Submitted by: Betty Rudolph
From LDS Family History Library Film # 417,384 Name of Vessel: Ship Hertha Port of Embarkation: Bremen Date of Arrival: September 7, 1837 Number: 60 I, C. Smidt, Master of the Ship Hertha of Hamburg, do solemnly sincerely and truly swear that the ______ List subscribed with my name contains to the best of my knowledge and beief a just and true Account or Report of all pafsingers who have been taken on board the said ship at Bremen, or any other foreign port or at se and brought in the Said vessel ito any District of the United States since her departion (?) from the said Port of bremen. /s/ C. Smidt Sworn to this 7th Sept 1837 before me. /s/ M. _________ List of Passengers on board the Hamburgh Ship Hertha, C. Smidt Master, bound from Bremen to Baltimore. 1. Johannes Pfauffer, American citizen, farmer, ?? 2. Michael Pfauffer, Hunkelhoff, farmer, 22 3. his daughter Elisabeth, Hunkelhoff, , 17 4. his daughter Eva, Hunkelhoff, 15 5. his daughter Barbara, Hunkelhoff, 13 6. his son Johann, Georg, Hunkelhoff, 14? 7. his son Michael, Hunkelhoff, 11 8. his son Heinrich, Hunkelhoff, 7 9. Joh. Adam Pfauffer, Hunkelhoff, farmer, 26* 10. Mrs. his wife (order by Mr. Donals**), Hunkelhoff, 25* 11. his daughter Elisabeth, Hunkelhoff, 11 12. Joh. Adam Weitzel, Walbroth, farmer, 24 13. his wife, Walbroth, 20 14. his daughter Margaretha, Walbroth, 4 15. his son Johannes, Walbroth, 1 16. his daughter Sibille, Walbroth, 17. Catharina Schreiber, Allinhronau?, 18. Adam Marks, Reinhards, farmer 19. his wife, Reinhards 20. his son Johannes, Reinhards 21. Margaretha Weining, Vollmarks, 22. her daughter Margaretha, Vollmarks, 21 23. Joh. Baufs, Grundhelm, farmer, 43 24. his wife, Grundhelm, 44 25. his son Georg, Grundhelm, 26. his son Johannes, Grundhelm, 27. Elisabeth Baufs, Grundhelm, 28. her son Georg, Grundhelm, 29. Andr. Stang, Allerspach, 30. Conr. Breidenbach, Oberhalbach, Shoemaker, 31. his wife, Oberhalbach, 32. his daughter Eva, Oberhalbach, 33. his daughter Barbara, Oberhalbach, 34. his son Nicolaus, Oberhalbach, 35. Conr., Frischkorn, Grundhelm, Carpenter 36. Ulrich Hutmann, Elm, Shoemaker 37. Johs. Muller, Elm, 38. Johs. Weining, Hunkelhoff, Shoemaker 39. Eva Bikman, Hunkelhoff 40. Johs. Frischkorn, Elm, 41. Georg Halbleib?, Brinkenau, Papermaker 42. Heines Schiebner, Allerspach, Shoemaker, 27 43. Nicol Weitzel, Walbroth, Farmer, 21 44. Joh. Weitzel, Walbroth, Farmer, 26 45. Elisabeth Muller, Walbroth, 22? 46. Joh. Gardner, Allenkronau?, Shoemaker, 21 47. Barbara Zeigler, Allenkronau?, 27 48. Joh. Adam Fursch, Hachemuhl, Watchmaker, 46 49. his wife, Hachemuhl, 51? 50. his stepdaughter Barb., Hachemuhl, 30 51. Barbara Kr__tz, Hachemuhl, 30 52. Heines Breidenbach, Weitzersbach, Papermaker, 37 53. Joh. Briedenbach, Weitzersbach, Cartwright 54. Joh. Georg Jordan, Weitzersbach, Shoemaker 55. Nicol Liffert, Grundhelm, Farmer 56. his wife, Grundhelm, 25 57. his daughter Gertraud, Grundhelm, 1/12 58. Gertraud Liffert, Grundhelm, 4_ 59. Gertraud Frischkorn, Gundhelm, 60. Nico. Muller, Grundhelm, Farmer,19 61. Toost. Muller, Motten, Farmer, 33 62. Dorathea Bienemiller, Dettern, 63. her daughter, Margaretha, Dettern, 64. Elisabeth Muth, Stenbefritz 65. Heinr. Muth, Stenbefritz, Farmer, 66. Eva Muth, Stenbefritz, 67. Joh. Muth, Stebefritz, Farmer 68. Catharina Bischoff, Hunkelhoff, 69. her son Johannes, Hunkelhoff, 11 70. Gertraud Muller, Stebefritz, 71. Joh. Schi__zter, Vollmerts, Farmer, 65 72. Chr. Gartner, Allinkronau, Farmer 73. his son Heinrich, Allinkronau, 17 74. Catharina Gartner, Allinkronau, 29 75. her daughter Catharina, Allinkronau, 76. her son Joh. Georg, Allenkronau, 77. Anholdina Costin, Allinkronau, 78. Sophia Jahns, Volmarks, 50 79. her son Ludwig, Volmarks, 80. her son Godfried, Volmarks, 