The Next Generation

     Staff Sgt. Mason Holley

Debbie's son Mason was proud to serve his country soon after September 11 in Operation Enduring Freedom. Mason, like so many others, put his life on hold when asked to serve, delaying his graduation from Marshall University until the spring semester of 2004.

We would like to thank those around the world who support our troops and their families during these difficult times.

UPDATE: Sgt. Mason Holley is serving in Iraq in 2006.

It is Mason's wish that all Americans remember Staff Sergeant Gene Arden Vance of the 19th Special Forces Group, West Virginia Army National Guard, who paid the ultimate price for our freedom. The web sites below honor the memory of Staff Sgt. Gene Arden Vance:
National Security Agency Tribute
19th Special Forces Group (Airborne) Tribute
Morgantown WV newspaper articles

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