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Will Book F

Page 321

July 15th 1848

After commending my soul and boddy to the Almighty God amen I will not make my last will and testament which shall be as follows. I will and
bequest to my beloved wife Rachel to have all the clothes and her clothes that she brought with her and all I have got and may get for her, in

any way. And while she lives as a widdow she shall have the whole right and control of the little room we now occupy - with the furniture in it
of every sort and the bureau she brough hear and the bed we now occupy shall be hers well furnished and the two new quilts maid by Martha
Whitaker with the exception of the bed in the East corner of said room which may be occupied by my son H. Mc Whitaker's
daughter or daughters and none else, only as may (ill), my wife. And if she will marry and leave my children she shall have all the plate and
best cloth she brought with her and her buroures Five hundred dollars and a good horse to please her with a hundred dollars and a saddle
and bridle and if she should stay and her hold her room, she shall be kept comfortable free of cost whatever and she shall have a servant girl
or woman to wate on her if she should stay and after she is decd.. every thing shall be the property of H Mc Whitaker except what is contained
in the marriage contract as all the right of the land and servants shall be H. Mc Whitaker. And said H Mc Whitaker shall be Executor and
there shall be no public sale of my property and if any of my heir shall contest against my will they shall be cut off from having anything of
my Estate any way. And I will and bequest that all the Land and property assigned to my Eldest son John H. Whitaker shall be the property
of his son Monroe D. Whitaker, all in book marked A & B and the land certificate. And I will and bequest that all the Land and property
assigned to my son Edmund A. Whitaker shall be the property of his heirs forever. To the Land certificates and the Book marked A & B.
And I will and bequest to my daughter Elizabeth H. Garnett to have all land and property assigned to her in the booked A & B and the Five
hundred dollars which I paid to Mullen for a tract of said land which was deeded to Edward Garnett insted of myself to be her own property
and her children's after her forever to have and to hold forever.

And I will and bequest to my daughter Nancy W. Crow to have all the land and property assigned to her in the book marked A & B to be her
own and her childrens for ever as there property forever.

And I will and bequest that my son Josiah Whitaker (ill) that what he has received in land and money and property to his part of my Estate.

And I will and bequest to my daughter Susannah S. Brannock (ill) to have all the Land and property assigned to he in the book marked
A & B - the hundred acres of land the South end of the tract which bought of J. W. Whitaker, see in the book marked A & B, for her own and
her childrens to have and to hold forever there own.

And I will and bequest to my daughter Rachel J. C. Hays to have all the Land and property assigned to her in the book marked A & B to be
her own forever and her children after her to hold forever.

And I will and bequest that my son H. Mc Whitaker shall have five hundred and fifty acres of land beginning with my deed from James Coleman
son on the state road and joining Paul King's line and with King's line to my stone corner to E. Garnett thence with said Garnett. George
Marshall, A. Pope, Wm. Ross and Wm. Brannock R. Duglas its two lick road and to corner to Paul King thence with King's line as the State
road and with the state to Beginning. See also my deed Five hundred and fifty acres more or less. One hundred and fifty acres are willed to
him as his legacy and for taking care of us old people to include the dwelling house orchard barn and so on. And for its Four hundred acres
he had had Two thousand three hundred and twenty five dollars which is the full amount for all the Land, the four hundred above described
which land the whole four hundred and fifty acres shall be the property of said H. Mc Whitaker and his heirs forever. And said H Mc Whitaker
shall have the bargin of 1844 see our (ill) and the (ill) of 1845 for reference to the negroes; and after said H. Mc Whitaker shall have paid to my
wife her five hundred dollars insted of her land dower and supported her comfortable and when my debts are all fully settled all my negroes and
money shall be for the use of H Mc Whitaker and his heirs forever. Only one negro girl or woman to wate on my wife while she may stay at
home and remain a widow, but not to take the servant from the farm or home but to help her when she may need so that she may help the
family all she may be able.  And I will and bequest to my son H. Mc Whitaker to have all my movable property with the Exception of what is
conveyed to my wife while she may live.  After which all shall be own and his forever; so that all my property shall be for the use of my wife
and son H Mc Whitaker and his heirs for ever there own.  And I will and bequest that if my son H. Mc Whitaker should die before my will is
Executed that my son W. P. W. Whitaker shall by my Executor to execute my will in every part insted of my son H. Mc Whitaker and that my
Executor shall settle and pay all debts and contracts. And I will and bequest that my daughter in law Ann Whitaker, Wm. P. W. Whitaker's
wife shall have two hundred and eighteen acres of Land formerly occupied by E. A. Whitaker and W. P. W. Whitaker and now occupied by
my son W. P. W. Whitaker and a tract of about 100 acres called the Old Dunn farm ajoining the two hundred and eighteen acre tract, also a
tract of Fifty acres more or less purchased by W. P. W. Whitaker for and during her natural life or widowhood. Should she survive my said son
W. P. W. Whitaker and at her death or at her marriage should she survive my said son W. P. W. Whitaker. It is my will and desire that the
Land hereby described to her together with the hundred dollars worth of personal property hereafter Conveyed to my said son W. P. W. Whitaker
shall be equally divided among the children of said daughter in law which she has born or hereafter bare, to my said son Wm. P. W. Whitaker
to be there property forever. All of which the above contents I pronounce by my last will and testament interlined 8 or 10 times fore signed as
witness hand and for the date above.

