Equity Court Abstracts

Book HS-5 - 1829-1841

Frederick County, Maryland

These are abstracts from Equity Court Records of Frederick County, Maryland, many times providing family data on the defendant and sometimes on persons not mentioned on the docket. Some of the listings are quite informative while others, being dismissed, may only have the date and name of plantiff and defendant. However, the cases brought before the judge consisted of sworn testimony and each one holds a story. Perhaps you will find a story connected to your search.
[Records Located at Maryland State Archives]

Estate of Benjamin ROUTZONG - Claim of Dower - Sep 1834 Benjamin ROUTZONG d/ Jul 1825, testate widow - Elizabeth and 10 children d/ Catharine (Routzong) w/o David BRANDENBURG d/ Maria (Routzong) w/o Jacob SHILKNECHT s/ John ROUTZONG s/ George Lewis/Ludwick ROUTZONG (age 21 on 27 Aug 1834) d/ Elizabeth (Routzong) w/o Henry SCHILKNECHT d/ Phebe (Routzong) w/o Mathias AHALT d/ Anna Magdalena (Routzong), a minor and w/o Henry COBLENTZ s/ Benjamin ROUTZONG, a minor (age 14 in 1834) d/ Lenah ROUTZONG, a minor s/ Joshua ROUTZONG, a minor bro/ Daniel ROUTZONG SLAVE - negro man (not named) (to wife, then sold when sons John and George Lewis become of age) LAND - to sons, John and George Lewis as tenants in common, - 154+ acres, from Henry BOWLUS in 1823. - "Puzzlesome Corrected", 57 acres, from David BOWLUS in Nov 1823. in Middletown Valley. .....to sons, Benjamin and Joshua as tenants in common, - "Turkey Plains" and "Adam's Expense", 231 acres, from Adam ROUTZONG in 1822. - "Quaker's Mistake", 30+ acres, from Richard BROOKE, trustee, in 1813. in Middletown Valley. Executors: Benjamin ROUTZONG of Adam and David BOWLUS (he later renounced). Witnesses: Daniel SHOEMAKER, Philip COBLENTZ, George ROUTZONG. [Will written 11 Jul 1825; filed 1 Aug 1825] The widow renounced the terms in the will and demanded her legal right of dower. Guardian was David BRANDENBURG; but Henry COBLENTZ was guardian for his wife. The lands which were to go to sons John and George Lewis were valued at $5,550, subject to the widow's dower; they were to take possession of the land and make yearly payouts to the estate (each to have $300 from this first payment) to be divided amongst his children ($119.33 to each child on first payment). Filed 26 Jun 1837.
Jacob FREEZE, adm/of Adam FREEZE vs Jacob LEASE & Others - Foreclosure - Dec 1837 Henry THOMPSON d/ Feb 1837 intestate sis/ Casandra (Thompson) (d/ 25 Mar 1838) w/o Jacob LEASE .....Betsey (Lease) w/o Adolphus FEARHAKE .....Ezra LEASE sis/ Rebecca (Thompson) w/o Jacob KELLER, both dec'd .....Henry KELLER .....Randolph KELLER .....Jacob KELLER, dec'd . . . . Elie KELLER - KY . . . . Otho KELLER, a minor . . . . Joseph KELLER, a minor . . . . Jacob KELLER, a minor . . . . Adeline KELLER, a minor . . . . Jamima KELLER, a minor sis/ Elizabeth (Thompson) w/o Benjamin STALLINGS, both dec'd .....Joseph STALLINGS .....Levi STALLINGS .....Ann (Stallings) w/o William EADER .....Rebecca (Stallings) w/o William DIXON sis/ Sarah (Thompson) wid/o Benjamin DUVALL - Ohio ---------- Adam LEASE d/ Jun 1837 intestate administrator is Jacob LEASE. In 1835, Henry THOMPSON made a mortgage to Adam LEASE for Land - "Middle Plantation", from estate of Hezekiah JONES in 1817. Guardian was Alexander A. STAMBAUGH. Testifying to the death of Casandra LEASE on 16 Apr 1838 was Catharine E. NIGHNOFF. Testifying to estate, descendants and mortgage was Henry T. KELLER. Trustee was Adolphus FEARHAKE; on 28 Jul 1838, sale made to Henry LEASE at $231; proceeds short; closed 18 Sep 1838.
HS-5, 51-63 - HALL, PITTS, SHIPLEY - Jun 1838
Sarah HALL vs Thomas C. SHIPLEY - Petition for Dower Sarah HALL, widow fo John H. HALL, who died 1837 is petitioning for her dower to be laid off separate. Land - Lot #1, "New Market Plains", 248+ acres; - Lot #2, "New Market Plains" and "The Meadows", 255+ acres, from Benjamin RIEVES to Nicholas HALL (the elder) in 1795; lies on road from Baltimore to Frederick Town. - Lot #3, "The Meadows" and part of Lot #2, 70 acres. John H. HALL made a deed of trust to Nicholas PITTS who conveyed it to Thomas C. SHIPLEY. The widow was granted her separate dower land on 20 Dec 1838.
Estate of Jacob GROVE - May 1837 Leonard STORM d/ Jul 1819, testate d/ Christina (d/ 1833) w/o Jacob GROVE Sr (d/ 1834) (1/3) .....Jacob GROVE .....George GROVE .....Samuel GROVE .....Mary A. (Grove) w/o Stephen HOUSE .....John GROVE - Washington County .....Martin GROVE .....Leonard GROVE .....William GROVE .....Daniel GROVE d/ Marianna LEVY (1/3) .....Leonard LEVY (d/ abt 1833) . . . . .William LEVY, a minor . . . . .John LEVY, a minor .....Ann Rebecca LEVY w/o Henry BOTELER/BUTLER .....Maria C. LEVY, a minor, w/o Charles HUMERICHOUSE - Out of State .....Sarah (Levy) HENDERSON (monies) . . . . .Marianna HENDERSON w/o William H. RIGNEY . . . . .Maria C. HENDERSON . . . . .Lucy HENDERSON . . . . .Sarah R. HENDERSON, a minor s/ ________ STORM (1/3) .....Peter STORM . . . . .Peter STORM . . . . .Leonard STORM .....Margaret MILLER . . . . .Juliann MILLER . . . . .Mariann MILLER .....Leonard STORM . . . . .Peter STORM . . . . .Leonard STORM . . . . .Marianne STORM . . . . .Lidian STORM .....Jacob STORM To daughter Christiana and her husband, the lands where he then lived and his plantation adjoining Jacob WEISE called "Tom's Gift", 280 acres, during their natural lifetime only, then to their children equally. To daughter Marianna, house and lots in Frederick Town on Patrick Street, adjoining Jacob BRUNNER; "Dixon's Struggle" and "Liberty", 32 acresl adjoining John BAER, during her natural life, then to her children. To grandson Peter STORM, house in Bentz Town where he then lived, during his natural life, then to his children, and $1500. To granddaughter Margaret MILLER, the house East of the one to Peter, during her natural life, then to her children, and $1500. To grandson Leonard STORM, the house East of the one to Margaret, during his natural life, then to his children, and $1500. To grandson Jacob STORM, $2500. Nurse - Betsy CRUM, $300 LAND - "Turkey's Range", 180 acres, and 36 acres from Fielder GANT, near Middletown and next to Philip KELLER. Trustees to sell "Turkey's Range" were grandsons, John GROVE and Leonard LEVY. (Spouses and great grandchildren not listed in will.) Executor of will was friend, Jacob GETZENDANNER. Witnesses: Michael HAUSER, Philip HAUPTMAN, Henry BAER [Will written 16 Mar 1818; filed 26 Jul 1819] In 1822, John GROVE and (John) Leonard LEVY sold the land to Jacob GROVE Sr., but other siblings have not received their shares. John GROVE Sr d/ 25 Sep 1834, testate d/ Mary GROVE s/ John GROVE s/ Jacob GROVE s/ Leonard GROVE s/ Martin GROVE s/ George GROVE s/ William GROVE s/ Daniel GROVE s/ Samuel GROVE At the time of the will, son Leonard had possession of the farm, "Turkey Range", including a mountain lot, 200 acres. Son Jacob had possession of "Father's Good Will", the farm near the mountain, including a mountain lot, 130 acres. The deceased also had "Stoney Ridge", 25 acres of mountain land. Executors were sons, Leonard, Martin, William and Daniel GROVE. Witnesses: Michael McCARTNEY, Jacob FLOOK of Jacob, John SHINDLER. [Will written 4 Dec 1833; filed 27 Sep 1834] Guardian was L.P.W. BALCH, esquire. Testimony was heard from Henry ALEXANDER and Henry NIXDORFF. Trustee was Jacob GROVE; SALE was held 17 Jan 1839; high bidders were: - David BOWLUS and John SIFFORD for "Turkey Range" at $12,680.44. - Grove children, who had not previously received their legacy (all except John), $468.90 each Filed on 11 Apr 1839.
