Equity Court Abstracts

Book HS-1 - 1819-1836

Frederick County, Maryland

These are abstracts from Equity Court Records of Frederick County, Maryland, many times providing family data on the defendant and sometimes on persons not mentioned on the docket. Some of the listings are quite informative while others, being dismissed, may only have the date and name of plantiff and defendant. However, the cases brought before the judge consisted of sworn testimony and each one holds a story. Perhaps you will find a story connected to your search.
[Records Located at Maryland State Archives]

Estate of Milton JOHNSON - Oct 1834 Milton JOHNSON d/ 17 Mar 1832 intestate, w/o issue widow - Jane, now in Berkely Co, VA/WV bro/ Thomas W. JOHNSON sis/ Catherine JOHNSON bro/ James A. JOHNSON bro/ Joseph W. JOHNSON bro/ William JOHNSON sis/ Ann W. w/o Perry HILLEARY Administrator was Jane W. JOHNSON who claimed her dower rights of 1/6. Land - Lot #2 of "Resurvey on Flag Pond", 99+ acres, from William S. JOHNSON (w/ Ann R.W.) to James Augustus JOHNSON and Milton JOHNSON as tenants in common in 1829 (to William from terms in the will of John JOHNSON; lies next to "Mountain Fields" and land of Richard JOHNSON and has Spring Branch running through it. - "Hook's Conclusion", 52+ acres, from Joseph W. JOHNSON (w/ Elizabeth) to James A. JOHNSON and Milton JOHNSON as tenants in common in 1822; lied next to lands of Andrew MICHAEL. Trustee was Dr. Thomas W. JOHNSON; after the widows dower was laid out, the balance of Milton's half was sold to John MARKELL of Frederick Town at $724.75; proceeds short, paid $.37 on the dollar; finalized 28 Aug 1834.
HS-1, 21-43 - BRISH, HOUCK, BALTZELL, NUSZ - Feb 1835
William TYLER and William WATERS, physicians and creditors vs Estate of John M. BRISH John M. BRISH d/ 26 Jul 1833 intestate, leaving widow - Eliza and 4 minor children, - William Henry BRISH - Murray BRISH - Nimrod Owings BRISH - Harriet Ann Rebecca BRISH Administrator was Henry HOUCK. Land - Lots #107 and 111 in Frederick City. Half of Lot 107 was conveyed to John CROMWELL by Henry BRISH which was then conveyed to Richard CROMWELL and then conveyed to John M. BRISH. In 1828, John M. BRISH executed a mortgage to Nimrod OWINGS. Lot #111 from William M. BRISH to Harriet BRISH in 1827 according to his father's will. In 1828, from Harriet BRISH and Henry C. BRISH (w/ Eleanor S.) to John M. BRISH (previously conveyed to Henry BRISH, now dec'd, by Henry GARNHART in 1799). Lot #7 from Harriet BRISH, Henry C. BRISH (w/ Eleanor S.) and John M. BRISH (w/ Eliza) to Richard CROMWELL in 1828, fronts on Third St (previously to Henry BRISH from John ZERICK in 1805). Guardian was Henry HOUCK; trustee was Henry HOUCK; sale made to George BALTZELL of Lot #111 at $1,320; sale to William F. JOHNSON for Lot #107 at $317.50. On 4 Jun 1835, testimony was given by Frederick NUSZ that he knew the widow and she was about 32 years old; she received 2/15 share, $202.04. Proceeds were only enough to cover the debts; finalized 3 Sep 1835.
Estate of George MESNER/MASONER George MESNER d/ intestate, w/o issue, leaving 6 siblings, sis/ Catherine w/o Ignatius LIVERS sis/ Mary Ann w/o Samuel LINEBAUGH bro/ John MESNER sis/ Maryester w/o John HARRIS*, both d/ intestate - their children .......John HARRIS, since died intestate, w/o issue .......Polly HARRIS w/o Peter MATHEWS, both dec'd - their children, .......---Henry MATHEWS - PA .......---Rachel MATHEWS w/o Thomas SHUFF - PA .......---Elizabeth MATHEWS, a minor .......---Peter MATHEWS, a minor .......---Benjamin MATHEWS, a minor sis/ Elizabeth w/o James/Joseph HARRIS - VA bro/ Christian MESNER - Ohio Administrator was Samuel LINEBAUGH. Land - "Farmer's Delight", 120+ acres. Guardian was Philip MATHEWS; trustee was B.S. PIGMAN; sale made to Ignatius LIVERS in Feb 1820 but he would not comply with terms, so after another unsucessful sale, private sale was made to John SPEAKER at $1,811.26. Petition made by creditors, Daniel SMITH, Benjamin BLACKFORD, Frederick C. HOSE and Andrew HOLTZMAN against the estate in Mar 1821. John LINEBAUGH had been bonded with Samuel LINEBAUGH and Mesner for debts; but John has since moved west, possibly to Ohio or Kentucky, and is now reported as deceased and insolvent. Samuel LINEBAUGH declared insolvency on 20 May 1805. On 10 Jul 1826, Henry KUHN testified he went to school with George MESNER and also knew Henry COPPERSMITH who was a deputy Sheriff in Frederick County and has been deceased for a long time. He also knew John LINEBAUGH (s/o Samuel) and stated John moved west about 20 years ago. Heirs of George MESNER claimed he was excessively drunk and Holtzman knew that and therefore bonds should be declared invalid and Mesner signed only as security. Testimony regarding the bonds and the 'condition' of George MESNER at the time of signing was made by: Zephaniah HERBERT of Adams Co, PA, testified his brother, Jessee HERBERT, who was a witness to the signing of the bonds, died Oct 1812. On 20 May 1824 at the house of Abraham GROSHON, Groshon testified he was a witness to the bond signing in Creagers Town and has known the parties for 30 years and has known MASENER nearly 50 years who lives about 5 miles from him, and during the last 10-12 years, he has been a drunkard. He stated the Linebaughs requested him to go to Samuel Linebaugh's house, about one mile from Creagers Town where George Masoner was, but he could not recollect the business of him or whether he was drunk or sober and does not remember who asked him to sign his name to the papers. After these and other claims were paid, each 1/5 share was $168.34 (Mary Ann and Samuel LINEBAUGH were excluded); finalized 15 Nov 1826.
Estate of Michael WILLSON Mary WILLSON, dec'd (will 1 Oct 1805; 27 Jul 1810), leaving children, - James WILLSON - Thomas WILLSON - Susannah HEAD - Mary OGAL - Joseph WILLSON - Esther SMITH - Elizabeth McCLAIN - William WILLSON - Priscilla BIGGS - Michael WILLSON (plantation), also executor Land - "Mary's Fancy", but now called "Boston", 70+ acres, from Thomas WILLSON (w/ Elizabeth) in 1792, lies on Monocacy Creek. Witnesses: Joshua GRIMES, John FORNEY, Alexander BLACKBURN, William GRIMES Jr. Michael WILLSON d/ 1818 intestate, leaving 4 children, - Thomas WILLSON - William WILLSON - Catharine WILLSON, a minor - Michael WILLSON, a minor Land - "Boston", 70+ acres, from Thomas WILLSON (w/ Elizabeth) of Allegany Co, MD in 1796, lies near Monocacy Creek. Total land is 141 acres which includes his inherited land. Guardian was Nicholas H. PITTS; trustee was William GRIMES; sale made Apr 1835 to Francis SPALDING at $11/acre; each 1/4 share was $362.90; finalized 16 Jul 1835.
