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Will Book A

Page 86

In the name of God amen, I John Cartmill, Senior of the County of Harrison & State of Kentucky being sick in body but sound in mind & knowing that it is
appointed to all men to die & for setting my affairs & directing a Distribution of my worldly Estate where with it has pleased almighty God to bless & bestow
upon me.  I do make & ordain this my Last will & testament revolking all other will or wills by me heretofore made.  Ratifying & confirming this to be my
last will and testament.  In manner & form following; but principally and first of all recommending my soul to almighty God who gave it. Hoping through the
merits of my blessed redeemer Jesus Christ to find redemption of my former heirs and wickedness, it is my will & desire that all my just debts be discharged
and paid after my deceased that my body may interred decently and at the expense of my Estate then it is my will and desire and I do give and  bequeath
unto my beloved wife Susannah Cartmill after all the expenses herein before mentioned and paid. One third part of my personal Estate for her own proper
use and maintenance during her natural life.  Also the farm I now live on with the farming utensils which at her decd... I give to my son William Cartmill,
including half the survey that said farm is on and William my son is to convey six acres of said tract to John Ward which I have sold the other part of said
tract or survey.  I give and bequeath to my son John Cartmill providing he gives to my son Thomas a food second rate house and I do give and bequeath
to my said son Thomas Cartmill that tract of land on which my Mills stand with all the appurtenances hereunto belonging and be it further understood
by this will that the third part of my personal Estate that I have give or bequeath to my wife Susannah.  I give at her disposal at her death to whom she
pleases and I do give and bequeath to my daughter Peggy one other third part of said personal Estate.  I also do will and bequeath to my daughters
Elizabeth, Nancy, Mary, Martha, Jenny and Nelly who have now married and have received their part of my Estate, one dollar each to come out of the
last third of my personal estate.  The balance to be delivered between my sons Thomas and William and I do here by these presents constitute and
appoint my beloved wife Susannah Cartmill any my beloved son-in-law Executive and Executor of this my last will and testament whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed my seal this 27th day of December in the year of our Lord anno domino 1807.

John Cartmill

In the presence of
William Ward
David Rankin

Harrison County Sct. February Court 1808
This last will and testament of John Cartmill was proved in open Court by the oaths of William Ward and Joseph Ward subscribing hereunto and
ordered to be recorded.
Att: W. Moore, CHC




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