JOHN N. LAYMAN (deceased), for many years owner of the Walnut Level Farm, a handsome property lying one mile southeast of Frostburg, Allegany county, was one of the most prosperous farmers of this region, and ranked with the responsible citizens of the county by reason of his substantial achievements and undeniable work. Capable and reliable in the conduct of material affairs, he was equally dependable and true in the more personal relations of life, standing well as an agriculturist and high in the esteem of his fellow men wherever known.
The Laymans are an old Virginia family of German origin, George Layman, the grandfather of John M. Layman, having been born in Staunton. He was the father of seven children, namely: Daniel, who is deceased; John, also deceased; Catherine, wife of John McCormick, both deceased; and George W., Henrietta, Nancy and James, all deceased.
George W. Layman, father of John N. Layman, was born in Maryland, as was also his wife, Sallie (McCormick), whose family was of Scotch-Irish extraction. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Layman are both deceased. Their family consisted of thirteen children, namely: Norman, deceased; Daniel B., deceased; Cordelia, wife of Gideon Mease, of Garrett county, Maryland; Mary, deceased, widow of Frank McKinzie; Henrietta, wife of John McKinzie; Francis, deceased; William; Amanda, unmarried, who lives in West Virginia; John M.; Virginia, who married Isaac Sawyer, deceased; George, deceased; Minerva, widow of William Conners, of Frostburg; and Nancy, wife of Jacob Carry, of West Virginia.
John M. Layman was born February 1, 1846, at Pine Grove, Allegany (now Garrett) county, Maryland. He was reared on a farm, and had such educational advantages as the old-fashioned pay schools of the vicinity afforded. His practical training was entirely in the line of agricultural work, and on July 3, 1869, he entered the service of Curtin M. Graham, then owner of the Walnut Level Farm, where the remainder of his life was passed. During the first ten years of his stay there he assisted Mr. Graham, the management of the property being turned over to him at the end of that period in recognition of his trustworthiness and ability, and he continued in the new capacity for twenty years, until he bought the place for himself in 1900. He acquired it from Sarah Wright, who had inherited it from the Grahams, and it then comprised a little over three hundred and fifty acres and was, as it is yet, one of the most valuable and up-to-date agricultural estates in Allegany county. In 1907 Mr. Layman sold one hundred and seven acres to Wesley Lohr, receiving one hundred dollars an acre, and retained the remaining two hundred and forty-five in his home place, which is splendidly improved. It is generally known as the old Wright farm. The residence is a fine old brick mansion, one of the most desirable in the county, containing twenty-one rooms, and has been kept in admirable condition.
Mr. Layman started life without any advantages of means, but his industry and other substantial qualities brought their reward, and he not only had the pleasure of becoming the owner of one of the best farming properties in his county, but also gained and held the respect of his associates in every walk of life. His excellent personal habits and good citizenship, neighborliness and honorable dealings commanded the good will of all who came in contact with him. He died March 7, 1918.
In 1870 Mr. Layman was married to Miss Anna R. Facenbaker, of Allegany county, daughter of George Facenbaker, and four children were born to them: Sallie, who is now the wife of Jonas Durst, of Frostburg, Maryland, a furniture dealer and undertaker; Mary, unmarried, who lives at home; Eugene, a mine foreman at Shaft, Maryland; and Susan, living at home. The mother died in 1877, and Mr. Layman subsequently married (second) her sister, Miss Mary L. Facenbaker, by which union there are three children: Marvin, who is a farmer and conducts a large dairy, married Sophia Youngerman, of Frostburg, and they have one child, John; Horace is associated with his brother Marvin in the management of the home farm; Clara is unmarried and living at home.
Mr. Layman was a Protestant in his religious views. Politically he was an ardent Republican from the foundation of the party.
RICHARD OLIN LAYMAN. For years identified closely with the leading industries of Allegany county, Maryland, Richard Olin Layman, through well applied energy and industry, has been able to realize comfortable conditions in his business affairs, and through sterling character has won the respect and confidence of his fellow citizens, the former, for many men being easier to acquire than the latter. Like many other substantial residents of Frostburg today, Mr. Layman has been the architect of his own fortunes. He bears one of the oldest and most respected family names of Western Maryland, but his pioneer farmer ancestors never acquired ample enough fortunes to enable them to give much financial assistance to their numerous descendants, and by the time Mr. Layman had completed his period of public school attendance, the problem of self-support was awaiting him. He met this condition with courage and determination, and his subsequent success was reward well earned.