HS-1, 105-122 - MILLER, PHILLIPS, SLAVE - Feb 1826
Noah PHILLIPS, adm/of Jason PHILLIPS, creditor vs John MILLER Sr. and John MILLER Jr. Previous administrators for Jason PHILLIPS were Greenberry MAGERS and Nancy PHILLIPS. In 1825, there was a pending judgement suit by Phillips against John MILLER Sr., as a security (co-signer) for Greenberry MAGERS. During this time, John MILLER Sr. conveyed deed to his son, John MILLER Jr.; petition is asking this deed be voided because of their suit. Land - 300 acres on several contiguous tracts where John MILLER Sr. then lived. SLAVE - DAVID (to be freed one year after John Sr.'s death) Trustee was Noah PHILLIPS; private sale made to John MILLER Jr. at $550; finalized 27 Feb 1826.
HS-1, 122-134 - KRISE, GRAFF, TROXELL - Oct 1834
Abraham KRISE vs John KRISE - Sale of Real Estate Abraham KRISE, now of Adams Co, PA, was a brother and trustee for John KRISE who had been of unsound mind and incapable of managing his affairs since infancy. Abraham asks the lands be sold and invested as the court sees fit to a better advantage for John, rather than renting out the property which is in need of repairs. Land - "Cat Tail Branch", 149+ acres; and "Frenchman's Purchase", 52+ acres; devised to John KRISE from will of his father, Peter KRISE. Guardian was Frederick TROXELL; trustee was Abraham KRISE; sale made on 17 Jan 1835 to Jeremiah GRAFF and Dorcus GRAFF at $3,702.43; finalized 25 May 1835.
Estate of Thomas RADCLIFFE/RATCLIFFE Joseph RADCLIFFE, dec'd (will 7 Mar 1814; 19 Feb 1816) d/ Sarah GAVER d/ Elizabeth DAVIS d/ Catharine DEAN, now Catharine MANNICAY s/ Thomas RADCLIFFE d/ Susannah DAVIS - her children, .....Luke DAVIS .....Sophia DAVIS SLAVES - conveyed in trust to son, Thomas in 1811. - negro man ARCH (to daughter Elizabeth) - negro JAMES (for daughter Catharine's children) - negro man JOHN (to son Thomas) - negro girl MILLY (to grandson Luke Davis) - negro girl SUSANNAH (to granddaughter Sophia) Land divided among all children except Sarah. Executors were son Thomas and son-in-law Gilbert DAVIS. Witnesses: Philemon GRIFFITH, Robert ANDERSON and Plummer IJAMS. Thomas RADCLIFFE d/ 1816, leaving 9 children, d/ Sarah RADCLIFFE, now w/o Jessee H. ELLIOTT s/ James RADCLIFFE, d/ since 1816 intestate, w/o issue s/ Joshua RADCLIFFE, d/ since 1816, w/ Ann M. (Taylor) leaving children, .....Mary RADCLIFFE, a minor - Louden Co, VA .....Sarah RADCLIFFE, a minor - Louden Co, VA .....Harriet RADCLIFFE, a minor - Louden Co, VA .....Thomas RADCLIFFE, a minor - Louden Co, VA d/ Mary RADCLIFFE, now w/o Seth FISHER s/ Joseph RADCLIFFE d/ Elizabeth RADCLIFFE, now w/o Henry PRATHER s/ William RADCLIFFE s/ Thomas RADCLIFFE, d/ since 1816 intestate, w/o issue s/ Upton RADCLIFFE Land - Lot #1 of "The Rights of Man", 126 acres, 1/4 share from Thomas' father's estate, which was sold to Barbara WAGERS for $2,200 with William RADCLIFFE as acting trustee; lies next to "Resurvey on Beall's Good Will" and "Duvall's Forrest" and by Elisha BEALL. Deeds list - "The Meadows", 114 acres, (part of original tract "Rich forrest"), at bottom of Bush Creek and next to "Resurvey on Seth's Folly", conveyed to Thomas Radcliffe from Elisha FALCONER (w/ Sarah) in 1801. - "Resurvey on Seth's Folly" and "Hard to Find", 81 acres; "The Meadows" or "Meadows Resurveyed", 21 acres, located on Bush Creek, next to land of William HALL of Henry to Nicholas HALL; also next to Israel FRENCH's lot from Anthony POULTNEY, from William WOOD and w/ Mary of Jefferson Co, Ohio in 1814. Guardian was Ann M. RADCLIFFE, the children's mother; according to family bible, she was born 2 Feb 1804 as Ann M. TAYLOR; she received 2/15 of his share, $39.48. Each 1/7 share to the living descendants was $296.12; finalized 11 Aug 1835.
Frederick TRUMP vs Henry STERNER, et al Adam STERNER d/ 1828 intestate, leaving widow - Elizabeth (age 57 in 1832) and 7 children, - Nathan STERNER - Henry STERNER - Jacob STERNER - Elizabeth (Sterner) w/o Peter HILBERT - Judith (Sterner) w/o Henry KRUMRINE - Susan (Sterner) w/o John HILDEBRAND - Lydia (Sterner) w/o George SWARTZ Administrator was Henry KRUMRINE. Land - 110 acres (no description given in deed), from John DAMEN in 1807, inherited by him from his father, Frederick DAMEN. Trustee was Frederick TRUMP; on 11 Jan 1834, sale made to Jacob STERNER at $400. Widow received 1/9 in lieu of her dower, $38.30; proceeds were short in covering debts, creditors received $.48 on the dollar; finalized 14 Sep 1835.
Abraham BLESSING of George, trustee vs Abraham BLESSING, non compas mentis Abraham BLESSING owned land, but was incapacitated; petition to sell real estate. Guardian appointed was Solomon BLESSING. Trustee was Abraham BLESSING of George; on 30 Aug 1832, the mill property was sold to Samuel FUNK at $5,000; other sales of personal property to John BURKETT, Solomon BLESSING, Abraham BLESSING of George, Henry F. BOTELER, Joseph CATSENDAFFER, James GARROTT, Perry HILLEARY, John JONES, Thomas LAMAR, Thomas H. PHILLIPS, Henry SLAGLE, Emanuel THOMAS, Jacob WITWRIGHT and Thomas WINTERS. Property over the value of $5 was sold to Samuel FUNK, Lloyd GITTINGS, Henry HAMDSON, Martin MILLER and Shepherd S. CHURCH. Land - Lots #29 and 30 in Berlin (now Brunswick), sold to Christian KUHN at $161. Lots #28 and 42 were not sold because of insufficient bids. Total sales were $5,282.82. Christian KUHN failed to pay the third payment on the property, so it was resold to Benedict BOONE on 28 Sep 1835 at $80. On 18 Mar 1836, Lot #28 was sold to Joseph WALTMAN at $150; Lot #42 was sold to Richard JOHNSON of William at $43.62; total of these sales was $193.62. Proceeds after debts went to the trustee for Abraham BLESSING; finalized 9 May 1836.
