52nd Kentucky Mounted Infantry

(The Union Regiments of Kentucky, Vol 3, by Capt. Thos. Speed, Courier-Journal Job Printing, 1897, pg650-656 )

"The 52nd Kentucky Mounted Infantry was organized under the authority of the Act of Congress dated February 7, 1863, authorizing the Government to raise 20,000 troops for the better defense of Kentucky. Company's A, B, C, and E were mustered in at Scottsville, KY on September 10, 1863 and Company D on October 17, 1863. Company F was mustered in on November 12, 1863, and Company G December 21, 1863 at Franklin, KY. Company H, I, and K were mustered in on March 3, 1864 at Franklin, KY."

"This regiment was raised for 12 months service and under the provisions of the Act, were to be employed within the limits of the State of Kentucky in repelling invasion, suppressing insurrections, and guarding and protecting the the public property. For the purpose of enabling it to cope more readily with the guerrillas that infested the State, it was mounted and stationed in the lower and central protion of KY and rendered efficient aid to the Government in protecting the line of communications with the Army at the front."

"Being raised in a section of the country were life of the Union man was constantly in jeopardy from the heartless guerrillas, many of the members of this organization had private grievances to correct that may have led them to commit excesses upon those receant Kentuckians who fostered the guerrillas and pointed out their homes for destruction. Still their services were efficient and appreciated by the Government they had sworn to defend."

"In the many fights and skirmishes in which it engaged, the bearing of both officers and men sustained the gallant record so bravely won by all Kentucky troops during the Rebellion."

"..March 23d, (1864) the 52nd was ordered by Gen. Hobson....to move from Scottsville to Bowling Green....April 19th it proceeded to Irvine, KY; April 30th, in the organization of the Dept. of the Ohio, the 52nd was in Col. Chas. S. Hansom's brigade, in Hobson's division. June 6th Col. Grider was sent with part of the 52nd...to Pound Gap to obstruct the passes. Another portion of the regiment fought Morgan at Mt. Sterling, June 10th and at Cynthiana, June 12th... Immediately afterward, the Federal forces...including the 52d, pursued the enemy as far as the Cumberland river, moving a distance of 470 miles in 11 days...

" In July (1864) the 52d had returned from the eastern part of KY and was in the western part July 18th....In August the regiment was ordered to Uniontown....August 21st a portion of the 52d was in Hopkinsville....August 26th the 52d was ordered to Lexington. August 30th the 52d was ordered to Bowling Green....It proceeded into Tennessee through Nashville. October 1st it was in Tullahoma, ... operating against Forrest and Wheeler. In October it proceeded to Athens and Huntsville, Ala..... December 5th it was again in Bowling Green and went into Western Kentucky to aide in resisting the invasion of the Confederates under Gen. Lyon. "

"After the destruction of Gen. Hood's army at Nashville, in December, 1864, the 52d was not so actively engaged and was mustered out of service in January and March, 1865, having made a splendid record as a useful and gallant regiment."


Field and Staff
John H. Grider
Lieut Col: Samuel F. Johnson
Major: John B. Tyler
Adjt.: Wm. H. Murrell
Q.Masters: Wm. H. Johnson, James H. Lile
Surgeon: George W. Wyer
Asst. Surgeons: Robert D. Hawthorn, Henry H. Alter
Chaplain: George Mitchell
Sergt. Major: Wm C. Garrison
Q.M. Sergt: Virgil A. Jones
Com. Sergt: Zachariah A.M. Allen
Hospital Steward: Thos. J. Buchanan

