George Rogers Clark Papers
Complete index to the GEORGE ROGERS CLARK PAPERSBased on the Microfilmed George Rogers Clark Papers at the Virginia State Library and Archives. Compiled by Richard Eugene Wilson, Indexing and Donald E. Gradeless, Ph.D., Editor. For the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Illinois and the Sons of the Revolution in the State of Illinois
References to Allen's in the George Rogers Clark Papers 1778-1784
Background: These papers have some of the earliest known references to Allen's in Kentucky.
In 1776, George Rogers Clark, already a renowned Indiana fighter, was given responsibility for defending Kentucky, then a county of Virginia, from violent Indian attacks.
This was during the Revolutionary War, and much of the Indian animosity toward Kentucky settlers was instigated by the British out of forts in what are now Indiana, Illinois and Michigan. Clark is especially renowned for taking the British forts at Kaskaskia (southern Illinois) and Vincennes (southern Indiana).
During this time, Clark recruited hundreds of men for his militias. Many men are mentioned, although their locations are not always clear. These papers list a number of Allen's apparently in the early Kentucky area, although some may have been up the Ohio River in western Pennsylvania and northwest Virginia. Some of the soldiers mentioned were no doubt single men, while those mentioned as supplying goods may have been family men.
Fort Patrick Henry/Fort Sackville was located at Vincennes, IN. Fort Nelson was on the north side of the Ohio River across from today's Louisville, KY. Falls of the Ohio was at Louisville, KY. Fort Clark was located at what is now Peoria in central Illinois. Fort Jefferson was located in western Kentucky near Wickliffe. Fort Pitt is now Pittsburgh, PA.
George's Creek is located in western Maryland near Cumberland. Blue Lick refers to what some call the last battle of the Revolutionary War. It was fought August 19, 1782 on the Licking River in northeast Kentucky.
Virginia divided Kentucky County into three counties in 1780: Fayette, Jefferson and Lincoln.
The #'s are not part of the abstract and are for reference only. I have included the document before and after mention of any Allen to help establish a location.
#1 364-1-460-461-Feb. 25, 1779: No. E. Center Document. Jake Evans received $1,700 as bounty for 32 soldiers raised for his company for the Illinois Expedition. Paid by John Montgomery.
365-1-460-461-Feb. 10, 1779: No. 20. Third Document. Receipt for 108 pounds paid for 60 bushels of bottled and packed meat. Names: James Shaw, James Buckaman, John Allen, Jeff Prinner? and William Buchaman.
366-1-462-463-Feb. 10, 1779: No. 15. David Dock or Dochet receipt from James Buchaman for 300 pounds paid for 100 pounds of flour for the Illinois Expedition.
#2 1221-2-1-2-May 30, 1779: Top Document. Provision return for 3 days for 2 negroes in the Pidgion House. Names: Samuel Allen (Sergt.); Abraham Kellar (Capt.)
1222-2-1-2-May 31, 1779: Center Document. Capt. Isaac Taylor order for 3 day provision for gunners under command of Col. Montgomery.
#3 2372-2-912-913-July 23, 1779: Bottom left side document. Surgeon Rey request to Joseph Bowman for rations for 17 sick men.
2373-2-912-913-July 24, 1779: Bottom right side document. Sergeant Samuel Allen and Capt. John Williams order to commissary to give provisions to Joco for 1 indian prisoner in the guard house.
2374-2-914-July 26, 1779: Top document. Joseph Bowman order for 2 day ration for 3 artificers.
#4 2532-2-1011-August 4, 1779: Top document. John Green Boat Master requested 4 day rations at Fort Patrick Henry. Names: Capt. Robert George.
2533-2-1011-No date: Bottom document. Incomplete. Sam Allen's name is listed 3 times.
2534-2-1012-August 3, 1779: Top document. John Montgomery order for 3 day mess ration for Capt. Robert Todd.
#5 3057-3-132-September 9, 1779: Bottom document. Capt. Richard Harrison certified that Isaac Mayfield and his brother McCajah Mayfield had been employed as artificers at Fort Clark. They were to be paid at 5 shillings per day and to received goods for payment. Signed by John Reid.
3058-3-133-134-September 7, 1779: Rank and file listing of provisions for troops commanded by Lieut. Col. John Montgomery at Fort Clark for September 6 and 7, 1779. There are 4 separate listings, which provide details for provisions issued to Capt. John Williams company, the Lieut. Col. staff, Family 44 and the hospital. Names: Capt. Williams, Lieut. Richard Brashear, Mistress Williams, (?) Finn, Jack Elm, (?) Bush, Flosel (?), Ebin (?), Samuel Allen, Sergeant May and A. Taylor.
3058-3-133-134-September 7, 1779-continued: Provisions were listed for weighting boys, who were probably servants; women, children, spies, gunners, Beef hunters, expressors, negroes, sick in hospital, and for mess for doctor and officers.
#6 4759-3-993-994-March 21, 1780: Bottom document. Bill of Exchange sent by George Rogers Clark from Kaskaskia on May 21, 1779 to the Treasurer of Virginia for payment of $ 900 to Monsieur Huberdeau for supplies furnished troops. Payment was made in exchange of tobacco.
4760-3-995-996-March 25, 1780: Top document. John Montgomery certified Samuel Allen had worked for the state of Virginia at Fort Clark from March 25 to March 29, 1780.
4761-3-995-996-March 31, 1780: Second document. Shadrach Bond and John Montgomery certified Isaac Allen had worked for the state of Virginia at Fort Clark from March 8 to March 29, 1780.
