Equity Court Abstracts

Book HS-7 - 1835-1841

Frederick County, Maryland

These are abstracts from Equity Court Records of Frederick County, Maryland, many times providing family data on the defendant and sometimes on persons not mentioned on the docket. Some of the listings are quite informative while others, being dismissed, may only have the date and name of plantiff and defendant. However, the cases brought before the judge consisted of sworn testimony and each one holds a story. Perhaps you will find a story connected to your search.
[Records Located at Maryland State Archives]

Frederick CRABBS vs John J. JONES - Aug 1839 Samuel BLAIR d/ Apr 1839 intestate s/ Franklin J. BLAIR, a minor d/ Mary E. BLAIR, a minor s/ John W. BLAIR, a minor Adm/ John John JONES Land - 2 acre lot from Mary NICKUM in 1833; on banks of Sam's Creek and near Methodist Church and Carrollsburg. Guardian was Henry G. WATERS; testimony was heard from Michael SLUSS, John HARRIT and Dr. Jefferson SHIELDS. Trustee was Nicholas H. PITTS; on 28 Mar 1840 at David Agnew's house in Emmitsburg, sale was made to John JONES at $400. Payment was short, creditors paid 6.25%; closed 13 Aug 1840.
HS-7, 17-42 - COOPER, JODON, HOBBS, CLABAUGH - Dec 1838
Estate of James COOPER James COOPER d/ 28 Oct 1838 intestate widow - Ann s/ James COOPER - Adams Co, PA d/ Mary Ann COOPER d/ Priscilla B. COOPER s/ John COOPER, a minor s/ David COOPER, a minor s/ Joseph COOPER, a minor Land - "Burch Forrest", Lot #4, 333 acre farm in Graceham; adjoins land of John SEISS, William KOONS and heirs of Frederick LONG. - a mountain lot, 30 acres; adjoins Jane WILLIAMS and heirs of George McKEEHAN. - "Brooke's Reserve", 5 acres, from David WITHEROW as exec/of Sarah WHITE and John COOPER in 1814 (previously part of estate of Dan WHITE, dec'd). - "Brooke's Reserve", 183 acres, from James COOPER Sr in 1799; by road leading to plantation of David WHITE, dec'd, now occupied by Robert COOPER. - "Caroline", 39 acres, from John COOPER in 1817; deed correction. Isaac BAUGHER holds a lien; previously from Daniel F. DULANEY of Fairfax, Virginia in 1817, from 1811 deed of trust from Benjamin DULANEY and w/ Elizabeth of Alexandria, DC; next to "Resurvey on Buck Forrest". Guardian was the widow; testimony was heard from Zachariah JODON. John HOBBS filed a petition to be reimbursed for monies he paid on Cooper's mortgage. Trustee was James COOPER; on 11 May 1839, sale was made to Solomon CLABAUGH for the 30 acres of mountain land at $457.50; on 16 Nov 1839, sale was made to John HOBBS for 187 acres at $4,687.50 and for 145 acres at $1,746. On Aug 1840, Zachariah JODON testified the widow was about 50 and in tolerable health; she received 2/17, $776.86; creditors received $2,896.89; each child's 1/6 share was $488.27; closed 27 May 1841.
Dr. Willson W. KOLB vs Heirs of Catharine HECKMAN Catharine HECKMAN d/ 1840 intestate (widow of David ELY) s/ Ezra ELY d/ Sophia w/o Reuben GROVE s/ William ELY, dec'd - his children, .....Catharine w/o Woodward HAMILTON .....Elizabeth w/o Isaac TITLOW .....David ELY, a minor .....Daniel ELY, a minor .....Isaac ELY, a minor .....Sally ELY, a minor .....Sophia ELY, a minor Land - House and Lot on north side of Fifth Street in Frederick Town (to her from her husband's will). - part of Lot #230 in Frederick Town, from Jacob ROW (w/ Susanna) in 1831 (previously to Row from Catharine HECKMAN, Henry KELLER and Mary KELLER in 1825). Adm/ Joshua DILL. David ELY's will (written 1808) required Ezra and Sophia to be taught to read and write in English and German. Guardian was John BENDER; trustee was Joshua DILL. On 25 Jan 1841, sale was made to Peter NICHOLLS for the house and lot at $235; the other lot was sold to William GITTINGER at $106; totals $351. Proceeds were short, paid $.56 per dollar to creditors; closed 8 Apr 1841.
Henry CRONE vs Adam BOWLUS, et al - Estate of Margaret CRONE Conrad CRONE, dec'd (will 28 Apr 1807; 28 Nov 1808) widow - Mary E.(?) (but now dec'd) - 9 children d/ Catharine TABLER (now dec'd) - her children, .....Christian TABLER - Out of State .....William TABLER - Out of State .....Michael TABLER - Out of State d/ Mary TORMEY - Out of State d/ Marrillis LORENTZ (now dec'd) - her children, .....Jacob LORENTZ .....Adam LORENTZ d/ Barbara MILLER (now dec'd) - her children, .....Catharine SMITH, a widow - Out of State ....._______ w/o Christian TABLER - Out of State .....George MILLER - Out of State d/ Margaret CRONE (now dec'd) d/ Susanna w/o Lewis/Dennis DUCKWALT/DUKEWALT - Out of State s/ Henry CRONE (recently dec'd) - his children, .....Andrew Jackson CRONE - Out of State .....Samuel CRONE - Out of State .....Sarah CRONE - Out of State .....Henry CRONE - Out of State .....George CRONE - Out of State .....Jacob CRONE - Out of State s/ Conrad CRONE (now dec'd) (land attached to plantation) .....Henry CRONE .....Conrad CRONE .....John CRONE .....Jacob CRONE .....Magdalena w/o Adam BOWLUS .....Elizabeth w/o Philip DARR d/ Christena w/o John EPPERD - Out of State (house and lot at Warm Springs in Virginia) Land - House and Lot on "Smith Field", 44 acres, to Conrad CRONE from Michael JESSERONG in 1768, adjoining Middletown with ground rent (to d/ Margaret during her lifetime; if she dies without heirs, to be sold and divided among her siblings). - Lot #14 in Middletown, to Conrad CRONE from Michael JESSERENG in 1767. - Lot #1 in Middletown, to Conrad CRONE in 1777. - Lot, 1+ acres, south of Middle Town (previously to Margaret from David BOWLUS). Trustee was Henry CRONE; on 15 Feb 1841, sale was made to - Michael KELLER for Lot #1 at $33 and Lot #2 at $6; - John KEAFAUVER for Lot #3 at $17; - Jacob LORENTZ for Lot #4 at $172; - Andrew _______ for Lot #5 at $168; - John CRONE for Lot #6 at $340; - John RAMSBURG for Lot #7 at $288.25; - Conrad CRONE for House & Lot on road to Jefferson, 3/4 mile from Middle Town, at $200.35; - John BOWLUS for parcel in Middle Town, west of SCHLOSSER's tanyard, at $40 (was in possession of John HERRING who also claimed ownership; his owership was established and this sale to Bowlus was voided). Total sales, $1,264.50; each 1/8 share to siblings was $140; closed 27 May 1841.
