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(The Union Regiments of Kentucky, Vol 3, by Capt. Thos. Speed, Courier-Journal Job Printing, 1897, pg650-656 )
"The 52nd Kentucky Mounted Infantry was organized under the authority of the Act of Congress dated February 7, 1863, authorizing the Government to raise 20,000 troops for the better defense of Kentucky. Company's A, B, C, and E were mustered in at Scottsville, KY on September 10, 1863 and Company D on October 17, 1863. Company F was mustered in on November 12, 1863, and Company G December 21, 1863 at Franklin, KY. Company H, I, and K were mustered in on March 3, 1864 at Franklin, KY."
"This regiment was raised for 12 months service and under the provisions of the Act, were to be employed within the limits of the State of Kentucky in repelling invasion, suppressing insurrections, and guarding and protecting the the public property. For the purpose of enabling it to cope more readily with the guerrillas that infested the State, it was mounted and stationed in the lower and central protion of KY and rendered efficient aid to the Government in protecting the line of communications with the Army at the front."
"Being raised in a section of the country were life of the Union man was constantly in jeopardy from the heartless guerrillas, many of the members of this organization had private grievances to correct that may have led them to commit excesses upon those receant Kentuckians who fostered the guerrillas and pointed out their homes for destruction. Still their services were efficient and appreciated by the Government they had sworn to defend."
"In the many fights and skirmishes in which it engaged, the bearing of both officers and men sustained the gallant record so bravely won by all Kentucky troops during the Rebellion."
"..March 23d, (1864) the 52nd was ordered by Gen. Hobson....to move from Scottsville to Bowling Green....April 19th it proceeded to Irvine, KY; April 30th, in the organization of the Dept. of the Ohio, the 52nd was in Col. Chas. S. Hansom's brigade, in Hobson's division. June 6th Col. Grider was sent with part of the 52nd...to Pound Gap to obstruct the passes. Another portion of the regiment fought Morgan at Mt. Sterling, June 10th and at Cynthiana, June 12th... Immediately afterward, the Federal forces...including the 52d, pursued the enemy as far as the Cumberland river, moving a distance of 470 miles in 11 days...
" In July (1864) the 52d had returned from the eastern part of KY and was in the western part July 18th....In August the regiment was ordered to Uniontown....August 21st a portion of the 52d was in Hopkinsville....August 26th the 52d was ordered to Lexington. August 30th the 52d was ordered to Bowling Green....It proceeded into Tennessee through Nashville. October 1st it was in Tullahoma, ... operating against Forrest and Wheeler. In October it proceeded to Athens and Huntsville, Ala..... December 5th it was again in Bowling Green and went into Western Kentucky to aide in resisting the invasion of the Confederates under Gen. Lyon. "
"After the destruction of Gen. Hood's army at Nashville, in December, 1864, the 52d was not so actively engaged and was mustered out of service in January and March, 1865, having made a splendid record as a useful and gallant regiment."
