Equity Court Abstracts

Book HS-10 - 1832-1845

Frederick County, Maryland

These are abstracts from Equity Court Records of Frederick County, Maryland, many times providing family data on the defendant and sometimes on persons not mentioned on the docket. Some of the listings are quite informative while others, being dismissed, may only have the date and name of plantiff and defendant. However, the cases brought before the judge consisted of sworn testimony and each one holds a story. Perhaps you will find a story connected to your search.
[Records Located at Maryland State Archives]

John C. OSBOURNE - Petition for Sale of Real Estate - Oct 1842 Rebecca OSBOURNE d/ Spring 1815, intestate child by 1st husband s/ Samuel B. COPELAND, now dec'd; his dau/ .....Frances Rebecca (Copeland) w/o Joseph THOMAS children by 2nd husband s/ Daniel S. OSBOURNE and w/ Emily Jane - St Clair Co, IL s/ Joseph B. OSBOURNE, now dec'd (married); his dau/ .....Rebecca OSBOURNE, a minor (age 12-13 in 1843) s/ John C. OSBOURNE d/ Clarrissa C. OSBOURNE, now dec'd (single, no issue) Land - "Friendship", Lot #3, 20 acres, (is also a part of "Judys Back Forrest"); - "Partnership", 72 acres; total land, 92 acres, bordered on north by Col. Jacob NICHOLS, on the south by Benjamin STEWART, on the northwest by Counlor BEALL and on the east by "Carrolls Manor"; in Frederick Town; has log dwelling and kitchen, log smoke house, an orchard, 30 acres in timber. Before Joseph married (1825), he sold his interest to John; Daniel and w/ Emily Jane also sold theirs (1842) to John as well as the 1/4 share of Clarrissa's (her share to be divided amongst her siblings). Testimony was heard from Benjamin STEWART regarding the death of the intestate. Guardian was Samuel A. MICHAEL; trustee was Madison NELSON. Sale was held at the tavern of Benjamin GILBERT in Frederick Town on 29 Mar 1843, high bidder was John C. OSBOURNE at $1,828.50. Distribution on 19 Aug 1843: - Frances R. THOMAS (Distribution listed her as Samuel COPELAND's sister instead of daughter, claiming he never married; however, previous petition and testimony gave only the five children listed above and only one child by first marriage and stated she was Samuel's daughter.) Amount was for claim from Rebecca Osbourne's guardianship for son Samuel, principal and interest $261.71. Proceeds to - John C. OSBOURNE, $1,008.92; - Rebecca THOMAS, $360.33; - Rebecca OSBOURNE, $72.11. Note - FCML shows James COPELAND to Rebeckah CHISHOLM on 30 Dec 1789 Daniel OSBORN to Rebecca COPLAN on 2 Dec 1797
Samuel FLEMMING, John OTTO vs Caleb FLEMMING et al John FLEMMING, dec'd (will 12 Sep 1826) s/ Samuel FLEMMING s/ Charlton FLEMMING * d/ Ellen FLEMMING d/ Mary FLEMMING d/ Sarah FLEMMING s/ John FLEMMING d/ Alice OTTO d/ Rachel WELSH SLAVES - negro man SAM, not to be sold Land - "Spring Plains", 99 acres, next to Jacob WOLF, (to son Samuel), subject to 1/2 buildings and access to water to son Charlton for 3 years. - "Spring Plains", 95 acres + 5 acres to son Charlton. From estate, daughters to receive 3/4; 1/2 of remaining 1/4 to son John; 2/3 of remaining 1/4 to children of Alice OTTO and remainder to children of Rachel WELSH (Seems he had a problem with Math, but that is what was in record.) Exec/ Captain robert FULTON; Witnesses: Robert E. DORSEY, Henry HARM, William GRIMES. ---------- *Charlton FLEMMING d/ 1832 intestate widow - Sarah d/ Margaret FLEMMING, a minor (died when very young) s/ John FLEMMING, a minor (died when very young) bro/ Caleb FLEMMING sis/ Rachel WELSH, a widow sis/ Ellen FLEMMING sis/ Sarah w/o Henry STAME sis/ Mary w/o Solomon STAME bro/ Samuel FLEMMING sis/ Alice w/o John OTTO bro/ John FLEMMING, dec'd, his children, .......John FLEMMING .......Martha w/o John HAND, a minor .......Samuel FLEMMING, a minor .......Charlton FLEMMING, a minor .......Rachel FLEMMING, a minor Testimony was heard from Noah PHILLIPS; guardian was not listed. Trustee was Madison NELSON. On 27 Jan 1844, sale was held at the tavern of Benjamin GILBERT in Frederick Town; high bidder was Nathan BAKER for 98 acres at $698.25. M. NELSON, trustee of Henry G. WATERS, in petition against Caleb FLEMMING for judgment on his interest; court approved. Distribution: each 1/8 share to siblings, $73.31; ended 20 Jul 1846.