4762-3-995-996-March 8, 1782 Third document. William Shannon and George Rogers Clark Bill of Exchange sent from Falls of Ohio to Treasurer of Virginia for payment due W. Antulip for supplying 1 fat hog, 5 bushels of corn 5 and 1/2 cords of wood for use of the Commonwealth of Virginia troops stationed at Fort Patrick Henry in the Illinois Country.
#7 5118-3-1179-1180-April 4, 1780: Top document. Estimated value of 2 piroagues (dug out canoes) owned by Henry O'Hara and taken by the state of Virginia for use at Kaskaskia to be worth $200 in paper money. Names: Stephen Stevenson, Frank O'Hare, Lieut. Col. John Montgomery at Fort Clark, Vincent Pitts?, ? Brady.
5119-3-1179-1180-April 4, 1780: Bottom left document. Nathan Allen was appointed Horse Master and 2 described horses were delivered to him. Names: Nathaniel Randle.
5120-3-1179-1180-April 6, 1780: Bottom right document. Thomas Hall was paid $32 for 1 quart of whiskey by Thomas Slaughter for use of Major George Slaughter.
#8 5151-3-1194-April 9, 1780: Center document. Thomas Slaughter paid $ 78 to Joseph Mortan for 1 bushel of oats and beef for use of Major George Slaughter co. Names: Henry Smock.
5152-3-1194-April 9, 1780: Bottom document. A horse was sold at the Falls of Ohio. Names: Monsieur Martin Cannoy, Nathan Allen Hitt?
5153-3-1195-1196-April 16, 1780: List of rations issued at Fort Clark from April 13 to April 16, 1780 for officers and rank and file of Capt. Williams, Capt. McCarty, Capt. Shelby and Capt. George. There were 10 children, 7 women, and 63 rank and file. Names: Henry Crutcher, John Montgomery.
#9 5298-3-1254-1255-April 7, 1780: Center left document. Lieut. Richard Clark request for rations for Capt. Richard McCarty co. at Fort Clark.
5299-3-1254-1255-April 8, 1780: Center right document. Appraisement of the rifle of soldier Nathaniel Randel, who died in service, to be valued at $80. The state took the rifle for use. Names: Nathaniel Allen, Jonathan Coager.
5300-3-1254-1255-April 11, 1780: Bottom document. Col. George Rogers Clark gave 6 land warrants containing 550 acres of land for which warrants John Thurston promised to deliver to Col. Clark 1 able body soldier for each warrant. Names: Will Shannon, Amos Sullivan.
#10 6158-4-368-369-July 14, 1780: Bottom document. Lieut. Col. John Montgomery order to Capt. John Dodge at Fort Jefferson to issue 1 English blanket, one half point blanket and one saddle and bridle.
6159-4-370-371-July 14, 1780: Top document. By order of George Rogers Clark, Ensign Jarret Williams certified to Capt. John Dodge at Fort Jefferson that 18 men had not received 2 shirt allotment and 7 men. Names: James Curry, John Joins, John Mackown, Charlie Morgan, John Boils, John McMichael, Daniel Tygar, John Blair, Patrick Curry, Samuel Allen, James Allen, James Harry, John Cowen, David Wallis, Francis Rubido, William Elms, James Morris, William Bartholmew, James Dawson, Charles Ounicler?, Cagy [Micaja] Mayfield, Joseph Ross, James Elms, John Elms, and Peter Howell.
6160-4-370-371-July 14, 1780: Bottom document. Lieut. Col. John Montgomery order to Capt. John Dodge at Fort Jefferson to issue cloth to make shirts, trousers for Lieut. Thomas Wilson.
#11 6835-4-777-778-August 24, 1780: Third document. Quartermaster Martin Carney at Fort Jefferson gave tobacco to Lieut. Richard Clark. Names: Capt. Robert George.
6836-4-777-778-August ?, 1780: Fourth document. Capt. Robert George order at Fort Jefferson to issue a gun to David Allen, who was a soldier in Capt. Worthington's co.
6837-4-779-780-August 4, 1780: Top document. Capt. Robert George order to Fort Jefferson to give tobacco to soldier Matthew Murry of Capt. Abraham Keller co. of the Illinois Virginia Regiment.
#12 6855-4-787-790-August 26, 1780: Fifth document. Capt. Robert George order for Fort Jefferson to issue powder and lead to Michael Hacketon.
6856-4-791-792-August 12, 1780: Top document. Agent Capt. John Dodge at Fort Jefferson by order of George Rogers Clark issued 2 shirts for David Allen, who had engaged as a soldier for 3 years with Capt. Worthington. Names: Capt. Robert George, Lieut. Richard Clark.
6857-4-791-792-August 2, 1780: Second document. Agent Capt. John Dodge at Fort Jefferson issue 14 shirts to Capt. Worthington's soldiers: George Lewiston, Edward Johnson, James Briscoe, John Pulford, William Crumph, Moses Nelson, Moses Lunsford. Names: George Rogers Clark, Capt. Robert George, Lieut. Richard Clark.
#13 7013-4-906-907-September ?, 1780: Second document. Faded. Names: William Shannon, John Ellison, Richard Clark.
7014-4-906-907-September 4, 1780: Third document. Faded. Reference to Fort Jefferson. Names: Capt. John Dodge, Richard Clark, Capt. Robert George, David Allen.
7015-4-906-907-September 12, 1780: Bottom document. Faded. Names: Capt. John Dodge, John Montgomery.
#14 7160-4-986-987-September 18, 1780: Second document. Faded. Capt. Robert George order to Fort Jefferson to issue 2 pounds of sugar to Peter Hildebrant.