Henry MATHIAS, et al vs Joseph MATHIAS, et al Henry MATHIAS, dec'd (will 21 Jun 1812), leaving widow - Mary and 7 children, s/ Jacob MATHIAS, dec'd - widow Elizabeth and child, ....Elizabeth MATHIAS, a minor - both of PA d/ Elizabeth MATHIAS, dec'd w/o Jacob RUMBLER/RUMBER - her children, ....Melinda RUMBER/RUMLER, a minor - PA ....Daniel RUMBER/RUMLER, a minor - PA s/ John MATHIAS s/ Henry MATHIAS d/ Rachel MATHIAS w/o Henry STONESIFER d/ Margaret MATHIAS w/o Washington ALWOOD - York Co, PA s/ Joseph MATHIAS - PA The youngest child, Joseph MATHIAS, is now of age (21), but resides out of state (will stated property to be sold and divided when youngest child became of age). Eight acres were to be laid off for the widow; adjoined lands of Davault RUMBLEN, dec'd. Executors were wife and brother, Joseph MATHIAS. Witnesses: Joseph COCKEY, George MATHIAS, Adam BORNE, J. COCKEY. In 1831, Margaret's share was sold to George GILL/GITT (of Hanover Borough, York Co, PA) at Sheriff's sale to pay Alwood's debts. That same year, John mortgaged his interest to Magdalena RINEHART, paid it, then again mortgaged it to John Henry HOPPE. Land - "Ohio", 22 acres, from William OWINGS (executor and devisee of Samuel OWINGS of Baltimore County), where John ESTERLINE now lives. - also "Gotham" and "Palentine" The sheriff was unable to find the widow to serve her a summons. Trustee was John H. HOPPE; on 21 Feb 1833, sale made to Jacob EVERHART and George MATHIAS Jr. at $2,276.64; but Everhart agreed for Samuel W. MEYERS to replace him as one of the buyers. MEYERS' part was 175+ acres; George MATHIAS Jr.'s part was 42+ acres. On 11 Sep 1834, Adam BISH testified Jacob RUMBER was 40 years old and not very harty; he was allowed 3/8 of Elizabeth's share, $110.57. Jacob's widow, Elizabeth, was allowed 1/3 of 1/7, $99.78. Each 1/7 share was $299.36. The Alwood's share is being held in litigation as the deed to Gill/Gitt was done in PA and amount was grossly low. Finalized 23 May 1835.
Sally W. BRECKENRIDGE, Rebecca BRECKENRIDGE vs John GANDY, et al Robert BRECKENRIDGE/BRACKENRIDGE, dec'd (will 22 Mar 1808), leaving widow - Martha (d/ Mar 1832) sis/ Mary GANDY (d/ aft her brother) - PA, leaving ......John GANDY - PA ......Robert GANDY - PA ......Susan GANDY - PA ......Margaret GANDY - PA sis/ Agnes/Nancy w/o Robert McGOWEN - PA ......both dec'd, children unknown and Out of State sis/ Margaret w/o John THOMSOM, both dec'd - PA ......John THOMSON - PA ......Mathew THOMSON - PA ......Brackenridge THOMSON - PA ......Mary THOMSON - PA nephew/ Robert BRECKENRIDGE (s/o William) - PA sis/ Hester w/o Samuel SMITH - PA wife's sister - Elizabeth w/o James WATSON .......both dec'd; leaving unknown children in KY Land - "Eping Forrest", 141 acres, from Upton BRUCE in 1799; (to Philip KEY, esquire, in 1750), next to land of John GILLELAND's heirs (1/6 to each of the sisters and nephew). Executrix was Martha BRECKENRIDGE. (Spouses and children not listed in will.) Witnesses: Joseph TANEY, John COSKERY, Joseph TANEY Jr. nephew/ Robert BRECKENRIDGE d/ 1821 - Liberty Twp, Adams Co, PA ........w/ Mary and 7 children, all of PA ........s/ James BRECKENRIDGE ........d/ Sally W. BRECKENRIDGE ........d/ Mary Jane BRECKENRIDGE ........d/ Rebecca BRECKENRIDGE ........d/ Matilda BRECKENRIDGE, a minor ........d/ Nancy BRECKENRIDGE, a minor ........d/ Martha BRECKENRIDGE, a minor Executors of Robert BRECKENRIDGE, the nephew, were William BRECKENRIDGE (his father) and William S. GREEN. His will was written 22 Jun 1821 and filed 16 Jul 1821; witnesses were Peter WICKERT and Samuel WITHEROW. Trustee was William BRECKENRIDGE; on 5 Apr 1834, sale made to Abraham SHOEMAKER at $867.27; each 1/6 share was $129.62; finalized 28 May 1835.
HS-1, 266-306 - SPRENGLE, MEDTART, RUTH, McELROY - May 1834
Casper QUYNN vs Lewis MEDTART, adm/of David SPRENGLE and others David SPRENGLE d/ 1832 intestate, leaving widow - Caroline M. and 4 minor children, - Lewis Jefferson SPRENGLE - Frances Louisa SPRENGLE - Henry Clay SPRENGLE - Lenna/Laura A. SPRENGLE Land - 1/2 of Lot# 290 on Church Street in Frederick Town, from Samuel KEIFER (w/ Margaret) in 1825 (from Lemuel COFFIN to Christopher BERGMAN/BARKMAN in 1784; then to Keifer in 1800). - part of Lot# 290, next to Rev. McELROY, from Philip S. KOCH and w/ Mary in 1826. Guardian was Caroline SPRENGLE; trustee was Lewis MEDTART; on 29 Jul 1834, sale made to Rev. John McELROY at $630.50. On 24 Apr 1835, Margaret RUTH testified the widow would be age 29 on 29 Jun 1835 and her general health was good; she received 1/7 before creditors in lieu of her dower, $81.65; proceeds short, paid $.54 on the dollar; finalized 10 Nov 1835.
HS-1, 306-316 - CRONICE, TYLER, KOONTZ - May 1834
Isaac CRONICE vs Estate of Rachel CRONICE - Sale of Real Estate Rachel CRONICE (w/o John CRONISE) d/ 1834 intestate, leaving children, - Isaac CRONICE - Sophia CRONICE - Joseph CRONICE - Mary CRONICE Land - Lot #3 (part of #199-206) on Market Street in Frederick Town, from D.F. SCHAEFFER, atty for Henry HERRING and w/ Caroline in 1833. Guardian was Samuel TYLER, esquire; trustee was Samuel CRONICE; on 12 Mar 1835, sale made to Godfrey KOONTZ at $1,800; each 1/4 share was $424.19; finalized 31 Dec 1835.
HS-1, 316-324 - STEVENS, TYLER, BURTON - Mar 1834
Rezen STEVENS - Petition to Sell Real Estate Benjamin STEVENS d/ intestate, leaving 7 children, - Rezen STEVENS - William STEVENS, a minor - Samuel STEVENS, a minor - Benjamin STEVENS, a minor - Charles STEVENS, a minor - John STEVENS, a minor - Reuben STEVENS, a minor (now dec'd) Land - 44 acres Guardian was Samuel TYLER; trustee was Rezen STEVENS; on 4 Oct 1834, sale made to James BURTON at $318; each 1/6 for surviving children was $45.70; finalized 13 Nov 1835.
