Equity Court Abstracts

Book AF-3 - 1874-1882

Frederick County, Maryland

These are abstracts from Equity Court Records of Frederick County, Maryland, many times providing family data on the defendant and sometimes on persons not mentioned on the docket. Some of the listings are quite informative while others, being dismissed, may only have the date and name of plantiff and defendant. However, the cases brought before the judge consisted of sworn testimony and each one holds a story. Perhaps you will find a story connected to your search.
[Records Located at Maryland State Archives]

Charles E. MEALY & w/ Mary R. vs Barbara MARRIOTT, et al Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4631 (GRAVEYARD mentioned) - Sep 1880 Adelia MARRIOTT d/ 1857, intestate (d/o Charles HAMMOND) w/o Alpheus W. MARRIOTT (who married Barbara ROBINSON in 1879) (he died 21 Sep 1880) d/ Mary R. MARRIOTT m/ 1873 to Charles E. MEALY d/ Laura MARRIOTT (d/ 1874) m/ 1873 to John M. RYAN - Baltimore County s/ Charles H. MARRIOTT & wife - Out of State s/ James R. MARRIOTT & wife - Out of State LAND - "Hammond's Request", Divided into ...Lot #1 eastern 500 acres, in New Market and Mount Pleasant Districts, 1/2 mile from "Long Meadow". Occupied by Samuel CRAWFORD in Apr 1881. Improved with a stone house and back building with barn and corn crib and spring near the house. Also has a log house and stable - then in occupancy of George WOOD. Considerable timber and two orchards. GRAVEYARD - about 1/4 acre to be reserved from sale; also reserved are growing crops. (Part 4 in Sale - was to be sold in several parcels, 205, 275 and 20 acres) ...Lot #2, western 11 acres; on north edge of Baltimore & Frederick Town Turnpike. To Alpheus W. MARRIOTT from John SIMMONS, trustee (in Equity #3370 of Simon C. SIMMONS vs Charles H. MARRIOTT for an undivided 1/4 share of "Hammond's Request" at $900 in Jun 1868 [CM-2, 184]. - "Addison's Choice" (the BOOKER/BOOGHER Farm), in Mount Pleasant District; adjoined "Hammond's Request"; Divided into ...Lot #1, eastern 139 acres, on eastern edge of Monocacy River; one road runs through the middle of the property. Home farm about a mile from Charles C. ANDER's Mill. Occupied by Jonathan COVELL in Apr 1881. Improved with a stone house with back building attached, stable, corn crib, apple and peach orchard and strawberry patch. Partly timbered; divided into well watered fields; a spring near the house. (Part 1 in Sale) ...Lot #2, western Nathan O. NEIGHBORS, Sheriff, sold Charles H. MARRIOTT's' share (by a judgment filed by William BRADSHAW) to Albert W. BURKHART for an undivided 1/4 share of 139 acres of "Addison's Choice" at $610 in Jun 1869 [CM-3, 624]. ...Albert W. BURKHART conveyed his interest for $305 to Nathan O. NEIGHBORS in Jul 1869 [CM-4, 279]. - "Hills and Dales", 15 acres, and "Resurvey on Beatty's Range", 17 acres. (Possibly these tracts were only Alpheus') To Barbara ROBINSON from Alpheus W. MARRIOTT all his share in 500+ acres, 139 acres, 15 acres & 17 acres, as promise of marriage, on 1 Nov 1873 [TG-12, 489] -"Timber Plenty", 31 acres; adjoined "Hammond's Request". To Adelia MARRIOTT from Charles S. HAMMOND in Oct 1837 (land swap in father's estate) [HS-5, 431]. (Also see Book of Descents for Charles HAMMOND for land to daughter Adelia) Charles H. MARRIOTT conveyed, his undivided 1/4 share of 31 acres of "Timber Plenty", to Albert W. BURKHART and Nathan O. NEIGHBORS at $100 in May 1870 (conveyed before Charles' marriage). Nathan O. NEIGHBORS d/ 1878, intestate d/ Martha R. NEIGHBORS d/ Sarah E. NEIGHBORS s/ Roger M. NEIGHBORS d/ Lola H./A. NEIGHBORS s/ Nathan O. Jr. NEIGHBORS s/ Eutaw D. NEIGHBORS s/ Fleet R. NEIGHBORS & w/ Adeline s/ J. William NEIGHBORS & w/ Villie Belle Alpheus W. MARRIOTT and Louis McMURRAY were sureties on note for Valerius EBERT from the Farmers and Mechanics National Bank in 1873. McMURRAY had to pay off the debt not covered by EBERT and is asking for half of that to be paid from MARRIOTT's estate. Trustees were Charles V. S. LEVY, John C. MOTTER and Frederick J. NELSON, Esquires. SALE was held 2 Apr 1881 at the City Hotel in Frederick; high bidders were: - Louis PHELPS at $570 for - 20 acres, set in clover, some timber and spring; a mile from Frederick to Baltimore Turnpike on east side of road from turnpike to KRANTZ's Mill; then in occupancy and adjoining land of Mr KUNKEL; near the Mount Carmel Church. (part of "Hammond's Request") - William REICH at $837 for - "Long Meadow", 42 acres; on Frederick to Baltimore Turnpike, 2 1/2 miles east of Frederick; set in Timothy. - John H. HOUCK for 205 of 480 acres of "Hammond's Request" at $2,467 - A. W. BURKHART for 275 of 480 acres of "Hammond's Request" at $2,947 Linganore Creek ran through property. Total sales, $6,822. No adequate bid for "Addison's Choice", but later private sale was made to: - Charles Wesley ZIMMERMAN for 139 acres at $6,266.25 1st Distribution of $8,130.16; court costs, $720.55 Portions from Adelia MARRIOTT's Estate/ Laura RYAN's Estate - Mary MEALEY, 1/4, $1, 852.40 / 1/3 of 5/8 of 1/4, $385.92 - James HOOD, Assignee of J. R. MARRIOTT, 1/4, $1, 852.40 / 1/3 of 5/8 of 1/4, $385.92 - John M. RYAN, courtesy share, 3/8 of 1/4, $694.65 - Charles H. MARRIOTT (of 11 acres), 1/4, $55.11 / 1/3 of 5/8 of 1/4, $385.92 - A. W. BURKHART, 1/2 of 1/4 (of ZIMMERMAN & REICH's purchase), $447.35 - Heirs of N. O. NEIGHBORS - each 1/8, $55.93 - Barbara R. MARRIOTT, 1/4 (of Burkhart, Phelps & Reich's purchase) ...Lewis McMURRAY, by court order, $435.97 ...Taxes, $103.62 ...balance to Barbara, $362.91 Mary R. MEALEY's monies were to be under audit. Filed 1 Aug 1881.
Lloyd H. HYATT and Thomas H. WILLIARD, trustees of Elizabeth FINK Statement of Account - Equity #4685 - Apr 1881 Elizabeth FINK issued Deed of Trust to Lloyd H. HYATT and Thomas H. WILLIARD for $832.90 judgment due to Catoctin Lodge of Odd Fellows and mortgages to HYATT and WILLIARD in 1869. LAND - "Smithfield", 1/2 acre; along Baltimore to Frederick Turnpike and road from Middletown to Burkittsville to spring in village of Middletown; adjoined land of Peter G. SCHLOSSER. Subject to lien. To John D. FINK from Elizabeth FINK at $1,700 in Sep 1872 [CM-9, 96]. Previously to Elizabeth FINK from Isaac MICHAEL, exec/of John BOWLUS in Sep 1859 [BGF-4, 507]. (Statement of Account also signed by Ann R. FINK) Distribution of $832.90; court costs, $46.25 - Catoctin Lodge IOOF, $122 - Thomas H. WILLIARD, mortgage, $381.70 - Lloyd H. HYATT, mortgage, $190.68 - Elizabeth FINK, balance, $92.27 Filed 9 Apr 1881.
AF-3, 31-38 - TROUT, MARTIN
Justus MARTIN, mortgagee of John TROUT & w/ Elizabeth - Equity #4696 - Apr 1881 LAND - 1 + acre; in 7th Election District on left side of road from Park Mills to Urbana, 1 mile from Park Mills; adjoining lands of Mrs. Ann HARDING and James L. LEATHER and near Flint Hill Church. Improved with a new log house with apple, peach and pear orchard. To John TROUT from B. Amos CUNNINGHAM and Grafton DUVALL in Nov 1862 [BGF-8, 88]. - Lot, 66 perches To John TROUT from Ann R. HARDING in Nov 1874 [TG-2, 277]. Sale was held 21 May 1881 on the premises; high bidder was: - Justus MARTIN at $166 Daniel T. ORDEMAN was appointed trustee to convey the deed. Distribution - after court costs, Justus MARTIN received $115.79 as partial mortgage payment. Filed 25 Jul 1881.
David C. MARTIN & w/ Annn C. vs John W. MARTIN & Others - Equity #4638 - Sep 1880 Ann Elizabeth MARTIN d/ 12 Oct 1880, Mechanicstown, intestate widow of John A. MARTIN d/ Mary A. R. MARTIN wid/o John R. WITHEROW s/ John W. MARTIN & w/ Margaret Ellen - Texas s/ David C. MARTIN & w/ Ann C. d/ Margaret A. E. MARTIN (d/ 1879) w/o Thomas A. WIERMAN - Williamson Co, Texas ..........Harry M. WIERMAN, a minor ..........Willie M. WIERMAN, a minor ..........Robert S. WIERMAN, a minor ..........Rose V. WIERMAN, a minor ..........Winfield Scott WIERMAN, a minor LAND - "Buck's Horn" (acreage not given in deed) Excludes part on SE side of public road from Mechanicstown to Hagerstown which is the Mill then in possession of T. A. WIERMAN; also excludes a northern small strip to Daniel L. WILHIDE. Previously to John A. MARTIN from Henry ROUZER, John ARTHUR and Godliep J. SIGMUND in Sep 1862 [BGF-8, 46]. - "Stony Corner", "Hiller's Conclusion", "the Mountain Tract" and "Thereabouts", except lot conveyed to Daniel WILHIDE, Dafney HOWARD and Caroline HENDRICKS. At SE corner of Simon A. WELLER's lot, public road, John A. FLEEGLE's lot, L. PICKING's lot, south side of Hunting Creek, Frederick WILHIDE's lot, Joseph WILHIDE's land. Previously to John A. MARTIN from David KEPHERD, trustee, and Joseph E. KENHU & wife. #To Ann E. MARTIN from husband, John A. MARTIN in Dec 1871 [CM-7, 668]. (Subject to mortgage to Warner T. GRIMES on "Buck's Horn", 20 acres, for $700 in Apr 1879) Exception - from Ann E. MARTIN to John W. MARTIN for 3 1/2 acres in Mechanicstown at $1,300 in Apr 1877 [TG-7, 471]. Contract to sell 45 acres to Leonard R. WAESCHE who sold parts to: - Simon A. WELLER for 3 1/2 acres in Mechanicstown, along west side of road towards Hunting Creek Bridge, at $677 in Apr 1874 [TG-1, 299]. - Simon A. WELLER for "Miller's Conclusion", 4+ acres, on south side adjoining the Frederick to Emmitsburg Turnpike; adjoined lot of Calvin WELLER at $246 in May 1876 [TG-5, 626]. - John R. ROUZER for "Resurvey on Stoney Corner", 10+ acres, on south side of turnpike to south bank of Hunting Creek to SE of bridge, at $784 in Dec 1876 [TG-6, 389] - Calvin WELLER for "Miller's Conclusion", 6 acres, on east side of road from Creagerstown to Harman's Gap, at SW corner of John A. FLEUGEL's lot, at $330 in Apr 1876 [AF-2, 517]. - 20 acres not yet sold Guardian for the WIERMAN children was B. E. CHRIETZBERG of Williamson Co, Texas. Testimony was heard 11 Jan 1881 from: - George W. DEVILBISS - Newton C. GROFF Trustee was David C. MARTIN. After a failed public sale, private sale was made to: - John R. ROUZER for the 20 acres at $1,540 Distribution: cout costs, $190.92 - Warner T. GRIMES, mortgage claim, $746.66 - Mary A. R. WITHEROW, 1/4, $150.60 - David C. MARTIN, trustee, assignee of John W. MARTIN, 1/4, $150.60 - David C. MARTIN, 1/4, $150.60 - Margaret A. E. WIERMAN's children - each 1/5 of 1/4, $30.12 Filed 11 Aug 1881.

Catharine DEVILBISS vs Rufus W. DEVILBISS & w/ Rachel R. - Report of Sales - Equity #4698 - Jun 1881 Rufus W. DEVILBISS & w/ Rachel R. issued a mortgage to Catharine DEVILBISS at $1,000 in Apr 1879. LAND - "Friendship", 5 acres, in Mapleville, in Linganore and Liberty Districts, on road from Liberty to POOLE's store, about 2 1/2 miles SE of Liberty. Improved with a 2-story frame house of 10 rooms with one portion set up as a store room with counters and shelves, a large warehouse and cellar; also has other buildings. John G. NORRIS then lived on the adjoining farm. To Rufus W. DEVILBISS from Hamilton DEVILBISS & w/ Mary E. at $2,500 in Apr 1879 [TG-11, 475]. Sale was held 4 Jun 1881 on the premises; high bidder was: - Mrs. Ann NORWOOD at $1,505 Distribution: court costs, $156.57 - Catharine DEVILBISS, mortgage claim, $1,066 - James McSHERRY, Atty/for Samuel D. REIFSNIDER, partial judgment, $282.42 Filed 25 Jul 1881.

William R. SANDERSON, mortgagee of William H. RAMSBURG & w/ Catharine A. R. - Report of Sales - Equity #4688 - Feb 1881 LAND - Lot in Frederick City on north side of West Patrick St; first lot on west side of Carroll Creek, known as the EBBERT Homestead. Improved with a 2-story rough cast house and back building; then in occupancy of Valerius EBBERT, Esquire. To William H. RAMSBURG from Frederick J. NELSON, trustee, in Mar 1880. Mortgage to William R. SANDERSON from William H. RAMSBURG and w/ Rebecca D. at $1,850 in Mar 1880. Sale was held at the Dill House, now Carlin House, in Frederick on 16 Apr 1881; high bidder was: - Catharine A. R. RAMSBURG at $1,225 Distribution: court costs, $149.92 - William R. SANDERSON, partial mortgage claim, $1,075.08 Filed 18 Jul 1881.
