Subjects of Perrin, Battle & Kniffin 1885 Biographies

From: Kentucky, A History of the State. Perrin, Battle & Kniffin. 2nd ed., 1885, Webster Co.
CHARLES A. BEYMER was born July 6, 1855, in Huron County, Ohio, where he grew to manhood, and in 1873 removed with his parents to Webster County, Ky., the place of his present residence. His father, Edmund Beymer, who is a native of Guernsey County, Ohio, was born in 1833, and is a skilled workman and is engaged in his calling, which is that of a carriage trimmer and saddler. Edmund is the son of William Beymer, who was the son of Gen. Simon Beymer, of the Revolutionary War. Edmund espoused as his wife, Mary, daughter of James and Eliza (Marsh) Kirkpatrick, of Guernsey County, who was born in 1834 and is now living. Their union was blessed with the following named children: Charles A., Walter E., Clara B. (Cobb), Emma A. (Kenyon), Nellie M., Winifred, Myrtie B., and Gracie M. Charles A. was favored with good literary advantages, having been educated at the high school, located in Bellevue, Ohio and is well versed in the literature of the day. He is engaged in the profession of farming, and chiefly in the cultivation of wheat and tobacco. His parents are Methodists and his father is a Republican.

E.G.BISHOP, editor of the _Webster County Record_, was born September 28, 1857, in Hopkins County, Ky. His father, Isaac W. Bishop, who was a surveyor by profession, and who also engaged in agricultural pursuits, died in 1876, aged fifty-seven years. E.G. was reared on his father's farm, and, at the age of thirteen, commenced to work at the printing trade at Greenville, and followed this trade most of the time until 1880, when he established his present paper, which now has a circulation of about 1,100.

ANDREW J. BRAME was born June 18, 1830, in Person County, N.C. He is a son of Thomas and Nancy (Royster) Brame. His father was born in Virginia, and his mother in Grandville [sic] County, N.C. About 1838 the family immigrated to Kentucky, and settled in Christian County; two years later they moved to Hopkins (now Webster) County, and engaged in farming. The father died in 1874, aged eighty-three. The mother died about 1835. Andrew J. was reared on his father's farm, and at the age of twenty-one he rented a farm and later bought a farm of seventy-eight acres. He now owns 248 acres of land, largely improved, all of which he has earned by constant attention to business and good management. He was married in 1857 to Nancy Cavanah, of Webster County. She died in December 1878, leaving one son and four daughters; Mary Alice is since deceased. His second marriage was in April, 1879, to Mrs. Osborn, formerly Mary Frazer, of Webster County. Mr. Brame has been a life long and consistent member of the United Baptist Church.

GREGORY BRILL was born November 25, 1835, in Prussia, and is a son of Michael and Katie (Gaul) Brill. The father was born in Bavaria, and died in 1867, aged sixty-three years. The mother was born in Germany, and died in 1874, aged sixty-six years. At the age of fourteen, our subject commenced learning the milling business with his father, and followed that business in his native country until 1870. In 1877, he came to Dixon, and bought the mill then situated on the creek. In 1883, he moved the mill to its present location, where he has since been successfully engaged in the business. He was married, in 1860, to Katie Traudt, of the city of Steinau, Germany. This union has been blessed with eight children, of whom - five sons and one daughter - Philip, Donat, Charles, William, Henry and Louisa, are now living. Mr. Brill is a member of the Catholic Church.

WILLIS CORNELIUS BROOKS, Hopkins County, was born January 3, 1859, in Webster County, Ky., and in 1860 removed with his parents to Hopkins County, Ky., where he still resides. His father, Absalom Brooks, a native of Virginia, died in 1860, at the age of forty-eight years. He married Susan C., daughter of George W. and Elizabeth (Winstead) Bailey, of Hopkins County, and to this union was born our subject, as above. After the death of her husband, Mrs. Brooks married Alfred Owen, and from this union sprang one child - Bettie J. She was next married to James Moore, and to them were born Roland and Maud. W.D. Brooks was married, February 27, 1879, to Miss Kittie, daughter of John and Annie (Davidson) Murphy, of Hopkins County (born August 29, 1859), and they have been blessed with two children, viz.: Basil M. and Mamie Y. Mr. Brooks is a farmer, possessing 180 acres of good land, in a high state of cultivation. In politics he is a Democrat.

DR. JOHN LEMASTER BURDON, a native of Butler County, Ky., was born November 2, 1843; removed with his parents to Jefferson County, where he grew to manhood, and in 1882, settled in Hopkins County, where he now resides. His father, Ahaseurus Burdon, also a native of Butler County, died in 1876, aged about sixty-seven years. He was the son of Dr. Benjamin Burdon, who died in 1863, aged over eighty years. Subject's father espoused in marriage Mary A., daughter of Adam Razor, of Jefferson County, and their children are Mary E. (Wiseheart), subject, James W., Laura V. (Wiseheart), Willis C. and Cassie (Morehead). Dr. Burdon was favored with a classical education, and has devoted much time to literary pursuits. He was married September 28, 1865, to Miss Julia A., daughter of Samuel and Kittie (Schemmehorn) Blair, of Jefferson County (born in 1838), and from this union sprang Samuel A., Edward C., Laura V. and Ella. In 1873, subject commenced the study of medicine with Dr. N. A. Kitchell, of Robard's Station; graduated at the Kentucky School of Medicine, Louisville, in 1875; practiced at Robard's Station until 1882, since which time he has been successfully engaged in the practice of his profession at his present location. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and a Democrat.

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