HS-10, 22-28 - HOFFMAN, BREADY - Jan 1842
Caspar HOFFMAN, adm/o Henry HOFFMAN vs John HOFFMAN et al Henry HOFFMAN Sr died intestate; administrator was Caspar HOFFMAN. Caspar and Henry HOFFMAN held note for John HOFFMAN and w/ Ann Elizabeth. Caspar paid all of the note and is entitled to all of the proceeds. Land - "Salisbury Plains Helped" and "Fielderea", 1 1/4 acres, to John HOFFMAN of Hy. from Joseph HARGERSHIMER in 1829. Trustee was Madison NELSON; sale was held on 21 May 1842 at the tavern of Peter HAGAN; high bidder was George A. BREADY for house and lot at $230. Proceeds of $194.06 to Caspar, Adm/o Henry HOFFMAN Jr; closed on 30 Jun 1842.
HS-10, 28-40 - HOUSTON/HUSTON, ENGLISH, BANTZ - Oct 1842
Agnes HUSTON vs Richard ENGLISH Agnes was the widow of James F. HOUSTON of Baltimore and was entitled to 1/3 dower. Land Lot #118 and 119 in Frederick Town on 2nd St from Richard ENGLISH (w/ Mary Ann); Lot fronts 2nd street by 36' with dwelling and runs thru to 3rd street, fronting for 29', with two small tenements. Dower laid out for 100 ft on 3rd street side. - Lot #1 in Frederick Town, on corner of Market and 2nd Sts, stone house and lot to James by trustee Richard BROOKE in 1816, but deed was in trustee's name. In 1818, a deed from Richard ENGLISH, trustee was made to Catharine, Margaret and Louisa/Lovice SCHNERTZELL and James F. HOUSTON of Frederick Town. In Feb 1843, testimony was heard from Gideon BANTZ who had known Agnes for 40 years and Richard for more than 30 years. He stated he had known James F. Houston who had died about 18 months ago, but James and Agnes married about 31 years ago. Court awarded her the laid out dower in said property. Closed 27 May 1843.
HS-10, 40-54 - ENGLE, WATERS, HUGHES, MUSSETTER - Oct 1842
Estate of John ENGLE John ENGLE d/ 1 Jul 1838 (will 28 May 1838) widow - Airy s/ John ENGLE Jr (eldest) s/ Jesse ENGLE - Out of County s/ Reuben ENGLE - Out of County d/ Rachel ENGLE, a minor s/ William ENGLE, a minor s/ Joshua ENGLE, a minor d/ Lucy ENGLE, a minor s/ Lorenzo ENGLE, a minor Land - "Cowman's Manor", 107 acres, from Jesse ENGLE and Sarah ENGLE in 1834; located four miles SE of New Market and 1 mile south of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; portion in woodland and improvements have 2-story log house and excellent spring near the door, log barn and two tobacco houses, stable, corn house and other out buildings and orchard. - "Resurvey on Charles' Lots" and Pretty Sally", 86 acres, from John McELFRESH in 1836. Widow's dower has since been laid off leaving 21 acres with no improvements and largely in woodland, lies one and a half miles from the home farm. Execs/ friend Joseph KEMP and son John. Witnesses: George KLAY, Richard BRASHEAR, Alfred BAKER Guardian was Henry G. WATERS. Testimony was heard from George HUGHES. Trustee was Nicholas H. PITTS. On 28 Aug 1844, sale was held at the house of Levi VANFOSSEN in New Market; high bidders were Philip MUSSETTER for the 107 acre home farm at $556.40; to John ENGLE for lot of 21 acres at $123.48. Distribution: each 1/6 share left to John Jr and the minor children, $97.54. Closed 15 Jul 1844.