Andrew TUCKER and wife, John NICEWANGER vs Philip FOLKINSON, et al Christian NICEWANGER d/ 20 May 1838 intestate widow - Mary (2nd wife, now living in Virginia) and not the mother of his 14 children, d/ Mary, dec'd w/o Philip FOLKINSON - her children, .....William FOLKINSON - Ohio .....Elizabeth (Folkinson) w/o _______ HEWITT - Ohio .....Juliana (Folkinson) w/o _______ JENKINS - Ohio .....Stephen FULKINSON - Ohio s/ Christian NICEWANGER Jr, dec'd - his 10 children, .....Henry NICEWANGER - Out of State (born before his father's marriage) .....William NICEWANGER - Out of State .....Vincent NICEWANGER - Washington Co, MD .....Lawson NICEWANGER - Adams Co, IL (d/ Nov 1837, intestate w/o issue) .....Tabitha Ann NICEWANGER - Out of State .....Rachel NICEWANGER w/o John SHACKLEFORD - Out of State .....Eliza NICEWANGER w/o Frederick HOUCK - Out of State .....Ruth NICEWANGER - Out of State .....Stephen NICEWANGER, a minor .....Ellen/Eleanor NICEWANGER, a minor d/ Elizabeth w/o Andrew TUCKER s/ John NICEWANGER d/ Sarah w/o John HARPER - Ohio d/ Nancy w/o David NEWLAND d/ Catharine NICEWANGER - Virginia d/ Ellen w/o Mason SHIPMAN, dec'd - Virginia d/ Susan NICEWANGER s/ William NICEWANGER - Out of State s/ Jacob NICEWANGER - Out of State s/ Stephen H. NICEWANGER - Belman Co, Ohio s/ Henry NICEWANGER - Out of State d/ Margaret w/o William PEW - Ohio Administrator was Christian RAMSBURG. Marriage agreement on 8 Feb 1820 in Loudon Co, VA - if Christian NICEWANGER outlived his bride-to-be, Mary WATERS, then he was to return to Notley C. WILLIAMS, all property now belonging to Mary that he come in possession of; if she survived him, then in addition to the return of her property, she was to receive $120, lawful money of Virginia, to be paid by administrators to Notley WILLIAMS for Mary, and she would not receive any dower in any of his property. Land - "Resurvey on House's New Design", 101 122 acres (to Christian and w/ Ruth, from William HOUSE in 1817, devised to Christian and Ruth by will of William HOUSE); next to "Resurvey on More Bad Than Good" and John HOUSE's land deeded him by his father, William HOUSE. - "More Bad Than Good", 9+ acres, to Christian from John HOUSE and w/ Hester Ann in 1832; located at dividing line between land of John HOUSE and heirs of Thomas WILES, and by "Anchor and Hope" (devised to John HOUSE from will of his father, William HOUSE). - "More Bad Than Good", 12+ acres, from John HOUSE and w/ Esther in 1836 (to John from his father, William HOUSE, in 1817 for 76 acres); on east bank of Catoctin Creek. Since the filing of the petition, Andrew TUCKER purchased the shares of Vincent, Elizabeth and Frederick HOUCK, Rachel and John SHACKLEFORD, who are four of the children of Christian NICEWANGER Jr.; and shares of Ellen SHIPMAN and Stephen H. NISEWANGER, children of Christian Sr. Josiah RAMSBURG purchased share of William NICEWANGER, s/o Christian Jr. On 5 Aug 1839, William NICEWANGER of ______ Territory testified to the death of Lawson. Guardian was Peter SHAFER; testimony was heard from Christian RAMSBURG who was also named trustee. Sale was made to John BEACHLEY for 110 1/2 acres and 10 perches, by actual survey, at $5,577.09. Each 1/14 share was $378.21. Elizabeth HEWITT's share was not paid out yet as there was some question regarding a mistake on the name of her husband; closed 28 May 1840.
HS-7, 95-114 - THOMAS, CULLER, WASKEY, RAMSBURG - Mar 1841
Daniel H. THOMAS vs Estate of Michael THOMAS - Sale of Real Estate Michael THOMAS d/ Jun 1839 intestate widow - Eve and 8 children s/ Daniel H. THOMAS d/ Margaret E. THOMAS, a minor s/ Ezra M. THOMAS, a minor s/ George E. THOMAS, a minor d/ Susan R. THOMAS, a minor d/ Mary A.M. THOMAS, a minor d/ Ellen J.V. THOMAS, a minor s/ Eliza A.S. THOMAS, a minor Land - "Enough and to Spare", 171+ acres w/ 2-story brick house, from Sebastian RAMSBURG Sr. (w/ Elizabeth) in 1826 (to Ramsburg from John NELSON, esq. as trustee for Frederick HENNINGS in 1819); next to "The Widow's Rest", "Thrasher's Lot" and "Thrasher's Chance"; neighbors were Henry COST and Thomas THRASHER. - "Fielderia Manor", 34 acres and house, from Sebastian RAMSBURG (to Ramsburg from his father, George REMSBURG in 1811); next to "Resurvey on George's Discovery" (to Daniel MATTHEWS in 1755, being a corner of Melchor TABLER/Michael TABLE's land). (House and 4+ acres were laid out separately.) - Lot #19 in Jefferson, an undivided moriety with Sebastian RAMSBURG Jr. from Emanuel THOMAS in 1834, then occupied by Mrs. WHIP. Guardian was George THOMAS (of H.); testimony was given by Henry CULLER who had known the deceased for ten years and stated the Thomas farm adjoined Jefferson, the mountain lot was on the east side of Catoctin Mountain in Buckey's Town District; also, 1/2 of the house and lot was in Jefferson. Also testifying was Sebastian RAMSBURG Jr. who has known the Thomas children since infancy. Trustee was George THOMAS of Henry; on 22 May 1841, sale was held at the hotel of W. WINDSOR in Jefferson with sales made to - Henry CULLER for the 171 acres at $50/acre and the undivided lot at $32, totaling $8,719.50. - Jacob WASKEY for 29+ acres at $674.61. - Eve THOMAS for house and 4+ acres at $320. On 3 Apr 1841, Sebastian RAMSBURG Jr. testified the widow, Eve THOMAS, was 44 years old and her general health was bad. Distribution: the widow's 1/8, $1,168.54; each 1/8 share was $1,022.47; closed 24 Jun 1841.