Catharine KNOUFF vs George HESSER & Others - Feb 1839 John KNOUFF d/ winter of 1838, intestate widow - Catharine and children, d/ Amey (Knouff) w/o George HESSER d/ Mary (Knouff) w/o Jeremiah MARTIN d/ Catharine (Knouff) w/o Benjamin OGLE d/ Susannah (Knouff) w/o William G. BLAIR s/ Jacob KNOUFF, a minor d/ Eve KNOUFF, a minor s/ John KNOUFF, a minor The widow is petitioning to have her dower land laid off. Guardian was William Grey BLAIR. Testimony was heard from William COOKERLY who had known the deceased for 20 years. Land - near Graceham. On 11 Apr 1839, the dower was approved for the widow consisting of 97+ acres.
Patrick O'NEIL vs Benjamin F. REED & Others - Dec 1835 In 1835, Patrick O'NEIL, as exec/of Joseph Washington PANCOAST, filed a bill of complaint against Catharine E. PANCOAST, a minor, and Louisa ONEIL (Patrick's wife), which resulted in an order to sell real estate with Edward A. LYNCH, Esquire, as trustee. Stacey PANCOAST, dec'd s/ Samuel PANCOAST d/ 7 Oct 1820 widow - Louisa C. (now w/o Patrick ONEIL) (dower rights) .....Stacey Ignatius PANCOAST (he died young soon after father) .....Joseph Washington PANCOAST .....Francis Eliza PANCOAST (she died young soon after father) .....Catharine Elizabeth PANCOAST, now w/o Benjamin F. REED (both minors; guardian was John L. HARDING, esq) s/ Joseph W. PANCOAST - b/ Sep 1813; d/ 21 Apr 1835 in Zanesville, Ohio [Will 11 Apr 1835/Jul 1835 - Muskingum County left residue to stepfather with payments to mother and money to sister when she becomes of age; also monies to invest in stock for his half-brother and half-sister. Also monies for - Rev. Charles P. MONTGOMERY of Zanesville - NANCY - free coloured woman lives w/ ONEIL family (monies to her when she is 18) Exec/stepfather; witnesses/ Israel HOGE, Wm. G. THIMSON, James P. KENSELLA] The widow Louisa C. remarried to Patrick ONEIL in Feb 1824 and had two children .....Howard D. ONEIL, a minor .....Mary Rose Ellen ONEIL, a minor (guardian was Patrick TONNEY) Land - "Dry Work", 85 acres, (previously in PG county), to Stacey PANCOAST from George NOBLE of Frederick Co, VA in 1785, (from John ABBINGTON to George NOBLE in 1734), on east side of Monocacy River; next to "Wet Work". - "Wet Work", 2+ acres, to Patrick O'NEILL for $307.50 from John NELSON as trustee for estate of Samuel PANCOAST in 1830; on north side of road leading from Monocacy Mills (lately DAVIS') to New Market and a short distance from east side of ford on Monocacy River and two perches from head of spring. Patrick ONEIL was adm/of Francis' estate. Louisa C. ONEILL was represented by "her next friend", David BOYD, and answered separate from her husband; she did not agree to release her dower interest (from previous husband). In Dec 1835, Testimony was heard from Casper MANTZ, esq.; also Davis RICHARDSON, esq., who had known Patrick ONEILL for 10-15 years and had known Louisa for 30+ years and had known Samuel PANCOAST since infancy. On 13 Feb 1836, sales were made to - Patrick O'NEILL for 290 acres at $26/acre Objection was made and sale was to be reheld. Sale was then made to: - Davis RICHARDSON, esq., for 363 acres at $7,441.50 Distributions: - Patrick O'NEILL as adm/of Francis E. PANCOAST, $2,190 - Benjamin F. and Catharine REED, $2,190 - Patrick O'NEILL as exec/of Joseph W. PANCOAST, $1,339.59 - Benjamin F. and Catharine REED, $669.79 - Patrick O'NEILL as exec/of Joseph W. PANCOAST, $669.79 (Portions were from the legacies to daughters in Samuel PANCOAST's will and also legacies from Joseph PANCOAST'swill. Deaths of Stacey and Francis, both w/o issue, resulted in distribution to the two remaining siblings.) In Feb 1838, petition was made by Catharine E. REED (age 18.4), w/o Benjamin F. REED, by Patrick O'NEILL, her next friend vs Benjamin F. REED. Petition states Benjamin moved to Philadelphia, PA, with his wife and baby, along with his father, Enos B. REED, mother and two siblings; that Benjamin owns no real estate and has been extravagant in his expenditures, and has plans to use the monies from his wife's legacy for the benefit and expenses of his father who is insolvent; thereby request is made to preserve the monies for the benefit of Catharine and her child and any future children she may have. On 28 Sep 1838, Catharine objected to the petition of Patrick O'NEILL and asked the monies be paid to her husband. Benjamin is now 21 and a hatter by trade as was his father when living in Frederick. (pages are out of sequence)
HS-5, 145-164 - OWINGS, POOLE
Orrellana OWINGS vs Thomas B. OWINGS, Thornton POOLE, et al - Jun 1838 Dr. Thomas B. OWINGS d/ Oct 1835 widow - Cordelia and children s/ Orellana H. OWINGS s/ Thomas B. OWINGS d/ Rachel R. (Owings) w/o Thornton POOLE s/ Cealius W. OWINGS, a minor d/ Cordelia E. OWINGS, a minor LAND - "Resurvey on Solomon's Flower", 173 acres; from Thomas CARLTON, sheriff, in 1825, (from suit of Thomas B. OWINGS and w/ Cordelia and Basil DORSEY and w/ Harriet against John IJAMS). (Previously to John IJAMS from Jesse WRIGHT in 1832), next to "Prather's Adventure"; and contiguous is "Long Range" and "Double Case", 27+ acres, on the waters of Bennett's Creek (to John IJAMS from John PANCOAST in 1822); and "Resurvey on Seth's Folly"; "The Meadows"; and "Paris" (in two separate pieces), 75 and 12+ acres, next to "Rich Forrest" and Bush Creek (to John IJAMS from will of Sarah McELFRESH in 1814); and "The Meadows", 151 acres, (resurveyed for Thomas JOHNSON in 1786 for 464 acres), next to Thomas RATCLIFF, Sarah McELFRESH and John ROBERT's heirs. - "Resurvey on Point Lookout", "Resurvey on Cold Friday", "The Long Snake", "Bitts Added" and "Long Meadow"; 129 acres, from Leaven GOSNELL in 1830; on west side of new road to Ridgeville. - "The Mill Seat", 50 acres, from Nathan HARRIS in 1818, on south side of Beaver Dam Branch; lies in both Frederick and Carroll counties on Buffalo Road (only the Frederick County part of 19 3/4 acres, is being sold; a petition has been filed in Carroll County for the other part). Guardian was Cordelia OWINGS; trustee was Orellana H. OWINGS. Testimony was heard from Nathan H. OWINGS On 3 Jan 1839, sales were made free of dower to - Thomas B. OWINGS for 238 acres at $2,618 - Celius W. OWINGS for 6 acres at $1,000 - Celius W. OWINGS for 200 acres at $200 - Cordelia OWINGS for 129 acres at $1,448 - Celius W. OWINGS for 19+ acres at $962.50 (part of "The Mill Seat", he also purchased the other part in Carroll County, total of both $2,500). Total sales, $6,228.50. Distribution: - the widow, age 61, 1/9, $662.14 - Rachel and her husband had already received $4,000, of which $3,000 was part of her inheritance; since what she received exceeds her share, she is excluded from receiving any further portion. - Orellana H. OWINGS, $1,324.28 - Thomas B. OWINGS, $1,324.28 - Cealius W. OWINGS, $1,324.28 - Cordelia E. OWINGS, $1,324.28 Rachel owed $27.66; filed 20 Jun 1839.
