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Will Book H

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I , Francis Anderson being of sound mind and disposing memory, and being impressed with the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death do make ordain and publish this my last will
and testament hereby revoking all former wills.

Item first,  I give and bequeath to my son William  Anderson my farm on which I reside.

Item second,  I will and desire that at my death all my personal property shall be sold and all my just debts paid out of the proceeds thereof.

Item third,  I give and bequeath to my sons, John Anderson and Nesbit Anderson sixty dollars each to be paid them by my Executor out of the proceeds of the sale of my personal estate.

Item fourth,  I will and desire that the balance of my personal estate be equally divided among all my children, except William Anderson to who I have given my farm, as I do not intend
to give him anything except the farm.  And, if any of my children should be dead at my deceased then and in that case, I give to their child or children such portion of my estate as I have
hereinbefore given to their parents if alive.

Item fifth,  I nominate and appoint Silas G. Stirman to be the Executor of this my last will and testament.  In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal this
26th day of August 1856.

Francis Anderson

A. H. Ward
B. F. Dills

State of Kentucky, Harrison County Court:  June term - June 10th, 1861
I, Perry Wherritt, Clerk of said County Court certify that this writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Francis Anderson, decd. was produced to court at the above term and
proven by A. H. Ward and B. F. Dills the live subscribing witness thereto, whereupon said will was established and ordered to record, which is done this 25th February 1862.

P. Wheritt, Clrk

Submitted by: David Anderson




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