Excerpts from The Cumberland Times
transcribed by Charles Often




00 Jan 01-1877 through 18 Feb 1877 Missing from microfilm. 
Beginning Feb 19, 1877-the newspaper is under the masthead of Alleganian and Times.

ALBERT 12 Mar 1877 Mrs A Albert, who was stricken on Friday with paralysis, died at her residence on Bedford Street on Sunday (11 Mar). She leaves a husband and 4 children. Mr Albert had been called to Arkansas on business and has been telegraphed. He came to the city a short time ago and established a photographic business.

AUSTIN 20 Apr 1877 Mr John H Austin died last Thursday (19 Apr) at his home in Barnesville in the 74th year of his age. He had, for many years, held the position of Deputy Sheriff and Constable.

BLACKBURN 22 Nov 1877 Mr John Blackburn's wife died suddenly last night. Mr Blackburn is in the manufacture of rustic chairs and formerly lived in Paris PA, a few miles beyond Schellsburg. Her remains were conveyed to Paris for interment.

BOHNER 04 Jun 1877 Mr Joseph Bohner died at his residence in South Cumberland yesterday afternoon following a lingering illness. He was 36 years of age.

BRADFORD 13 Aug 1877 Mr Malcolm Bradford, the eldest son of J T Bradford, died a few days ago at his new home in Baltimore following a snake bite he suffered while bathing and swimming in that area.

BRODERICK 05 Sep 1877 Mr Thomas Broderick, 83, living on Greene Street, died yesterday of old age.

BURTON 26 Mar 1877 Mr Thomas Burton, of Mt Savage, died and funeral rites were performed at the Centre Street ME Church and the remains buried at Rose Hill Cemetery .[Funeral article is 4 paragraphs].

CLARY 19 Mar 1877 Aden Clary, 68 years of age, died at Frostburg on Saturday (17 Mar). He came to this country and settled first in Cumberland and in 1828 moved to Frostburg and engaged in a very successful mercantile business. He is the father of Lloyd Clary, former editor of the TIMES whose tragic death of some months now is still recalled. A daughter of Mr Clary married Mr Barney Dilley. The funeral is at Frostburg today at St Michael's Church celebrated by Father Schmidt with Rev Father Ryan giving the sermon.

COLEMAN 10 Mar 1877 Anna Coleman, the eldest daughter of Bernard & Rosena Coleman, died last Friday (9 Mar), aged 27 years, and 10 months. The funeral is from the home on W Fayette Street.

COWDEN 19 Feb 1877 Mr John Cowden's funeral took place on Saturday (17 Feb) with Rev. E B Raffensperger offering the sermon.

CUMBERLAND FLOOD 26 Nov 1877 Four column article describing the Canal and Railroad traffic affected badly and many homes under water and much property loss. 27 Nov 1877 Two additional columns regarding the flood waters. 28 Nov 1877 Captain Charles Little of Hancock was washed off the canal boat "Broderick" ; Mr Charles Lewis of Liberty Street in Cumberland is reported to have been washed off the Harper's Ferry bridge: Mrs J Peterman is missing on a trip to Williamsport; Mr Amos Fisher of Polk Street, Cumberland is missing; Captain James Westbrook, his wife, and 7 children are reported drowned. 29 Nov 1877 Old Borden Mine in lower Frostburg suffered a cave-in by the rain softened earth. Thirty-six hours later, Mr John Davis the boss miner and Mr John Hager a roadsman, dug themselves out. 07 Dec 1877 The canal will not be repaired for traffic until April and all traffic is suspended. A report of all boats remaining in the canal reflects the lock where they are located.

DICK 18 Sep 1877 Jeremiah Dick, an old canal man of Cumberland, died on Sunday night ( 16 Sep).

DIEBOLD 23 Aug 1877 Sophia Margaretta Diebold, aged 6 years, 5 months, and 23 days, daughter of George & Mary Diebold, died on Wednesday 22 Aug, at the home of her parents, 185 N Centre Street.

DIRECTORY OF ALLEGANY COUNTY 21 Jun 1877 Col William H Boyd, who was stationed in Cumberland during the war, and now publishes city directories, will begin to canvass the county to publish a Directory of Allegany County.

DUCKIN 10 Sep 1877 Mr John Duckin, a miner employed in the Miller Mine below Lonaconing, was killed Friday (7 Sep) by an engine of the George's Creek Railroad. The engine came upon the siding and ran over him before he was aware of the approach.

