"Bolltemore Conty the Mo November 1713, I, Christefor Cox of Boltimore
being very Sick and weake in body butt well in parfectt sence and memary doe
apoynt this to be my last will and Testement and by these presents due revoke
all others wills and Testaments made by me either by word or righting and this
onely to be taken for my last Will and Testament and no other. Item. I give and
bequeath my Soole to God that gave it and my body to be desantly buried by those
whom I shall apoyont my trew and lawfole Exitt's. of this my last will and
Testament. First of all I desier that all my debts that I Justly owe to any
person be Justly? paid by those home I shall apoyant to be my lawfull Exitts.
Item. I give unto my Son Joseph Cox the plantation whereon I now live with all
the land belonging to itt to be possessed with itt after the decease of his
Mother to him and his heares of him if the said Joseph Cox dies without heares I
give it unto Nicolas Day Juner to him and his heirs for ev!
er. I desier that my Estate may be equily devideed betwen my loving wife Mary
Cox and my dafter Elezebeth Day and my Son Joseph Cox if he lives to receive
this if he dyes I desier it to be equely devideed between my wife and dafter
Elizabeth Day and Lastly I do apoyant Nicolas Day to be my True and lawfull
Exsott? of this my last will and Testament in wittness my hand and Seale the day
and year first above Ritton
Cristefor (the mark of) Cox (seal)
Sind Seald and delivered
in the present of us
Charles Rofe (or Rosse)
Sarah S.D.Day (the mark of)
Elizabeth Day"