HS-10, 54-61 - BENTZ, KEMP, TYLER - Oct 1842
Dr. William TYLER vs Daniel BENTZ Estate - Title Daniel BENTZ d/ 1842 widow - Mary E. d/ Anne Mary BENTZ s/ Daniel K. BENTZ Land - "Long Acre", 53 acres, adjoining Frederick Town, sold to William TYLER, but not conveyed. Located at SE corner of Tyler's Brick Yard, just north of Town Mill and on south side of Mill road to corner of Richard POTTS' lot, then on south side of Town creek to NE corner of Samuel CARMACK's lot to centre of alley leading from Patrick St (formerly called Bentz Town) to the creek, it being beginning of Jacob HART's part, at dividing line between Tyler and Stephen REMSBURG and ending on main road leading from Frederick City to Brunner's Mill at Joshua DILL"s lot (formerly KLINEHARD's lot), then to SW corner of Reformed Church lot or graveyard. (Is part of "Tasker's Chance", plat shown). Land was sold to Dr. Tyler but never conveyed. On 30 Sep 1843, testimony was heard from Abraham KEMP who was also the administrator of Daniel Bentz's estate; he stated the daughter and son were age 3 and 18 month. Guardian was E. M. BARTHOLOW. The court decreed that the property be conveyed to Dr Tyler and that Abraham KEMP would be the trustee to make the conveyance. Closed 3 Oct 1843.
William BIGGS and Jeremiah MARTIN, creditors vs Jacob KNOUFF's Estate John KNOUFF d/ 1838 intestate widow - Catharine d/ Anny w/o George HESSER/HESS d/ Mary w/o Jeremiah MARTIN d/ Catharine w/o Benjamin OGLE d/ Susan w/o William G. BLAIR s/ Jacob KNOUFF d/ Eve w/o William RIDENOUR s/ John KNOUFF, a minor Administrators were Jacob KNOUFF and William G. BLAIR. Estate was sold and creditors paid, but there were still outstanding debts. Other land was owned by the deceased which had not been sold. Land - "Paraphrase", 12+ acres, from John HEAD and w/ Sophia in 1835 and lying next to "Content"; - an undivided moriety of "Creager's Scheme", 53+ acres, from John OGLE and w/ Susannah to John S. HEAD and John KNOUFF in 1834' and previously conveyed by John Creager Sr to Joseph OGLE and John OGLE in 1819. Joseph OGLE's share was sold by Sheriff Thomas W. MORGAN to John OGLE in 1824. Guardian was Jacob BIGGS who also testified. Trustee was William BIGGS; on 12 Oct 1843, sale was made to Jeremiah MARTIN for the 12 acres at $80 and the undivided moriety was sold to George W. FOREMAN for $13. Closed 15 Dec 1843.
