Excerpts from The Cumberland Times
transcribed by Charles Often




Missing pages from microfilming process include dates April 12, 1873 through May 05, 1873.
Missing pages from microfilming process include dates May 27, 1873 through July 01, 1873.
Missing pages from microfilming process include dates Sep 30, 1873 through Oct 01, 1873.
Missing pages from microfilming process include dates Dec 01, 1873 through Dec 30, 1873.

ANDREWS 29 Aug 1873 William Andrews, a farmer living 2 ½ miles from Hancock, committed suicide on Wednesday (27 Aug) by hanging due to financial difficulties.

ARMBUSTER 03 Nov 1873 William Armbuster, aged 51 years and 3 months, died yesterday at his home on N Mechanic Street.

BALDWIN 05 Apr 1873 Sallie Roman Baldwin, wife of C C Baldwin and a daughter of the late J Dixon Roman, died at New York City on Thursday (03 Apr).

BALTIMORE FIRE 28 Jul 1873 A page 1 story of the Baltimore fire that rages through Howard street to Liberty street to Saratoga street and to Lexington street.

BARNICKEL 23 Jul 1873 Mrs Catherine Barnickel, 92 years of age, died on Monday (21 Jul). Born at Ebermanstreet, Germany on Aug 5, 1781, she came here 10 years ago. She is the mother-in-law of Casper Reichart. . Services at Sts Peter & Paul Catholic Church.

BLAKE 03 Jan 1873 William Blake, aged 50 years, brother-in-law of James H Percy Esq. Of Cumberland died of dropsy on Monday (Dec 30) at Frederick MD. He was a former resident of Cumberland in the merchandising tailoring business before moving ten years ago. A wife and six children survive.

BOETTCHER 09 Jul 1873 Charles Boettcher of Boettchersville near Cumberland, died Tuesday of acute cholera morbus. Burial in the German Lutheran Cemetery.

BOHRER 21 Jul 1873 Walter Bohrer, 18 month old son of Mr L D Bohrer died Saturday (19 Jul).

BOLLENBERGER 24 Nov 1873 Georgena Bollenberger, aged 13 years, daughter of S S Bollenberger died yesterday.

BONERS 16 Aug 1873 George Boners, a track hand, was struck and killed near Green Spring Run.

BRACE 15 Sep 1873 Tommy Brace, aged 10 years 3 months, a son of William and Susan Brace, died Saturday (13 Sep) of typhoid fever.

BRINKER 27 Nov 1873 Mr George Brinker, aged 60 years, a resident of Cumberland, died at his residence on the Oldtown Road near the fairgrounds on Monday (25 Nov). Services are at the Sts Peter & Paul Catholic Church by Rev Father Koenig in German.

CHAMBERLIN 16 Aug 1873 George Chamberlin, 8 months , son of A Chamberlin Esq., died at Deer Park where he was taken for his health. The funeral is at Baltimore MD.

CLARY 03 Nov 1873 Front pages are full of article of state newspapers comments on the murder of Mr Lloyd L Clary, editor of the Cumberland Times and son of Aden Clary on Monday (Oct 27) by John M Resley, the son of Horace Resley. The suspected cause is articles written by Clary about the candidacy of Mr Resley’s father for Clerk of the Courts for Allegany County and the party slate including Mr Spates, Mr Elijah Fuller and others.

CLICE 07 Jul 1873 George Clice of Red Rock Hill below Frostburg, died Saturday (5 Jul).

CONLEY 17 Feb 1873 Eli Conley, aged 73 years, father of James Conley and George Conley of Cumberland, died at Shepherdstown WV yesterday.

COOK 10 May 1873 The fall of the Rock River Bridge at Dixon IL on Sunday (04 May) killed Mrs William Cook, the daughter of Charles Hoyman of Cook’s Mills on the Wills Creek in Bedford County, PA. Her husband managed to extricate himself and find safety.

CRAIG 09 Jan 1873 William Craig, aged 22 years, colored, was hanged for the New Creek rape of the aged Mrs Lottie Day on August 25, 1872. [Article is many columns]

DAWSON 24 Feb 1873 William Dawson of Rawlings Station, died from a violent fit at the home of a neighbor, John O Dawson. He was subject to spasms but a cold that he contracted some weeks ago superinduced the fatal fit.

