Excerpts from The Cumberland Times
transcribed by Charles Often




ALEE 03 Feb 1881 Information has been received of the death of Mrs Sarah Alee, wife of William Alee, former residents, now of Cincinnati. She died on Feb 1, 1881 and was a sister of Mrs John Walker of this city.

ALLEN 17 Mar 1881Ebenezer C Allen died yesterday aged 46, at his residence in South Cumberland. The funeral is tomorrow from the Presbyterian church with burial at Rose Hill, by Rev J E Moffatt.

BAIRD 18 Mar 1881 Mrs N M Baird died at her residence on March 16th. The funeral is today from the Queen City Hotel where she had resided for several years, being taken care of by daughter Miss Binnie Baird. She is the mother of Mrs Jacobs of WV, wife of the ex- governor; Maj. Gen. A Baird, USA; and Capt. William Baird, CSA. Burial is from the First Presbyterian Church and burial at Rose Hill Cemetery.

BAKER 27 Apr 1881 John Edward Baker, 20 years of age, the son of Jonathan Baker of Pekin, died on April 25th. The burial services will proceed from Pekin to Mt Savage in the Presbyterian Church.

BEACH 16 Apr 1881 On Dan's Mountain, two families, Reddock and Beach, live year around and are well known as having big families of large proportions. During last winter, two of the men were involved in a fight and disappeared without a clue as their whereabouts. This spring, after the snows melted, their bodies were found at the bottom of a precipice, locked together. They had obviously fallen during the fight and had died together.

BOOSE 13 Jun 1881 Mrs Catherine Boose, aged 50 years, relict of the late A J Boose, died Sunday (12 Jun) at her residence on S Liberty Street from a complication of diseases. Her father, Robert McCleary settled here in 1794, and so, she was of the oldest families in this area. Her husband, A J Boose died in 1867 and was a prominent citizen. She leaves 2 surviving children; Miss Annie, aged 15 years; and a son A J Boose Jr., who is younger. She has 3 sisters living; Mrs A J Walton; Mrs Daniel Saylor; and Mrs W R McCulley. Mr John McCleary is a brother. She was a consistent member of the English Lutheran Church. Funeral services from the home and burial at Rose Hill Cemetery by Rev J Q McAtee.

BOWEN 31 Jan 1881 Mr Benjamin Bowen, a miner about 30 years of age with a wife and 3 children was killed by a fall of rock in Eckhart slope mine 29 Jan 1881. He and a brother, Samuel were working together when the accident occurred. His body was taken to Frostburg for an inquest. The Consolidation Coal Co was exonerated in the death as reported by Robert C Paul, foreman of the inquest.

BRADDOCK 18-19 May 1881 Story entitled "Grey Hunter" of the Braddock Gold and of the Lovers Leap in the Narrows as told by a son of a man from Braddock's army who was sent ahead of the retreating army with the gold.

BRADLEY 16 May 1881 Charles Bradley, a miner of Blaen Avon coal mine near Borden Shaft was killed yesterday by a fall of coal. He leaves a wife and several small children. Yesterday was the first day of the operation of the mine for this year.

BROWN 11 Aug 1881 Col Hanson Brown died 1 1/2 miles from Lonaconing on Tuesday evening ( 9 Aug) being thrown from a wagon and severely beaten by Michael Flannagan, who was later arrested and is being held in jail at Cumberland. He was about 65 years of age and resided in Garrett Co, 7 miles from Lonaconing and was returning from delivery of a wagon of hay to the city. On the return trip from the city, the men met and got into an altercation which resulted his death. His brother Henry was killed in 1869 by an explosion in Grantsville MD. Also, at that time, a brother-in-law, David Compton, was killed on the farm by a threshing machine cylinder explosion. Mr Jacob Brown of Cumberland and Mr Elijah brown of St Louis MO are surviving brothers. [Article is 2 columns long regarding the incident].

CLAREY 27 Jun 1881 On Sunday (26 Jun), Eloise T Cleary died and the funeral is from the Emmanuel PE Church today with Dr S C Thrall officiating and burial in Rose Hill Cemetery. She died of typhoid pneumonia at the home of her brother Roderick Clarey on Decatur Street, where they have resided together since the deaths of their mother, sister, and brother.