John McPHERSON and Dr. Wilson W. KOLB, creditors vs Woodward HAMILTON, et al William ELY d/ 1840 intestate widow - Sarah and 7 children, d/ Catharine w/o Woodward HAMILTON d/ Elizabeth w/o Isaac TITLOW s/ David ELY, a minor s/ Daniel ELY, a minor s/ Isaac ELY, a minor d/ Sally ELY, a minor d/ Sophia ELY, a minor Land - Lots #227, 228 in "Addition to Frederick Town", on east side of Market Street, from Peter MANTZ as exec/of Peter MANTZ in 1838. - an undivided share in Lot in Frederick Town on Third St, adjoins property of Andrew DILL, from Michale ROW (w/ Mary) in 1827. - Lot in Frederick Town by claim, but not yet conveyed. Administrator and trustee was Joshua DILL. Testimony was heard from Ezra DADYSMAN. On 25 Jan 1841, sale was made to - Willson W. KOLB for two lots at $102.50; - John McPHERSON for five lots at $180; - John A. PORTER for 1/8 part of house and lot at $11.50. total sales, $294. On 20 Aug 1840, the widow testified she was 36 years old; she received 2/15, $29.99; corporation taxes were paid for 1836-1840; costs for coffin, funeral, digging grave and bell ringer, and burial ground at Lutheran Church were $39.59; creditors were paid 19% of their claims; closed 19 Apr 1841.
George HESSER and wife, Jeremiah MARTIN and wife vs OGLE's, BLAIR's, et al John KNOUFF d/ Nov 1838 intestate widow - Catharine and & children, d/ Amey w/o George HESSER d/ Mary w/o Jeremiah MARTIN d/ Catharine w/o Benjamin OGLE d/ Susan w/o William Guy BLAIR s/ Jacob KNOUFF, a minor d/ Eve KNOUFF, a minor s/ John KNOUFF, a minor Land - "Lost and Found", 296+ acres, from William B. HEAD and Zebulon KUHN as trustees to sell property of Samuel OGLE in 1827; located on the west side of Owen's Creek w/ 2-story weather-board house, good log barn and tenant houses with 30-40 acres in timber. Widow's dower section was laid out separately. - "Lost and Found", dower share of Loretta MARTIN as wid/of Benjamin OGLE, from John MARTIN and w/ Loretta in 1826. Guardian and trustee was William BIGGS of J.; testimony was heard from John WICKHAM. On 15 Jun 1839, sale was held at the house of Parmenis R. HARRY/HANY in Graceham (farm was one mile from Graceham), going to Jeremiah MARTIN and Jacob BIGGS for 291 acres at $3,960; creditors paid 68%; closed 24 Jun 1841.
HS-7, 146-159 - DOLL, YOUNG, MILLER, COOK, COST - Feb 1841
Jacob YOUNG of D. vs E.R. DOLL, et al Jacob DOLL d/ Nov 1839 intestate d/ Elizabeth R. DOLL, a minor d/ Mary C. DOLL, a minor d/ Sarah A. N. DOLL, a minor d/ Margaret A. DOLL, a minor Administrator was Jacob YOUNG of D. who was holding a deed to property purchased by Jacob DOLL but not yet fully paid. Land - "Resurvey on PAMMARE", 1/2 acre, to Jacob YOUNG of D. from George SUMAN and w/ Elizabeth in 1836; next to "Ram's Horn" and on road leading from Middle Town to Hagerstown. Guardian was Jacob T.C. MILLER, a justice of the peace who also testified and had known Jacob DOLL about four years. Trustee was Larkin S. COOK; on 15 May 1841, sale was made to Ezra COST at $400. After court costs were paid, the payment due Jacob YOUNG of D. was just slightly short; closed 5 Aug 1841.
HS-7, 159-195 - MARMON, RANK, LOWE, DAVIS, FAUBLE - Apr 1835
Edward McMECHIN vs Levi DAVIS, Thomas MARMON, et al - Title Land - Lot #179 on Market St in Haller's Town, a section of Frederick Town, to Levi DAVIS from Samuel WEBSTER in 1823 except for the part conveyed to Jacob LITTLE from Levi DAVIS in 1824. - Lots #180, 181 to Levi DAVIS from Samuel WEBSTER in 1823; situated on East Street, formerly called Love Lane, near the Lutheran burying ground in Frederick city. Levi DAVIS sold properties to Solomon RANK in 1834 and judgements have since been brought against Solomon with sheriff's sale of properties being sold to Edward McMECHIN who has been unable to obtain title. Solomon Rank has since left the state after supposedly selling the property to Thomas MARMAN, his father-in-law, and Marman now claims ownership. Levi DAVIS also now lives out of state and Marman filed for insolvency. Thomas MARMAN d/ Oct 1835 - Frederick Co, MD; (will written 1 Oct 1835; filed 5 Oct 1835) previously of London, ENGLAND w/ Sarah (WOULOCK/WONLOCK) from England d/ Sarah w/o Solomon RANK d/ Hanna Rosetta MARMON d/ Julia Elmina MARMON s/ Washington Phineas MARMON d/ Selina MARMON Property to his wife unless she remarries, then to his eldest daughter and the other two lots to the other four children as tenants in common. He also claimed ownership to Houses and Lots in Sait George's Terrace, Saint George's Parish in East London, England; also a small tract of land on Somersett Street, Hackney Road No. 1, London, England; and a house on Morgan Street No. 12 in Saint George's Parish in East London, England to all his children. His agents were Alexander Brown & Sons. Executrix/ wife; witnesses: Ezra HOFFMAN, George ALCOCK, Lewis LOGUE In June 1833, Thomas MARMON has file for insolvency; Rebecca FAUBLE testified under oath she knew him and he had been living in the state for two years before this. (Two years must have been the requirement to file for insolvency.) Testimony was heard from Madison NELSON; Zachariah HEWITT testified Marmon had been a school teacher and that Levi DAVIS was a resident of Ohio, Also testifying was John RIGNEY, Mahlon TALBOTT and Edward SHRIVER. By Oct 1839, Sarah MARMAN, the widow, had remarried to John M. LOWE and had given up possession of the property to McMechin. Awarded to McMechin; closed 15 Nov 1839.
George HYDE of Philadelphia, PA and Henry HYDE, a minor, by his step father, James C. HARVEY vs Heirs of Morgan CARR of Philadelphia, PA - Title Morgan CARR was the financial guardian for the children of George HYDE, dec'd - Philadelphia s/ George HYDE Jr. s/ Willliam HYDE (d/ Oct 1840) s/ Roger Henry HYDE Carr invested their money in real estate - Land - "Elder's Kindness"; and "Resurvey on Harris' Delight", 4+ acres, in Emmitsburg, from George GROVER and w/ Nancy Ann and Michael WEISE and w/ Elizabeth to Morgan CARR, as guardian for George HYDE, William HYDE and Henry HYDE, in 1835; adjoining lands of Frederick CRABBS, Peter TROXELL and William HItESHEW (previously to James C. HARVEY from Edward MAYHEW and w/ Jane in 1832; was then sold at sheriff's sale by Sheriff Mahlon TALBOTT to George GROVER); on road to Mechanics Town. Morgan CARR d/ Summer 1840 widow - Margaret H. and 7 children s/ Willilam CARR - Philadelphia s/ Lewis CARR - Out of State d/ Matilda w/o George Harman REN or Washington REN/REA - Philadelphia d/ Jane (now dec'd) w/o James KENNADA/KENNEDY - Philadelphia s/ James M. CARR - Philadelphia s/ Morgan CARR Jr., a minor - Philadelphia d/ Henrietta/Margaret CARR, a minor - Philadelphia Depositions were taken from Mrs. Margaret H. CARR and Henry M. PHILLIPS, esquire and attorney. James A. SHORB was appointed trustee to convey property to George and Henry HYDE; closed 23 Sep 1841.
