Wolf's Cemetery


Carroll Co, Maryland

Wolf's Cemetery is located midway between Union Bridge and McKinstry's Mill in Carroll Co, Maryland.   It was the first cemetery in the vicinity and was then succeeded by Pipe Creek Cemetery.

These records are from a record book prepared by Alfred Englar, a former curator of the cemetery.   The book was handed down to his son, Herbert G. Englar, also a previous curator, and were copied on the 18th of May 1915 by W.C. Rinehart.
[Submitted to the Maryland Historical Society on 1 August 1933 by V.E. Barnes]

These names have been arranged alphabetically for convenience but are repeated in the right column by row as they appeared in the record book. The names are listed only with the year of death and age.

BONSACK, Mary 1839 @ 68 BOWER, Stephen 1811 @ 77 CLOUD, Rachel 1808 @ 8mo CRUMBACKER, Abraham 1795 @ 50 Ann 1856 @ 79 David 1786 @ 2 Elizabeth 1826 @ 84 Elizabeth 1781 @ 1 Hannah 1793 @ 21 Jacob 1852 @ 78 Jonathan 1825 @ 22 Peter 1829 @ 51 Ulrich 1775 DAYHOFF, John 1804 @ 49 ENGLAR, Aaron 1827 @ 20 Jacob 1809 @ 45 Margaret 1819 @ 76 Mary 1833 @ 48 Philip 1817 @ 80 Susannah 1806 @ 1 ENGLER, Abram 1810 @ 24 Anne 1809 @ 17 Elizabeth 1852 @ 64 Hannah 1825 @ 2 Jacob 1816 @ 63 John 1834 @ 51 Peter 1810 @ 22 Phebe 1815 @ 64 Philip 1796 @ 6 Rebecca 1838 @ 5 Uriah 1822 @ 7 Unknown GARBER, Martin 1814 @ 46 GILBERT, Eleanor 1837 Henry 1837 @ 45 HACKMAN, Magdalene 1826 @ 82 HARTSOCK, Elizabeth of D. 1813 @ 58 Salome of D? 1816 @ 26 Samuel 1812 @ 19 IVER, Thomas O. 1813 @ 67 KING, Anna 1812 @ 56 Jacob 1811 @ 21 Nicholas 1837 @ 80 Samuel 1854 @ 66 Sarah 1812 @ 26 Unknown LANDIS, Augustus 1842 @ 2mo Hannah 1838 @ 52 Isaac 1842 @ 59 Sophia 1842 @ 26 LEAMING, Hannah MYERS, Daniel 1797 @ 48 Lydia 1793 @ 1 1/2 MEYERN, Johanna 1791 @ 15 ORR, Elizabeth 1813 @ 70 John 1804 @ 84 Joseph 1806 @ 37 PFOUTZ, Barbara 1813 @ 79 Michael 1825 @ 90 Susanna 1825 @ 47 PLAINE, Philip 1820 @ 1 or 9mo Mary 1802 @ 13 RINEHART, Joseph 1850 @ 24 Daniel 1818 @ 32 David 1813 @ 58 Mary 1813 @ 58 SHRINER, Margaret 1825 @ 75 Peter 1838 @ 90 SHUNK, Francis W. 1829 @ 1 SNADER, David 1810 @ 17 SPONSLER, John 1818 @ 4 Eliza 1822 @ 10mo Sarah 1823 @ 21 STEM, Conrad John 1817 @ 48 Mathias Philip STONER, Abraham 1830 @ 48 David 1824 @ 63 David 1830 @ 25 Hannah 1813 @ 53 Hannah 1821 @ 41 John 1841 @ 82 Rachel 1843 @ 71 Samuel 1816 @ 42 STULLER, Elizabeth 1818 @ 8 SWITZER, Samuel 1839 @ 13days Rudolph 1829 @ 88 Ulrich 1821 @ 48 URNER, Hannah 1845 @ 73 Mary 1813 @ 13 Jonas 1813 @ 40 WILLIAMS, William 1821 @ 46 WOLF, Julia 1811 @ 19mo Jacob 1795 @ 10 WRIGHT, Augustus W. Mary 1845 @ 21? INITIALS ONLY -
J.B. S.B. 1810 A.C. I.C. A.C. Unknown B.C. J.C. P.E. H.F. E.G. 1759 J.H. T.O. 1813 A. n W. A.W. C.W. J.W. L.W. UNKNOWN J.W. C.W. GERMAN - 6 UNKNOWN - 41

               1st Row

ORR, Joseph       1806 @ 37
     John         1804 @ 84 
     Elizabeth    1813 @ 70 
WRIGHT, Augustus W. 