Richard Colley WELLERSLEY and w/ Mary Ann vs Elizabeth BUONAPARTE, William PATTERSON, et al Robert PATTERSON d/ 1820 intestate, no issue widow - Mary Ann (now w/o Richard Colley WELLERSLEY) bro/ William PATTERSON, dec'd .....s/ William PATTERSON - Baltimore Co bro/ John PATTERSON - Baltimore Co bro/ Edward PATTERSON - Baltimore Co bro/ Joseph PATTERSON - Baltimore Co bro/ George PATTERSON - Baltimore Co bro/ Henry PATTERSON - Baltimore Co sis/ Elizabeth BUONAPARTE - Europe (She is divorced from Jerome BUONAPARTE and he has remarried to Frederica Catherina, the Princess of Wertenburg) Land - "Resurvey on Johnsons Folly", 47 acres, from George GEERS in 1821; and "Victory", 2 acres, presently occupied by George GEERS and w/ Mary with a life estate to them. - "Perfection Disputed", 23 acres, from William JOHNSON of Jeremiah (w/ Cassandra) in 1821; starts at intersection of Trammelsburg Rd and Biddle Rd and runs along "Addition to Carrolton", "Matthews Lot" and "Resurvey on Johnsons Folly". Boundaries of these lands are Carroll Manor on the north and east, by the farm of George THOMAS of Henry on the west, and lies about one mile southwest from the house and farm of Lady Wellersley and three miles from Buckeystown; the road leading from Kemp's Mill to Trammelsburg runs through part of it. John Patterson (w/ Mary B.) sold his share for $200 to the widow in 1827; at that time she was Mary Ann WELLERSLEY of Dublin, Ireland, called Marchieness of Wellersley. Trustee was Frederick A. SCHLEY; sale was made to John McTAVISH and Roseville L. COLT, trustees for Mary Ann, known as Lady WELLERSLEY, w/o Lord WELLERSLEY at $659.25. Each 1/7 share of proceeds was $83.29; closed 11 Feb 1841.
Ezra SLIFER and others vs William BUTLER et al Joshua HARLEY Sr. d/ Dec 1831 intestate s/ William HARLEY d/ Sophia w/o Daniel BISER s/ Otho F. HARLEY s/ Joshua HARLEY s/ Mahlon HARLEY d/ Elizabeth w/o William LAMAR d/ Matilda w/o Ezra SLIFER s/ Thomas HARLEY d/ Eliza BUTLER, dec'd - Tennessee ....William BUTLER, a minor ....Thomas BUTLER, a minor ....Matilda BUTLER, a minor Land - House and Lot in Burkittsville Trustee was John FINK Jr.; sale went to William LAMAR at $281. Each 1/8 share was $30.22, but some exception was made for Mahlon HARLEY in not getting his share; closed 19 Jun 1834.
Estate of Henry HOFFMAN Sr. Henry HOFFMAN Sr, weaver, d/ bef 4 Dec 1838 s/ George HOFFMAN d/ Rebecca (Hoffman) w/o George HILL s/ Caspar HOFFMAN s/ John HOFFMAN d/ Catharine (Hoffman) w/o Boyd TRAVERS s/ Jacob HOFFMAN s/ Henry HOFFMAN Jr d/ Charlotte HOFFMAN s/ Adam HOFFMAN d/ abt 10 yrs prior, intestate .....William HOFFMAN .....Harriet HOFFMAN Administrator was Caspar HOFFMAN. Land - "Chestnut Hill" and "Resurvey on Stoney Spring", 28 acres, from Warren WELSH (w/ Lydia) in 1836; next to lands of John BRUNNER, John DURST and prevliously owned by George ZEILER. - "Chestnut Hill", 9 acres, from Jacob GETZENDANNER (s/o Adam) in 1813; - "Chestnut Hill", 1 acre, from John GETZENDANNER (s/o Adam) in 1805. - "Wood Cock's Head", 1/2 acre lot from Abraham KEMP (w/ Mary) in 1821, conveyed to them by will of John BRUNNER of John in 1819. Testimony was heard from Joshua DILL; guardian was Lewis P. W. BALCH. Trustees were L. P. W. BALCH and Madison NELSON; on 27 Apr 1841, sale was held at Gilbert's Hotel in Frederick, high bidder was Daniel SMITH for the 35 acres at $1,015. Improvements consisted of a log house, log barn, spring house, good spring and small orchard and half of the land is timbered. The widow was then living on the site. After claims were paid, each 1/9 share was $6.44.