HS-7, 213-222 - HUTTON, OGBORN, MORSELL, FARQUHAR - May 1841
Rebecca HUTTON of Ohio by her next friend, Caleb OGBORN, vs William MORSELL - Sale of Real Estate Land - front Lot# 11 and back Lot# 14 in Plummer's part of New Market, from William PLUMMER (w/ Rachel) to Rebecca HUTTON, w/o Enos HUTTON, in 1814. In 1818, Enos HUTTON sold said property, in trust for his wife, to William MORSELL. She has since received the rents and profits from it for her support, her husband having abandoned them. Property to go to their children upon her death. Trustee was Caleb OGBORN; on 30 Jun 1841, sale was held but trustee felt he could obtain more from a private sale which he was not able to achieve. Private sale was later made to John FARQUHAR at $405, who was the same person who made the same bid at the public sale. Rebecca received $357.80 from proceeds; closed 19 Aug 1841.
Estate of John L. HARDING John Lackland HARDING d/ 1838 intestate s/ James M. HARDING s/ Norman B. HARDING and w/ Ann M. s/ William H. HARDING d/ Mary Ann M. w/o Nimrod BANTZ d/ Elizabeth L. w/o Joseph STALLINGS d/ Caroline T. HARDING, a minor d/ Eleanor C. HARDING, a minor d/ Ann Louisa HARDING, a minor s/ John L. HARDING, a minor Testimony indicated the minor children were by his last wife. By Oct 1839, William had moved out of state. Land - "Resurvey on Wet Work", 139+ acres, for $1 from Ezra MANTZ in 1807; adjoins "Dry Work" and lands of James MARSHALL and Henry SMITH; and part of tract conveyed by Elisha BEALL to William MARSHALL, Eleanor HARDING (w/o John Lackland HARDING) and Chloe MARSHALL, and by them to Ezra MANTZ in 1807. - "Altogether", 200 acres, from Henry BANTZ (w/ Catharine) in 1810; adjoins "Resurvey on Hickory Thickett", land of Jacob SCHOLL, and on road leading from George Town to Frederick Town. - "Resurvey on Wet Work", 2 acres, for $5 from Ignatius DAVIS in 1817; adjoins "Wilson's Study". - "Wet Work Resurveyed", Lot# 33, 4+ acres, from Ignatius (w/ Catharine) DAVIS in 1819, conveyed by Harding to Davis RICHARDSON, on north side of new road leading from the Trap to New Market. - "Altogether", 1+ acre, for $20 from John McPHERSON in 1830, adjoins edge of George Town Road. Guardian was John McPHERSON; trustee was James M. HARDING. After low bids at public sales held at Dorsey's Hotel, private sale was made on 28 Dec 1840 to George M. EICHELBERGER for 131 acres at $2,096. After the bank and other creditors were paid, each 1/9 share was $7.93; closed 27 May 1841.
Estate of Ignatius BROWN Sr. Ignatius BROWN Sr. d/ intestate widow - Elizabeth and 9 children s/ William B. BROWN s/ Joseph BROWN s/ Ignatius BROWN Jr. s/ Thomas BROWN s/ Jeremiah BROWN, dec'd ...w/ Mary Ann and minor children, .....George BROWN .....Joseph BROWN .....James BROWN .....William BROWN .....Savilla BROWN .....Jeremiah A. BROWN d/ Susannah w/o David HARBAUGH d/ Matilda w/o John HARBAUGH d/ Elizabeth w/o George GARDENOUR s/ John BROWN, a minor (rep/by George T. FOX) Land - "Fox Range", 396+ acres, from George ELLICOT, Samuel GODFREY and James GILLINGHAM of Baltimore Co in 1811; next to Richard LILLY's "Good Luck" and "Lemmon's Vineyard", "Snider's Garden", "Addition Enlarged", "Asp's Hill" and next to William BROWN's and around and clear of "The Summer Side of the Hill" and "Rockey Mountain". - "The Summer Side of the Hill", 36 acres, from Daniel SMITH Sr. (w/ Mary) in 1817, on NW side of Owens Creek Guardian was John BROWN of William; testimony was heard from Joseph SMITH; trustees were Joseph BROWN and William B. BROWN who divided the property into lots. On 16 Dec 1841, sales was made to - Thomas BROWN for Lot# 1, 158+ acres at $2,543.20 - Daniel BURMAN for Lot# 2, 74+ acres at $1,857.67 - George GARDNOUR for Lot# 3, 48+ acres at $837.16 - Ignatius BROWN for Lot# 4, 48+ acres at $963.50 - Samuel DIFFENDEL for Lot# 5, 43+ acres at $774.65 - Ignatius BROWN for Lot# 6, 35+ acres at $631.49 On 2 Oct 1841, the widow Elizabeth testified she was 60 years of age and in tolerable health; the widow Mary Ann testified she was 36 and of a weak constitution and very feeble for the last four years. Distribution: widow Elizabeth received 1/9, $809.76; each 1/9 share, $719.78; widow Mary Ann received 2/15 of her husband's share, $95.97 before her children each received $103.96; closed 30 Oct 1841.
HS-7, 267-277 - POOLE - Jun 1841
Eleanor POOLE - Petition for Dower Land William Henry POOLE d/ Jan 1839 (will 16 Jan 1839) widow - Eleanor and 5 minor children s/ Ephraim H. POOLE s/ Dennis POOLE s/ Thomas D. POOLE s/ William G. POOLE s/ Richard D. POOLE Guardian was Thomas E. D. POOLE; Dower lands laid off for widow (to be 1/3 of real estate) - "Resurvey on Monkin", 21 acres; - "Resurvey on Moab", 27 acres; begins at north side of Mill Race; closed 16 Sep 1841.
Ezra KELLER and w/ Caroline vs Peter YOUNG and w/ Elizabeth Adam ROUTZAHN d/ 13 Apr 1840 intestate widow - Elizabeth d/ Caroline w/o Ezra KELLER d/ Elizabeth w/o Peter YOUNG s/ Elias ROUTZAHN, a minor d/ Eleanor ROUTZAHN, a minor d/ Esther Amanda ROUTZAHN, a minor Administrators: Jacob ROUTZAHN and George BLESSING; sureties were Ludwick ROUTZAHN and Jacob JOHNSON. Land in Middletown Valley - "Resurvey on part of Shady Grove", 145+ acres, from Peter LEATHERMAN to Jacob LEATHERMAN and Peter YOUNG in 1836; next to land of Daniel SWIGART Jr., Conrad MOSER's "Palentine Resurveyed", Valentine SUMMER's lands, "Christian's Good Will" and John WISEMAN's land. Jacob LEATHERMAN sold his half ownership to Adam ROUTZAHN. - "Resurvey on part of Shady Grove", 138 acres, from Jacob LEATHERMAN (w/ Catharine) in 1839 ; (previously laid off for Daniel SWIGART Jr. per will of his father Daniel SWIGART Sr.); next to Valentine SUMMERS' "Germancty? Resurveyed" and "Resurvey on Christian's Good Will"; John WISEMAN's "Resurvey on Shady Grove"; has mill and saw mill. Guardian was Henry HOUCK; testimony was heard from Jacob LEATHERMAN; trustee was Peter YOUNG. On 23 Feb 1841, sale was made to Daniel LEATHERMAN and Philip WARRENFELTZ for $9,833. Distributions: - Peter YOUNG received 1/2 as half owner, $4,728.26; - widow received 1/8 of the other half, $591.03; - remaining 7/8 was divided among the five living children, $827.44 was received by Ezra KELLER, Peter YOUNG, Elias ROUTZAHN and Esther A. ROUTZAHN; closed 20 May 1841.