DEAN 13 Sep 1873 Rev. M Dean died on Wednesday (10 Sep) at Murley Branch after an illness of only ½ hour.

DECHERT 06 Feb 1873 A German named John Dechert drowned in Little Will’s Creek 2 ½ miles above Bridgeport. While crossing the old foot bridge it is supposed that the old railing gave way and he fell and drowned. He is employed by the Bedford & Bridgeport RR. Follow-up article 15 Feb 1873- The body of John Dechert was found at Preston with his shirts and boots only and no markings on his body which would be present if ice tore his trousers off. He was known to carry large amounts of cash. The body was interred near the railroad tracks. Further investigation is necessary.

DILLEY 24 Jan 1873 Mrs Elizabeth Dilley, wife of Joseph Dilley, died yesterday at Greenpoint Farm. Born at Emmitsburg MD on 13 Jun 1795, she was aged 77 years, 7 months, and 10 days. Services at the English Lutheran Church on the corner of Baltimore and Centre Streets.

DONAHUE 18 Jul 1873 John Donahue, aged 11 years, son of the late John & Margaret Donahue of Eckhart, died Tuesday (15 Jul). Burial is in St Michael’s Cemetery.

DRYDEN 30 Aug 1873 Mr J M Dryden of Oakland, died Thursday(28 Aug). He had been associated with the insurance company of Mr S F McBride of Cumberland while living here.

EDWARDS 01 Feb 1873 Rosie A Edwards, aged 19 years, daughter of Benjamin B & Margaret Edwards, died of typhoid fever after an illness of one week. Services at Trinity ME Church.

ENTLER 09 Mar 1873 Piedmont- A small child, 1 year of age, of J.P.A. Entler, the proprietor of the Sims House, died from a mistaken dose of laudanum. She had been receiving paregoric and soothing syrups and the mother erroneously got the bottle of laudanaum and the child died within the hour.

FANAGAN 11 mar 1873 James Fanagan died yesterday at the home of a sister, Mrs Hall at Wheeling WV, recently, his residence. A printer for the Register, he contracted consumption and died and will be buried at the Wheeling Burying Grounds at the head of John Street in Wheeling WV.

FOLCK 21 Jan 1873 John Folck, an old Allegany County citizen, died on Sunday (19 Jan). Services at the Presbyterian Church.

FRENCH 18 Mar 1873 Harry Arthur French, a child on 1 year and 1 day, of Andrew and Margaret French died yesterday at Baltimore.

FROLICH 23 Aug 1873 Mr Aden Frolich, a rolling mill employee of one day, suffered a case of sunstroke and died yesterday. He had indulged freely in drinks of ice water.

GARRETT COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD 11 Jul 1873 A meting of the school board reveals that the county will use books of Allegany County (the Maryland series), and Mr Matthews is to take the state exam to qualify .

GOODWIN 22 Jul 1873 Willis Godwin, aged 5 months and 17 days, son of H A & Clara Goodwin died Monday (17 Jul).

GRAMLICH 29 Aug 1873 Sister Mary Sebastian, (Miss Mary Gramlich) died and the funeral was celebrated in German at St Peters & Paul Catholic Church by Rev. Father Kroll.

HANNEKAMP 22 Nov 1873 P. G. Herman Hannekamp Esq., aged 42 years , died on Wednesday (19 Nov) at his residence in Lonaconing. A wife and 4 children survive.

HARDEN 01 Feb 1873 Jennie Harden, aged 11 years, daughter of John & Catherine Harden died and the funeral is at St Patrick’s Catholic Church.

HEALY 21 Mar 1873 Mary Healy, aged 5 years, fell down a staircase at her home and died. She is the daughter of Dr. P A Healy of S Mechanic Street.

HENDRICKSON 22 may 1873 Mrs Hendrickson, aged 85 years, relict of Jonathan Hendrickson of Bottle Run, died Tuesday (21 May).

HERPICH 15 Aug 1873 Ina Virginia Herpich, daughter of Martin & Margaret Herpich of Paca Street died yesterday.

HEYER 10 Nov 1873 Rev. C F Heyer of the Lutheran Church died in Philadelphia on Nov 7. He served the Second Lutheran Church in Cumberland from 1818- 1834.

