Excerpts from The Cumberland Times
transcribed by Charles Often




1876 Cumberland Daily Times on the Masthead. May 26, 1876 through Dec 31, 1876 is missing.

BEVERIDGE 14 Apr 1876 Mr Russell Beveridge, superintendent of the Caledonia Mines of Barton for several years, died at his residence there on Tuesday (11 Apr), aged 53 years.

BRANT 13 Mar 1876 Mrs Mary T Brant, wife of Levi W Brant of N Centre Street near Valley Street, died at age 51 years after a short illness. She was a member of the Centre Street ME Church for many years.

BROWN 18 Jan 1876 Mr Thomas Brown, proprietor of the "Centennial Saloon" of 8 S Mechanic Street, died last evening of consumption.

CAMPBELL 14 Feb 1876 J B H Campbell, Esq., died yesterday at the home of brother-in-law, Col Thomas Johns. He took ill with symptoms of a disease akin to cholera morbus. He is treasurer of the First Presbyterian Church and was once the Judge of Orphan's Court, secretary of the Cumberland Steel Manufacturing Co and senior member of the Campbell Drug House. The funeral is from the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday with Rev E B Raffensburger and with Dr Thrall of Emmanuel Episcopal Church at the grave site.

CAMPBELL 05 Apr 1876 Barney Campbell, fireman on #15 was killed on the C & P RR between Mt Savage and Barrellville yesterday as the train jumped from the tracks. He jumped from the accident but hit a telegraph pole and was then crushed by a coal car. He is a widower, his wife dying about 2 years ago and leaves a family of several children.

CORDES 03 Feb 1876 Philip Cordes, son of Mr & Mrs B F Cordes, aged 5 years, 5 months, and 28 days of age, died yesterday.

CRAGGS 10 Jan 1876 Mr John B Craggs, a federal soldier in the war and agent for the P & C RR for some time, died at his home on Saturday (8 Jan).

DAWSON 25 Mar 1876 Yesterday, an aged man of Frostburg named Dawson, aged about 60 years, was found in an insensible condition near an ice pond at Sand Spring and died before medical attention could be rendered.

DAYTON 08 May 1876 Mr Isaac Dayton, an old citizen, aged 79 years, living on this side of the river at Keyser, died suddenly last Monday (1 May).

DOM PEDRO 15 May 1876 The Emperor of Brazil, Dom Pedro, visited Cumberland for ½ hour on a train tour of the west. Mr Jacob Humbird, a personal friend of Dom Pedro owing to his construction of a railroad in Brazil, was greeted warmly by the Emperor. Mr James Carlton was also recognized as a resident of Brazil for several years.

EIDSON 09 Mar 1876 Yesterday, on Independence Street, Johnnie Eidson, 18 month old son of Mrs William Eidson died.

HALDERMAN 04 Jan 1876 E Hurd Halderman died Monday, 03 Jan at the residence of his mother on Frederick Street, aged 18 years, 2 months, 25 days. He was an attache for the Daily Times. He had been ill for the past 6 months, losing strength each day. Services conducted by Rev H C Halderman of the English Lutheran Church.

HAST 18 Jan 1876 The funeral sermon for Messers. Conrad and George Hast, who died from small pox, was preached on Sunday at the German Lutheran Church by Rev John Ph. Conradi.

JARBOE 08 Apr 1876 A man named Mr Jarboe was struck by an accommodation train while walking on the tracks near Oakland Station. He was a carpenter employed by Col, J M Schley of Cumberland. He was a former resident of Cumberland.

KENNEDY 04 Mar 1876 Annie Kennedy, aged 7 months, 3 days, died Friday (03 Mar) at the home of her mother Catherine Kennedy.

KINNEY 14 Feb 1876 Mrs Mary Kinney, wife of William Kinney, died yesterday, age 53 years. The funeral is Monday with burial in St Patrick's Cemetery.

LOTTIG 08 May 1876 The funeral of Mr George Lottig, aged 51 years, was held yesterday from his home in the city.

LUTHER 14 Feb 1876 Mr D W Luther, aged 66 years, died at his home on Mechanic Street, yesterday.