Richard Olin Layman was born March 1, 1872, in the hamlet of Shade Mills, then in Garrett but now in Allegany county, Maryland. His parents were Norman B. and Rebecca (Enfield) Layman, and his grandfather was George Layman, all of whom were born in Maryland and spent their lives here.
Norman B. Layman was born in 1833 and followed farming all through the active years of a long and worthy life. His death occurred August 14, 1915, when aged eighty-two years. His family consisted of ten children, namely: Asa, who is a resident of Frostburg; Delphie, who is deceased; Floyd, who is a resident of Baltimore, Maryland; Safora, who is the wife of J. W. Smith, a business man of Oakmont, Pennsylvania; Ulysses Grant, Howard C. and Clarence M., all of whom are deceased; Richard Olin, who resides at Frostburg; Dessie, who is unmarried and Walter T., who follows the trade of tinner, lives at Frostburg, Maryland.
Richard Olin Layman was two years old when his parents came to establish the family home at Frostburg, and this city has been his home ever since. He attended school somewhat longer than many of his youthful companions, being about seventeen years old when he put his books aside and began the serious business of life. Occupation is very often determined by environment and strong home ties. In this section the coal mines and the coal fields offered employment that could be engaged in without removing far from familiar surroundings, and before Mr. Layman was eighteen years old, he, with many other youths, was hard at work digging coal in the mines of the Consolidation Coal Company in the Frostburg district. Although yearly mine conditions are being improved, it seems difficult to believe that coal mining can ever be anything but a heavy task. Mr. Layman continued in this work for ten years, retiring from it then in order to embrace a business opportunity in another industry. By this time the oil business had become very profitable in Allegany county, and Mr. Layman engaged himself in the retail oil business for fifteen years. Was also engaged for Eureka Life Insurance Co., Baltimore, for three years. After closing out with the Standard Oil, Mr. Layman engaged in the hardware business at Frostburg in 1919, and carries a general line of hardware merchandise.
In. 1894 Mr. Layman was married to Miss Lillie Keedy, who died February 1, 1914. She was a daughter of George Keedy, and a granddaughter of George Keedy, Sr., of an old pioneer family, who was one of the early tollkeepers at the Six Mile House on the old National Turnpike.
Mr. and Mrs. Layman became the parents of three children, namely: Emory, who is connected with the Western Maryland Railroad Company, Maryland. Maryland; Orville, who died in childhood; and G. Woodrow, who resides at Frostburg. Mr. Layman was made the administrator of his father's estate.
While Mr. Layman has always been a busy man, he has never been too busy to take interest in the general welfare of his city. He has been active in the affairs of the Republican party for twenty years, and when he was elected a member of the city council, the responsible citizens of Frostburg were well pleased, for they believe in his integrity as a citizen and have faith in his business judgment. For many years he has been a member of the fraternal orders of Knights of Pythias and the Golden Eagles.
He was married again in 1922 to Miss Margaret H. Rodda, daughter of the late Mathias Rodda, who conducted a retail shoe store on east main street for many a year.
CLARENCE L. LONG, one of the honorable and successful merchants of Frostburg, is a man who has risen through his own efforts to a position of prominence in his home community, and while thus advancing he has won the confidence and respect of all with whom he is associated. He and his wife conduct the leading store handling garments ready for wear for ladies, shoes and millinery in this part of Allegany county, and their place of business is conveniently located at 125 East Main street.
The birth of Clarence L. Long occurred in Somerset county, Pennsylvania, on a farm one mile from the town of Somerset, October 27, 1879, and he is a son of Henry and Isabella (Boucher) Long, and a member of one of the old families of the Keystone State. Henry Long died at the age of seventy-three years, and his wife passed away when sixty-nine, and he was during his lifetime a farmer. In politics he was a Republican, and in religious faith a Methodist.
The only child of his parents, Clarence L. Long was reared on his father's farm, and attended the public schools until he was sixteen years old, at which time he commenced to be self-supporting. He followed various occupations, and at the same time learned the trade of a carpenter. In 1900 he came to Frostburg, where he followed his trade for six years and then, in 1906, he and his wife embarked in their present undertaking which they have developed into the leading concern of its kind in all of this region. In political belief Mr. Long is a Republican, and he is stanch in his adherence to party ties. He is a Protestant in religious affiliations.