Henry KEEFER, prochien ami of Christian Keefer THOMAS, et al - Jan 1839 (also see AF-6, 559) Samuel THOMAS d/ 1830, intestate widow - Juliet C. and 5 children s/ Christian Keefer THOMAS, a minor d/ Ann Eliza (Thomas) w/o Charles SHRIVER, a minor s/ Bruce/Brice THOMAS, a minor s/ Adalaid Samuel THOMAS, a minor s/ Notley THOMAS, a minor On 2 Aug 1837, estate of Samuel Thomas was sold at Point of Rocks by trustees Henry KEEFER and Edward SHRIVER, to - Daniel DUVALL for 21+ acres at $537.93 and 45 acres at $776.25, totaling $1,314.18; residue of estate was not sold at that time. On 1 Nov 1838, private sale was made to Christian Keefer THOMAS and Jacob BUCKEY for 282+ acres at $8,460.75. On 4 Dec 1838, private sale was made to Daniel DUVALL for 82+ acres at $500. There was still 137+ acres to be sold; the total present sales was $10,274.93, 1/3 ow which has been received. Guardian was Jacob KEEFER; testimony was heard from George THOMAS and Jacob KEEFER. Distributions: Each 1/5 share, $591.54; closed 26 Feb 1839.
Lewis BIRELY and Valentine BIRELY & Others vs Appolonia HEFFNER & Others - Oct 1829 Jacob Frederick HEFFNER died testate widow - Susanna and 11 children s/ John HEFFNER (d/ 1820) s/ Jacob HEFFNER s/ Frederick HEFFNER (d/ intestate) .....Samuel HEFFNER, a minor - VA .....David HEFFNER, a minor - VA .....Frederick HEFFNER, a minor - VA .....Susanna Catharine HEFFNER, a minor - VA s/ Joseph HEFFNER and w/ Eleanor - IN s/ Benjamin HEFFNER d/ Elizabeth HEFFNER d/ Appolonia HEFFNER s/ George HEFFNER - Warren Co, Ohio d/ Mary w/o James NAYLOR d/ Catharine w/o William JULIAN - Ohio d/ Ann w/o Benjamin F. BARTGIS Land - "Resurvey on Rocky Hill", on South Mountain. [Will written Aug 1810; filed 26 Feb 1811] Catharine sold her share (and her share of the widow's dower) to John RENNER (w/ Letitia) who sold it to Elizabeth BIRELY in 1815. Ann, Benjamin, George, Joseph and Elizabeth sold their shares to Elizabeth BIRELY, giving her 6 undivided shares. Jacob and Mary sold their shares to Lewis BIRELY, including their part from their brother John's share. Appollina and Frederick were the only two children who still owned their shares. Elizabeth BIRELY of Frederick Town d/ 1828 s/ Valentine BIRELY s/ Lewis BIRELY d/ Maria BIRELY d/ Elizabeth w/o Stephen STEINER .....Eliza BANSMAN .....Sophia BANSMAN grandsons - William FOLTZ - Frederick FOLTZ SLAVES - negro men, ABRAHAM and BASIL (to Valentine) LAND - to Valentine - Brick House on Patrick St in Frederick Town next door to where she lived and presently occupied by Mrs. Matilda McPHERSON; also adjoining lots; monies to be paid to his siblings. Exec/ sons, Valentine and Lewis BIRELY Witnesses/ Henry STALEY, Jacob STEINER, George KOLB [Will written 10 Apr 1828; filed 19 May 1828] Ann BARTGIS was listed as a lunatic and living in the Alms House; her trustee was Matthias E. BARTGIS. Trustee was Frederick A. SCHLEY; high bidder was: - Lewis BIRELY for 103+ acres at $3.75/acre. Benjamin claimed debts owed him by his deceased brother, Frederick. Distribution: - J.F. HEFFNER's children, each 1/11 share, $29.18 - Siblings of John HEFFNER (dec'd), each 1/10, $2.91
HS-5, 196-197 - REED, BANTZ, KELLER
Gideon BANTZ, guardian of Jacob REED's children - May 1839 Remaining property of Jacob REED, house and lot in Frederick Town, was sold to Jacob KELLER at $450. Distribution to the children of Jacob REED - Mary Jane REED - $102.38 - John REED - $102.38 - Isaac REED - $102.38 - Elmira REED - $102.38 Filed 18 Jul 1839.
William LARE and others vs John George LARE and others - Sale of Real Estate - Mar 1838 George LARE d/ 7 Feb 1838, intestate s/ William LARE s/ Edward LARE s/ Henry C. LARE s/ John George LARE, a minor d/ Ann Maria LARE, a minor d/ Sophia Elizabeth LARE, a minor Land - Lot #278 on Patrick Street in Frederick Town; purchased in 1812 from the heirs of Christian SHULL as - Frederick SHULL - Montgomery Co - Charles SHULL - Lincoln Co, NC - Christian SHULL - John SHULL - Jacob SHULL - Henry SHULL - Elizabeth /wo Frederick KOONTZ - Alexandria, DC - Margaret w/o Michael MEYERS - Amelia w/o Daniel SMITH Guardian of the Lare children was James BRUNNER. On 10 Mar 1838, Testimony was heard from Ezra M. GOMBER, age 42. Trustee was Henry C. LARE; on 7 Apr 1838, sale was made to Edward LARE and Daniel KOLB at $1,205. Distribution was made for the mortgage to George DOLL; other creditors were paid $.55 on the dollar as proceeds were short of debts. Closed 25 May 1839.