CLEARY 08 Aug 1881 Mr Johanna Cleary, aged 70 years, died at the residence of Thomas Ferrall on Saturday (6 Aug). She kept an apple stand in the hallway of the court building for several years.

CRAMER 12 oct 1881 Yesterday, Mr John Cramer, an old citizen of Pompey Smash, was killed in an accident digging coal in the Old Pompey mine. A fall of roof and breast coal crushed him to the ground. He has a wife and several children and was about 45 years of age.

CRESAP 03 Jun 1881 Mr Van Lear Cresap, former citizen of this county, committed suicide at his mother's home in Rawlings Station. Some time ago, Mr Cresap went West and returned only a few days ago. It was discovered that he was under a great mental excitement and Dr Gerstell at Keyser was sent for. While the Doctor was in the home, Mr Cresap went to the stable and drew a revolver and shot himself in the chest. His brother Stanley carried him to the house where he expired. He was about 40 years of age and leaves a wife and several children.

DOWNEY 25 May 1881 Mr William Downey of the rolling mill died at his residence on Fulton Street yesterday afternoon and the funeral is today.

DUCKWORTH 16 Mar 1881 Yesterday, Mr James Duckworth, a miner of the Maryland Coal Company was killed in Kingsley Mine, being run over by coal cars. He was employed 8 years and was 35 years of age, had a wife and 3 children at Detmold.

EISENBERG 08 Jul 1881 on Wednesday (6 Jul), W Eisenberg, employed at the Hoffman Mines was instantly killed by his head being caught between a mine prop and a passing car.

EMMONS 06 May 1881 Mrs Susan J Emmons died yesterday in the 54th year of her age. Funeral is Saturday from the Presbyterian church. She leaves a husband, A W Emmons, and an 11 year old son. Services by Rev. J E Moffatt and burial in Rose Hill.

EVANS 14 Nov 1881 Mr Thomas Evans of Mt Savage died there Tuesday (8 Nov) following a lingering illness. He was about 35 years of age and leaves a wife and a family. At one time he was foreman of Mt Savage machine shops of the railroad. He was a leading member of the Episcopal church.

FECHTIG 06 Apr 1881 Mrs S A Fechtig, relict of the late John H Fechtig, died yesterday at Gordonsville VA. She was about 80 years of age.

FROSTBURG FIRE 12 Aug 1881 A fire, suspected to have been set by an incendiary, burned out the Gross & Nickle Furniture store and the saloon of John Pressman along with his home and effects from the residence above the saloon. [ Article is a 2 column story].

GENTRY 23 Feb 1881 Elizabeth F Gentry, aged 17 years, 10 months, and 10 days died at Hampshire Mines of a painful illness.

GILCHRIST 31 dec 1881 Alexander Gilchrist, about 50 years of age, was killed by a fall of coal yesterday in the Kingsley Mine of the Maryland Coal Company of Lonaconing. He leaves a wife and a grown son.

GRAVES 02 Sep 1881 John C Graves, 28 years of age, son of Dennis Graves, died Thursday (1 Sep) at his home 20 Decatur Street. Services are at the Reformed Episcopal Church and burial in Rose Hill Cemetery.

GREER 09 May 1881 Mr Alexander Greer died in Johnson Co, Missouri on April 10th in his 71st year of age. In 1838, he moved to Missouri where he lived until his death amassing an estate of about $100.000. In 1837, he married Miss Louise Clary, a daughter of Girard Clary of Clarysville, on the national Road, 2 miles from Frostburg. Mrs Greer and 15 children survive. Mrs Greer is a sister of the mother of Messers. James H Percy, H C Shipley; and Mrs William A Withers, a nd others.

GROVER 27 Jun 1881 on Saturday (25 Jun) Col. James H Grover, 40 years of age, died at Glen Nora, the home of his brother-in-law, R T Semmes. He had come here from his home in Louisiana with his wife, brother Hiram Grover, and father-in-law Mr Slaughter. The funeral is from the Emmanuel Episcopal Church and his body will be placed in a vault in Rose Hill Cemetery.