Lewis R. MUSSETTER & Others vs Franklin MUSSETTER & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4615 - Jun 1880 Michael MUSSETTER d/ intestate d/ Margaret MUSSETTER d/ Apr 1879, intestate s/ Philip MUSSETTER d/ 1875 (Will written 28 Jul 1866 - SGC-1, 562 - Fr Co, MD) ...w/ Elinor "Ellen" J. L. ('Canon's Manor', 107 acres, in Frederick Co, MD) .......Lewis R. MUSSETTER .......Sarah A. MUSSETTER w/o Frank HOUSER - Howard County .......Mary J. MUSSETTER w/o Samuel OWENS s/ Christian MUSSETTER d/ before his sister, intestate - Seneca Co, Ohio ...w/ Adah - Out of State .......Franklin MUSSETTER & w/ Elizabeth - Out of State .......Susanna MUSSETTER (d/ before her aunt) w/o Lawrence CREAGER - Out of State . . . . . . .Catharine A. (CREAGER) w/o Tragoot/Traugott KIPKA - Out of State . . . . . . .Mary E./J. (CREAGER) w/o Calvin SMITH - Out of State .......Phoebe MUSSETTER w/o M. P. SHAUL - Out of State .......Rachel Ann MUSSETTER w/o Cornelius GRAY - Out of State .......Levi D. MUSSETTER & w/ Eunice A. - Out of State .......Calvin MUSSETTER - Out of State .......Margaret MUSSETTER w/o A. T. "Henry" NESMITH - Out of State Christian conveyed his share to his sister Margaret who was unmarried. Philip devised his share to his sister Margaret, during her natural life. LAND - "Middle Plantation", 51 acres & 17+ acres, in Mount Pleasant District, on NW side of Linganore. To Michael MUSSETTER from John S. HALL in Apr 1804 [WR-36, 99]. (Devised to John Stephen HALL by his father, John HALL, Esquire, of Annapolis, who, by codicil, instead devised it to John HALL's nephew, Henry HALL, in trust for John S. HALL and should he die without posterity, to John Washington HALL, s/o Henry). John Washington HALL died intestate, a minor bro/ Joseph HALL sis/ Margaret w/o Richard Galen STOCKETT Both, Joseph and Margaret conveyed their interests to John Stephen HALL. Trustee was Lewis R. MUSSETTER. Sale was held 25 Apr 1881 on the premises; high bidder was: - Adam L. JACOBS for 41 acres at $15/acre - Adam L. JACOBS for 10 acres at $32/acre Total sales, $943.22. Distribution; court costs, $187.91 - Heirs of Margaret MUSSETTER, 2/3, $503.54 ........less $42.56, claim of C. C. CARTY - Heirs of Philip MUSSETTER ........Lewis R. MUSSETTER, 1/3 of 1/2, $74.83 ........Sarah A. HOUSER, 1/3 of 1/2, $74.83 ........Mary J. OWENS, 1/3 of 1/2, $74.83 - Heirs of Christian MUSSETTER ........Franklin MUSSETTER, 1/6 of 1/2, $38.41 ........Phoebe SHAUL, 1/6 of 1/2, $38.41 ........Rachel GRAY, 1/6 of 1/2, $38.41 ........Levi D. MUSSETTER, 1/6 of 1/2, $38.41 ........Calvin MUSSETTER, 1/6 of 1/2, $38.41 ........Margaret NESMITH, 1/6 of 1/2, $38.41 - Heirs of Philip MUSSETTER, 1/3, $251.77 ........Ellen J. MUSSETTER, widow, in lieu of dower, 1/10, $25.18 ........Lewis R. MUSSETTER, $75.53 ........Sarah A. HOUSER, $75.53 ........Mary J. OWENS, $75.53 Filed 27 Jun 1881.
Emma F. BUCKINGHAM, et al vs Jarrett N. SHANCK, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4587 - May 1880 Catharine FAITHFUL d/ c1876, intestate w/o Henry FAITHFUL d/ winter of 1879 or Apr 1880 d/ Emily C. FAITHFUL (d/ 1868) w/o Jarrett N. SHANCK - Carroll County .......Emma F. (SHANCK) w/o Alfred T. BUCKINGHAM - Carroll County .......William N. D. SHANCK - Baltimore County .......Morgia L. SHANCK, a minor - Carroll County .......Jarrett R. SHANCK, a minor - Carroll County .......Frank B. SHANCK, a minor - Carroll County LAND - "Resurvey on Timber Land", 80 acres; near Plane #4 on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; adjoined land of Adam CLAY Jr. and Luther H. BROWING. Improved with a 2-story log house, stable, dairy and spring near the house; 20 acres in chestnut and oak; balance in good fencing and watered. To Catharine FAITHFUL from John MULLINIX & w/ Ellen at $800 in 1864 [JWLC-1, 616]. Previously to MULLINIX from Thomas E. D. POOLE, admin/of Joseph WEST in May 1850 [ES-3, 58]. Guardian was Gustavus W. CRAPSTER, Esquire, of Carroll County. Testimony was heard 15 July 1880 from: - Francis BARTHOLOW - Thomas GORSUCH - John B. BARTHOLOW Trustee was Charles T. REIFSNIDER of Carroll County. Maria DORSEY, by husband/friend Charles DORSEY, petitioned to claim 1 acre, with water rights, purchased from Catharine FAITHFUL at $30 in July 1876; however, Catharine died before the deed was conveyed. The DORSEYs have a signed receipt and have had possession of land and have built a house. Charles V. S. LEVY, Esquire, was trustee to convey deed to Maria DORSEY. After failed sale, private sale was made to: - Sarah A. GLAZE, w/o William M. GLAZE, for 76 acres at $625 Pending Accounting - 1 Jun 1881. (page 100 is blank)
John ROUZER vs Leonard PICKING & Others - Foreclosure - Equity #4607 - Jun 1880 Cassandra PICKING d/ 1879, in Mechanicstown, intestate - no children w/o Leonard PICKING bro/ Cpt. Joseph KUHN - (residence, wife and children unknown) bro/ Zebulon KUHN, dec'd .......Joseph L. KUHN - Ohio .......Frank KUHN - Baltimore City .......Eliza KUHN w/o Henry HERRING - Philadelphia, PA .......Louisa KUHN, dec'd w/o Edward DEVILBISS - Carroll County (children's names unknown) .......Ellen Jane KUHN - Carroll County sis/ Margaret KUHN wid/o Dr. Henry STALEY (childrn's names unknown) later m/ Robert CAMPBELL - Tiffin, Seneca Co, Ohio bro/ Henry KUHN, dec'd - residence and children unknown, except: .......Kate KUHN w/o ___TOUER/TONER - Tiffin, Seneca Co, Ohio bro/ Jeremiah KUHN, died in Ohio - no children sis/ Mary M. KUHN w/o Ephraim CARMACK, Esquire - Mechanicstown sis/ Eliza T. KUHN, dec'd w/o Cyrus MANTZ - Baltimore City (she died between 1 Jul 1880-Feb 1881) LAND - Lot #23 in Mechanicstown on south side of Main or Baltimore St, 2nd lot from the square with an alley on the west and Lot #22 of George H. JOHNSON on the east. Improved with a 2-story log and frame weatherboarded house with back building attached, a stable in the rear of the lot and a well in the yard. To Cassandra PICKING from John ROUZER & w/ Emma K. at $800 in Apr 1873 [CM-10, 405]. Previously to John ROUZER from his mother, Juliana ROUZER in Jul 1852 [ES-9, 309]. Cassandra PICKING & husband Leonard PICKING issued mortgage to John ROUZER for $1,377 in Mar 1873. Testimony was heard 16 Feb 1881 from: - Ephraim CARMACK - Joseph GERNAND - John ROUZER Trustee was John ROUZER. Sale was held 25 Apr 1881 at GILBERT's Hotel in Mechanicstown; high bidder was: - Warner T. GRIMES at $2,000 Distribution: court costs, $205.30 - John ROUZER, mortgage claim w/ interest, partial, $1,794.70 Filed 18 Jul 1881.
Matilda SHAFER - Petition for Trustee - Equity #4579 - Apr 1880 George L. BRENGLE d/ 1851 (Will TS-1, 153) sis/ Matilda (BRENGLE) SHAFER (devised interest on $500 be paid to Matilda annually during her lifetime and monies to be held by Lewis A. BRENGLE) Lewis A. BRENGLE died Nov 1879 and Alexander BRENGLE was appointed as trutee for the fund who also held $500 for interest paid to Ann R. GITTINGER of Baltimore City. Matilda SHAFER died leaving a Will written 19 Nov 1870 Execs/ George T. DILL, her son-in-law and also bequeathed all her estate to him. Codicil on 10 May 1878 validated the original Will. Alexander BRENGLE asked to be discharged as trustee on 21 Sep 1881 and approved by court. Filed 28 Sep 1881.
Augustus FRALEY, father & guardian vs Lewis H. FRALEY, et al - Equity #4689 - Apr 1881 Adaline Amanda (YOUNG) FRALEY d/ Jul 1872 w/o Augustus FRALEY - (married Nov 1861 on East Second St, Frederick) s/ Lewis H. FRALEY (b/ 28 Jan 1863), a minor d/ Cora H. FRALEY (b/ Jul 1864), a minor d/ Ada M. FRALEY (b/ Sep 1866), a minor LAND - Lot (31 x 340') on south side of West Patrick St in Frederick City; adjoined lots of A. Jackson WILCOXON on the east and Jacob M. BENTZ on the west and running back to the county jail. To Adaline A. FRALEY and her heirs from Philip B. KUNKEL & w/ Ann C. and Henry BOTELER at $1,300 in Aug 1863 [BGF-9, 109]. Previously to KUNKEL & BOTELER from Samuel CARMACK, trustee of Conrad KING, an insolvent debtor, in Mar 1862 [BGF-7, 347]. Augustus FRALEY was behind in payments and the property was sold by Peter W. SHAFER, tax collector to: - Peter BAER at $17.24 In Equity Case #4399, Augustus requested a trustee to borrow money for payment of taxes and repairs and Christian H. ECKSTEIN was appointed as trustee for the mortgage. On 18 Sep 1878, ECKSTEIN negotiated a loan of $375 from Franklin Savings Bank Once again Augustus requested a trustee to mortgagee the property for taxes and repairs for $500 and requested William WILCOXON as the trustee. Guardian was Edward McINTIRE, Esquire. Testimony was heard 16 May 1881 from: - Lewis S. CLINGAN, city corporation tax collector (water), resides in Frederick City - Charles C. SMITH, city tax collector, resides in Frederick City - David H. ROUTZAHN, farmer and county tax collector, resides in Mount Pleasant - William H. NICODEMUS, sec/of Franklin Savings Bank, resides in the county - Samuel HAFER, carpenter, resides on West Patrick St - Peter W. SHAFER, county tax collector, resides in Frederick City - Augustus FRALEY, husband and father; house was originally 1-story with basement and he had another story on the front and back building at cost of $1,300. House then in good condition but the fence and stable was in need of repair. William WILCOXON was appointed trustee to obtain mortgage of $875 to pay taxes, Eckstein mortgage, repay Peter BAER for his 'purchase' and pay on original mortgage, water rent and repairs. Everything was done as requested at $686.18, leaving a balance of $188.82 for future use. Filed 1 Sep 1881. Supplemental of TG-6, 209
Charles OVELMAN, et al, by George R. OVELMAN vs Joseph BLACK & Others Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4622 - Sep 1880 William BLACK d/ 18 Aug 1880, intestate widow - Barbara (age 73) s/ Joseph H. BLACK & w/ Matilda d/ Mary C. BLACK (d/ 1876) w/o George R. OVELMAN .....Charles OVELMAN, a minor .....Harry A. OVELMAN, a minor .....Rose B. OVELMAN, a minor d/ Elizabeth BLACK w/o Calvin CAIN - Washington, DC d/ Julia A. BLACK w/o Lewis MARBLE Adm/ George R. OVELMAN LAND - 174 acres total - Lot #14 of "Buck Forrest", 100 acres. To William BLACK and Joseph MARTIN from William ROSS, trustee for estate of John HARRIS, at $1,506 in Nov 1838. Then - To William BLACK from Joseph MARTIN & w/ Henrietta for the undivided half of the 100 acres at $753 in Mar 1849. - "Resurvey on Buck Forrest", 11 acre wood lot. To William BLACK from John WALTER & w/ Catharine at $275 in Jan 1840. - "Black Forest", 10 acres. To William BLACK from Sarah TANEY at $200 in Jul 1849. - "Buck Forrest", 52 acres, adjoined land of Eli G. GROFF and Christian ZACHARIAS. To William BLACK from children of James BICKET, from the Will of their grandfather, John HARRIS, at $627 in May 1856 (signed in Cincinatti): - John BICKETT - Brown Co, Ohio - Ann BICKETT & h/ John AUMAN - Hamilton Co, Ohio - Elizabeth BICKETT - Hamilton Co, Ohio - Matilda BICKETT - Hamilton Co, Ohio - Julian BICKETT - Hamilton Co, Ohio - Francis BICKETT - Hamilton Co, Ohio Mortgages on 100 acres of "Buck Forrest"to: - Mathias P. ZACHARIAS for $500 in Apr 1877 - George R. OVELMAN and John M. OVELMAN for $1,600 in Jan 1879. Barbara BLACK, the widow, agreed to release her dower and assigned the proceeds of it to Julia A. MARBLE. Guardian was Edward McINTIRE, Esquire. Testimony was heard 24 Jan 1881 from: - George R. OVELMAN - Joshua BIGGS Trustee was George R. OVELMAN. Sale was held 12 Mar 1881 at Motter's Station; first offered in two tracts, but with no sufficient bid, then offered the the 174 acres as one; high bidder was: - John L. NORRIS at $4,828.50 1st Distribution of $1,609.50; court costs, $378.95 - Barbara BLACK, widow, in lieu of dower, 1/10, $482.85 - M. P. ZACHARIAS, mortgage, $596.15 - George R. OVELMAN and John M. OVELMAN, partial mortgage, $151.55 Pending future payments - 23 May 1881.
David O. SMITH & w/ Georgiana F. vs Clara C. SMITH & Others - Report of Sales - Supplemental - Equity #4330 - Feb 1879 Estate of John SMITH - Mary A. SMITH and Joseph G. MILLER, trustees Private sales made to: - John N. BRENGLE for 14+ acres of Lot #2 at $436.50 - William E. MERCER for 4+ acres of Lot #7 at $86.36 Distribution of $5,082.50 (included interest); court costs, $117.27 - Mary A. SMITH, widow, in lieu of dower, 2/15, $677.67 - David O. SMITH, son, 1/6, $714.59 - Clayton L. SMITH, son, 1/6, $714.59 - Granville M. SMITH, son, 1/6, $714.59 - Frank E. SMITH, son, 1/6, $714.59 - Clara C. SMITH, daughter, 1/6, $714.59 - Mary V. HAINES, daughter, 1/6, $714.59 In May 1880, Report of Funds received from: - Samuel M. SOMERS/SOWERS, $4,370 - John HAGAN, $170.62 - William E. MERCER, $78.25 - Nicholas BRENGLE, $62.15 Total funds, $4,681.42. Distribution of $4,681.42; court costs, $46.79 - Mary A. SMITH, widow, in lieu of dower, 2/15, $624.14 - David O. SMITH, son, 1/6, $668.34 - Clayton S. SMITH, son, 1/6, $668.34 - Granville M. SMITH, son, 1/6, $668.34 - Frank E. SMITH, son, 1/6, $668.34 - Clara C. SMITH, daughter (w/o George A. CRISE), 1/6, $668.34 - Mary V. HAINES, daughter, 1/6, $668.34 Mary A. SMITH was still living on the farm that has yet to be sold. On the night of 30 Sep 1880, the barn was destroyed by fire. There was an insurance policy for $1,800 and the trustees asked they be allowed to use this money to replace the barn and hog house. Hearing was held 17 Oct 1880, testimony from: - George H. RIZER, age 60, farmer, lives near Frederick - Joseph CRONISE, age 57, farmer, lives in Frederick Replacement with insurance funds was granted. Private sale in July 1881 was made to: - John HAGAN for 11+ acres on Lot #3 at $348.94 Distribution of $348.94; court costs, $47.44 - Mary A. SMITH, widow, in lieu of dower, 2/15, $46.52 - David O. SMITH, son, 1/6, $42.49 - Clayton S. SMITH, son, 1/6, $42.49 - Granville M. SMITH, son, 1/6, $42.49 - Frank C./E. SMITH, son, 1/6, $42.49 - Clara C. CRISE, daughter, 1/6, $42.49 - Mary V. HAINES, daughter, 1/6, $42.49 Private sale was made on 23 Aug 1881 to: - George RIZER for the 117 acre farm at $17,000 Distribution of $17,000; court costs, $686.47 - Mary A. SMITH, widow, in lieu of dower, 2/15, $2,175.14 - Mary A. SMITH & Mary V. HAINES, assignees of David O. SMITH [per Land Record TG-10, 534 - sold his share for $2,500], 1/6, $2,356.39 - Clayton S. SMITH, son, 1/6, $2,356.39 - Granville M. SMITH, son, 1/6, $2,356.39 - Frank E. SMITH, son, 1/6, $2,356.39 - Clara C. CRISE, daughter, 1/6, $2,356.39 - Mary V. HAINES, daughter, 1/6, $2,356.39 Filed 7 Nov 1881.