MARRIAGES 01 Feb 1876 Marriage licences issued for the month ending Jan 31, 1876, by Theodore Luman, Clerk of Court of Allegany County MD: Jacob Abe and Mary Buser; Walter B Fromheart and Rebecca Johnson; James E Gross and Susan C Faegal; Robert Kinnear and Minnie Shaffer; James Lynch and Catherine Baxter; Alex B Mattingly and Laura V Anderson; B M Millenson and E D Young; Franklin P Moreland and Mary M Kline; Robert McAdams and Mary A Schriver; Edward A Pippin and Annie Snyder; William Shober and Lavinia Meister; L M Shryrock and Lydia D Hubler; John P Wills and Martha M Tharp; Leonard Willison and Annie Stewart.

MARRIAGES 02 Mar 1876 Marriage licences issued for the month ending Feb 28, 1876, by Theodore Luman, Clerk of Court of Allegany County MD: William Cruley and Elizabethe Miller; John Harris and Sophie Grove; William H Hamilton and Emma Zimmerly; Chas Jordan and Jennie Shepherd; R H Jeffries and Amanda F Leasure; Henry Kasekamp and Ruthie Twigg; A Kinsie King and Lucy Everett; H A Kirchoff and Rebecca Brashears; John H Mohler and Olive Dicken; Digory Noel and Mary Sammons; Christian Roeder and Katy Schultz; James Tippin and Ann Morgan; Samuel L Twigg and Emelia L Shryrock; John T Turner and Fannie O Unglesbee.

MARRIAGES 01 Jan 1876 Marriage licences issued for the month ending Dec 31, 1875, by Theodore Luman, Clerk of Court of Allegany County MD: Willis E Arnold and Mary Evans Nathaniel Corwell and Sarah Elizabeth Twigg Jno H Demoss and Emma Knepp August Shuss and Catherine Heinerich Wm Evans and G M Thomas Saml Greenway and Ellen Miller John W Cross and Catherine G Hyde John Green and Henrietta Brown Henry Haefer and Katie Hendall Roger E Johnson and Sarah E Kelley John Lannon and Mary Johnson J H Lyons and Lillian Robinson Henry T Martin and Mary E Ornduff Wm H Moore and Margaret A Longridge Wm Matthews and Isabel Barnard D L Phillippi and Maggie Q Patrick Wm H Puzer and Sarah H Turner John Reese and Catherine Lewis Lacy W Ross and Mandana M Miller Wm Sittig and Mena Brote Thomas S Simpson and Martha Howe Joseph Snyder and Sarah Evans Moses Twigg and Mary Rice James Turner and Eda L King John Watson and Maria Moore.

McGEE 11 May 1876 On Monday Past (8 May), a man named Frank McGee was working in Franklin Mines, got fatigued, and sat down where he instantly died. An inquest with foreman Justice of the Peace, Owen Riordan found his death of natural causes. He leaves a wife and a large family of children.

McILLWEE 20 May 1876 Mr John McIllwee, a soldier of the War of 1812, died a few days ago at Keyser, aged 70 years.

MINING NEWS 06 Apr 1876 A formal notice of wage reduction in the George's Creek mines is to be posted today reducing wages per ton from 65 cents to 55 cents effective April 10. Miners are meeting to respond to this notice.

MURPHY 04 Mar 1876 Wm Murphy was killed on Thursday (2 Mar) by a fall of breast coal in the Phoenix Mines. He leaves a wife and several children living at Barton.

MYERS Mr David B Myers, an old citizen, died at his residence on Friday (31 Dec 1875), from smallpox. He was born at Mercersburg PA on 23 Feb 1819, and moved to Cumberland in 1840. Burial was at the German Lutheran Cemetery.

PIEDMONT FIRE 03 Jan 1876 Eighteen dwellings destroyed or damaged: Property owners are; A Bausch; Mrs L M Beall; G W Bice & Brothers; Henry Price; Mr McDermott; Edward Cary; Mr Wilde; M C Totten; James Noon; Ross Burnett; Wm A Thrasher; Mr Barnburger; J V Beall; Mr Suter; and Mr Gardner.