(signed) Josiah Whitaker

Test - G. H. Pervin
Those A. Frazer

NB And I will and bequest to my daughter in law (illegible) wife of my son (illegible) him to have and to hold all my property bought of Wm.
Glavin containing all the movable property to my son Wm P. W. Whitaker as witness my hand and seal for the notes above.

Josiah Whitaker (seal)

G. H. Pervin
Those A. Frazer

State of Kentucky
Harrison County Court
Sept 1850

I Thomas B Woodyard Clerk of said Court certify that this (ill) purporting to be the Last Will and testament of Josiah Whitaker decd.... together
with the Codicil there to annexed was produced at Court at the above term and proven by the oath of G. H. Pervin, one of the subscribing
witnesses thereto who made oath that he signed the will and codicil in the presence  and at the request of said Testator. That Those A. Frazer
the other subscribing witness thereto signed the same in his presence and in the presence and at the request of the said Testator. That said
Thomas A. Frazer is now or supposed to be in California.  That said J. Whitaker was of sound mind at the time thereof and informed him that
the said will and codicil were in his hand writing.  Whereupon said will with the codicil thereto was established and ordered to be recorded.
Which is accordingly done this 1st day of Nov 1850.

Th B. Woodyard Clk
By J. F. Ward

Josiah Whitaker Estate - Inventory Of
A true and just inventory and appraisement of all the personal Estate of Josiah Whitaker decd... which was produced to us by Hezekiah
McKendree Whitaker his Executor

One 6 horse team average $45.00, One wagon of geer $65.00                                                                                                             335.00
One 6 horse team average $50.00, One wagon of geer $80.00 380.00
One 6 horse team average $50.00, One wagon of geer $70.00 370.00
One soral mare $40, seven mules $25.00 ea, One grey mare $5.00, One black mare $15.00 235.00
One black mare $40.00, One bay horse $75.00, One grey horse $30.00, One soral mare $20.00 185.00
Two sows & piglets $6.00, Two barrows $13.00. One sow and six shoats $8.00, Two shoat $2.25 29.25
Two barrows $8.00, Three shoats $5.00, Seventeen stock hogs & thirty five pigs $40.50 53.50
Forty three hogs $154.00, Thirty five shoat $42.00, Nine calves $24,75, One young bull $10.00 230.75
One heifer $10.00, On hog $15.00, One bull $15.00. Twenty one milk cows $300.00 340.00
Fifty sheep $40.00, Nine calves $27.00, Forty acres of corn in the field @$5.00 an acre 267.00
One wagon bed $40.00. One wagon bed $18.00, One culling box $20.00, One lot of hay $75.00 153.00
Forty bushels of wheat @ 50 cts $20.00, One lot of oats $75.00, One lot of old corn $60.00 155.00
One wheat saw $1.00, One lot of tubs and gums $3.00, Hay ladder and sled $2.00 6.00
Three cog chain $14.00, Twelve old ploughs $18.00, Two pair stretchers .75cts 32.75
Three seythes & cradles $6.00. Two mowing seythes $1.50, One saddle & blanket 11.50
One lot of crocks $1,25, Five kettles & five pots $10.00, Three shells & two reels $10.00 21.25
One loom $4.00, Four (ill) wheels & (ill) $5.00, One barrel of vinegar & peckles $4.00 13.00
One hundred pounds of rolls $35.00, One lot of hoes $4.00, Twenty chairs 49.00
One bureau $8.00, One mirror $1.00, One cupboard and contents $10.00, One rifle gun $8.00 27.00
Two (ill) $2.75, One lot of glassware and two waiter $3.00, One clock $8.00 13.75
One silver watch $20.00, Two beds and bedding $25.00, One bundle bed $3.00 48.00
Two tables $9.00. One old table $2.00, One cupboard & ware $9.00 20.00
One bureau $3.00, One lot Augers $5.00, One hand saw & two chisels $1.50 9.50
One pair of (ill) $75.00/100, One wash board 50cts, One (ill) bowl & bucket $4.00 5.25
One lot of pot metal $3.00, Property in Mrs. Whitaker's room 3.00
Two beds and bedding $34.00, One clock $6.00, One bureau $18.00 58.00

Submitted by: Julie Miguel




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