EASTER 03 Sep 1877 Mr Emanuel Easter, aged 71 years, died last evening (2 Sep) at his residence on N Centre Street. The funeral is from Christ's English Lutheran Church with Rev H C Holloway and burial in the German Lutheran Church.

ELLIS 13 Sep 1877 Yesterday, two miners, Henry Ellis and David Lewis were killed by a fall of roof coal at the Astor Mine, known better as Pompey Smash. Their bodies were extricated and taken to Frostburg to their families. [Article is 3 paragraphs]. The inquest fails to reach an agreement in this case and since the bodies are now interred, the case will be held over for the grand jury. It is said that the widows wish to sue for loss in their deaths.

FOLK 15 Nov 1877 At Eckhart Mines, the wife of William Folk, an aged lady, was burned severely. She was kneeling before the fireplace for nightly devotions, when her dress caught fire and she ran from the home but her clothes skin and flesh were burned severely to where she is not expected to live. She died later on Wednesday Nov 14 and was buried Friday Nov 16.

FOSTER 07 Mar 1877 Mrs Margaret Foster, an old and esteemed citizen, died here at the home of her daughter's at an advanced age.

FRESOE 11 Apr 1877 A young daughter of Mr Fresoe, aged 17 years, became ill on Saturday and died yesterday. The funeral is today.

FRIEND 05 Oct 1877 Annie Bertha Friend, youngest child of R E & Sarah A Friend, aged 2 years, 4 months, and 26 days, died Oct 4. The funeral is from the home on Greene Street.

GRAMLICH 23 Apr 1877 Sebastian A Gramlich, son of F M Gramlich esq., died on 21 April in his 23rd year. He was a member of the Cumberland Hose Company. The funeral is from the home on N Centre Street and services in the German Catholic Church with Father Francis celebrating. Burial in Rose Hill Cemetery.

GROSS 09 Aug 1877 Mrs Virginia Gross, widow of the late Collamore Gross, died Tuesday (7 Aug). The funeral is from the Centre Street ME Church on Thursday.

GROVE 01 Nov 1877 On Wednesday, Oct 31, John H Grove, aged 52 years, 2 months, and 21 days of age, died at his residence on Baltimore Street near Centre St of typhoid fever. He was a boatman on the canal.

HARMON 09 Oct 1877 Mr Jacob Harmon of Frostburg died on Sunday 7 Oct from internal injuries he received while gathering chestnuts and falling from a tree. He was 30 years of age and leaves a widow and several children. He was employed as a freight handler at the depot in Frostburg.

HELFRICH 05 May 1877 On April 30, Mary Catherine Helfrich, aged 2 years, 7 months, and 27 days died. On 04 May, John Edward Helfrich, aged 8 months and 26 days died. Both are children of John & Mary Helfrich. The funerals are from the home on Knox Street.

HOOK 28 Dec 1877 Mr John Hook, an old citizen of Cumberland, died at his new residence, 3 miles south of Selbyport, Garrett Co on Christmas morning. He was stricken with paralysis in April and lingered on for 9 months . He once owned a vast amount of real estate in the city but disposed of it before moving away.

HUGHEY 16 Apr 1877 Yesterday, Grace Hughey, youngest daughter of Thomas G & S E Hughey, died, aged 2 years and 3 days. The funeral is from the home 74 Washington Street.

HUMBIRD 12 Jun 1877 Addie Humbird, aged 8 years and 9 months, a son of Jacob B & Sallie Humbird, died yesterday following months of a lingering illness. A five stanza poem is printed to his memory.

HUNTLEY 08 Oct 1877 On Saturday, Oct 06, Major John B Huntley of Frostburg committed suicide by shooting himself with 2 revolvers, one into the head and one into the chest, simultaneously. He was about 40 years of age and left a note of burial instructions, but not for the cause of his actions. He served in the war and returned to Frostburg, engaging in the hardware business until he was burnt out by the fire. His wife, the former Miss Martha Soyster, and mother mourn their loss. His funeral was yesterday.

JONES 05 May 1877 Mrs Hannah Jones, wife of John Jones esq., and of Squire J William Jones, and of Mrs Alex McFerran, died (03 May) at her home in Cresaptown. She was a resident of this county for many years and was 79 years of age. She leaves a husband and several children. She celebrated her 50th wedding anniversary only 3 years ago. She was a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church. Burial is in Rose Hill Cemetery.