Christian LANTZ, creditor vs Amelia MILLER & Others - Equity #4406 - Sep 1878 John A. MILLER d/ since 1 Apr 1878, intestate widow - Amelia s/ George W. MILLER s/ Christian MILLER d/ Elizabeth E. MILLER s/ William H. MILLER Admin/ George W. MILLER LAND - "Enterprise", 290 acres; To Christian LANTZ from James W. BAUGHER of Baltimore City, Lewis F. COPPERSMITH and Grayson EICHELBERGER, exec/of Isaac BAUGHER in Apr 1855. Isaac BAUGHER had previously sold the property to Christian LANTZ but died before the deed was conveyed [ES-6, 516]. Previously to Isaac BAUGHER from Joseph BAUGHER & wife in March 1847 [WBT-?, 30]. - "Silver Plains", 150 acres, on South Mountain in Hauver's District, near the junction of main road from Mechanicstown and Emmitsburg to Sabillasville; adjoining land of Christian LANTZ. To Christian LANTZ from John R. HARRIGAN at $2,050 in Aug 1849 [WBT-11, 97]. Lantz claimed monies due on 123 acres and 23 acres, sold to Harrigan. - 40 acres, purchased before other land, but contiguous to it. Trustees were Milton G. URNER and John RITCHIE. Sale was held 6 Mar 1880 on the premises; high bidders were: - Christian LANTZ for 21 acres of Lot #3 at $20/acre; part of "Silver Plains"; adjoins Lot #1 on the east, arable land. - Thomas CLABAUGH for 75 acres of wood land of Lot #2 at $.70/acre; part of "Enterprise", adjoins Lot #2 on the west. - William T. MILLER for 51 acres of Lot #1 at $10/acre, subject to the widow's dower; part of "Enterprise", improved with a 2-story house with stone basement and large double porch, bake house, wash house, smoke house, carriage house, stable, corn crib and hog pen with a spring near the door, a garden and fruit trees. (William T. MILLER had been living on the property.) Total sales, $987.37. Besides the T intersection of road from Emmitsburg and Mechanicstown to Sabillasville Road, neighbors for the adjoining tracts were: - Alfred MANAHAN, Christian LANTZ, Joshua WARRENFELTZ, Hiram ZIMMERMAN, George WERTENBAKER, John McCLAIN and on the west was Henry MASSER(?). William T. MILLER was unable to comply with terms of sale and - Sarah A. MICHAEL by her next friend John H. MICHAEL reqested to be substituted as purchaser. Distribution of $987.37; court costs, $229.59 - Christian LANTZ, claim, $343.98 - multiple creditors at 31% of claims, $413.80 Filed 22 Jan 1882.
AF-3, 196-199 - FINK, GROFF, CRONISE
Joseph GROFF, assignee of Joseph CRONISE, mortgagee of John J. FINK & w/ Ann Louisa FINK - Equity #4612 - Jun 1880 LAND - "New Germany", 10 1/2 acres, near Lewistown; lately occupied by Mr MAY. To Ann Louisa FINK from William M. CECIL & w/ mary J. in Oct 1876. Sale was held 13 Apr 1880; high bidder was: - Joseph GROFF at $110 Filed 5 Nov 1881.
Lycurgus N. PHILLIPS, acting exec/of Elizabeth G. BARRICK, mortgagee of John D. LUBY & w/ Mary M. - Equity #4713 - Jul 1881 Elizabeth G. BARRICK d/ Jun 1880 (Will) LAND - "Wolf''s Delight", originally "Spring Plains" and "Resurvey on Joseph's Friendship", 2 roods and 35 perches; located 1/2 mile from Woodsboro on road to Creagerstown. Improved with a 1 1/2 story log house with a well in the yard and apple and peach trees. To John LUBY from Upton BEALL in March 1877 [TG-7, 60]. Sale was held at James M. SMITH's Hotel in Woodsborough on 21 July 1881; high bidder was: - George P. BARRICK at $200 Distribution: after court costs, $59.15 - Lycurgus N. PHILLIPS, partial mortgage, $149.85 Filed 24 Sep 1881.
David Sidney T. SMITH, creditor vs Alexius E. SMITH, adm/of Harriett WEAVER & Others - Equity #4617 - Jul 1880 Harriett WEAVER d/ Jun 1880, intestate, unmarried and no children bro/ Christian WEAVER & w/ Mary WILLIARD - Muscatine Co, Iowa sis/ Mary (WEAVER) SMITH, widow sis/ Delaney (WEAVER) ENNIS, dec'd, her son, .........William Thomas ENNIS Adm/ Alexius E. SMITH Singleton WEAVER delivered order of publication to Christian and Mary WEAVER in Muscatine Co, Iowa. LAND - House & parts of "New Saxony" and "John Tom's Folly", 36 sq perches, in Myersville. Property runs to NW corner of parsonage of UB Church and adjoined lot of Upton BUHRMAN. To Harriett WEAVER from Jacob WARRENFELTS at $1,050 in Oct 1870 [CM-6, 4]. Alexius E. SMITH was trustee. Sale was held in front of BUHRMAN's store in Myersville on 28 Aug 1880; but no sufficient bid was received; later private sale was made to: - David F. POFFENBERGER at $685 with John T. HILDEBRAND as surety. Distribution of $685; court costs, $205.94 - balance to multiple creditors. Filed 18 Nov 1881.
AF-3, 215-228 - MILLER
Jacob MILLER, creditor, of Adams Co, Pennsylvania vs Sarah MILLER, et al - Equity #3972 - May 1874 Simon MILLER d/ March 1873, intestate widow - Sarah d/ Elizabeth C. MILLER, a minor d/ Caroline Lydia MILLER, a minor d/ Margaret A. MILLER, a minor d/ Amanda Virginia M. H. MILLER, a minor d/ Lavina E. J. MILLER, a minor s/ John Simon E. A. MILLER, a minor LAND - House & 42 acres in Harbaugh's Valley in Hauver's District. Guardian was Edward A. GITTINGER. Testimony was heard 2 Sep 1875 from: - George H. RIDENOUR - George W. AMBROSE, resided in Adams Co, Pennsylvania - Sarah MILLER Trustee was William P. MAULSBY Jr. Sale was held 9 Dec 1876 on the premises; high bidder was: - Jacob MILLER at $400, subject to the widow's dower (Debt owed was $562) Filed 31 Jan 1877.
AF-3, 228-233 - TRIMMER, MEASEL
David TRIMMER & Others - Title - Equity #4682 - Mar 1881 David TRIMMER & w/ Mary Jane issued Deed of Trust to Solomon D. DEVILBISS, Harrison MILLER and Edward T. GETZENDANNER (he of Montgomery County) in Nov 1880. LAND - "Resurvey on Ramsburg's Chance" and "Ogle's Necessary Compact", 45 acres; 1 1/2 miles south of Utica Mills; adjoined land of E. T. GETZENDANNER To David TRIMMER from Samuel CLEM at $4,500 in Apr 1873 [CM-10, 248]. Trimmer sold the property to David L. MEASEL at $3,000 by Articles of Agreement in Aug 1880. It was agreed Mary Jane TRIMMER would receive $140 from the sale as her dower. Filed 15 Apr 1881.
Thomas GORSUCH, mortgagee of William H. RAMSBURG & w/ Catharine A. R. - Report of Sales - Equity #4718 - Aug 1881 LAND - "Keefer's Prospect" and "Resurvey on Locust Level", 124 acres; on west side of road to KEEFER's Mill and land of William ADAMS (from his father Valentine). Adjoined farms of George MARKELL, Frederick KRANTZ and Dr. Frank SMITH. Improved with a large stone house, large stone barn, frame wagon shed, corn crib, meat house, large dairy house and a spring near the house; has a fruit orchard and farm is divided into fields. Isaac WAGENER was then residing on the property. To William H. RAMSBURG from Vallaetta S. T. WEAGLEY, exec/of James R. WEAGLEY at $9,762 in Sep 1863 [BGF-9, 197]. Previously the platt of Valentine ADAMS, dec'd, from Jacob KEEFER and Michael KEEFER, trustees. - "Resurvey on Locust Level", 60 acres. To William H. RAMSBURG from Michael H. HALLER & w/ Charlotte C. at $6,600 in Dec 1866 [JWLC-4, 516]. Previously to HALLER from John H. NELSON & wife in Apr 1864 [JWLC-1, 372]. Sale was held 4 Aug 1881 at the City Hotel in Frederick; high bidder was: - Catharine A. R. RAMSBURG at $9,218.12 Distribution of $9,218.13; court costs, $433.29 - Thomas GORSUCH, mortgagee, $8,784.83 - Balance subject to future order of the court, $4,140.38 Filed 10 Dec 1881
AF-3, 243-257 - WOOD, CRUM
William T. CRUM, mortgagee of Ellen WOOD & h/ James WOOD - Report of Sales - Equity #4705 - Jul 1881 Ellen WOOD was indebted to Adam A. DEVILBISS for $135 and, along with her husband, issued a mortgage to DEVILBISS who assigned it to William T. CRUM. Ellen WOOD d/ 27 Apr 1881, testate niece/ Ellen S. CRUM w/o William T. CRUM Devised estate to Ellen S. CRUM for life and upon her death to James H. CRUM (a minor), the s/o Ellen & William T. CRUM. Exec/ Ellen S. CRUM Witnesses: Jesse MORNINGSTAR, Daniel K. SAYLOR, Charles E. SAYLOR [Will written 27 May 1878] LAND - 1-acre Lot in Johnsville with a 2-story log house and carpenter shop. Then occupied by William T. CRUM. To Ellen WOOD from Richard SIMPSON & wife in Jan 1848 [ES-7, 682]. Sale was held 8 July 1881 on the premises; high bidder was: - William T. CRUM at $845 Distribution: court costs, $89.15 - William T. CRUM, mortgage & int, $169.15 - Estate of Ellen WOOD, dec'd, $586.69 Ellen S. CRUM petitioned the court for debt claimed of $1,073 against Ellen WOOD. Guardian was Edward McINTIRE, Esquire. Testimony was heard 19 Sep 1881 from: - William T. CRUM, Johnsville - Ellen WOOD came to live with them in Oct 1877 until she died; she had had three strokes and the last one had paralyzed her completely. - James A. HARTSOCK, Johnsville Distribution of $586.69; court costs, $150.85 - Mrs. Ellen S. CRUM, $376.22 - Dr. Luther M. ZIMMERMAN, $35.18 - William T. CRUM, $24.44 Filed 14 Dec 1881
AF-3, 257-260 - MEALEY, MARRIOTT
Charles E. MEALEY & w/ Mary R. vs Barbara MARRIOTT & Others - Exceptions to Audit - Equity #4631 (see AF-3, 1-28) - Feb 1881 Charles E. MEALEY claimed errors in audit as he and his w/ Mary R. MEALEY had two children living and by marriage he is entitled to curtesy share, separate from his wife's share. Mary R. MEALEY claimed she was married to Charles E. MEALEY on 11 March 1873 and had two children now living; claims she is entitled to the whole amount and her husband has no right to it. The court ruled in favor of Mary R. MEALEY stating the inheritance from her mother's estate after her father's death was her separate property and there is no curtesy clause in Maryland anymore. Filed 26 Oct 1881.
Caspar MERLING vs Herman L. MEYER & Others - Petition to Sell Real Estate - Equity #4680 - Mar 1881 Herman L. MEYER & w/ Margaret E. left the state of Maryland in Aug 1880 without making the payments per the Agreement of Sale of $2,346.56. Herman had started to build a house on the property but never finished it. Numerous other creditors had filed mechanics liens against MEYER for materials and labor for the house. Herman had claimed he assigned all his interests in the property over to the creditors who held liens against him. LAND - "Land and Promises", being part of "Resurvey on Locust Level", 16 acres; on the south side of Baltimore Turnpike, 1 mile east of Frederick; adjoined lands of John A. HEDGES, Mrs. Mary A. HEDGES, Mathew M. KINNEY and Joseph G. MILLER. Improved with a new 2-story brick house. To Caspar MERLING from John B. MUSSER & w/ Anna, Daniel M. ENGLE & w/ Mary (of Lancaster Co, PA) and Abraham M. ENGLE & w/ Barbara (of Franklin Co, PA) at $1,877 in March 1873 [CM-9, 756]. Previously to John B. MUSSER from George SMITH in Apr 1869 [CM-3, 275]. Trustees were Milton G. URNER and John O. MOTTER. Sale was held 8 May 1881 at the City Hotel in Frederick; high bidder was: - Caspar MERLING at $2,600 Distribution: court costs, $245.60 - Caspar MERLING, partial claim, $2,129.38 Mechanics liens were paid at 34% to: - Benjamin F. WINCHESTER, $92.02 - William H. HOOPER, $9.36 - Daniel P. WHIP, $11.25 - ROUTZAHN & BOWERS, $99.50 - Charles W. HALLER, $12.89 Filed 30 Mar 1881.
Ruth JOHNSON, et al vs Isaac RYAN, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4675 - Feb 1881 Mary JOHNSON d/ fall of 1880 in New Market District, intestate w/o Moses JOHNSON s/ Isaac RIAN & w/ Minerva s/ Exalander/Alexander RIAN, dec'd .....w/ Elizabeth A. ........Mary RIAN, a minor ........George RIAN, a minor d/ Eliza w/o John F. DAVIS d/ Ruth JOHNSON d/ Rebecca w/o Grafton DORSEY LAND - 1 1/2 acre about a mile from New London. Improved with a 1 1/2 story log house, fruit trees and spring with good fencing and on county road. To Mary JOHNSON, w/o Moses JOHNSON, from Jacob KELLER of J. & w/ Ann E. at $100 in Sep 1872 [CM-9, 522]. Previously to KELLER from Mennassah CREAGER, trustee. Guardian was Edward McINTIRE, Esquire. Testimony was heard on 16 May 1881 from: - Milton BURKE, age 50 - Eliza DAVIS, age 36 Trustee was Milton BURKE. Sale was held 16 July 1881 on the premises; high bidder was: - Joseph WOOD at $212.50 Distribution: court costs, $114.47 - each child's 1/5 share, $19.60 Filed 3 Jan 1882.
John A. DEGRANGE, guardian of Daniel DEGRANGE vs Peter SAHM & Others - Equity #4373 - May 1878 John George BEIRLEIN d/ May 1875 Frederick City, testate w/ Mary P. - Jacob SAHM Sr. - Louisa w/o William HOLTOWER - Peter SAHM Exec/ Peter SAHM Witnesses: Perry B. McCLERY, George E. SHIPLEY, Stephen S. DALGARN [Will written 23 Dec 1870] LAND - House & Lot (32 x 255') on north side of East Fifth St in Frederick. Improved with a frame house with brick back building; adjoined lots of Miss ESTERLY on the west and Mr. LOCHER on the east. John George BEIRLEIN from John LAMBRECHT/LAMBRIGHT & w/ Catharine at $390 in Feb 1848 [WBT-7, 41]. Previously to LAMBRECHT from Daniel KOLB & wife in Apr 1840 [HS-10, 512]. - Lot #10 of "Murdock Mountain", 27 acres. To Peter SAHM from Airy McDEVITT, Exec/of Samuel J. McDEVITT, Daniel GETZENDANNER & w/ Margaret E. in March 1871 [CM-6, 394]. In May 1878, Peter SAHM & w/Mary A. B. issued Deed of Trust to James W. PEARRE and Noah BOWLUS, Esquires, for benefit of Peter SAHM's creditors; included both parcels and merchandise, stock and fixtures in store room on NW corner of Market and Fourth Streets in Frederick. Peter SAHM was exec/of Ann E. STALEY and owed monies to Clara J. STALEY and Cora P. STALEY. Trustees were Charles W. ROSS and Milton G. URNER. Sale was held 29 Oct 1881 at the City Hotel in Frederick; high bidder was: - Frank B. CARLIN for the House & Lot on Fifth St at $417 Distribution: court costs, $195.67 - John A. DEGRANGE, guardian, (14% of $1,107), $164.33 - Samuel L. BOYER, guardian of Samuel SWARTZ, (14% of $384), $57 Filed 20 Jan 1882.