William M. BEALL, guardian of Perry B. McCLEARY, and others - Petition to Sell Henry McCLEARY, dec'd (will filed 20 Jan 1820) s/ Andrew McCLEARY s/ Robert McCLEARY* s/ William McCLEARY Henry left his shop stand property to his 3 sons to be divided equally. Robert McCLEARY* d/ bef Oct 1840 widow - Rebecca and 6 minor children, s/ Perry Beall McCLEARY s/ Andrew McCLEARY s/ Zachariah Knox McCLEARY s/ Robert William McCLEARY d/ Caroline Beall McCLEARY d/ Harriet Simmons McCLEARY Land - (1) Northern half of Lot# 86 in Frederick Town, (from Frederick HEISLEY to John RIGNEY, from him to Andrew McCLEARY, and from him to Robert McCLEARY in 1818); situated on the south side of the Market House, 60x80' with 2-story brick house; - (2) an undivided 2/3 interest in Old Shop Lot in Frederick Town; (1/3 from his brother, William McCLEERY of Brookville, Franklin Co, IN in 1821; bounded on the west by heirs fo Mary RITCHIE, on the north by Mrs. KRUG?, on the east by an alley dividing it from the Lutheran graveyard and on the south by the Market Space. - (3) an undivided 1/2 interest of "Resurvey on Locust Level", Lot #12, 46 acres; (from his father), next to William CRUM's "New Barn" and the Baltimore Road. - (4) "Middle Plantation", 48 acres; from Joseph ADLUM in 1836 (to him from Heirs of John BRENGLE: Nicholas, John and Jacob BRENGLE in 1826). - (5) "Middle Plantation", 1/2 half of wooded Lot# 4, 50 acres; from Lewis P.W. BALCH, trustee for estate of George LEASE, dec'd, in 1830. - (6) "Tasker's Chance", Lots# 20 and 21, 10 and 11 acres, in Frederick Town; to Andrew McCLEERY and Robert McCLEERY from Robert MILLER of Baltimore in 1812 (to Miller from John RITCHIE, trustee for creditors of Benjamin OGLE in 1805). Andrew sold his half to Robert in 1818. - (7) "Beatty's Delight", "Resurvey on Beatty's Range" and "Slate Stone Point", 126+ acres, a farm upon the Linganore, from Thomas G. MAYNARD, trustee for estate Sabritt SOLLERS in 1836 (previously from William COOKERLY to Ely DORSEY, Otho DORSEY and Mary DORSEY in 1817 except for 8 acres of "Hills & Dales" sold to Elizabeth DORSEY. - (8) "Tasker's Chance", Lot# 22, 9+ acres, in Frederick Town; from Rachel STEINER, executrix of Henry STEINER, in 1833. - (9) "Puzzlesome Corrected", Lot #7, 53+ acres; and "Boot Jack", 124+ acres, next to Martin KERSHNER's "Rockey Ridge", except for 52 acres at east end sold to Joseph KENAGA; tracts of mountain land, from Joseph KENNAGA, exec/of John KENAGA, in 1824. Guardian was Asbury HUNT; trustee was William M. BEALL. On 2 Jan 1841 at Mr ZIMMERMAN's hotel in Frederick Town, sales was made to: (1) - Rebecca McCLEERY at $1,300 (2) - Andrew McCLEERY at $700 (3) - Alfred F. BRENGLE at $2092.50 (4) - (sold with 7) (5) - Alfred F. BRENGLE for 58 acres at $862.75 (6) - Edward TRAILL for Lot #20 at $1,415 and Lot #21 at $1,463 (7) - Henry NIXDORFF and 25 acres of (4) at $1,262.50 (8) - Thomas EADER at $1,396.65 (9) - Henry RINE for Lot #7 (43 acres) at $218.75 (9) - Valentine A. ALBAUGH and George SCHULTZ for "Boot Jack" (72 acres) at $234.40 Total sales, $10,945.55 less Andrew's shares of (2&3) leaves $9003.09. On 17 Mar 1841, William M. BEALL testified his sister, the widow Rebecca McCLEERY, was between the ages of 40-45. Distributions: the widow, $1,155.85; each 1/6 share, $1,243.17; closed 19 Mar 1841.
HS-7, 327-330 - EADER, KELLER, SHOPE, LARE, BEALL - Oct 1839
Jonathan EADER Estate - Accounting Accounting listing left balance of $729.42 for distributions: bro/ William EADER, $182.35 bro/ Thomas EADER, $182.35 bro/ Darius EADER, $182.35 sis/ _______ KELLER, dec'd, her children, .....Louisa w/o George SHOPE, $91.17 .....Rebecca w/o Edward LARE, $91.17 The trustee, John H. McELFRESH, died in Aug 1841, before having conveyed a deed to Lewis B. EADER who purchased part of the real estate. The court appointed William M. BEALL as trustee to convey the deed; closed 2 Dec 1841.
