Excerpts from The Cumberland Times
transcribed by Charles Often




02 May 1872 The Cumberland Times Archive film extracts begin with this date, which is Reel 01. Death notices are free. Obituaries cost ten cents per line.

Copies of actual film may be obtained by contacting the Frostburg U of Md. Library (Ort Library) via e-mail at mprice@mail.frostburg.edu or the Baltimore Free Library (Enoch Pratt Library) via e-mail at per@epfl.net with the date of the article the name of subject and your US mail address for the return of the photocopy.

AGNEW 21 May 1872 Mr T P Agnew, a grocer on Front Street of Cumberland, died today from consumption. The funeral is at Wheeling WV.

AMOS 09 Sep 1872 Seth Amos, an Englishman, was killed in Frostburg’s Borden Shaft mine by a fall of roof coal. He had been in this country only four months.

AULTMILLER 14 Aug 1872 C. Aultmiller, aged 21 years of Glencoe, a flagman on a freight train of the PW & B RR, was killed in an accident near Frey’s Bridge.

BARTHOLOMEW 01 Jul 1872 Mrs Catherine Bartholomew, aka. Catherine Zilch, an old lady of Bedford Street, was struck and killed by a coal train of the C&P RR near the Payne Spring.

BARTON 04 May 1872 Mrs Julia Barton, aged 32 years, a former resident and daughter of Mr A P Shepherd, died yesterday at Washington IN. She married two years ago to Mr E T Barton, who is register of wills of Davies Co, IN. The funeral for Mrs Barton is from Mr Shepherd’s home, 17 Liberty Street.

BENNETT 19 Aug 1872 James Bennett, a miner of Barton was killed last Thursday (15 Aug) by a fall of four tons of top coal in the Phoenix Mine. He is survived by a wife and four children.

BRATTY 14 Sep 1872 Mr Hugh Beatty, a farmer of Allegany County near Hancock was found dead along the road badly beaten after the mule he was riding came home without him. He was known to have $200.00 on his person, now missing, and the mule had his blood upon his mane, bring up the suspicion of a murder.

BROOKS 29 Aug 1872 George Brooks funeral was well attended at the Catholic Church.

BROWN 28 Aug 1872 Henry Brown, aged one year, three months and seven days, the only son of Henry & Elizabeth Brown died.

CLARY 17 Dec 1872 Mrs Rebecca Clary, aged 91 years, and 13 days, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs Vroman on Davidson Street yesterday. She was the widow of Gerard Clary. Children are James H Clary; Percy Clary; James Clary; and Mrs H Clary Shipley.

CRAIG 20 Oct 1872 James Craig, aged 77 years, a native of Lancashire Scotland, died yesterday.

CRAMER 30 Dec 1872 A M C Cramer, an old citizen of Cumberland, died yesterday. Services are at the Presbyterian Church and burial in Rose Hill Cemetery.

CROSS 30 Nov 1872 Lemuel Cross, aged 62 years, died on Monday (25 Nov).

DART 31 Dec 1872 Moffit J Dart, aged 21 years, of 4 miles out of Cumberland on the Williams Road died on Dec 16.

DEHLE 08 Jul 1872 Mr Leroy Dehle of Flintstone died July 4. A wife and one child survives.

DONNELLY 30 Aug 1872 Edward Donnelly, over 60 years of age, was discovered at the bottom of the clay pit of Korn’s brickyard in South Cumberland. He lived with his daughter, Mrs Mary Waters. The finding of the jury was that he had fallen accidently into the pit.

DOWDEN 06 Aug 1872 Harry Clifton Dowden, aged 8 years, son of Lloyd Downes Esq. drowned yesterday near Basin wharf. [Article has four paragraphs].

DOWDEN 17 Dec 1872 Thomas Dowden, over 80 years of age, died Sunday (15 Dec) at the home of a son, James Dowden at Frankfort WV. The funeral is from the home of another son, William Dowden of S Mechanic Street. Burial is in Rose Hill Cemetery. [Article is 4 paragraphs].

DUDLEY 06 Sep 1872 Mrs Margaret Dudley, died yesterday in Cumberland. She was a confirmed laudanum drinker to the end.

FOSTER 24 Dec 1872 Daniel Foster, a Rolling Mill employee, suffered a paralytic stroke on Lynn’s Wharf while gathering ice for the B & O RR.

FOX 25 Jul 1872 Mrs Margaret Fox, aged 17 years, wife of Michael Fox of Reading PA died. Funeral to take place from the home of an aunt, Mrs Kelly of South Cumberland.