Gideoon STALEY & w/ Margaret vs Mary C. STALEY & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4681 - Mar 1881 Ezra STALEY d/ 28 Feb 1881, testate widow - Mary C. (age 40-45) (to receive $3,000) d/ Louisa STALEY w/o Lewis H. REESE s/ Gideon D. STALEY & w/ Margaret d/ Caroline STALEY w/o Blackford W. KNODE - Jefferson Co, WV d/ Minnie S. H. STALEY d/ Annie M. STALEY s/ Charles E. STALEY Property to be sold and divided equally among children. (children not named in Will, except son as executor) Exec/ Gideon D. STALEY Witnesses: J. William BIRELY, P. H. C. BIRELY, Frederick SHIPLEY [Will written 19 Oct 1876] LAND - part "Tasker's Chance", 32 acres; on left side of road from Frederick to Possumtown and adjoins northern limits of Frederick City. Land is divided into six fields and is suitable for a dairy; fencing in new post and rail. Improved with a 2-story 9-room house, large bank barn, large ice house and dairy attached; four wells of which two are near the kitchen door and one in the barnyard; a fruit orchard and large garden. To Ezra STALEY from George DOFLER & w/ Catharine in Mar 1840 [HS-10, 516]. Previously to DOFLER from Daniel BENTZ in Mar 1840. - 10 acres To Ezra STALEY from David J. MARKEY & w/ Susan in Nov 1843 [HS-21, 66]. Previously to MARKEY from George DOFLER in Mar 1840. Guardian was William H. HILLEARY, Esquire. Testimony was heard 24 Jun 1881 from: - Joseph CRONISE, age 58, Frederick City - George H. KEFAUVER, age 53, near Frederick City Trustee was Gideon STALEY. Sale was held 5 Nov 1881 at the City Hotel in Frederick; high bidder was: - John C. MOTTER of Frederick City at $8,464.50 Distribution of $8,839.50 ($375 was for rent); court costs, $593.28 - each child's 1/6 share, $1,374.37 Filed 19 Jan 1882.
AF-3, 328-334 - HOWARD, MANTZ - Jun 1881
Francis MANTZ, mortgagee of James M. HOWARD Report of Sales - Equity #4699 - Jun 1881 LAND - 4+ acres, in Urbana District on the line of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road on the east side of Monocacy River near the Frederick Junction. Adjoined land of James H. GAMBRILL. Improved with a 2-story weatherboarded house with back building and fruit trees. To James M. HOWARD from Joseph CRONISE & w/ Margaret R. in March 1880. Mortgaged to Francis MANTZ at $900 in Mar 1880. Sale was held 28 May 1881 at the City Hotel in Frederick; high bidder was: - Francis MANTZ at $850 Distribution: court costs, $132.52 - Francis MANTZ, partial mortgage claim ($720.57), $717.48 Filed 26 Nov 1881.
AF-3, 334-340 - WEBB, TANEY, DIELMAN, ROWE - Dec 1881
Lawrence L. DIELMAN, assignee of Mortgage from John H. T. WEBB & Others to Mary C. TANEY Report of Sales - Equity #4747 - Dec 1881 John H. T. WEBB & w/ Ellen and daughter Jemima A. WEBB were indebted by mortgage to Mary C. TANEY, now w/o Lawrence L. DIELMAN at $1,200 in Apr 1877. In Nov 1881, Mary assigned the mortgage to Eugene L. ROWE who later assigned it to Lawrence L. DIELMAN. LAND - Lot #95 on Main St in Emmitsburg; bounded by lots on the west of heirs of Joshua MOTTER and on the east of heirs of Andrew EYSTER. Improved with a weatherboarded house with brick back building, shop and stable on the rear of the property. Sale ad published in the Emmitsburg Chronicle by Samuel MOTTER, editor and publisher. Sale was held 10 Dec 1881 at the Western Maryland Hotel in Emmitsburg; high bidder was: - Charles J. ROWE at $1,510 Distribution: court costs, $156.36 - Lawrence L. DIELMAN, mortgage claim, $1,322.40 - J. H. T. WEBB, balance, $31.24 Filed 1 Feb 1882.
Robert H. E. BOTELER, mortgagee of Edward L. BOTELER - Equity #4247 - Supplemental of AF-2, 482-489 - Mar 1882 Edward L. BOTELER d/ 17 May 1881 (Will G-70 in Washington County and also recorded in Will books in Frederick County) execs/ William E. BOTELER and Thomas H. CRAMPTON of Washington County Deed for this property had not been conveyed to Edward L. BOTELER before his death and thus was not included in Will. Sale made for Burkittsille land on 4 Mar 1882 to: - Mathew ARNOLD (thru Washington County Orphan's Court) Alexander NULL of Washington County was appointed trustee to convey the deed. Filed 9 Mar 1882.
Joseph CRONISE, assignee of Samuel F. GLAZE, mortgagee of Joseph SHAWEN & Others Foreclosure - Equity #4726 - Oct 1881 In 1877, Joseph SHAWEN and William B. SHILLING & w/ Ella (t/a SHILLING & SHAWEN) were indebted to Samuel F. GLAZE by mortgage for $2,200. LAND - House & Lot on north side of West Patrick St in Frederick City. Improved with a 3-story brick building and back building attached; then used as a dwelling, bakery and store room. To William B. SHILLING from William N. YOUNG & wife in Feb 1873 [CM-9, 510]. William B. SHILLING sold 1/2 undivided share to Joseph SHAWEN in Apr 1873 [CM-9, 623]. Sale was held 1 Oct 1881 on the premises; high bidder was: - Joseph CRONISE at $2,400 Also sold was a horse and covered spring wagon and bakery and confectionary equipment such as a cracker machine with rollers. Distribution of $2,542.35 (included personal property of business) - court costs (including taxes), $304.54 - Joseph CROUSE, assignee of mortgage, partial, $2,237.81 Filed 13 Feb 1882.
Peter SEEGER, mortgagee of Valentine WOERNER/WARNER - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4662 - Feb 1881 Valentine WARNER (WOERNER) d/ Jan 1881, testate widow - Catharine d/ Jan 1881 (a day or two after her husband) s/ Christopher WARNER d/ Catharine/Katharina (WARNER) w/o August HERWICK / HERWIG d/ Mary (WARNER) w/o Peter SEEGER d/ Anna (WARNER) w/o Theodore BROOKEY Witnesses: Josiah HARRISON, B. H. SCHLEY, George K. BIRELY [Will written 7 Apr 1868] LAND - Lot #2 (42 x 100') on south side of All Saints St in the "Addition to Frederick Town". Located 70 feet from SW corner of All Saints St and Mantz St. Improved with a log house with basement and brick kitchen attached. To Valentine WARNER from Jacob LEILICH, exec/of George KETTLER and Ellen CROMWELL at $650 in Apr 1860 [BGF-5, 497]. Previously to Ellen CROMWELL from George METZGER [WBT-12, 410] and METZGER obtained from James HARPER [WBT-6, 241]. Mortgaged to Peter SEEGER. Valentine & Catharine WARNER were buried at Mount Olivet Cemetery under the name WOERNER. Trustee was Charles V. S. LEVY. Sale was held 14 Nov 1881 at the Carlin House in Frederick City - Peter SEEGER at $670 Distribution: court costs, $120.02 - Peter SEEGER, mortgage claim, $177.50 - multiple creditors, $176.85 per Will of Valentine WOERNER - Christopher WARNER, $2 - Mary SEEGER, 1/3, $64.54 - Annie BROOKEY, 1/3, $64.54 - Catharine HERWICK, 1/3, $64.54 Filed 1 Mar 1882.
John W. SENSENBAUGH & Others - Estate of John SENSENBAUGH - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4684 - Apr 1881 John SENSENBAUGH d/ Oct 1861, intestate widow - Magdalena (age 69) and 11 children: s/ George A. SENSENBAUGH & w/ Catharine - Indiana d/ Elizabeth SENSENBAUGH w/o Alexander GROVE - Washington County d/ Malinda SENSENBAUGH w/o John H. TOMS d/ Barbara E. SENSENBAUGH - Washington County d/ Ann E. SENSENBAUGH w/o Isaac HOFFMAN - Washington County d/ Sybilla SENSENBAUGH w/o Aaron CRAVER d/ Catharine SENSENBAUGH w/o Peter Columbus PRYOR s/ James C. SENSENBAUGH & w/ Amanda C. s/ Benjamin F. SENSENBAUGH - Indiana s/ John W. SENSENBAUGH & w/ Amanda C. s/ Simon P. SENSENBAUGH (died after his father) ...w/ Alcinda C. - (now w/o Paul KLINE) ......Clara R. SENSENBAUGH, a minor - Washington County ......Martha E. SENSENBAUGH, a minor - Washington County ......Mary SENSENBAUGH, a minor - Frederick County ......Virginia SENSENBAUGH, a minor - Washington County ......John J. SENSENBAUGH, a minor - Frederick County ......Joseph SENSENBAUGH, a minor - Frederick County LAND - parts of "Trapozie", "Polly's Fancy", "Leaning Rock", "Forrest's Purchase", "John Tom's Luck" and "Third Time of Asking", 100 acres, 2 1/2 miles from Wolfsville, on road from Wolfsville to Smithsburg. Adjoined lands of William WOLF on the north, Jacob KLINE on the west, Mrs. WOLF on the south and Joseph SENSENBAUGH on the east. To John SENSENBAUGH from late Sheriff Thomas GURLEY (now resident of Carroll County) (judgment against Henry MILLER for benefit of Jacob RIDENOUR) at $28.25 in July 1839. Simon P. & Alcinda SENSENBAUGH conveyed their share to Samuel BRANDENBURG in Jan 1865; and Samuel conveyed it, along with his wife Julia Ann BRANDENBURG, back to Simon P. in Apr 1872. Elizabeth & Alexander GROVE conveyed their share to Samuel BRANDENBURG and Simon P. SENSENBAUGH for $200 in Feb 1868. Guardian was William H. HILLEARY. Testimony was heard 13 Sep 1881 from: - Jacob WILLIAMS Jr - Jacob H. MAUGANS Trustee was John W. SENSENBAUGH; land divided into 6 lots, most were timber land but Lot #5 had some cleared area, 12 acres. All lots adjoined, however, Lot #4 which is a ong and thin parcel, extends out and away from the others. Sale was held 21 Jan 1882; high bidders were: - David BARKMAN for 1+ acre, Lot #4 at $80.50 Other lots didn't receive a sufficient bid. Later private sale for the remaining lots of 97 acres was made to: - James C. SENSENBAUGH at $2,500 Distribution of $2,580.50; court costs, $312.16 - Magdalena SENSENBAUGH, widow, in lieu of dower, 1/10, $226.83 - James C. SENSENBAUGH, assignee of George A. SENSENBAUGH, 1/11, $185.59 - Malinda TOMS - Barbara SENSENBAUGH - Ann E. HOFFMAN - Sabilla CRAVER - Catharine PRYOR - James C. SENSENBAUGH - James C. SENSENBAUGH, assignee of Benjamin F. SENSENBAUGH - John W. SENSENBAUGH - Samuel BRANDENBURG, assignee of Elizabeth & Alexander GROVE 1/2 of 1/11, $92.79 - Simon P. SENSENBAUGH's heirs, 1/11, $185.59 - Simon P. SENSENBAUGH's heirs, assignee of Elizabeth & Alexander GROVE 1/2 of 1/11, $92.79 - totals $278.38 ..........Alcinda C. KLINE, widow, 1/7, $39.76; balance to children, each 1/6, $39.77 Filed 25 Mar 1882.
Eleanor HOBBS vs Lewis A. HOBBS & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4668 - Feb 1881 John T. HOBBS d/ 1872, testate devised estate to his father, John HOBBS Exec/ John HOBBS Witnesses: E. W. KNODE, Daniel J. MANNING, Joseph E. ELDER [Will written 22 Jan 1872; filed 28 Feb 1872] --- John HOBBS, farmer, d/ Aug 1879, testate, in Emmitsburg w/ Eleanor HOBBS s/ John T. HOBBS d/1872 s/ Lewis A. HOBBS (non compos mentis) s/ Charles F. HOBBS - Mount Hope, Baltimore County (non compos mentis) s/ Joseph A. HOBBS & w/ Mary s/ Joshua HOBBS & w/ Catharine d/ Mary HOBBS wid/o John WALTER Sr. - Piscataway, Prince George's County d/ Elizabeth Catharine HOBBS d/ Ella HOBBS w/o James WELTY d/ Rebecca Agnes HOBBS s/ Benjamin HOBBS & w/ Betty d/ Lydia HOBBS (non compos mentis) w/o Alfred RIDDLEMOSER (his whereabouts unknown) - College of St. Joseph's to control of shares for Lewis, Elizabeth, Rebecca and Lydia. - Ella's share to be invested in a home for her as long as she lives and then to her children; son Joseph to help with the purchase. Estate to wife and upon her death to be sold and divided equally among their children. (no power of sale listed in Will) Exec/ wife Eleanor Witnesses: Elias W. KNODE, R. S. KNODE, William H. FLEGEL [Will written 6 Jun 1879; filed 2 Sep 1879] --- LAND - 118 acres in 5th Election District - "Heim's Choice", 112 acres; adjoined farm of Elias LILLY. - 'Saw Mill Place', 6 acres; adjoined William DORSEY's lot. To Eleanor HOBBS (w/o John) and John T. HOBBS from Aloysius J. ALTHOFF and William A. ALTHOFF, execs/of Henry ALTHOFF for $2,000 in June 1863 [JWLC-_, 50]. SOLD by John HOBBS & w/ Eleanor - To Anastasia ELDER for 2 1/2 acres (part of the saw mill seat) at $35; adjoined lot of Mrs. ELDER, in Mar 1875 [TG-6, 468]. - To George LIVERS for 3+ acres (part of the "Saw Mill Place") at $65; adjoined land of A. LEE, in Jul 1877 [TG-8, 134]. Guardian for Lewis, Charles and Lydia was William H. HILLEARY, Esquire. Testimony was heard 23 Sep 1881 from: - Elijah CLOSE, age 74, Emmitsburg - George R. OVELMAN, age 42, Emmitsburg Isaac M. FISHER wanted to purchase 11 acres at $50/acre which has already been surveyed; adjacent to MOTTER's Station; request made to complete this sale. Trustee was John C. MOTTER who made private sale to Isaac M. FISHER for the 11+ acres at $583.12. Distribution of $583.12 - court costs, $164.13 + FISHER's pymt in excess, $116.15 = $535.14 - Eleanor HOBBS, her half as purchaser with son, $267.37 - Eleanor HOBBS, her natural life estate per Will, $267.37 Filed 11 Feb 1882.