7161-4-986-987-September 1780: Third document. Fort Jefferson issued sugar to soldier David Allen of Capt. Edward Worthington co. Names: Lieut. Richard Clark, Lieut. Col. John Montgomery.
7162-4-986-987-September 23, 1780: Bottom document. Capt. Robert George order at Fort Jefferson to
7162-4-986-987-September 23, 1780-Continued: issue sugar to Frances Little, who was sick.
#15 7184-4-996-September 18, 1780: Second document. Camp Jefferson issued sugar for 5 sick men.
7184-4-996-September 18, 1780-Continued: Names: Capt. Robert George, Capt. Richard Brashear, Isaac Allen, Joseph Ross, William Bethelman?, Joseph Carney, Thomas Sharlock.
7185-4-996-September 15, 1780: Third document. Sugar issued. Names: Joseph Hunter, Clark Vale, Capt. Robert George.
#16 7198-4-1000-1002-September 8, 1780: Third document. Duplicate filming. Taffia issued for sick. Names: Michael Perault, Lieut. Col. John Montgomery.
7199-4-1000-1002-September 14, 1780: Bottom document. Duplicate filming. Fort Jefferson issued sugar for sick soldiers: James Brown and Samuel Allen of Capt. Richard Brashear co. Names: Capt. Robert George.
7200-4-1003-1004-September 15, 1780: Top document. Capt. Robert George order to Fort Jefferson to issue sugar to John Hazard of the artillery.
#17 7212-4-1010-1011-September 7, 1780: Second document. Gun and cloth issued at Fort Jefferson. Names: Capt. John Dodge, Michael Perault, Daniel Graffin?
7213-4-1010-1011-September 8, 1780: Bottom document. Lieut. Col. John Montgomery order to Fort Jefferson quartermaster to issue 2 pounds of sugar and 1 pint of taffia to Nathen [Nathan Allen].
7214-4-1012-September 7, 1780: Gun and cloth issued to Daniel Graffin? Names: Capt. John Dodge.
#18 7706-4-1327-1332-October 27, 1780: Account of state of Virginia for sundry disbursement of John Montgomery of Illinois Regiment from July 13, 1779-1780 and an invoice of goods delivered by Israel Dodge at Fort Jefferson. The six page document also listed dates when Bills of Exchange were issued. Items: canes; cash for recruitment service; bounty money; use of wagons; bacon; beef; taffia; making oars; Andrew Ray's service as surgeon at Fort Clark, Kaskaskia; canoe; milk; provisions; boat; work of artificers; piroagues (dug out canoe); lost horses; rifle; blue cloth; flannel; cherry tree table; linen; paper; looking glasses; buttons; lace; clasp knives; brass lock; twine; grey cloth; thread; pins; brass buttons pork, mule; Names: Isaac Shelby; Thomas Quirk; John Clifton; Capt. James Newell, Jr.;
7706-4-1327-1332-October 27, 1780-Continued: Capt. Jess Evans; Capt. Isaac Taylor; William Mathews; Joseph Collins; William Bartholomew; Edmund Fare; John Daugherty; Fabian Fisher; Josiah Ramsey; Thomas Wilson; David Sealey; William Singledon; John Clark; Charles Marlen; John Robinson; Joseph Andrews; John Green; Stephen Ray, Moses Bonner?; Henry O'Hara; Rev. Ichabod Kemp; Henry Croucher; John Slaughter; William Brokess; William Gillespie; ? Janis; Laurence Slaughter; Capt. Abraham Kellar; Baptist Charleville; ? Langtot [ Linctot]; Richard Winston; ? Lacance?; John Williams; Capt. Richard Brashear; John Thurston; Thomas Bentley; Daniel Murrey; Monsieur Beaulddist?; Antoine Pettie; ? Godin; ? Villesh; John Gerault; Baptist Lafont; Pierre Dorian; Andrew Clark; Richard Sinnet; John McGuire; Hendrick Hutton; William Hall; Thomas Hutching; John Harry; Joseph Jarrett; Daniel Glenn; John Issack; Robert George; Monsieur Carbonneaux; William Buchanan; Robert Whitehead; Samuel Allen; Michael Perault; Ensign Jarret Williams; Lieut. Valentine Thomas Dalton; James Morris; James Hallebrand; Capt. Richard McCarty; Lieut. Richard Clark; William Breasure; John Donne; Capt. John Dodge.
7707-4-1333-1334-October 21, 1780: Top document. William Shannon of Illinois Department issued 1177 pounds of beef and 2 bushel and 1 peck of salt for use of George Slaughter's troop.
#19 7753-4-1370-1373-October 7, 1780: Top document. Faded. Duplicate filming. Lieut. Col. John Montgomery paid $400 to ? Charleville for money advanced for recruitment. Names: ? Gerault.
7754-4-1370-1373-October 10, 1780: Second document. Faded. Duplicate filming. John Donne at Fort Jefferson received 600 pounds of beef from Samuel Allen for use of troops.
7755-4-1370-1373-October 11, 1780: Third document. Faded. Duplicate filming. Reference to bottle of taffia issued at Fort Clark. Names: Capt. John Dodge, Capt. Abraham Kellar, Lieut. Col. John Montgomery.
#20 7779-4-1392-1393-October 28, 1780: Top document. Written in French. Account of state of Virginia with ? Gratiot. Names: Capt. John Dodge, Capt. Rogers, Kaskaskia.
7780-4-1392-1393-October 29, 1780: Bottom document. Capt. Robert George order at Fort Jefferson to Capt. John Dodge to furnish a half yard of stroud to Samuel Allen for partial payment for beef for which he had received 12 yards of flannel from the public store.