William M. BEALL vs Nathan HAMMOND Estate - Feb 1841 Nathan HAMMOND, dec'd s/o Nathan HAMMOND bro/ Ormond HAMMOND .....Nathan HAMMOND* .....Ormond HAMMOND nephew/ Denton HAMMOND sis/ Caroline HAMMOND (d/ w/o issue) - Eden HAMMOND (land from Barbara HAMMOND) SLAVES - negro boy JACK (sold to John SAPPINGTON w/land in KY) Exec/ Ormond and Nathan HAMMOND Witnesses: Plummer IJAMS, Christian MUSSETTER, Benjamin DUVALL [Will written 4 Jun 1807] ---------- Nathan HAMMOND* d/ bef Feb 1841 widow - Jemima Ann and 4 minor children, d/ Ann Jemima HAMMOND d/ Harriet B. HAMMOND d/ Maria L. HAMMOND d/ Cassandra B. HAMMOND William M. BEALL petitioned the court as a representative of the minor children. LAND from the will of his uncle Nathan - "Forrest Range", 231 acres - 'Resurvey on Wild Cat Hill", 102 acres - "If You Won't I Will", 15 acres also - "Gombur's Range", 60 acres, from Ormond HAMMOND in 1814. To Ormond from Upton HAMMOND and wife in 1811. - "Resurvey on Wild Cat Hill", 16+ acres, included "Altogether" and part of "Forrest Range"; from Joshua JOHNSON and Polly JOHNSON (wid/o Benjamin JOHNSON) in 1834. - "Now or Never" 16 acres, from William BALLINGER (w/ Llydia) in 1813 (previously to Benjamin WATERS in 1799). - "Cordelia", 3+ acres. - "Delos", 4+ acres, by patent. This 'home farm' totaled 460 acres, on the Baltimore and Frederick turnpike Improved w/ 2-story stone house, tobacco houses and good barn with sheds, stable, corn house and stone meat house and stone Welch house, two orchards; also has 2-story log house and blacksmith shop and stables. The lower farm w/ 220 acres is near the second tollgate with a 2-story log house, barn w/ sheds, two tobacco houses and good water supply. Both tracts are well adapted to the growth of corn wheat and rye as well as tobacco and are in good state of cultivation. Exception for 1/4 acre for a school to trustees of Hammond School District #64; the Big Spring is SE of school house. also - "Lapland", 222+ acres, from James CLEMSON and w/ Mary in 1830. Previously from the heirs of the estate of Ephraim HOWARD d/ abt 1820 intestate (see WBT-4, 549) - Henrietta HOWARD - Eleanor w/o Henry MAYNARD - Elizabeth HOWARD - Sarah HOWARD - Dennis D. HOWARD - Juliet HOWARD - Mary w/o James CLEMSON Court appointed Asbury H. HUNT as guardian for the Hammond children; trustee was William M. BEALL. SALE was made to: - Evan D. HAMMOND for the home farm of 362 acres at $9,231 - Grafton HAMMOND for "Lapland" at $16/acre; but Elias RAMSBURG offered $18/acre and was awarded the bid for $4,009.50. Total Sales, $13,250.50. There was found to be an error of overstatement of 60 acres on the home farm because Nathan HAMMOND sold to Samuel PENNYBAKER in 1815, parts of "Forrest Range" and "Resurvey on Wild Cat Hill", 9 acres. In addition, a complete survey was made and 16+ acres were lost due to the elder surveys. On 27 May 1814, testimony revealed the widow, Jamima Ann HAMMOND was 47 years old. Distribution: - widow received 1/8 or $1,592.59 - each child received $2,787.14 Filed 3 Jun 1841.
HS-7, 355-364 - BIRNIE, VAN BIBBER - Aug 1836
Washington VAN BIBBER vs Clotworthy BIRNIE Jr. and w/ Harriet - Foreclosure In Apr 1836, Clotworthy BIRNIE Jr. and w/ Harriet A. of Baltimore City made a deed of mortgage to Washington VANBIBBER of Baltimore County. Land - "Runny Mede Enlarged", 253+ acres, from Clotworthy BIRNIE Sr. Trustee was Richard H. MARSHALL; after a failed public sale, private sale was made to Clotworthy BIRNIE Sr. for $1,266.25; closed 13 Jan 1842.
HS-7, 364-382 - BOWLUS, SIFFORD, GROVE, McCARTNEY - Aug 1841
John SIFFORD vs Jacob GROVE, trustee - Title In 1837, Jacob GROVE, as trustee for estate of Leonard STORM, sold - "Resurvey on Turkey Ridge", 163 acres, known as the Grove Farm at Middle Town, to John SIFFORD and David BOWLUS as tenants in common with agreement for a part to be Sifford's (28 acres, next to land of Jacob T. C. MILLER in 'Grove's Addition') and another part to be Bowlus' (71 acres), with the remainder to be sold and proceeds divided between them. Land was located on main road leading from Middle Town to Jefferson, in front of the one acre and house owned by Leonard SPEAKS and adjoined land of Henry SNURR. Previously 181 acres of tract was sold by Harman YOST to Leonard STRUMM in 1779. Land also adjoined George HARGET's barn and Charles BROOKINS' stable. Part to be sold of 60 1/2 acres was bordering the same road and neighbors and also Henry FEET and tracts "Take All", "Watson's Welfare" and "Smith Field". - also "Fielderia Manor", 33+ acres, (previously by Fielder GANTT to Leonard STURRUM. David BOWLUS, dec'd (will 10 Apr 1839) (see HS-5, 63-90). (will did not include above real estate) widow - Sophia and 7 minor children s/ Asa BOWLUS d/ Elizabeth A. BOWLUS s/ Noah BOWLUS d/ Sophia BOWLUS s/ Edward BOWLUS d/ Martha Ann BOWLUS d/ Mary Ellen BOWLUS Land - "Mantzsylvania", 50 acres of mountain land and "Mountain Resurveyed", 50 acres of mountain land. - Lots in Libariton Co, Missouri (2 quarter sections) - 2 houses and lots in Middle Town Exec/ Jacob THOMAS of John Witnesses: Jacob T. C. MILLER, Thomas SPRINGER and Henry COCHREN Guardian was Sophia BOWLUS; testimony was given by Michael McCARTNEY. Court ruled for Jacob GROVE to be trustee to convey deed for property; closed 30 Sep 1841.
Lawrence J. BRENGLE and Barbara BRENGLE - Petition Jacob BRENGLE, dec'd (will 26 Dec 1836) s/ Alfred F. BRENGLE (farm of 280 acres and mountain land, 45 acres on Linganore and adjoining land of Joseph KENEGA and John STEM; and tract in Allegany Co, MD; SLAVES, except for ELIZA d/ Caroline KOLB (negro woman ELIZA; farm where Alfred lived, and after her death, to her children and a wood lot of 50 acres adjoining lands of Jacob SCHOLL and Michael THOMAS; also a 114 acre wood lot adjoining widow MUSSETTER's lot. s/ William BRENGLE - his children .....Nicholas BRENGLE (house & lot where Lewis BRENGLE lives) .....Jacob BRENGLE (house & lot where Kitty BRENGLE lives) .....Amelia Ann BRENGLE (after 6 yrs, the house & lot where Rachel PYFER lives) sis/ Rachel PYFER (house & lot where she lives for 6 yrs) bro/ Christian BRENGLE* Exec/ Alfred F. BRENGLE Witnesses: William Tyler, Samuel CRONISE and John H. McELFRESH === Christian BRENGLE* d/ 3 Jan 1842 (will 16 Apr 1841; 10 Jan 1842) widow - Barbara s/ Christian BRENGLE s/ John BRENGLE s/ Charles BRENGLE s/ Lawrence BRENGLE, dec'd - his two children Exec/ nephew, Lawrence J. BRENGLE Witnesses: Willaim HECKATHORN, Lawrence J. BRENGLE and Francis BRENGLE Trustee was George KOONTZ; on 26 Mar 1842, sale was made to Michael THOMAS for 18+ acres at $1,875; however, Alfred F. BRENGLE, exec/of this father, Jacob BRENGLE refused to convey the deed, so sale was voided. A new sale was held on 13 Aug 1842 at the hotel of Benjamin GILBERT in Frederick Town. The property was situated a half mile north of Frederick on the road to Woodsborough and is divided into 3 lots: two lots of 5 acres each the the third at 8 3/4 acres. There is a comfortable house, barn, stabling and corn house with a well of fine water, and a cooper shop. Sale made to William S. BANTZ - each of the two 5 acre lots at $575 each; the 8 3/4 acre lot at $256.42. Total sales were $1,406.42. On 23 Sep 1842, John Adam SHABAKER testified he knew the widow from her children and her age was 51 and she was in good heath. Distribution: Alfred F. BRENGLE (ex/of Jacob BRENGLE), $133.04; the widow's 2/17, $149.87 in lieu of her dower; after other creditors were paid, each of the children's 1/4 share, $73.12 (names of Lawrence's children were not given). Alfred F. BRENGLE petitioned the court, stating one of the 5 acre lots was purchased by Jacob BRENGLE from Thomas C. WORTHINGTON, trustee for the sale of John SCHISSLER's estate; the other 5 acre lot, also purchased by Jacob BRENGLE, was from Frederick A. SCHLEY, trustee for the sale of Christina SCHOLL's real estate, and adjoined the other lot. He had renounced the trust as executor in his father's will. George KOONTZ was then appointed trustee to complete the effects of Jacob BRENGLE's will; closed 30 Jun 1842.