  Co A
Mustered in at

Scottsville, KY
Sept. 10, 1863

Co B
Mustered in at

Scottsville, KY
Sept. 10, 1863

Co C
Mustered in at

Scottsville, KY
Sept. 10, 1863

Co D
Mustered in at

Scottsville, Ky
October 17, 1863

Co E
Mustered in at

Scottsville, KY
Sept. 10, 1863

Captain: Samuel J. Richards John D. Gilliam Jno. M. Billingsley George Hoy Henry C. Watkins
1st Lieut: Wm. H. Walker George D. Read Thos. W. Mitchell Wm. M. Beson John W. Underhill
2nd Lieut: Daniel Huntsman James A. Carter Isaac T. Lee Jno. W. Arnett James M. Atwood
        William Jackson  
Sergts: Hezekiah Cook David Ayres Francis M. Atwood John N. Crowe Henry C. Atwood
  Christopher Newman William M. Conner Sidney W. Merideth Thomas W. Hunt James R. Prewett
  Samuel T. Mahew Edwin S. Costlow James E. Rigsby Wilson P. Lovelady John L. Richie
  Soloman H. Pope Samuel J. Davis John M. Sherry Calvin Maher David J. Stone
  John W. Mayhew John B. Russell James W. Smith William Meguire Robert Q. Thomas
    Willis Spann John B. Wade   Henry M. Wilson
      John W. Weaver   William H. Witt
      Sidney F. Williams    
      Simeon T. Witherspoon    
Corpls: John D. Allen John J. Barnett   Randolph Bryant W.H. Lyon
  John H. Bond Stephen Blackburn   William P. Croslin John W. Owens
  William H. Many John P. Campbell   Samuel P. Harris Hezekiah Perden
  Henry W. Myers Stephen T. Cromwell   William G. Hinton Joseph A. Petty
  Richard M. Potet Younger J. Davis   Francis A. Horn Henry Riley
  John C. Prather William P. Dixon   John L. Jackson Alexander P. Saddler
  Booker C. Ramsey Wm. R. Heffington   Albert McClelland Enoch W. Spears
  John W. Richards James McCorder   Samuel W. Wright Wesley Thoms
Privates: James B. Anderson Dillard R. Anderson Wm. C. Alexander Ira H. Barber George W. Anderson
  Silas E. Bandy John W. Anderson Robert B. Benedict Champ Beasley Robert B. Atwood
  Martin Bond Theodore S. Austin Henry M. Blackbourn George W. Beasley Smith W. Bagwell
  Andrew J. Britt William J. Ayres Lemuel Blackbourn John W. Beasley William H. Bridges
  David Britt William Ballard Thos. H. Boyd Jonn A. Bower James H. Brown
  James F. Calvert (2) Thos. J. Bracken Wm. B. Brown Edmund Brewer John Burks
  William W. Calvert Francis A. Calvert Stephen F. Cassady James A. Brigance John N. Carrier
  Edwin G. Cook William T. Cearloch Joseph R.U. Claypool William Brigance John A. Carter
  John E. Cook William H.H. Chanly Wm. P. Cleman Wm. J. Brigance Joseph R.W. Clark
  Madison B. Cook John A. Cole James A. Coleman Thos. J. Buchanon David E. Claspill
  Sidney H. Cook, Jr Joseph Conyers Charles Connor John M. Carpenter Elisha J. Dawsey
  John H. Dalton Shelvy Cornwall Elijah Connor Lemuel J. Chowning William L. Dawsey
  James W. Dearing Perrin W. Crawford Geo. W. Connor James R. Cornwell James Dillard
  John A. Dearing John E. Dalton Jacob Connor David M. Crow Newton E. Drake
  William B. Dearing Sidney W. Davis Benjamin F. Dixon Daniel Q. Dalton Alfred M. Durham
  James W. Dunn Wiley W. Davis John W. Dixon J.D. Dwyer Joseph B. Gausnell
  Christopher Fisher Fountain P. Dillard William E. Dixon William George Peter A. Gausnell
  Thomas M. Garrett George W. Dobbs Thomas H. Edwards Jno. W. Goodman Ambrose Gore
  Henry Grave Robert Duncan Jacob Gabler James W. Green William E. Graham
  Michael J. Graves George W. Eddy Henry T. Gardner Edward B. Harris William Griffin
  Thomas C. Graves Isaac N. Eddy Thomas M. Garrison Isham Hays Joseph Grove
  William Graves John S. Evans William Hardcastle Lindsey Hays William Grove
  David H. Haganes William D. Evans Jno.R. Hibbit Manson L. Hays Hughey Hall
  Francis M. Haines William T. Garrrison Isaac M. Hinton Wm.W. Hays William N. Helton