7781-4-1394-1395-October 28, 1780: Top document. Lieut. Col. John Montgomery order to Martin Carney to send 50 pounds of gun powder by the next boat going to Kaskaskia for use of Capt. Rogers company. Names: Lieut. Richard Clark.
#21 7799-4-1410-1413-October 13, 1780: Second document. Duplicate filming. Capt. Robert George order at Fort Jefferson to Capt. John Dodge to issue 1 yard of flannel to John Harrod to make a waist coat.
7800-4-1410-1413-October 14, 1780: Bottom document. Duplicate filming. Samuel Allen was paid in goods from Fort Jefferson public store for supplying beef.
7801-4-1414-1415-October 19, 1780: Top document. Lieut. Col. John Montgomery order to Capt. John Dodge
#22 7951-5-44-45-November 15, 1780: Bottom document. Fort Jefferson issued 5 pounds of sugar to 5 sick men of Capt. [John] Baley company. Names: Capt. Robert George, Ensign [Laurence] Slaughter.
7952-5-46-47-November 22, 1780: Top document. Faded. Reference to continental currency, late estate of John Allen, flannel, blue cloth, shirts and Clarksville. Names: Leonard Helm, Capt. John Dodge, Silas Harlan [Harland], Capt. James Prigg?
7953-5-46-47-November 27, 1780: Second document. Capt. Robert George order to Martin Carney to issue 3 pounds of sugar to Widow Meredith at Fort Jefferson.
#23 8464-5-439-July 31, 1780: Second document. George Rogers Clark order to issue powder and lead to Capt. Permenas Briscoe company.
8465-5-439-May 2, 1780: Third document. James Trabue in Kentucky certified soldiers Paul Web, Reener Allen, and William Allen found their own rations.
8466-5-440-443-July 8, 1780: Top document. Duplicate filming. Jonathan Cunningham purchased a white horse from William Burree for use of the state [Virginia]. Names: Samuel Watkins, ? Hichman.
#24 10246-6-554-555-April 29, 1781: Top document. State of Virginia account with Samuel Culbertson for 3 gallons of whiskey. Names: William Shannon, D. Standeford.
10247-6-554-555-April 30, 1781: Second document. Reference to iron received from John Allen for use of George Rogers Clark expedition. Names: Samuel Seuelt?
10248-6-554-555-April 29, 1781: Bottom document. Faded. Reference to Capt. John Dodge, Isaac Davis, Joseph Saunders.
#25 10264-6-564-565-April 29, 1781: Third document. Payment for corn. Names: Capt. John Dodge, Clough Overton.
10265-6-564-565-April 29, 1781: Bottom document. Receipt for iron. Names: John Allen, Joseph Parkison.
10266-6-566-569-April 30, 1781: Top document. Duplicate filming. Dark image. Capt. John Baley order to Fort Jefferson to issue rations for 28 men, 2 women and 2 children.
#26 10908-6-948-951-May 16, 1781: Second document. Duplicate filming. Purchase of beef for use of Monongalia County Volunteers, who were marching to join General [George Rogers] Clark. Names: William Robinson, Benjamin Cartwright, Capt. Joseph Friend.
10909-6-952-953-May 23, 1781: Top document. Appraisement of 25 head of beef purchased by Commonwealth of Virginia for the Western Expedition commanded by General [George Rogers] Clark. Names: Col. William Harrison, William Crawford, Joshua Allen, Thomas Rogers, David Scott, and James Cockman.
10910-6-954-956-May 12, 1781: Invoice for 60 kegs of flour delivered to Sargeant Robert Porter by order of Col. [William] Harrison for delivery to David Dunken at Fort Pitt.
#27 11466-6-1342-1343-June 23, 1781: Top document. William Harrison paid John Hughes for transporting flour by boat from George Creek to Pittsburgh. Names: Mark Hardin.
11467-6-1342-1343-June 23, 1781: Second document. Commonwealth of Virginia account with John Allen for 3 months working driving bullocks and pack horses at boats. Names: Peter Triplett.
11468-6-1342-1343-June 23, 1781: Third document. William Harrison paid Rhode Eves for transporting flour by boat from George Creek to Pittsburgh. Names: Mark Hardin.
11469-6-1342-1343-June 25, 1781: Bottom document. Commonwealth of Virginia account with John Allen for driving bullocks and pack horses for boats.
11470-6-1344-1345-June 24, 1781: Top document. Receipt for 1 boat. Names: Joseph Parkison, James Murphy.
#28 12098-7-398-401-July 21, 1781: Bottom document. Duplicate filming. Camp McKee's House issued a tent. Names: Charles Green, Joseph Crockett, Major George Walls.
12099-7-402-404-July 21, 1781: Top document. Duplicate filming. Indian meal. Names: Andrew Heath, John Allen, Joseph Parkison.
12100-7-402-404-July 22, 1781: Second document. Duplicate filming. Lieut. Col. John Montgomery order to Martin Carney at Falls of Ohio to issue tobacco to Col. George Slaughter.