Field and Staff
Colonel: John H. Grider
Lieut Col: Samuel F. Johnson
Major: John B. Tyler
Adjt.: Wm. H. Murrell
Q.Masters: Wm. H. Johnson, James H. Lile
Surgeon: George W. Wyer
Asst. Surgeons: Robert D. Hawthorn, Henry H. Alter
Chaplain: George Mitchell
Sergt. Major: Wm C. Garrison
Q.M. Sergt: Virgil A. Jones
Com. Sergt: Zachariah A.M. Allen
Hospital Steward: Thos. J. Buchanan
Co A Mustered in at Scottsville, KY |
Co B Mustered in at Scottsville, KY |
Co C Mustered in at Scottsville, KY |
Co D Mustered in at Scottsville, Ky |
Co E Mustered in at Scottsville, KY |
Captain: | Samuel J. Richards | John D. Gilliam | Jno. M. Billingsley | George Hoy | Henry C. Watkins |
1st Lieut: | Wm. H. Walker | George D. Read | Thos. W. Mitchell | Wm. M. Beson | John W. Underhill |
2nd Lieut: | Daniel Huntsman | James A. Carter | Isaac T. Lee | Jno. W. Arnett | James M. Atwood |
William Jackson | |||||
Sergts: | Hezekiah Cook | David Ayres | Francis M. Atwood | John N. Crowe | Henry C. Atwood |
Christopher Newman | William M. Conner | Sidney W. Merideth | Thomas W. Hunt | James R. Prewett | |
Samuel T. Mahew | Edwin S. Costlow | James E. Rigsby | Wilson P. Lovelady | John L. Richie | |
Soloman H. Pope | Samuel J. Davis | John M. Sherry | Calvin Maher | David J. Stone | |
John W. Mayhew | John B. Russell | James W. Smith | William Meguire | Robert Q. Thomas | |
Willis Spann | John B. Wade | Henry M. Wilson | |||
John W. Weaver | William H. Witt | ||||
Sidney F. Williams | |||||
Simeon T. Witherspoon | |||||
Corpls: | John D. Allen | John J. Barnett | Randolph Bryant | W.H. Lyon | |
John H. Bond | Stephen Blackburn | William P. Croslin | John W. Owens | ||
William H. Many | John P. Campbell | Samuel P. Harris | Hezekiah Perden | ||
Henry W. Myers | Stephen T. Cromwell | William G. Hinton | Joseph A. Petty | ||
Richard M. Potet | Younger J. Davis | Francis A. Horn | Henry Riley | ||
John C. Prather | William P. Dixon | John L. Jackson | Alexander P. Saddler | ||
Booker C. Ramsey | Wm. R. Heffington | Albert McClelland | Enoch W. Spears | ||
John W. Richards | James McCorder | Samuel W. Wright | Wesley Thoms | ||
Privates: | James B. Anderson | Dillard R. Anderson | Wm. C. Alexander | Ira H. Barber | George W. Anderson |
Silas E. Bandy | John W. Anderson | Robert B. Benedict | Champ Beasley | Robert B. Atwood | |
Martin Bond | Theodore S. Austin | Henry M. Blackbourn | George W. Beasley | Smith W. Bagwell | |
Andrew J. Britt | William J. Ayres | Lemuel Blackbourn | John W. Beasley | William H. Bridges | |
David Britt | William Ballard | Thos. H. Boyd | Jonn A. Bower | James H. Brown | |
James F. Calvert (2) | Thos. J. Bracken | Wm. B. Brown | Edmund Brewer | John Burks | |
William W. Calvert | Francis A. Calvert | Stephen F. Cassady | James A. Brigance | John N. Carrier | |
Edwin G. Cook | William T. Cearloch | Joseph R.U. Claypool | William Brigance | John A. Carter | |
John E. Cook | William H.H. Chanly | Wm. P. Cleman | Wm. J. Brigance | Joseph R.W. Clark | |
Madison B. Cook | John A. Cole | James A. Coleman | Thos. J. Buchanon | David E. Claspill | |
Sidney H. Cook, Jr | Joseph Conyers | Charles Connor | John M. Carpenter | Elisha J. Dawsey | |
John H. Dalton | Shelvy Cornwall | Elijah Connor | Lemuel J. Chowning | William L. Dawsey | |
James W. Dearing | Perrin W. Crawford | Geo. W. Connor | James R. Cornwell | James Dillard | |