HS-10, 116-132 - KUHN, MARTIN, SNYDER, EICHELBERGER - Feb 1842
Henry PROTZMAN vs Estate of George KUHN George KUHN d/ 13 or 26 Jan 1842 intestate, leaving minor children, widow - Elizabeth d/ Martha Elizabeth KUHN s/ Alfred KUHN s/ Charles William KUHN d/ Margaret Ellen KUHN s/ George N. KUHN s/ Henry Edward KUHN s/ Milton KUHN d/ Mary Louisa KUHN d/ Sarah Ann KUHN Land - "Benjamin's Advice", 29 acres, from Nicholas SNYDER and W/ Margaret of Baltimore City in 1838; previously to Snyders from Samuel PLAINE and Jacob STEM in 1825. Property located next to lands of the late Jacob ENGLER and Nicholas SNYDER, Mill Race, Jeremiah MARTIN and Owens Creek. Sales description: Valuable Mills on the waters of Owings Creek, about two miles north of Creagerstown and two and a half miles east of Graceham. There are three mills, a merchant mill, clover mill and saw mill. The merchant mill was a 2-story house, part stone and part frame, with two pair of burs and one pair dropping stones. The water wheels and pitt gearing are nearly new and is good machinery for manufacturing flour. The clover mill is a large and convenient stone building with excellent machinery for cleaning seed. The saw mill has lately been thoroughly repaired. The water power of the three mills is equal if not superior to any on Owens Creek with overshot power and sufficient in dry seasons. There is also 25 acres of first-rate bottom land with a log dwelling, small bank barn, stone spring house and never-failing spring Administrator was Joseph KUHN who also testified that George KUHN was his brother who 26 Jan 1842. Guardian was Jeremiah MARTIN. Trustee was Joseph KUHN; on 4 Nov 1843, sale was made to Martin EIGHELBERGER (Eichelberger) for $1,800. Distribution: the widow received 2/15, $219; to Joseph KUHN as administrator for expenses to him, $223.61 which was the remainder. Closed 23 Jul 1844.
HS-10, 133-160 - FUNK, MAUGHT, BLESSING - 1839
John MAUGHT, Andrew MAUGHT and Solomon BLESSING vs Samuel FUNK Jr Samuel FUNK Jr was heavily in debt to the plantiffs and has since left the state. Land - "Fielderea", and "Good Luck", 46 acres, and a merchant mill, saw mill, house and other buildings, from Abraham BLESSING of George as trustee of Abraham BLESSING, a lunatic, in 1838. It was located near Jefferson, on the road from Frederick to Harpers Ferry. Trustees were Frederick A. SCHLEY and Joseph M. PALMER. On 20 Apr 1840, sale was held at Gilbert's Tavern in Frederick Town; high bidders were John MAUGHT and Samuel MAUGHT at $12,000. (John and Samuel MAUGHT were administrators of Andrew MAUGHT.) Distribution: John MAUGHT received the most from many multiple claims; other creditors were Ewan E. FINK, $143.57; Thomas LAMAR, Tobias HORINE, George SCHAAF/SHAFER, Henry SHAFER and BAUGHMAN & HOUSE, who each received 1/5 of residue, $305.63. Closed 8 Dec 1845.