#29 12759-7-1032-1036-September 4, 1781: No. 32. Payment for $118,189 by William Harrison to Robert Wickliff. Commonwealth of Virginia account with Robert Wickliff. Four pages of entries for payment to individuals. Probably for work at boat yard at the mouth of George Creek. Names: Robert Broomfield, Jacob Pender, Daniel Farrell, Thomas Barry, Daniel Hudnol, Peter Milor, James Moore, John Lune?, Isaac Phillips, John Enis, Joseph Fabin, Robert Pittorn, John Hardin, John Swearington, Andrew Lee, John Scott, John Sammon, Lucas Hand, John Cosburg, Augustine Rady, Joseph Swearington, Marmaduke Swearington, John Nolan, Thomas Mansfield, Henry Oats, Jacob Sprunkle, Benjamin Broomfield, Joseph Stillwell?, Evan Thomas, John Drumple, David McDonell, Peter Pushmenlough, Abraham Henderson, Jeremiah Simpson, Samuel Craft, Jacob Frederick, John Ramsay, George Arnold, Benjamin Goodwin, E. David, Philip Ashins, Basel Brown, John Shrader, Henry Thomas, Peter Topshill, Daniel Borhon, Thomas Ogle, James Whole,
12759-7-1032-1036-September 4, 1781-Continued: Asa Ketterson, James White, John Mohon, Randolph Jones?, Abraham Hilsey, George Hilsey, James Babb, Jacob Brunner, William Beach, William Basber, James Allen, William McDonald, George Pushmenlough, Isaac McDonald, Basil Cooper, Hugh Marshall, Alexander McPherson, John White, John Corey, Philip Walker, Eleazer Casey, Noah Flushandy, Joseph Nisle, David Read, Daniel Calvern, Abraham Harshman, Charles Harshman, Patrick Kelly, William Hall, Irvin Thompson, John Harden.
12760-7-1037-1040-September 1, 1781: Faded. Duplicate filming. No. 30, State of Virginia account with Daniel McKenny. Expenditures for nails.
#30 13328-8-186-187-September 24, 1781: Second document. Major George Walls issued brandy for use of George Rogers Clark. Names: Lieut. William Clark.
13329-8-186-187-September ?, 1781: Third document. John Allen was paid $900. Names: William Clark.
13330-8-188-191-September 23, 1781: Top document. Duplicate filming. Falls of Ohio issued tobacco. Names: Lieut. Col. John Montgomery.
#31 13448-8-334-338-October 18, 1781-Continued: Jane McDowell, Rosanna Patch, Christiania Douglas, Mary Graham, Margaret Landers, Ann Owin and William Harrison
13449-8-339-341-October ?, 1781: Commonwealth of Virginia account. Items purchased and names of persons supplying such. Items: hemp, express service, ferriage, whiskey, blacksmith work, making bags, tar, bacon, oats, gimlets, beef cattle, corn, pasture, planks, flour. Names: William Steward, William Crawford, Jacob Pindell, George Blakison, John Rogers, Joseph Chamberlain, Francis Newill, James Moody, Joseph McCaffe, Samuel Wilson, William McKee, Joseph Smith, John Stephenson, Benjamin Whaley, Joseph Rogers, David Mortan, Nathan Shannon, Hugh Newill.George Jasmoon, David Scott, John John, Bill Crawford, John Bell, Rich Hughs, Peter Triplett, Thomas Ball, James Harmon?, John Ballenshall, Isaac Pue?, Benjamin Kuykendall, John Allen, Thomas Bell, Charles Brandford, Gilbert Simpson, Christopher Graybill, Joseph McDowell.
13450-8-342-345-October 10, 1781: Commonwealth of Virginia account with Joseph Burkett, who supplied flour.
#32 14075-8-909-914-December ?, 1781: Abstract of sundry bills and accounts drawn by Robert Elliot, Isaac Colliers, Stephen Goding, Richard McCarty, William Gillespie, Robert McCarty, Alexander Henderson, Mr. Parrault, J. B. Bacon, Jean Prieto, Mr. Pouree, Mr. Sarprey, James Robinson, Robert Dunn, Leonard Helm, Oliver Pollock, J. Johns, John McDowell, ? Clark. Dated entries from January 16, 1779. Reference to storage, freight, wages, State of Virginia, powder for Col. Clark, troops, taffia for use of indians, horses and express. Other names: Evan Mils, D. Alyiaua?, Andrew Loope, Mr. Armand, Mr. Mettyes, Mr. Devileer, Pierre Leferre, Nicholas Perrot.
14076-8-915-918-December ?, 1781: Account of provisions issued by Charles Bradford at Fort Pitt to the different fatigues carrying the belongings of General George Rogers Clark's army. Dated listing for flour, beef, salt and gallons of whiskey delivered to Capt. John Kerney, Lieut. Bonard Glenn?, Joseph McDowell, Sergeant William Newton, Sergeant Andrew Green, Capt. Thomas Young, Sergeant Thomas Davis, Capt. David Allen, Ensign Henry Daring, Capt. William Cherry, Jonathan Thomas, Capt. Abraham Tipton, Nathaniel Randolph, George Boydston, Capt. Robert Farrell, Benjamin Baldwin, William Anderson, Capt. William Cherry, John Wright, Samuel Osbum?, Thomas Chambers, Benjamin Prather, John Crittenden.
14077-8-919-920-December ?, 1781: State of Virginia account with John Dodge, Commercial and Indian agent in the Illinois country. Faded. Reference to cash advances. Names: Col. Montgomery, William Clark.
#33 14079-8-923-924-September 16, 1781: Abstract of sundry bills drawn by Capt. William Shannon from June 16, 1779 to September 16, 1781. Items supplied: rum, powder, horses. Names: Oliver Pollock, Treasurer of Virginia, Charles Buteau, David McGraw, John Gerault, Patrick Kennedy, Monsieur Carbonneaux, Richard Clark, J. M. P. LeGras, Augustine Shobeau, ? Bousoliel, Anthony Samarchie, Capt. Slaughter.