Philip BALTZELL of Baltimore as pro chien ami of Edward Wiant SALMON & Others - Petition - May 1836 Charles SALMON d/ 3 Jun 1835 - (all in Baltimore) widow - Eliza (d/ Spring 1836) and minor children, s/ Edward Wyant SALMON (b/ 5 Feb 1817) d/ Ann Maria Elizabeth SALMON (b/ 18 Jun 1818) s/ Charles William SALMON (b/ 20 Jan 1820) s/ Hamilton Henry SALMON (b/ 21 Dec 1821) d/ Eugenia Amanda SALMON (b/ abt 1823; d/ abt Jun 1836) s/ Warren Lafayette SALMON (b/ 5 Aug 1824) s/ Simon Bolivar SALMON (b/ 31 Oct 1826) s/ Philip Adolphus SALMON (b/ 6 Nov 1827) Land - "Addison's Choice", 140 acres, (from Joseph SIM to Edward SALMON in 1789). - "Final", 9+ acres, from Joseph M. PALMER as trustee in 1822. - land (JS-18, 544) from George CREAGER (w/ Margaret) in 1823. - "Addison's Choice", 100 acres, from Peter BUCKEY and Peter COBLENTZ as trustees in 1824. - "Addison's Choice", 4 acres,from Nicholas BRENGLE, in 1825. - "Final", 13+ acres, from William BEATTY, next to "Middle Plantation"; from Nicholas BRENGLE, John BRENGLE and Jacob BRENGLE in 1828. In 1830, Charles SALMON made deed of trust to George SALMON of Frederick County (JS-34, 437) for land in trust for the care and support of his children; and when the youngest reaches the age of 21, then the property be sold and divided amongst them. George SALMON asks to transfer trustee duties to court-appointed trustee. Guardian was Thomas BALTZELL; trustee was Philip BALTZELL. After insufficient public sale bids, private sale was made to Christian STEINER of Frederick City for 268 acres at $5,370. After court costs, the remaining balance of $5,113.33 was held subject the the future order of the court; closed 15 Aug 1839.
Gideon BANTZ vs David K. SCHAEFFER & Others - Jan 1839 In Dec 1836, Gideon BANTZ and David F. SCHAEFFER became securities for John TITLOW for a note to the Frederick Town Savings Bank until Sep 1838 when it was renewed with Bantz and John FAUBLE as securites. In Dec 1838, Titlow signed a deed of mortgage to his securites to protect them from loss. John TITLOW died shortly thereafter. David F. SCHAEFFER / SHAFFER d/ early 1838 s/ David K. SCHAEFFER - Out of State s/ Luther M. SCHAEFFER, a minor s/ William SCHAEFFER, a minor d/ Ann M. SCHAEFFER, a minor d/ Caroline SCHAEFFER, a minor ---------- John TITLOW d/ Oct 1838 widow - Margaret (signed as Margaret CONRAD) s/ John TITLOW Jr. d/ Elizabeth s/o Henry KEEFER d/ Margaret TITLOW, a minor s/ Daniel TITLOW, a minor d/ Eleanor TITLOW, a minor d/ Henrietta TITLOW, a minor s/ Edward TITLOW, a minor d/ Caroline TITLOW, a minor s/ Charles TITLOW, a minor Land - "Addition to Frederick Town", 1/4 of Lot# 221 in Frederick Town, from Lawrence I. BRENGLE, exec/of John BRENGLE in 1836. - "Addition to Frederick Town", 1/2 (southern part) of Lots# 251 and 252, from Allice FLEMING in 1830. On 7 Aug 1830, testimony was heard from Levy MOBBERLY, Horatio WATERS and George ENGLEBRECHT (bank rep). Guardian was Horatio WATERS; trustee was George KOONTZ. On 5 Sep 1839, sale went to William DUVALL for $480. Remaining balance went to Bantz to reimburse him for payments he made for Titlow, but was $11.60 short. Closed 3 Oct 1839.
Henry CYPHER vs John CYPHER, et al Christian KUHN d/ 1806 widow - Elizabeth s/ Christian KUHN s/ Henry KUHN/COON d/ Lovice, dec'd w/o Henry GROVE .....Mary GROVE .....Betsy GROVE .....Rebecca GROVE .....Joseph GROVE .....Catharine GROVE d/ Gertraut (d/ abt 1835) w/o John S. CYPHER .....Henry CYPHER .....John CYPHER - Ohio .....Joseph CYPHER - Ohio .....Sarah (Cypher) w/o Jacob LIDIE .....Elizabeth (Cypher) w/o William COVER of Yost grandson - Christian Land - "Shroyer's Blessing" (home place) and the still to son Christian; - "John's Delight" and "Content" to son Henry; - "Kerr's Resolve", 200 acres, to daughter Gertraut, 3 miles from Graceham and adjoins land of William BIGGS and Nicholas SNYDER; - and monies to the children of Lovice. Exec/ son Henry and son-in-law Henry GROVE Witnesses: Richard BUTLER, Tobias BUTLER and Wm. RITCHIE [Will written 21 May 1795; filed 5 Feb 1806] Joseph Cypher sold his share to Elizabeth and William Cover thru his power of attorney, Henry DAMUTH Sr. in 1838. Testimony was heard from William BIGGS; trustee was George KUHN. On 30 Sep 1837, at GILBERT's Tavern in Mechanics Town, sale was made to William COVER at $1,400; but Cover then sold it to Noah MILLER who became the substituted buyer. Distribution: each 1/5 share, $253.70; closed 26 Sep 1839.
Estate of Leonard SIX - Oct 1838 Leonard SIX d/ Apr 1838 intestate s/ John SIX d/ Mary w/o Jacob ANGEL d/ Margaret w/o John HAINES s/ George SIX - Carroll Co d/ Catharine w/o William KOONS - Carroll Co d/ Barbara w/o Jacob GARDNER - Carroll Co d/ Betsy, dec'd w/o Henry KOONS - Carroll Co .....Upton KOONS .....Catharine Ann KOONS, a minor .....James KOONS, a minor .....Emily Jane KOONS, a minor Land - "Eve's Lot" (part of "Resurvey on Albaugh's Choice"), 111 acres, from Arthur ETZLER (w/ Miranda), located two miles west of Liberty. Guardian and trustee was Suratt D. WARFIELD; testimony was heard from James WOOD who had known Leonard SIX for 9 or 10 years. Sale went to Thomas KUBY at $600.25. After debts were paid, each 1/7 share was $30.81; closed 31 Oct 1839.
Stephen RAMSBURGH vs Isaac BRISCOE - Foreclosure - Dec 1838 Land - Lot in Frederick Town, fronting Mantz St. To Isaac BRISCOE from Hugh MOFFIT. Testimony was heard from John McDONALD; trustee was Joshua DILL. On 21 Sep 1839, sale was made to Basil NORRIS at $271. After mortgage was paid, balance of $81.71 went to Briscoe; closed 16 Dec 1839.