GEPHART 05 Oct 1872 Mrs Eleanor Gephart, aged 87 years, wife of John Gephart Sr, aged 85 years, died at her home on Bedford Street. She was married for 51 years and an invalid for the past 20 years. Nine children, 30 grand children, and 35 great grand children survive. Services are at the Methodist Church on Bedford Street and burial behind the church.

GERDEMAN 21 Nov 1872 Annie Gerdeman, aged 4 years, 2 months, and a daughter of Henry & Elizabeth Gerdeman died Wednesday ( Nov 20).

GREEN 01 Aug 1872 David Green, a prominent resident of Frostburg, died last week in Richmond VA. He had served in the Mexican War and also served as a Major in the Confederacy during the Civil War. In 1852, he was the person who shot and killed William O Sprigg of Frostburg. He went to Richmond two months ago to reside on the property of Capt. Nelson Beall.

HERR 13 May 1872 Somerset PA- Annie, the third daughter of Joseph & Mary Herr, died on 10 May 1872, aged 19 years, 16 months, and 26 days.

JOHNSON 29 Aug 1872 Robert Johnson, an old Cumberland resident, died yesterday at his home on Frederick Street.

JOHNSON 29 Aug 1872 Robert Johnson, an old citizen of Cumberland, died yesterday at his home on Frederick Street.

KANE 09 Sep 1872 William Kane of Piedmont, a conductor on the B & O RR freight train, died Friday (6 Sep) near Newberg, as he fell while braking a car.

KEENER 23 Dec 1872 Samuel Keener, aged 100 years, died at Grafton. He has children who are at age 64 or so. Burial is on his farm in the burying grounds.

KENNEDY 27 Dec 1872 Helen Kennedy, aged 23 years, died on Dec 24.

KNEPP 23 Nov 1872 Mr Peter Knepp, aged 38 years, a farmer four miles east of Flintstone on the old Herman Burns farm, hanged himself in an apple tree. He had been ill from typhoid. He was the son of Christian Knepp of Cumberland. A wife and four children survive. [Article is three paragraphs].

LIVINGSTONE 02 May 1872 London Herald reports that African explorer Dr Livingstone has been found by Mr Stanley.

LOWE 12 Oct 1872 John H Lowe, aged 38 years, sis months, died of consumption at home, 22 Greene Street.

LYNCH 08 Jul 1872 Patrick Lynch, messenger of the Adams Express Co along the line of the C&P RR, died of consumption.

LYNN 27 Aug 1872 Mrs Virginia Lynn, aged 58 years, the relict of Dr George C Lynn, died yesterday. Services are being held in the Emmanuel Church.

McCULLOH 15 Jun 1872 Charles C McCulloh, aged 18 years, one month and 26 days, a son of George W McCulloh Esq. Of Frostburg, drowned on Thursday (13 June) in Juanita River at Juanita PA where attends Tuscarora Academy. He had been expected home for the summer today.

McCULLOH 06 Nov 1872 Mr Alex McCulloh, died yesterday at his home in Cumberland of consumption.

McELFISH 28 Oct 1872 Theodore McElfish, aged 21 years, son of Owen McElfish, died of intermittent fever on Oct 27.

McFERRAN 07 Oct 1872 T. Charles McFerran, aged 18 years, the eldest son of A & MJ McFerran, died Sunday (5 Oct) at home, 195 N Mechanic Street.

McKAIG 29 Aug 1872 Mrs Virlinda McKaig, aged 70 years, wife of Gen. Thomas I McKaig, died Aug 28 at her home in Cumberland. She was sister of Alpheus Beall and the late John Beall.

McKAIG 24 Jul 1872 Mrs Sarah McKaig, aged 67 years, wife of Dr R S McKaig, died yesterday. She was an invalid for several years. Born in Cumberland, she was a daughter of the late William McMahon, a prominent man of Cumberland. The Hon. John V L McMahon is a brother.

McMICHAEL 03 Jun 1872 Hugh E McMichael, aged 60 years, the engineer of a construction train coming East, met a West bound express train to the west of Confluence PA. He had lived in Cumberland for twenty years and was employed by the B & O RR in the depot yard, but on the Connellsville route only a short time.

MESSMORE 25 Dec 1872 Mr Joshua Messmore, single and aged 25 years, was mistakenly fatally shot on Middle Ridge, between Springfield and Frankfort WV. He and William Truax were in a hunting party and Truax mistakenly fired at a “deer” that was Mr Messmore. [Article is 4 paragraphs].

MEYERS 17 Dec 1872 Jacob Meyers Esq., aged 58 years, of Lonaconing, died yesterday after several months of illness. He had been a member of the House of Delegates. Burial is in Rose Hill Cemetery. [Article is 3 paragraphs].