2nd Row KING Nicholas 1837 @ 80 Samuel 1854 @ 66 Unknown Jacob 1811 @ 21 Anna 1812 @ 56 Sarah 1812 @ 26 A.C. UNKNOWN - 3 CLOUD, Rachel 1808 @ 8mo J.B. WILLIAMS, William 1821 @ 46 UNKNOWN - 2 3rd Row IVER, Thomas O. 1813 @ 67 UNKNOWN - 2 T.O. 1813 DAYHOFF, John 1804 @ 49 UNKNOWN - 2 LEAMING, Hannah SHRINER, Peter 1838 @ 90 Margaret 1825 @ 75 UNKNOWN - 1 4th Row STONER, Rachel 1843 @ 71 UNKNOWN - 3 WRIGHT, Mary 1845 @ 21? 5th Row STONER, Samuel 1816 @ 42 GILBERT Henry 1837 @ 45 Eleanor 1837 UNKNOWN - 1 SPONSLER John 1818 @ 4 Eliza 1822 @ 10mo Sarah 1823 @ 21 6th Row SNADER, David 1810 @ 17 PLAINE, Philip 1820 @ 1 or 9mo RINEHART, Joseph 1850 @ 24 STEM, John 1817 @ 48 SWITZER, Ulrich 1821 @ 48 Samuel 1839 @ 13days URNER, Hannah 1845 @ 73 UNKNOWN - 2 7th Row UNKNOWN - 3 P.E. A. n W. GARBER, Martin 1814 @ 46 UNKNOWN HARTSOCK, Salome of D? 1816 @ 26 A.W. C.W. WOLF, Julia 1811 @ 19mo SHUNK, Francis W. 1829 @ 1 UNKNOWN - 4 WOLF, Jacob 1795 @ 10 8th Row J.W. L.W. UNKNOWN J.W. C.W. ENGLAR Margaret 1819 @ 76 Philip 1817 @ 80 Jacob 1809 @ 45 Aaron 1827 @ 20 Mary 1833 @ 48 Susannah 1806 @ 1 LANDIS Augustus 1842 @ 2mo Hannah 1838 @ 52 S.B. 1810 LANDIS, Isaac 1842 @ 59 J.H. STEM Mathias Conrad Philip 9th Row ENGLER, Philip 1796 @ 6 STULLER, Elizabeth 1818 @ 8 ENGLER Anne 1809 @ 17 Peter 1810 @ 22 Abram 1810 @ 24 Phebe 1815 @ 64 Jacob 1816 @ 63 Uriah 1822 @ 7 Hannah 1825 @ 2 John 1834 @ 51 Elizabeth 1852 @ 64 Unknown Rebecca 1838 @ 5 UNKNOWN - 2 in German HACKMAN, Magdalene 1826 @ 82 UNKNOWN - in German BONSACK, Mary 1839 @ 68 UNKNOWN 10th Row LANDIS, Sophia 1842 @ 26 STONER Abraham 1830 @ 48 David 1830 @ 25 Hannah 1821 @ 41 URNER Mary 1813 @ 13 Jonas 1813 @ 40 MYERS Daniel 1797 @ 48 Lydia 1793 @ 1 1/2 MEYERN, Johanna 1791 @ 15 H.F. UNKNOWN - in German SWITZER, Rudolph 1829 @ 88 STONER Hannah 1813 @ 53 John 1841 @ 82 UNKNOWN 11th Row CRUMBACKER Ann 1856 @ 79 Peter 1829 @ 51 UNKNOWN HARTSOCK Elizabeth of D. 1813 @ 58 Samuel 1812 @ 19 RINEHART Daniel 1818 @ 32 David 1813 @ 58 Mary 1813 @ 58 CRUMBACKER Elizabeth 1826 @ 84 Abraham 1795 @ 50 Hannah 1793 @ 21 David 1786 @ 2 Elizabeth 1781 @ 1 UNKNOWN - 4 CRUMBACKER, Jacob 1852 @ 78 12th Row UNKNOWN PFOUTZ Michael 1825 @ 90 Barbara 1813 @ 79 In German - 2 UNKNOWN - 2 PFOUTZ, Susanna 1825 @ 47 13th Row UNKNOWN - 2 BOWER, Stephen 1811 @ 77 E. G. 1759 I.C. A.C. Unknown B.C. CRUMBACKER Jonathan 1825 @ 22 Ulrich 1775 J.C. UNKNOWN UNKNOWN - 2 PLEIN, Mary 1802 @ 13 STONER, David 1824 @ 63


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