HANECAMP 13 Apr 1881 The funeral of Mrs Henry Hanecamp took place Sunday at Lonaconing. She is the wife of Mr Hanecamp, the sheriff of Cumberland, who survives along with several children.

HANNA 01 Nov 1881 Mrs Mary A Hanna, an old resident of Flintstone, died at Oldtown on Wednesday of last week (26 Oct), where she had recently removed.

HARTMAN 28 Feb 1881 John Hartman died Friday (25 Feb) at his residence on N Centre Street. He was 64 years of age and leaves a wife and 3 married children. The funeral is from the Bedford Street German Lutheran Church.

HENDRICKSON 26 May 1881 Licenced to wed- Emma Hendrickson of Bedford Co PA and James B Dorsey of Garrett Co MD.

HENSHAW 15 Mar 1881 The funeral of Mr W E Henshaw of Lonaconing will take place at Emmanuel Church after which the body will be placed in a vault at Rose Hill Cemetery. He was a prominent merchant of the George's Creek area. He died of rheumatism of the brain. He leaves a wife, 3 daughters , and a son. One daughter is married and one an infant in arms.

HEXT 04 Jun 1881 William Hext, an aged citizen of this place for 40 years, died at his place near the Viaduct yesterday. He was from England, coming here as a boy and engaged in saddlery.

HINKLE 05 Aug 1881 Mrs Mary Hinkle, consort of the late Jesse Hinkle, died at the residence of her son, John Hinkle at Folck's Mills on Wednesday (3 Aug) , at an advanced age. Services were conducted by her son Rev Richard Hinkle of PA today.

HOBLITZELL 01 Jun 1881 Miss Cornella Hoblitzell, eldest daughter of J J Hoblitzell, of Frostburg died at Meyersdale while visiting. Her remains were returned to Frostburg for burial.

HOLLE 22 Apr 1881 Mr Albert Holle of Frostburg died on Wednesday (Apr 20) following an illness of three weeks. He was in his 69th year, and had been a consistent member of the Frostburg German Lutheran Church.

INDIAN CREEK TRAIN WRECK 11 Feb 1881 A landslide at Indian Creek, eight miles this side of Connellsville, delayed the train from Pittsburg for 12 hours to clear the tracks of a train that hit the landslide. The engineer, William Strebey, seeing the danger, leaped from the engine before the impact and landed in the mud so deep that he was stuck. The engine remained an upright position, but several of the cars wrecked. The wheels of one of the cars landed on the engineer(?) and killed him and buried him. He was about 35 years of age and leaves a wife and a family in Connellsville. The remainder of the train crew was unhurt.

IRONS 30 Jun 1881 Yesterday, George Irons, well known citizen, died at his residence on the Williams Road, 4 miles East of the city from an attack of peritonitis.

LONGABAUGH 01 Jul 1881 Mr John Longabaugh, a carpenter residing at 148 N Centre Street, fell from a shed he was building near the Canada Engine House for Josiah Witt and struck his head. He was shaken, walked home, but by morning he was dead. Until recently, he had held the position of boss carpenter on this division of the canal. He leaves a wife and 4 children, all grown, 3 girls and one son; one girl having been married. The Governor had appointed Mr Longabaugh as magistrate for the city of Cumberland, but he died before assuming office. The funeral is from the home with Rev Isaac Thomas and remains buried in Rose Hill Cemetery.

JOHNSON 18 Feb 1881 Capt. Otis Johnson, aged 40 years, died Thursday (17 Feb) . His funeral was Saturday at Emmanuel Episcopal Church. He died at his residence at the Read Farm on Evitts Creek, 2 miles from the city and leaves a wife and 5 children. A native of Frederick Co, he was a nephew of Gen. Bradley Johnson and also of R D Johnson of this city. He served in the Confederate Army on Gen. McCauslen's staff at the battle of Folcks Mills on Aug 4, 1864. He was captured at Moorefield by Gen. Averill and remained at Camp Chase until the end of the war. Burial is at Rose Hill cemetery.