KELLY 02 Apr 1877 The funeral of Patrick Kelly was yesterday at St Patrick's Church conducted by Father Brennan. He died on Friday (31 Mar) in his 72nd year of age. He leaves 2 daughters and 1 son.

KOLB 03 Jul 1877 John A Kolb, aged 75 years, 1 month, and 3 days, died on Monday (Jul 2) at his home, 1 Highland Street. He was born 29 May 1802 in Germany, came here to this country in 1839 settling at Cumberland working as a shoemaker until 1875 when he retired. His wife died 5 months ago. Children are: Margaret, wife of Conrad Schiller; John Kolb; and Anna, wife of John Paul. The funeral is from the home with services at the German Lutheran Church.

LAWDER 10 Aug 1877 Mr Benjamin L Lawder died on Wednesday (8 Aug). He had been ill for only a short time. He was the watchman at the Bedford Street crossing for the railroad, where he had been employed since 1851. He had been taken care-of by the railroad in positions requiring little or no labor following accidents that he suffered working on the railroads. Once, he suffered an amputation of two fingers and another incident causing broken ribs and internal injuries. [Article has three paragraphs].

LEASURE 07 Sep 1877 On Wednesday afternoon (5 Sep), the westbound mail train was passing Mr Cookerly's farm near Rawlings Station and struck and instantly killed an old man, walking on the track. The inquest reveals the old man to be Mr Tilghman Leasure, aged about 60 years. [Article is three paragraphs]. The inquest published 5 Sep 1877 affirms an accidental death.

LEIDINGER 28 Mar 1877 Mrs Catherine Leidinger, resident of this county for 40 years, died at the residence of a son-in-law, Mr Frank Coughman, out on Williams Road a mile and ½. She is the mother of a large family, all citizens of this county. She will be buried today at Sts Peter & Paul Catholic Cemetery.

LEWIS 13 Sep 1877 Yesterday, two miners, Henry Ellis and David Lewis were killed by a fall of roof coal at the Astor Mine, known better as Pompey Smash. See article under ELLIS.

LOWENSTEIN 08 Mar 1877 Mrs Lowenstein, formerly of Lonaconing, died on Monday (5 Mar) at the Hebrew Hospital in Baltimore and was buried on Tuesday. She had been in the hospital since last summer for treatment of cancer.

LYONS 07 May 1877 Yesterday, the funeral of E C Lyons took place at Westernport under the auspices of the Masonic Order.

MADORE 27 Feb 1877 Charles N Madore, aged 28 years, died on Monday (26 Feb) at his residence, 96 N Centre Street. He leaves a wife and one child. The funeral is today from the residence.

MALLON 21 Jun 1877 Mrs Mary Ann Mallon, 67 years old, died yesterday. The funeral is from the home of a son, George F Mallon, at Lee & Washington Streets.

MARTIN 17 Apr 1877 A little child of Mr Martin, superintendent of the Baltimore & Hampshire Mine, was scalded to death on Saturday (14 Apr) as she played near a tub filled with hot water for cleaning purposes.

McCUSKER 13 Mar 1877 The wife of Mr John McCusker died on Sunday (11 Mar). She was about 65 years of age and leaves her husband and a family to mourn her loss.

McINTYRE 21 May 1877 Mr Robert McIntyre, 30, an employee of the Potomac Wharf, fell from the office of the canal company and died yesterday at his boarding house. The funeral is from the Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church and burial in the German Catholic Cemetery.

MINE STRIKE OF 1877 20 Feb 1877 Yesterday, the contemplated strike of the miners took place. Committees were appointed and the Grand Committee meeting will occur in Jones's Hall in Lonaconing to consider working at the rates offered by the companies. The notice posted by the Consolidation Coal Company offers a rate of 50 cents in the rooms (from 75 cents), and 60 cents per ton in the headings, and the rates of all other labor in proportion. Anyone not a member of a committee or newspaper men are not permitted in this meeting. A great number of miners assembled and have urged for a mass meeting of all miners at Lonaconing. 23 Feb 1877 The New Central Coal Co put their men to work for 55 cents a ton even though they had previously stated that 50 cents was their limit. This gives the miners great encouragement. The company cited previously contracted orders for this concession. The George's Creek Coal and Iron Co has not started their men to work. 16 Mar 1877 Eleven men worked the New Hope mine for 5o cents and others are expected to join them today. This mine engages 442 men. The mines at New Detmold held a meeting and are now in favor of accepting 50 cents per hour and expect to report today. 20 Mar 1877 Men of the Maryland, New Central, Piedmont, New Hope, Blaen Avon, Hampshire, Baltimore, New Central and George's Creek mines returned yesterday to work at 50 cents per ton.