HS-10, 161-191 - STALEY, BIRLEY, HOLTZ - 1833
Nicholas HOLTZ, Elizabeth BIRELY vs John STALEY, Joseph STALEY and Others (a continuation) Land - "Resurvey on Stoney Level", 113 acres, (granted to Thomas JOHNSON), next to land of Michael TROUTMAN. Deed to Jacob STALEY from James FLEMING (w/ Ann) of Hampshire Co, VA in 1794. - "Dranes Purchase", 179 acres, in Montgomery County from Thomas O. DRANE (w/ Mary) of Montgomery Co in 1814; next to "Resurvey on Hanover", "Turnpike Patch". - "Turnpike Patch", 73 acres, in Montgomery County from Thomas O. DRANE (w/ Mary) of Montgomery Co in 1814; located at head of a branch called Dry Seneca. - "Mount Pleasant", 50 acres, from Frederick BROWN (w/ Catharine) in 1819; next to "Mountainack". All these to John STALEY and Joseph STALEY from Jacob STALEY Sr in 1821. - "Second Chance", 6 acres, patented to Jacob STALEY in 1787; - "Lost Sheep", 25 acres, patented to Jacob STALEY in 1796; - "Jacobs Plains", 59 acres; - "Brotherly Kindness", 72 acres. - "Resurvey on Stoney Level", "Butter Punch" and "Hedges Range", 51 acres, next to Joseph MILLER's "Pleasant Hill", "Resurvey on Stoney Level" and "Nut Spring". - "Hedges Range", 1+ acres, (to Jacob STALEY from Peter SLUSSER in 1811). - "Hedges Range", 1+ acres, (to Jacob STALEY from Peter SLUSSER in 1817). - "Resurvey on Nut Spring", 114 acres. - "Resurvey on Stoney Hill" and "Addition to Stoney Hill", 30 acres, (to Jacob STALEY from Jacob WEDEL, Peter WEDEL and others in 1806. - "Shin Taler Gut", 5+ acres, from Henry STALEY in 1794. - "Troutman Delight", 40 acres, from Michael TROUTMAN in 1792. - "Johnson's Lane Enlarged", 90 acres. - "Johnson's Thicketts", 10 acres. A few exceptions were made for small sections sold off. After numerous continuations, the Court of Appeals ruled the deed to John STALEY and Joseph STALEY from Jacob STALEY be declared null and void. Joseph M. PALMER was appointed trustee to sell the lands to included in that deed to pay creditors. Claims and judgements were entered. This suit had started at least by 1829; this section ends 4 Aug 1836.
Daniel HOFFMAN and others Henry HOFFMAN d/ 27 Apr 1832 intestate widow - Barbara (released dower on 7 Feb 1833) s/ Daniel HOFFMAN s/ Adam HOFFMAN d/ Rebecca HOFFMAN w/o Jonas EBERLY d/ Mary HOFFMAN s/ Henry HOFFMAN d/ Lydia HOFFMAN d/ Christena Ann HOFFMAN, a minor - Greencastle, Franklin Co, PA d/ Sarah HOFFMAN, a minor - Greencastle, Franklin Co, PA s/ Joshua HOFFMAN, a minor - Greencastle, Franklin Co, PA Land - "Settled in Peace", 150 acres, (included part of John DIGGS' grant, "Resurvey on Diggs Lot", in 1754; part of John HAMILTON's "Hamiltons Resurvey" in 1748; part of William BIGGS' "Six Brothers" in 1788; part of George DICKSON's "Disappointment" in 1770; part of Philip ORWELER's "Narrow Slipe" in 1786; and resurveyed in 1800 for Adam HOFFMAN); and "Hamiltons Recovery", 3 acres; to Henry HOFFMAN of Franklin Co, PA from John DOTTERO, acting executor of Adam HOFFMAN, in 1826; located along Tom's Creek and Monocacy River. Guardian and trustee was Daniel HOFFMAN; in Nov 1833, sale was made to John DUDEROR for $4,600. On 3 Jan 1834, Benjamin WHITMORE testified he knew the widow and she was age 54 and delicate in health. Distribution: the widow, 2/17 or $516.68; creditors paid; each child's 1/9 share, $308.87. Closed 28 Jan 1834.
