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Will Book E

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William H. Vanhook's will
In the name of God Amen, I William H. Vanhook of the County of Harrison and the state of Kentucky being in infirm health, but of sound & disposing mind, do hereby declare
this to be my last will & Testament:

It is my will and desire that my Exec & extrx herein after named sell all my personal estate, take an inventory of all my notes and money on hand at the time of my decease
and that the payments of my just debts, the same be placed at the disposal of my wife for the benefit of herself and my child, leaving at her discretion the use of the whole of
the interest arising therefrom or even the principle if need requires during the state of her widowhood.  But in the even of her marriage then the sum is to be equally divided
between her and my son and heirs.

Item -- I will & bequeath to my wife Sarah a Negro girl named Milly under the same restraints, save that she not be sold, and in the event of her marriage on half of her increase
if any, to be allotted the one part to my son the other to my wife.
For my real estate I ordain one third to my wife Sarah and the remainder to my son, her third being the period of her natural life & then to my son aforesaid.  I hereby appoint
Walter Tisdal, Executor and my wife Sarah, Executrix with full power & authority to do all things herein contained.  Given under my hand this 22and of February 1847.

Wm. H. Vanhook

J. C. Grazer
H. B. Kennard

In the event that my wife deems it expedient to sell the girl Milly and buy another ___ is her better, she has my consent to do so, & if necessary to use of the money of the personal
estate to make up a deficit.
Should my son Henry Thomas die during minority his whole estate is to go to his mother, without qualification.  The word wife inserted in the codicil and the work if need to be erased.
Given day and date as above.

Wm. H. Vanhook

J. C. Frazer
H. B. Kennard

State of Kentucky
Harrison County Court
March Term - March 8, 1847
I, Thomas B. Woodyard, Clerk of the County Court aforesaid County do certify that this last will and testament of William H. Vanhook and codicil, was produced in open court on the day
and at the term aforesaid and proven by the oaths of Joel C. Frazer and H. B. Kennard the subscribing witnesses thereto.  Whereupon the said writing was established and ordered to be
recorded as the last will and testament and codicil of said decedent.  On motion of Walter Tisdale the Executor and Sarah Vanhook the Executrix named in the last will and testament of
Wm. H. Vanhook, decd.. who make oath thereto and together with Benjamin C. Day and Benson Roberts their sureties and acknowledge bond in the penalty of $4.000 conditioned
according to law a certificate is granted them for obtaining probate.  Whereupon said will has been duly admitted to record in my office.  Given under my hand this 11th day of March 1847.
Those. B. Woodyard, Clk, by M. J. Woodyard, DC

Submitted by: Anne H. Lee




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