HS-5, 280-293 - PRICE, BENNETT, SCHLEIGH - 1839
Samuel W. PRICE and Nancy A. PRICE vs Tilghman B. BENNETT and others Amon PRICE died testate widow - Nance s/ John PRICE s/ Isaiah PRICE d/ 1 Oct 1833 intestate .....Samuel Wesley PRICE .....Nancy A. PRICE .....Catharine, dec'd w/o Tilghman B. BENNETT . . . . .Margaret I. BENNETT, a minor . . . . .William A. BENNETT, a minor . . . . .Ann V. BENNETT, a minor . . . . .Hannah L. BENNETT, a minor After widow's death, land left to son Isaiah; monies had already been given son John. Exec/ son Isaiah; Witnesses: Silas BAILEY, John PANCOAST, Samuel GUEYER. {Will written 24 Feb 1812; filed 23 Jun 1823] Land - "Ward's Pleasure", 47 acres, on the waters of Linganore; - "Supply to the Barrons", 37 acres (originally to Jeremiah COVILL in 1762); - "Wet Time", 47 acres, adjoining the others (originally to John WARD from Thomas BEATTY in 1798); all from John WARD (w/ Elizabeth) to Amon PRICE in 1804. Guardian was D. H. SCHLEIGH; on 29 Feb 1839, testimony was heard from Pitts TYLER and Adam SPONSELLER. Trustee was Nicholas H. PITTS; on 10 Aug 1839, sale was made to Samuel W. PRICE at $1,211.25. Distribution: each 1/3 share, $100.68; An affidavit confirmed Tilghman B. BENNETT's birthdate as 8 MaY 1804; he received 2/15 of his wife's 1/3. Closed 20 Dec 1839.
David YINGLING & w/ Elizabeth vs Jacob FROWNFELTER & Others - Mar 1836 Peter ERB d/ 17 Feb 1836 (s/o Christian who d/ May 1816) widow - Elizabeth s/ Jacob ERB s/ Peter ERB s/ Elie ERB s/ Abraham ERB d/ Eliza ERB d/ Lovis ERB Land - "Erb's Pleasure, 773 acres, by patent in 1810; the south side of middle of Big Pipe Creek, 333 acres (to Jacob); north side of middle of Big Pipe Creek, 440 acres (to Peter and Elie); - "The Bottom", 22 acres, from Thomas BIDDLE in 1824 (to Peter and Elie); - "Dyer's Mill Forest", 52 acres (from equity case in 1818 for 97 acres), (to Peter and Elie); - "Angell's Rest" (part of "Owen's Choice", "Taylor's Delight" and "Ohio"), 169 acres, and "Ground Oak Renmant", 36 acres, from Jacob ANGELL, Charles ANGELL and John SHILLING as exec/of Charles ANGELL in 1813, (to Jacob in trust for support of Abraham); - "Molly's Fancy", 37 acres, from William STUTLER in 1801 (to daughters); - "Durbin's Mistake", 26 acres, from Peter McFARLAND in 1814 (to daughters); - "Patient's Care", 119 acres, where Isaac MYERS then lived (to widow). Exec/ son Jacob; Witnesses: John DICKENSHEETS, Michael HAHN, Isaac MEYERS, John BAUMGARTNER. [Will written 13 May 1835; filed 4 Mar 1836] ---------- Felix FROWNFELTER, weaver, d/ Apr 1835 intestate d/ Elizabeth w/o David YINGLING s/ Jacob FROWNFELTER d/ Catharine w/o John WEANT d/ Rebecca FROWNFELTER d/ Mary FROWNFELTER s/ Peter FROWNFELTER d/ Barbara w/o Jacob COOK - Ohio Land - Lot, 10 acres (owned by Felix for over 40 years), from Christian ERB but no deed was issued (land in dispute is claimed as part of Peter ERB's inheritance). On 19 Sep 1836, testimony was heard from John JEFFRY, age 56; Jacob SHEETZ, age 28; Joseph COE, age 31; Sally L. POE, age 40; Christian YINGLING of Jacob, age 24; William COPENHAVER, age 52 (roofer); Peter HESSON, age 52; Michael CROUSE, age 65; Daniel HARN, age 66; Baltzer HESSEN, age 66; Abraham HESSON, age 65. Also, Frederick YINGLING, age 52, stated Peter ERB lived a few hundred yards from Frownfelter and Erb was born, lived and died on the land at age 66. Charles ERB, age 37, said Peter Erb raised him from a small boy; Peter ERB was godfather of Peter FROWNFELTER; after Felix Frownfelter's death, Peter Frownfelter said he planned to move to Poley MARKELL's place. Isac KEEFER, age 25, also testified. Claim was Frownfelter paid for property by horse and heifers and weaving for Christian Erb; opposition claims goods were for rent, not purchase. Court founded for Frownfelter as owner and approved sale of property. Trustee was L. P. W. BALCH; in Sep 1839, sale made in Frizzleburgh to Samuel ONGER at $400. Distribution: each 1/7 share to Frownfelter heirs, $47.87. Closed 5 Dec 1839.
Griffin TAYLOR vs James M. HARDING & Others - Apr 1839 Eleanor HARDING d/ abt 1821 intestate, 1st w/o John Lackland HARDING d/ 1838 s/ James M. HARDING d/ Mary Ann w/o Nimrod BANTZ d/ Elizabeth L. w/o Joseph STALLINGS s/ Normand B. HARDING and w/ Ann Maria s/ William H. HARDING Land - "Wet Work Resurveyed", 500 acres; - Lots #291-300, 5 acres, in Frederick Town; all from Chloe MARSHALL in 1836. In 1836, Eleanor and John L. Harding along with William MARSHALL, as exec/of James MARSHALL, dec'd, sold to Chloe MARSHALL lands she purchased from the will of James MARSHALL (he purchased in 1797); same 500 acres she resold to Eleanor. In 1839, William and Normand sold their shares to Griffin TAYLOR. Testimony was heard from John McPHERSON, neighbor next to their farm, and Davis RICHARDSON. Trustees were William I. ROSS, Madison NELSON and James M. HARDING. On 21 Sep 1839, sale was made to Griffin TAYLOR for the 500 acres at $17,920; to Nimrod BANTZ for the house and lots at $5,805. (Sales Report on pages 420 & 421) Distribution: each 1/5 share, $4,585.27; closed on 5 Nov 1839.
John McPHERSON vs Luke DAVIS & Others - Apr 1839 Elizabeth DAVIS d/ Spring 1839, intestate wid/of Gilbert DAVIS & d/o Joseph RATCLIFF (will 12 Mar 1814) s/ Luke DAVIS s/ Ephraim DAVIS d/ Elizabeth w/o Samuel B. LEWIS d/ Amelia wid/o Joshua INGMAN (d/ abt 1839) s/ Thomas DAVIS, dec'd .....James DAVIS, a minor .....Drucilla DAVIS, a minor s/ James DAVIS - Washington County Land - "The Rights of Man", 112 acres, to Elizabeth from the will of her father; next to "May's Fall", granted to William WAUGH in 1754. Guardian was Gideon BANTZ; testimony was heard from Gideon BANTZ and Godfrey KOONTZ, officer of Branch Bank in Frederick. Trustee was William I. Ross; land to be divided into 3 lots. On 14 Sep 1839, sale was made to - Daniel DUVALL for the "Northern Division", 32+ acres, at $516 with Bush Creek and the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad running along the border, exception is 1 acres deeded to Col. Daniel DUVALL; - Plummer IJAMS for the "Central Division", 46+ acres, at $665.52 with exception of 1+ acre now owned by John HOFF; - Plummer IJAMS for the "Southern Division", 32+ acres, at $227.50; total sales were $1,409.02. Sale proceeds fell short of total mortgage; closed 14 Nov 1839.
