Simpson Co, KY Deed Book 7, pg 104-106


                This indenture made the 21st day of November 1823 between John HENDRICKS, Senr of the State of Kentucky and County of Simpson of the one part and John  T. HENDRICKS of the State of Kentucky and county aforesaid of the other part, witnesseth that the said John HENDRICKS, Senr for and in consideration of the sum of One hundred Dollars to him in hand paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged hath bargained, sold and conveyed and doth by these presents bargain, sell, and convey to the said John T. HENDRICKS a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Simpson and bounded as followeth, to-wit: Beginning at a black oak near Haston’s Big Spring running South fifteen East one hundred seventy eight and nine tenths poles to a black oak; thence North seventy five East one hundred seventy eight and nine tenths poles to a post oak and black oak, thence North fifteen West one hundred seventy eight and nine tenths poles to a stake in the Barrens, thence South seventy five West one hundred and seventy eight and nine tenths poles to the beginning, containing two hundred acres be the same more or less.

    To have and to hold the before described tract or parcel of land with its appertenances to the said John T. HENDRICKS his heirs and assigns forever and the said John HENDRICKS, Sr covenants to and with the said John T. HENDRICKS that he ------- an indefeasible estate in fee simple in and to the before described tract or parcel of land and that he will warrant and forever defend the title thereof to the said John T. HENDRICKS his heirs and assigns forever free from the claim of the said HENDRICKS and free from the claim or claims of all and every person or persons whatever.

     In testimony of which the said HENDRICKS hereunto sets his name and seal the date first written.  The word tract interlined before signed.                                                                                   John  (X) Hendricks Sr   (seal)

Teste:  John H. RAYBURN;   Isham L. MOORE

Simpson  County Sct

                I as clerk of the county aforesaid ___________ 1823, this indenture was acknowledged before me in my office by John HENRDICKS, Senr to be his act and deed, and that the same and this certificate stand hereby recorded therein as required by law.  Witness my hand. Jno. L. MOORE, clk

                I do hereby relinquish all my right of dower to the land and premises in this indenture conveyed. Witness my hand and seal this 22nd day of March 1825.

                                                                                                          Her mark

                                                                                        Polly (X) Hendricks (seal) 

  Simpson County Sct

                I as clerk of the county court of said county do hereby certify that Polly HENDRICKS this day before me in my office and acknowledged the foregoing instrument dated 21st November 1823 to be her act and deed; that said Polly wife of John HENDRICKS, Senr being examined by me separate and apart from her said husband acknowledged that she relinquished her right of dower to the lands and premises mentioned in the foregoing instrument of bargain and sale from John HENDRICKS, Senr to John T. HENDRICKS, on which said instrument of 21st November 1823 is endorsed and which indenture stands recorded in Deed Book B, page 237 of this Court; that she wished not to retract the same, but consented freely and voluntarily, without the threats or persuasions of her said husband that the same might be recorded and that said indenture above referred to, with the certificate of acknowledgment thereon endorsed together with the foregoing instrument of the 21st November 1823 and this certificate stands truly recorded in my office.  Witness my hand this 22nd March 1825.                                                                      Jno. L. Moore, clk

                                                                           By Is. L. Moore, D.C.

  State of Kentucky

County of Simpson

                I, A.T. BRADLEY, Clerk of the Simpson County Court, do certify that the foregoing original deed from John HENDRICKS to John T. HENDRICKS was this day lodged in my office to be re-recorded, the same having heretofore been recorded as appears from the foregoing certificates; and the record having been destroyed, I have again recorded said deed and the foregoing and this certificate in my said office.  Witness my hand this 7th day of November 1888.

                                                                                       A.T. Bradley, CSCC  

This page created 28 April 2002