81. Andr. __ady, Elm, Joiner 82. his wife, Elm 83. his son Peter, Elm 84. Georg __fert, Vollmarks, Cartwright 85. _____ Aslin, Harlegh____tz, 86. Sophia Aslin, Harlegh____tz, 87. Joseph Schiff, Vollmarks, Shoemaker 88. Joh. Adam Schnezler, Schmarzenfels, 89. his wife, Schmarzenfels, Farmer 90. his daughter Margaretha, Schmarzenfels, 91. Casper Wertmann, Hunkelhoff, Farmer, 36 92. his wife,, Hunkelhoff, 30 93. his daughter, Magaretha, Hunkelhoff, 9 94. his daughter Catharina, Hunkelhoff, 7 95. his son Joh. Adam, Hunkelhoff, 1 2/4 96. Adam Hainsler, Hunkelhoff, Farmer, 24 97. Joh. Adam Lang, Heiligkrentz?, Farmer, 20 98. Franz Fehl, Vollmerks, Farmer, 25 99. his wife, Vollmerks, 18 ½ 100. his daughter Elisabeth, Vollmerks, 1 101. Georg Breitenbach, Schwarzenfels, Frmer 28 102. Barbara Marberger, Hunkelhoff, 18 103. Joh. Lins, Hunkelhoff, Farmer 38 104. Georg Lanhenau, Bremen, Shoemaker, 23 105. Joh. Schellbasz, Elben, Mason, 40 106. his wife, Elben, 33 107. his sister Marie, Elben, 108. his son Johannes, Elben, 109. his daughter Elisabeth, Elben 110. Joh. Dorner, Kausen, Farmer 111. his wife, Kausen 112. his daughter Hahna?, Kausen 113. his daughter Catharina, Kausen, 114. his daughter Anna Maria, Kausen 115. his daughter Anna, Kausen, 116. his son Wasjan?, Kausen, 117. Peter Bridenhertzer, Kausen, Farmer 118. Joh.. Prior, Fritzlar, Tailor 119. Conr. Fampel, Fritzlar, Tailor 120. Joh. Echkard, Fritzlar, Shoemaker 121. Hienr. Rith?, Fritzlar, Joiner 122. his wife, Fritzlar 123. his daughter Regina, Fritzlar, 124. Daniel Breidenbach, Allandorf, Farmer 125. his wife, Allandorf, 126. his child Carolina, Allandorf, 127. Friedr. Merke, Fritzlar, Shoemaker 128. Heinr. Sch__der, Fritzlar, Joiner? 129. Barbara Weining, Hunkelhoff 130. her daughter Gredha, Hunkelhoff 131. Adam Stoch, Brekenhorn?, Shoemaker 132. Will. Zerhel?, Bres___horn?, Taylor 133. Joh. Lindner, Obentebach, Carpenter 134. his wife 135. his son Thomas 136. Joh. Sparzel, Mottgers, Farmer, 28 137. his wife, Mottgers, 138. his daughter Margaretha, Mottgers, 7 139. his son Wilhelm, Mottgers, 4 140. his son Heinrich, Mottgers, 2 141. Catharina Jordan, Heilegkrentz, 21 142. Friedrica? Kindman?, Basga, 43 143. his son Heinrich, Basga, 144. his son Johann, Basga 145. his daughter Marie, Basga, 146. his daughter Hanna, Basga, 15 147. Wilh. Fritsche, Bannes, Carpenter, 27 148. his wife, Bannes, 19 149. his son Carl, Bannes, 1 150. Michael Baer, Bannes, Farmer, 42 151. his wife, Bannes, 44 152. his daughter Friederica, Bannes, 11 153. his fdaughter Christiana, Bannes, 2 154. Michael Dll, Gernroth, Farmer, 155. his wife, Gernroth, 156. Friedr. Fche, Prenfs. Strehan, Farmer 157. Christo;ph Staas, Prendfs. Strehan, Farmer 158. Heinr Dagener, Guttensberg, White Baker, 44 159. his wife, Guttenseurg 160. his daughter Marie, Guttensberg, 161. his son Urben, Guttensberg, 162. Joh. Zachthaler, Niedenstein, Becher?, 163. Conr. Srpingeler, Kirckberg, Tailor, 17 164. Nic. Tamm, Kirchbanna, Tailor, 29 165. Joh. Tamm, Kirchbanna, Miller, 166. Anna Wirthin, Gunroth, 167. Peter Bachtner, Bainern, Farmer 168. Heinr. Schaller, Bainern, Country Man 169. Helena Pfauffer, Hunkelhoff, 21 170. Joh. Pfauffer, Hunkelhoff, Country Man, 171. Heinrich Pfauffer, Hunkelhoff, 172. Joh. “Adam Bungert, Hellebach, Tailor, 173. Adam Weigernt, Bernbach, Shoemaker 174. Helena Nathan, Allendorf, 175. Conrad Pfenner, Allendorf, Farmer 176. Catharina Kaufmann, Allendorf 177. Augs. Depre, Langebeselbruch, 178. his wife, Langebeselbruch, 179. his son Friedrich, Langebeselbruch, 180. Joh. Reising, Altonau, Weaver 181. Joh. Wiesel, Altonau, Carpenter 182. Margaretha Stahl, Hilsheim, 183. Joh. Rither, Elm, Carpenter 184. Math. Morstad, Hilsheim, Joiner, 185. Peter Pfauffer, Hunkelhoff, Schoemaker