HS-5, 344-358 - McPHERSON, CANBY, DUER
Samuel CANBY and Samuel DUER vs Estate of Horatio McPHERSON - Oct 1839 Horatio McPHERSON died testate widow - Mary S. and minor children who all live in Washington County d/ Harriet McPHERSON d/ Meliora McPHERSON d/ Mary S. McPHERSON d/ Rebecca B. McPHERSON s/ Thomas B. McPHERSON s/ Horatio McPHERSON (twin) d/ Sarah S. McPHERSON (twin), d/ within a few months (Twins were born shortly after their father's death.) Exec/ widow who renounced; administrators were John McPHERSON of Frederick County and John R. DALL of Washington County. Witnesses: W. VAN LEAR, M. A. FINLEY, James A. BUCHANAN. [Washington County Will; written 3 Jun 1836; filed 14 Jun 1836] Land - "Linganore Mills" and adjoining land from David KENEGA; totals 112 acres; mortgaged free of dower. Guardian was the children's mother. Testimony was heard from Dr. William S. McPHERSON, an older brother of the deceased. Court appointed the administrators as guardians to transfer the deed to the complainants. Closed 4 Nov 1839.
Sarah H. HALL - Petition for Sale of Real Estate - Oct 1839 Samuel FLEMING of Arthur d/ abt 1828 intestate widow - Harriett (d/ after her husband) d/ Sarah A. (Fleming) wid/o John HALL (d/ abt 1837) s/ William Randolph FLEMING, a minor d/ Catharine E. FLEMING, a minor d/ Mary I. FLEMING, a minor (d/ after her father) Land - "Benvenue", Lot #2, from Richard POTTS, trustee for Levi HUGHES, dec'd, in 1827; on road from Frederick Town to Baltimore. Guardian was Lawrence I. BRENGLE; testimony was heard from Dr. Wilson W. KOLB. Trustee was Lawrence I. BRENGLE. On 20 Jan 1840, sale was made to George ENGLEBRECHT at $6,558.56. Distribution: Each 1/3 to surviving 3 children, $2,230.54; closed 26 Mar 1840.
HS-5, 368-379 - CRONAN, SCHOLL
John SCHOLL vs Joshua DILL and Heirs of John CRONAN - Feb 1839 Land - Lot in Frederick Town, conveyed from Peter NICHOLS (w/ Mary) to Patrick CRONAN and John CRONAN in 1832; adjoins William HAMMOND's lot on All Saints and runs to Carroll Creek. In 1834, Patrick CRONAN filed for Insolvency and conveyed all his rights and interests to Joshua DILL as trustee for his creditors, whereby he sold the interests to John CRONAN. John CRONAN later became indebted to John SCHOLL. John CRONAN d/ intestate, unmarried and w/o issue bro/ Patrick CRONAN (insolvent) bro/ Timothy CRONAN - Ohio and other relatives in the part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, called Ireland, and who owe allegiance to the British Crown, and because they are not citizens, they are incapable of inheriting real estate in Maryland. Trustee was Joshua DILL; sale was made to John SCHOLL at $810. After debt to Scholl was paid, each brother listed received $63.05. Closed 4 Feb 1840.
Lewis BALTZELL, exec/o Charles BALTZELL vs Samuel DEVILBISS of John Samuel DEVILBISS of John was indebted to Charles BALTZELL. Land - "Ogle's Necessary Compact", 380 acres Trustee was John H. McELFRESH; on 11 Aug 1838, sale was made to - John GITTINGER for 285 acres at $11,503.45 - Samuel DEVILBISS of John for 5+ acres at $239.49. Debts paid; closed 7 Feb 1839.
Estate of Ely BRASHEAR - Feb 1838 William BRASHEAR died Nov 1813, testate s/ Belt BRASHEAR d/ Tabitha PEIRE s/ Ely BRASHEAR d/ 1 Apr 1837 intestate, his children, .....Elizabeth w/o Festus DICKINSON - Caroline Co, VA .....Ellen B. BRASHEAR - Caroline Co, VA .....Tabitha P. BRASHEAR - Caroline Co, VA .....Mary A. F. BRASHEAR - Caroline Co, VA .....Thomas M. BRASHEAR - VA .....Allen B. BRASHEAR - Mississippi .....Dennis F. BRASHEAR, a minor sister/ Mary BRASHEARS SLAVES - negro girl CATE (d/o CATE) (gave to Tabitha PEIRE); - negro man DAVID (gave to Ely); (stipulated all his negroes be equally divided among his three children and none were to be sold out of the family). LAND - "The Range" and "The Partnership" (to Bet & Tabitha) - "William and John" and "Daniel's Finale Tract", from Yate PLUMMER; and "Attraction" from Thomas BEATTY (to Ely). Exec/ two sons Witnesses: Edward TILLARD, Philip GRIFFITH, Joseph MACKELFRESH, James TOOLE. [Will written 28 Apr 1801; filed 29 Nov 1813] Land of Ely - - "William and John" and "Jacob's Cowpen", 35 acres; to Ely from Thomas WOOD (w/ Susanna) in 1802; along division line of William BRASHEARS and Robert PLUMMER and below the mill dam then belonging to Thomas WOOD's saw mill (section crossing the mill race is reserved for Thomas WOOD to mend and repair mill race). Ely's total estate was 252 acres, on Bennett's Creek. Guardian was Nicholas H. PITTS; Testimony was heard from the guardian and Henry HOUCK. Administrator of Ely's estate was Festus DICKINSON who also became the trustee for the sale. Trustee's bond was issued to the ones in Caroline Co, VA and Singleton WOOTTEN, E.W. MOBBERLY and Thomas C. BRASHEAR of this county and state in 1838. After two failed public sales, private sale was made to Thomas CLAGETT at $15.87 1/3 per acre or $4,000. Distribution: each 1/7 share, $544.21; closed 1 May 1839.
Estate of Valentine J. BRUNNER - Oct 1838 Valentine J. BRUNNER d/ 3 Nov 1837 intestate widow - Susanna and no children bro/ John BRUNNER of J. and w/ Sophia sis/ Mary (Brunner) w/o Andrew HEIM/HIME sis/ Elizabeth (Brunner) wid/o John J. McCULLOH/McCULLY sis/ Sophia BRUNNER (d/ w/o heirs many years ago) bro/ Benjamin BRUNNER, dec'd ........Louisa (Brunner), a minor, w/o James GEARVIN (living in Louisville, KY by 1829) Land - Lot #82 in Frederick Town on Market Street; from Valentine BRUNNER, trustee for John BRUNNER, dec'd. Testimony was heard from Lewis RAMSBURG; trustee was the widow, Susanna BRUNNER. On 19 Jan 1839, sale was made to John L. PITTS for $2,305. On 20 Feb 1839, Elizabeth BRUNNER made oath that she, widow of the deceased, was 40 years of age and in good health; she was awarded $288.12 in lieu of her dower. There was still a claim against the estate by Valentine BRUNNER. Testimony was heard from Jacob THOMAS who stated Valentine BRUNNER was an uncle of Valentine J. BRUNNER and Susanna THOMAS, Jacob's mother, received a distributive share from the estate for which Valentine BRUNNER was trustee. Also testifying was the widow, Susanna BRUNNER Distribution: widow, $288.12 - Valentine BRUNNER, surviving partner of the firm of Valentine J. BRUNNER & Valentine BRUNNER, $24.85 - Andrew HEIM (after deduction of amt pd him from personal estate, $186.29 - Valentine BRUNNER for debt, $1,286.88 and interest, $193.03; leaves balance for heirs, $166.29 - each 1/4 to surviving siblings or their heirs, $41.57. Closed 30 Oct 1839.
Griffin TAYLOR vs HARDING, BANTZ, STALLINGS - Report of Sales - Jul 1839 (cont. from page 322) Trustees were William J. ROSS, James M. HARDING and Madison NELSON, Esquires. SALE held on 21 Sep 1839 to: - Griffin TAYLOR for 512 acres at $17,920 - Nimrod BANTZ for 5 acre Lot and House in Frederick Town at $5,805; Total Sales, $23,725; filed 26 Sep 1839.