John A. Dearing | John E. Dalton | Jacob Connor | David M. Crow | Newton E. Drake | |
William B. Dearing | Sidney W. Davis | Benjamin F. Dixon | Daniel Q. Dalton | Alfred M. Durham | |
James W. Dunn | Wiley W. Davis | John W. Dixon | J.D. Dwyer | Joseph B. Gausnell | |
Christopher Fisher | Fountain P. Dillard | William E. Dixon | William George | Peter A. Gausnell | |
Thomas M. Garrett | George W. Dobbs | Thomas H. Edwards | Jno. W. Goodman | Ambrose Gore | |
Henry Grave | Robert Duncan | Jacob Gabler | James W. Green | William E. Graham | |
Michael J. Graves | George W. Eddy | Henry T. Gardner | Edward B. Harris | William Griffin | |
Thomas C. Graves | Isaac N. Eddy | Thomas M. Garrison | Isham Hays | Joseph Grove | |
William Graves | John S. Evans | William Hardcastle | Lindsey Hays | William Grove | |
David H. Haganes | William D. Evans | Jno.R. Hibbit | Manson L. Hays | Hughey Hall | |
Francis M. Haines | William T. Garrrison | Isaac M. Hinton | Wm.W. Hays | William N. Helton | |
John H. Haines | Maffett P. Gilliem | William Hinton | James W. Hendricks | Joseph B. Hendrick | |
Stephen R. Haines | Howard Glasscock | Wm. J. Hinton | Gustavus A. Henry | Pleasant F. Hendrick | |
James H. Harland | Lewis Gully | Uriah M. Hughes | James Henson | Andrew J. Hood | |
Wm. H. Harland | Wm. R. Hammon | Parnel C. Hunt | James B. Henson | Jesse W. Hood | |
Wm. F. Henton | Benj. Y. Harman | Littleton Johnson | John Henson (2) | Sidney R. Hood | |
Emery Hinton | James H. Harman | Enoch Lamb | Joseph H. Henson | Isaac Howard | |
John L. Hinton | William G. Harris | Wm D. Lamb | Nicholas H. Henson | John James | |
James W. Holoway | Willliam L. Harris | William D. Larke | Riley Henson | Benjamin Jones | |
Henry W. Johnson | Jonathon W. Hazelip | Hartwell J. McElroy | William Henson | James Lane | |
John A. L. Jones | James G. Heffington | William C. Marcum | Preston Holcomb | Elbridge W. Levell | |
Andrew P. Killman | Joseph Howell | Jesse Meridith | Morris Horn | William P. Levell | |
Eldridge B. Killman | Wm. J. Huntsman | Henr F. Motley | Wm. H. Howard | George W. Long | |
Albert Land | David W. Johnson | Mathew Motley | Herbert S. Hunt | William Long | |
Thomas Land | Mathew M. Jones | John P. Napier | Stanford Hunt | Mack C. Loveall | |
Robert Land | Joseph P. Justice | Price Oliver | Thomas Hunt | William Markum | |
John L. Larance | James R. Kerby | Thomas J. Oliver | William E. Hunt | Robert G. Martin | |
Sanford B. Lewis | John W. Landers | Wilson Oliver | Nathaniel Hutchinson | James F. Meader | |
William T. Lewis | Washington Loyd | Moses J. Phillips | Elvis B. Jackson | Obediah Merritt | |
Noah D. Lightfoot | Joseph H. Morgan | Thomas Pilant | Fredrick M. Jackson | Wm. M. Minix | |
Joshua E. Logan | Reuben Motley | Henr Rickman | James J. Jackson | Burton Mosely | |
Madison L. Long | James J. Nickel | Major Rickman | Peter M. Jackson | John A. Parish | |
Marshall A. Lyles | Richard Robinson | John B. Robertson | Virgil A. Jones | Yoda Perkins | |
Quinton N. Lyles | Nathaniel Saller | John E. Setterfield | Aaron H. Lovelady | Jesse G. Petty | |
Wiet E. Lyles | James Saterfield | Joseph M. Smith | Benjamin Lowery | Alfred M. Polly | |
Wiley McReynolds | Luther T. Seagraves | Joseph Stamp | George M. Mays | John M. Preston | |
Henry Mahew | George A. Seward | John W. Stamp | Moses Mays | Joseph J.W. Riche | |