HILDEBRAND 24 Feb 1873 Henry Hildebrand, a butcher of Cumberland, died at his Bedford Street home yesterday.

HILL 09 Aug 1873 Frank F Hill, aged 10 years, 8 months, a son of James T & Emily Hill died yesterday. Services at the English Lutheran Church.

JOHNSON 07 Jul 1873 A young child of Emanuel Johnson got a hold of some matches and sucked the ends off and died of the poison in a few hours despite attempts to save his life.

JONES 26 Jul 1873 Richard Malbone Jones, aged 4 months, a son of Richard H & Mary Jones, died 24 Jul at Washington DC.

KENNETT 22 Feb 1873 Mr Kennett was crushed by two cars in the RR yard. Dr Funderburd attended him and removed him to his home on Hanover Street. He is not expected to live.

KUYKENDALL 10 Apr 1873 James Kuykendall, aged 60 years, an old citizen of the South Branch, was run over by the St Louis Express on Tuesday (8 Apr).

LIPPOLD 31 Jan 1873 Louis Lippold, aged 60 years, a native of Germany and a respected Cumberland citizen, died yesterday of a hemorrhage of the lungs. He was a stone mason by trade.

LOWE 09 Mar 1873 Ella R Lowe, aged 15 years, 3 months, and 5 days, daughter of ex-mayor Lowe of 24 Columbia Street died yesterday of typhoid fever.

LOY 25 Mar 1873 Frank S Loy, aged 5 years, 4 months, and 5 days, a son of Joseph & Elizabeth Loy of 47 Mechanic Street died.

LYNN 22 Jul 1873 Captain David Lynn, formerly of Cumberland, then of Wheeling, has removed to Pueblo Colorado Territory to engage in stock herding. He joins brothers, John G Lynn and Sprigg S Lynn, who moved there some months ago. Mr John Schriver, a former resident lives there also.

MAHANEY 27 Jan 1873 David Mahaney Jr., aged 20 years, son of David Mahaney, a former resident now of Uniontown, died on Sunday (26 Jan) from an injury suffered in October while playing ball.

MATTHEWS 05 Mar 1873 Mary Matthews, aged 21 years wife of Michael Matthews of Lee & Paca Streets, died on March 04.

McGIUN 05 Nov 1873 Patrick McGIUN was struck and killed by coal hoppers at the Phornix Mines yesterday.

McGUIRE 10 Apr 1873 Patrick McGuire, was fatally injured in Potomac Mines at Lonaconing and died Wednesday. He is survived by a wife and four children.

McHUGH 07 Jul 1873 William McHugh, oldest son of James McHugh died Friday (4 Jul). Services at St Patrick’s Catholic Church.

MULLEN 12 Nov 1873 Edward Mullen, a B & O RR employee, was struck and killed at Piedmont by a train.

MYERS 22 Jul 1873 Rev. Henry Myers, formerly of Sts Peter & Paul Catholic Church in Cumberland, serving at St Vincent’s in Baltimore for the past 14 years, died there of illness of five months.

NOLAND 07 Jul 1873 Michael Noland, aged 57 years, of Fayette Street died Sunday (06 Jul). Services at St Patrick’s Catholic Church.

O’BRIEN 22 May 1873 John O’Brien, aged 15 years, son of John O’Brien of Barton was run over by cars of the Potomac Coal Mines causing his death.

OLD SOLDIER’s CEMETERY 06 Feb 1873 A bill in the U S Senate authorizes the Secretary of War to sell the Old Soldier’s burying grounds on the Baltimore pike to the Hebrew congregations of Cumberland.

PORTER 15 Sep 1873 Dr James M Porter of Frostburg and his family are moving to Mt Vernon Ohio.

REID 09 Jan 1873 Captain George M Reid, a former police chief of Cumberland, aged 67 years, died at this home on Mechanic Street yesterday.

RENEHAN 29 Nov 1873 Mary J Renehan, aged 44 years, wife of John Renehan, died on 27 Nov 1873 at her home on Maryland avenue.

RHODES 03 Apr 1873 Albert Rhodes, aged 21 years, a compositor for Cumberland News, died of a brain fever at Frederick MD.

RIDENOUR 06 Apr 1873 James Ridenour who was injured on the Pittsburgh- Connellsville RR and had his leg amputated, died today. Services at the Centre Street ME Church which was well attended by the IOOF.

