Submitted by:  Jane Cook

Baxter, Francis, s/o Albert and Frances nee Hergenrother; born in Baltimore, d. 9/21/1893, age 8 months, of convulsions, per St. Michael’s Church interment records page 121

Submitted by:  Mona Everett


These people were removed from Holy Cross Cemetery to Woodlawn Cemetery. This info is from  a copy of the Disinterment Reports and the Section, Lot number, Lot owner, and deed number refer to Holy Cross. This info was obtained from Woodlawn.


Section E Lot # 20 Lot Owner William Gill 6-8-1874 Deed # 258


Catherine Gelchister, age 56, died 12-29-1898

Ann McGill, age 60, died 1-8-1909

Mary Gill, age 4 hrs., 12-24-1873

Graves McGill, age 3 mo., 6-28-1885

Oscar V. McGill, age 21, 1-15-1902

William T. McGill, age 52, 2-1-1900

T. E. McGill, age 2 mo., 4-26-1875



Section G Lot number 105 Lot owner M. A. Jenkins 9-18-1891 Deed # 1060  1/2 105G


Joseph Gill, age 8 mo., died 7-12-1895

George P. Gill, age 1 mo., died 10-30-1891

Mary Gill, age 29, died 7-12-1890

Martin Gill, age 40, died 4-13-1897

Martin Gill, age 11 mo., died 8-13-1892

Last Updated: 09/11/2024 11:14:20