On June 6, 1901, Mr. Long was married to Mrs. Bertha I. McFarland, a daughter of Alexander and Mary F. (Loar) Davis, the former of whom is deceased, having passed away, honored and venerated at the age of eighty-four years, but the latter, although now seventy-six, still survives. Mrs. Long was at the time of her marriage a resident of Vale Summit, Allegany county, Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Long have no children, but she had a son, William C. McFarland, by her former marriage. He is a well-known business man and conducts an auto garage on Main street, Frostburg. Mrs. Long was one in a family of ten children, namely: James L., who is a farmer of Myersdale, Pennsylvania; Viola, who is the wife of Charles F. Trescher, of Frostburg; Elijah H., who is a merchant of Midland, Maryland; Alexander A., who is a retired contractor of Midland; Mary F. who is the wife of Dr. P. F. Shaffer, of Jacksonville, Florida; John P., who is a farmer near the old homestead at Vale Summit, Allegany county, Maryland; Bertha I.; Frank C. who is an ice cream manufacturer of Frostburg; Howard, who is a farmer of the Midland region; and Sylvestor, who is a farmer of Frostburg. Mr. and Mrs. Long hold the full confidence of their many customers, and they are numbered among the most respected and reputable citizens of Frostburg.
CONRAD LUTZ, now a leading general merchant at Midland, Allegany county, has passed his life at various locations in this county and in various occupations. Though a business, man for over a score of years, he was formerly engaged in railroad work and mining, following the latter calling for nearly a quarter of a century, and in every association he has been favorably known for his industrious habits and dependable character. Mr. Lutz was born in 1856 at Rawlings Station, Allegany county, Maryland, the home for some time of his parents, Frederick John and Barbara (Rupp) Lutz, who came to America from Germany as a young couple in the early fifties and settled in this county. Frederick John Lutz was born in Germany, May 14, 1809, and there learned the trade of blacksmith, which he followed for many years in the employ of the Cumberland Pennsylvania Railroad Company at Mount Savage and Frostburg. His first location upon his arrival here was in Cumberland, whence he removed to Rawlings Station and eventually to Frostburg, remaining there to the end of his days. He died at Frostburg, October 3, 1881, in the faith of the German Lutheran Church. Politically, he was a Democrat. Mrs. Lutz died it Frostburg in 1908, aged seventy-six years. Their children were: Conrad, mentioned below; Mary, now the wife of William Engle, of Frostburg; John, deceased; Elizabeth, wife of Peter Lemmart, of Frostburg; Maggie, wife of John Coale, of Frostburg; Frederick, a miner; and Catherine, deceased.
Conrad Lutz was nine years old when his parents made their permanent home at Frostburg, in 1865, and there he grew to manhood. He was sent to the public schools for three or four years, and made good use of all such advantages. When a young man he found employment as trackman on the Cumberland & Pennsylvania railroad, later becoming a miner, entering the service of the Consolidation Coal Company at Frostburg. He continued to follow mining from 1874 to 1898, and after quitting the mines took a trip west, looking out for a business location. He started merchandising on his own account in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he remained three years, returning to Allegany county in 1900 and locating at Midland, at which point his interests have since been centered. The simple statement that he now enjoys the largest trade in that town is enough to indicate how successful he has been, but it is only fair to say that he has labored hard for that success, adhering to his temperate habits of old, and exerting all his business ability in the building up of a prosperous patronage. He has devoted himself unremittingly to its demands, and enjoys the highest standing among local tradesmen, his customers never having had any reason to doubt his good faith in his dealings with them. He has identified himself thoroughly with the best interests of Midland ever since settling there, being regarded as one of its desirable residents.
In 1884 Mr. Lutz married Miss Emma F. Creutzburg, of Barton, Allegany county, Maryland, daughter of Valentine Creutzburg, and three children have been born of this union: Ernest R., now in Crescent [sic Cresson], Pennsylvania, and who has one son Ernest; Karl, who died when thirteen years old; and Vesta, married to Ross Fuller of Frostburg, and they have one son, James Lutz. Like his parents, Mr. Lutz belongs to the Lutheran Church. He is a Republican in political opinion.
