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Will Book C

1832- 1836

Page 120
In the name of God Amen, I John Whitaker of the State of Kentucky and County of Harrison being weak in body but sound in mind and memory knowing
not how soon it may please God to call me I do make and ordain this my last will and testament, viz; And, first of all resign my soul to God and my
body to be buried in a Christian manner in some Christian place of interment at the discretion of my friends.  I give my beloved wife Nancy Whitaker all
the farm whereon I now live, with all the utensils and stock hereunto belonging to remain in her possession and at her discretion as long as she lives
and at her decease the farm I will and bequeath to my son Isaac to belong to him without any interruption or claim against it will all its appurtenances
to Hugh S. Hickman my son-in-law that parcel or tract of land for which I have given him a deed to be his part of my Estate and no more to Simeon A.
Whitaker my son I will and bequeath that body of land for which I have given him a bond said to contain fifty acres more or less without any claim to the
movable property I will and bequeath to my son Peter Whitaker 100 acres 3 rods and 7 poles for which I have given him a bond for a deed and the
remaining part of the tract on which he lives for and in consideration of services that he shall hereafter render to his brother Isaac for the support and
comfort of his mother while she lives and his aid and instruction after her death to the value of the land in his estimation which I hereby declare to be my
last will and testament.  Without any interruption from any of the rest of the heirs and all my movable property I leave in the possession and at disposal
of my wife Nancy Whitaker during her life without any removal or administration on it while she lives is my will and testament. I will and bequeath my
clock to Nancy Groghegan (my daughter) at the death of my wife and after the death of my wife I will that an equal divide be made of all my movable
property between my children Josiah, Nancy and John Wesley and last of all I appoint Peter Whitaker my son and Hugh S. Hickman my son-in-law
as my executors to see to the fulfillment of this my last will and testament after the decease of their mother.  In testimony of this being my last will
and testament I have this 30th day of April in the year of our Lord 1829 set my hand and seal.

John Whitaker

Hugh S. Hickman
Jas. Dunlap

Commonwealth of Kentucky Harrison County to wit:
November Court 1833
I Samuel Endecott Clerk of the county Court for the county aforesaid do certify that this last will and testament of John Whitaker, deceased was
produced at the above court and ordered to be recorded proven by the Oath of James Dunlap one of the subscribing witnesses thereto and was also
proven by him that Hugh S. Hickman the other subscribing witness did in his presence attest the same and was ordered to be recorded which is done
this 13th day of the same month in the year aforesaid.
S. Endecott, Clk
by T. W. M. Endecott, Deputy Clk




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