JUDY 16 May 1881 Mrs Emma Judy, wife of George Judy and a daughter of the late David Myers, died at Altoona PA on Saturday (14 May) after a long painful illness. Her remains were brought here to the city and the funeral was held from the home of her mother, Mrs Myers on Little Valley Street.

KOCHER 15 Nov 1881 Mrs Roseanna Kocher, mother of the late Dr L K Himmelshire, died yesterday aged 78 years, 10 months, and 13 days. She suffered 18 years of rheumatic affliction. The funeral is from the residence 30 Baltimore Street with burial at Rose Hill.

LINGO 15 Aug 1881 The funeral of Albert Lingo of Barton, who died Friday night (13 Aug), took place from the residence of his father, John Lingo of Davidson Street.

LONACONING FIRE 08 Sep 1881 A great fire occurred at Lonaconing last night and consumed 43 homes and businesses. The fire began at Tulley's Store on Main Street and spread to Douglas Avenue, then to Bridge Avenue; and on the line of the railroad to the Merchants Hotel. Low water levels due to the drouth hampered the bucket brigade. Fire companies from Westernport-Piedmont and from Cumberland responded. [Article lists names of citizens losing businesses and homes and the valuation of each].

LOTTIG 30 Sep 1881 Elizabeth Lottig, wife of Conrad Lottig, died (29 Sep) at her home on Hanover Street, aged 46 years, 9 months, and 17 days. She had been ill for 7 months and leaves a husband and 6 children. Three sons and 2 daughters at home and the eldest is married and lives in Clarksburg. The funeral is from the home tomorrow.

LUHRMAN 15 Oct 1881 John A Luhrman, son of Anthony Luhrman, died Friday (14 Oct) at his place on the Baltimore Pike, near Turner's Hall, aged 24 years and 1 month. A second son, Michael Luhrman, aged 24 years, died Saturday (15 Oct). A third son is also very ill. Funerals are from St Peter & Paul Church.

LYNN 03 Oct 1881 Mr James Galloway Lynn died 01 Oct at his residence on Rose Hill on the 78th anniversary of his birth. He was one of 10 children of Capt. David Lynn and is survived by one sister, Mrs Anna Tilghman. His grandfather, David Lynn Esq., came from Ireland in 1849 settling in Frederick County MD, then embracing all of Western Maryland.

McCORMICK 24 Dec 1881 A Barton Fire Consumes 2 buildings and Burns Man To Death..A residence and saloon of George Schramm was destroyed by fire last night. It was one story building and situated on the west side of the C&P RR in the southern part of town near the Potomac Dump. The building was in the shape of an "L" and commonly known as the "Old Creutzburg Hotel". Adjoining the building was a 2 story double framed building owned by Peter Calmer and tenanted by blacksmith William Shaffer and Mrs Rebecca Blair, a widow. They saved only their furniture. Peter McCormick, a miner, 40 years of age nicknamed "Big Peter", was so drunk that Schramm allowed him to sleep all night in the saloon. It is supposed that he arose during the night, tried to light a lamp, and set fire to the building accidently, forfeiting his life. An inquest was held which rendered a verdict of the above information. [Article is 1/2 column long].

McCOY 21 Nov 1881 Mr F D McCoy, aged about 30 years was instantly killed last Monday (14 Nov) by a fall of coal in the Virginia Mine near Bloomington.

McCULLOH 17 Jun 1881 Mr David McCulloh left for Chicago to take up permanent residence. Of late years, he had resided on the National Pike, 6 miles east of the city. His sons frank and Robert had preceded their father in moving west.

McGROGAN 10 Oct 1881 Mr Charles McGrogan, employed at Hyndman Shaft mine in Connellsville, died last Saturday (8 Oct). He was descending into the mine when the hoisting gear experienced a defect, causing him to fall the entire 300 feet into the mine. His remains were removed to Mt Savage for burial.