14080-8-925-927-December ?, 1781: No. 4. State of Virginia recruiting account of Major George Walls at Falls of Ohio. Bounty money paid for recruitment. Names: Henry Allen, John Morris, Joseph Cubbage, John Johnston, John Jones, William Bush, John Armstrong. Reference to a public horse sold to Capt. Barbour.
14081-8-928-932-December ?. 1781: Account of provisions of Quartermaster supplied and delivered to Andrew Heth and Richard McMachen, which was purchased by them for use of the Expedition commanded by George Rogers Clark. Rations were beef, bacon, veal, sheep, flour, corn, rye, peas, bran, hogs. Names: John Caldwell, Hugh McGavock, Jeremiah McKebbin, Sergeant Thomas Davis, Joseph Shaw, Capt. William Cherry, Major George Walls, Capt. William Bruce, Lieut. Jacob Westfall, John Crittenden, Rice Bullock, John McCapin, George Coller, Charles Douley.
#34 14534-8-1351-1353-No Date: Second Duplicate filming. No words.
14535-8-1351-1353-No Date: Third document on left. Duplicate filming. Incomplete. Payment for hemp. Names: James Allen.
14536-8-1351-1353-April 28, 1781: Fourth document on right. Duplicate filming. Capt. Thomas Gist paid Isaac Robins for pork for use at the boat yard at the mouth of George Creek. Names: N. Blake.
14537-8-1351-1353-May 7, 1781: Bottom left document. Duplicate filming. Left half of document 14535. Capt. Thomas Gist paid [James Allen] for hemp for boat yard at mouth of George Creek. Names: N. Blake.
14538-8-1351-1353-April 30, 1781: Bottom right document. Duplicate filming. Capt. Thomas Gist paid Patrick Thilley for hemp for use at boat yard at mouth of George Creek. Names: N. Blake.
#35 15286-9-478-April 29, 1782: Letter from Benjamin Logan to Governor Harrison. Filed and printed elsewhere.
15287-9-479-481-April 23, 1782: Letter from John Montgomery at Richmond, Virginia to Treasurer John Allen. Reference to bills of exchange, Oliver Pollock, horses, Capt. John Dodge, Mr. Molvost, General George Rogers Clark.
15288-9-482-483-April 21, 1782: Letter from Robert Montgomery to James Hunks?
#36 15302-9-499-500-April 8, 1782: War Office. Names: William Cassey, William Davies.
15303-9-501-504-April 7, 1782: Appears to be an abstract of warrants issued for several months. Names: John Montgomery, William Myers, William Stoll, Gabriel Madison, William Bryan, William Koll, James Southall, Capt. John Rogers, Herman C. Allen?, Col. George Slaughter, Evan Shelby, Isaac Taylor, James Hunter, Nathaniel Randolph, William Shannon, Robert Todd, Samuel Sills, George Noahs?, Thomas Quirk, Charles Charleville, Monsieur McCarty, Richard Chinoweth, John Bowman, Philip Dejean, Robert Saunders, David Johnson, George Rogers Clark, John Williams, Philip Barbour, Stephen Arnott, James F. Moor, William Preston, Aaron Downs, James Sutton, John Duncan, James Sullivan, Richard Campbell, William Sullivan, Elisha Freeman, William Glasscock?, John Byrnes, Major Pendergrass, Absalom Miller, Sanford Edwards, James Dosart, William Savage, William Briscoe, Benjamin Grohdall?, Capt. Robert Elliott, Philip Chapman, Moses Kimbrough, Mark Thomas, ? Lawrence, George McAdoo?, Evan Baker, Simon Fletcher, James Sherlock, James Volvo?, Charles Clinton, William Toor, James Powers, Thomas Points, Henry French, Hugh
15303-9-501-504-April 7, 1782-Continued: Forbes, John Briscoe, Isaac Cox, Col. Irwin Powell, John Field, Doctor Trautwine. Reference to Bill of exchanges, Illinois, express, boarding and troops.
15304-9-505-506-April 8, 1782: George Slaughter certified wages due to the following men: Daniel Johnson, Mason Johnson, Joseph Cornell, Benjamin Tailor, Ebin Parker, Daniel Congil, John Neal, John Rose, William Long, ? Butler, Edward Thomas, James Ballenger, James McQuigley, John West, Peter Triplet, Henry Foster, Franklin Zimmerman, Jr., John Angel, John Burroughs, Charles Asher?, William Abbott, William Abbott, Jr., John Allen, Jr., John Allen Younge, several names too faded to read.
15305-9-507-508-April 7, 1782: Top document. Rank and file list of rations for militia of Lieut. Col. John Montgomery at Fort Nelson. Faded. Names: Capt. Richard Brashear, Capt. John Baley, Capt. Taylor, unable to read one name.
#37 15309-9-513-514-April 7, 1782: Invoice of sundry clothing delivered by Martin Carney for use of General George Rogers Clark troops. Shirts, overalls, stockings, coats, wafers, thread, blankets, paper ink powder, paper. Dated at Richmond, Virginia.
15310-9-515-517-April 8, 1782: List of non-commissioned officers and privates discharged with date of enlistment. Names: John Burroughs, James Ballard, William Dennis?, Daniel Colvin, Madison Colvin, Joseph Cornell, Benjamin Taylor, Ebin Porter, Daniel Congil, John Neil, John Rose, William Long, Richard Taleferro,Edward Thomas, James Ballenger, Samuel McQuidy, John West, Robert Triplet, Henry Foster, Fred Zimmerman, John Angel, Francis Nash, Charles Asher, William Abbot, William Abbot, Jr., ? Mitchell, William Mitchell, John Allen Jr., John Allen, younger.