HS-1, 325-362 - HEFFNER, CLICE/KLISE, MORGAN - Mar 1834
Estate of Frederick HEFFNER - Sale of Real Estate Frederick HEFFNER of Lawrence d/ intestate, leaving 7 children, - Jacob HEFFNER and w/ Mary - Montgomery Co, Ohio - Susanna (Heffner) w/o William CLICE/KLISE - Miami Co, Ohio - Lawrence HEFFNER and w/ Charlotte - Miami Co, Ohio - John HEFFNER, single (d/ 10 Mar 1835) - Hamilton Co, Ohio - Michael HEFFNER and wife - Frederick Co, MD - George HEFFNER and w/ Nancy - Miami Co, Ohio - Elizabeth (Heffner) w/o George HEFFNER Sr. - Montgomery Co, Ohio Land - "Resurvey on Havener's Fancy", 27 acres, from Catharine, widow of Michael HEFFNER, in 1819. - "Fancy", 17+ acres, from Peter SNOOK (w/ Juliann) in 1796 (to Snook from Charles BEATTY (w/ Martha) of Montgomery County in 1783). - "Stull's Delight", 100 acres, from Peter STULL (w/ Elizabeth ) to Lawrence HEFFNER in 1753. One tract is said to be 5 miles north of Frederick Town and lies on Big Tuscaroras Creek; another is on Muddy Run Branch. Administrator was Michael HEFFNER. Testimony heard from Joseph HILDEBRAND, age 68; said he has lived near Frederick HEFFNER for the past 50 years or more and Lawrence HEFFNER has been dead about 55 years or more and Frederick was his only son who has had the land ever since his father died. Trustee was W.H. DAINGERFIELD; since all of the heirs except Elizabeth had already sold their interests to John MORGAN for $1,200, private sale was made to John MORGAN at $400, being better than could be achieved at a public auction. The 1/7 due to daughter Elizabeth and George HEFFNER was $184.13; Morgan received the other 6/7; finalized 5 May 1836. (missing page 326 online)
Ann BRASHEAR and Henry SMITH vs John TALBOTT - Title Evan PLUMMER d/ 9 Aug 1817 (will 5 Aug 1817; 12 Aug 1817) legacies to sis/ Sarah PLUMMER sis/ Ann ROBERTS, dec'd - her daughter, ......Rachel Ann ROBERTS nephew/ Samuel PLUMMER bro/ Jonathan PLUMMER - his children, ......Elizabeth PLUMMER ......Debora PLUMMER ......Loulla PLUMMER sis/ Elizabeth TALBOTT - her children, ......Susanna TALBOTT ......Ruth TALBOTT ......Samuel TALBOTT ......John TALBOTT Jr. bro/ Israel PLUMMER, dec'd - his children, ......Maria PLUMMER ......Elisha PLUMMER ......James PLUMMER ......William PLUMMER Land - "Fox Harbour", "Lost Breeches", "Food Plenty", and "Rocky Hill". Executors were brother-in-law, John TALBOTT, and Richard ROBERTS, who sold the real estate to Dr. Belt BRASHEAR in 1818. Witnesses: John PANCOST, Gerard COWMAN, Eli ELLIOTT. Richard ROBERTS died 10 Jan 1822, before a deed was conveyed. Dr. Belt BRASHEAR d/ 20 Nov 1834 (will 5 Sep 1832; 28 Nov 1834) widow - Ann s/ Thomas Cook BRASHEAR d/ Elizabeth Cook WALTON d/ Ann WORTHINGTON d/ Sarah Cook DAVIS d/ Louisa M. MOBBERLY SLAVES - negro woman FLORA and her 3 children, CLEM, LEWIS, MARY JANE (to son Thomas after the death of his mother) Executrix was Ann BRASHEAR who sold lots to Henry SMITH in 1835. Witnesses: W.R. FOWBLE, John SMITH, Nicholas Hall PITTS. Title granted to Henry SMITH on 13 May 1835.
Estate of George KOONTZ Sr. - Sale of Real Estate George KOONTZ Sr. d/ Jun 1834 intestate, leaving children, - Abraham KOONTZ - George KOONTZ - William KOONTZ - Rachel w/o Joseph WARNER - Elizabeth w/o Peter BIDDLE - Hannah w/o Jacob ERB - Rebecca, dec'd w/o David STONESIFER - their child, ...Polly STONESIFER, a minor George KOONTZ Sr. was indebted by mortgage to Nicholas DILL and Joseph WARNER. Land - 172+ acres on 2 deeds, one from Frederick MILLER and wife in 1796; the other from Jacob STATE in 1816. Guardian was Jacob ERB; trustee was Abraham KOONTZ; on 21 Mar 1835, sale made to Joseph WARNER for 172+ acres at $1,188.77; audit approved on 26 Nov 1835, but no distribution listed. (missing? - pages 378 thru 387 - or just misnumbered?)
Dr. John LAMBERT vs Estate of George REDMOND George REDMOND/RODMAN d/ May 1834 to Feb 1835, intestate, leaving d/ Catharine E. REDMOND, a minor Administrator was Rev. John McELROY. Land - "Leonard's Beginning", except for the graveyard; "Resurvey on Hazzard"; 57+ acres, from William R. KING and w/ Eleanor, and Richard HEBB and w/ Ann (Hebbs of Washington Co, MD) in 1826, next to Jacob BRUNNER and tract "Hill in the Middle". Guardian was Edward A. LYNCH; trustee was Dr. John LAMBERT; sale made to Otho THOMAS at $1170.50; after $725.76 in debts, the trustee held the balance for Catharine E. REDMOND;finalized 17 Dec 1835.
Thomas CASTLE vs Estate of Henry BEAKLEY - Oct 1834 Henry BEAKLEY Jr. (or BEAGLEY, BEEGLEY, BEACHLEY), died intestate widow - Elizabeth Ann, now w/o Philip YEAKEY - (lives in Ohio), d/ Mary Ann BEAKLEY, a minor d/ Barbara BEAKLEY, a minor Thomas CASTLE petitioned the court as a friend and agent for the minor children. There were muliple spellings of the surname throughout the papers. LAND - "Hopkins Content" and "Resurvey on Whiskey Alley", and "Apple Brandy", about 50 acres; adjoined lands of Jacob JACKSON, and George KEYFAVER (formerly Lawrence EVERHART). From John WEDDEN (w/ Mary) in 1827. By the 8th of Aug 1835, the widow was remarried and living in Montgomery Co, Ohio. Guardian was James M. SHELMAN. Trustee was Thomas CASTLE. SALE was held 10 Oct 1835; high bidder was: - Daniel KEFAUVER at $1,842.50 Testimony on 1 Dec 1835 from the YEAKEYS and Michael McCARTNEY stated Elizabeth, the widow, was 32 and in good health. Distribution: - the widow, 2/15, $245.67 - each of the daughters received $740.28 Filed 24 Dec 1835. (Also see HS-2, 68 and ES-1, 153)
Henry Chew GAITHER of Montgomery County - Sale of Real Estate Belt NORWOOD was indebted to Henry GAITHER and Ephraim GAITHER under the firm name Hoyle of Henry GAITHER and Company. Afterwards, the firm dissolved and the note was transferred to Henry GAITHER. Henry GAITHER d/ 1824 intestate; administrator was Henry Chew GAITHER (Montgomery County). Ephraim GAITHER also died about 1824 intestate; administrator was Surat D. WARFIELD. Belt NORWOOD d/ by or before 1824 intestate, leaving widow - Sarah and children, - Ann w/o Richard TAYLOR - Ohio - Mary w/o Jacob SMITH - Montgomery Co, MD - Elizabeth w/o Dorsey BAKER - Eleanor w/o Elisha FALCONER - Savanna?, dec'd w/o John ELLIS - her minor children, ...Elijah ELLIS - DC ...Edmund ELLIS - DC ...Ara ELLIS - DC ...Sarah Ann ELLIS - DC ...John William ELLIS - DC - Sarah, now w/o John ELLIS - DC - Thomas NORWOOD - Joshua NORWOOD - Ralph NORWOOD - Ara w/o Gassaway WATKINS - Montgomery County - Matilda w/o Joseph WATKINS - Montgomery County Land - "Henry and Elizabeth", 146 acres, from Jeremiah NORWOOD but wasn't conveyed. Jeremiah NORWOOD d/ abt 1824 intestate, leaving widow - Margaret and 2 minor children, - Jeremiah NORWOOD - Mary Ann NORWOOD Guardian of Jeremiah was Margaret NORWOOD. Joshua NORWOOD had purchased the property but failed to meet the payment terms. The trustee, William SCHLEY, was unable to resell the property at public sale, so finally sold it at private sale to William Lingan GAITHER at $100; proceeds netted $31.27 in the hands of the trustee; finalized 24 Dec 1835.
