Subjects of Perrin, Battle & Kniffin 1885 Biographies

From: Kentucky, A History of the State. Perrin, Battle & Kniffin. 2nd ed., 1885, Webster Co.
GEORGE PARKER was born January 11, 1825, in North Carolina, and at about the age of nine he came with his parents to what is now Webster County. After the death of the father, he with his brother, Westley, took charge of the farm; there he remained till the age of twenty-three, when he settled on 100 acres of land which he had purchased. He continued in agricultural pursuits and from time to time purchased other lands, as his means would allow, and now owns 954 acres, about 400 of which are improved. Mr. Parker has acquired this valuable property by attending strictly to business and judicious management. He was married in 1847 to Isabella Gooch, of Hopkins County. This lady died in February, 1864, leaving five sons. Mr.Parker's second marriage was in March, 1865, to Delia F. Ruby, of Webster County. This marriage has been blessed with four sons and three daughters. Mrs. Parker is a member of the Christian Church, having joined this body at the age of sixteen.

JOHN H. PARKER, Webster County, was born in Person County, N.C., November 28, 1835, son of Jonas and Ruth (Tapp) Parker, the former a native of Virginia, the latter of North Carolina, and both of English descent. Jonas Parker, while yet a young man, immigrated to North Carolina, where he married and engaged in the pursuit of farming until the year 1837, when he with his then large family of five sons and five daughters immigrated to Kentucky, where he opened a settlement in the great wild forest, now near Dixon, the county seat of Webster County. Three years later he died at the age of fifty, leaving his wife and ten children, besides a number of colored servants, to mourn his loss. He and his wife were members of the Primitive Baptist Church. John H., the subject of this sketch, was the youngest of the family, and being only five years old at his father's death, was brought up entirely by the Christian efforts of his widowed mother. He received a liberal education in the common and graded schools, and was also a student in Center College, of Danville, Ky., in the years of 1854 and 1855. At the age of twenty [he] commenced teaching, which he continued for three years to the great satisfaction of his employers and his own educational improvement. Just at the opening of his last school he was married, February 18, 1858, to Miss Sallie F. Johnson, a native of Webster County, and the youngest daughter of Jack and Polly Johnson, who were early pioneers of this country. At the close of this school he and his loving young bride removed to her mother's, who was then a widow, living near Shiloh Church, same county, and being placed in charge of her farm and servants, pursued the life of a quiet and happy farmer for three consecutive years until, during the last year, the unhappy and unholy war broke out between the North and South. Being strong sympathizers with the South, they quickly decided to move southward with their effects, especially their slaves, which they did, stopping near Gallatin, Sumner Co., Tenn., and remaining in that State nearly two years. During this time he sold the most of his slaves for good prices in gold. At this crisis of the war, believing that the thing was "all up" with the South, he, with his young family - minus the slaves - removed back to their State and located at Providence, on New Year's Day, 1863, where he engaged in the mercantile business, which he still pursues, handling almost every line known to the trade. He now has a large two-story house, consisting of eight store-rooms, in which he carries a stock of $30,000 - annual sales average $60,000. He also deals in leaf tobacco and owns the best stemmery and factory in the Green River Country. At the present time he owns and operates a skating rink and opera house combined. He and his wife are zealous memers of the Christian Church. They have buried five children, and have five now living - three sons and two daughters. Their sons are Christian named (in the order of their ages) John Y., Joseph and Tom. The eldest, now called "Bud," is twenty years old, and is the book-keeper for the firm. The daughters, Fannie and Ruth, possess rare beauty and intelligence and are both gifted in music. They are now in Hamilton College, Lexington, Ky., where they will complete their education. Mr. Parker is not known as a politician, but is a true and consistent Democrat.

JOHN C. PARKER was born November 21, 1845, in Hopkins County, now Webster. He received a good literary education in his youth, and in 1863, enlisted in Company A, Eighth Kentucky Mounted Infantry, Confederate States army, and after being in the service three months, was accidentally wounded in the hand; he then resigned, returned home and attended school one year, after which he taught school, in all about two years. In the fall 1867, he bought from his father 126 acres of land, and now owns 236 acres, mostly improved. He was married November 6, 1866, to Miss Mattie Tapp, who was born in Henderson, now Webster County. This union has been blessed with six children - two sons and four daughters. They are members of the Christian Church. Mr. Parker is a member of the Masonic fraternity.

