submitted by Mike and Judy Gann

ROGERS, John L         Franklin Favorite   12 Jan 1905

Simpson's Sole Southern Solider -

Enlisted in Barren at Wars beginning -
apt John Rogers the Last Simpson Survivor of the Orphan Brigade -
    The Commonwealth of Kentucky provides a small monthly stipend to the widows of two Confederate soldiers but the rolls carry the name of only one ex-soldier living In Simpson County, who fought upon the side of the Confederacy in the War Between the States, Captain John Rogers, who enlisted in Barren County but has lived for many years in Simpson. Capt. Rogers was a mere boy when General Joseph Lewis led his command from Glasgow to unite with the Southern forces, and for years Capt. Rogers suffered every hardship, which fell to the portion of a soldier fighting a losing battle with no resources save a brave and fearless adherence to a cause he and his comrade's believed to be just. When Lee surrendered at Appomattox. General Lewis started from the South to his home in Kentucky bringing the remnant of what was at the beginning the finest body of soldiers the world ever saw. At Nashville he borrowed $500 from L L. Alexander, then a druggist in that city, but who before the war lived Allen County and was a fried and admirer of General Lewis. The sole purpose of the General had in asking for the loan was to distribute it among his ragged, dirty and half-starved soldiers. It. is not improbable that Capt. Rogers received but a few pennies. As' It was not the custom of the General to play favorites. The command was disbanded and a large number of the men who fought under General Lewis returned to Allen, Barren and Simpson Counties.  It is said all of the Barren contingent have crossed the Great Divide that possibly one or two are left in Allen and that Capt. Rogers is the sole survivor in Simpson County.