Martin T. BUSSARD vs George H. BUSSARD, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4723 (two GRAVEYARDS mentioned) - Sep 1881 Samuel M. BUSSARD d/ July 1881 at his home in Hauver's District, intestate leaving no widow, but 7 children s/ Martin T. BUSSARD s/ George H. BUSSARD, a minor s/ Samuel Peter BUSSARD, a minor d/ Margaret C. BUSSARD, a minor d/ Martha A. BUSSARD, a minor s/ John H. BUSSARD, a minor d/ Ira B. BUSSARD, a minor LAND - "Stony Lick" and "Bruce's Range", 99 acres; adjoins land of Gideon BUSSARD. (Home place, also with parts of "Hide and Seek" for 167 acres; the farm sold as 120 acres, the rest sold as wood lots.) Improved with a 2-story log house with back building, bank barn, corn crib, spring house, blacksmith shop and orchard. Then occupied by Martin T. BUSSARD. EXCEPTION is GRAVEYARD on "Stony Lick", forever excepted. To Samuel M. BUSSARD from Peter H. BUSSARD & w/ Charlotte for $900 in May 1855 [ES-9, 72]. (9 wood lots advertised as 12, 13, 8, 9, 15, 19, 25, 9 and 21 acres respectively; Lot #9 was improved with a house and saw mill and lay in Catoctin District.) - "The Three Mill Seats", 40+ acres. To Samuel M. BUSSARD from Elihu H. ROCKWELL for $200 in Sep 1856 [ES-7, 672]. Previously to ROCKWELL from Thomas SAPPINGTON in Nov 1843; to Thomas SAPPINGTON from B. S. PIGMAN, trustee in Dec 1825; to John MUMFORD from Christian GARBER in Apr 1811. - "The Three Mill Seats" and Lot K, 61+ acres. To Samuel M. BUSSARD from Solomon FULTON and John FULTON & w/ Sarah for $1,200 in Sep 1856 [ES-7, 672]. Previously to Robert FULTON from Michael MORNINGSTAR in Jun 1801. - "Bear Ridge" and "The Three Mill Seats", 91 acres; adjoined tracts, "Good Luck" and "Strong Spring" and land of Levi TROXELL and Daniel BUSSARD. To Samuel M. BUSSARD from John CALAMAN & w/ Rachel CALAMAN of Franklin Co, PA for $300 in Oct 1858 [BGF-3, 505]. Previously to CALAMAN from John BUSSARD & w/ Susan in Sep 1852 [ES-1, 544]. - "Bear Ridge", 76+ acres, and "The Three Mill Seats", 22+ acres; adjoined tract "Good Luck". - Lot #3 of "The Three Mill Seats", 22+ acres To Samuel M. BUSSARD from John BUSSARD & w/ Susana of Washington County for $600 in Mar 1862 [BGF-7, 524]. - "Murdock Mountain Resurveyed", 35+ acres To Samuel M. BUSSARD from Peter H. BUSSARD & w/ Charlotte M. for $400 in Apr 1864 [JWLC-2, 20]. - Lot #16, 8+ acres; Lot #17, 9 acres, and Lot #19, 12+ acres To Samuel M. BUSSARD from Gideon BUSSARD & w/ Ann Sophia for $587 in Dec 1865 [JWLC-3, 344]. Previously to Gideon from Ignatius BROWN & w/ Susanna, John KRISE & w/ Mary and Jacob H. RIDENOUR & wife in Jan 1865 [JWLC-2, 662]. - Timber land - Lot #6, 14+ acres; Lot #7, 14+ acres; Lot #8, 13+ acres; Lot #9, 9+ acres; and Lot #10, 8 acres. To Samuel M. BUSSARD from Ignatius BROWN & w/ Susanna, John KRISE & w/ Mary and Jacob H. RIDENOUR & w/ Kezia in Jan 1865 [JWLC-2, 662]. - "The Three Mill Seats", 30 acres. To Samuel M. BUSSARD from Jacob P. SWOPE & w/ Margaret in Feb 1866 [JWLC-4, 81]. - Lot #10 of "Gist's Forrest", 24+ acres; near county road from Harman's saw mill to GATE's Farm on east side of road. To Samuel M. BUSSARD from Abraham PATTERSON for $40 in Aug 1866 [JWLC-4, 625]. Previously to Patterson from Samuel LEWIS & w/ Catharine in Jul 1866. - "The Three Mill Seats" and "Resurvey on Mountain Lot", 12+ acres (Lots 1 & 2, part of division of William TOMS estate) - "Hide and Seek", 23+ acres To Samuel BUSSARD from heirs of William TOMS: Mary TOMS, Samuel TOMS & w/ Mary, Solomon TOMS & w/ Sarah, Abraham TOMS & w/ Susan, David TOMS & w/ Emaline, Daniel TOMS & w/ Malinda, William TOMS & w/ Eva Ann, Henry BROWN & w/ Mary, Catharine LEWIS & h/ Samuel, Samuel SMITH & w/ Barbary for $756.25 in Mar 1869 [CM-3, 288]. - "Stony Lick" and "Bruce's Range", 120 acres, known as 'Gates Farm' in Hauver's District on road from Catoctin Furnace to Foxville. Improved with a double house, barn and orchard. - "Hide and Seek", 8+ acres - "The Three Mill Seats", 72+ acres (Farm was 101 acres with balance divided into 8 lots, the 8th lot in Mechanicstown District.) To Samuel M. BUSSARD from Gideon BUSSARD & w/ Ann S. for $2,200 in Apr 1870 [CM-5, 688]. - "What You Please", 18 acres and 2 acres - "Philip's Delight", 12 acres To Samuel M. BUSSARD from Peter H. BUSSARD, as trustee for heirs of John BUSSARD of Washington County, & w/ Charlotte M. for $192 in Dec 1869 [CM-4, 407]. - "Auburn" (Hayland Farm), 198 acres; east of turnpike from Frederick to Emmitsburg, adjoined tract "Springfield" and land of KITZMILLER and Dr. William S. McPHERSON; and on north side of road to Catoctin Furnace, Jesse ROBERT's land, to north side of Fishing Creek. Then occupied by John W. STINE. EXCLUDES - School House Lot, GRAVEYARD and part then in occupancy of M. ZIMMERMAN. Reserves use of streams running past his iron furnace. - "Springfield", 4+ acres Improved with a 1 1/2 story house, bank barn, corn crib, wagon shed; divided into 9 fields with good fencing. To Samuel M. BUSSARD from John B. KUNKEL & w/ Debora B. and his mortgage creditors, Richard C. MARTIN of Frederick County, and George W. WARD and H. Irving KEYSER of Baltimore City for $11,250 in Apr 1879 [TG-11, 501-504]. Previously to KUNKEL from Gideon BUSSARD & w/ Ann S. in Nov 1865 [JWLC-3, 300]. - "Hide and Seek", 11+ acres; on north side of Spring Branch on west side of public road. Previously to SHUFF from Denton C. HAYS & wife in Apr 1873 [CM-9, 746]. - "What You Please", 7+ acres. To Samuel M. BUSSARD from Benjamin SHUFF Jr & w/ Sarah for $140 in Mar 1879. - 128+ acres To Samuel M. BUSSARD from Ignatius BROWN from Ignatius BROWN, John KRISE & w/ Mary and Jacob H. RIDENOUR & w/ Kesiah for $10 in Oct 1879 [AF-3, 366]. - "What You Please", 13+ acres To Samuel M. BUSSARD from John SHUFF & w/ Sarah E. for $20 in Jan 1881 [AF-3, 726]. Previously to SHUFF from Frederick LEATHERMAN & wife in /Sep 1879. - 20 acre mountain lot in Mechanicstown. To Samuel M. BUSSARD from Edward L. O. JACOBS & w/ Mary C. of Carroll County for $50 in Nov 1871 [AF-3, 578].. Previously to William JACOBS (dec'd) from Joseph DAVIS, trustee for estate of Michael JACOBS. There are 200 acres in Creagerstown District and the remainder was mountain land in Hauver's, Catoctin and Mechanicstown Districts. Some parts of the mountain land were part of "Timber Plenty". The land was resurveyed by John O. HAYS, Esquire, into Plats A through F. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Guardian was William H. HILLEARY, Esquire. Testimony was heard 27 Sep 1881 from: - Peter Hanson BUSSARD - John O. HAYS Trustees were Peter Hanson BUSSARD and Martin T. BUSSARD. SALE was held 29 Dec 1881 on the premises of the Home Farm in Hauver's District on road to Mechanicstown; high bidders were: Plat A - George H. BUSSARD for Hayland's Farm, 198 acres, in Lewistown; adjoining lands of Dr. William S. McPHERSON and John B. KUNKEL; and "Springfield", 4+ acres; at $50/acre (203 acres total). Plat B - in Hauver's District - Samuel P. BUSSARD for the Home Place, 120 acres, at $20/acre. - Lawson CLINE for wood lot #1 of 12 acres at $14.87/acre (adjoined home place) - Peter E. BUSSARD for wood lot #2 of 13 acres at $24.10/acre - John W. BUSSARD of P.H.B. for wood lot #3 of 8 acres at $22.25/acre - Samuel P. BUSSARD for wood lot #4 of 9 acres at $18.52/acre and wood lot #5 of 15 acres at $11.32/acre - James O. HARNE and James H. DELAUTER for wood lot #6 of 19 acres at $9.95/acre - James O. HARNE and James H. DELAUTER for wood lot #7 of 25 acres at $13.25/acre - Benjamin SHUFF/SHEFFY for wood lot #8 of 9 acres at $13.05/acre; with right of way through farm Plat C - in Hauver's District, "Bruce's Range", "Hide and Seek" and "Timber Plenty": - Noah ECCARD for Gates Farm, 101 acres, in Hauver's District on road from Catoctin Furnace to Foxville, at $9.05/acre - Noah ECCARD for Lots #3, 4, 5 on Plat C, 30 acres, at $1.80/acre - Peter HAUVER for Lots #1 & 2, totaling 28 acres, at $2.25/acre - Leonard R. WAESCHE and J. Theodore WAESCHE for Lot #6 of 8 acres at $22.50/acre & Lot #7 of 9 acres at $26/acre - Robert PATTERSON for Lot #8 of 12 acres in Mechanicstown at $8/acre Plat D - In Catoctin District - "Philip's Delight", "What You Please" and "Hide and Seek" on road from Hamburg to Foxville, near Philip's Delight School House: - Wilson STOTTLEMYER for Lot #1 of 18 acres at $80; improved with a 1 1/2 story log house, orchard and timber. - Samuel P. BUSSARD for Lot #2 of 13 acres at $1/acre; with a spring, fruit trees and young timber. - George W. W. HURLEY for Lot #3 of 14 acres at $15/acre - John KELBAUGH for Lot #4 of 18 acres at $1/acre Plat E - in Hauver's District; adjoining lands of William H. HARMAN on county road to Mechanicstown; part of "The Three Mill Seat": - David T. PATTERSON for Lot #1 of 25 acres at $5/acre - Samuel W. LEWIS for Lot #2 of 46 acres at $4/acre - Robert PATTERSON for Lot #3 of 44 acres at $6/acre - George L. FOX for Lot #4 of 31 acres at $5.20/acre in Mechanicstown Plat F - in Hauver's District; parts of "Bear Ridge", "Three Mill Seat", "Murdock Mountain Resurveyed", "Hide and Seek" and "Resurvey on Mountain Lot #6"; on road from Foxville to Catoctin Furnace: - Hanson C. DRAPER and Cyrus C. SHUFF for Lot #1 of 76+ acres at $4/acre - Samuel P. BUSSARD for Lot #2 of 32+ acres at $3/acre (rail timber & locust) - Jacob KUHN for Lot #3 of 41+ acres at $1.55/acre - John R. STOTTLEMYER and Martin R. BRANDENBURG for Lot #4 of 19+ acres at $12/acre - John R. STOTTLEMYER and Martin R. BRANDENBURG for Lot #5 of 29+ acres at $9.35/acre - Samuel W. LEWIS for Lot #6 of 12+ acres at $1.60/acre - Charles H. REDMAN, Joseph A. REDMAN and William H. HURLEY for Lot #7 of 30 acres at $4.50/acre (This lot separate from the others and on Catoctin Furnace to Wolfsville road) - George W. W. HURLEY for Lot #8 of 27+ acres at $1.80/acre - John SHUFF for Lot #9 of 35+ acres at $13.25/acre - William TOMS for Lot #10 of 23+ acres at $3/acre Total sales, $19,036.64. Distribution of $16,677.34; court costs, $879.72 - Each child's 1/7 share, $2,256.80 Filed 1 Mar 1882.
David S. K. MILLER & w/ Rosanna vs Lewis H. MILLER & w/ Lydia A. R. - Equity #4287 - Supplemental - Apr 1880 Judgment was obtained against Lewis H. MILLER by David C. WINEBRENNER, admin/of George A. WINEBRENNER. By law, Lydia A. R. MILLER is entitled to $100 from the trust funds in lieu of her dower. The court appoved the $100 along with 1/14th, or $27.41, of the $383.85, then held in trust funds; the balance to David C. WINEBRENNER as admin in the Judgment case. Trustees were David S. K. MILLER and Jacob M. MILLER. After failed public sales, private sale was made to: - A. RAMSBURG for Lots #311 through 315 at $1,100 Located on East Fourth St in Fredericktown, adjoining land of John LOATS 3rd Distribution of $1,100; court costs, $77.50 To children and heirs of A. C. MILLER: - David S. K. MILLER, 1/9, $113.61 - H. Elizabeth MILLER, 1/9, $113.61 - Mary A. HALLER, 1/9, $113.61 - Barbara A. MANTZ, 1/9, $113.61 - Ann R. ZACHARIAS, 1/9, $113.61 - Milton MILLER, 1/9, $113.61 - A. E. MILLER, assign of Jacob M. MILLER, 1/9, $113.61 - Charles ANDERSON, grandson, 1/3 of 1/9, $37.87 - Mary ANDERSON, granddaughter, 1/3 of 1/9, $37.87 - Lillie ANDERSON, granddaughter, 1/3 of 1/9, $37.87 - David C. WINEBRENNER, adm, judgment against Lewis H. MILLER, $113.61 Filed May 1882.
Ezra SMITH of J., mortgagee of John H. LOCKE & w/ Angeline - Report of Sales - Equity #4741 - Dec 1881 LAND - 116 acres in 11th/Woodsborough District; 1 1/2 miles east of Woodsborough on the road to Johnsville; adjoining lands of Michael FOGLE and Benjamin EYLER. Improved with a 2-story weatherboarded house and good stabling; divided into fields with running water and several springs; land is limestone and slate with ten acres in timber. To John H. LOCKE from Charles WOOD & w/ Mary in Apr 1857 [BGF-3, 366]. - 4 acres To John H. LOCKE from John W. BARRICK & w/ Elizabeth in May 1866 [JWLC-4, 396]. Mortgaged to Ezra SMITH of J. for $1,400 in Oct 1877. Sale was held 3 Dec 1881; high bidder was: - Sarah D. SMITH (w/o Solomon SMITH) at $2,800 The now widow of John H. LOCKE, Angeline LOCKE objected to the sale, claiming it was not sold at the best price; however, she withdrew the objection on 15 Jan 1882. Petition of R. Nelson NORWOOD for payment of his Apr 1881 mortgage of $1,600. He claimed Angeline was an heir of William A. ALBAUGH and inherited an undivided 1/5 of a tract conveyed to William A. ALBAUGH from John PHILIPS, exec/of Nicholas HAY in Apr 1846 [WBT-4, 223]. Exception was a portion conveyed to Elias V. ALBAUGH in Mar 1879 [TG-11, 235] from heirs and children of William A. ALBAUGH - Jeremiah W. ALBAUGH & w/ Henrietta E. - Angeline w/o John H. LOCKE - Margaret C. w/o George W. ETZLER - Martha E. w/o Henry O. ZIMMERMAN Sarah D. SMITH paid a portion of the sale price but failed to pay the balance (sale stipulated it to be paid in cash). Property was to be resold. Petition of Sarah D. SMITH by husband Solomon SMITH of P. opposed the resale as they claimed they were not given notice. Also an order was passed on 17 Mar 1882 to strike their sale and substitute and replace R. Nelson NORWOOD as the buyer. Petition of R. Nelson NORWOOD asking to void the sale to Sarah D. SMITH since the monies are insufficient to pay off both mortgages; to withdraw the previous order to resale the property; to substitute him as the purchaser; and to appoint a trustee to convey a deed. (17 Mar 1882) He further stated: Ezra SMITH of J. died since 27 Feb 1882 with a Will; exec/ John C. MOTTER, Esquire, who assigned the mortgage to R. Nelson NORWOOD. The court approved NORWOOD's petition and appointed Frank C. NORWOOD as the trustee for the conveyence. Petition of Sarah D. SMITH by husband Solomon SMITH of P. opposed the conveyence and asked they be allowed to complete the payment of the original sale. NORWOOD opposed their petition and asked it be dismissed which the court did. Distribution of $2,854.72 (interest included); court costs, $254.36 = $2,600.36 - SMITH's 1st mortgage w/int, $1,517.13 - NORWOOD's 2nd mortgage w/int, partial, $1,063.23 Filed 5 Apr 1882.