McNAMARA 31 Dec 1881 Daniel McNamara was found dead at the west end of Frostburg tunnel, his body resting on the left side, his head resting on his hand, and supported from the elbow. He had a triangular wound on his temple from a sharp iron instrument, perhaps a miners pick. He was about 30 years of age, unmarried, lived at Midlothian, and an employee of Blaen Avon Coal Company. He was a brother of Patrick McNamara of Lonaconing.

McNAMEE 27 Jun 1881 On Saturday (25 Jun), Elizabeth McNamee, aged 69 years, died at her residence at Davidson Street on McNamee's Hill. She is the widow of the late H J McNamee and died of natural causes. She had no children. A brother, Mr Emmanuel Eckles of Ohio and a niece, Mrs William Alee of this city survive. She was a member of one of the oldest families of the county and a daughter of Mr Samuel Eckles. The funeral is Monday from the residence and the German Lutheran Church.

McNAMEE 12 Mar 1881 H J McNamee died Friday (11 Mar) at his residence on Davidson Street in the 64th year of his age. The funeral is Sunday with Rev. S B Tredway.

MEADOWS 28 Feb 1881 Mr Louis Meadows, a B & O engineer, died Saturday (26 Feb ) at his residence on Decatur Street. He was 35 years of age and leaves a wife and a son and a daughter. Consumption was the cause of death. The funeral is at St Patrick's Catholic Church and burial in the St Patrick's burial grounds.

MILLER 31 Mar 1881 Clara Miller died Wednesday (30 Mar) at the home of Mrs Walker on Glenn Street, aged 15 years, 6 months, and 11 days. The funeral is from the Christ Reformed Lutheran Church, Rev. JQ McAtee presiding and burial in Rose Hill Cemetery.

MILLMAN 12 Oct 1881 Dr J H Millman died yesterday in Washington IN. He was born in Cumberland in 1846, learned the blacksmith business under Mr Learman, engaged in the drug business in Cincinnati and entered college at Indianapolis. He leaves a wife and 2 children in Washington IN. His father, mother, two brothers, and a sister still reside in Cumberland.

MOONEY 26 May 1881 Daniel Mooney of Piedmont, aged 25 years, single, and brakeman for the B & O RR, was on the train between Bloomington and Piedmont, braking the train with a chain and piece of wood for a lever, when the stick broke, struck Mooney, knocking him beneath the cars, causing his death.

O'NEIL 07 Nov 1881 Mr James B O'Neil, a prominent young democrat, became a benedict last night, the other party being Miss Sophia Kreitzburg of Frostburg. The wedding took place at the parsonage of St Michael's Church presided over by Father Mattingly.

OGLE 28 Jan 1881 The funeral of Mrs T A Ogle took place from her residence on N Mechanic Street and the remains were interred in the Rose Hill Cemetery. She was badly burned from the explosion of a coal oil lamp on Monday.

PARKER 07 Oct 1881 On Tuesday (05 Oct), Mr Thomas Parker of Eckhart and Miss Gertrude Mountz were married at the bride's home at Marlboro VA. Mr Parker is the son of William Parker, a successful merchant of Eckhart. Following a trip to Luray VA, they propose to reside at Eckhart.

QUANTRELL 17 Feb 1881 The life story of Charles Quantrell, who burned Lawrence KS in 1868, and other outrages, was a Maryland native. This article was 3/4 column long.

RANK 29 Oct 1881 Mr William Rank, aged about 19 years, died of malarial typhoid fever. For the past eight years he was employed by Messers. Baltzell and Rouss. The funeral is from the fathers home on Lena Street to the German Lutheran Church.

RANKIN 05 Feb 1881 George Rankin, a youth of 20 years of age, was killed Thursday ( Feb 3) in Westernport's Hampshire & Baltimore Coal Company mine from a fall of roof coal. A miner named Fisher escaped without injury.

RANKIN 01 Nov 1881 Mrs Margaret Rankin, wife of Dr R G Rankin, died Sunday (30 Oct) at her home in Waverly of typhoid fever. She was the mother of Mrs A W Rudasill, pastor of Centre Street ME Church.