MONG 22 Feb 1877 Mrs A M Mong, the mother of Mrs John Coulehan, died at the residence of her son-in-law, John Coulehan, last evening at the age of 77 years. Her remains will be taken to Wheeling for interment.

PETERMAN 19 Feb 1877 Miss Ina Peterman, aged 1 year and 6 months, daughter of J F and Lizzie Peterman, died on Saturday 17 Feb 1877.

REICHART 21 Nov 1877 Mr Casper F Reichart, the butcher, died last night, aged about 66 years. He leaves a wife and 4 children.

RENCH 07 Dec 1877 John H Rench of S Cumberland, was stricken with paralysis and died last night. Rev. Dr D M Browning from Kingsley ME Church will preach the sermon and the remains conveyed to Berlin PA for interment.

REYNOLDS 26 Feb 1877 James Reynolds, aged 77 years, 9 months, and 16 days of age, died on 24 Feb. Mr Reynolds was the proprietor of the Reynolds block of holdings on Baltimore street and at one time was a railroad contractor. The funeral was celebrated by Father Francis of the German Catholic Church and burial was at St Patrick's Cemetery.

RHES 11 May 1877 Mr Rhes of the Baltimore & Hampshire Mines at Westernport, was fatally injured by a fall of coal and was buried yesterday in the Odd Fellows graveyard at Westernport. He was somewhat deaf and could not hear the cracking of the coal above. He was about 45 years of age and leaves a wife and one child.

RICHARDS 05 Oct 1877 Lucy Richards, aged 7 years, 9 months, and 28 days, daughter of Samuel M & Sarah Richards, died Oct 03 of typhoid fever.

ROLLINS 15 Aug 1877 Mrs Sarah E Rollins, in the 32nd year of her age, wife of Jefferson Rollins, died Saturday (11 Aug) at her home, 5 miles east of Flintstone. She leaves 4 small children. [ Article includes poem to his sister by William H of Greenspring Run WV].

SAMMONS 31 Dec 1877 Yesterday, Thomas Sammons Jr, aged 30 years, died at his father's home on S Mechanic Street. The funeral is tomorrow.

SCIDMORE 13 Feb 1877 Mr Frank Scidmore, who had left this area for Colorado last May, died there on July 26th of consumption, aged about 35 years.

SHAFFER 18 Jun 1877 Miss Kate Cress Shaffer, aged 16 years, 4 months, and 14 days, daughter of Mr William H & Susan Shaffer, died yesterday at the residence of her parents, 47 Decatur Street.

SHAW 16 Apr 1877 William Shaw, an unmarried miner, was hurt from a fall of breast coal on Wednesday in Miller Mine and died on Thursday. He lived in Midland and was 19 years of age.

SHEERMESSER 03 Sep 1877 Mr Lawrence Sheermesser, aged 63 years, died of dropsy at his residence on Bedford Street on Saturday (1 Sep).

SHUCK 24 Dec 1877 James Shuck, a nephew of Councilman Jacob Shuck, of this city, died at Bedford on Saturday (22 Dec) of consumption.

SHUCK 07 Apr 1877 Mr H Clay Shuck, who had been ill for a long time with consumption, died yesterday at his residence on N Centre Street. He was a member of the Cumberland Hose Company and had many friends.

SLACK 13 Jun 1877 Col Cornelius Slack, 55 years of age, died yesterday following a short illness. He was a Judge of the Orphan's Court and was born in Carroll Co., MD in August 1821, where his mother, now 90 years of age resides. He was employed by the B & O RR from 1840-1849; then 2 years as bookkeeper for the Frostburg Coal Co; and then, manager of the Mt Savage Iron Works, and later engaged with the Cement Mill and other mineral land developments in the Cumberland area. The funeral will be at the Emmanuel Episcopal Church. [Article is 7 paragraphs in length].

SMITH 22 Mar 1877 Mr E D Smith, the engineer at the cement mill, died yesterday. He was employed there over one year and was formerly of Meyersdale.