HS-1, 451-470 - BENTON, RUSSELL, BUTLER, MILLER - Oct 1833
John MILLER of Joseph, exec/of Jacob PLUMMER - Benjamin BENTON d/ 1829 intestate, leaving widow - Maria and 2 children, - Joseph W. BENTON - William P. BENTON Land - 136+ acres, from Abel RUSSELL, trustee for John RUSSELL, dec'd; Ruth RUSSELL was John's widow. Administrator, guardian and trustee was Maria BENTON; posting bond with Maria, was Abraham JOHNS and Caleb OGBORN. After failed public sale, private sale was made on 5 Jan 1836 to Elias W. BUTLER at $1,520, subject to the widow's dower; after debts were paid, the Benton sons received $191.57 each; finalized 9 Apr 1836. (pages 457 and 458 are blank)
Estate of Adam FIESER / FIESER / FEESER/ FEEZER - Feb 1834 Adam FIESER d/ Jan 1834 intestate, leaving widow - Elizabeth and 11 children, s/ Adam FIESER s/ John FIESER s/ David FIESER s/ George FIESER s/ Jacob FIESER s/ Henry FIESER d/ Catharine w/o John EVERHART d/ Elizabeth w/o Jonathan STARNER d/ Polly w/o Nathan STARNER d/ Sally w/o Samuel STONESIFER d/ Susan, dec'd w/o Lemuel/Samuel GEETING/GEATING - Out of State .....Jacob GEETING, a minor .....David GEETING, a minor .....Susan GEETING, a minor LAND - "Ohio", 100 acres, next to lands of Michael McGUIRE. To Adam FIESER from the heirs of Jacob FIESER/FEESER of PA in 1797, - Nicholas (Houick?) FIESER - Jacob FIESER - John FIESER - Conrad FIESER - Barbara w/o Adam SELL - Christiana w/o Jacob BAUMGARTNER - Mary w/o Jacob OTT - Uleanah w/o Emanual ZIEGLER/TIEGLER - Catharine FIESER/FEESER for the 100 pounds left as a legacy for Adam from Jacob FIESER's estate and 5 shillings to each of the listed heirs. Joseph LITTLE and Thomas GIBSON, attorneys of Taneytown, were asked to acknowledge the deed. - "Ohio", 100 acre, from Adam BLACK in 1794. - Lot #4 of "Ohio", from William SLYDER exec/of Stephen SHOLL in 1820. Trustee was Adam FIESER Jr. who had the land divided into lots. SALE was held 28 Feb 1835; high bidders were: - John FEISER - Lot #1, 111 acres at $893.25; - Andrew LOHR - Lot #2 of 9+ acres at $116.74; - Adam W. FEISER - Lot #3 of 5+ acres at $24.66; - Jacob FEISER - Lot #4 of 26+ acres at $133.75; - Michael BALDREAN/BALTNER - Lot #5 of 17+ acres at $70. However, John FEISER, living in Pennsylvania, was unable to comply with the terms; he did not own land in PA at that time. This property to be resold; was later sold to: - Abraham STONESIFER at $792. All lands sold free of widow's dower. On 29 Dec 1835, the widow of Adam testified she was born 26 Mar 1765 and showed a German certificate (Tauf __ ___) to validate her birth. Distribution: - Elizabeth FIESER, widow, 1/10 share, $109.36 - Each child's 1/11 share, $89.47 Filed 28 Jan 1836. Also see JS-14, 402
HS-1, 494-506 - WARFIELD, CREAGER, ROHR, MOORE - Feb 1833
Estate of Alexander WARFIELD Alexander WARFIELD d/ intestate, leaving widow - Mary and 6 children, - Mary Elizabeth w/o Ephraim CREAGER - Margaret Wilson WARFIELD - John Alexander WARFIELD, a minor - George Washington WARFIELD, a minor - Caroline WARFIELD, a minor - Abraham WARFIELD, a minor Land - "Resurvey on Chargeable" and "Black Acre", 239 1/2 acres (to Alexander WARFIELD of Montgomery County from Philip ROHR (w/ Catharine) in 1818); next to land of William GRIFFITH and "Griffith's Chance" (conveyed to John or Henry DARNELL); also "Foul Play", 3 3/4 acres, all contiguous. Guardian and trustee was the mother; on 22 Mar 1836, after failed public sale, private sale was made to James MOORE at $1,476. On 24 May 1836, Philip ROHR testified he knew the widow and she claims to be 52 although he felt she was younger, but believes she is accurate and she is in good health; she received 2/17, $160.16; each 1/6 share was $200.21 (1st distribution); finalized 2 Jun 1836.
HS-1, 506-514 - KOONTZ/COONS, KISER, WOOD, SMITH, WHITE - Jun 1835
Estate of Henry KOONTZ/COONS Henry KOONTZ/COONS d/ abt 1825 (will 15 Jul 1825; 9 Aug 1825) widow - Margaret (d/ Feb 1835) and 6 children, - Phebe w/o Henry KISER - Benjamin KOONTZ (large silver watch) - Christian KOONTZ - Samuel KOONTZ - Conrad KOONTZ, a minor - Catharine Ann KOONTZ, a minor Executor was Elias WOOD/WOODVILLE; witnesses: William BARNHART, Henry KOONS and Nathan HENDRICK. Land - "Hedd's Industry", 160 acres, On 9 Oct 1835, Joshua SMITH Jr. testified Elias WOOD died between July and August 1835. Trustee appointed was William KOONTZ; on 28 Nov 1835, sale made to John WHITE at $3,200; each 1/6 share was $525.25.
Benjamin NELSON, guardian of Hannah Elizabeth BARRACK vs Estate of Henry BARRACK Henry BARRACK/BARRICK of S. d/ 1832 intestate, leaving widow - Hester/Esther (JONES) and only child, d/ Hannah Elizabeth BARRACK, a minor Land - "Mount Felicity", 129+ acres, (undivided 1/2 share) from William JONES (w/ Mary) in 1825 (to William JONES and Basil J. JONES from Vachel W. DORSEY in 1825). Benjamin NELSON remained the guardian and also the trustee (Nathan NELSON also posted bond with Benjamin); sale made to Ignatius WATERS of Montgomery County for 64 acres at $2,956.80, free of widow's dower. On 14 Mar 1836, Raphael JONES, brother of Esther the widow, testified she was born 11 Aug 1785 (from their family records), is 50 years of age and in good health; she was allowed 2/17, $335.36. She is now the w/o Benjamin NELSON. The daughter received $2,515.25; finalized 7 Apr 1836.
