. P. KELLER for 160 acres at $14.50/acre; survey to be done - John T. QUYNN for Div 1 & 2 at $6,020 Private sale was made to Joseph C. RIGGS for Div# 3, 37 acres at $30/acre, $1,113. Distribution of $28, 672.04; amount in hand to be distributed, $10,573.46 - trustee's commission, admin expense, claims, $4,160.13 - Mrs. George R. DENNIS, per court order, $2,338.09 - Mrs. Fanny McPHERSON, partial claim in trust deed, $4,075.24 Filed 7 Jun 1879.
George C. DERR, John GOLDSBOROUGH, William S. MILLER & Samuel B. EBERT, mortgagees of Henry FRALEY - Report of Sales Henry FRALEY & w/ Elizabeth issued mortgage for $400 in Oct 1877, but became in default. LAND - mountain land, 18+ acres, 4 miles NW of Frederick; adjoined lands of Dr. Lewis H. STEINER and James GLADHILL. To Henry FRALEY from William J. ROSS and L. V. SCHOLL, execs [CM-9, 77]. - mountain land, 5 acres, 3 miles west of Frederick; adjoined lands of John HAGAN and William SMITH. To Henry FRALEY from Edward BUCKEY [JWLC-3, 366]. Sale was held at the City Hotel in Frederick on 3 May 1879; high bidders were: - W. S. MILLER for the 18 acres at $9.50/acre - W. S. MILLER for the 5 acres at $7/acre Total sales, $222.64. Distribution of $214.11: After court costs, the petitioners received partial mortgage claim of $146.68. Filed 7 Jul 1879.
TG-7, 540-546 - TOMS, STITELY, ROSER - Mar 1879
Jacob STITELY of J., trustee of Zachary Taylor TOMS & wife Zachary Taylor TOMS & w/ Mary Catharine executed Deed of Trust LAND - 5+ acres, 1 mile NW of Woodsboro, near Renner's Station, along the line of the Frederick & Pennsylvania Rail Road; adjoined lands of Adam ROSER and Daniel ILER/EYLER. Improved with a 2-story log house with basement, nearly new stable, a pump, water near the house and fruit trees. Sale was held 22 Mar 1879 on the premises, but didn't receive a sufficient bid. Later, private sale was made to: - Jesse ROSER at $440 Distribution of $300; court costs, $220.63 - numerous creditors at 43% of claims, balance of $79.37 Filed 12 Sep 1879.
TG-7, 546-582 - FOGLE, ILER, LIPPY, ZECKER, ARNOLD - Feb 1878
Isaac FOGLE & w/ Barbara vs Peter FOGLE, et al - Sale of Real Estate Nicholas FOGLE (Sr.), dec'd (Will - written 24 Jan 1878; filed 11 Feb 1878) w/ Elizabeth ($800 & household furniture) daughter-in-law/ Margaret FOGLE, wid/o Daniel FOGLE * (Life estate for House & 19 acres where she then lived; after her death, to his son Nicholas FOGLE Jr.) d/Lydia Ann ILER ($300) Rest of Estate divided equally among s/ Nicholas FOGLE (+ $1,000) s/ Peter FOGLE (+ $1,000 d/ Susan LIPPY (+ $1,000) d/ Catharine ZECKER (+ $1,000) s/ Michael FOGLE d/ Margaret ARNOLD Execs/ sons Michael FOGLE & Nicholas FOGLE Jr. Witnesses: George M. SHAW, James A. ANDES, David E. FOGLE Note: Barbara FOGLE was omitted from the Will and contested it. --- Daniel FOGLE * d/ 1868, intestate widow - Margaret (age 35-40), but no children bro/ Peter FOGLE & w/ ______ - in Joy, Ohio sis/ Susan FOGLE w/o John LIPPY bro/ Nicholas FOGLE Jr. (d/ Mar 1878, intestate) & w/ Mary ..........Emma FOGLE, a minor ..........Charles FOGLE, a minor ..........Annie FOGLE, a minor ..........Margaret FOGLE, a minor sis/ Lydia FOGLE w/o Daniel EYLER sis/ Catharine FOGLE w/o Mathias ZECKER sis/ Margaret FOGLE w/o Thomas ARNOLD bro/ Michael FOGLE & w/ Sarah sis/ Barbara FOGLE w/o Isaac FOGLE LAND - 22 acres, in Johnsville District A/- parts of "Carmack's Advice", "Better Than None" and "George's Lot", 3+ acres, along the Mill Road. Improved with double house, stable and fruit trees. To Daniel FOGLE from John MOORE & w/ Lydia of Preble Co, Ohio for $250 in Apr 1864. B/- part "Resurvey on Good Neighbourhood", 18 acres, 1/4 mile north of A. 1 1/2 miles east of New