  John H. Haines Maffett P. Gilliem William Hinton James W. Hendricks Joseph B. Hendrick
  Stephen R. Haines Howard Glasscock Wm. J. Hinton Gustavus A. Henry Pleasant F. Hendrick
  James H. Harland Lewis Gully Uriah M. Hughes James Henson Andrew J. Hood
  Wm. H. Harland Wm. R. Hammon Parnel C. Hunt James B. Henson Jesse W. Hood
  Wm. F. Henton Benj. Y. Harman Littleton Johnson John Henson (2) Sidney R. Hood
  Emery Hinton James H. Harman Enoch Lamb Joseph H. Henson Isaac Howard
  John L. Hinton William G. Harris Wm D. Lamb Nicholas H. Henson John James
  James W. Holoway Willliam L. Harris William D. Larke Riley Henson Benjamin Jones
  Henry W. Johnson Jonathon W. Hazelip Hartwell J. McElroy William Henson James Lane
  John A. L. Jones James G. Heffington William C. Marcum Preston Holcomb Elbridge W. Levell
  Andrew P. Killman Joseph Howell Jesse Meridith Morris Horn William P. Levell
  Eldridge B. Killman Wm. J. Huntsman Henr F. Motley Wm. H. Howard George W. Long
  Albert Land David W. Johnson Mathew Motley Herbert S. Hunt William Long
  Thomas Land Mathew M. Jones John P. Napier Stanford Hunt Mack C. Loveall
  Robert Land Joseph P. Justice Price Oliver Thomas Hunt William Markum
  John L. Larance James R. Kerby Thomas J. Oliver William E. Hunt Robert G. Martin
  Sanford B. Lewis John W. Landers Wilson Oliver Nathaniel Hutchinson James F. Meader
  William T. Lewis Washington Loyd Moses J. Phillips Elvis B. Jackson Obediah Merritt
  Noah D. Lightfoot Joseph H. Morgan Thomas Pilant Fredrick M. Jackson Wm. M. Minix
  Joshua E. Logan Reuben Motley Henr Rickman James J. Jackson Burton Mosely
  Madison L. Long James J. Nickel Major Rickman Peter M. Jackson John A. Parish
  Marshall A. Lyles Richard Robinson John B. Robertson Virgil A. Jones Yoda Perkins
  Quinton N. Lyles Nathaniel Saller John E. Setterfield Aaron H. Lovelady Jesse G. Petty
  Wiet E. Lyles James Saterfield Joseph M. Smith Benjamin Lowery Alfred M. Polly
  Wiley McReynolds Luther T. Seagraves Joseph Stamp George M. Mays John M. Preston
  Henry Mahew George A. Seward John W. Stamp Moses Mays Joseph J.W. Riche
  George W. Mayhew William M. Spann George Superior Samuel Moys Columbus H. Richy
  John W. Miller James E. Stone George W. Taybor Andrew W. Meadow John Shipley
  George Mitchell Fred A.C. Strain Isaac Taybor James E. Meadow Christopher M.C. Sikes
  William E. Mitchell Daniel Taylor Alfred P. Taylor John H. Meadow Moses M. Smith
  Zachariah A.M. Mitchell John T. Tinsley E.W. Taylor Joseph F. Meadow John C. Stewart
  James A. Moore Henry A. Wagoner Littleton Taylor Robert Richards Bryant F. Stroud
  Monroe Moore Moore H. Walthall John W. Weaver, Sr Frederick M. Rush John B. Thaxton
  Henry J. Newman Joseph R. Watkins John Wesley Weaver Adam Saddler Clifton R. Tinsely
  John W. Newman Aaron Y. Watts James C. Weaver Hiram S. Saddler Toliver M. Tinsley
  Mayhew F. Newman Josephus Willoughby James W. Weaver Joel M. Saddler William F. Tinsley
  William R. Newman Thomas W. Woodcock James R. White Manson F. Saddler John E. Whitehead
  Granville Ogles John Woods John W. Williams James K. Shaub James C. Wilson
  Wm. R. Poteer   Aaron A. Willoughby Aaron H. Slater James F. Winkfield
  Albert H. Rather   Hardy S. Willoughby Evans Taylor Sidney N. Witt
  James R. Rather   Thomas J. Wright James F. Turner Sidney W. Wolf
  Jesse L. Rather     Joseph Turner  
  George W. Sawyer     Adam R. Wainscott  
  Samuel Smith     Elijah Z. Williams  
  Reuben C. Tayse     Alfred T. Wilson  
  Huy C. Thomas     James M. Wilson  
  James C. Thomas     Benjamin F. Wright  
  Joseph B. Thomas        
  Hamilton D. Wade        
  James H. Wade        
  Richardson B. Walker        
  Harper C. Wilson        