RUSSELL 17 Apr 1876 Mr John Russell, a pensioner of the War of 1812, was struck by a coal car on the Consolidation Coal Company Wharf on Saturday (15 Apr). His injuries are expected to result in death due to his age of 94 years. His injuries are being attended to by Dr W W McGill at the Almshouse. He was a former lock keeper on the C & O Canal. 21 Apr 1876 Mr John Russell died of his injuries on Wednesday evening (19 Apr).

SCHULTZ 18 Jan 1876 Mrs Mary Schultz, wife of Philip Schultz, Esq, died of typhoid fever at her residence at the foot of Wills Mountain yesterday. She was in her 55th year and leaves a husband and 8 children. She had been ill for 6 weeks. The sermon was preached by Rev Jno P Conradi of the Bedford Street, German Lutheran Church.

SHRYER 11 Jan 1876 Mr George F Shryer died at his residence on Decatur Street of an apoplectic stroke. He was 63 years of age. At one time in his life, he was the City Clerk and for the past 3 years he was a city postal office cashier. He leaves a wife and 5 children. The funeral is from the First Presbyterian Church with Rev E B Raffensburger pastor and burial in Rose Hill Cemetery.

STANTON 31 Jan 1876 Mr Patrick Stanton, who lives on the Williams Road, was found dead on Friday in a deep gorge "Devil's Hollow", by his little son after he failed to return home from the city. Medical assistance by Dr Green, Dr Fundenburg and Dr McGill was in vain and he died yesterday of a fractured head. Foul play is indicated as he had no money in his possession, knew the road well and the fracture was greater than he could have received by the fall. The funeral is from St Patrick's Catholic Church with Rev Michael Stanton of Elkridge Landings, a son, sang the Solemn Requiem Mass with burial in St Patrick's Cemetery.

THOMAS 04 Mar 1876 Mr Joseph Thomas, an aged citizen of Detmold, died Sunday last (Feb 26).

THOMAS 24 Jan 1876 Hon. Gov. Francis Thomas, 77 years of age, was killed by a helper engine of the B & O RR yesterday. He had been in Cumberland conducting business following his arrival from Washington and prior to his departure to his farm in Frankville, Garrett Co. The "Old Man Eloquent" was born 03 Feb 1790 in Frederick MD, educated at St Johns College, a member of the House of Delegates, President of the C & O Canal Company, Minister to Peru, and Governor of the State of Maryland 1841-1844 and Collector of Internal Revenue under President Grant. The funeral was held at Emmanuel Episcopal Church and the body conveyed to Petersville, Frederick Co for burial. [full column article in 24 Jan and 25 Jan paper].

TIGUAL 17 Jan 1876 John Tigual, aged 17 years, was suffocated by foul air in an old working of the Borden Shaft Mine on Friday (14 Jan). His dead body was found by friends.

TREIBER 12 Apr 1876 John G Treiber died of apoplexy on Tuesday (11 Apr) in the 55th year of his age. He came from Germany as a young man, first settling in Hagerstown and then removing to Cumberland. He leaves a wife and 4 children. Funeral is from his home on Baltimore Street and burial in the German Lutheran Cemetery, Rev Asbury Register officiating.

WALSH 23 Jan 1876 On Friday (21 Jan), young John Joseph Walsh died, aged 2 years, 6 months, and 5 days, the young son of Hon. William & Mary Walsh of Washington Street.

WARE 05 Mar 1876 In Sinclairsville WV, Minnie Day, aged 2 years, 3 months, and 26 days, a twin daughter of Richard & Elizabeth Ware, died on March 04.

WILLIAMS 24 Mar 1876 Mr David Williams, a moss of mines in Barton some years ago, died yesterday at 16 Frederick Street in this city, aged 56 years.

WITHERS 28 Apr 1876 Mrs Fannie C Withers, wife of Hon. William A Withers, died yesterday after being an invalid for 2 years from consumption. The funeral is at the English Lutheran Church.

ZIMMERMAN 12 Feb 1876 John William Zimmerman, son of Mr & Mrs Conrad Zimmerman, aged 1 year, 8 months, and 11 days, died yesterday.


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