Larry Williams' Family

Letter to Cousin Fred Hall from Robert Maynard Nance

A letter dated 28 January 1955 to Fredrick Darrel Hall (born 1889 Kansas, died 1955 Seattle, WA) from Robert Maynard Nance (born 1878 Webster Co KY, died 1962 Tampa, FL)

Italics indicate comments and dates added by Larry Williams.

Dear cousin Fred,

To say I was surprised and pleased to hear from you is putting it mildly and brings back a chain of memories from the dim past. Yes your mother and I corresponded regularly until her passing (Queen Tiny Nance, born 1864 Webster Co KY, died 1942 Maywood,IL), and she visited us for a short time in Providence KY at one time and appeared to enjoy her visit and we were very happy to have her.

The children that I remember were Verda, (born Augist 1880 Sebree, Webster Co KY, died 1929 Johnston City IL), Lola, (born 1881 Sebree, Webster Co KY), and the son who I believe drowned in Illinois, and you. It also seems that there was another girl named Zella. (Zella Cleveland Hall born 1883 Sebree, Webster Co KY, died 1901 Earlington, KY)

I believe that you were grandfather Nance’s favorite. (George Washington Nance, born 1817 VA, died 1906 Webster Co KY)

I stayed in old Kentucky until my days of hard work were over. In 1946 we visited my wife’s brother (Alfred Jackson Williams, born 1891 Providence, KY, died 1961 Akron OH) in Tampa where we bought a small home, then going back to Providence we sold our property there and here we are. Florida has many things to attract people, especially the old folks who like a pleasant climate and beautiful flowers all year, however this winter so far has been colder than usual with several frosts killing many tender plants.

By the way I think you wrote my age right at first, reconsidered and put a 7 over the 6 as I was 76 September 15.

We have quite a few citrus tree in our yard and garden and only have to step outside to pick oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, lemons and limes. I imagine that my wife Prudie mentioned to Ruth in her letter that her first name is Prudence which the family shorted to Prudie.

The State Fair begins here next month and is quite a show with exhibits of many kinds, and considerable entertainment. The two major league base ball clubs do their spring training here in Tampa in the winter. Horse and dog racing is in full swing and there are golf and tennis places near by. Also there is shuffle board courts for the elderly.

Our plans for a quiet and peaceful old age has not worked out as we are trying to raise a couple of energetic grandchildren. Leon (Butch) Gold, age 12 and Diana Gold, age 10 whose father was killed in a truck wreck and their mother is in poor health. I imagine that is about enough for the present time, but if you like what you read write me again when you find the time and I will try a repeat performance.

Remember me to your wife and other members of the family as you write them. We only pass this way once and in closing may I again quote Billy Graham “May the Lord bless you real good”

Robert Maynard Nance
7215 11th. St
Tampa 4,

This information compiled by:
Robert (Larry) Williams
October 2007
4757 Bethuy
Casco, MI 48064
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