Baltimore City Directory




Page 119 Gibson-Gilles

Submitted by Janice Gifford


Gibson, Affy, huckster, Liberty, Wride N of M’Eldery st, o.t.

Giddier, George, cordwainer, Eutaw st E side N of Wagon alley

Giddins, William, wheelwright, Harford ave N of Harkers’ Rope Walk, gh, o.t.

Giddleman, John, cordwainer, Stillhouse, E side S of Ploughman st, o.t.

Gifford, Mary, grocer, Pitt st, N side E of Harford Run, o.t.

Gilback, Christian, grocery and feed store, Forrest E side N of North st, o.t.

Gilbert, James, cordwainer, Howard E side N of Madison st.

Gilcot, Julia Ann, widow, Eutaw S side near Ross st.

Gilday, Felix, bricklayer, Paca, W side N of Franklin st.

Gilkey, David, house carpenter, Whiskey alley E of Paca st.

Gill, John, notary public, Water S side opposite the Custom house,

            dw Aisquith E side N of Pitt st, o.t.

Gill, Flora, widow, Harrison st near the bend

Gill, Bryson, fancy chair factory, 8 Hanover st, dw 29 Hanover

Gill, John B., grocer, Calvert W side N of Pratt st.

Gill, John, proprietor of the Union tavern, 38 m m Space

Gill, Stephen, carter, Union Alley, E of Eden st., o.t.

Gill, Ezekiel C., tavern keeper, SE corner of Calvert and Water st.

Gill, Hannah, seamstress, Calvert, Wride N of Pleasant st.

Gill, Stephen G., collector, 27 Saratoga st.

Gill, Richard W., attorney at law, Courthouse lane, W of Calvert st.

+ Gill, James, laborer, 13 Wolf st, f.p.

Gillanier, Charles, gentleman, 20 Dulany, f.p.

+Gillard, Thomas, drayman, Union lane, N of Fayette st.

+Gillard, Jacob, blacksmith, Harford Avenue, S of Harkers' Rope Walk, gh, o.t.

Gilleghy, John, dealer in fruit, 19 Commerce st.

Gillen, James, paver, Mill, E side S of Madison st., o.t.

Gilles Henry, professor of music, Courtland, W side S of Mulberry st.

Gillespy, Catharine, widow, grocery and liquor store, SW corner

            of Apple alley and Fleet st, f.p.

Gillespy, John, plain card maker, East N side W of Gay st.

Gillespy, Edward, land agent and conveyancer, Gay st opposite the Exchange



gh  Gallows Hill          o.t.  Old Town                        +  persons of color

dw  dwelling               fp  Fells Point