B. Amos CUNNINGHAM, mortgagee of Benjamin W. DUVALL - Report of Sales - Equity #4751 - Dec 1881 LAND - "Resurvey on Hope", 117 acres. To Benjamin W. DUVALL (w/ Anna M.) from Richard H. MURDOCK & w/ Mary E. in Aug 1874 [TG-2, 64]. Mortgaged to B. Amos CUNNINGHAM for $3,800. Sale was held 15 Dec 1881 on the premises; high bidder was: - B. Amos CUNNINGHAM at $3,758.60, cash Trustee to convey the deed was Edw. S. EICHELBERGER, Esquire. After court costs, the balance, $3,693.35 went to B. Amos CUNNINGHAM for partial mortgage. Filed 14 Feb 1882.
William LIPPS & Others vs John E. HURLEY & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4658 - Jan 1881 Abraham TOMS Sr. d/ Jun 1881, intestate widow - Susan and 9 children d/ Mahala TOMS w/o William LIPPS - Boone Co, Indiana s/ Daniel TOMS, single d/ Mary Ann TOMS w/o John E. HURLEY s/ Thomas B. TOMS & w/ Anna Melia - Washington County s/ Hiram TOMS & w/ Selina s/ Michael TOMS & w/ Catharine R. s/ John H. TOMS & w/ Martha s/ Jacob TOMS, single - Lyon Co, Kansas s/ Abraham TOMS Jr & w/ Julia - Washington County LAND - "Three Tracts Alltogether", 74 acres, the Home Place in Hauver's District, 3/4 mile south of Foxville. Improved with a log house and barn with an apple orchard. To Abraham TOMS from Samuel TOMS & w/ Susannah at $900 in Mar 1855 [CM-6, 208]. - "Three Mill Seats", 64 acres; 1 3/4 miles SW of Foxville; adjoined land of Jeremiah FORREST; covered with chestnut, oak and hickory timber. To Abraham TOMS from Paul KLINE at $100 in Nov 1860 [BGF-6, 679]. Previously to KLINE from David LOHR. - "Three Mill Seats", 150 acres, on the Old Furnace Road, adjoined land of Ezra MOSER. - "Three Tracts Alltogether", 1 acre, contiguous to other tract. To Abraham TOMS Jr. from Jacob WYANT & w/ Susannah of Champaigne Co, Ohio at $1,010 in Jul 1839 [HS-10, 348-350].. Previously the 150 acres to WYANT from Henry POORMAN & w/ Catharine, John WYANT and Yost WYANT in Dec 1811 [WR-42, 524-528]. Previously the 1 acre to WYANT from Bernard SWOPE in Dec 1826 [JS-27, 710]. Part of "Three Mill Seats" was sold by Abraham, leaving a 34 acre section; an 8 acre section; a 21 acre section (Johnson Lot), adjoining George H. FOX. - "Nest Egg" or "Dunkard's Folly", (Bechtel lot), 3 acres, adjoined part to Bernard LEWIS. (never deeded to Abraham) Previously to George POE from Jacob GOOD. - 12 acres in 9th District of Washington County, 7 miles west of Foxville and 1/4 mile west of Welty's Meeting House to DERBOW's Mill to middle of forks in road near the store, then to middle of crossroads and to Waynesboro Road; adjoined land of Joseph GARVER, Christian NEWCOMER and Jones KOHLER. Improved with a house and stable. To Abraham TOMS from Ezra BROWN, trustee in Washington County Equity Case #2130, Jefferson BROWN, Delilah BROWN & Others vs George BROWN, Hannah RICE & Others, at $2,180 in Apr 1870 [WMKK-2,368 Wash. Co]. Previously to William D. BROWN from John WELTY. Trustees were Johnn C. MOTTER and Fred J. NELSON. SALE was held 7 May 1881 in front of BROWN's Store in Foxville; high bidders were: - John H. TOMS for Tract A - Lots #1, 3 to 6 for 76 acres in Hauver's District, 3/4 mile south of Foxville and adjoining land of Silas BUHRMAN and Barney LEWIS, at $35/acre - John H. TOMS for Tract B - Lot #2 of Tract A, 9 acres in Hauver's District at $20/acre - Melancthon HAUVER for Tract C - Lot #1 of 6 acres in Hauver's District, east of the home farm and part of Wyant's land, at $12/acre - Isaac M. GRUMBINE for Tract C - Lot #2 of 3 acres in Hauver's District (adjoins Lot #1) at $29/acre - Lee LEWIS for Tract C - Lot #3 of 4 acres in Hauver's District (adjoins Lot #2) at $25.50/acre - Theodore SMITH for Tract C - Lot #4 of 4 acres in Hauver's District (adjoins Lot #3) at $13.50/acre - Michael TOMS for Tract C - Lot #5 of 4 acres in Hauver's District (adjoins Lot #4) at $20.05/acre - Alfred LEWIS for Tract C - Lot #6 of 5 acres in Hauver's District (adjoins Lot #5) at $28/acre - Joseph L. BURHMAN for Tract C - Lot #7 of 6 acres in Hauver's District (adjoins Lot #6) at $30/acre - George L. FOX for Tract C - Lot #8 of 3 acres in Hauver's District (adjoins Lot #7) at $25/acre - John KELBAUGH for Tract D - Lots #1 to 4 of 53 acres in Hauver's District, 1 3/4 miles SW of Foxville and adjoining lands of Jeremiah FORREST, at $14.50/acre - T. B. TOMS for Tract E - "Nest Egg" or "Dunkard's Folly", (Bechtel lot), 3 acres, in Hauver's District, near the home farm, at $25.10/acre - Levi D. SPESSARD for Tract F - Lots #1 to 4 of 12 acres in Washington County at $105/acre; however, he asked that Rebecca Ann SPESSARD replace him as purchaser. Total sales, $5,981.54. 1st Distribution of $2,961.57; court costs, $524.34 Claim Exceptions to: - Thomas B. TOMS, $172.66, $110.42, $489.54 - John H. TOMS, $48.12, $72.50 - Daniel TOMS, $697.01 - Abraham TOMS, $36.03, $41.25 Leaving balance of $769.70 - Susan TOMS, widow, in lieu of dower, 1/10, $76.97 - Each child's 1/9 share, $76.97 William & Mahala LIPPS and Michael & Catharine TOMS filed a petition objecting to claims made by four of the sons. The distributions were put on hold for further determination. (Continued on page/folio 757-760, but presented here) Distribution of $3,731.81; court costs, $134.71 = $3,597.10 - F. J. NELSON, atty/for Thomas B. TOMS, $172.66, $110.42 - F. J. NELSON, atty/for John H. TOMS, $20.62 - F. J. NELSON, atty/for Daniel TOMS, $427.32 - F. J. NELSON, atty/for Abraham TOMS, $19.61, $33 Leaving balance of $2,813.47 - Susan TOMS, widow, in lieu of dower, 1/10, $281.34 - John C. MOTTER, atty/for Mahala LIPPS, 1/9, $281.34 - John C. MOTTER, atty/for Mary A. HURLEY, 1/9, $281.34 - John C. MOTTER, atty/for Michael TOMS, 1/9, $281.34 - Frederick J. NELSON, atty/for Daniel TOMS, 1/9, $281.34 - Frederick J. NELSON, atty/for Thonas B. TOMS, 1/9, $281.34 - Frederick J. NELSON, atty/for Hiram TOMS, 1/9, $281.34 - Frederick J. NELSON, atty/for John H. TOMS, 1/9, $281.34 - Frederick J. NELSON, atty/for Jacob TOMS, 1/9, $281.34 - Frederick J. NELSON, atty/for Abraham TOMS, 1/9, $281.34 The court confirmed the distribution. Filed the file 4 Aug 1882.
AF-3, 506-517 - HARBAUGH, BROWN
Frederick Town Savings Institute vs Henry HARBAUGH of E. - Foreclosure - Equity #4228 - Feb 1877 LAND - 'Elias and Catharine HARBAUGH's Home', 198 acres in Hauver's District; on road to Waynesboro, PA and along Friends Creek. Improved with a 2-story weatherboarded log house, large bank barn with a spring in the spring house near the dwelling; also has a fountain running constantly in the barnyard for the stock; also has fruit trees and the famous 'Horse Shoe / Pend' is made on the farm. There is also a saw mill and a chopping mill with timber; county road leads directly through the property. William Frank BIRELY then lived on the premises and Hiram G. MILLER lived nearby. To Henry HARBAUGH of E. from Hiram HARBAUGH, Jacob HARBAUGH and George HARBAUGH, execs/of Elias HARBAUGH of J. at $2,970 in Dec 1862 [BGF-8, 137]. Mortgaged to Frederick Town Savings at $1,500 in Dec 1862. (Portions were sold off by Henry) Trustee was Louis V. SCHOLL who declined and George W. MILLER was appointed to replace him. SALE was held 29 Oct 1881 on the premises, 1/2 mile from Sabillasville on the Western Maryland Rail Road; high bidder was: - John M. BROWN for 142 acres at $2,105 1st Distribution of $1,052.50; court costs, $253.38 - Frederick Town Savings, partial mortgage, $799.12 Filed 1 Feb 1882.
AF-3, 517-523 - WELTY, BIGGS
Joshua BIGGS, mortgagee of Elias WELTY & w/ Mariah - Report of Sales - Equity #4769 - Feb 1882 LAND - "Resurvey on Buck Forrest", 8 acres, 3 miles north of Rocky Ridge, on the Emmitsburg Rail Road, adjoining land of Ephriam ECKENRODE and John NORRIS. Improved with a 2-story frame weather boarded house, nearly new, a cow stable and a young orchard. To Mariah WELTY from Joshua BIGGS & w/ Phoebe S. at $500 in Apr 1880 [AF-3, 622]. Previously to BIGGS from Emanuel L. ECKENRODE & others in Oct 1876 [TG-6, 304]. Mortgaged at $416 in Apr 1880. SALE was held 25 Feb 1882 on the premises; high bidder was: - Joshua BIGGS at $490 After court costs, Joshua BIGGS received $393.96 as partial mortgage claim. Filed 14 May 1882.
Robert J. NELSON vs Ellen NELSON & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4736 - Dec 1881 Robert NELSON d/ Apr 1875 in Libertytown - father of: Robert W. NELSON d/ 1863, intestate widow - Ellen s/ Robert J. NELSON & w/ Annie E. ENGLAR d/ Mary R. NELSON w/o John D. NICODEMUS d/ Ellen S. NELSON, a minor and w/o John H. STOUFFER d/ Laura R. NELSON, a minor LAND - "Monocacy Manor", 103 acres; on road from Walkersville to Woodsborough; adjoined land of Thomas LINK and Methodist Episcopal Church and road to Devilbiss Ford. - 1/4 acre on Israel's Creek - "Mackey's Luck", 18 acres To Robert W. NELSON from his father, Robert NELSON, for natural love and affection, with the father having a life estate, in Sep 1859 [BGF-4, 587]. - "Monocacy Manor", on Israel's creek; adjoined land of Gideon D. CRUMBAUGH. To Robert NELSON from Burgess N. CLARY & w/ Sarah at $27.50 in Oct 1850 [WBT-11, 640]. - "Resurvey on Mackey's Luck", 58 acres; adjoined land of Daniel BURRIER. To Robert NELSON from Thomas S. DULANEY and Aquilla DULANEY of Cecil County on the Eastern Shore in Maryland at $391.58 in Jan 1847. (Aquilla DULANEY is the father of Thomas S. and had a life estate by right of marriage to Thomas' mother.) [WBT-6, 488]. - "Mother's Care", 39 acres; adjoined land of Jacob ANDERS and William LONG. To Robert Wesley NELSON from Jacob SNYDER & w/ Mahala at $823 in Apr 1863 [BGF-9, 105]. On 12 Dec 1881, John D. NICODEMUS certified Ellen NELSON, the widow, was about 53 years old and in good general health. Guardian was William H. HILLEARY, Esquire. Testimony was heard 7 Jan 1882 from: - Esau D. CREAGER - Charles D. BURRIER Trustee was Ellen NELSON. Private sale was made to: - Robert J. NELSON for 104 acres at $10,400 - for 18 acres - for 39 acres at $1,000 Total sales, $11,400. Distribution of $11,400; court costs, $531.60 - Ellen NELSON, widow, in lieu of dower, 1/9, $1,207.60 - Each child's 1/4 share, $2,415.20 Filed 24 Apr 1882.
AF-3, 540-551 - KELLER, COBLENTZ
Ada R. KELLER vs John KELLER & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4727 - Oct 1881 Mary E. KELLER d/ Mar 1881, intestate, widow d/ Ada R. KELLER s/ John D. KELLER, a minor LAND - House & Lot (66 front x 33 back and 330 in length) on Main St in Middletown, opposite Odd Fellows Hall; adjoins alley between lots of Asa BOWLUS on the west and Zabia LORENTZ on the east. Improved with a 2 1/2 story weatherboarded house with back building on a corner lot with a large blacksmith shop fronting on Main Street; also has a stable, a well at the kitchen door and choice fruit trees. To Mary E. KELLER from Daniel BRANDENBURG & w/ Lydia A. R. at $1,305 in Apr 1878 [TG-7, 364]. Previously to Daniel from John H. RAMSBURG and Charles T. RAMSBURG, adm/de Bovis non of the Will of John RAMSBURG in Mar 1871 [CM-1, 470]; and to John RAMSBURG from Catharine HOOVER in Apr 1829 [JS-31, 279]. Mortgaged to Charles W. KELLER for $1,300 in Apr 1878; who later assigned the mortgage to Miss Sallie J. KELLER. Guardian was William H. HILLEARY, Esquire. Testimony was heard 1 Nov 1881 from: - Charles W. KELLER, age 37, Middletown - Ada R. KELLER, age 21 Trustees were Ada R. KELLER and Charles W. KELLER. SALE was held 28 Jan 1882 on the premises; high bidder was: - Silas C. COBLENTZ at $1,850.75 Distribution: court costs, $193.48 - Sallie J. KELLER, mortgage, $1,372.80 - Ada R. KELLER, 1/2, $142.23 - John KELLER, 1/2, $142.23 Filed 25 Jul 1882.
AF-3, 552-560 - PEARRE
James PEARRE, mortgagee of Liberty and New Windsor Turnpike Company in Frederick and Carroll Counties - Equity #4797 - May 1882 Liberty and New Windsor Turnpike Company - $15,000 for construction of a turnpike between Liberty Town and New Windsor and toll houses with gardens and to maintain toll gates; with $5,200 bond owed to James PEARRE in Jul 1880. Stockholders met at ENSOR and YINGLING's Mill in Carroll County and Cold Spring Creamery in Frederick County. SALE was held 20 May 1882 at the Rail Road Depot of the Western Maryland Rail Road in New Windsor, Carroll County; high bidder was: - Alexander PEARRE for all the property, rights, equipment, buildings franchise and company as a corporation at $3,100 Road then extended from New Windsor to the crossroads of road from Unionville to Union Bridge and the 'Old Liberty Road', a distance of more than 7 miles. After court costs, James Pearre received $2,882.38 as partial mortgage claim. Filed 9 Aug 1882.