15311-9-518-519-April 9, 1782: Top document. Rank and file list of rations for troops of Lieut. Col. John Montgomery. Names: Capt. Taylor, Capt. John Baley, Capt. Richard Brashear, Capt. Gerault, John Crittenden. Total of 55 persons including 7 women.
#38 16139-9-1142-1143-July 30, 1782: Bottom document. George Rogers Clark at Falls of Ohio order to issue flour for guards at salt works. Names: Bland Ballard.
16140-9-1144-July 24, 1782: State of Virginia accounts with Gilbert Simpson, Benjamin Wilt, Robert Dugan, and David Faulkner. Reference to George Rogers Clark expedition and nails. Names: David Allen.
16141-9-1145-August 8, 1783: State of Virginia account with Adam Dunlap. Reference to George Rogers Clark expedition, Gilbert Simpson and oath taken before justice peace of Westmoreland County Joseph McGarraugh.
16142-9-1146-1153-July 26, 1782: Duplicate filming. Very faded. Appears to be account of Benjamin Little. Items: Beef, flour, corn, rye, bags, whiskey. Names: Hans Hamilton, John Allen, James Stephenson, John Robinson, John Harrison, Will Harrison, Richard Wallace, J. Carney, Benjamin Wells, Capt. Carney.
16143-9-1154-1155-July 7, 1782: Reference to Fort Nelson, muskets, powder, lead, marines of Capt. Jacob Pyeatt, flints and Capt. Robert George.
#39 16518-10-155-156-August 10, 1782: Second document. Major George Walls order to issue rations to Bland Ballard.
16519-10-157-160-August 19, 1782: Col. Benjamin Logan's list of appraisement of horses, guns etc lost at the Battle of Blue Lick. Items: powder horn, blankets, saddle, bridle, guns, horses, shot pouch. Forty eight entries for Lincoln [County] Militia. Names: Edward Corn, John McMurtry, estate of Thomas Farmer?, James Allen, James Ray, estate of John Gordon, Samuel Woods, William Aldridge, Josiah Wilson, John Hart, John Summers, James Herrod, Anthony Londusky, Joseph Collens, Daniel Griggs, Jarvis Green, Jacob Coffman, Elisha Buett, Elisha Allen, estate of Arch Woods, estate of William Robinson, Robert Scott, John Hinch, John Peak, Gabriel Madison, William Lamb?, estate of Joseph Lindsay, Peter Dirly, Gilbert Marshall, John Morgan, Henry Higgins, Theodore Davis, estate of John Wilson, Richard Davis, Joseph Kindkad, estate of John Ken-nedy, Thomas Acers?, James McConnel, John Tolly, Abraham Bowman, Lewis Rose, Henry French, Edward Singleton, Henry Nixon.
16520-10-161-162-August ?, 1782: Faded. Names: Page Portwood.
#40 17297-10-821-822-January 31, 1783: Bortom document. George Rogers Clark certified James Sherlock served as an Indian interpreter in the Illinois Department by Clark's appointment Jan. 1, 1782 to Jan. 31, 1783 and was entitled to payment. Names: Mr. Wallace, Mr. Marshall.
17298-10-823-824-January 21, 1783: Top document. Lieut. Richard Clark order at New Holland to issue 7 day rations for Sergeant Allen. Names: George Rogers Clark, Fort Nelson.
17299-10-823-824-January 16, 1783: Second document. Fort Nelson issued flour for Western Department. Names: John McDowell, Major George Walls.
#41 17431-10-1002-1005-March ?, 1783: Bortom document. Incomplete. Du-plicate filming. Letter to George Rogers Clark from Capt. Henry J. Smith.
17432-10-1006-1009-March 14, 1783: Top document. Duplicate filming. Bounty money for enlistment of soldiers John Joynes, John Morris, Wil-liam Bush, Joseph Coubage, Henry Allen, John Armstrong, John Johnston.
17433-10-1006-1009-March 17, 1783: Second document. Duplicate film-ing. Colonel George Slaughter account. Reference to horses. Names: Bland Ballard, Caleb Wallace.
#42 17495-10-1076-1079-March 24, 1783: Second document. Duplicate filming. William Fleming, Samuel McDowell and Caleb Wallace of Lincoln County Board of Commissioners certified Christopher Kina of Capt. [John] Baley company of the Illinois Regiment was due bounty money.
17496-10-1076-1079-March 8, 1783: Third document. Duplicate filming. Reference to horse and saddle taken at Blue Lick. James Allen, brother of Elijah Allen, who was killed at Blue Lick. Names: Alexander Robinson, Hugh McGarry, William Griffin, James Cox.
17497-10-1080-1083-March ?, 1783: Top document. Duplicate filming. Reference to battle at Blue Lick, guns, saddles, blankets. Names: James Allen, Alexander Robinson, Hugh McGarry, William Means, James Hamlin, William Griffin, James Cox.
17498-10-1080-1083-March 28, 1783: Second document. Duplicate filming. Board of Lincoln County Commissioners. Names: Col. John Bowman, John McDowell, Capt. Benjamin Roberts.
#43 17831-11-64-67-July 1, 1783: Bottom document. Duplicate filming. George Rogers Clark at Richmond, [Virginia] certified John Christopher Horn had enlisted as a soldier in the Illinois Regiment in the month of August of 1781 and had served as a good and faithful soldier. He was dis-charged having meeting his enlistment.
17832-11-68-69-April 12, 1783: Top document. William Fleming and Samuel McDowell of Lincoln County Board of Commissioners for Western Accounts indicated state of Virginia owed payment to Henry Allen. Names: James Francis Moore, Joseph Ross.
