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REV. CALVIN U. HEILMAN, A. M. September 15, 1874 to October 30, 1884 |
In writing to one of the Churches, St. Paul said that he planted and Apollo watered. In a very similar sense it may be said that Dr. Koplin planted and Rev. Mr. Heilman watered. The pioneer work belonged to the former. The work of building up the membership in numerical strength, in spiritual attainments, belonged to the latter.
Rev. Calvin U. Heilman, son of George G. and Christina Heilman, was born at Heilmandale, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, November 28, 1840. He was baptized February 17, 1841 and was confirmed October 6, 1855. His early schooling was received near his parents home and for one year, from October 1, 1854, at John Becks school, Lititz, Pennsylvania. He prepared for college the three following years at the Heilmandale Select School under the instruction of Mr. A. R. Kremer, and subsequently under the private instruction of Daniel Balabaugh, principal of the Annville Academy. At the beginning of the winter term, 1859, he entered the Freshman Class of Franklin and Marshall College, and was graduated July 30, 1862.
Two years later, he completed the course of theological studies in the Seminary at Mercersburg, and was licensed to preach by Eastern Synod in session at Lancaster. For three months, he assisted Rev. Henry Heckerman at Bedford, Pennsylvania, after which he became pastor of the St. Clairsville Charge, consisting of five congregations in Bedford and Blair Counties. In this charge, he was ordained to the ministry, August 19, 1865, and here he remained for six years.
Mr. Heilman resigned the Charge to accept the position of Financial Secretary of Franklin and Marshall College. While he was a forceful preacher and a thorough pastor, he was none the less a wise counselor and skillful financier. The College recognized in him a valuable agent of the Institution. In this capacity he secured over $35,000 in money and subscriptions, and later was instrumental in obtaining for the College the Wilhelm Estate.
After three years in the employ of the College, and likely at the suggestion of the College, he accepted a call to the Paradise Charge, in September 1874, serving for ten years. Just before leaving the Charge, of October 21, 1884, the ministerial brethren and their wives of Somerset Classis gave M. and Mrs. Heilman a surprise at their home. It was the occasion of their fifteenth wedding anniversary. The ministers of Elk Lick and many members of the Charge were in attendance. Rev. J. M. Schick, then pastor of Amity, Meyersdale, made an address in which he said:
The Charge has evinced, throughout your pastorate, entire confidence in you, and so you have been set as a watch over them. They have in the past fully appreciated your kind watchfulness, but now that you are about to leave the, without any apparent good reason, they deem it necessary that in the future you be watched, and they desire to put a watch on you. They have appointed me to watch you." Where upon, Rev. Mr. Schick presented to Mr. Heilman a gold watch, the inside of the case engraved: "To Rev. Calvin U. Heilman from the Paradise Charge, October 21, 1884", on the outside of the case, the monogram, "C. U. H."
It was during this pastorate, that he had the assistance, in the work of the Charge, of Rev. George M. Zacharias, who was located at Grantsville and served in part the Grantsville and New Germany congregation, preaching occasionally at Elk Lick and St. Pauls. As the arrangement was not very satisfactory to the south end of the Charge, it was discontinued after a year.
From November 1, 1884, for nine years he was pastor of the Waterstreet Charge, residing at Alexandria, Pennsylvania. November 11, 1893, he was settled by Mercersburg Classis as pastor of the Greencastle Charge in Franklin County. His active duties there continued till June 1895, when with the hope of regaining his health, he went to Petersburg, Pennsylvania, where he died July 24, 1895. He was buried at the Hill Church, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania.
During a ministry extending over thirty-one years, Rev. Mr. Heilman built five new churches, two parsonages, and repaired six other churches. He delivered 2,991 addresses, preached 4,537 sermons, baptized 1,403 persons and confirmed 1,074. He officiated at 198 weddings and at 348 funerals.
Mr. Heilman was greatly interested in his Alma Mater. He was a member of the Board of Trustees of the College from 1886 to the time of his death. He attended every commencement after his entrance to the College save the last, which, on account of failing health, his Physician forbade him. He served also as a member of the Board of Regents of Mercersburg College in its organization as an Academy for boys.
While at College he was a member of the Goethean Literary Society. He was a member of the Masonic Fraternity, and was also a Good Templar. He served as School director and for a time taught a public school when no regular teacher could be secured. For a time he was associate editor of the Messenger. He was a generous soul, using his wealth liberally for the help of those in need, especially of young men desiring to prepare for the ministry or other professions.
On October 12, 1869, Mr. Heilman married Mary D., daughter of George D. McIlvaine, of Gap, Pennsylvania. The children are Sarah, Alice, George McIlvaine and Mary Frances.
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