JOHN GALLOWAY LYNN belongs to one of the oldest and most
honored Maryland families, whose history is worthy of
preservation. Its record is one in which sturdy Americanism
abounds, and it can be traced back to a commissioned officer who
served Charles I and Charles II of England in the wars in
Ireland, and who was a great-great-great-great-grandfather of
John Galloway Lynn on this review. The Lynn family was
established in Maryland early in the eighteenth century by the
great-great-grandfather of the present Mr. Lynn, Judge David
Lynn, who came from, Dublin, Ireland, and settled at what is now
Frederick, in Frederick county, Md. Judge David Lynn held his
commission under King George of England. and was one of the
twelve judges who, on November 23rd, i765, decided that before
the English Stamp Act would be recognized by the Courts of
Maryland they must be officially notified of the passage of that
Act. In memory of this courageous stand, which was an act of
treason against the English Crown, and said to be one of the
first of the various actions against England which resulted in
the revolt of the Colonists, a large bronze tablet has been
erected in the Courthouse at Frederick by the Daughters of the
American Revolution. Three of the sons of Judge David Lynn served
in the American Revolutionary Army: David, John and Dr. George
Lynn--David as Captain and John as Colonel.
Captain David Lynn, the great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, located at Cumberland, Maryland, prior to the outbreak of the American Revolution, and figured very prominently in the early History of this section during and subsequent to the mighty struggle, and was a most distinguished citizen. He built Rose Hill, the old Lynn homestead, in 1801, which fine old mansion is still standing, and it was the third brick house built in Allegany county. Rose Hill was inherited by his son, John Galloway, who built the Potomac or Lynn wharf, above the dam in the Potomac River, below Rose Hill, and operated it for many years for loading coal into canal boats to be transported over the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal.
Captain David Lynn was one of the charter members of the Order of the American Cincinnati; was one of the founders of Emmanuel Protestant Episcopal Church of Cumberland in 1803, located on the beautiful elevation on Washington street, which ground was donated by him and Col. William Lamar. He also served on the first vestry. This church is built on the site of Fort Cumberland, built in 1755. Captain David Lynn married Mary Galloway of Tulip Hill, Anne Arundel county, Maryland. She gave Rose Hill Cemetery to the Emmanual Church.
The grandfather of John Galloway Lynn was John Galloway Lynn I, and he married Rebecca Singleton, the latter a member of an old Maryland family, and one of their sons, John Galloway Lynn II, became the father of the above named gentleman. John Galloway II married Clara Minor, the latter a Virginian and a member of one of the oldest and most distinguished families of the Old Dominion; her father was professor of languages at William and Mary College, Williamsburg, Virginia. His brother, John B. Minor, was professor of law at the University of Virginia, for fifty years.
John Galloway II and his wife had three sons, the other two being Edward Dabney and Clarence Minor, both of whom are identified with important mining interests in Bisbee, Arizona, and they are living there at present.
John Galloway Lynn III was born at Wheeling, West Virginia, April 3rd, 1870, but has lived at Cumberland since he was one year old. He attended the public schools and Allegany County Academy of Cumberland, and at the age of seventeen years began his business career in the transportation department of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. In 1890 he entered the employ of The Kenneweg Co., wholesale grocers, of Cumberland, which concern had just been organized. Being an ambitious young man, with lots of energy and great capabilities, he saw this his real beginning, and was quick to grasp the details of the business, and his faithfulness and efficiency were rewarded. He became bookkeeper, then secretary and treasurer, still later vice president, and on January 1st, 1915 he was made president and general manager of this company, and still holds these offices. In the conduct of this large business, Mr. Lynn has the earnest co-operation of his associates, for he is a man who is able to secure the assistance of others, and the effects have been a broad and healthy expansion with resultant profits to the stockholders.
As a head of a business of the size of The Kenneweg Co., Mr. Lynn occupies a well recognized position among the executives of Cumberland.
