The following article is from the April 22, 1937, issue of the Mountain Eagle (page 1, column 1):
The Mountain Eagle
Post Office Site Paid for this
Week; Bids Opened June 1
Money From Federal Government
Turned Over To Owners Of The
Lots. Orders To Clear Land
In 30 Days Given
Money for the purchase of the site for the new Federal building reached Whitesburg Monday April 19th and was immediately turned over to the owners of the property and the site transferred to the United States Government. W. G. Holbrook, local postmaster has been appointed custodian of the site and he has today issued notices to all of the former owners to clear the site in accordance with their contract within 30 days.
Bids for construction of the new Post Office building will be opened in Washington D. C., the first day of June and is expected that construction of the building will start immediately thereafter.
W. G. Holbrook, local postmaster and custodian of the building site will have drawings and specifications for the new building in his hands within the next few days. Publication for bids will be carried in this paper probably the next issue.
It is realiably reported that $6000 was the consideration paid by the Federal government for the lots.
A. J. May congressman from this district has been very active in his demands for a post office in Letcher County. Mr. May has been working all the time he could devote from his duties as congressman to see that the new building was rushed as fast as possible. Without his valuable help it is doubtful if the new federal building would ever have become a reality. Locally W. G. Holbrook, Uncle Bob May, Dr. B. F. Wright and Cro Caudill have all been lending their influence and assistance to make the dream of Whitesburg come true. To this group of men, Letcher County owes a vote of thanks. Without their constant pushing and fighting for the new building, it would probably be a number of years in the distance. It can be remembered that the Hazard Post Office was a political football for a good number of years. However, A. J. May, and the group of good citizens associated with him in his fight for the new building, have seen fit to put political aspirations in the background when public improvement came to their hands. The former owners of the site, who turned their property over to the United States for the new Federal building are, Sara Jane Adams, Lula Marlowe, and the City of Whitesburg. They have been anxiously waiting the day when the federal authorities could take over the title to the piece of land, and have given notice to occupants of the building that must be vacated in accordance with the contract. So Whitesburg's long looked for post office building comes a few steps nearer to realization.
The following article is from the February 24, 1938, issue of the Mountain Eagle (page 1, column 5):
The Mountain Eagle
Whitesburg Post Office
Changes Location Tuesday
Postmaster, W. G. Holbrook Cele-
brates Washington Birthday
By Moving Into New Office.
Taking advantage of the holiday when the General Delivery window was closed and work not so rushing as a regular day, Postmaster W. G. Holbrook and his assistants moved into the new Federal Building which has just been finished here.
The new Building has all the facilities to handle the mail with the least amount of trouble. Providing plenty of space for the needs of the city for many years to come.
This new building is a big improvement to the business section of the town and all who helped to obtain it should have the thanks of all the citizens of Whitesburg.
The whole first floor is taken up by the post office. There are plenty of boxes now for those who want them and all are opened with a key, no more bothering with combinations that won't work to open your box.
The Postoffice receipts lacked a few hundred dollars of reaching the amount required for a second class office and it is hoped that it will reach the required receipts this year.
The mail room is fully equipped with all necessary sorting tables and filing cabinets, vaults and all the other things required for the handling of the mail.
On the left as you go in the front door is the postmaster's private office. Directly in front are the windows for stamps, money orders and general delivery. Then come the boxes which extend down the rest of the front and down the hall to the right. The lobby is equiped with desks for the convenience of the patrons.
The County Agent's offices are located on the ground floor and there you will find county agent Clay A. Colson and his assistants, who have moved over from the Court House. Mr. Colson has three offices and is busy at the present getting straightened out.
The boiler room is also located on this floor in the back part of the building. The building is strictly fireproof in every respect and a real asset to the city.
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