George W. Mayhew | William M. Spann | George Superior | Samuel Moys | Columbus H. Richy | |
John W. Miller | James E. Stone | George W. Taybor | Andrew W. Meadow | John Shipley | |
George Mitchell | Fred A.C. Strain | Isaac Taybor | James E. Meadow | Christopher M.C. Sikes | |
William E. Mitchell | Daniel Taylor | Alfred P. Taylor | John H. Meadow | Moses M. Smith | |
Zachariah A.M. Mitchell | John T. Tinsley | E.W. Taylor | Joseph F. Meadow | John C. Stewart | |
James A. Moore | Henry A. Wagoner | Littleton Taylor | Robert Richards | Bryant F. Stroud | |
Monroe Moore | Moore H. Walthall | John W. Weaver, Sr | Frederick M. Rush | John B. Thaxton | |
Henry J. Newman | Joseph R. Watkins | John Wesley Weaver | Adam Saddler | Clifton R. Tinsely | |
John W. Newman | Aaron Y. Watts | James C. Weaver | Hiram S. Saddler | Toliver M. Tinsley | |
Mayhew F. Newman | Josephus Willoughby | James W. Weaver | Joel M. Saddler | William F. Tinsley | |
William R. Newman | Thomas W. Woodcock | James R. White | Manson F. Saddler | John E. Whitehead | |
Granville Ogles | John Woods | John W. Williams | James K. Shaub | James C. Wilson | |
Wm. R. Poteer | Aaron A. Willoughby | Aaron H. Slater | James F. Winkfield | ||
Albert H. Rather | Hardy S. Willoughby | Evans Taylor | Sidney N. Witt | ||
James R. Rather | Thomas J. Wright | James F. Turner | Sidney W. Wolf | ||
Jesse L. Rather | Joseph Turner | ||||
George W. Sawyer | Adam R. Wainscott | ||||
Samuel Smith | Elijah Z. Williams | ||||
Reuben C. Tayse | Alfred T. Wilson | ||||
Huy C. Thomas | James M. Wilson | ||||
James C. Thomas | Benjamin F. Wright | ||||
Joseph B. Thomas | |||||
Hamilton D. Wade | |||||
James H. Wade | |||||
Richardson B. Walker | |||||
Harper C. Wilson | |||||
Co F Mustered in at Franklin, KY |
Co G Mustered in at Franklin, KY |
Co H Mustered in at Franklin, KY |
Co I Mustered in at Franklin, KY |
Co K Mustered in at Franklin, KY |
Captain: | William P. King | Edward Hartle | Francis Houchin | James M. Childress | Lewis Buckner |
John B. Tyler | |||||
1st Lieut: | Jasper Forrest | Hugh L. Scott | S.W. Willis | Lewis P. Arnold | Romulus N. Taylor |
2nd Lieut: | James A. Caldwell | James H. Lile | Daniel C. Parrish | Alexander Dockery | Richard W. Hayes |
Sergts: | John W. Finn | Thomas Blythe | Martin Roof | George H. Billings | Jack S. Bradley |
Obediah O. Odell | Byrd W. Gates | James W. Simpson | Wm. Elms | Henry E. Deberry | |
Charles F. Tabbscott | William Gorman | John H. Sturdevant | David Hunt | Frederic Z. Goswick | |
Thomas J. Thompson | David B. Ladd | Silas D. Sturdevant | John R. Jones | John W. Johnson | |
Robert H. Tuck | John M. Lile | Wm. R. Threlkel | John W. Mayham | Larkin S. Wood | |
Wm. A. Parfeit | Leander M. Wood | ||||
Corpls: | George W. Dixon | Robert Blain | James L. Allison | John W. Davis | Hames F. Arms |
Meshack Finn | Thomas A. Dulin | Euphrates Boucher | Milton Fleener | Thomas J. Cofer | |
Richard T. Harris | Spottswood P. Evans | James Merideth | Veschill Fleener | Samuel W. Hay | |
James A. Karr | John Floyd | James Musick | John F. Holden | Samuel J. Howard | |
Ambrose J. Spears | Richard James | Daniel Roof | George W. Holloway | Milton Lee | |
Archibald B. Thompson | Eli McFarland | John L. Scaggs | Thos. J. Lee | Joseph S. McCord | |
William L. Tuck | Luke P. Nichols | John W. Walker | Joseph N. Nunn | Joseph L. McGee | |
