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Will Book B

1818 - 1832

Page 398-400

I, Anthony Thornton of Harrison County, state of Kentucky do constitute make and ordain this my last will and testament in terms as follows:

First - I give and bequeath to my daughter, Lucy Dixon Thornton, to her and her heirs forever the following negro slaves, viz; Jupiter, Kizzy, Charles, Sam, Rose and Fanny, all children of Jupiter and
Kizzy; Kitty, daughter of Hannah, old Lucy and Julia and their future increase except the increase of Julia, which will be hereafter disposed.  I also lend to my said daughter, Lucy Dixon, my man
Morris and my woman, Hannah, so long as she my said daughter remains not married, but whatever she shall marry or die then said Morris and Hannah shall pass and go as hereafter directed.  I
also give to my said daughter, Lucy Dixon my cart of oxen, four horses, her choice of all I have, six milk cows.  She is to choose them, twenty choice head of sheep one half of all my hogs and one
half of all my farming and plantation utensils, my __ and harness, all the poultry and fowl of every description, my silver spoons of all kinds, her choice of three feather beds and furniture all my kitchen
furniture of every sort or kind all the provisions of every sort which is laid in for the family use.  I also give to my said daughter all my sitting chairs, tables, looking glasses, drinking glasses, plates
and dishes, bowls, mugs, pitchers, cups and saucers, knives and forks, shovels, tongues and irons and whereas my said daughter has purchased many articles of house furniture and my will is that
whatever she claims as her own property shall not appraise as my estate, but shall be held by her as her own right.  I also lend to my said daughter, Lucy Dixon all my land lying on the west side
of the branch or run leading from Humphrey Lyon's line thru my farm to the line of Benjamin Mills and to include with it the pasture ground that is enclosed under the same fence on the east of said
as far as the division fence running from Fishers line to the corner of my cleared land including also all my houses, garden, orchard and spring, the land __ as so lent above.  She is to hold so long
as she lives unmarried, but whenever she shall marry or die the whole to pass to my son John R. Thornton and my said daughter Lucy Dixon shall make no waste to timber, but only to use such
as necessary for fuel repairs of the farm, houses.  I give and bequeath to my son John R. Thornton to him and his heirs forever the whole tract of land whereon I now live and subject nevertheless
to the loan made above of part to my daughter, Lucy Dixon.  I also give to my said son John Rootes the following negro slaves, viz:  Tom and Matilda his wife, Jerry and Siller his wife, Wossa
daughter of Hannah, Venus and her four sons, Moore, Bob, Roy, Nelson and Harrison and their future increase.  I also give to my son John Rootes my wagon and gear four choice of my horses
after my daughter Lucy Dixon has chosen hers, also six cows twenty sheep and half my hogs also on half my farming or plantation utensils.  I also give him my said son my silver coffee pot, my
secretary and book case, one good feather bed and furniture and I also give him my man Morris after the marriage of death of my daughter, Lucy Dixon in consequences of the following bequest
of all my whole tracts of land whereupon Live, I ___ it upon him my said son John Rootes to pay to my son Lewis the sum of three hundred twenty two dollars and fifty cents.

Third - I give to my son John Rootes Thornton in trust for the use of my daughter, Judith Presly Thornton and her children the following negro slaves, viz; Hannah, after the marriage or death of my
daughter, Lucy Dixon, and at her death Hannah's children, Richard, James, Kizziah and Able and their future increase for the exclusive right and benefit of my said daughter, Judith Presly for and
during her natural life and after her death the said negroes and their future except her daughter Mildred R. Whitney to them and their heirs forever.

Fourth - I give to my two grandsons, Lewis Reed Thornton and Henry Walker Thornton the following negro slaves, viz:  Henry and Daniel (son of Kizzy), Grandison (son of Matilda) Morris, Joe and
Tom Rootes (sons of Julia) and the future increase of Julia to be held by my daughter, Lucy Dixon, for the use if two said grandsons, Lewis Reed Thornton and Henry Walker Thornton until one
of them shall marry of arrive a lawful age in either event the whole to be their equally divided between the two, but if either of them should die before they marry or arrive a lawful age then the
survivor is to have and hold all the said negroes as his own proper right.  I also direct that five hundred dollars shall be applied out of my general funds to educate my said two grandsons, Lewis
Reed and Henry Walker Thornton.

Fifth - I give to my granddaughter, Mildred R. Whitney my negro girl Winna (daughter of Hannah) to her and her heirs forever.

Sixth - I give to my granddaughter, Mary Rootes Thornton my girl Laure (daughter of Venus) to her and her heirs forever.

Seventh - I give my grandson Lewis Reed Thornton my shot gun.

Lastly - In order to constitute a general fund for payment of my just debts and legacies my will and desire is that my administrator shall sell all my lands in the counties of Mason, Bracken and
Nicholas in such lots and on such credit as he may think best and to convey them by special warrant deed to warrant against me and my heirs.  I also authorize my said administrator to make
and execute deeds for all lands that I have sold out on the terms and conditions which my contracts call for whenever the whole of the money is paid for said land.   I also authorize him to sell
my negro man John Rootes and ever other negro I have which has not been specially herein devised the proceeds to the whole together forth all notes and money which I leave at my death to
be applied in the first place to the payment of such legacy as I have given and the balance of whatever  remains to be equally divided amongst all my children then living, my grandson Anthony
Thornton (son of Mildred) to be paid three hundred dollars but of the residue before a division amongst my children, my will and desire is that my administrator shall only give his own bond
without being called upon to give security - the words her and her heirs forever between the third or fourth lines at the top (underlined by my own hand).  In testimony of the foregoing, I hereunto
set my hand and affix my seal this 18th day of February 1828 being this day four score years of age the word sell between the seventh and eight lines at top of this page underlined by me.

A. Thornton

Harrison County, January Court 1829
This last will and testament of Anthony Thornton, decd.. was produced in open court and proved to be in the hand writing of said testator by the oath of John McKee and Alexander McClure and
the said was ordered to be recorded.
H. C. Moore, CHC

Submitted by: Anne H. Lee




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