SPICER 19 Mar 1877 Mr Austin Spicer, fireman on Engine 431, was killed in an explosion on Saturday (17 Mar) as the train was on a trial run following a boiler repair at the Keyser Yard. He leaves a wife and one child. Three others were injured in the explosion; Mr George Ward, the engineer, was severely scalded. The conductor and the brakeman were injured less severely.

SPRIGG 18 Dec 1877 The body of John R Sprigg, a young man who accidently shot himself at Paw Paw WV, was brought to this city by undertaker Lewis Young. His remains were interred at Rose Hill Cemetery, the burial services by Dr S C Thrail of Emmanuel Episcopal Church.

STANDISH 16 Oct 1877 Mrs J M Standish, widow of J M Standish, who died a few years ago, died yesterday at her home in Frostburg. Mr Standish had been the county surveyor before his death.

TREIBER 07 May 1877 Mr John Treiber, 78 years of age, an old citizen of Cumberland, died Saturday (3 May) at his residence on Little valley Street. He is the father of the late John G Treiber and of Michael Treiber of Harrisonburg VA. The funeral is today from the residence and burial in the German Lutheran Cemetery.

VALENTINE 16 Oct 1877 Mrs Nancy Valentine died Saturday (13 Oct) at her home at Bottle Run Tannery, aged 104 years. Her husband, Mr Fred Valentine died many years ago and left his pension from services rendered in the second war with Great Britain for her support. Mrs Valentine came to Cumberland when the fort stood on Court House Hill.

VANHORN 21 Jun 1877 The family reunion of the VanHorn family at MT Savage, met at the home of Mr & Mrs J F VanHorn. The mother and hostess, Mrs P VanHorn, prepared breakfast for guests, among whom were: Misses Kate and Gussie VanHorn; W H VanHorn of Germantown PA; Mr JD Knaur of Reading PA. [This article was 5 paragraphs in length].

WAGNER 03 Jul 1877 Mr Samuel Wagner of the Orleans District, died Sunday (1 Jul) at his residence. He was 65 years of age and was on the Democratic ticket for county commissioner in the last election.

WARNICK 20 Aug 1877 On the 2nd, Mrs Keziah Warnick, age 104 years, died at the residence of her son, Samuel Warnick, near Swanton MD. She was the mother of 8 children, whose offspring number 50 children.

WELTY 27 Oct 1877 Everett Burnside Welty, died yesterday, aged 15 years, 8 months, and 15 days. He was a valuable employee of the Times & Alleganian . He was born 11 Feb 1862, and was recently promoted from the news to the job office. He was an only son.

WHITE 05 Nov 1877 Mr J Chester White, a fireman of the C & P train #31, was killed on Saturday (3 Nov) in a train wreck between Mt Savage and Frostburg. Mr white was 20 years of age and had a wife and one child. The funeral is at the Mt Savage ME Church. [Nov 6 carried a repeat of this accident].

WHITE 12 May 1887 Mrs Elizabeth White, 73, died yesterday at the residence of D Leshansky, 70 N Mechanic Street. The funeral is from that place on Sunday.

WICKARD 14 Nov 1877 Mr Jacob Wickard died yesterday of paralysis, aged 59 years, 9 months and 5 days . He leaves a wife and several grown children. He operated the Maryland Advocate for about 3 years, served in the US Custom Office at Baltimore for 8 years, and was a member of the MC State Convention of 1862. The funeral is from his home on Centre Street with Rev W S Edwards officiating with interment in Rose Hill Cemetery..

WILDMAN 13 Oct 1877 Mrs Jennie T Wildman, aged 29 years, 3 months and 24 days, died on Friday 12 Oct at her residence.

WILDT 24 Dec 1877 George Wildt, a youth on Bedford Road within city limits, died Saturday (22 Dec) from lock jaw. Dr E H Parsons attended him from a fall he received that wounded his head and under the left eye. He was an only son.

WINGERT 08 Nov 1877 Mrs Wingert was buried yesterday following her death from partial paralysis stroke lasting 2 weeks. Her remains were interred in Rose Hill Cemetery.

WINTERS 17 Apr 1877 John Winters, a B & O employee of 35 years, met with a fatal accident at Keyser on Sunday (15 Apr). He had charge of the stationary engine and was attempting to jump onto the yard engine. He fell beneath it and the tender and severed both legs and lived, thereafter, only a short time.

YOUNG 12 Mar 1877 William Alexander Young, son of William & Annie Young, aged 15 months and 11 days, died Sunday March 11. The funeral is from the home on Smallwood Street below Greene Street.


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