READ 12 Aug 1881 Mr Scott Read, a flagman on freight train #73, was accidently killed near Hyndman yesterday. He was last seen alive turning the brake of a hopper car and found later with a large gap in the back of his head and another on his forehead. It is supposed that he lost his balance and fell from the train. Mr Read was married to a daughter of Elijah Fuller, who survives him with 4 children, 3 girls and a boy. He was a native of Washington Co. The funeral is from the residence on Columbia Street.

RECKLEY 10 Oct 1881 Mr Jacob Reckley, an old citizen of Maryland, now residing at Okonoko WV, fell from a platform at Cresap's Mill, Oldtown on Last Wednesday and he died on Thursday (6 Oct) from his injuries. The funeral was Oct 8th from the home.

RICE 26 Mar 1881 Isaac Rice died yesterday at the home of a daughter, Mrs M E Drake of 84 Columbia St in the 91st year of life. The funeral is tomorrow from the English Lutheran Church.

RICE 29 Mar 1881 Yesterday, a boy passing Mullan's lime kiln on the Valley Road, noticed a man alongside the road dead. The man was Solomon Rice, a laborer working on Stoney Battery, who must have fallen on his way home. A physician pronounced the cause to be apoplexy. Mr Rice was 60 years of age.

RICE 21 Oct Mr Eli Rice, aged about 65 years, died on Little Valley Road on Wednesday (19 Oct) following a long illness.

ROBERTS 17 Mar 1881 Cornelius Roberts, former Flintstone resident. Died at his residence in Saturn IN on March 6th. He left this county 24 years ago. He was 74 years, 11 months, and 15 days.

ROBINETTE 01 Jul 1881 Mrs Valeria Robinette, formerly of this county and a daughter of Mrs Sarah A Chaney, died on Jun 23 at her new home in Lewis, Cass Co., IA. She had been in good health the night before but suffered internal hemorrhage, sinking into death. A funeral sermon will be preached this Sunday at Flintstone.

ROWLAND 05 Dec 1881 Mr Percival Rowland, Deputy Clerk of the Court, died last evening from an aneurism sustained in an operation one week ago. He was 34 years of age and is survived by a brother John Rowland and a sister, who were present with at the end. He was born and raised in Washington County and for the past 14 years, he was a deputy to Capt Luman at the court house. His mother was a sister to Col. Resley. 06 Dec 1881 a memorial article appears in the newspaper. 07 Dec 1881 the funeral took place from the First Presbyterian Church with a burial in Rose hill Cemetery. Details in this article of 2 paragraphs.

SHERIDAN 04 Feb 1881 Patrick Sheridan died on Feb 3 rd at the residence of his brother, Thomas Sheridan, on Decatur Street in his 58th year. Services are being held at St Patrick's.

SHULER 23 Mar 1881 Mrs Mary E Shuler, wife of SM Shuler, died on 17 Mar of cancer in the lower end of the county, aged 45 years, 7 months, 17 days. The funeral was Saturday (19 Mar).

STANLEY 28 Jun 1881 The only daughter of Fred & Lizzy Stanley, Neata C Stanley, aged 3 years, 10 months and 29 days, died yesterday.

TAYLOR 20 may 1881 Mr W J Taylor died yesterday from a paralysis of stroke. He was about 43 years of age and leaves a wife and 7 children. The funeral is tomorrow from the residence on Columbia Street to the reformed Episcopal Church on S Centre Street and then to Rose Hill cemetery for interment. He was foreman of B & O Turning Shops and a councilman of the city.

THOMPSON 05 Dec 1881 Dr Alexander Thompson of Mt Savage, died Friday (2 Dec) at his residence. He was 61 years of age and a county resident for 25 years. He married Miss Minnie Slack, daughter of Cornelius Slack, 15 years ago. She survives with 3 children, the eldest is 16 years of age. The funeral is from Emmanuel Episcopal Church and burial at Rose Hill Cemetery. [Article is 1/2 column long].

THOMPSON 18 Jul 1881 Mr Archie Thompson was killed in George's Creek new mine on Saturday (16 Jul). He was knocking a prop out and the roof coal came down upon him. He resided at Pekin and leaves a wife and 6 children.