Estate of Philip ROP/ROPP Philip ROPP, dec'd (will 28 Mar 1814; 6 Apr 1814), leaving widow - Susannah (now dec'd) and 7 children, - Magdalena "Polly" w/o Valentine HIDE/HYDE - Out of State - Samuel ROPP - Catharine, dec'd w/o Henry ALEXANDER - her 4 children, ...Jonathan ALEXANDER, a minor ...Samuel ALEXANDER, a minor ...Joseph ALEXANDER, a minor ...Armstead T. Mason ALEXANDER, a minor - Philip ROPP and w/ Barbara - Lancaster Co, PA - George ROPP and w/ Ann Maria - PA - Peggy w/o Daniel BARTZOL - Ezra ROPP (Will did not list daughter's married names or grandchildren.) Executrix was the widow who died before Ezra became of age. Witnesses: Philip COBLENTZ, John COBLENTZ and Peter COBLENTZ. Land - "A Friend Indeed", 80 acres, next to "Stoney Spring"; (Special Land Warrant reissued to Philip ROP in 1809; taken from "Rich Mounted"to Windall ROP, "Ridgely's Rest Resurveyed" to Jacob RIDGLEY, and "Fielderea Manor" to Fielder Grant.) Polly, Peggy, Philip and George sold her interests to Henry NIXENDORFF; Samuel's was sold at sheriff's sale, also going to Nigendorff. Guardian and trustee was Henry NIXENDORFF; in Sep 1835, sale made to George SMITH at $1,360. On 3 Aug 1835, Doctor Jacob COBLENTZ testified he was personally acquainted with Henry ALEXANDER and Henry was in his 40's and of general good health; he was allowed 3/8 as curtesy rights, $67.62; each 1/7 share was $180.33; finalized 28 Jan 1836.
Magdalene MOCK, Teter BISHOP and w/ Catharine, and Jacob SHRIVER and w/ Catharine vs Peter MOCK Jr. - Sale of Real Estate Peter MOCK Sr. d/ 9 Apr 1812 intestate, leaving widow (unnamed) who died soon after her husband; and 8 children, - Magdalene MOCK - Catharine (Mock) w/o Teter BISHOP - Elizabeth (Mock) w/o Henry BEAMER, both dec'd - their 2 children, ...Catharine (Beamer) w/o Jacob SHRIVER ...John BEAMER (moved Out of State between Jan 1832 and Jul 1833) - Peter MOCK - Samuel MOCK - Ohio - Abraham MOCK - Ohio - Mary (Mock) w/o George FOX - Christian MOCK and w/ Polly - Bedford Co, PA Land - "Resurvey on Brother's Agreement", 350 acres, from John THOMAS (w/ Eleanor) in 1793. The eldest son, Peter MOCK took the property at it's valuation, $12,171.25; making bonds to his siblings. Christian sold his share to Magdalene. The son, Peter, was not able to pay the bonds to his siblings. Trustee to sell the property was Benjamin PRICE of Washington County; on 25 Jan 1834, sale made to Jacob HILDEBRIDLE at $2,912.40; finalized 24 Mar 1836.
Jacob LORENTZ, et al vs BAKERS & DARNERS Jacob DARNER d/ 1817 intestate, leaving widow - Catharine (d/ bef Aug 1835) and 10 children, 1/ Catharine w/o Charles SNURR 2/ Jacob DARNER d/ 1835 - his children, .....Catharine w/o Daniel SPICER .....Philip DARNER .....Jacob DARNER .....John DARNER, a minor - Ohio .....Andrew DARNER, a minor - Ohio 3/ Andrew DARNER - Muskingum Co, Ohio (by 1830) 4/ John DARNER and w/ Barbara 5/ Susan w/o Abraham HOUSER 6/ Barbara w/o Cornelius BOST 7/ Elizabeth w/o Jacob LORENTZ 8/ Mary w/o Henry WORRELL 9/ Frederick DARNER d/ (aft dower deed) ...- widow - Margaret and 3 children, .....Frederick DARNER, a minor .....Jacob DARNER, a minor - Ohio .....Ann Jolina DARNER, a minor 10/Amelia w/o George WINE - Guernsey Co, Ohio (by 1822) Land - "Mason's Folly", Lot #1, 168 acres, from the State of Maryland in 1787. Listed as Jacob TURNER Jr. on deed, it states this was British property, of Daniel DULANEY of Daniel, confiscated by law in Oct 1781; next to lands of Casper RAMSBURGH; the widow's dower was 60 acres w/ house and other advantages. - "All in the Wrong", 10 acres, from Peter MANTZ in 1795. - "Content", 7 acres, from Frederick MILLER (w/ Catharine) to Jacob TENOR Jr. in 1791. - "Resurvey on Mason's Folly", 3 1/2 acres, from George DERNER (for $1) to John Jacob DERNER in 1814. - also owned 5 acres in the state of Ohio. After Jacob DARNER the elder's death, dower land laid out for the widow. Afterwards, some of his children sold their interests in this dower land: John, Barbara and Mary sold to John HERRING; Amelia sold to David BOWLUS (w/ Sophia) who resold to John HERRING of Casper; son Andrew sold his interest to Jacob BAKER. Jacob BAKER d/ intestate, leaving widow - Hannah and 6 children, d/ Mary Ann BAKER, a minor d/ Elizabeth BAKER, a minor d/ Susanna BAKER, a minor d/ Catharine BAKER, a minor s/ Philip BAKER, a minor s/ Jacob BAKER, a minor Guardian for the Baker children and Frederick and Ann Jolina Darner was Jacob T.C. MILLER; and for John and Andrew DARNER of Ohio, Richard H. HAGEN was guardian; for Jacob (s/o Frederick) of Ohio, guardian was Henry LENTON. On 28 Sep 1835, hearing was held in Middletown at the house of George TITLOW; witness was Francis RICHMOND. Trustees were Jacob LORENTZ and John HERRING; Report of sales was not included. On 21 Jan 1836, Margaret DARNER, widow of Frederick, was awarded 1/8 of 1/10 share as her dower; she being 48 years old, stating she was born 5 Jun 1788. On 18 Jan 1836, Hannah BAKER, widow of Jacob, claimed she was 38 years old, being born 3 Jun 1798; she was awarded 6/7 of 1/10 (Andrew's share he sold to Jacob Baker). Each 1/10 share was $231.20; finalized 28 Jan 1836.
Samuel YEAST vs Estate of Michael YOUTZEY - Feb 1832 Michael YOUTZEY d/ Dec 1822 (will 10 Dec 1822), leaving widow - Christina d/ Dec 1831, and 9 children, s/ George YOUTZEY d/ Dec 1822 (few days after Jacob), leaving .....s/ William H. YOUTSEY, a minor s/ Jacob YOUTZEY d/ Dec 1822 (few days after father), no issue d/ Catharine YOUTZEY, now w/o Isaac BRANDENBURG d/ Elizabeth YOUTZEY, now w/o Jacob YEAST d/ Mary "Polly" YOUTZEY, now w/o Samuel YEAST d/ Magdalina YOUTZEY d/ abt Dec 1822 (few days after George), no issue d/ Sophiah YOUTZEY d/ abt Dec 1822 (few days after George), no issue s/ John YOUTZEY s/ Peter YOUTZEY d/ abt Dec 1822 (few days after George), no issue Plantation was left to sons, George and Jacob, other children were to receive $600 after death of their mother in following years, except son John was to receive $25, six years after death of mother. Executors were sons George and Jacob YOUTZEY. Land - "Loss and Gain", 156 1/2 acres, by Special Warrant in 1814; (originally "Four Gallons and A Half of Rum", 700 acres, to Thomas BROOKE and George DRAYEN in 1744; "Smith's Mistake Rectified", 628 acres, to Valentine MOTTER in 1773; and 156 1/2 acres of vacant land in 1812); lands contiguous. - "Four Gallons and A Half of Rum" and "Smith's Mistake Rectified", 17+ acres, from Henry MOTTER (w/ Catharine) in 1812 (previously from Otho Holland WILLIAMS to Motter). Administrators were the widow and Samuel YEAST. - "Resurvey on Edenburgh" and "Winter Month", 12+ acres, from Henry MOTTER Sr. (w/ Catharine) in 1818, next to "Loss and Gain". - "Smith's Mistake Rectified" and "Four Gallons and a Half of Rum", 140 acres, from Jacob YOUNG (w/ Eleanor) to Peter YOUTSEY in 1774. - "Four Gallons and A Half of Rum" and "Smith's Mistake Rectified", 17+ acres, from Henry MOTTER (w/ Catharine) in 1812 (to Motter for 182+ acres from executors of Otho Holland WILLIAMS). Guardian and trustee was John SIFFORD. SALE was held 24 Mar 1832; high bidder was: - John Philip COBLENTZ for 169+ acres at $6,039.90 Distribution; - legacies plus interest were paid to the surviving children - balance to William, only child of George YOUTZEY Filed 15 Sep 1836.
