Subjects of Perrin, Battle & Kniffin 1885 Biographies

From: Kentucky, A History of the State. Perrin, Battle & Kniffin. 2nd ed., 1885, Webster Co.
CHARLES H. PRIDE, Webster County, was born November 23, 1839, in Logan County, Ky. He is a son of James S. and Eliza (Crawford) Pride. The father was born in Tennessee, but now resides in Union County. The mother was born in North Carolina. She departed this life in May 1849. Our subject was reared on his father's farm, where he remained until the age of thirteen, at which time he commenced to learn the blacksmith's trade, which he has since followed with good success. He is regarded by good judges and experts as the best horse-shoer in the State. In 1864 he removed to Clay, where he has since resided, and where he owns a comfortable residence. He is an earnest advocate of the temperance cause, and is one of the enterprising mechanics and respected citizens of the town and county. He was married in 1861 to Mary J. Potts, of Union County, Ky., she died in March 1878, leaving seven children - four sons and three daughters: Sarah I. Pride, J.C. Pride, H.L. Pride, Thomas M. Pride, C.W. Pride, A.L. Pride and E.B. Pride. He was next married in October 1878 to Miss Susan A. Rigsby, also a native of Union County, Ky. Two sons have blessed their union: Miles Ira Pride and Cleo Ray Pride. Mr. and Mrs. Pride are members of the United Baptist Church.

REV. BENJAMIN B. PULLAM, Webster County, was born October 9, 1828, in Union County, Ky., to Thomas and Prissie (Skinner) Pullam, natives of South Carolina and Kentucky, respectively. Prisla was born April 27, 1800. At the age of fourteen Thomas Pullam came with his parents to Union County, Ky., where his father, John Pullam, bought wild land, and improved a farm. He had volunteered his services during the war of 1812, but died in camp of measles before getting into active service. After attaining his majority, young Thomas engaged in agricultural pursuits on his own account. He bought wild land and improved some three or four different farms in Union, Crittenden and Webster Counties. He was born in 1795 and died July 20, 1878 in his eighty-third year. Benjamin B. Pullam was employed on the home farm until he was twenty years old, after which he was employed at various pursuits several years. In 1861 he bought wild land near Providence, where he has since improved the farm upon which he now resides. He was first married in November, 1849, to Miss Mary Patten, a native of Union County, Ky.; she died March 25, 1851. Mr. Pullam was next married March 2, 1856, to Miss Nancy A. Dorris, a native of Hopkins County, Ky. They have no children. Mr. Pullam and wife are members of the Primitive Baptist Church, in which he has been a regularly ordained minister for a number of years. In politics he is a Democrat.

SQUIRE JAMES HENRY QUALLS was born April 2, 1836, in Granville County, N.C., and in 1858, came to Webster County Ky., where he has since resided. His father, James Qualls, a native of North Carolina, was born in 1810, and died at this place in 1872. He was the son of William Qualls, who was born near Richmond, Va.; he died about 1865 at the age of eighty years. Subject's mother, Judith, daughter of Elias Ross of Granville County, N.C., was born in 1810, and is still living. To her and husband were born Richard C., Allen F., and subject. Our subject was married February 14, 1861, to Miss Louisa M., daughter of William and Frances (Fowler) Qualls, of Hopkins County (born in 1845), and from this union sprang Richard W., Judith F., Thomas F., Augustus H., George W., Mary M., James W. and Nellie Pearl. In 1878, Mr. Qualls was elected magistrate, which position he still retains. He is a farmer, owning about 260 acres of fair land in a good state of cultivation. From the bottom round of the financial ladder, Squire Qualls has worked his way up to a comfortable competency. In politics he is a Democrat.

JOHN WESLEY REYNOLDS was born November 23, 1835, in Hopkins County, Ky., where he grew to manhood, and in 1860, removed to Slaughterville, his present place of residence. His father, Sebron Reynolds, a native of Culpeper County, Va., was born in 1792, and at the age of twelve years, removed with his parents from Oglethorpe, Ga., to Hopkins County, Ky., where he died in 1858. He was born blind, and unassisted for twenty years, superintended a horse mill. His father, Thomas, the son of Richard, a Virginian, married Sarah Williams, of Hopkins County, and their offspring are Martha J. (Stiman), Sarah L. (Crowley), and Nancy L. John W. Reynolds was united in marriage December 25, 1863, to Miss Mary E. (born in 1846), daughter of Henry A. and Mary E. (Reynolds) Prather of Hopkins County, and to them have been born Warren L., Henry C., John W., Jr., Hallie E. (deceased), Timothy F., Mary A., Sarah J., Thomas B. and Fredonia D. Since 1860 Mr. Reynolds has been successfully engaged in general merchandising, to which he has added drugs. He has all his life been an invalid, but has given close attention to his business, from which, in twenty years, he has lost but few days. He is a Methodist and a Democrat.

J.L. RICE, Webster County, was born July 1, 1835, in Hopkins County, Ky., now Webster County. He is a son of James R. and E.V. (Nichols) Rice, natives of Bertie County, N.C. About 1820 the family immigrated to Kentucky, and located four miles from Dixon, there the father died September 7, 1852. Our subject was reared on his father's farm, and at the age of fifteen assumed general charge of the place, and continued its management until he was nineteen years old. He then bought a farm of 115 acres, which he afterward increased to 250 acres, and continued farming until 1867, when he sold this farm and moved to Providence, where he was largely engaged in the tobacco business about four years. In 1873 he came to Dixon and with the exception of four years, has since been engaged in the tobacco business at that point, handling now about 250,000 pounds a year. He was married in 1853 to Martha Givens, of Hopkins County, who died in May 1860, leaving three daughters. His second marriage was in 1867 to Ann B. Gist, of Hopkins County. This union has been blessed with five children - three sons and two daughters. Mr. Rice is a member of the Masonic fraternity.

WILLIAM G. RORK, Webster County, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, January 23, 1859, and is a son of Wesley and Rachel (Bacon) Rork. He is the youngest of a family of ten children, and is of Scotch-Irish descent. The Rork family came from the "Emerald Isle" to America at an early date. The father of our subject was born where the Queen City of Ohio now stands, and afterward owned the land on which the principal part of the city has been erected. When William G. was nine years of age, he removed with his parents from Cincinnati to Sonora, Hardin Co., Ky., where he remained until he was nineteen years of age. In 1878 he went to Montgomery, Ala., and engaged in railroading in the South five years. He then went to Louisville, Ky., and continued the same business there until 1883, when he came to Sebree, Webster County, and is now employed by the Louisville & Nashville Railway Company at this place. In the hotel business Mr. Rork has proved himself competent, as his success testifies. On coming to Sebree, he took charge of what is known as the Commercial House, which he conducted until April, 1884, when he became the proprietor of the Sebree Springs Hotel, and now has both houses under his management. During the summer of 1884 he had an average of 100 guests daily. Mr. Rork was married October 27, 1881, to Miss Lula Brown, of Green County, Ky., daughter of C.T. and Hattie Brown. Mr. Rork is a Democrat, and he and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South.

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