Benjamin A. GARLINGER vs David WEAVER - Report of Sales - Equity #4722 - Sep 1881 LAND - "Second Resurvey on Williams Pleasure", 4 acres; 2 miles south of Emmitsburg, on road from Emmitsburg to Creagerstown; adjoining land of heirs of Henry WARTHEN. Mortgaged to William H. WEAVER at $1,000 in May 1871; reassigned to Robert E. PATTERSON and Edward P. CARPENTER, t/a Patterson & Carpenter, in Jun 1872; who then reassigned it back to William H. WEAVER three months later; who then reassigned it to James A. ELDER in Dec 1874; then to William H. ROSENSTEEL; then to R. A GARLINGER in Aug 1877. Trustee was Tryon H. EDWARDS (certified in Washington County). Sale was held 29 Sep 1881 on the premises; high bidder was: - Peter J. A. HARTING at $1,040 After court costs, Benjamin A. GARLINGER received $928.67 as partial mortgage payment. Filed 30 Mar 1882.
Christian L. C. LAMPE, assignee of mortgage from Aquilla P. WOLFE and w/ Arianna G. WOLFE - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4771 - Mar 1882 LAND - Lot (60x147') on west side of East St between Sixth and Seventh Sts in Frederick; on corner of Seventh and East Sts; adjoined lot of J. K. P. WOLFE on the north and the People Land and Building Assic of Frederick County on the west and south. Improved with a 2-story weather-boarded house with back building attached. To Aquilla P. WOLFE from Samuel WOLFE in Apr 1820 [CM-5, 141]. Mortgage by Aquilla P. WOLFE & w/ Arianna G. to George E. SHIPLEY at $500 in Mar 1879; who then assigned it to Joseph CRONISE who then assigned it to Christian L. C. LAMPE. Sale was held at the City Hotel in Frederick on 2 Mar 1882; high bidder was: - Christian L. C. LAMPE at $645; but he resold it to Lewis P. DELAUTER Distribution went back to Christian L. C. LAMPE for his claims and mortgage. Filed 27 Apr 1882.
William E. BOTELER, creditor vs William P. WISE, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4710 - Jul 1881 Sarah WISE d/ 19 Apr 1881 in Bolivar, intestate wid/of Peter WISE s/ William P. WISE & w/ Susan s/ Henry C. WISE & w/ Alice/Alverta S. s/ Josephus H. WISE & w/ Susan R. d/ Elmira R. WISE d/ Amanda E. WISE w/o Jacob HAUPT Jr. s/ Samuel M. WISE & w/ Georgianna - Ohio s/ Lewis O. WISE, dec'd .....Elenora WISE (d/ 27 Dec 1881) w/o Joseph/Josiah SMITH . . . . . . .(leaving 3 minor children, names unknown) .....Florence WISE .....Charles WISE - Washington County LAND - "Pickall", "Resurvey on Menall", "I Hope It Is Well Done", and "Skuttle", 77 sq perches, in Bolivar, 3 miles west of Middletown on north side of turnpike; on Baltimore and Frederick Town Turnpike between Middletown and Boonsborough and road leading from turnpike by Daniel SHOEMAKER's (old road to Hagerstown); adjoining land of John P. FLOOK. Improved with a 2-story log house; William P. WISE then living there. To Sarah WISE from Lewis A. WISE & w/ A. Eliza at $500 in Mar 1857 [ES-9, 391]. Previously to Lewis A. WISE from Daniel CASTLE & w/ Susanna in Apr 1851 [ES-6, 243]. Testimony was heard from: - William P. WISE, son; his mother was living with him when she died. - Horatio LITTLE Trustee was Clayton O. KEEDY. Sale was held 11 Mar 1882 in front of Daniel L. SMITH's store in Bolivar; high bidder was: - Susan WISE at $305 Distribution: court costs, $114.57 - Dr. William E. BOTELER, $100 - Harrison FEETE, $50 - H. C. FEETE, $3.50 - Each child's 1/7 share, $5.27 (Each of Lewis' children received $1.75) Filed 16 May 1882.
William J. WORMAN, mortgagee of Mary WALKER and Jacob WALKER - Report of Sales - Equity #4772 - Mar 1882 LAND - "The Hope", 120 acres in Urbana District; on road from Urbana to Greenfield Mills; adjoining lands of Herman ORDERMAN, James SIMMONS, Baker SIMMONS and Zadock YINGLING. Improved with a large brick house and large Switzer barn, orchard, running water in every field and 12 acres in timber. To Mary WALKER from Samuel S. BOYER and John S. BOYER, execs/of Samuel BOYER in 1869 [CM-3, 107]. - House & Lot, 1/2 acre, in Mount Pleasant District; adjoining lands of Solomon Crum and Reuben STEVENS. Then in occupancy of Daniel LILLY in 1856; and Daniel CARTER (colored) in 1882. From Milton GETZENDANNER in 1856. Mortgaged for $4,500 in 1880 with prior mortgage of $2,000. Mary WALKER had died by March 1882. Sale was held 24 Feb 1882 on the premises for personal property from the farm (livestock, grains and farm equipment) which netted $2,170. Sale for the real estate was held 25 Feb 1882 at City Hotel in Frederick; high bidder was: - William J. WORMAN at $800 - Christian WINEBRENNER for House & Lot at $70 Total sales, $3,040, After court costs, William J. WORMAN received $2,718.88 as partial mortgage payment. Filed 15 May 1882.

William W. WALKER, assignee of Abner C. DEVILBISS, mortgagee of John T. RIPPEON & w/ Harriet - Report of Sales - Equity #4773 - Mar 1882 LAND - "Nathan's Undertaking" and "Partnership", 48+ acres and 11+ acres, and "Resurvey on DRUMMINE", 7+ acres and 2+ acres, in New Market District, within 1 mle of New London at Central Church. Improved with a 2-story stone house with bank barn, a spring near the door and pump in the yard; also fruit trees. To John T. RIPPEON from Henry SWOPE & w/ Matilda, Washington OWINGS & w/ Hannah in Jun 1859 [BGF-_, 63]. Mortgaged to Abner C. DEVILBISS at $1,300 in Jun 1863. Sale was held 8 Mar 1882 on the premises; high bidder was: - John DOWNEY for 70 acres at $4,185.75 Distribution: court costs, $273.17 - W. W. WALKER, assignee of mortgage, $2,349.62 - Balance to heirs of John T. RIPPEON (not named), $2,349.62 Filed May 1882.
Hiram J. GROVE, et al vs Daniel R. GROVE, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4655 - Jan 1881 Martin S. GROVE d/ Aug 1876, intestate widow - Sara s/ Hiram J. GROVE & w/ Anna Mary d/ Charlotte C. GROVE w/o Daniel P. WHIP d/ Virginia E. GROVE, dec'd w/o Charles H. LIGHTER .....Edward M. L. LIGHTER .....Alma C. D. LIGHTER, a minor s/ Daniel R. GROVE & w/ Julia - Washington County s/ Martin M. GROVE & w/ _____ - Arkansas d/ Louisa E. GROVE w/o Zachariah G. THOMAS LAND - "Catch As Catch Can, He that Gets the Land is the Best Man", and "I Have Lost the Most", 220 acres, in Middletown Valley in Jefferson District, two miles from Jefferson, known as 'Grove Farm'; on road from Jefferson to Middletown. To Martin S. GROVE from Richard J. BOWIE and John BREWER, trustees, of Montgomery County, MD in Feb 1854 [ES-4, 428]. (regarding Chancery Court dated Jan 1846 of Asa HYATT & wife vs Christian WEAVER, trustee of Thomas H. PHILLIPS of estate of Levi PHILLIPS of Montgomery County, sold to Jacob FEASTER at $9,352 in Apr 1846, but later substituted Martin S. GROVE in his place), Previously to Levi PHILLIPS from George HOFFMAN, trustee in Sep 1827 [JS-12, 431-434]. - "Americus", 2+ acres, on east side of road from Middletown to Jefferson. To Martin S. GROVE from George A. SHAFER & w/ Elizabeth at $194 in Aug 1855 [ES-8, 8]. Previously to George SHAFER from John R. SHAFER and Robert SHAFER, trustees of Estate of John SHAFER in May 1852. Guardian was William H. HILLEARY, Esquire. Testimony was heard 9 Aug 1881 from: - Daniel P. WHIP - Hiram J. GROVE Trustee was John B. THOMAS; private sale was made to: - Rev. L. A. MANN at $13,500 1st Distribution of $8,500; court costs, $304 - Sara GROVE, widow, in lieu of dower, $819.55 - Each child's 1/6 share, $1,229.32 Filed 27 Apr 1882.
Abraham STONER, mortgagee vs Samuel STAMBAUGH & w/ Eliza - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4743 - Dec 1881 LAND - "Choice and Peace", 130 acres; along the Monocacy River, on road from Creagerstown to Rocky Ridge, 3 miles from the former and 1 1/4 miles from the latter; adjoined lands of John LONG/Edward LONG, James WOOD and George W. BARRICK. Improved with a 2-story log house, bank barn, tenant house and stable, four springs, one near the house. Previously to Abraham STONER from Frederick WHITE, trustee, in Mar 1871 [CM-6, 455]. (Equity decree in Mar 1870 of George W. POLE vs John W. ALBAUGH, & w/ Susannah, Abraham STONER and Others with Frederick WHITE as trustee) - "Resurvey on Peace" and "Crise's Establishment", 24 acres, 1 mile south of Bigg's Depot on the Western Maryland Rail Road. Improved with a 2-story log house, log barn, spring near the house and an orchard of 130 trees of choice fruit. To John W. ALBAUGH from John W. STAUB & w/ Eve in Feb 1857. Previously to John HUMMER Jr by John HUMMER in Sep 1813 [WR-45, 244-246]. Both tracts to Samuel STAMBAUGH from Abraham STONER & w/ Mary E. at $2,200 in Feb 1872 [CM-7, 702]. (Mortgaged to STONER] - These are same lands of Will of Andrew HUMMER to his widow Susanna; and after her death to his niece Susanna SUMMER, niece of Henry HUMMER and w/o John W. ALBAUGH [Will GME-1, 394]. Trustee was Charles V. S. LEVY. Sale was held 3 Jan 1882 on the premises; high bidder was: - Abraham STONER at $2,306.25 Distribution; court costs, $216.93 - Abraham STONER, partial mortgage claim, $2,089.32 Filed 5 May 1882.
John C. MOTTER, mortgagee of Hezekiah DOTTERER & w/ Mary Ann - Report of Sales - Equity #4781 - Mar 1882 Mary Ann DOTTERER d/ early 1881, intestate w/o Hezekiah DOTTERER s/ James M. DOTTERER/DUTROW s/ Albert/Alfred DOTTERER/DUTROW d/ Mary A. w/o Jacob W. GILLELAN d/ Emily S. S. w/o John D. HARTZELL d/ Annetta F. w/o George FLEGEL LAND - "Five Brothers" and "Herr's Choice", 78 acres, 2 1/2 miles south of Emmitsburg, along the Emmitsburg to Frederick road; adjoining lands of William SHRIVER and John HOBBS. Improved with a weather-boarded house and barn. Then occupied by Albert DOTTERER - "Resurvey on Contentment", 17+ acres, at the foot of South Mountain near Mount St Mary's College. to Mary Ann DOTTERER from Thomas REID & w/ Harriet [ES-9, 248]. Mortgaged at $726 in Feb 1877. In Dec 1881, the sheriff sold all the rights of Hezekiah in the estate (life estate as widower) to Charles D. EICHELBERGER. Sale was held 28 Mar 1882 at Motter's Station; high bidder was: - Charles D. EICHELBERGER at $1,968 Distribution: court costs, $211.02 - John C. MOTTER, mortgage claim, $780.93 - Charles D. EICHELBERGER for life interest of Hezekiah, 1/9, $108.45 - Esther Ann ZACHARIAS by Atty Eugene L. ROWE, claim, $111.15 - Each child's 1/5 share, $151.29 Filed 17 Jun 1882.
Tobias H. ECKENRODE of Carroll County, mortgagee of Solomon S. PFOUTZ & w/ Mary S. - Report of Sales - Equity #4748 - Dec 1881 LAND - "Resurvey on Good Neighborhood", 2+ acres, in Johnsville District; on Johnsville to Ladiesburg Road, about 2 miles from each town; adjoined land of Henry C. MORNINGSTAR. Improved with a 2-story weatherboarded house. Sale was held 19 Nov 1881 at the store of William H. MARTZ in Ladiesburg; high bidder was: - Tobias H. ECKENRODE at $250; who then had to petition the court for possession. After court costs, Tobias H. ECKENRODE received $195.25 in partial mortgage claim. Filed 16 Jun 1882.
John H. KELLER and William WILCOXON, trustees of Peter CULLER - Report of Sales - Equity #4750 - Dec 1881 Peter CULLER issued Deed of Trust for benefit of his creditors to KELLER and WILCOXON in Sep 1881. LAND - 171 acres, in Jefferson District. To Peter CULLER devised to him from his father, John CULLER [Will GME-3, 231-233, written 20 Dec 1844] . Private sale was made 21 Dec 1881 to: - Lewis M. CULLER, Isaiah C. CULLER, John J. S. CULLER and Fannie O. B. CULLER for $8,300 Distribution paid for court costs and judgments; claims paid at 17.9%. Filed 18 Mar 1882.
Lawrence L. DIELMAN, et al vs James P. CRETIN, et al - Equity #4731 - Nov 1881 James CRETIN d/ Feb 1857 widow - Mary Ann, now dec'd d/ Mary Clementine w/o Lawrence L. DIELMAN s/ John Thomas CRETIN & w/ Emily E. d/ Ann Elizabeth, dec'd w/o Francis P. DERRY - Philadelphia (d/ after her father) .....Mary F. DERRY - Philadelphia .....Agnes R. DERRY - Philadelphia s/ James Pius CRETIN - Michigan? s/ Joseph Andrew CRETIN d/ Agnes Cecelia CRETIN d/ 1860, intestate, no children s/ Simon Gabriel CRETIN d/ 1857 (after his father), intestate, no children Estate to wife and upon her death, divided equally among the seven children. Exec/ wife Witnesses: Joshua ADLESPERGER, John B. KEEPERS, Philip CRETIN [Will GH-1, 182, written 12 Feb 1857] LAND - "Resurvey on Buck Forest", Lot #10, 168 acres; 3 miles south of Emmitsburg, on road to Frederick Town and west of road from Emmitsburg to Creagerstown; half a mile from Motter's Station; adjoined tracts "Elder's Choice", "Beaver Dam Level" and "Herm's Choice"; neighbors were William SHRIVER and James A. ORNDORFF. Improved with a 2-story log house, partly weather-boarded barn, corn crib, hog pen, apple and peach trees and a well and spring within a short distance from the house. Then occupied by Joseph A. CRETIN. To James CRETIN from Jacob LEATHERMAN (w/ Susanna) at $2,000 in Mar 1829 [JS-31, 503]. SOLD - James & Mary Ann CRETIN sold 36+ acres to: - Sallie MILES as atty of William MILES of Baltimore City at $768; on Emmitsburg to Creagerstown Road [ES-6, 76]. - "Resurvey on Peter's Run", mountain lot, 11 acres; adjoined lands of John KEEPERS, William KOONTZ, Henry DEMUTH and Michael TROUT. To James CRETIN from William BOLLAR at $225 in Jun 1840 [AF-4, 306]. Trustee was Eugene L. ROWE. Sale was held 17 Apr 1882 on the premises; high bidder was: - Joseph A. CRETIN at $2,795.28 for the farm; $32.42 for the mountain lot. Neighbors for the mountain lot in 1882 were John T. PETTICORD, Abraham MARTIN and Samuel HEMLER. Total sales, $2,828.70. Distribution of $2,842.36; court costs, $257.41 - Each surviving child's 1/5 share, $516.99 (DERRY daughters each to get 1/2 of 1/5) Filed 12 Jun 1882.