HON. WILLIAM RANDOLPH PARKER, Webster County, was born May 5, 1849, in Henderson County, Ky, where he grew to manhood, and in 1866 removed to Webster County, his present home. His father, Joel Parker, a native of Granville County, N.C., was born in 1824, came to Kentucky with his parents, and is still living. He is the son of Jonas Parker. Joel has been twice married: first to Sarah A., daughter of Randolph Osborn, of Henderson County, and from this union sprang our subject, Fannie (Bailey), Susan (Mounts), Miranda (Archibald), and Joel. By his second marriage with Queen Chandler, nee Bailey, were born three children; two died in infancy, and Pearl is still living. W.R. Parker was married, March 27, 1876 to Miss Tempie R. Mounts, of Webster County, (born in 1849), and to them have been born two children: Gem and Otto. Mrs. Tempie R. Parker died April 16, 1885. Mr. Parker has served one term in the State legislature and for many years been active as a constable, deputy clerk and chairman of the board of trustees of his village. He is a merchant and general trader, in which fortune has favored him. He is a Royal Arch Mason and politically a Democrat.

JOHN W. PATTERSON was born October 30, 1849, in Metcalfe County, Ky., where he grew to manhood; in 1871 he removed to Greenville, Mo., and in 1872 came to Webster County, Ky., where he has since resided. His father, Black M. Patterson, also a native of Metcalfe County, was born in 1821, and is now living here. He is the son of John Patterson, a Virginian, and a soldier in the war of 1812. Black M. married Polley B., daughter of William B. and Amy (Price) Rodgers, of Adair County, Ky., (born in 1831), and to them were born subject, Thomas B., Sarah A. (Brooks), Amanda L. (Brooks), Susan (Prather), James N., Elloye (deceased), Fannie B. and Bennett M. April 13, 1881, subject was married to Mary E. (born October 15, 1853), daughter of J. M. Nisbett, Esq., of Madisonville, Ky., and this union has been favored with one child - William Nisbett. Mr. Patterson is successfully engaged in manufacturing wagons and carriages, under the style of the "Slaughterville Manufacturing Company," and is the inventor of Patterson & Jones' platform buggy spring. He is a member of K. of H., a Methodist, and in politics a Prohibitionist.

THOMAS B. PAYNE was born in Maury County, Tenn., February 2, 1843, a son of Cornelius and Lousia A. (Walton) Payne, natives of Virginia. Cornelius Payne was married in his native State, where he was engaged in merchandising for many years. About 1817 or 1818 he moved to Tennessee, where he engaged in teaching in connection with farming until 1850, when he moved to Logan County, Ky., where he farmed about five years. In 1855 he removed to Hopkins County, and bought a farm near Nebo, where he remained about fourteen years. He then sold out and bought another farm in the same neighborhood upon which he resided until his death in September, 1876, in his eighty-eighth year. He and wife were life long memers of the Primitive Baptist Church, of which he was a regularly ordained minister for more than half of a century. The paternal grandfather of our subject was a veteran of the war of 1812. Thomas B. was employed on his father's farm until he attained his majority, and then farmed the home place on shares until 1869, when he engaged in general merchandising at Providence, Webster Co., Ky., where he has since been in business. He carries a stock of about $8,000, and is doing a flourishing business, with yearly sales of about $20,000. When he opened his store at Providence he also engaged in the hotel and livery business there; still carries on the latter business but gave up the hotel in June, 1884. In 1877 he erected a large tobacco stemmery at Providence, and has since been extensively engaged in the tobacco trade in connection with his other business. He is also engaged in farming to some extent. He was married, February 24, 1864, to Miss Isabella E. Herrin, a native of Webster County, Ky., and daughter of Jackson Herrin, one of the earliest pioneers of what is now Webster County. Seven children have been born to them, four of whom - two sons and two daughters - are living. Mr. Payne is a Democrat.

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