His well directed efforts have not only resulted in the success of his firm, now rated among the largest distributors of food products in Maryland, but in the general prosperity of the city. His firm maintains branch houses at Meyersdale, Pennsylvania; Romney, and Petersburg, West Virginia. His individual work is not confined to business pursuits, for he performs his full share, although in a quiet manner, of charitable and other work necessary for the community uplift and expansion, and has full confidence in Cumberland's future. He is an active member and director of the Cumberland Chamber of Commerce, and the Cumberland Development Company; is secretary of the S. T. Little Jewelry Company, of Cumberland; a director of the Young Men's Christian Association, and, like his forbears, is an Episcopalian, representing the third generation of his name on the vestry of Emmannal Protestant Episcopal Church. He is also a member of the Maryland Society of the Sons of the American Revolution and a 32nd degree Mason.
John Galloway Lynn III married Miss Ruth Gibbons, only daughter of Rev. George Allen Gibbons, rector of Saint Stephens Church, of Romney, West Virginia, on April 15th, 1902. They have four children: John Galloway IV, George Minor, Ruth Gibbons and Page Dabney.
Captain David Lynn, the progenitor of the
Lynn family of Cumberland, Maryland, was the son of Judge
David Lynn, who came from Dublin, Ireland, in 1717, and
located in that part of Montgomery county, Maryland, which in
1776 was carved out of Frederick county, and which up to that
date embraced in its vast domain the whole of Western
Maryland. Judge David Lynn occupied a commanding position in
his day and generation. He represented Frederick county for
several terms in the lower house of the General Assembly of
Maryland; he was one of the three Commissioners appointed by
the State of Maryland, in 1751, to lay out the town of
Georgetown, and he was a Justice of the Frederick County
Court from 1756 to 1775. In 1758 he was made a member of the
Quorum of that Court, and it was during his incumbency as
such on the bench of Frederick county that it acquired the
distinction of having decided that the English Stamp Act was
illegal, null and void, and which proceeded with the business
of the Court without stamping its proceedings.
So much has been written and done about this matter that, as it often happens, the fame of the actors, as praiseworthy and commendable as it was, has suffered to the extent that the picture does not conform to the facts or to the truth of history.
The popular interpretation of the action of the Frederick County Court could never have been contemplated by its judges, and is wholly unwarranted. The court did not "repudiate" the Stamp Act, as it is represented to have done, but decided that as there had been no formal publication of the Act of Parliament in the Colonies, the court could not take judicial notice of it, and, that, "As no stamps had yet arrived in the Province, and the inhabitants had no means of obtaining any, that the business of the public could not be delayed, or the proceedings of the court suspended for omitting that which is impossible to perform."
The papers of the day heralded it as a "mortal stab at the hand of justice" of the Stamp Act, and time has done nothing to correct this error, but rather to perpetuate it, for in 1894 the General Assembly of Maryland made the 23rd of November a local bank half holiday under the title of "Repudiation Day," and in 1904 a beautiful tablet was placed in the Court House in Frederick bearing the following inscription:
Erected by the Frederick
Chapter of the
Daughters of the American Revolution
November 23, 1904.
Judge David Lynn married Miss Elizabeth Lamar, who is said to have been from the State of Louisiana. They were Church of England people, and were members of Rock Creek parish, then in Frederick county. According to the register of that parish, they had children: Jane, born July 16, 1747; Sarah, born April, 1749; Elizabeth, born February 25, 1750; Rosalie, born 1753; Catherine, born July 17, 1756; David, born July 15, 1758, and John Lynn, born August 29, 1760. George Lynn, a third son, was born later. His name does not appear upon the register of Rock Creek parish, but he is still well remembered and became an eminent physician and surgeon, and was one of the charter members of the Medical and Chirurgical Society of Maryland, founded in 1799.
Judge David Lynn died about 1776, but his widow survived him many years. A letter, still extant, from her son, Lieutenant John Lynn, to his brother, Captain David Lynn, after the battle of Eutaw Springs, September.8, 1781, makes special reference to his mother and his brother George, both still living. Captain Lynn was then in Maryland, recruiting men for the Maryland line, and the letter gives him an account of the wounds the writer received while in action during the heat of battle of that day, his left leg having been badly shattered. He was then recovering, and expecting to be again shortly in the line of duty, but as he had lost both his hat and his horse in the memorable skirmish at Eutaw, expresses the hope that the Captain can arrange to get his needs in those respects supplied.