Midway Station, near Rocky Hill school house lot; adjoining land of William GRIMES. Half of land is timbered, other half planted in corn. To Daniel FOGLE from Jacob W. HYDER for $902.18 in Mar 1866. Previously to Jacob HYDER Sr. from William GRIMES & wife in Mar 1838 [HS-6, 499-501]. C/- part "Resurvey on Good Neighbourhood", 1+ acre To Daniel FOGLE from William BOSTIAN & w/ Catharine in Oct 1867. --- Guardian was H. Clay NAILL, Esquire. Testimony was heard 17 May 1878 from: - Wilford A. RENNER, age 30, Woodsboro - Daniel J. EYLER, age 44, Frederick County Jeremiah FOX surveyed the tracts for the widow's dower on Tract A for 3 roods and 30 sq perches which included the house and stable. Trustee was John C. MOTTER. Sale was held at the Rocky Hill School House on 18 Jul 1878; high bidders were: - Mary E. FOGLE at $123; subject to the dower portion laid off for Margaret FOGLE, wid/o Daniel FOGLE B & C were auctioned together but didn't receive an adequate bid, but later, private sale was made to: - Jeremiah ILER at $503.16 Total Sales, $575.74 Distribution of $663.73; court costs, $269.03 - Peter FOGLE, 1/8 share, $49.33 - Susan LIPPY, 1/8 share, $49.33 - Lydia EYLER, 1/8 share, $49.33 - Catharine ZECKER, 1/8 share, $49.33 - Margaret ARNOLD, 1/8 share, $49.33 - Barbara FOGLE, 1/8 share, $49.33 - Michael FOGLE, 1/8 share, $49.33 - Nicholas FOGLE Jr's children, each rec'd $12.33 Filed 24 May 1879.
TG-7, 582-587 - BEAR/BAER, BOWLUS, KEPLER - Mar 1878
Noah BOWLUS & Edward BOWLUS, mortgagees of Charles J. BEAR & wife Charles J. BEAR & w/ Margaret C. executed mortgage to Noah BOWLUS & Edward BOWLUS for $1,536.50 on Sep 1873. LAND - Lot# 23 (66 x 325') on Main St in Middletown; adjoining lots of Asa BOWLUS on the east and the heirs of John LINTHICUM on the west. Improved with an elegant 2-story brick mansion (46 x 30') with a 2-story back building (30 x 16'), basement, kitchen with pantry underneath, containing 13 rooms with a fine cellar under the entire main building. It also has a large storeroom then occupied as a store by the Grangers. It had two running fountains, one near the kitchen door with soft water. Outbuildings of a wash house, bath house, carriage shed, corn crib and large stable with a running fountain in the stable yard. To Charles J. BAER from Noah BOWLUS & Edward BOWLUS, heirs of Sophia BOWLUS. Sale was held 2 Mar 1878 in front of The Valley Register office in Middletown; high bidder was: - Daniel S. KEPLER at $3,555 Distribution: court costs, $204.45 - Noah BOWLUS & Edward BOWLUS, mortgage w/int, $3,367.50 - balance to Charles J. BEAR & w/ Margaret C., $16.99 Filed 15 Feb 1879.
TG-7, 587-599 - TOMS, CULLER, WILLSON - Apr 1875
Michael CULLER, trustee of Samuel TOMS - Report of Sales Samuel TOMS & w/ Margaret issued Deed of Trust for benefit of their creditors to Michael CULLER in Jan 1872. LAND - parts of "Well Intended", "Apple Brandy", "Peach Brandy", "Lawwell" and "Tom's Gift", 120 acres in Middletown Valley; 2 miles south of Middletown on road to Burkittsville; adjoining land of Joseph L. HUFFER. Improved with a 2 1/2 story brick house with a new back building, Switzer barn, wagon shed, corn house, granary, spring house, smoke house, orchard, a spring near the house and has running water in every field. From Isaac MICHAEL in Sep 1867. - wood lot, 5 acres; from Daniel YOUNG. Sale was held in front of the Valley Register Office in Middletown on 2 Jan 1875; high bidder was: - Robert WILLSON at $5,000 Previous sales didn't receive a sufficient bid and the trustee rented out the farm until the final sale. All monies went to creditors. Filed 21 Jul 1879.

The End of TG-7

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