Franklin County, KYGenWeb  

Will Book 2

1824 - 1854

Page 180
In the name of God Amen, I, Lyddall Bacon of the county Franklin and state of Kentucky being of sound mind and memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament hereby
revoking all wills by me heretafter made.
First of all, I hereby will and desire that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid.  

Second, I will and devise unto my beloved wife, Patsy Bacon, during her widowhood all my
property real personal and mixed that shall remain after paying my debts and should my said wife, marry, then and in that event it is my will that she shall take and be entitled to one
third part of my estate in the same manner, that law would give it to her.

Third, I will and devise to my son, Edmond A. Bacon, at the death or marriage of my said wife, my two slaves,
Charlotte and Lewis to him and his heirs forever.  Also, two lots in South Frankfort, known and designated upon the map or plan of said town by the numbers one hundred and seventy
seven and one hundred and eighty and which lots were deeded to by Page and Swigert.  I have also paid and forward to them for my said son, Edmond A. Bacon about the sum of
seventy dollars, which sum I hereby release him from.  

Fourthly, I have heretofore given to my son, John M. Bacon, two slaves to wit; Daniel and Ellen, which I devise he shall hold and
enjoy as his own forever.  I also hereby give and bequeath to my said son, John M. Bacon two lots in the town of South Frankfort, which are known on the plan or map of said town by
the numbers one hundred and eighty one and one hundred eighty two, which lots were also deeded to my by Page and Swigert.  I also devise to my said son John M. Bacon, ten __ of
ground to be taken from Lot # 179 and added to the ground above devised to him, he is to have possession of said lots and part of a lot of ground at the death of myself and wife unless
sooner given and delivered to him by one or both of us.

Fifth, I will and bequeath unto my son William R. Bacon, at the death or marriage of my wife, my two slaves, Mary and Willis and
also two lots in South Frankfort deeded to me by Page and Swigert and known upon the plan or map of said town by their numbers one hundred and eighty three and one hundred eighty
four with an addition of ten of ground to be taken off of lot number one hundred eighty two and added to the ground hereby devised to the said, William R. Bacon.  Should my wife survive
me, it is my will she shall keep and hold in her possession all the property belonging to me and which has not been heretofore specifically devised. And should she deem it necessary
she is hereby empowered to give to any one of her children, such advances as she may think proper and take their receipt for the same.  It being my will and devise that all my children
shall be made equal in the residue of my property at the death of myself and wife.  

Sixth, It is my will and desire that the property herein devised to my son Edmond A. Bacon, shall be
held in trust by my son, John M. Bacon and William R. Bacon for the special use and benefit of the wife and children of my said son, Edmond and that the said property or any part
thereof shall not at anytime after my death be liable to the debts of the said Edmond A. Bacon.

Seventh, It is my will and desire that the property herein devised to my son John M. Bacon
shall be held in trust by my sons Edmond A. Bacon and William R. Bacon for the special use and benefit of the wife and children of my said son, John and the said property or any part
thereof shall bot at anytime after my death be liable to the debts of John M. Bacon.  

Eighth, It is my will and devise that the property herein devised to my son, William R. Bacon shall be
held in trust by sons Edmond A. Bacon and John M. Bacon for the special use and benefit of the wife and children of my said son William R. Bacon and that the said property or any
part thereof shall no at anytime after my death be liable for the debts of the said William R. Bacon.

Lastly, I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my said wife, Betsy Bacon, sole
executrix of this my last will and testament hereby exempting her from taking the oath in open Court which is required by the law in such cases and I also exempt her from executing bond
in Court as is required by law in such cases for the ___ discharge of her duties as executrix of all which I have hereto set my hand and affixed my seal this 4th day of January one thousand
eight hundred and forty seven.

Lyddall Bacon

Signed and sealed and delivered in the presence of:
Geo. W. Gwin
Saml Harris

State of Kentucky, Franklin County Court, May Term 1847
A writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Lyddall Bacon, deceased was produced in Court and was proven by the oaths of George W. Gwin and Samuel Harris the subscribing

witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded . Whereupon the said will is duly recorded in my office.
A. H. Rennick, CFCC

Submitted by, Anne H. Lee


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