  Co F
Mustered in at

Franklin, KY
November 12, 1863

Co G
Mustered in at

Franklin, KY
December 21, 1863

Co H
Mustered in at

Franklin, KY
March 3, 1864

Co I
Mustered in at

Franklin, KY
March 3, 1864

Co K
Mustered in at

Franklin, KY
March 3, 1864

Captain: William P. King Edward Hartle Francis Houchin James M. Childress Lewis Buckner
  John B. Tyler        
1st Lieut: Jasper Forrest Hugh L. Scott S.W. Willis Lewis P. Arnold Romulus N. Taylor
2nd Lieut: James A. Caldwell James H. Lile Daniel C. Parrish Alexander Dockery Richard W. Hayes
Sergts: John W. Finn Thomas Blythe Martin Roof George H. Billings Jack S. Bradley
  Obediah O. Odell Byrd W. Gates James W. Simpson Wm. Elms Henry E. Deberry
  Charles F. Tabbscott William Gorman John H. Sturdevant David Hunt Frederic Z. Goswick
  Thomas J. Thompson David B. Ladd Silas D. Sturdevant John R. Jones John W. Johnson
  Robert H. Tuck John M. Lile Wm. R. Threlkel John W. Mayham Larkin S. Wood
    Wm. A. Parfeit     Leander M. Wood
Corpls: George W. Dixon Robert Blain James L. Allison John W. Davis Hames F. Arms
  Meshack Finn Thomas A. Dulin Euphrates Boucher Milton Fleener Thomas J. Cofer
  Richard T. Harris Spottswood P. Evans James Merideth Veschill Fleener Samuel W. Hay
  James A. Karr John Floyd James Musick John F. Holden Samuel J. Howard
  Ambrose J. Spears Richard James Daniel Roof George W. Holloway Milton Lee
  Archibald B. Thompson Eli McFarland John L. Scaggs Thos. J. Lee Joseph S. McCord
  William L. Tuck Luke P. Nichols John W. Walker Joseph N. Nunn Joseph L. McGee
  Thomas W. Walls   William Wiltshire Martin V. Penner Levi A. Moore
          John Prater
          Jesse Walker
          George W. Woosley
Musician:   Marcellus R. Fuller     Charles T. Meyden
Wagoner:   Jacob Winsner      
Farrier:   James W. Walker      
Privates: Abraham W. Anderson Alonzo B. Beardan John Beller Melvin J. Amos John W. Alexander
  Henry W. Ashley John J. Bell John W. Blanton William Arnold Samuel Baker
  William T. Brockwell George Bennett James Bullock Albert Billings Allen K. Basham
  John J. Brown George Bevill Albert Burnett Isaac Boyd John W. Bowlington
  Bailey P. Carter Rufus K. Boyd Andrew Butram Wm. Childress Abraham K. Brewer
  James M. Caruthers C.T. Bush James W. Butram Jeremiah Cline James Brown
  Peter Casady Cha. P. Buttler Andrew J. Clark Moses Coates James P. Brown
  Levi M. Chapman Jno. R. Chambers Wm. F. Clemens Absalom Cook Thomas B. Brown
  Francis M. Conwell James L. Chapman Martin L. Cook Asa Davis James T. Buchanon
  James Davis William E. Clarke Thomas E. Dunn Wm. B. Deckerd Sampson Cole
  Nim D. J. Davis Thomas Davis John Flora J.W. Douglass William N. Cook
  Joseph Earnest Caleb R. Epeling Fideller Flowers James R. Doyle Benjamin F. Corder
  John Finn John W. Epeling Wm. D. Gibson Wm. D. Dunn Samuel H. Crawley
  Sidney S. Grey Chas. B. Falkner Solomon R. Gooden Andrew L. Edwards John M. Curtis
  Benj. T. Halcombs James W. Farrett Pleasant Green Otey S. Edwards John W. Dearmond
  William Hallburton John B. Ford Wm. F. Guess John W. Erwin James Deberry
  Joseph Hanson John A. Garrett Hiram M. Hazelip Thomas H. Ferguson Green B. Dockey
  Henry F. Hendricks Columbus Gladish Fredrick Heath Oscar Finney Martin V. Dowell
  Josiah S. Hendricks Joseph Grace Martin Heath Wm. N. Finney James C. Duke
  Jno. W. Hicks Joseph B. Griffin George W. Hillard Norman Fleener Jesse Embry
  Thomas J. Hughlett William T. Griffin Charles E. Houchin Vincent Fleener Henry Garrett
  Jon. S. Jones Ezekiel Hann George W. Houchin Alonzo Gibson Anderson Graves
  Willliam M. Kirby Geo. W. Haney James H. Houchin Preston Gilstrap Wm. H. Greenberry
  John J. Lambert John C. Hencely Simeon M. Jenkins Isaac J. Goff James H. Gregory
  Farrow Lancaster Aaron Higginbottom Jesse W. Johnson Bedford Grable Thomas S. Haggard