Captain David Lynn, the subject of this sketch, entered the Continental Army as Ensign of the First Battalion of the Flying Camp, in 1776. On March 27, 1777, he was made Lieutenant of the Seventh Battalion of Maryland Regulars, and on May 22, 1779, he became Captain of the same regiment, and in that capacity he continued to serve until the close of the American Revolution. Among the engagements in which he took a conspicuous part were Germantown and Monmouth, Cowpens and Yorktown. He was a member of the Society of Cincinnati, of Maryland.
His brother, John Lynn, also entered the Continental service at an early age. He was made Lieutenant of the First Maryland Regiment, and served with distinction throughout the entire war. He is generally referred to as Colonel John Lynn, and that is the title inscribed on his tombstone in Mount Olivet Cemetery, in Frederick county; and Washington, at whose house he was entertained during, his last visit to Cumberland, speaks of him as Major Lynn, which title was conferred upon him in the spring of 1790 by Gov. Howard of Maryland.
Shortly after the close of the American Revolution, Captain David Lynn and big brother John both located in Cumberland, Maryland, and the latter became the first Clerk of the Circuit Court for Allegany county, serving from 1790 until 1801, when he removed from his Cumberland residence, on the northwest corner of Washington and Prospect streets, on Lot No. 66 (where the Richmond, Blackiston and Bretz residences now stand) the deed for which, it is worthy of note, being the first deed recorded after Allegany county became erected. Major Lynn was in the Legislature of Maryland as a representative from Washington when Allegany county was erected in 1789. He married Miss Eleanor Edelyn, and, two years before his death, moved to his estate known as Wild Cherrytree Meadows, at McHenry, then in Allegany, but now in Garrett county. He left two daughters, Jane and Eleanor, the latter of whom married Davis Richardson, and they were the ancestors of the Richardsons now of Charleston, West Virginia.
Captain David Lynn founded the large estate known as Rose Hill, extending from the Potomac River to the Cumberland Narrows, then on the outskirts of Cumberland, but long since within the limits of the growing city. Here he erected in 1801, a commodious mansion from bricks, it is said, that were made on the place, and did it so substantially that it today stands as an enduring monument to his memory. It was the third brick house erected in Allegany county.
The mansion house and its well graded grounds occupy the beautiful bluff overlooking the Potomac, and it is perhaps the most commanding and picturesque situation in Cumberland. Tradition says it derives its name from the great variety and large number of roses that adorned its spacious lawn.
Captain Lynn represented Allegany county in the General
Assembly of Maryland in 1794 and 1795, and was one of the
three Commissioners appointed by the State for the
apportionment of the Military Lots Westward of Fort
Cumberland, given by the State as a bounty to the officers
and privates of the Maryland Line. This was a work involving
much energy and care, and his ponderous private record of the
proceedings of the Commission, now in the office of the
County Commissioners of Allegany county, and believed to be
the only one of the three private records extant, is
remarkable for the neat, legible and orderly manner in which
it was kept, and which would indicate that he was a
draughtsman of unusual ability.
Captain Lynn married on April 28, 1795, Mary Galloway, daughter of Major Joseph Galloway, of the South River Battalion, in Anne Arundel county. Their children were: Henry Galloway Lynn, born March 27, 1796, died November 12, 1812; Frances Cheston Lynn, born January 28, 1798, married Colonel Frederick A. Schley, died September 4, 1828; Mary Galloway Lynn, born November 12, 1799, married John Wilson Magruder, died February 7, 1879; William Lynn, born September 9, 1801, married first Jane Johns and second Anne L. Brown, died July 25, 1851; John Galloway Lynn,. born October 1, 1803, married Rebecca Singleton, died October l, 1881; George Lynn, born August 8, 1805, married Virginia Moss, died November, 1860; Anne Brooke Lynn, born August 3, 1807, married George Tilghman, died June 25, 1882; James Cheston Lynn, born July 24, 1809, died January 9, 1851; Joseph Galloway Lynn, born March 28, 1811, died in infancy; Ellen Jane Lynn, born January 7, 1813, married James L. Willoughby, died July 20, 1844. This long line of descendants, in its turn left a large lineage, standing today for the best traditions and ideals in this and in other communities in which they dwell, of a most worthy and patriotic ancestry, among them the Lynn, Henderson, Magruder, Robbins, Johns, Schley and Bowie families. Captain Lynn died at Rose Hill, April 11, 1835.
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