William TYLER and Others vs Thomas TURNER Dr. John TYLER d/1841 intestate, without any widow or children bro/ William TYLER bro/ Grafton TYLER - Prince Georges Co, MD bro/ Truman TYLER, dec'd - his children, .....Mary w/o John JOHNSON - Annapolis, MD .....Samuel TYLER - Baltimore, MD .....John TYLER - Prince Georges Co, MD .....Truman TYLER - Prince Georges Co, MD .....Jane TYLER - Prince Georges Co, MD .....Grace w/o Mortimer DORSEY - Prince Georges Co, MD .....Alexander TYLER - South America .....Anne w/o Edward TAYLOR - Ohio sis/ Elizabeth BELT, dec'd - her children, .....William BELT - Prince Georges Co, MD .....Robert BELT - Prince Georges Co, MD .....Truman BELT - Prince Georges Co, MD .....Susan BELT - Prince Georges Co, MD .....Samuel BELT - Mexico (still alive??) sis/ Susan HODGES, dec'd - her children, .....John H. HODGES - Baltimore, MD .....Emily H. wid/o Doctor GARNETT - Baltimore, MD sis/ Catharine/Christina PRATT, dec'd - her children, .....Elena w/o Thomas TURNER .....Eliza w/o George W. WEST .....John W. PRATT - Illinois Land - Lot #72 in Frederick Town, from Joseph FLEMING (w/ Alice) in 1813; previously from court proceedings in 1789 from the heirs of Samuel FLEMING, dec'd - Thomas FLEMING - Arthur FLEMING - Joseph FLEMING - Alice FLEMING, widow - Hugh REYNOLDS and w/ Alice - Samuel FLEMING Jr, dec'd .....Alice FLEMING - Lot #71 in Frederick Town from Chancellor of Maryland in 1797, previously confiscated from Daniel DULANEY (s/o Daniel) and sold to Captain William WEEMS who assigned it to Doctor John TYLER. - "Reservey on Otherseer", 188 acres (next to section extracted for schoolhouse), in 1805 from Commissioners: John GETZENDANNER, Christopher MAYER, John HOUCK, Joseph STALEY Sr, and Jacob STALEY (s/o Melchoir) for the heirs of Henry STALEY, dec'd - Henry STALEY, Jr - Ester STALEY - Daniel STALEY - Catharine STALEY - Elias STALEY - David STALEY - Mathias STALEY - Sophia STALEY - Samuel STALEY - "Little Did I Think It", (includes "Resurvey on Stoney Spring") from John M. BEATTY (w/ Letty) and Charles A. BEATTY (w/ Eunice), sons of Colonel Charles BEATTY, dec'd, (w/ Verlinder) in 1805. (Col. Beatty's estate was spread out through Virginia, Maryland and District of Columbia.) - Saw Mill and Race from John McPHERSON in 1805, previously from sale of Henry STALEY Estate. Trustees were Samuel TYLER and Thomas TURNER, esquires; on 18 Dec 1842, sale was held at Gilbert's Hotel in Frederick Town, but no sufficient bid was received. Private sale was later made to: - John A. LAMPART for Lot #5, 14 acres at $731.25 - William TYLER for Lot #6, 15 acres at $770 - George GITTINGER for Lot #2, 15 acres at $458.25 - Christian SEAMEN for Lot #1, 128 acres at $2,567.12 - Christian SEAMEN for Lot #3, 15 acres at $617.50 - Valentine DOUB for Lot #7, 4 acres of woodland at $117.34 - George M. EICHELBERGER and Isaac BAUGHER for house and lot on Church St in Frederick (where John SIFFORD, esq, then resided) at $3,000 Not yet sold was Lot #4. 1st Distribution: each 1/6 share, $55.36 2nd Distribution: each 1/6 share, $69.68 3rd Distribution: each 1/6 share, $173.69 4th Distribution: each 1/6 share, $261.59 5th Distribution: each 1/6 share, $249.83 Although not complete, this file ends 20 Jun 1844. ==================================== Last page in this book online is 235 ====================================

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