MEYRICK 18 May 1872 Eckhart Mines- Miles Meyrick, aged 63 years, a blacksmith, died on Thursday (16 May) from injuries he suffered from a fall into a coal hopper one month ago.

MOONEY 08 May 1872 Lonaconing- Mr Mooney died yesterday of small pox. Three sons and one daughter are confined to the house with the same disease. Hi is the father of 14 children- all of them living.

MORRIS 19 Dec 1872 Mrs Robert I Morris, died yesterday after several months of a lingering illness of consumption and throat disease.

NATIONAL ROAD 07 Aug 1872 Article titled, Across the Alleghaney’s, by J T King describes the last stage coach two weeks ago over the National Road, now obsolete by the arrival of the railroads. [10 paragraph article].

POP 11 May 1872 Adam Pop, a German who lives on N Centre Street, was found drowned in the lock of the canal.

QUEEN CITY STATION HOTEL 11 Nov 1872 The Queen City Station Hotel opened with great excitement . [Article is four columns].

RESLEY 04 Sep 1872 Mrs Resley, wife of Col. Horace Resley, died yesterday after a brief illness. Mr Resley is attending the Louisville convention and was telegraphed.

RICHARDS 10 Jul 1872 Adda Richards, 6 months and 28 days daughter of Samuel & Sarah Richards, died July 8.

ROSS 14 Nov 1872 Miss Matilda Ann Ross age 17 years, died at her father’s home in Jacksonville, Allegany County.

RUSSELL 13 Dec 1872 Samuel Semmes Russell Esq. Aged 24 years, eldest son of the late John E Russell who died last winter, died of consumption yesterday.

RUTHERFORD 13 Dec 1872 James Rutherford, a fireman on the B & O RR freight train that plunged into the South Branch as the bridge span gave away on Dec 11, died. He was 23 years of age and unmarried and lived with his mother and sister, who survive. [Article is 9 paragraphs].

SEMMES 07 Jun 1872 Samuel Middleton Semmes, aged 13 years, the youngest child of Elenora and the late Samuel M Semmes, died on June 4.

SMITH 19 Sep 1872 Mamie Florence Smith, aged 9 months, and 10 days, a daughter of PJ & Sarah D Smith, died at home, 24 Bedford Street on Sept 18.

SNYDER 11 Oct 1872 Mrs Mary Snyder, the relict of Jacob Snyder who died last March, died on Oct 10. A son and a daughter survive. Services ar at the German Lutheran Church.

SNYDER 12 Nov 1872 Capt. John Snyder of the canal boat Mary Edwards, drowned in the canal near Georgetown on Sunday (10 Oct) when the tiller broke and he was thrown into the canal. Burial is in the German Beneficiary Cemetery.

SPEARMAN 21 Sep 1872 Peter Spearman died Tuesday (17 Sep) at his home in Selbyport.

SPIKER 15 May 1872 Yesterday, the C & P RR passenger train struck and killed a man named Luke Spiker, just below Pekin. No blame is attached to the engineer who blew the whistle and tried to brake the train.

SPRIGG 03 Aug 1872 Mrs Jane D Sprigg, aged 74 years, a relict of the late Joseph Sprigg Sr, died on Aug 01. She was the last of the family of William McMahon Esq. Within the past year, her brother, John V L McMahon died and ten days ago, her sister, Mrs Sarah McKaig died. Services are at the Presbyterian Church.

STOVER 04 May 1872 Hagerstown- Mrs Magdalene Stover, aged 81 years, consort of the late Frederick Stover, died on Sunday (28 Apr) at her home on Washington Street, Hagerstown.

TURPIN 23 Nov 1872 James E Turpin died yesterday at his home on N Mechanic Street after an illness of several weeks.

UMBAUGH 19 Aug 1872 Mrs Jane Umbaugh, aged 77 years, 6 months, and 5 days, died yesterday at the home of a son-in-law, Josiah H Gordon, Esq, she was a daughter of Stewart Herbert Esq. of Hagerstown.

WALSH 04 Jul 1872 Rosa Clementine Walsh, aged 11 months, and 23 days, daughter of William & Mary Welsh, died yesterday.

WENRICK 21 Oct 1872 Mr J W Wenrick, superintendent of the B Hoyt & Co. tannery at Flintstone, died of intermittent fever on Sat (19 Oct) . Burial in Rose Hill Cemetery.

WITHERS 23 Jul 1872 Mary Weldon Withers, aged 1 month and 1 day, daughter of WA & Fanny C Withers, died today.

WOLFE 14 Dec 1872 John T Wolfe, aged 73 years, died yesterday and funeral is at the Second English Lutheran Church.

WOOLFORD 10 Aug 1872 Milton Woolford, aged 20 years, 9 months, and 15 days, died of consumption on Aug 1.


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