John WERTZ and David TRUNDLE of Otho vs Samuel T. ELGIN & wife, George SNOUFFER & wife, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Nov 1835 John BRUNNER Jr d/ Fall 1822 intestate, w/o issue and single, bro/ Benjamin BRUNNER sis/ Mary (Brunner) w/o James M. BRISCOE, dec'd - Scott Co, KY sis/ Lucy (Brunner) (d/ 1826-1827) w/o Jacob WERTZ* of Loudon Co, VA - their 8 children, .....John WERTZ (see HS-9, 390) .....Jacob WERTZ / WIRTZ and w/ Catharine A. - Loudon Co, VA .....Peter WERTZ - Loudon Co, VA .....Susanna WERTZ, now w/o Samuel T. ELGIN - Loudon Co, VA .....Mary Ann WERTZ, a minor, now w/o George SNAUFFER .....Lucinda WERTZ, a minor, now w/o John CAREY (see WBT-1, 141) .....William WERTZ, a minor - Loudon Co, VA .....Henry WERTZ, a minor - Loudon Co, VA In Feb 1824, a deed of partition was made between Benjamin BRUNNER, James M. BRISCOE & w/ Mary and Jacob WERTZ & w/ Lucy. Land descended to Benjamin BRUNNER, Mary BRISCOE and Lucy WERTZ from John BRUNNER, their brother. *Jacob WERTZ / WIRTS d/ 1 Apr 1829, testate 2nd wife - Lucy (BRUNNER) (land to her children) Children of 1st wife: d/ Eliza DERRY, dec'd - her 3 children d/ Elizabeth WERTZ s/ Conrad WERTZ d/ Leah GRUBB SLAVES - colored woman AGG (not to be sold, but remain with any of his children who she choses to live with). - Other Slaves not to be sold to negro traders or drovers. Executor/ Ebenezer GRUBB Jr. Witnesses: John GRUBB, Matthew SYPHERD, Adam E. SHOVER [Loudon Co, VA Will; written 23 Mar 1828; filed 13 Apr 1829] LAND - Lot #3, parts of "Ramble", "Swedes Folly", "Addition to Swedes Folly", "Resurvey on Swedes Folly", "Generous Offer", "Hook's Conclusion Recovered by a Hard Struggle", 120 acres, divided off for the WERTZ family: - Benjamin had Lot #1, 118 acres, which adjoined "Gleanings" and "Hazard", and next to lands of Samuel THOMAS and Lindsey DELASHMUTT. - Mary and James BRISCOE had Lot #2, 84 acres, next to land of Lindsey DELASHMUTT. Jacob WERTZ and sister Susanna ELGIN sold their shares to brother, John WERTZ. Peter WERTZ sold his share to David TRUNDLE of Otho. By Mar 1836, Mary Ann WERTZ was of age and Lucinda WERTZ had just married. Guardian for Lucinda was her husband. Testimony from Daniel DUVALL on 17 May 1836. Trustee was William SCHLEY. SALE was held 18 Jun 1836; high bidders were: - John CAREY for Lucy's Lot #3 at $3,660 Distribution: - Lucy's children's 1/8 share, $432.65 each Filed 7 Sep 1836.
George M. EICHELBERGER vs O'BERMYERs and OWINGS - Dec 1835 In 1831, John O'BERMYER (w/ Fanny/Sarah) obtained a loan from Eleanor POTTS with Patrick OWINGS and George M. EICHELBERGER as securities, O'Bermyer making mortgage to Owings and Eichelberger. Eichelberger had paid on the note and was due money. Patrick OWINGS is now deceased with Sarah OWINGS and Edward OWINGS as administrators. Land - Lot on both sides of Turkey Run near Emmitsburg, to O'Bermyer from Patrick OWINGS in 1826. Trustee was Richard H. MARSHALL; on 26 Mar 1836, sale held in Emmitsburg at tavern of David AGNEW, going to George M. EICHELBERGER at $300 who also received the proceeds; finalized 24 Oct 1836.
HS-1, 735-750 - JOHNSON, BALTZELL, COBBS, WILSON, etc - Jan 1836
Charles JOHNSON, exec/of Roger JOHNSON vs COBBS, WILSON, BALTZELL Roger JOHNSON, dec'd (will 17 Feb 1831) Executors were Joseph A. JOHNSON and Charles JOHNSON. Land - "Mine Bank Farm" at Point of Rocks (to lay off in lots, except the part lying between the Potomac River and the Canal which is intended to be sold to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company), now under mortgage to Casper MANTZ; - Lot #1 - to James G. COBBS and John C. WILSON at $165; however, payment was never made. Even so, Cobbs transferred his share to Wilson who later sold it to Thomas BALTZELL and Philip BALTZELL for $1,300 although they knew of the lien. - Lot # 2 - to George REDMOND at $159 - Lot # 4 - to H. WILSON at $127 - Lot # 6 - to BROWN & LEPLER at $100 - Lot # 8 - to Peter H. BROWN at $115 - Lot #10 - to James N. MULLICAN at $65 - Lot #12 - to Zadok HEMPTON at $89 - Lot #46 - to George HOSSELBACK at $93 - Lot #50 - to Abraham S. HAYS at $100 - Lot #56 - to A.H. BROWN at $41 Joseph A. JOHNSON died March 1835. The Baltzells paid the monies due plus interest to Charles Johnson and Johnson conveyed deed to the Baltzells; finalized Jul 1836.