17833-11-68-69-July 25, 1782: Bottom document. Major George Walls paid bounty money to Henry Allen for enlisting as a solider.
17834-11-70-73-July 28, 1783: Top document. Duplicate filming. Fragments. Names: John Gibson, Martin Carney, Dominick Flanigan.
#44 17843-11-80-83-June 23, 1783: Second document. Duplicate filming. Fort Nelson issued a kettle to John McFall. Names: John Donne, Major George Walls.
17844-11-80-83-April 3, 1783: Third document. Duplicate filming. Appraisement of horse lost in service. Names: William Shannon, Nathan Allen, John Cowan, Capt. Edward Worthington, William Fleming.
17845-11-80-83-No Date: Bottom document. Duplicate filming. George Snow instruction to the auditor to give his pay for service to Capt. [John] Rogers.
#45 17849-11-84-87-May 6, 1783: Fourth document. Duplicate filming. Capt. John Rogers certified George Snow had served as a soldier in the state cavalry from July 26, 1779 to August 9, 1781 and had not received any pay.
17850-11-84-87-July ?, 1783: Bottom document. Duplicate filming. Nathan Allen made an oath before John Cowan, Justice of Peace for Lincoln County, that he had lost a horse in April of 1780. Names: Frederick Guion, L. Martin, ? Worthington.
17851-11-88-91-No Date: Top document. Duplicate filming. Barney Higgins informed the auditor to pay his wages for service in the cavalry to Capt. John Rogers.
#46 17992-11-235-240-September 25, 1782: Second document. Duplicate filming. Powder issued to Sergeant Andrew Steele of Fayette County Mili-tia. Unable to read name.
17993-11-235-240-September 23, 1783: Third document. Duplicate filming. David Allen certified Gilbert Simpson supplied wheat for George Rogers Clark expedition.
17994-11-242-October 1, 1783: Inventory of Ordinance and Military Stores at Fort Nelson. Filed and printed elsewhere.
#47 18121-11-382-385-December 9, 1783: Second document. Duplicate filming. Military store voucher for salt in exchange for flour supplied by John Fake.
18122-11-382-385-December 25, 1783: Third document. Duplicate film-ing. Major George Walls at Fort Nelson issued gun powder in lieu of Virginia currency for person bringing in deserters Henry Allen and George Rupert. Names: John Donne, ? MaCajah Mayfield.
18123-11-382-385-December 29, 1783: Bottom document. Duplicate filming. Major George Walls at Fort Nelson issued a pair of shoes in full payment to John Vaughan for supplying 48 pounds of meat for troops. Names: Lieut. Richard Clark.
#48 18613-11-1022-1024-August 14, 1784: Bottom document. Duplicate filming. Pay for Bernard Mipie from January 1, 1782 to January 31, 1783.
18614-11-1025-1027-August 14, 1784: Top document. Duplicate filming. Pay for Private Henry Allen from June 25, 1782 to January 7, 1783.
18615-11-1025-1027-August 16, 1784: Second document. Duplicate filming. Major George Walls at Fort Nelson on June 27, 1783 reported that Levi Theel, a soldier in the Illinois Regiment, was taken prisoner May 28, 1781 by the Indians, while he was carrying express from Fort Vincent to Falls of Ohio. He enlisted for 3 years with Capt. John Baley and was discharged.
#49 18722-11-1205-1206-August 3, 1784: Pay of Mark Foley service in [Capt. Richard] Brashear company from May 30, 1780 to October 4, 1780.
18723-11-1207-1208-August 30, 1784: Pay of Samuel Allen for service in [Capt. Richard] Brashear company from May 30, 1780 to November 14, 1780.
18724-11-1209-1210-November 6, 1783: Top document. George Lunsford order to auditors to settle his wages in the Illinois regiment and to pay to Daniel Brohead, Jr.
#50 18732-11-1221-1222-August 30, 1784: Pay of William Skipper for service in [Capt. Richard] Brashear company from May 30, 1780 to January 12, 1781.
18733-11-1223-1224-August 30, 1784: Pay of John Allen for service in [Capt. Richard] Brashear from May 30, 1780 to October 4, 1780.
18734-11-1225-1226-August 3, 1780: Pay for Daniel Tigard in [Capt. Richard] Brashear company from May 30, 1780 to November 30, 1781.
#51 19039-12-190-192-March 26, 1783: Third document. Duplicate filming. Appraisement of Henry French's horse, which was lost at Battle of Blue Lick on August 19, 1782. Names: John Hart, William Pitman, Samuel McDowell, Capt. Madison.
19040-12-190-192-March 28, 1783: Bottom document. Duplicate filming. Major Hugh McGarry certified Capt. Joseph Kinkead and James Kinkead were both at the defeat of the Battle of Blue Lick on August 19, 1782. Joseph Kinkead was killed by the indians and his horse, saddle, bridle, blanket and 2 rifles were lost. Names: Thomas Allen, John Kinkead.
19041-12-193-195-March 21, 1783: Top document. Duplicate filming. Appraisement of William Lam's horse, which was lost in action at the Battle of Blue Lick in August of 1782. Names: James Scott, Henry Dough-erty, Capt. Samuel Scott, Major Hugh McGarry.
During this same time period (1775-1784), the following Allen's bought land in Kentucky: Grant, Hugh, James, John, Permclia, Thomas, and William Allen.
Some lists of Ft. Boonesborough (1775+) settlers include a John, Richard and Thomas Allen.
Marvin Allen ![]() |
Sherri Bradley ![]() |
Suzanne Shephard ![]() |
Jeff Kemp ![]() |