Baltimore City Directory C

Submitted by:  Barbara Nevens

Close Harry A, clk, 1315 w Mulberry
Close Jas G, electrn, 1213 n Gilmor
Close John V, salesman, 1227 w Lafayette
Close M Estelle Mrs, 2009 Eutaw pl
Close Maurice C, clk, 2009 Eutaw pl
Close Roslyn Mrs, h 113 n Front
Close Wm H, fire dept, h 37 Gorman
Closey Ernest, lab, 603 s Robinson
Clothiers board of Trade of Balto city, 815 Gaither Estate bldg
Clothing Cutters' and Trimmers' Local Union No 15 (UGW of A), 701 Emerson Tower bldg
Clotworthy C Baker (Lemmon & Clotworthy), lawyer, 1400 Continental bldg, h 104 Woodlawn rd
Clotworthy Chemical Co, 506 e Lombard
Clotworthy Frank M, p[res Fruit Puddine Co, h Perryman, Md
Clotworthy Lloyd, orderly, 1514 Division
Clotworthy Susan r Mrs, 905 Pa av
Cloud Benj C, prod, 737 n chester
Cloud Danl jr, v-pres Brandenburg Coal and coke co, h The Walbert
Cloud Maria L. Mrs, h 520 Park av
Cloud Virginia W, the News, 520 park av
Cloud wm, h 1311 e Lafayette av
CLOUD WILLIAM WOODWARD, President State Bank of Maryland, h Hillside rd c Sunset Path, R P
*Clouden Benj, lab, h 1511 e Monument
*Clouds John, lab, 231 n Eden
CloughHarry D, student, 1012 n Bdway
Clough Jas H (Clough & Molloy), h Glenmore av
Clough Jos I, condtr, h 1501 Henry
Clough Paul w, physician, 1807 n Caroline
Clough Rebecca M Mrs. 1416 s Charles
Clough Wm H, millwkr, h 3318 Chestnut av
Clough & Molloy (Jas H Clough, Lawrence Molloy), cut stone contrs, Harford rd and B & O belt Line
Clonspy Emil, boxmkr, h 710 s 2de
 Clontier Geo A jr, student, 930 McCulloh
Clover club, 1914-16 Madison av
Clover Conclave No 750 (I O H), 1901 Bank
Clover Lewis P Mrs, 2432 Guilford av
Cloverdale Mineral Water Co, Pannill Martin sec, 2 e Fayette
Cloverland Farm Dairy, 618 n Arlington
clow Saml V, carp, h 1714 Hollins
Cloward Ralph E, student, 1109 Barclay
*Clowden Eliza Mrs, 1711 Keyser
Clowe Ethel E. tchr, 418 n Carey
Clowney John F, hatter, Biddison la nr Belair rd
Club the, apts, 20 e Franklin
CLUB GARAGE THE, Clyde E Loose Proprietor, Automobiles, Auto Accessories and to Hire, also Repairing, Agents for Mercer Car, Eager and Mortou, Phone Mt Vernon 4106 (See advt in class Automobile Dept)
Club The, 1900 e Balto
Clubb Chas R, clk, 258 Old York rd
Clubb Geo C, pkr, h 719 e Eager
Clubb Geo W. grocer, 1339 York rd, h do
Clubb Harry F, cigarmkr, h 238 Old York Rd
Club Leon R, steamftr, 258 Old York rd
Clubb wm A (Columbia Harness Co), harness.  807 Ridgely, h 942 s Paca
Clubb Wm H. lab, h 258 Old York rd
Clubmeyer John, lab, 630 Portland
Cluett, Peabody & Co. Franklin M Ernest mngr. whol collars and shirts, 15 w Lombard
Clunet Frank J, clk, h 1410 Park av
Clunet Hattie E Mrs, h 805 n fulton av
Clunet Louis S, h 1427 w Lanvale
Cluney Mary Mrs, h 453 Grindall
Clusman Christn, lab, h 3711 Claremont
Clusman J Harry (Wm Trager & Co), h 3711 Claremont
Clusman John, lab 1929 Gough
Cluster Benj, moving pictures, 518 and 303 s Bdway, h 1736 e Balto
Cluster Harry, mov pic opr, 1818 e Pratt
Cluster Isaac, propr the cluster, h 669 w balto
Cluster Rebecca Mrs, 25 s Bdway
Cluster Robt, clk, h 2023 e Pratt
Cluster The, moving pictures, Isaac Cluster propr, 667-669 w Balto
Clutz Chas w, driver, 7 Academy av
Clutz Harry W, carp, h 7 Academy av
Cluverius Howarad B, mach hd, 612 glenolden av
Clyde Printery The (Jas L Speights and John M Kennedy), 507 n Fremont av
Clyde Robt B, The News, h 4009 Reisterstown rd
Clyde Steamship Line, Wm W Tingle agt, Light c German
Clyde Thos F, 122 w belvidere av
Clymer Hazel B, tchr, 1831 Rutland av
Clymer J Wm, watchman, h 1831 Rutland av
Coach John, tailor, 1602 Barnes
*Coach Oliver, lab, h 730 n Stockton
Coach-Owenrs' Assn, 733 Calvert bldg
Coad Annie P, 906 Edmondson av
Coady Chas P, lawyer, 8-10 South, h 2820 e balto
Coady Edwd A, clk, 305 Warren av
Coady Francis J, engraver, 305 Warren
Coady John J, lab, 1740 Patapsco
Coady John T, inspr, h 1822 e Balto
COADY THOMAS F, Superintendent P Kennedy's foundry and Baltimore Malleable Iron and Steel Casting Co, h 305 Warren av
Coady thos J, clk, 1220 Wall
Coady Thos J jr, clk, h 1220 Wall
Coady Wm L, condtr, 1740 Patapsco
Coakley Agnes Mrs, 308 e Lafayette av
*Coakley Allen, lab, 2417 Oak
Coakley ella E Mrs, 893 Ramsay
Coakley Johanna M, h 954 Aisquith
Coakley John E, chauffeur, h 2523 McHenry
Coakley John T, cigarmkr, 954 Aisquith
Coakley Jos M, boxmkr, h 902 e North av
*Coakley laura Mrs, h 716 n Vincent
Coakley Thos H, piano tuner, h 3721 Gough
Coakley Thos H, canner, h York rd nr Winston av
Coal and Coke Journal, Maurice J Lunn editor, 8-10 South
Coale Alice Mrs, h 802 Saratoga
*Coale Anson, lab, h 822 raborg
Coale Aug (L coale & Bro), h 802 w Saratoga
Coale Carrie P, mus tchr, h 118 Roland av, R P, h do
Coale Cath M Mrs, h 1811 Park av
Coale Chas, mnfrs agt, 6 s Howard, h 1734 n Calvert
Coale Chas C. printer, h 2007 w Lanvale
Coale Chas G. lab, 1730 w Lanvale
Coale Edwd G. clk, h 1125 w Mulberry
Coale Edwd T, watchman, 906 w Fayette
Coale F Austin, clk, Woodburn av, govans
Coale Frank w. office 1009-1019 Calvert bldg, h Towson
Coale Franklin D, clk, h Hamilton av nr Carter av
Coale Fredk S. com trav, h 313 e North