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Will Book A

Page 398

In the name of God Amen, I Daniel Neaves, of Harrison County and state of Kentucky being weak in body, but sound mind and memory reflecting on the uncertainty of life and certainty of death, do
make and constitute this my last will and testament, viz:

1st - It is my will that all my just debts be paid
2and - I give to my beloved wife, Mary Neaves, all my estate both real and personal during her natural life and at her death to be equally divided among her children with the exceptions hereafter made.
3rd - The part which my daughter, Judith Barrett, late Judith Neaves, would have had is to go to her son, Elijah Barrett if he continues with my wife and behaves himself and takes good care of her and
the estate.
4th - To Eliza Neaves, infant daughter of my son James Neaves, I bequeath two dollars in money.
In testimony where of I hereunto set my hand this 6th day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight.

Daniel Neaves

Signed and acknowledged in the presence of the subscribed witnesses:
M. Browning
Harmon Stevens
Eli Forsythe

Harrison County
December Court 1828
The last will and testament of Daniel Neaves, decd.. was produced in open court and proved by the oath of M. Browning one of the subscribing witnesses thereto and was ordered to be recorded.
Attn:  H. C. Moore, CHC




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