  Jno. T. Lewis James W. Hull William W. Johnson Philip Hack Alfred Y. Hay
  Leonard Lewis Marshall Jackson Russell Jones Martin Hawks Hawkins J. Heflin
  Jas. B. McAllen Lafayette Jemerson William Jones, Jr William Hawks William Hicks
  Archibald McKaughan Henry C. Jenkins William Jones, Sr David A. Haynes Edward M. Hill
  James P. McKaughan Benton G. Jett William J. Jordan Wm. H. Haynes Wm. E. Holder
  Thomas McKaughan James H. Jones John Keown James H. Hearener David Hooper
  Henry McKunis James P.Kenedy Squire Kinser Lewis Hunt Wm. H. Hutcheson
  John McKunis Solomon Kenton James C. Lancaster Samuel C. Hunt Thomas J. Jefferson
  John McGuire Dandy A. Kerby Zachariah Lancaster Columbus Johnson Peter D. Jennings
  Elijah W. Minix William A. Ladd Pleasant Lewis Commodore P. Jordon Alfred Jones
  George W. Minix Samuel H. Lance William T. Lewis Nathaniel H. Kassinger Oscar F. Kelly
  William G. Moody Ezekiel W. Litchfield Andrew J. Lindsey Hugh C. Kein Stephen Kirby
  Pleasant Morgan Augustus Long Marshall D. Lindsey I. Keith William E. Knight
  James N. Murray Arthur McAvoy Aaron A. Long Wm. B. Lawner Waller M. Lewis
  Thomas P. Murry Wm. F. McDowell John H. Long Joel G. LeGrand John J. Litchfield
  Newton J. Naseworthy Charles McKinney Charles G. Matison John W. LeGrand Ferguson W. McCallen
  Asher W. Odell Henry McKinney John R. Matison Wm. W. LeGrand David McGinnis
  Abner Owen Joseph McManus Charles Merideth James Linch Eli W. Malone
  Wm. C. Patterson Samuel Maines Woodford Merideth Hezekiah McGee Robert O. Malone
  Henry C. Pearson James W. Martain Bluford H. Minton Herald Madison Alonzo L. Matheny
  William D. Pearson David C. Martin Henry Moss John M. Madison Isaac Maton
  James M. Peay George W. Massey George Perkins John W. Martin William J. Melbourne
  Eli S. Perdue Findley G. Messick Thomas Potter Wm. L. Martin Stephen Northern
  Jno. M. Praiter Maliga Mullin John S. Preston Benjamin Mercer William T. Person
  Riley G. Rigsby Ira Nelson Thomas J. Randol George W. Mercer Gabriel D. Prater
  John Rooks Charles M. Nickens John R. Roof James M. Moore James H. Prater
  George W. Row John Pennell James W. Sanders John J. Oiler Willliam Reddick
  Wm. H. Snead James D. Perdue William M. Sanders Henry Pendergrass William M. Ross
  Francis M. Smith John M. Reace George W. Simmons Thornton Pendergrass Hardy Smith
  Alfred M. Spears George W. Rice Martin D. Skags James W. Poteet John A. Sterling
  Aaron H. Stephens Josiah Sanders Wm. T. Spamhoward Pleasant Poteet William H. Stokes
  James W. Stewart James R. Simpson Cyrus S. Spaulding Henry Robold Joseph M. Stout
  James R. Stringer Thomas W. Shoemaker George W. Stewart Geo. W. Romans William S. Sullivan
  Lewis F. Tally Thomas J. Spears William H. Stewart Joseph J. Shipley Daniel Thomas
  David H. Taylor Nicholas Stevens Eli S. Strode John Simmons Jesse Thomas
  Price A. Turner Finnius H. Stringer Wm. A. Sturdivant Francis Snodgrass Jonathan R. Tomlin
  Samuel Wagoner James R. Taton John Vincent James H. Spears John T. Tooke
  Thomsa J. Webb Jno. W. Taton Shederick D. Vincent Joshua J. Spencer Timothy Tooney
  Lewis West Joseph B. Terrell Norman A. Whoberry Pleasant J. Spink Joseph F. Turner
  James C. White Joseph H. Terrell Isaac Wills Garrett B. Taylor William H. Washam
  James T. Williams Joel Thomas Hamilton Willis Zachariah Taylor Melchisedek C. Woosley
  Monroe Wilson Samuel E. Thomas Albert C. Windham William Walker Henry F. Young
  James L. Witcher William Thomas James Winfield David E. Wagoner Philip P. Young
  John W. Woods John Turpin Finas M. York Robert Willoughby Wm. T. Youngblood
  Alfred K. Young John W. Vaughan   William Worley  
    William C. Webb   Geo. W. Yager  
    James R. Westbrook   James M. Young  

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