In 1774 the Baltimore Committee of observation formed the Baltimore Independent Cadets.
The Cadets were made up of some of the most respected young men of the
area and during the Revolutionary War many of them went into regular military service.
Below is a statement that appears to be their by-laws.

  "We, the Baltimore Independent Cadets, deeply impressed with a sense of the unhappy condition our suffering brethren of Boston--of the alarming conduct of General Gage--and the oppressive unconstitutional acts of Parliament to deprive us of liberty, and enforce slavery on his Majesty's loyal liege subjects of American in general; for the better security of our lives, liberties, and property, under such alarming circumstances, think it highly advisable and necessary that we form ourselves into a body or company, in order to learn military discipline, and to act in defiance of our country, agreeable to the Resolves of the Continental Congress.  And first, as dutiful subjects t King George the 3rd, our Royal Sovereign, we acknowledge all due allegiance, freedom and liberty of the Constitution.  Secondly, we resolve after a company of sixty men shall have voluntarily subscribed their names to this paper, that public notice thereof shall be given, and a meeting called to elect the officers of said company, under whose command we desire to be let, and will strictly adhere to, under all the sacred ties of honor, and the love and justice due to ourselves and country; and in case of any emergency we will be ready to march to the assistance of our sister colonies, at the discretion and direction of our commanding officer so elected, and that in the space of forty-eight hours notice from said officer.  Thirdly, we agree and firmly resolve to procure at our own expense, a uniform suit of clothes, (Regal.) Scarlet, turned up with buff, and trimmed with yellow metal, or gold buttons, white stockings, and black cloth half boots; likewise, a good gun with cartouche pouch, a pair of pistols, belt and cutlass, with four pounds of powder and sixteen of lead, which shall be ready to equip ourselves with, on the shortest notice.  And if default shall be found in either of us, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this engagement, we desire, and submit ourselves to a trial by court martial, whom we hereby fully authorize and empower to determine punishments, adequate to the crimes that may be committed, but not to extend to corporal punishment.  Given under our hands, this third day of December, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-four."

Moriecai Gist
A. McLure
James Clarke
Barnet Eichelberger
Richard Cary, Jr.
Christopher Hughes
William Beard
Henry Sheaf
Robert McKim
Alex Donaldson
Walter Roe
William Sterett
Matthew Scott
John Spear
Philip Graybell
Thomas Russell
David Hopkins
John Lanavan
A. McKim
J. Riddle
Brian Philpot
Charles McConnell
Christopher Johnston
Thomas Ewing
John McLure
Samuel SMith
John Smith, Jr.
J. Kennedy
G. McCall
J. Hudson
Thomas Lansdale
J. Govane
William McCreary
Hugh Young
William Hammond
William Stone
Abraham Risteau
Moses Dailey
Robert Buchanan
George Lux
N. Ruxton Moore
David Plunket
Robert Patterson
Christopher Lion
Caleb Shields David Evans
Simon Vashon
David McMechen
George Peter Keeport
John Weatherburn
Matthew Patton
Robert Long
Robert Brown
Hezekiah Waters
William Geaton
John Deitch
Thomas Jones
James Somervell
Joseph Magoffin
George Mathews

Last Updated: 09/11/2024 12:37:48