ROBINETTE 06 May 1873 The body of Martin Robinette, aged 26 years, was located in the canal floating. A week ago, he was discharged following a spree. the ruling is accidental death by drowning.

RODEN 21 Feb 1873 John Roden, aged 10 years, a son of Philip Rodin Esq., died yesterday of typhoid fever.

SAUERBACK 06 Apr 1873 George Sauerback committed suicide by slashing his wrists and consuming a large quantity of laudanum. He lived on Shriver’s Hill and had no known relatives. [Long paragraph article].

SCHELLHOUSE 13 Aug 1873 Mr Schellhouse, a resident of Cumberland for 35 years, died yesterday at his home. Services at Sts Peter & Paul Catholic Church.

SCHLEY 09 Aug 1873 Eleanor Schley, aged 6 months and 6 days, daughter of J J & Columbia S Bruce, died Thursday (7 Aug).

SCHNEIDER 05 Sep Frostburg- Mr Schneider, father of Conrad Schneider and of Henry Schneider, died Tuesday (2 Sep) and will be buried in the old graveyard on the hill.

SEFTON 08 Sep 1873 George Albert Sefton, a 12 month old child of George W & Mary J Sefton of Ann Street, died yesterday.

SHUCK 10 Nov 1873 Henry Shuck, an old citizen of Cumberland and a member of the Pioneer Hose Co, died on Saturday (8 Dec) from paralysis.

SHUCK 19 Mar 1873 Joseph Shuck Esq., aged 84 years, died yesterday at his home, 190 Centre Street and services will be held at Centre Street M E Church.

SLICER 11 mar 1873 Mr John Slicer Esq., aged 60 years, died yesterday at Grantsville, now Garrett Co. He was a Justice of the Peace and was engaged in Democratic politics.

SMITH 13 Sep 1873 Elizabeth Smith of New Creek was struck and killed by a train of the B & O RR yesterday.

SOTHERS 16 Aug 1873 James Sothers was struck and killed yesterday at the Alpine Station, opposite Hancock on the B & O RR.

SOWDERS 28 Jul 1873 James M Sowders Esq., aged 50 years, a carpenter, died today. Services at Trinity ME Church and burial in Rose Hill Cemetery. [Article is 3 paragraphs].

THRUSTON 20 Feb 1873 Gen. Charles M Thruston, aged 75 years, a graduate of West Point Military Academy, died at his home on Decatur Street. Burial in Rose Hill Cemetery.

TIBBETTS 07 Jul 1873 Mrs Eliza Tibbetts, aged 48 years, wife of William Tibbetts, died July 3 at Grafton WV.

TURNBULL 05 Aug 1873 Isaac Turnbull, aged 24 years, of Lonaconing, was killed yesterday in Big Vein Mine of the New central Coal Co by a fall of roof coal.

WEISEL 08 Nov 1873 Dr Weisel’s funeral at Sts Peter & Paul Catholic Church yesterday is described in great detail in a two paragraph article.

WICKARD 26 Nov 1873 Christina Wickard, aged 49 years, wife of William Wickard, died on 24 Nov 1873. Services are at Center Street M E Church.

WILHELM 10 May 1873 The fall of the Rock River Bridge at Dixon IL on Sunday (04 May) killed Miss Wilhelm, a daughter of Levi Wilhelm, formerly of Wellersburg, but removed to IL with her father about 20 years ago. Miss Wilhelm is a niece of John H Uhl and Solomon Uhl of Somerset Co, PA and of William J Uhl and Eli J Uhl of Wellersburg; and of George Uhl of Mt Savage. She was a second cousin of the J W Houx family of Cumberland.

WINEOW 06 Feb 1873 Daniel Wineow Esq., aged 63 years, of Decatur Street, died yesterday of paralysis. Services at the Centre Street Methodist Church and burial behind the church.

ZACHARIAS 01 Apr 1873 Rev. Dr. Zacharias, aged 68 years, a former pastor at German Lutheran Church died 31 March at Frederick MD.

ZIMMERMAN 07 Jul 1873 Conrad Zimmerman of Goodman’s Alley, died on Saturday (5 Jul) as he was stricken by paralysis and unable to speak.


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