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Will Book B

1818 - 1832

Page 256-257

In the name of God amen.  I Obediah Terry of the County of Harrison and State of Kentucky being of sound mind & memory and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to
die, my body I commit to the dust and my soul into the hands of Almighty God.  I hereby do make this my last will and testament revoking and disannulling all former will or wills
heretofore by me made and as to what it hath as to worldly goods.  I give and bequeath in the following manner;
First - I give to my beloved wife Sarah Terry after all my just debts are paid my whole estate both real and personal during her natural Life & after her deceased to be divided in the
following manner; unto my Grandson Burrel N. Carter, I give the land whereon I now live containing forty two acres to him and his heirs forever; also I give him one beast and saddle
extra; All the balance of my estate both real & personal shall be sold for twelve months credit then the money equally divided as followeth:
First - I give to my daughter, Nancy Carter, one third part to her and her heirs forever, unto William B. Terry I give one third part to him & his heirs forever; unto Burrel N. Carter, I
give one third of my estate, so left to him and his heirs forever and further I constitute make and ordain my friend Lewis Day, Junr. my sole Executor to this last will and testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal January the 12th 1823.

Obadiah Terry

Benjamin Hutcherson
Stephen White
John Cason

Harrison County Court, April 1826

The last will and testament of Obadiah Terry, decd. was produced in open court and proved by the Oaths of Benjamin Hutcherson and John Cason two of the subscribing
witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.
Att:  H. C. More, CHC

Submitted by: fromholdfam@comcast.net




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