Thomas W. Walls | William Wiltshire | Martin V. Penner | Levi A. Moore | ||
John Prater | |||||
Jesse Walker | |||||
George W. Woosley | |||||
Musician: | Marcellus R. Fuller | Charles T. Meyden | |||
Wagoner: | Jacob Winsner | ||||
Farrier: | James W. Walker | ||||
Privates: | Abraham W. Anderson | Alonzo B. Beardan | John Beller | Melvin J. Amos | John W. Alexander |
Henry W. Ashley | John J. Bell | John W. Blanton | William Arnold | Samuel Baker | |
William T. Brockwell | George Bennett | James Bullock | Albert Billings | Allen K. Basham | |
John J. Brown | George Bevill | Albert Burnett | Isaac Boyd | John W. Bowlington | |
Bailey P. Carter | Rufus K. Boyd | Andrew Butram | Wm. Childress | Abraham K. Brewer | |
James M. Caruthers | C.T. Bush | James W. Butram | Jeremiah Cline | James Brown | |
Peter Casady | Cha. P. Buttler | Andrew J. Clark | Moses Coates | James P. Brown | |
Levi M. Chapman | Jno. R. Chambers | Wm. F. Clemens | Absalom Cook | Thomas B. Brown | |
Francis M. Conwell | James L. Chapman | Martin L. Cook | Asa Davis | James T. Buchanon | |
James Davis | William E. Clarke | Thomas E. Dunn | Wm. B. Deckerd | Sampson Cole | |
Nim D. J. Davis | Thomas Davis | John Flora | J.W. Douglass | William N. Cook | |
Joseph Earnest | Caleb R. Epeling | Fideller Flowers | James R. Doyle | Benjamin F. Corder | |
John Finn | John W. Epeling | Wm. D. Gibson | Wm. D. Dunn | Samuel H. Crawley | |
Sidney S. Grey | Chas. B. Falkner | Solomon R. Gooden | Andrew L. Edwards | John M. Curtis | |
Benj. T. Halcombs | James W. Farrett | Pleasant Green | Otey S. Edwards | John W. Dearmond | |
William Hallburton | John B. Ford | Wm. F. Guess | John W. Erwin | James Deberry | |
Joseph Hanson | John A. Garrett | Hiram M. Hazelip | Thomas H. Ferguson | Green B. Dockey | |
Henry F. Hendricks | Columbus Gladish | Fredrick Heath | Oscar Finney | Martin V. Dowell | |
Josiah S. Hendricks | Joseph Grace | Martin Heath | Wm. N. Finney | James C. Duke | |
Jno. W. Hicks | Joseph B. Griffin | George W. Hillard | Norman Fleener | Jesse Embry | |
Thomas J. Hughlett | William T. Griffin | Charles E. Houchin | Vincent Fleener | Henry Garrett | |
Jon. S. Jones | Ezekiel Hann | George W. Houchin | Alonzo Gibson | Anderson Graves | |
Willliam M. Kirby | Geo. W. Haney | James H. Houchin | Preston Gilstrap | Wm. H. Greenberry | |
John J. Lambert | John C. Hencely | Simeon M. Jenkins | Isaac J. Goff | James H. Gregory | |
Farrow Lancaster | Aaron Higginbottom | Jesse W. Johnson | Bedford Grable | Thomas S. Haggard | |
Jno. T. Lewis | James W. Hull | William W. Johnson | Philip Hack | Alfred Y. Hay | |
Leonard Lewis | Marshall Jackson | Russell Jones | Martin Hawks | Hawkins J. Heflin | |
Jas. B. McAllen | Lafayette Jemerson | William Jones, Jr | William Hawks | William Hicks | |
Archibald McKaughan | Henry C. Jenkins | William Jones, Sr | David A. Haynes | Edward M. Hill | |
James P. McKaughan | Benton G. Jett | William J. Jordan | Wm. H. Haynes | Wm. E. Holder | |
Thomas McKaughan | James H. Jones | John Keown | James H. Hearener | David Hooper | |
Henry McKunis | James P.Kenedy | Squire Kinser | Lewis Hunt | Wm. H. Hutcheson | |
John McKunis | Solomon Kenton | James C. Lancaster | Samuel C. Hunt | Thomas J. Jefferson | |
John McGuire | Dandy A. Kerby | Zachariah Lancaster | Columbus Johnson | Peter D. Jennings | |
Elijah W. Minix | William A. Ladd | Pleasant Lewis | Commodore P. Jordon | Alfred Jones | |
