Franklin County, KYGenWeb
Will Book 1
1795 - 1823
33 In the name of God amen, I John Gano of the County of Franklin and Commonwealth of Kentucky being weak in body but of sound mind (blessed be God). Do this twenty ninth day of December in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and ninety eight make and publish this my last Will & Testament in manner following: (that is to say), I commit my body to the dust & my soul to God who gave it hoping for acceptance only through the mints of Jesus Christ and wish to be Interred without any ostentation at the direction of my Friends. I will that the mansion in which I now live may be completed by carrying up the Chimney & furnishing the second story in the grand order of the first story for the payment of this Expense of this and all my just debts. I will that my executor sell my property in the Town of Frankfort & a piece of land to be taken off of the East end of the tract of land on which I now live. In lieu of my wife's Right of Dower, I give and bequeath to my Relict Sarah Gano every species of property which she possessed at the time of our Union in marriage to be at her entire & sole disposal & I also give her the use of the mansion, tract of land (??p except so much as I have directed to be sold), stock of every kind, household furniture & farming utensils & indeed the use of all my property both real and personal (except my books) so long as she shall continue (crossed out) chose to reside on said Farm, but should she choose to remove or go to Carolina - I then request my Executors to furnish her with her choice of my horses & and a good new saddle. I will that if my children Daniel, Margaret, Stephen, John, Sarah, Isaac, Richard & Susanna choose to divide my books & take them they are at liberty to do so. On the death or removal of my widow, I will that my executors ??? best sale they can of my property & divide it equally among my children above named or should they or any of them be dead before the division the share allotted shall be appointed to his or her descendants and whereas I have begun in some measure completed a sketch or narrative of my life whether it should please God to restore my health so far as to enable me to finish it or not. I will and request that it be (immediately after my death) put into the hand of my son Stephen Gano to be by him transcribed, corrected & edited that on third of the first edition to be & for the use of my Widow & the other to be the property of said Stephen and I make and ordain Sarah Gano my Wife an Executrix. Also Daniel Gano, Col. Baker Ewing & Governor James Garrard executors and trust my loving friends above named will take care and see this my Will performed according to its true intent and meaning. In witness whereof I the said John Gano have to this my last Will and Testament, set my hand & seal the day & year above written hereby revolking all former wills by me made. Signed, sealed and delivered by the said John Gano as & for his last Will & Testament in the presence of us, who were present at the signing & sealing thereof. John Gano
At a
Court held for Franklin County on Monday the 21st day of January
1805. |
by: Michelle Woodham
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