HS-7, 399-422 - POOLE, SLAVES, HOTCHKISS, CLARY, HOOD - Dec 1841
Thomas E.D. POOLE, next friend of Ephraim H. POOLE & others William Henry POOLE d/ Jan 1839 widow - (unnamed) and 5 minor children s/ Ephraim H. POOLE s/ Dennis POOLE s/ Thomas D. POOLE s/ William G. POOLE s/ Richard D. POOLE SLAVES were not to be sold out of state. Land - "Favor and Ease", 223 acres, with mills, (next to "Garrison's Choice and John HOOD's part); "Resurvey on Moab", 2 + 36 +24 acres, (by land of Benjamin CLARY Sr. and Sarah CONDON); "Resurvey on Manheim", 25 + 6 acres, (near land of Nathan HARRIS); and "Tenor's Adventure", 2 acres; from his father, Dennis POOLE in 1827; . - 5 acres and Water Oak Spring from John TENER in 1827 (to Tener from Dennis POOLE). - "Tenor's Adventure" and "Resurvey on Manheim", 10 acres; from John TENER in 1838. Guardian was Thomas H. HOTCHKISS who also testified. Trustee was Thomas E.D. POOLE; on 11 Jan 1842, private sale was made to - Solomon or Jesse CLARY for 112 acres (Res on Manheim & Moab) at $3,275; - John HOOD for 188 acres (Favor & Ease) at $1,133.62 (on 28 Feb 1842). lands sold subject to life estate for the widow (unnamed) of William H. POOLE. Distribution: Each 1/5, $838.95; 2nd Distribution: $89.26 each; closed 2 Nov 1842.
HS-7, 422-439 - WALKER, MORSELL, BAKER - Sep 1843
Henry X. SNYDER & Lemuel BRANDENBURG, creditors vs Charlotte WALKER & others Mary WALKER d/ 26 Dec 1841 intestate d/ Charlotte WALKER s/ William W. WALKER s/ Jesse WALKER d/ Sarah E. WALKER, a minor d/ Rhoda A. WALKER, a minor d/ Mary WALKER, a minor s/ Edward WALKER, a minor (only surviving children) Adm/ William W. WALKER Land (to Edward WALKER) - "Resurvey on Solomon's Flower", 118+ acres, from William MORSELL, exec/of Edward WALKER, in 1842; except 3 acres to John IJAMS Jr. and 1/4 acre to William MORSELL as a water privilege. Also, 25 acres from Nathan WOOD and wife in 1817; 27 acres from William BALLINGER in 1819; 47+ acres from John McKILLIP and Lydia ADAMS in 1828; 2 acres from William MORSELL in 1822; 3+ acres from John IJAMS Jr. in 1822; 27 acres from Elisha BEALL in 1829; 35 acres from Elisha BEALL in 1831. Total acreage, 290 acres. Guardian was William MORSELL; trustee was William W. WALKER. On 9 Mar 1844, "Resurvey on Solomon's Flower" was sold to Thomas A. BAKER at $500; proceeds short, creditors paid 70%; closed 8 Aug 1844.
Tobias HORINE and others vs Hezekiah PATTEN and others Tobias HORINE Sr. d/ Aug 1841 intestate, leaving 13 children s/ Tobias HORINE and w/ Magdalena d/ Catharine w/o George CASTLE d/ Elizabeth (d/ 1842) wid/o Jacob WACHTEL .....Daniel WACHTEL .....Mary WACHTEL .....Solomon WACHTEL .....Rebecca (Wachtel) SMITH .....Elizabeth WACHTEL .....Susanna WACHTEL d/ Rebecca w/o Jacob SMITH d/ Euphraina "Frany" w/o Christian KOOGLE d/ Susanna wid/o John KOOGLE d/ Sarah w/o Joseph MAUGINS - Ohio s/ John HORINE and w/ Catharine s/ Jacob HORINE and w/ Elizabeth - Ohio d/ Matilda w/o Philip SHOEMAKER - Ohio d/ Malinda w/o Daniel MAHN s/ Samuel HORINE, a minor (Wm. J. ROSS, guardian) d/ Mary (d/ c1838) w/o Thomas PATTEN - all in Indiana .....George PATTEN .....Elizabeth PATTEN w/o Uleny SHIVELY .....Mary PATTEN w/o Abraham WARFIL .....Nancy PATTEN w/o Robert GOSLEE .....Hezekiah PATTEN, a minor .....Uriah PATTEN, a minor .....Thomas PATTEN Jr., a minor .....Margaret Rebecca PATTEN, a minor Land - "The Year of Plenty", 313 acres, by patent in 1814; parts were sold to Larkin COOK, Jacob SMITH, Jacob THOMAS and Jacob DOUB, leaving 133 acres; lies in Middletown Valley near Old Hagerstown road, a quarter mile from Myersville and 6 miles from Middletown, with large 2-story log house, large switzer barn, spring house and other outbuildings, orchards and fine spring, divided iinto 7 fields. - "Aaron's Rod", 2 acres, from Michael HUMBERT (w/ Mary) in 1825; with 2-story weatherboard house, good stable, spring house, spring and adjoins farm, (to Humbert from Aaron SUMAN). Guardian was Ulery SHIVELY of Carroll Co, Indiana; testimony was heard on 1 Feb 1842 at the house of S.D. RIDDLEMOSER in Middletown with W. A. RIDDLEMOSER as clerk - Samuel TOMS stated he knew Horine for more than 20 years; Albert H. SUMAN also testified. Trustees were Tobias HORINE and Daniel MAINE. On 26 Feb 1842, sale was made to Peter PALMER for house and 2 acres at $. On 29 Oct 1842 the farm of acutal survey, 201 acres, was sold to Samuel TOMS of William at $8,844. Distribution: 1st Accounting, $61.25 each 1/13; - 2nd Accounting, $652.49 each 1/13. George ROUTZAHN purchased John HORINE's interest. Closed 15 May 1843.