George W. Minix | Samuel H. Lance | William T. Lewis | Nathaniel H. Kassinger | Oscar F. Kelly | |
William G. Moody | Ezekiel W. Litchfield | Andrew J. Lindsey | Hugh C. Kein | Stephen Kirby | |
Pleasant Morgan | Augustus Long | Marshall D. Lindsey | I. Keith | William E. Knight | |
James N. Murray | Arthur McAvoy | Aaron A. Long | Wm. B. Lawner | Waller M. Lewis | |
Thomas P. Murry | Wm. F. McDowell | John H. Long | Joel G. LeGrand | John J. Litchfield | |
Newton J. Naseworthy | Charles McKinney | Charles G. Matison | John W. LeGrand | Ferguson W. McCallen | |
Asher W. Odell | Henry McKinney | John R. Matison | Wm. W. LeGrand | David McGinnis | |
Abner Owen | Joseph McManus | Charles Merideth | James Linch | Eli W. Malone | |
Wm. C. Patterson | Samuel Maines | Woodford Merideth | Hezekiah McGee | Robert O. Malone | |
Henry C. Pearson | James W. Martain | Bluford H. Minton | Herald Madison | Alonzo L. Matheny | |
William D. Pearson | David C. Martin | Henry Moss | John M. Madison | Isaac Maton | |
James M. Peay | George W. Massey | George Perkins | John W. Martin | William J. Melbourne | |
Eli S. Perdue | Findley G. Messick | Thomas Potter | Wm. L. Martin | Stephen Northern | |
Jno. M. Praiter | Maliga Mullin | John S. Preston | Benjamin Mercer | William T. Person | |
Riley G. Rigsby | Ira Nelson | Thomas J. Randol | George W. Mercer | Gabriel D. Prater | |
John Rooks | Charles M. Nickens | John R. Roof | James M. Moore | James H. Prater | |
George W. Row | John Pennell | James W. Sanders | John J. Oiler | Willliam Reddick | |
Wm. H. Snead | James D. Perdue | William M. Sanders | Henry Pendergrass | William M. Ross | |
Francis M. Smith | John M. Reace | George W. Simmons | Thornton Pendergrass | Hardy Smith | |
Alfred M. Spears | George W. Rice | Martin D. Skags | James W. Poteet | John A. Sterling | |
Aaron H. Stephens | Josiah Sanders | Wm. T. Spamhoward | Pleasant Poteet | William H. Stokes | |
James W. Stewart | James R. Simpson | Cyrus S. Spaulding | Henry Robold | Joseph M. Stout | |
James R. Stringer | Thomas W. Shoemaker | George W. Stewart | Geo. W. Romans | William S. Sullivan | |
Lewis F. Tally | Thomas J. Spears | William H. Stewart | Joseph J. Shipley | Daniel Thomas | |
David H. Taylor | Nicholas Stevens | Eli S. Strode | John Simmons | Jesse Thomas | |
Price A. Turner | Finnius H. Stringer | Wm. A. Sturdivant | Francis Snodgrass | Jonathan R. Tomlin | |
Samuel Wagoner | James R. Taton | John Vincent | James H. Spears | John T. Tooke | |
Thomsa J. Webb | Jno. W. Taton | Shederick D. Vincent | Joshua J. Spencer | Timothy Tooney | |
Lewis West | Joseph B. Terrell | Norman A. Whoberry | Pleasant J. Spink | Joseph F. Turner | |
James C. White | Joseph H. Terrell | Isaac Wills | Garrett B. Taylor | William H. Washam | |
James T. Williams | Joel Thomas | Hamilton Willis | Zachariah Taylor | Melchisedek C. Woosley | |
Monroe Wilson | Samuel E. Thomas | Albert C. Windham | William Walker | Henry F. Young | |
James L. Witcher | William Thomas | James Winfield | David E. Wagoner | Philip P. Young | |
John W. Woods | John Turpin | Finas M. York | Robert Willoughby | Wm. T. Youngblood | |
Alfred K. Young | John W. Vaughan | William Worley | |||
William C. Webb | Geo. W. Yager | ||||
James R. Westbrook | James M. Young |
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