Benjamin F. BROWN, trustee under mortgage from Charles E. CASSELL & w/ Julia Catharine, to Richard C. MARTIN - Report of Sales - Equity #4798 - Jun 1882 LAND - 'The Cresite Phosphate Bone Meal and Plaster Mills" in Mechanicstown on the Western Maryland Rail Road; included building (34 x 43') and boiler house (10 x 12'), and machinery, including boiler and engine, etc. The mills front 60' on the railroad and run back 35' with shed (18 x 34') attached, detached frame shed (16 x 20') and office (10 x 10'). Buildings erected on land of Western Maryland Railroad Company. - Lot #6 (40 x 108') on north side of East St in Mechanicstown; adjoining lots of Andrew SEFTON and Warner T. GRIMES. Improved with a frame house of 7 rooms, partial cellar and well in yard; built about 10 years ago. To Charles E. CASSELL from Leonard R. WAESCHE & w/ Mary M. in Feb 1875 [TG-1, 506]. - Two Lots (30 x 122') on the east side of North St in Mechanicstown. Improved with a double frame house and full cellars with well in each yard. To Charles E. CASSELL from John ROUZER & w/ Emma K. in Nov 1870 [TG-1, 244]. - Lots #18 & 19 on west side of North St in Mechanicstown. Improved with a 2-story brick house, brick summer kitchen, wood shed, and stabling, with well in the yard. To Charles E. CASSELL from G. M. ZIMMERMAN & wife in Apr 1874 [TG-1, 507]. Mortgaged at $3,500. Sale was held 27 May 1882 at the City Hotel in Frederick; high bidder was: - Richard C. MARTIN for the buildings and machinery at $1,500 - Richard C. MARTIN for Lot #6 at $500 - Richard C. MARTIN for double lot at $905 - Richard C. MARTIN for Lots #18 & 19 at $55 Total sales, $2,960. Distribution: court costs, $245.75 - Richard C. MARTIN, partial mortgage claim, $2,714.30 Filed 19 Aug 1882.
William H. ALBAUGH vs George MILLER & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4714 - Jul 1881 John BARNHART, dec'd s/ William BARNHART, dec'd .....Ann Rebecca (BARNHART) MILLER d/ Feb 1881 on her farm, intestate ...........w/o George F. MILLER (of Noah) (Ann left no children or siblings, but did leave children of deceased cousins, one degree removed.) s/ John M. BARNHART, dec'd (Ann Rebecca's uncle) ....1/ John M. BARNHART Jr, dec'd . . . . .wid/ Sarah J. WARNER . . . . . . .John T. BARNHART - Union Bridge (Carroll County) . . . . . . .Alfred W. BARNHART - Baltimore City ....2/ Catharine BARNHART, dec'd w/o James JONES - Baltimore City . . . . . . .Ellen JONES w/o Charles M. WARBMAN - Baltimore City . . . . . . .Grace JONES w/o Conrad WALTENHOEFER - Baltimore City . . . . . . .Harry JONES, a minor - Baltimore City LAND - "Messner's Content", 91 acres, in Creagerstown District; 1/2 mile north of Rocky Ridge, bordering Emmitsburg Rail Road; adjoined lands of Joseph BIGGS and Rebecca HINES and on SE corner of Noah MILLER's land. Improved with a 2-story weatherboarded house and barn; 8 acres in timber; divided into 5-6 fields with good fencing. To Ann R. MILLER from Burtis BENNET & w/Catharine for 117 acres in Jun 1863 [BGF-9, 134]. Previously to BENNETT from Henry YOUNG in Jan 1862. Portion of 28 acres was sold to Elizabeth A. MILLER, w/o Martin L. MILLER in May 1874 [TG-9, 545]. Guardian was William H. HILLEARY, Esquire. Testimony was heard 11 Jan 1882 from: - Amon T. NORRIS - George MILLER - Mrs Upton ANDERS who listed details of Ann's family. - John T. BURKHART who also listed family data of Ann's family. - William H. ALBAUGH Trustee was William H. ALBAUGH; sale subject to life estate of husband. Sale was held 11 Mar 1882 on the premises; high bidder was: - George MILLER at $760 Distribution: court costs, $208.40 - William H. ALBAUGH, claim, $515.20 - James W. MILLER, partial claim, $36.40 Filed 3 Jun 1882.
AF-3, 704-706 - JOBEL, DENNIS
L. Upshur DENNIS, assignee of mortgage from Philip Henry JOBEL - Report of Sales - Equity #4744 - Jan 1882 Sale was held 7 Apr 1881 at the Dill House in Frederick; high bidder was: - L. Upshur DENNIS at $250 Trustee was William P. MAULSBY Jr. to convey the property. Filed 15 Jan 1882.
Leonard A. GROSSNICKLE, assignee of Adam MILLER, mortgagee of William RENNER - Report of Sales - Equity #4767 - Feb 1882 William RENNER d/ intestate widow - (not named) s/ Charles E. RENNER s/ William E. RENNER d/ Cordelia F. RENNER d/ Martha A. M. (RENNER) BIDLE d/ Mary E. (RENNER) GROSSNICKLE d/ Virginia C. RENNER d/ Laura J. RENNER d/ Sarah A. RENNER d/ Salina RENNER LAND - "Land of Promise", 25 acres; by Catoctin Creek and land of Jacob and Elizabeth ROUTZAHN. To William RENNER from Elias ROUTZAHN & wife in Mar 1865 [JWLC-3, 330]. Sale was held 18 Feb 1882 in Ellerton, in front of Thomas F. BITTLE's store; high bidder was: - Thomas F. BITTLE at $1,207.31 Included dower right of widow, then age 58, reserving 1/10, $120.73 leaving balance for the sale at $1,086.58 Distribution of $1,086.58; court costs, $123.36 - Leonard A. GROSSNICKLE, mortgage, $326.52 leaving $636.70 - Each child's 1/9 share, $70.76 Filed 19 May 1882. NOTES: Frederick Co, MD - Marriage Licenses - William RENNER to Elizabeth LONGMAN on 12 Mar 1846 - Mary E. RENNER to Leonard A. GROSSNICKLE, 21, farmer, on 16 Apr 1876 by Andrew COST of Washington County, in Washington County - Martha RENNER, 25 to John A. BIDLE, 25, farmer, on 16 Jan 1879 by L. A. MANN at E. BRANDENBURG's
Fleet STALEY & w/ Mary Jane and Granville F. STULL & w/ Alphy E. vs Mary M. ZIMMERMAN, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4753 - Jan 1882 John A. J. ZIMMERMAN d/ May 1881 in Baltimore City (being there for medical treatment) widow - Mary Margaret s/ John Luther ZIMMERMAN d/ Leathy Ann O. (ZIMMERMAN) w/o Daniel B. PEARL d/ Mary Jane (ZIMMERMAN) w/o Fleet STALEY d/ Alpha Emeline (ZIMMERMAN) w/o Granville F. STULL d/ Cora Frances ZIMMERMAN, a minor d/ Laura Adaline ZIMMERMAN, a minor d/ Emie/Emma Florence ZIMMERMAN, a minor d/ Marthy A./N. ZIMMERMAN, a minor d/ Jessie May ZIMMERMAN, a minor d/ Leana Kate ZIMMERMAN, a minor to widow, Mary Margaret - farm in Lewistown, 'Shaw' farm, 110 acres; and mountain lot in Oxes Hollow, 17+ acres to son, John Luther ZIMMERMAN -saw mill & 62 acres, inherited to John A. J. from his father; and three mountain lots, #6, 7 & 8 of WHITMORE lands, 56 acres) to daughter, Leathy Ann w/o Daniel B. O'PEARL ( in trust by son John L. for Leathy Ann, in safeguard from her husband - house & 5 acres where she then lived and $300 during her lifetime and then to her children; adjoined the home farm and lands of Jacob E. ZIMMERMAN and George STULL to the other eight daughters - Home Farm of 52 acres and five mountain lots, #2, 5, and 9 of the WHITMORE land and two lots of the McDEVIT land, total of 130 acres; also 12 shares of First National Bank of Frederick and residue of personal property. Exec/ wife and son as agent Witnesses: A. W. BURKHART, Joseph E. STALEY, Nicholas F. RICHARDS [Will JPP-1, 113, written 29 Apr 1881] LAND - Home farm, 52 acres, 5 miles NW of Frederick City, near Brook Hill on road to Bethel Church; adjoins land of Jacob ZIMMERMAN and John YOUNG. Improved with a 1-story frame house with attic, barn, orchard and two wells. - "Resurvey on Tuscarora", 101 acres, on Catoctin Mountain, west of Brook Hill (Previously to WHITMORE from John J. WILSON in Jan 1833) - Lots #2 (17 acres), 6 (20 acres), 7 (19 acres) & 8 (15 acres) of "Spout Spring" and Lot #5 of "Hemp Rock", 28 acres; runs to west edge of Hamburg Road. (totaled 101 acres for lots) To John A. J. ZIMMERMAN from John W. WHITMORE and Joseph G. MILLER, acting exec/of Nicholas WHITMORE at $359.98 in Jul 1872 [CM-9, 415]. - "Resurvey on Tuscarora", 17 acres, Lot #9, on Catoctin Mountain. To John A. J. ZIMMERMAN from John R. DUTROW & w/ Christiana at $30 in Apr 1878 [AF-4, 468] (Dutrows signed the deed in Rockingham Co, VA). (Previously to Nicholas WHITMORE from John J. WILSON in Jan 1833 and from WHITMORE to DUTROW in Jul 1872.) - "Murdock's Mountain", Lot #8 of mountain land, 39 acres To John A. J. ZIMMERMAN from Airy McDEVITT, Margaret A. WOLF and her husband Elihu R. WOLF at $175 in Feb 1872 [CM-8, 17]. (Airy and Margaret were heirs of S. T. McDEVITT) - "Murdock's Mountain Resurveyed", Lot #9, mountain land, 35 acres To John A. J. ZIMMERMAN from George CUTSAIL & w/ Susanah at $100 in Apr 1874 [AF-3, 313]. - "Resurvey on Chestnut Hill", 31 acres; adjoined tracts, "Rocky Hill" and "The Paper Factory". To John A. J. ZIMMERMAN from Valentine A. ALBAUGH & w/ Rabecca at $1,200 in Nov 1855 [ES-8, 154-156]. Previously to Valentine A. ALBAUGH from Estate of Nicholas HOLTZ by execs/ John ZIMMERMAN of John, Ezra HOUCK, Thomas W. MORGAN and John P. ZIMMERMAN. ...10 acres sold to Daniel ZEDDRIX/ZEDRICKS Jr. (w/ Mary Jane Elizabeth) and then sold back 8 acres to John A. J. in Jan 1858 (wit: John ZIMMERMAN of N. - "Rocky Hill" - 5 acres in two lots. From Jacob E. ZIMMERMAN & w/ Rebecca at $100 in May 1868 [CM-2, 521-522]. - 4 acres. From Philip SHANKLE & w/ Elizabeth at $177 in Jul 1858 [BGF-2, 155]. - 5 acres, Lot #4. From Lewis H. STULL & w/ Anna at $75 in Nov 1869 [AF-3, 314]. Previously to Jacob STULL (dec'd) from Jacob MARKELL in Dec 1846. - 5 acres, Lot #2. From Frederick A. STULL, trustee of Jacob STULL, dec'd, at $450 in Feb 1867 [DSB-1, 272]. Previously to Jacob STULL (dec'd) from Jacob MARKELL in Dec 1846 [WBT-3, 534-535]. - 1+ acres. From Jacob STULL & w/ Eve E. at $75 in Apr 1864 [JWLC-1, 505]. Previously to Jacob STULL (dec'd) from Jacob MARKELL in Dec 1846 [WBT-3, 534-535]. The Will didn't contain any provisions for disposal of lands. Guardian was William H. HILLEARY, Esquire. Testimony was heard 18 Mar 1882 from: - Albert W. BURKHART, age 52 - William M. Feaga, age 62, Frederick City Trustees were Mary M. ZIMMERMAN and Fleet STALEY. Sale was held ; high bidders were: - Alpha E. STULL for the home farm of 52 acres at $1,716 - Albert W. BURKHART for WHITMORE Lot #2 of 17 acres at $28.40 - Albert F. RAMSBURG for WHITMORE Lot #5 of 28 acres at $56.50 - Perry G. SMITH for WHITMORE Lot #9, 17 acres at $7.87 - Albert W. BURKHART for McDEVITT Lot #8 of 39 acres at $43.85 - Albert F. RAMSBURG for McDEVITT Lot #9 of 35 acres at $82.80 Total sales, $1,935.42. Distribution: court costs, $255.75 - Each of the daughters' (but not Leathy Ann) 1/8 share, $209.95 Filed 4 Sep 1882.
Jacob STITELY of John, David BIRELY and William B. GRIMES, mortgagees of William C. GRIMES - Report of Sales - Equity #4704 - Jul 1881 LAND - "Resurvey on Monocacy Manor" or "Resurvey on Good Neighborhood" and "The Worst of All", 100 acre Farm, on road from Woodsboro to Johnsville, midway between the two, near Pleasant Hill School; adjoined the lands of William BOSTIAN and George ALBAUGH. Improved with a log house and stone addition, a frame stable, spring house and spring near the door, an orchard and water in the fields. - wood lot, 10 acres; near the farm, 3/4 mile south of Ladiesburg; adjoined land of John W. FOGLE and John T. CRUM; had chestnut timber. To William C. GRIMES (w/ Elizabeth A.) from Lewis PETERS, trustee (#2601 Equity) in Jun 1864 [JWLC-1, 659]. Debt owed to Thomas CLAGETT for $888. Sale was held 18 Jun 1881; high bidder was: - William B. GRIMES at $1,300 Distribution: court costs, $129.80 - Frederick County National Bank, judgment for Clagett mortgage, $1,073.13 - David BIRELY and William B. GRIMES, partial mortgage, $97.07 Court appointed Jacob STITELY of J. as trustee to convey the deed. Filed 6 Sep 1882.
Ezra Michael, mortgagee of Frances ODEN and her husband Nathan ODEN - Report of Sales - Equity #4754 - Jan 1882 Frances ODEN d/ about 1879 husband - Nathan ODEN (age then 30-40 years old) d/ Jane WARREN s/ Curtis WARREN s/ Joseph WARREN, a minor LAND - "Hill in the Middle", 19 acres; on road from Point of Rocks to Licksville, 1 1/2 miles east of Point of Rocks; adjoined the land of Ezra MICHAEL and heirs of Henry MICHAEL. Improved with a 1 1/2 story log house with kitchen near by, log stable with 6 acres in timber. To Frances ODEN from Ezra MICHAEL, trustee, in Jun 1875. Previously from Elias L. DELASHMUTT to Annie Florence DIXON and Mary M. DIXON in Feb 1875 [TG-2, 552] Sale was held 7 Jan 1882 on the premises; high bidder was: - Catharine E. FISHER at $318 Distribution: court costs, $97 - Ezra MICHAEL, mortgage, $95.79 leaving $125.13 - Nathan ODEN, curtesy share, 5/16, $39.10 - Jane WARREN, 1/3 of 11/16, $28.67 - Curtis WARREN, 1/3 of 11/16, $28.67 - Joseph WARREN, 1/3 of 11/16, $28.67 Filed 3 Mar 1882.

The End of AF-3

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