Ezra E. BARRICK, adm/of Simon BARRICK - Sale of Real Estate - Oct 1843 Frederick BARRICK, dec'd widow - Catharine (dower share) s/ Simon BARRICK d/ bef Oct 1843 (held 5/7 undivided share) widow - Ann Catharine (dower share) and 3 children .....Mary Jane BARRICK, a minor .....Susan C. BARRICK, a minor .....Frederick D. BARRICK, a minor d/ Juliana, a minor and w/o Isaac CRONISE (1/7) d/ Catharine A. R. BARRICK, a minor (1/7) LAND - "Frederick's Retreat", 131 acres; - "The Mountain Tract", 30 acres (of the 60). To Frederick CRAMER and Henry CRAMER from William GOLDSBOROUGH in 1816. To Frederick BARRICK from Frederick CRAMER (w/ Catharine) in 1830. In 1842, Simon BARRICK and Ezra E. BARRICK signed a note to Sophia BARRICK for $768; witness was Clarrissa BARRICK. Guardian was Henry R. HARRIS until Aug 1844 when Ezra E. BARRICK was then appointed as guardian. Trustee was Ezra BARRICK. SALE to: - Charles GOLDSBOROUGH for 131 acres at $6,823.05 (Record appears to indicate Simon purchased shares from four of his siblings, possibly Ezra and Sophia being two of them.) 1st Distribution of $6,517.55 after admin expenses: - Ezra BARRICK's claim, $332.25 - Eden and Sophia (Barrick) FALCONER's claim, $694.17 - Frederick BARRICK's widow Catharine's 1/9, $724.17 in lieu of her dower - Juliana CRONISE, 1/7, $827.62 - Catharine A.R. BARRICK, 1/7, $827.62 - Simon's 5/7, $4138.12 with his widow receiving 1/7, $591.16 in lieu of her dower; each child received $883.51 Filed 6 Jun 1844. Supplemental at WBT-1, 422 (For wife's family, see Book of Descents for Jacob Cramer)
Elizabeth WINTERS vs Estate of Col. John WAMPLER Col. John WAMPLER widow - Elizabeth s/ Samuel WAMPLER d/ Catharine WAMPLER d/ Sarah Ann (Wampler) w/o John KULIN? d/ Lydia WAMPLER d/ Maria Louisa WAMPLER s/ Henry H. WAMPLER, a minor s/ James L. WAMPLER, a minor s/ George E. WAMPLER, a minor s/ William A. WAMPLER, a minor d/ Emily Jane WAMPLER, a minor Adm/ Abraham WAMPLER Land - 253 acres, all from Michael BAUMGARDNER in 1821 (patents to him) - "The Square", 15 acres (patent in 1785); - "Wet Wednesday", 17 acres (patent in 1785); - "White Oak Sapling", 8 acres (patent in 1800); - "Chase About", 187 acres (patent in 1789); - "Kelly's Range", 4+ acres (from Michael CROWLLY to BAUMGARDNER in 1799); - "Iron Intention", 5 acres (from Edward BROWN to BAUMGARDNER in 1791); - "Iron Intention", 15 acres (1/2 moriety)(from James WELLS to BAUMGARDNER in 1799). Guardian was Michael SULLIVAN; trustee was Abraham WAMPLER. Sale was made to Jacob SHAFER at $2,500, his surety was David LIESTER, for part of the estate but acreage not given. No distribution; closed 8 Jun 1843.
WOODs vs WOODs - Sale of Real Estate - Feb 1841 Basil WOOD died testate widow - Lydia (d/ Jul 1836) (house & lot in Liberty Town) Land - (to Basil WOOD) - "Three Brother's Lot", 200 acre farm; plat shows neighbors as SHRINER, LAWRENCE, EURY, BAKER and WORMAN. - "Three Brother's Lot", 27 acres, lies below Worman's new mill where main road runs. Widow to have life estate; upon her death, house and lot in Liberty Town to go to nephew Basil WOOD, s/o Henry WOOD. bro/ Henry WOOD d/ 27 Apr 1827 intestate .....1/ Basil WOOD d/ 21 Feb 1827 intestate (no issue) .....2/ John WOOD d/ 26 Jul 1839 intestate ........widow - Ruth H. and 15 children, ........John Henry WOOD ........Sarah Ann w/o Lebbens GRIFFITH ........Basil WOOD ........Jacob Gruber WOOD and w/ Mary HAMMOND ........Rachel WOOD, a minor ........Joseph WOOD, a minor ........Joshua WOOD, a minor ........William WOOD, a minor ........Charles WOOD, a minor ........Elias WOOD, a minor ........Moses WOOD, a minor ........Isaac Newton WOOD, a minor ........Lydia Ruth Hammond WOOD, a minor ........Mary Ellen WOOD, a minor ........Elizabeth Howard WOOD, a minor LAND - (to Henry WOOD) - "Land of Promise", 195 acres, located on east side of Bush Creek and near bridge over the mill race. From Joseph PLUMMER (w/ Sarah) of Berkeley Co, VA (WV) in 1797. - "Hickory Plains", "Land of Promise" and "Berkley", 120 acres; lies next to lands of James ADAMS, Abraham PLUMMER, Joseph PLUMMER, Philemon GRIFFITH (to Griffith from Norris MEREDITH) and main road and tract "Resurvey on Solomon's Flower". From Joab WATERS (w/ Ruth) and Abraham B. WOODWARD in 1810 - "Resurvey on Darby's Delight", "Addition to Darby's Delight", "Newfoundland", 270 acres. From John PANCOAST (w/ Mary) in 1815. (to Pancoast from Joshua WADDINGTON of New York in 1814). Plat shows neighbors as Jesse CLARY, D. BARNES, F.S. JONES and M. BARNES. LAND - (to John WOOD) - "Hickory Plains", 30 acres. From John McKILLIP, trustee for estate of James ADAMS, dec'd, in 1828. (to Adams from Allen FARQUHAR in 1814) John Gruber WOOD sold his interest to John Henry WOOD. John WOOD's widow petitioned to have her dower (1/3) laid off separate, the remainder to be sold at sale. The dower was laid off (most of "Hickory Plains", "Berkley" and "Land of Promise" plus other) totaling 341 acres. Guardian was Jacob Gruber WOOD. Testimony was heard at the house of Hamilton STIER in New Market, with George HUGHES (Society of Friends) as clerk on 24 Jul 1841. Those testifying were Ulyses WATERS, Thomas SAPPINGTON and John McELFRESH (he was present at John WOOD's wedding). Trustee was Thomas HAMMOND; total land in John Wood's estate was 843 acres. SALE was held 18 Oct 1841; high bidders were: - John COCHRAN for "Three Brothers Lot", 208 acres surveyed, at $7,611.13 - Benjamin LINDSEY for 27 acres of same tract at $294.28 - Rachel WOOD for 206 acres at $3,017.10 (on 18 Nov 1841) Distribution: - each of John WOOD's children's 1/15 share, $694.53 Filed 17 Feb 1842.

The End of HS-7

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