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Will Book B

1818 - 1832

Page 44

In the name of god Amen I Joshua Swinford of Harrison County being weak in body but of sound mind thanks be to god for the
same and considering the certainty of death and knowing that it is inevitable for all men to die. I therefore recommend my
soul in the hands of god and my body to the earth to be buried in a decent manner at the expense of my estate and do make and
publish this my last will and Testament in the manner following. Item I lend my loving wife, Elizabeth Swinford all my estate
during her life or widowhood and at her death or marriage the hundred acres of land to belong to my son James Swinford and it
is my wish for Sally Adams to have a horse ___ to the amount of thirty dollars the hundred dollars that my son John Swinford
is debted for the hundred acres of land I sold him is to be divided between my three daughters Peggy Swinford Jane Swinford
and Eliza Swinford the money to draw interest and divided as they come of age or marry. Whatever stock and furniture that may
be at the death or marriage of my wife Elizabeth Swinford to be equally divided between all my surviving children and Lastly I
appoint my loving wife and son James Swinford Executors of this my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and seal this 17th day of October one thousand Eight hundred and twenty.

Joshua Swinford {his mark}

James Marshall
William Adams

Harrison County
December Court 1820 Sct
The last will and Testament of Joshua Swinford deceased was produced in open court and proved by the oaths of James Marshall
and William Adams subscribing witnesses thereto and was ordered to be recorded.
Test W Moore chc

Submitted by: Anne H. Lee




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