HS-5, 423-443 - MICHAEL, LORENTZ
Henry COCHRAN, Israel RAMSBURGH & Others vs Jacob MICHAEL & Others - Feb 1838 Jacob MICHAEL, insolvent debtor Land - House and Lot in Middletown On 22 Sep 1835, after Henry MICHAEL (a brother to Jacob) filed two judgements against Jacob MICHAEL and sheriff's sale sold Jacob's real estate to Isaac MICHAEL, a brother to Jacob. Immediately thereafter Jacob filed for insolvency. Creditors: Henry COCHRAN, John RAMSBURG, John MOTTER and Joseph ROUTZANG are filing to oppose the insolvency and to place claims against the real estate previously owned by Jacob and that preference was given to Henry MICHAEL over the other creditors. Henry MICHAEL left the state in the Fall of 1837. Land - House and Lot on "Resurvey on Western Welfare"; on the NE corner of Mrs. WEAVER's in "Keller's Addition to Middletown". Testimony was heard from Michael McCARTNEY; trustee was John SIFFORD. On 4 Apr 1840, sale was held at the tavern of James STEVENS in Middletown, high bidder was Henry LORENTZ at $275. Creditors paid in proportion of claims; closed 10 Dec 1840.
Zelophehad DUVALL and w/ Susanna vs Ezra HERRING & Others - Nov 1838 George HERRING died testate widow - Mary (now w/o Peter BOYER) d/ Susanna w/o Zelophehad DUVALL - Baltimore Co s/ Ezra HERRING, a minor - Allegany Co d/ Catharine HERRING, a minor d/ Sarah HERRING, a minor - Baltimore Co s/ Willilam T. HERRING, a minor - Baltimore Co s/ Daniel R. HERRING, a minor (Will only named wife and left her rents and use during her life or widowhood; disposal of land not provided. Witnesses: Henry HERSHBERGER, Peter BOYER and Perry RICE Jr. [Will written 5 Apr 1837; filed 12 Aug 1837] Land - "Bachus", 65 acres, from Henry HERSHBERGER (w/ Juliana) in Mar 1832; next to Michael CREAGER's "Anchor and Hope"; lies in Middletown Valley and adjoins lands of Perry BOYER, Eli P. HOUSE and John CRONE. On 18 Sep 1838, the widow, Mary BOYER, renounced her bequest in the will to take her legal share. In 1839, Thomas DUVALL and w/ Matilda A. of Washington County sold part of "Bacchus" to Peter BOYER for $400; part sold was conveyed to Duvall by Ezra HERRING of Allegany County in 1838. Peter BOYER acted as guardian for the minor children; the court later appointed W. Thompson PALMER. Testimony was heard from the widow and Sebastian RAMSBURG. Ages of children in Oct 1839 - - Susannah, 23 - Ezra, 21 (was 21 last Dec) - Catharine, 19 - Sarah, 17 - William, 15 - Daniel, 8 Trustee was Sebastian RAMSBURG. SALE to: - Peter BOYER at $3,591 Distribution: - widow, 2/17, $401.08 - Each child's 1/6, $501.35 Filed 28 Feb 1840.
HS-5, 461-477- ENGEL, LEWIS, WEST
Airy ENGEL - Petition for Dower - Nov 1838 John ENGEL d/ Jun 1838, testate widow - Airy s/ John ENGEL Jr. (eldest son) s/ Jesse ENGEL s/ Reuben ENGEL d/ Rachel ENGEL, a minor s/ William ENGEL, a minor - Carroll County s/ Joshua ENGEL, a minor d/ Lucy ENGEL, a minor s/ Lorenzo ENGEL, a minor Exec/ son John ENGEL Jr and friend Joseph KEMP. Witnesses: George CLAY, Richard BRASHEAR, Alfred BAKER. [Will written 28 May 1838; filed 18 Jun 1838] LAND - "Cawmans Manor", 107 acres, from Jesse ENGEL and w/ Sarah in 1834 (previously to Jesse from Henry McELFRESH), next to "Resurvey on Hobb's Purchase". - "Resurvey on Charles Lot" and "Pretty Sally", 85+ acres, from John H. McELFRESH in 1836. Guardian was John T. LEWIS. Testimony heard from Joseph WEST. The dower appears to have been laid out from the 85 acre plot, giving her 64 acres. Filed 6 Jul 1840.
Rebecca HUTTON by her next friend, Caleb OGBORN vs Enos HUTTON and others William MORSELL died testate widow - Mary s/ William MORSELL d/ Rachel w/o William PLUMMER d/ Rebecca (wid/o Issac PLUMMER), now w/o Enos HUTTON - IN d/ Elizabeth w/o Thomas EDMONSON - Out of State SLAVES - negro ABRAHAM (already set free), 40 pounds Exec/ son William MORSELL and son-in-law William PLUMMER. Witnesses: John TALBOTT Jr., Joel WOOD, William BALLINGER. [Will written 4 Feb 1808; filed 8 Sep 1813] Codicil written after Rebecca's marriage to Hutton on 31 Mar 1808; witnessed by William BALLINGER, Jesse HUGHES and Joel WOOD. Land - "Partnership" and "Deceit", 65 acres, by "Resurvey on Solomon's Flower". - House and Lot# 11 (front lot) and #15 (back lot) in Plummer's Part of New Market. Enos bought a lot in New Market and a house was built with Rebecca's money. Enos deeded the house to Rebecca's brother William, to be in trust for her as stated in the codicil. She is now living in Indiana; about 1836, Rebecca's husband left her with no support. Trustee was Caleb OGBORN (Society of Friends) to sell her house and lot and invest funds to provide regular payments to her for her support; upon her death, balance to go to her children. SALE to: - Eli DAVIS at $650 Distribution: after court costs $572.74 remained with the trustee. Filed 1 Mar 1841.
Mary "Polly" DOLL vs Absalom CHINAWETH & Others - Apr 1838 Elizabeth CHINOWETH mortgaged her property to Christian REICH in 1826. In 1829, Reich assigned the note to Mary "Polly" DOLL (Elizabeth's daughter) and in 1834 made notes to Polly for additional monies. Elizabeth CHINOWETH d/ between 1836-1837 intestate s/ Absalom CHINOWETH - KY d/ Ruth w/o Michael WALL d/ Rebecca COULTER s/ Thomas CHINOWETH s/ Enoch CHINOWETH d/ Chloe w/o Jacob HOUCK Land - House and Lot #4 in Woodsborough, part of "Woods Town Land". Testimony was heard from Malichi BERNARD, David WAGNER and Brooke BAKER Mary DOLL's daughter was Mary Ann Elizabeth, w/o Dennis ETZLER. Mary was assigned the notes to keep Dennis from obtaining the old note as he was a surety on the note. Elizabeth had been living with Mary and died in her house in Woodsboro. Trustee was John SMITH of M. SALE was held 1 Nov 1839 to: - Mary DOLL at $300 Distribution: - Mary DOLL received $241.37 which was short $147.20 of the notes owed to her. Filed 26 Oct 1840.
