Stewart Family Photos
All of these photos are submitted by Sue Cooper from her personal collection of Stewart family photos
David Stewart b. 1832 Simpson County, KY; s/o John & Elisabeth
Stewart 1785 NC- d ca 1871 Simpson County, KY; Nolen Stewart
1840 Simpson County, KY - d.1926 Simpson County, KY; s/o James Cornelius
& Mary Heffington Stewart.
Aunt Dyne; Lucinda Caroline "Dyne" Walton Stewart,
born 8 March 1850 Logan County Kentucky; died 16 April 1944 Simpson County
Left to right: Nolan Columbus Stewart, Samuel Allen Stewart
and Homer Allen Stewart.
Nolan Stewart, born 22 December 1821; son of John and Elishabeth Humphrey
Stewart. A copy
given to me by my cousin, Lee Waters of Lubbock, TX.
Nolan Stewart family, ca 1897. Standing: Sam, Mattie "Duck" and
Lucinda "Lou". Seated, left to right; Betty, Nolan, Martha Careen
"Ca" Mitchell Stewart, and Mary Jane "Jenny". Boys sitting
on the floor: Edgar and Jim. Little girl standing; Eula.
Samuel Stewart; born 18 October 1846 Simpson County Kentucky;
died 4 January 1891 Simpson County Kentucky.
Samuel Stewart family; Fall of 1888; Standing left to right;
Margaret, Ida, Lucinda (wife), Marietta, Nolan, Jim, in front Pete, Bill, Sam
holding baby (Ben).