Franklin County, KYGenWeb  

Will Book 3

1855 - 1880

Page 20
In the name of God Amen, I, Vachael Warfield of the County of Franklin and State of Ky, being weak and infirm of body, though of sound mind and disposing memory being

desirous to dispose of the property which God hath given me, do'th this day make ordain and constitute this, my last will an testament that is, after all my just debts and
funeral expenses are paid, my wish and desire is that the residue of my property be disposed of as follows:
1st. I wish my executor whom I shall heretofore appoint, to make fair distribution of all my property as directed in this will~
2nd. Give unto my son Wm. Warfield, one dollar in addition to what he has heretofore rec'd to be paid out of my estate~  I give to my son Alexander Warfield all that parcel

of land whereon he now lives, commencing on my line at Wm. Pulliams and G. H. Chism's corner, thence North course down a drain to my back fence line, be that amount
more or less.  I also give to my son John Warfield, one dollar in addition to what he has heretofore rec'd, to be paid out of my estate, I further wish after the death of my wife
that such property both real and personal I shall be possessor of, to be equally divided between my children as follows to wit:  The heirs of Polly North, to Meshack Warfield,
Ann Brawner, Elizabeth Burk, Isaac Warfield, Delilia Miles, Martha Warfield, and Emily Clark.
I do hereby appoint my son Alexander Warfield the executor or all my estate~ In testimony whereof I subscribe my name and fix my seal this 15th day of October 1855

Vachael (X) Warfield {seal}

Lloyd Hackett
John Polsgrove

State of Kentucky
Franklin County Court December 21, Term 1857
A writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Vachael Warfield, dec'd, was produced in Court and was proved by the oaths of Lloyd Hackett & John Polsgrove the

Subscribing Witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded, which is done.
A. H. Rennick, CFCC

Submitted by, Todd Harp


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