Baltimore Sun October 21, 1852
Submitted by: Jean Johnson
JAMART-SEAGER - On the 19th instant, by Rev. Mr. Elder, LOUIS A.
JAMART to KATE A., eldest daughter of Thos T. SEAGER, all of this city. [New
York and Philadelphia papers will please copy.]
ROBINSON-DEHAVEN - On the 19th instant, by Rev. Mr. Brown, WM. H.
ROBINSON to Miss SARAH E. DEHAVEN, both of Baltimore. [Delaware Republican
please copy]
BONDAY-BRENNAN - On the 19th instant, by Rev. Mr. Dolan, JAMES BONDAY to
Mrs. KATE M.
BRENNAN, all of this city.
ANDREW-WEEDEN - On the 15 instant, rev. Dr. Roberts, SAMUEL ANDREW to
Miss LUCRETIA WEEDEN, of West River.
MACUTUHEANS-SEBEH -On the 18th April, 1852, by Rev. C. G. Weyl, JAS.
MACUTUHEANS, of Baltimore, to Miss MARY CHRISTINA SEBEH, late of Germany.