HS-5, 509-524 - KEMP
Matilda KEMP, next friend of Eugene H. KEMP & Others - Oct 1840 Daniel KEMP (of Hy.) d/ Jan 1839, intestate widow - Matilda s/ Eugene H. KEMP, a minor d/ Emily KEMP, a minor s/ Edward L. KEMP, a minor s/ Daniel Henry KEMP, a minor Land - "Wet Work" and "Resurvey on Buckingham House", 5 acres; plus 3/4 acre on opposite side of Monocacy River where Grist Mill (known as Monocacy Mills) is located (one moriety), from Christian KEMP (w/ Harriet) in 1831 (in 1825, from Ignatius DAVIS to Christian KEMP and Daniel BUCKEY). Testimony was heard from Dr. William KEMP who was also the guardian. Trustees were Henry KEMP and William KEMP. SALE on 6 Jul 1839 to: - Christian KEMP for the one moriety of the mill property at $6,000 On 25 Sep 1839, the widow stated she was 32 and she released dower rights in the mill property. Distribution: - widow, 2/15, $229.29 + $266.16 - each child's 1/4 share, $372.48 + $432.52 Filed 5 Nov 1840.
Peter HARTS Jr vs Jacob BRUCHEY - Nov 1833 Francis HARTS died testate widow - Anna Catharine (d/ 1833) s/ Peter HARTS d/ Margaret LANDIGAN, widow, now w/o Andrew CONROY d/ Catharine w/o Jacob BRUCHEY s/ Joseph HARTS and w/ Matilda* (property to be sold 7 years after death of the widow) Exec/ Henry NIXDORFF (who renounced duties); Witnesses: Henry FOGLER, John BRENGLE, Henry KELLY and Cyrus MANTZ. [Will written 17 Sep 1829)] Land - 1/2 of Lot #6 in Frederick Town. From Christian GUMMERT (w/ Ann Margaret) in 1802. - Lots #225 & 226 on Market St in Frederick Town; previously owned by Benjamin WATERS. Property fronting Market St had a one-story frame house, brick kitchen and smoke house and log stable. Lot is three doors from tavern of Henry FOGLER. Presently in occupancy of Jacob BRUCHEY. ...Other lot fronting Market Street has one-story stone house with excellent well with pump in yard. Presently occupied by A. CONROY. From Solomon MENCHEY (w/ Magdalena) at $1,000 in 1813 [WR-42, 364]. - Lots in Frederick Town. The lot fronting Sixth Street has 1 1/2 story log house. The lot on alley between Fourth and Fifth St, east of Market and in rear of George LAMBRECHT's, has frame house. From Richard H. MARSHALL as trustee for the heirs of Mathias SMITH at $465 in Oct 1826. Trustee was Lewis MEDTART. SALE was held 21 Dec 1833; high bidders were: - Jacob BRUCHEY for Lot & House near tavern at $401 - Joseph HARTS (d/ Feb 1834) for lot on Sixth St at $510 - Andrew CONROY for lot on alley at $210 - David BOYD for other lot on Market St, later sold at $450 * Petition from Lewis MEDTART, George B. SHOPE, John SHAW and w/ Matilda, and James CARLIN regarding sale of estate of John ORTNER, dec'd, with George B. SHOPE as trustee who made sale to Francis HARTS in 1828; that parcel was sold at sale to Joseph HARTS who is now deceased, his widow Matilda is now the w/o John SHAW and they have since sold the lot to James CARLIN. Distribution: - each child's 1/4 share, $449.47. Filed 6 Nov 1840.
Daniel MILLER vs Ely MILLER, Daniel FLOOK & Others - Feb 1840 Catharine MILLER d/ Apr 1839 intestate s/ Daniel MILLER s/ Ely MILLER d/ Elizabeth w/o Daniel FLOOK d/ Polly w/o Richard SHAWEN s/ David MILLER - Washington/Muskingham Co, OH Administrator was Henry YOUNG. Land - Lot #6, part of "Keller's Addition to Middletown", from Michael KELLER (w/ Margaret) in 1837, adjoining an alley and house and lot originally owned by Joseph RAMSBURG. Trustee was Daniel MILLER. SALE to: - Mahlon RHODERICK at $377 Distribution after debts: - Each child's 1/5 share, $38.25 Filed 4 Jun 1840.
Margaret CRABBS vs Estate of Peter CRABBS / CRABEL - Jul 1837 Peter CRABBS (CREPELL) died 1791 testate s/ Jacob CRABBS d/ Elizabeth CRABBS (CRABLE) (d/ Jul 1837) (Will written 19 Apr 1836; filed 17 Jul 1837] d/ Margaret CRABBS d/ Rachel CRABBS w/o Richard HARDIN, both dec'd - Ohio .....Ezra HARDIN - Ohio .....Sophia HARDIN - Ohio .....Harriet M. (Hardin) w/o Franklin SHAW - Ohio .....Elizabeth (Hardin) w/o Abraham P. KILLPATRICK - Ohio .....Ann (Hardin), dec'd w/o John CARNAHAN - Ohio . . . . .Albert H. CARNAHAN, a minor . . . . .Richard W. CARNAHAN, a minor .....Caroline (Hardin), dec'd w/o Thomas COULTER - Ohio . . . . .William H. COULTER, a minor . . . . .Caroline L. COULTER, a minor . . . . .Harriet E. COULTER, a minor . . . . .Richard A. COULTER, a minor . . . . .Mary S. COULTER, a minor House and lot was left to his three daughters. Exec/ son-in-law, Richard HARDIN Witnesses: Joseph DOLL, MIchael KOLB Jr., Peter SMITH [Will written 24 Dec 1790; filed 10 Oct 1791] (Caroline died after her mother, so her husband is entitled to a curtesy share.) Elizabeth willed her share to her sister Margaret. LAND - House and Lot #100 in Frederick Town on Second Street, adjoins the east side of Michael KOLB's lot. Testimony was heard from George BALTZELL, John McDANIEL, Jacob WEIST; trustee was Madison NELSON. SALE made to William McSHERRY at $500. Distribution: - Margaret CRABLE's 2/3, $294.33 - Rachel HARDIN's children, each 1/6, $24.52 - Ann CARNAHAN's children, $12.26 each - Caroline COLTER's husband, 3/8, $9.19 - Caroline COLTER's children, $3.06 each Filed 17 Jan 1839.
Christian STEINER vs Margaret TITLOW - Oct 1840 John TITLOW d/ Oct 1838 widow - Margaret LAND - Lots #225 & 226 and part of #224 on Market St in Frederick Town. Trustee was George KOONTZ. SALE to: - Christian STEINER, subject to dower rights of the widow. The widow has never sectioned off or made any petition to have her part sectioned off and therefore has prevented Steiner from possessing his part. The dower part laid off for the widow consisted of the upstairs of the log weather-boarded house, 1/2 of the kitchen downstairs with access through the front door; also garden on Lot #224 and part of #226. Filed 16 Apr 1841.
Henry KEEFER, pro ami of C.K. THOMAS & Others - Oct 1839 Estate of Samuel THOMAS Trustees, Edward SHRIVER and Henry KEEFER 2nd Distribution of of $3,643.93 in Dec 1839: - 1/5 ($728.78) each to - Ann Eliza and h/ Charles SHRIVER, 1/5, $728.78 - Brice THOMAS, 1/5, $728.78 - Adalaid Samuel THOMAS, 1/5, $728.78 - Notley THOMAS, 1/5, $728.78 - Christ. K. THOMAS, 1/5, $728.78 3rd and Final Distribution of $3,878.52 on 6 Jan 1841: - Ann Eliza and h/ Charles SHRIVER, 1/5, $775.70 - Brice THOMAS, 1/5, $775.70 - Adalaid Samuel THOMAS, 1/5, $775.70 - Notley THOMAS, 1/5, $775.70 - Christ. K. THOMAS, 1/5, $775.70

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