Benjamin HEFFNER vs HEFFNERs Jacob Frederick HEFFNER, dec'd (will Aug 1810) leaving widow - Susannah and 11 children, s/ John HEFFNER* d/ 1822 intestate, no issue s/ Jacob HEFFNER d/ 1827 (will), leaving ...w/Rebecca and 2 children, .....William W. HEFFNER, a minor .....Samuel P. HEFFNER, a minor s/ George HEFFNER - Ohio s/ Frederick HEFFNER d/ 1825, leaving children, .....Thomas HEFFNER - VA .....David HEFFNER - VA .....Catharine HEFFNER - VA .....Elizabeth HEFFNER - VA s/ Joseph HEFFNER - Indiana d/ Elizabeth HEFFNER d/ Apollonia HEFFNER d/ Mary HEFFNER (d/ 1827) w/o James NAILOR - their children, .....William NAILOR, a minor .....Augustus NAILOR, a minor d/ Catharine HEFFNER w/o William DARLIN - Ohio d/ Anne HEFFNER w/o Banjamin T. BARTGIS s/ Benjamin HEFFNER bro/ Michael HEFFNER Executors were widow and sons (except George). Witnesses: Peter WOLFE, Solomon B. HEFF, Daniel BURKHARTT. (Spouses and grandchildren not given in will.) Land - "So Much Saved", 2 acres, Lots 77 and 78 in Berlin (Brunswick), from Joseph SMITH, exec/of Leonard SMITH in 1799 (had been sold by Smith to Michael SPONSELLER who transferred to Tobias HAMMER who transferred to Frederick HEFFNER). - "Resurvey on Heffner's Fancy", 25 acres (home place), by warrant in 1752; next to tract "George and Margaret" owned by George SWINIGARD in 1743. - "Rocky Hill", 9 acres, on Katoctin Mountain near High Knob. - "Beginning to Rain", 1 1/2 acres. to son, John HEFFNER, now dec'd - *Common Warrant in 1806 for "Tasker's Chance, 13 acres. - 6 acres from Michael HEFFNER, adjoining lands of John CRONISE, on east side of Monocacy and includes an island in Monocacy River (part of Monocacy Manor, Lot #3). - "Water, Wood and Stone, 6 acres (part of Monocacy Manor, Lot #4). Executor of Jacob HEFFNER was Samuel POOL. Catharine assigned her interests to John BAYLEY. Guardian for Jacob HEFFNER's children and the NAILOR children was L.P.W. BALCH; Balch was also trustee; on 20 Aug 1830, at Shafer's Tavern in Frederick Town, sale was made: - Lot #1 of 18 acres to David SCHLEY at $625.60 - Lot #2 of 6 acres to John CRONISE at $93 - Lot #3 of 6 acres to Benjamin HEFFNER at $29 - Lot #4 to John OGLE at $23 - Lot #5 to Adam YOUNG at $50 - Lot #7 (lots in Berlin) to John BRUNNER of Jacob at $96 On 30 Jul 1831, Rebecca, widow of Jacob HEFFNER, testified she was 38 years old; she received 2/15 for dower, $4.54; Elizabeth, the widow of Frederick HEFFNER, received 2/15 also; James NAILOR, widower of Mary, received 8/15, $13.62; each 1/8 share was $34.06; finalized 29 Aug 1833.
HS-1, 792-825 - JODON, SMITH, HARBAUGH, etc - Jul 1833
Daniel SMITH Sr. and George M. EICHELBERGER vs Estate of John JORDON John JORDON d/ Jul 1832 intestate, single, w/o issue, leaving 5 siblings, bro/ Zachariah JODON bro/ Benjamin JODON bro/ Daniel JODON, a minor sis/ Elizabeth JODON, a minor sis/ Adelina JODON, a minor Administrator was brother, Zachariah JODON. Land - "Carolina", 140 acres, on South Mountain, from Elias HARBAUGH (w/ Catharine) in 1830; neighbors on the west were John HARRIGAN, JORDON family on the north, Cpt. Daniel SMITH on the east and John EYLER of Jonas and VALENTINE on the south. - "Carolina", 120 acres, from Daniel SMITH Sr. (w/ Amelia) in 1827, adjoins land of Elias HARBAUGH. - "Carolina", 38 acres, part of Lot #22, from Captain Daniel SMITH (w/ Amelia) in 1827, adjoining land of Doctor R.L. ANNAN, Henry McDEVITT and James McDEVITT. - "Carolina", 88+ acres, Lot #17, from Captain Daniel SMITH in 1831; adjoins lot of James A. SHORB and heirs of Robert L. ANNAN; lies on east and north-east sides of South Mountain, about three miles north-west from Emmitsburg. - "We Archy", 30 acres, to John and Zachariah JORDON from John NICHOLS in 1828 (to Nichols from William M. BEALL), lies on draught of Tom's Creek. - "Resurvey on John's Child" and "Carolina", 56+ acres, to John and Zachariah JORDON from William JORDON (w/ Catharine) in 1829, adjoins land of Patrick OWINGS. - "Enlargement", 22+ acres, from John SHORB (w/ Catharine) in 1825. - "Shields Adventure", 25 acres, to John and Zachariah JORDON from William JORDON (w/ Catharine) in 1829, next to land of Sebastian DUFFEY's heirs, Daniel JORDON and tract "White's Delight". - "The Treasury", 20+ acres, or the five mill seats, Lot #12, from Mathew BRAUN/BROWN (w/ Elizabeth) in 1830. Guardian was Nelson POE; trustee was Ebenezer SHIELDS; sales made to - Thomas GILLELAN for 24+ acres at $146.25 - Zachariah JODON for 25 acres at $280 - Benjamin McHENRY for 20+ acres at $44 - John GRASLE/CRASLE for 166+ acres at $463 - Robert ANNAN for 94+ acres at $311 - Thomas OHLER for 43+ acres at $200 - Daniel GAMBLE for 38 acres at $200 - Isaac BAUGHER for 22+ acres at $87 - Jacob WELTY for 72+ acres at $149 - Zachariah JODON for 43+ acres at $80 - William and Andrew ANNAN for 56+ acres at $468 total sales, $2,428.50; proceeds short, paid $.70 on the dollar; finalized 10 May 1834.
Henry KELLER and Loyd DORSEY vs Estate of James WILES James WILES Jr. d/ 1827 intestate, leaving widow - Elizabeth and 4 minor children, - William WILES - Catharine WILES - James WILES - Henry WILES Land - Lot #30, on Main Street in New Town (Trap or Jefferson), from Sebastian RAMSBURG (w/ Elizabeth) in 1818. - "Children's Chance", 4+ acres, from John NELSON, esquire, as trustee for John B. HERSBERGER, in 1825 (Hersberger was mortaged to George RAMSBERG) (land to Hersberger from Edward ROTELEN Sr. in 1817). - 1/8 share of the estate of Thomas WILES, father of James. Thomas WILES estate was sold in two parcels by William SCHLEY, the trustee; James' section was 83 acres; the part sold to Henry HERSBERGER was 93+ acres. Administrators were the widow and Michael THOMAS; guardian was the mother. Trustee was Loyd DORSEY; 1/8 share sold to Samuel WILES at $595.12; the widow was allowed 2/15 in lieu for her dower. The lot in New Town was sold to Mrs. Elizabeth WILES for $500; to Perry HILLIARY for the 4 acres at $90.25. Proceeds were short, paid $.13 on the dollar; finalized 3 Sep 1835.
HS-1, 848-857 - COVER, PERKINS, SMITH, WHITMORE - Oct 1822
Estate of Yost COVER Yost COVER d/ 31 May 1821 (will 29 Nov 1817), leaving widow - Mary and 9 children, - Elizabeth w/o John PERKINS - John COVER - Jacob COVER - Mary w/o Frederick SMITH - David COVER - Joseph COVER - William COVER - Sarah w/o George WHITMORE - Daniel COVER, a minor (Copy of will not provided) Land - Lot and Tanyard in Mechanics Town (Thurmont). This property had not been included in his will. Sarah sold her share to brother John. Trustee was John COVER; sale made to Joseph, David and Daniel COVER at $1,702. The widow received 1/9, $76.60, before debts; each 1/9 share of proceeds was $64.51; finalized 10 Jan 1836.

The End of HS-1

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