THRASHER 26 May 1881 The Thrasher Trial begins. Alexander Thrasher, 17 years of age, killed Joseph Pratt, about 20 years of age at Mt Savage on March 10, 1881 during a fight. The jury selection and opening arguments are made. Testimony reveals, there was a fight stemming from an argument, among Alexander Thrasher and the Pratt boys, Joe, Frank, and Connor. A knife was produced and Joseph Pratt was fatally stabbed. 27 May 1881-More testimony.

THRUSTON 15 Nov 1881 Julia Hughes Thruston, widow of Gen. Charles M Thruston, the only surviving child of Christopher Hughes of Baltimore, died yesterday following a long suffering from rheumatic affliction, in the 83rd year of her life. A surviving child is Mrs Charles P Manning of Baltimore. Deceased children are; Julian Hughes Thruston who died at age 19 on April 29, 1853; Henry Scott Thruston who was killed in a factory explosion on June 15, 1868; William S Thruston drowned at age 37 on June 10, 1865; Charles B Thruston died at age 42 on Dec 06, 1868; Col George A Thruston died at age 53 on May 03, 1874. The funeral is from the house, 35 Decatur Street, with the services at Emmanuel Episcopal Church and burial in Rose Hill Cemetery.

TREIBER 28 Jan 1881 Mrs John G Treiber of Baltimore Street, died Thursday (27 Jan) in her 53rd year. The funeral is tomorrow from the English Lutheran Church. Her maiden name was Christian Knierman and she was born in Germany. She has a brother and sister in Baltimore and a brother in Hagerstown. Her 4 children are all grown and well known in this city.

TWIGG 07 Oct 1881 Mr Peter Twigg of Oldtown was found dead in his bed on Tuesday morning (05 Oct).

WARREN GLASS WORKS 10 May 1881 A full column article of a visit of the Warren Glass Works of South Cumberland by a correspondent who describes the facilities and operations.

WAYS 16 Jun 1881 Mr George S Ways died of an attack of pneumonia at his residence on Lee Street last evening. He was between 50 and 60 years of age and leaves a family of 7 children, mostly grown. A Requiem Mass was celebrated by Father Mattingly and burial in St Patrick's Cemetery.

WEBER 05 Sep Mrs Mary Weber, wife of William Weber, died yesterday at her residence on Frederick Street following an illness of 3 weeks. She was in her 70th year of age. She leaves 2 sons; William E Weber, cashier at the 3rd National Bank; and Mr Howard K Weber, cashier of the 1st National Bank at Springfield IL. Burial will be at Rose Hill Cemetery.

WEISENMILLER 17 Jun 1881 Yesterday, a lad named Jacob Weisenmiller, employed in the B&O shops here, had one of his fingers mashed in a bolt machine and will have to have it amputated. He resides on the Bedford Road near the town clock.

WELCH 14 Nov 1881 Thomas Welch, freight conductor on the George's Creek & Cumberland RR, died suddenly while at work on the train. He fell from the train between Pompey Smash and the tunnels, 7 miles from the city. He was about 37 years of age and leaves a wife and one son. His remains were taken to his father's place at Lonaconing where the funeral will begin with interment in Westernport's Catholic Cemetery. He was a brother of the late Peter Welch who died 2 months ago, from lockjaw induced by the loss of two fingers, which were crushed while on duty with the same railroad.

WESTERN MARYLAND 06 May 1881 An article by J Thomas Scharf requests information to include in a book to be called "History of Western Maryland" for Major Louis H Everts of Philadelphia. The work will include incidents and early history and settlement of the area, profusely illustrated with maps, plans and portraits.

WILKINS 08 Jul 1881 Mrs Adelaide E Wilkins, wife of William H Wilkins, died at the family residence 35 S Mechanic Street yesterday morning. Her father was the late Samuel Charles, founder of the "Cumberland Civilian" in 1828, and was the sister of Mr George Charles. She had been ill for some months. Funeral services from the home today.


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